J 1 } III* —* that otter elites have been solved I through the mediation effort* of the | UN. Or. Marshall, who worked with I the Food andAgricnlture Organiza tion, an associate member of the UN, told how. ike production in Louisiana had befen more than dou bled through the importatiion of hy to obtain bybfid rice hi this country had been unsuccessful until the UN 1 ' • ~ ■ . -■ 0^- * ty, wu the bod of the ls£e John T, Rmran fttwlfli Ra«4 and Wttl boro in Wilson county. Hewasmar ried to Addle L. Ovens of Wilson county. They moved to Faemville from the Bass m\ Severity years of age, Vt.Mir tired several yean agofromhi* ex tensive farming interest but still took an active part in them operations. He was the final survivor of his im mediate finally. A sister, Mrs. boons Bass Owens (bed a year ago. : Mr. Bass was a devoted husband and; father. He was net only ever mindful of bis family’s welfare and delivered by General Hospital in Wilson, Friday, is reported, as convalescing satis factorily. .. & •' ’''^aSsas-t- X J. T. Hundy^wfeo was taken ill at hi* home on Hinraday, is able to be op trat is still confined >e Ms home, u_ a_ir:u_« _4.in.BJ* TWiIrs Andrew J. Ellis who was killed y honors in the Queen Ann tn Fountain on Wednesday SULjf U* * v»u**»iis «r