L.<& J >♦<♦♦♦*<i>♦♦♦♦♦ BUY... BANK . ■. SELL... IN FARMVHU: VOLUME FORTY-TWO FARMVILLE, PITT COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA FRIDAY, JANUARY 4, 1M2 NUMBER THIRTY-FOUR ~___-_M-j-* • ~~ —. ... . " . ' ..U i ... BUY....BANK ... SELL.»• IN FABMV1LLE Jaynes Select Eight Teams For Cage Tournamen1 Officials of the basketball tourna ment announced Thursday that .the Vance boro teams had been selected to complete the field of eight teams needed for the tourney. Sponsored by the Farmville Junio: Chamber of Commerce, the Fourtl Annual Gold Medal Basketball Tour nament will be held in the local gym nasium beginning Monday, Januarj 28, and ending Saturday, February 2 Seven of the eight teams needec for' tourney play have been selected and it is expected that the field will be completed within the next few days. Both boys’ and girls’ teams have been entered from, the following schools; Farmville, Bethel, Belvoir, Winterville, Stantonsburg, Snow Hill, and Walstonburg. The Ayden teams were popular participants in the tourney last year but an invitation to enter the event this year was declin ed on the basis that the teams are planning to appear in two other play offs. The Ayden school committee, it is understood, frowns on the teams entering more than two such events. The tournament will follow, in gen -eral, the schedule of the 1951 meet. Four games will be played on Mon day, Wednesday and ’ Thursday nights, with the championship games on Saturday. Play will be suspended on Tuesday and Friday nights so the schools can meet their regular schedules. Marvin Speight is chairman of the 1952 tourney. Rom Webber and Harold Rouse are serving on the committee with him. The Ayden boys and Snow, Hill girls won the event last year. Unusual Reunion Held By Mrs. C. E. Modlin’s Family Brothers and sisters of Mrs. C. E. Modlin, whose ages range from 69 to 82 years, held a family celebration Sunday at the Modlin home here. Brothers and sisters present were: Mrs. S. E. Lucas of Virginia Beach, Va,, Mrs. W. F. Knowles and J. P. Knowles of Windsor, Mrs Bessie Goode of Washington, D. C., and Mrs. Modlin. The family has a very re markable record in view of the fact that there have been no deaths of brothers and sisters. Other guests attending were Mrs. W. F. Knowles and son, Leslie; R. W. Goode and family of Mount Olive, son of Mrs. Bessie Goode; and Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Flanagan and daughter, Clara Belle, of Farmville. BOBBY SMITH IS ADJUSTER AT ARMY FINANCE CENTER G. Robert Smith, Jr., of 302 East Horne avenue, Farmville, has been promoted to the rank of Corporal, it was announced last week by Briga dier General Emmett J. Bean, Com monding General of the Army Fin ance Center at St. Louis, Mo. Corporal Smith is assigned as an adjuster in the Finance Center’s Mili tary Pay Division. As an adjuster, he examines the military pay records of service personnel and make any necessary adjustments. The Military Pay Division receives and processes military pay.records of army per sonnel and performs administrative functions connected with permanent custody and examination of the mili tary pay records. Corporal Smith entered the Army, October 23,1960, and after six weeks basic training at Fort Jackson, S. C. and Army Finance School, St. Louis, Mo., was assigned to the Army Fin ance Center. He served in the Navy ll monthi at *bie dose of. World War II. Ha ii the holder of the Victory Medal.