News Mrs. J. F. Childress and little son of * Joplin, Mo., spent last week with her sister, Mrs. Richard Gay. William Whitley of Raleigh and Lather Whitley of Burlington spent the week end with their parents, Kr. and Mrs. J. W. Whitley. Mesdames Jimmie Gardner, John Crafty Jr., J. C. Gardner, Arthur Beamon, T. E. Lang and Ed Taylor were Wilson visitors Monday. Mrs. Ed Taylor spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Taylor of Rocky Mount. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Green of Rocky Mount were Sunday guests of Mr and Mrs. Harold Bailey. lead Class Mai 3. w IT’S MOVIETIME U. S. A. GO TO A MOVIE THEATRE TODAY XuCttlE NORMAN • & L SAKALL ■ nm—M>Mi News - Short - Cartoon Paramount Theatre Farmville, N. C. SUNDAY, MONDAY It’s Sunnier Than Sunshine— with Warner Bros. Biggest Musical Special Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Dafl were din ner guests of Mr. and Mis. Archie McKee! of Wilson Wednesday night. Miss Mary Ellen Adds spent the Week end with Mise Janie Hinaon. Mr. and Mrs. S. G. Fields, Mr. and Mrs. Carson Fields, Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Fields visited Bud Webber, Eli Craft, Albert Bundy and Mrs. Law rence Speight, all patients of Wood ard-Herring Hospital, Sunday after noon. - Misses Bettie Gay and Dean Tug 1 well of E.C.C. were home for the week end. W.S.C.& Meets ' The Womans* Society of Christian Service held its regular monthly meeting with Mrs. James Shackelford as hostess. Mrs. Shackelford led the devotion. Mrs. Harold Bailey was in charge of the program. At the con clusion of the regular busmen ses sion, delicious sandwiches, cookies, nuts and iced drinks were served. Mr. and Mm. Sam Chandler were Raleigh visitors Tuesday. FOB SALE. WANTS, LOST, FOUND, ETC WANTED—Pine Saw Timber—Will pay highest cash price. Tour old trees should be cut before they get ted heart doty. When timber is property thinned it will turn yon out 8 |o 18 per cent yearly. Write L. 1642p WANTED SEWING MACHINES with it as sen ball teams next seasep Those frosh toe good sad getting better every Check-Up . State Treasurer Brandon Hodges was In Duke Hospital a lew days ago tot a thorough: time, folks didn’t know where » had gone, gathered that a big political conference was being held in some smoke-filled rodtn. ; Politfelana, it was reported, that Hodges would definitely be a candi date for Governor. Well, We-still doubt if Hodges will run—although he did get a dean trill of health at Duke. Salary Fuss : jai:gtg out the State—and a goodly scatter teg of other school folk—are raising Merry Ned at the rde followed by the State in. granting salary ik-i creases for teachers, principals, and superintendents. 'Hear with us for a moment and you wfll readily see why: The most experienced teachers re ceived $89 per month. These are the A-U teachers. The A-10 (or those with as much as 10. years experience) realized an increase of |S7 per month; A-9, $86, etc. ondBwn the list until an A teacher with no experi ence received the lead increase. The same rule was followed with superintendents—in this way. The superintendent with 10,000 pupils in his unit received an increase of- $600 per year, or $50 per month, while thoae with 1,100 pupils got |30 per montti. In short, the bigger the basic salary, the more' the • raise—with superintendents and with teachers. But now let’s move to the princi pals who have had as much as five years experience. The principal with 10 teachers under him got an in ??y iiipyftpp; Hjj IP ■iii.’V is: ^>'7? .* *." HOLD ANY MTEM TODAY M GIFTS FOB 104 N. MAIN ST. PHONE 311-6 IS# ! ; 'ITT ’z-'. J SHp§§Mmfill *"«> ****>•