Pfc. David R. Nanney, 20-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Nanney of Farmville Route % recently was eotn tnended by his commanding officer for exemplary performance .....—__—- . REVIVAL MEETING i. | A revival will beheld at the Church of God on N. Greene street, beginnipg tonight and continuing for twaweeks. Sendees will be held eachr ewmtng ist 7:48. The visiting evangelist is Rev, W M. Olson of Washington, D. C. Rev. Ennis Hawking will assist in 4 the aeries. The public is invited. Mrs. G B. to her home 'M._ day after visiting relatives here. She was accompanied by lbs. J. A. Fortes, who will spend the summer in Ashe ville with her sister, Mrs. Carrie Denny. Mrs. John D. Holmes of Raleigh and Mr. and Mrs. R. O. Lang, Jr., and family have returned from ar visit to relatives in Griffin and Milledgeville, Gft. . ' Mrs. T. £. Johnson is spending the week near Snow Hill with he» daugh ter, Mre'C. H. Albritton, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Tony Melton and daughters spent Sunday in Jackson ville With friends. • Mrs. Annie E. Wooten is visiting relatives and friends in Wilson this week. ^Leonard Janies of Raleigh will at tend the graduation of his cotton, Mrs. J. W. Mewbom, from Farmville high school Monday night. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Blakeaky and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Blakesley of Wilmington will be week end guests of Mr. mid Mrs. W. A. Pollard, Jr., and will attend Kenneth Blakesley’s graduation from ECC, Greenville. . Mrs. J. I* Rumley of Greenville spent Sunday with her daughter, Mis. George Moore, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Lilley and daughter, Margie, spent the weds end with Mr. and Mrs. J; H. Lilley in Gatesville. Mr. fund Mrs. K. A. Joyner, jr., ana son of Raleigh •will spend the week end here and attend John Russell Joy ner’s graduation from high school. Mrs. Arthur White returned to Williamston Wednesday after visiting her.daughter, Mrs. M. L. Eason, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. George Reaves of Goldston are guests this week of Mr. and Mrs. Arch Flanagan. Mrs. R. B. Darden of Rocky Mount and Bruce Darden, student at State college, were week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Flave Darden. Mr. and Mrs. K. Cannon and Mr. and Mrs .N. Cannon and their families spent'Sunday at White lake. Mrs. H. C. McDearman of Memphis, Term., is spending some time with her sister, Mrs. J. K. Darden. Miss Lula Lee Eason will arrive Monday from Wineton-Salem, where she iaa student nurse at Baptist hos pital, to spend three Weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Willie Eason, near Lizzie. MissesJPfet Corbett, Janet Stansill, Seleta Tucker, Marie Cannon, Mary Frances Allen and Jean Flora, stu dents at EOC, Greenville, will arrive today to spend the summer vacations at their homes. Miss Corbett wilt have Miss Norma King of Chapel Hill as her week sad guest. Miss Edna Stokes of Pinetope will be the wteek end guest of her roommate, Mils Bynum. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Giovanalli of Brooklyn, New York, were guests of Mrs. J. A. Carraway and daughters last Tuesday en route from Florida to their home. Mr, GiovaaaUi’s father taught music in the school here 20 years ago. _ , ' :J Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Burke and sop, Billy, spent Sunday with Mrs. Burke’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Brady, in Siler City. T" ". ’ 'J, Sam D. Bundy will deliver the com mencement address at Bolivia higli school tonight. Jack Johnson, a form er member of the local .faculty, id' principal of the Bolivia school. ..Mrs, Frank Warnai and Mrs. Didr Hart 9t Snow Hill and Mrs. Lucille B. Quinn, Greene county public health nurses, attended a two-day institute on Nursing Adjects of Atomic War fare, 'held Monday and Tuesday at Roland Modlin of Washington and ter, Baxters, of Portsmouth, Va., spent Sunday withh Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Modlin. Mrs. L. J. Williford returned yes terday from a Wilson hospital w^ere she underwent treatment for several lays. Van Lewis, son cl Mr. and Mrs. Al bert Lewis, broke his arm in a fall Tuesday and is confined to bis bed for a few days. Miss Polly Bundy of Wilson spent Sunday with her mother, Mrs. & H. Bundy. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Williams of Rac tolus and Richard Murphrey of Wil son spent Sunday withh Mrs. Mollie Murphrey. Miss Gertrude Bundy of Gamp Wt* aer will arrive Sunday to attend the graduation of her,brother, J. B. Bus ily, from high school. Mr. and Mrs. Rob Jones and daugh ter, Mary Frances, of near Ayden were dinner guests Sunday of Mr. md Mrs. Leroy Bowling. Mr. and Mrs.' R. C. Allen have mov sd into their new home near Beaufort from Havelock They are former Farmville residents. Mrs. Wayne Mitchell, Jr., and Mrs. H. W. Richards of Kinston visited relatives and friends Sere Wednee iay. Mrs. Jack McDavid is moving this week to the apartment formerly ~oc mpied by- the L. E. Walstons. Mrs. McDavid has been making her home n Columbus, Ga., ‘since- her husband was recalled to active duty by the krmy. " 1 ' i H** Mrs. E. C. BeatbaA and Mre. R. C. Jopenhaver were Goldsboro visitors Mrs, Ada Tyson- Swain of Hender ion is spending several days with her lister, Mrs. Ellen Beaman. Mr; arid Mrs. W. A, Frost were Rocky Mount visitors Wednesday, Caroline Lewis, daughter of Mr. ihd Mrs. Jack Lewis, bag chieken pox. 4Ir. and Mrs.