- * A former student at Presbyteriai Junior College and gradute of Eas Carolina College, Corporal Smith hai an A.B. degree in accounting Iron the latter school. He is the sop o Mr. and Mrs. George R, Smith, Sr, WITH SERVICEMEN Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Wooten re ceived information this week concern ing a change in the address of ,thei son, Pvt. Roland Wooten, who is sti tioned in Pusan, Kona. The net address is as follows: Pvt. Rolan Wooten, U.S. 68078663,* P. A. A. ( 8216th Army ■ Unit, X.P.O. 69, c/ Postmaster San Francisco, Calif. Final Rites For Ralph Kirby Britt Held Thursday Funeral, rites for Ralph Kirby t Britt, 58, were held at the home December 27. The service was con ducted by Rev. B. L. Davis of Snow: Hill and Rev. E. W. Holmes of Farm ville Burial was |p the Snow Hill cemetery. Britt died suddenly on Christmas Day. A trio composed of Mrs. J. C. Moye, Mrs. Melvin Albritton and Miss Hilda ■ Grace Moye of Snow Hill sang sev eral hymns. * Active pallbearers were Russel Britt, Sal Cherry, Charles Thomas Britt, J. D. Murphy, Jr., Robert Mur phy and Reginald Murphy, all nep hews of the deceased. Honorary pallbearers were John R. Mewbom, B. F. Lewis, Ronald Carra-j way, Jack Taylor, Curtis Willoughby, Kirby Cobb, Dr. J.M. Mewbom, Lewis, Creech, Ernest Lee Jones, Carl Bea man, John Robert Hunt and Sam Overby. t Floral bearers were Mrs. Leroy Bass, Mrs. Carl- Beaman, Mrs. John Mewbom, Miss Nell T. Beaman, Mrs. Curtis Willoughby, Miss Gladys Bar-, row, Mrs. David Quinn, Miss Etna Lewis, Mrs. Carlton Taylor, Mrs. John Poole, Miss Lela Mae Taylor, Miss Annie Tumage, Mrs. J. A. Smith, Mrs. E. L. Smith, Mrs. Robert Lane and Mrs. Bill Neal. Mr. Britt was the son of the late John Benjamin Britt and Emma Dail Britt of Greene County. He lived his entire life in and around Snow Hill except the last five years which were spent in Farmville. He was a veteran of World War I. Surviving are his wife, Mary Rose Britt; one daughter, Barbara Ann; one sister, Mrs. J. D. Murphy, S>r., of Snow Hill; two brothers, W. H. Britt of Farmville and L. G., Britt of Snow Hill Mrs, Mary Gamer Passes Here At Daughter’s Home Mr. and Mr*. 0.0. Spell, Sr., moved on Saturday, December 22, into their new, attractive 9-room home in "the Davie sub-division on the Greenville Highway, Dinner guests of the Spell* on Christmas Day, in their new home ware: daughter, Mm. Addieon Spra gue and Mr. Sprague and children, James and David of Durham; daugh ter, Mm. L. a Jenke and Mr. Jenlu of Wileon; eon, O. G, Spell, Jr., Mm. Spell and eon, O. G., Ill, of Wendell; Homer Spell and I city; Meter of Mrs l McLean and Mr. leboro and Mrs. ! ert Clark, Mm. Clhr Mrs. Mary Etta Gill Gamer, age 73, widow of the late Eli Gamer of Elm City, died last Friday at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Charles E. Fitzgerald, here, after a lingering illness. She was the daughter of the late W. A. “Buck” and Mary Eliza Rogers Gill of Wilson county. Surviving are four children, Mar vin Eli Gamer of Wilson; Needham B. Gamer of Elm City; William C. Gamer and Mrs. Fitzgerald of Farm ville; one brother, Z, F. Gill of Wil son two sisters, Mrs. Clarence Win stead of Wilson and Mrs. J. H. Flow ers of Elm City and six grand children. Funeral services were held from the home in Elm Qity with burial, be side her husband, in the Cedar Grove cemetary. A Wilson quartet with Mrs. Ed ward Peele of Elm City, pianist, sang two songs, “Beyond The Sunset” and “Face to Face.” Elder Johnny Joy ner of Elm City, her pastor, and Rev. Edwin S. Coates, Presbyterian minis ter of Farmville conducted the ser vices. Active pallbearers were: Edward Peele, N. C. Peele and Clarence Davis of Elm City; Kenneth Herring, and Bill Thompson of Wilson and Curtis Flanagan of Farmville. Honorary pallbearers w,ere: W. J. ’ Rasberry, Russell Mizelle, Lester Tumage, Bonnie Allen, Joe Gregory, Lewis Allen, Alex Allen, George Allen and Jesse Moye of Farmville; J. M. Fitzgerald, Sr., Dr. W. C. Hun ter and Dr. Bodie T. Clark of Wilson; Lloyd Sharpe, Pete Braswell, Prid gen Bames and Dane Batts of Elm CityfrC. D. Williams of College Park, Md.; Harvey Cobb and J. D. Win stead of Rocky Mount. Flowerbearers were: Mesdames Lloyd Sharpe, J. B. Farmer, Bill Langley, J. H. Farmer, Clarence Davis, and Frankie Sharpe of Elm City; Russell Mizelle, Curtis Flana gan, Cherry Easley, Bonhis