VQLTJliB FORTY-ONIS tt==z======~== ite 2, Walstonburg, State Commissioner of • Agriculture L. Y. Ballentine will make tfce prin cipal address. Entertainment will be, furnished by professional entertain ers and bands, including the Bailey Brothers of WPTF, Raleigfc, and high school bands. Hie annual stockholders’ meeting of the Farmville Buildingand Loan Aa* aociation, held recently in the City Hail, resulted in lift re-election of J. O. Pollard, W. A. McAdams, A. W. Bobbitt, Manly Liles, Ed Naah War ren, John B. Lewis and 6, A. Bouse as directors of the organization. The report of the secretary, G. A, Sjpuse, revealed a net gain for the year Of about |80^Q0,* bringing the total assets of the asaociatkm up to .round the hslf^nillkm dollar mark. The following officers were also re elected: J, O. PoBard, president; W. A. McAdams, viee preside*; lamia & Bouse, attomeys; G. A Boufle,jel. treas.: and Mrs. J. M. (Ruth) Gibbs, ied fdrthe led by Bw. HilL Jfra. Albritton, who had Been a member of Mount Herman Methodist church for years, wa* the widow of the late Benjamin E. Albritton.' Mrs. Albritton, a highly respected woman of her community, had been in failing health for a number of years- and had been a total invalid since she fell last October and broke her Wo. - ' Key. J. D. Young, pastor of the Mfc Herman dwreb, officiated at the final rites. He was assisted by Bey, Z. 13. T. Cox, Christian minister of Fhraville. A quartet composed of Harry Taylor of flodkerton, Mrs. Melvin Albritton, Mrs. J. C. Moye and B. L. Aiken of Snow Sill sang. Pallbearers were six iumfnniil ^ 7 f Surviving are nine children: B. S. BANDTONDUCTS ^ r PAPER OBIVB The Ugh school band will ptage Ilf daughter,; "Vicky Jean, oi Plymouth R. Jones, Mrs. Bowen’s parents, ^n my Bowen, .who Sad been spending several days wife his grandparents, returned home, Mrs. J. I* Ling of Brussells, Bel gium, arrived in New York April 10 en route to Kinston for an extended visit with her daughter, Mrs. W. E. Bailey, the former Stella Smith, a for mer resident of Fawnville, - Miss Mary Thorne Trim of Rkfc mond, Va., will spend the week end «.•_' .AM._««_ a m_ J6 Jttps.tr. f. Bergeron enierea iwe hospital last week for treatment and observation. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Latham has been ill with fin. •..'•'Mr. and Mrs. Clarence £itge«U and Miss Jane KittwU of Washington, Ik C., spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Sam KittreU. r j* Mrs. B, E. Mayo entered Duke hos pital Tuesday for treatment. A. C. Tadlock of dreenviUe and Frank Dupree took the ear of Qar ence Dennett Tugwell, who is sta tioned at Kessler Field, Miss., to him during the week end. They returned Wednesday by plane. Miss Dora Mae Barrett, student at WCUNC, spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Barrett. MiW Melba Herring, who works at A. C. Monk and Company, attended the funeral of her grandfather in Wallace during the week end. W, E, Smith, Henry Tffmith, Mrs. 0. E. Case arid H, T.Smitb and Mrs. W. B. Randolph of Greenville attend ed ~tfce funeral of Mrs. C. A. Smith in Norfolk, Va,, Friday. Mrs. Smith, the former Janie CherryAskew of Wind sor, taught school in Pitt county sev eral years before her marriage. Mr. and Mrs. K. E. Keith and Miss Rachel Bowman of Covihgton, Va., and Jay Flanagan and Dick Keith, students at State college, were week end guests rof Mr. and Mrs. Arch Ranagan. Grover Speii of Salemfaurg is visit ing his toother, O. G. SpelL 'Mr. and Mrs. 0. G. Spell spent Sunday in Candor withrelatives. i ATTEND STATE CONVENTION F , pmmmmmmmm*. \ ' * ’' \ . * Dr. and Kzb. S. H. Aycock, Jr., will attend abanquet and dance, April 30, and a May i, of the setw-aimaal convention of the North Carolina Optametic Society wfcteh is beiiur held «t the Hebert E. Lee hotel in Winston-Salem. A special feature will be a profes sional discussion and speed) concern in* the relattonahin of viskra-testinir Mjb. C. U 'load nas been invited iov we second consecutive year to addree* tne May h'eUowahip day, j» be observed at the Christian church UTiday, May 4, at U o'clock. The fel lowship observance, which jaM be concluded with a covered dish lunch eon at noon* ia Sponsored by the Farmville Council of Church Women. A former president at tike Mate Council of Church Women, Mrs. Todd has recently returned from Now York, and New Je .-sey, where she studied the migrant work. Her talk here will i / c