Town Wants Street Extension-Paved Attempts to persuade the State Highway and BhMic Worim Com mission to pave the western exten sion of Church street, Feeding from the Wilson highway by Farmviile Leaf Tobacco Company to South Turnage street, moved forward ano ther notch Tuesday night when the Board of Commissioners adopted a resolution assuring State authorities the town would cooperate in obtain ing the 60-foot right-of-way re quired. The town has been trying for sev eral months to get the (date to haxd surface the street, which would re lieve congestion on the Wilson high way and, at the same time, give farmers m easier route to ware houses in ttte southern half of towm • The resolution offering help ip securing releases from property own era for file right-of-way was in re sponse to a letter from State High way authorities asking if the town would cooperate, and stating that a 60-foot right-of-way would be neces sary before the petition for paving the street could he seriously rim toon, Is still Junior Choir committee: Mrs. Alton Bobbitt tnrun/Jea£~WiiBamt. Float committee: Mm.. Luther Thomas. Mrs. Leroy and Mtw. Ben Lanes Float Auxiliary commit tee: Mrs. Carroll Oglesby, Mrs. Alex Allen and Mrs. Fred Moore; JvBtt* Gift Bearer committee: Mrs. J. 0. Pollard, Mrs. Billy Burke, Mrs, Ed Nash Warren, Mrs. Giftert Whitley and Mrs. W, D. Creekmur; Ushers: Boy Scouts; Investigating committee: Indoor and faoineg will b« gfei, age ii. . . ,¥#i Opportunity No. 3—Woman tmd three children; one boy, age 11 iad two girls, ages 9 and 7. Opportunity No. 4—Woman and four children; one boy, age 11 end three girls, ages 9,18 and 11. \ ^ Opportunity No. 6—Wottian and three children: one boy, age 4 and two girls, ages 2 and 8. -v Opportunity No. 6—Woman and two children: boy, age 11 add a girl, age 16. Opportunity No. 7—White man and daughter, ewe .12. Opportunity NoC Woman and twp children: boy, age 8 and girl, age 8. Opportunity NO. 9—Woman and three children: three boys, ages 8, 9 ■and 11. Y„ - • Opportunity No. 10-rWoman ami six children: two girls, ages 8 and 10 and four boys, ages 4, 6, 7 and 9. Opportunity No- U—Woman and five children: four girls, ages 8, 8, «>«?d 12 and one boy, age 6. ~ Opportunity No. 12-White woman and three sons: ages 10, 11 and 18. Opportunity No. 13—White Woman with fire children: two girls, ages 10 and 13, and three boya, ages 5,*8 and 14. Y;. ;;y:- Y Opportunity No. 14—Man and three children: one boy, age 4 and two girls, ages 5 and 9.- - » *.£ , Opportunity No. 16—White woman mid four children: three boys, ages 11, 12 and 14 and one girl , age «. of Mr. and. Mia. Harvey Purvis was seriously injured Sunday afternoon When she was Jut fey a bullet shot from a 32 rifle by Bill Oakley, who was trying to shoot a dog. The acci dent occurred at 529 N. Main street, where the Purvis family lives. Mr. Purvis isemployed by Garner Furni ture company. . ". / >/* The child was bending over at the time she wu hit. The. shot grazed her chest, and ^ ‘ " “ ' and arm. She is recovering at the pat the local post,. at - Legion home ) Dr. W. C. faculty will be The local Dost 1923. Two of the tti thfl R/rf.iyy HKCtlig ng. .