-John B. Wright, Jr., wers among membersof (he family present at the family dinner given jy Mr. and Mrs. E. B, Crmj^at their iiome in Wilson, Sunday. Mrs. Madeline H. Rountree arrived ■- ;-—--' '""■'."Kil'.'Hl J Ll.ll .HI I'^p I ■■■II I I » The 1$ lovely girls entered in the Farmers Day beauty contest, Wednesday of last week, afforded a fine sight for the more than 5000 persons attending, but mad© life miser able for the judges. The three finalists are shown above: In the center is Jackie Jones » que^,Lfl?Mo^!ey °f Fountain, second place winner, is'on the right. Mary Alice Gay of Walstonburg, third place winner, is on the left. * ACC PRESIDENT TO , ADDRESS SENIORS AT WALSTONBURG Exercises at the Walstonburg high school during the next few days will include the baccalaureate sermon Sunday night, class night Monday, graduation Tuesday and the senior piano recital Wednesday night. Rev. C. J. Patrick of Ayden, pastor of free Union Free Will Baptist church near Walstonburg, will deliv er the baccalaureate sermon. Miss Louise Ellis, Senior teacher, will direct the class night play, hol iday to Hawaii," which will feature Billy Davis, president of the junior class, as master of ceremonies; Dean Tugwdl, historian; Jane .Fields, class president and prophetess; Eugene Beaman, poet; Betty Hobbs, testator; and some of the sophomore girls./ Dr. D. Ray Lindley, president of Atlantic Christian college, Wilson, will speak at the commencement. Di plomas will be awarded to 12 students, who comprise the smallest graduating class in recent yean. They are Lois Wooten, Betty Hobbs, Betty Gaye, Jane Fields, Dean^Tugwell, Delma Wooten, iOrthy Wooten, Jimmy Shir ley, Maylon Shirley, Jimmy Cox, Eu gene Beaman and Clarence Mercer. Delma Wooten is valedictorian and Lois Wooten, salutatorian. Marshals, chosen on the basis of scholastic standing, are Faye Park er, chief, eleventh grade; Gladys Cobb; tenth grade; Philip Beaman, ninth grade. *Mra. C. H. Walston will present the following pupils in the high school recital Wednesday night: Linda Jones, Betty Hobbs, Arlene Hobbs, Joan Parker, Doris, Dixon, Bingo Jenkins, Jennie Lou .Garrou, Patricia Eason and Mary Ellen Fields. With the exception of graduajtfon, which begins at 2:15, all other events start at 8 o’clock. S TOURNEY Graydon Liles, the Coastal resented. score of 141, Golf Association wrrlr ere rop* • BE HELD HERE MAY 21 BUly Capps, golf pro at the Coun try chib, announces that the pro-ama »pen house at country CLUB SATURDAY Jj Open house trill be observed I M The Rotary Club Rev. E S. Coates, program director at the Rotary dub Tuesday night, in troduced Senator Paul Jaiira, oho gave an interesting summary of the 1951 General Assembly, Senator Jones endeavored to correct the im pressions that many folks have about lobbyists, and stated that moot of them are former members of the Gen eral Assembly who can inform and enlighten the members. President Walter Jones read a let ter from the Chamber of Commerce expressing deep appreciation for the part played by the Rotary dob in making Farmers Day a success. '?! Six members were absent. John M. Stansill received the: attendance prize. Randolph Eagles was a visitarian from Tarboro. Incoming President Jesse Moye was named as a delegate to represent the Farmville dub at th)e International Convention to be ' held to Atlantic City the latter part of May. f"- 'il-S&SKP TLf__ -pij* n„ . OUw Mrs .motile uarraway spent fipn day near Kenly with her mother, Mrs. G. I. StanaiU. Hr. and Mrs. Seward Darden and family of Smithfield, Va,, apent Sun day with Mrs. J. R. Lewis. Mrs. L. E. Ritchie and daughter, Barbara, of Greensboro and Miss a few days this week with Mr. and Mrs, A. C. Tumage. Miss Jen Easley, a member of ihe Warsaw school faculty, arrived yes terday to spend the summer with her mother, Mrs. W. P. Easley. Mis. Riehard^Tuawell and Linwood Tugwell spent the week end in Nor folk, Va., where they visited Mrs. Mrs, Arthur Tugwell, a Norfolk General hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Robert N family of Witoon were gu and Mrs. R. I* Matthews . Miss Jessie Hodges of and her brother, T. R. El President Charlie Edwards of the Farmville Kiwanis club was in his beat form Monday night when he welcomed the Greenville Kiwanians at an inter-ciufc meeting here. ' < - Charlie welcomed the guests and started the program off with humor ous remarks. Coach Bill Dole of ECC showed films of the EOC-Leooir Rhyne foot ball game.played last fall and which Dole’a team won 27-19. Billy Capps, new golf pro at the Country club, was the guest bf Frank Allen. Frank also reported that the dob’s welfare fond is shoot $300 richer by virtue of protits from the concession stand operated here Farmers Day. Frank and his committee were giv en a round of applause for their work at the stand. SCHOOL TEAM IN FINALE TONIGHT at