Allen, C. A. Joyner, Dan Jones, Leonard Joy ! ner and Jesfle Moye; Misses Janie ; Johnston, Virginia Easley, Ocie i Batts and Clarabelle Flanagan. Mrs. Garner was an active member ; and staunch supporter *of the Lower Town Creek Primitive Bapost Church of near Elm City for 88 .years and attended regularly as long as her health permitted. SPELLS MOVE INTO NEW HOME Returns To Dot] Pfc. George Wooten, son of Mr. an* Mrs. J. A. Wooten, St., of near Farm vijle returned to front line duty n Korea, two weeks ago, after a montl spent on the hospital ship U. S. S Repose anchored in Pusan Bay, Soutl Korea. Wooten, who serves with the med ium tank division of the 24th Infan try, escaped with minor injuries when his tank, involved in front line ac tion, struck a mine that exploded. In order -to move the tank from the dan ger zone, Wooten jumped out of the tank and while he was attempting to attach the disabled machine to a tank that was in operation, he heard what he knew to be a mortar shell whiz zing through the air. He tried to wdj tect himself from the exploding ffliejS by clinging dose to the tank and was fortunate in receiving only mmor burns about the face and eyes.' Private Wooten, who was employed by the Farmville Furniture company here, entered tee service on March 20. After 4 % months of basic train ing at Fort Jackson, S. C., he was sent to Korea. DONALD BAUCOM REPRESENTS DAVIDSON AT CONFERENCE A. M- Baucom of Farmville was a delegate from Davidson College at the 16th Quadrennial Conference of the Student Volunteer Movement in Lawrence, Kan., December 27 to January 1. He was one of nearly 2600 young men and women to meet on the Uni versity of Kansas campus for what has been described as the year’s largest and most widely representa tive student conference under inter denominational auspices. Baucom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Baucom of 212 E. Home avenue. DAN JONES IS NEW PRESIDENT OF DANCE CLUB Recently elected Dance Club offi cers who will conduct the affairs of the club for the year 1962 are as fol lows: president, Dan H. Jones; vice president, Charles Edwards; secre tary, Mrs. Howard Harris; treasurer, R. D. Rouse, Jr. BETHEL TAKES TWO GAMES FROM FARMVILLE HIGH The Farmville boy’s team jumped to an early lead in the first quarter of the gbtne with Bethel on Tuesday night in Bethel, but was unable to keep the lead as the Bethel boys began to connect with their shots at the basket. The game ended with the score, Bethel 52, Farmville 28. In the girl’s game the Farmville lassies rose to an early lead but were defeated by a score of 51-27. NOTICE OF UDC MEETING The United Daughters of the Con federacy, Rebecca Wilborne Chapter, will meet this afternoon at three o’clock with Mrs. Dunbar Lamar in the home of Mrs. John B. Lewis. FRANK ALLEN INSTALLS— NEW KIWANIS" OFFICERS Frank Allen, lieutenant governor of the Kiwanis Seventh Division, in stalled officers this week for the following clubs in his division: Wil son on Thursday night; Kinston on Friday at poon; and Greenville on .Frida!’ night. - LUTHER TUGWELL WORKS AT NEWPORT NEWS YARD1 Luther Tugwell, who formeriy re sided at Fountain, Route 1, moved hie family during the holidays to New port News, Va., where he is employ ed at the shipyards. Mr. Tugwell began working in Newport News sev eral weeks ago but only recently was able to secure housing for his family. GENERAL HAL TURNAGE VISITS MOTHER HERE General Hal Tumage, U. S. Marine Corps, retired, of Alexandria, Va., visited with his mother, Mrs. W. J. Tumage Christmas Day and part of the following week. Gen. Tumage, who served as com manding officer at Camp LeJuene in the beginning years ofWofld War II, visited friends at that base and en joyed several hunting trips there. He returned to Farmville-on the week end and left for Alexandria on Sun V About Farmville People \ f l . Mrs. Joe Forbes returned Friday after visiting relatives in Winterville last, week. Miss Sybil Barrett, teacher in the Dunn Schools, returned to Dunn, Sun day, after spending the holidays at her home here. John Barrett, Sr., spent the week end and New Year’s day with his family here. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Bynum, Sr., Mrs. Fred Smith and Mr. and Mrs. Tom Herring of Wilson visited friends and relatives in New Bern and Kinston, Wednesday. Miss Annie Lee Tyre of Washing ton, D. C., visited Mrs. Fred Smith on Thursday. Mrs. John C. Parker and daughter, Whit, of Wilmington, Dela,, returned to their home on Saturday after a visit with Mrs. Parkers’ mother, Mrs. R. H. Knott -J«* Mr. _ Mrs. Ernest Petteway and %ms, Ernie and Hayes, spent Sunday with Mrs. Petteway’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. P. Hayes, in Lake View, S. C. Twenty-four members of the Hayes family were present for a family dinner on that day. Mr. and Mrs. W. it Burke and son, Billy, spent several days last week with Mrs. Burke's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Brady, in Bennett The Burke’s attended the Brady's golden wedding anniversary celebration on Christmas Day. Dr. and Mrs. A. W. Smith, Jr., visited Mrs. Smith’s mother, Mrs. W. H. Chestnut, in Goldsboro on Christ mas Day. Mr. and Mrs. W. Koury of Sanford and Mrs. Olivette Armstrong of La Grange visited Mr. and Mrs. Vemon Wilkerson, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Drake and son, Al, leave Sunday for Sweetwater, Tenn., where Mr. Drake is on the Burley tobacco market. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Drake and children, Nancy and Al, spent Sunday in Hertford. Mr. and Mrs. George W. Davis ac companied Pfc. Cedric Davis to Raleigh when he lpft for Kansas on Tuesday. v . Mrs. Lucy Rumley of Washington, D. C., and Miss Janie Johnston of the University of North Carolina, who are visiting their mother, Mrs. . Pearl Johnston, visited Mrs. John ston’s son, Robert, and family in Durham on Monday. Mrs. Johnston accompanied them, Mr. and Mrs. 0. L. Stephenson at- ] tended the Dixie Classic in Raleigh, ( Saturday night. , (U1U 1UXO. J/XCUM. Alien c*v«,uuv« , a dance given by the Elks Club in j Greenville on Wednesday night. , Mr. and Mrs. Harold Rouse attend ed the Dixie Classic in Raleigh on Saturday night. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Davenport visit- ' ed Mrs. Davenport’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Manning in Plymouth, ' Sunday. • _ Mrs., W. C. Hathaway and son, ' Bill, returned Sunday from Norfolk, 1 Va., where they visited Mrs. Hatha > way’s brother, Joe Powell and Mrs. ' Powell, several days last week. Dr. and Mrs. R. N. Creadick of : Durham Were the overnight guests of J. W. Joyner, on Monday night. Dr. Alton Breashear of the Medi- ' cal College of Virginia was the over night guests of Dr. Frank Harris on ! Monday night. Miss Carol Ann Pitt of Pinetops re turned to her home Tuesday after spending the holidays with her aunt, 1 Mrs. B. 0. Taylor,and Mr. Taylor. Miss Elizabeth May, a staff mem ber of the Children’s Home at Barium Spriings, returned Monday after a week end visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edward May. Miss Elsie ’May, student at Flora McDonald 'college, who also has .been. visiting her parents during the holidays, re turned with her sister and stayed overnight with her. She spent Tues day visiting with friends in Durham before returning to Red Springs on Wednesday. Mrs, David Parker and children, David, Billy and Nancy, of Suffolk, Va., left Monday after spending sev eral days last week and the week end with Mrs. Parker’s mother, Mrs. J. A. Carraway and Mr. Carraway. Mr, and Mrs. Carraway acdoippanied them to Suffolk on Monday for a day’s visit. * ' Miss Margaret Mutphrey spept the week end in Fuquay Springs with Mrs. Jafk Blanchard, her aunt. While (here Miss Murphrpy attended the Dixie Basketball Classic in Raleigh. _ Mr. juid Mrs, Ernest jt«ee Jones and Mrs. G. W. Morris motored to Kin gton on Saturday night to meet Pfc. Wilbert Morris, who was arriving from Sheppard Air * Force Base, Wichitn falls, Texas, for a visit with ■ them. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Crews, Jr, and daughter, Betsy Harris, of South i Boston, Va, arrived Wednesday for a I visit vrith Mrs. •Crews’ parents, Rev. and Mrs. E. W. Holmes. Mr. Crews t returned to South Boston on Thurs i day. Mrs. Crews and daughter re ■ mained for a longer visit. i Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Lang, Mins . Elizabeth Lang and Mrs. Allen Dar den were Raleigh visitors on Monday. Friends of 0. L. Parker will regre to learn that'he is ill in a Kins to hospital. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Mewbom am children returned to their home ii Newport News, Va., Tuesday, afte spending the holidays with their par ents here. ^ Mr, and Mrs. R. G. Ruffin returne< to their home on Sunday after visit ing for several days last week « Rocky Mount with their parents, Mr and Mrs. J. M. Baker, and Mr. ant Mrs. J. S. Ruffin. Friends will be glad to know that Ben S. Atkinson, who was taken ill at his home on Thursday of last week is up and is improving. Bruce V. Darden has returned to Burlington after visiting several days last week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. F, A, Darden, Mr. and Mrs. A. J, Moye and ehil> ren, Libby and Lewis, of Scotland Neck visited Mr and Mrs. H. D. Moye and Mrs. Estelle Moye on Sun* day night. * Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Williford and son, Jackie, and Mrs. C. L. Owens of Fountain visited Mr. and Mrs. Neal Owens in Norfolk, Va., during the Christmas holidays. Friends will be glad to learn that Mrs. Sam Kittrell returned from Duke Hospital on Saturday and is re ported as improving rapidly. Mr. and Mrs. Darius White,.Jr., and daughter, Rebecca, spent the Christmas holidays with Darius White, Sr., and family, in Elizabeth City. Bill White of Elizabeth City was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Darius White, Jr., on Monday night Rebecca White will spend Sunday « Raleigh with her cousin, Martha rhomas. Bob Paylor returned to Raleigh on Monday after a holiday visit at his lotne here. Friends will he glad to know that knn Bass, one-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lyman Bass, is well ifter being sick last week end. Mrs. David Quinn and son, David, iccompanied Mrs. Quinn’s mother, Mrs. Grace Broussard, to the Raleigh Jurham Airport, Monday, where Mrs. Broussard boarded a plane for Wash ngton, La, Mr. and Mrs. Archie Cayton visited Mr. and Mrs.* Garland Duke in Kin iton, Sunday. C. L. Ivey, Jr., Mrs. Ronald Nichols ind daughter, Cheryl, left Wednes lay for Oglethorpe, Ga, where they vjll visit for several days. Mrs. Ivey md daughter, Jenny Lind, who have teen staying in that city, will return « Farmville with them. Friends are glad to see J. T. Bipdy tut after an illness during the noli lays. Mr. and Mrs. Thurman Owens and ions, Tim and Tommy, of Whiteville risited Mrs. Owens’ sister, Mrs. Will (ones, Jr., and family on Friday light Mrs. W. J. Tumage had as guests m Christmas Day, her son, Gen. Hal rumage of Alexandria, Va., Mrs. larvey Tumage, Sr., of Washington, 3. C., and Mr. and Mrs. Charles loward, Jr„ and daughter, Cynthia, >f (Jreenville. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Barrett, Pas-r :hal and Brenda, visited relatives in Gorlina on Christmas Day and in Jnion Level, Va., on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Whittmore and ;on, Jimmy, of South Hill, Va., visit id Mrs. Whittmore’s father, A. W. Massey and Mrs. Massey on Christ nas Day. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Ezzell of Golds )oro visited Mr. apd Mrs. Curtis Massey Sunday. .Ralph Goins returned on Sunday ifter visiting a week with relatives n Sneedville, Tenn. / Miss Elizabeth Lang and Miss Betsy Wiillis Jones returned to Roa loke Rapids, Wednesday, after spend ing the Christmas holidays with their parents here. Mrs. Emma Parier and Miss Elisa beth Parker of Raleigh spent Christ mas Day with Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Nolen. Mr. and Mrs. Nolen and daughter, Jackie, accompanied them to Raleigh on Wednesday and re mained for a visit, returning home on Sunday. BASEBALL MEETING Farmviile ipoitsntn intimM in haling a baaehaU team linn tMb rammer are' requested to meet t Tuesday night at 8 o'clock in the 1 Municipal Building for a discus sion of the program. The Junior 1 Chamber of Commerce has given l notice that it cannot mistake the r sponsorship of the teem hnt is will ing to" cooperate with the indW uals who do. 1 The Rotary and Kiwaais chibs have indicated their willingness to , give whatever assistance they can. The Chamber of Commerco has also voted to assist the sponsoring group. The meeting next Tuesday night is important, and all inter ested in seeing that Farmviile fields a baseball team are urged to he present. - ■ m ■ . George Leonardo Official of Hardy Firm, Succumbs George C. Leonard, 46, partner in the Hardy Curing Corporation of Maury and secretary-treasurer of the firm, died Wednesday night at 8:30 in Pitt Memorial Hospital, Green ville, following a year’s illness. Funeral services for Mr. Leonard, who came to Farmviile in 1937 and worked for the Florence-NuWay com pany for two years before accepting a position with the Hardy Corpora tion, will he held this morning at 9 :30 at the Farmviile Funeral Home, With the Rev. Trella Collins, Durham Bap tist minister, officiating. Hie body will be taken immediately after the service to home in Ferryville, Ky., for burial in Hillcrest cemetery. Masons will have charge of the final rites, Saturday afternoon. Mr. Leonard ,who served in the Navy from 1926-1931, attended Tea chers College in Richmond, Ky., for two years and was graduated in 1983 from Bowling Green University. • Survivors are his wife, the former Miss Dorothy Gebhardt of Boston, Mass.; his mother, Mrs. Lemuel Leonard' of Perryville, Ky.; two bro thers, Don of Perryville, and Kyle Of Detroit, Mich. The family requests that no flow ers be Sent Glasgow Smith JNames Committees For Hiwanis Club J. Glasgow Smith, president of the Kiwams club, announces the appoint* ment of tne following committee I members to serve during 1952 (the first-named of each committee is the chairman); Boys and Girls Work—Frank Har ' ris, Charles Quinerly, John Williams. Underprivileged Children — Jack Lewis, Charles Edwards, Earl Hol mes. Key Club—Sam Bundy, Glasgow Smith, Dan Jones. Agricultural Conservation — Alex Allen, David Starling, Carl Hicks, John Wright. Public Relations — Sylvester Ay cock, Jim Hoekaday, Fred Moore. Support of Churches—Jake Fields, Nassif Cannon, Thad Cox Achievement Report—Vas Fields; Glasgow Smith, Frank Allen, Sam Bundy, Seth Barrow, Charles Ed wards. Attendance and Membership—Louis Allen, C. L. Ivey, Hubert Joyner. Carnival Committee—Ernest Pette way, Bill Creekmur, Melvin Finch, Frank Allen, Bernice Turnage. Finance Committee—Jack Lewis, Geo. Allen, Fred Thomas. House and Reception—Gordon Lee, Louis Williams, Billy Smith, Alex Allen. Inter-Club Relations — Geo. Allen, Frank Allen, Glasgow Smith. Kiwanis Education and Fellowship —Thad Cox, John Jones, Alton Bob bitt, Sam Lewis. Music Committee—Earl Holmes, Willie Rae Harper, Sam Bundy. Program Committee — Dan Jones, Herman Baker, Henry Johnson. YOUTH RALLY There is to be a Youth For Christ rally at King's Cross Roads F.W.B. Church Saturday night. The public is invited. The rally begins at 7:30 PJ». * Owners of Fuel Trucks Asked to ■W'Wk rnm i» ■Farmvni! Commissioners have under,advisement an'ordinance to re strict the parking of oil "tod gasoline tnicks Srf$iii* th» towiA corporate limits but the final passage of the proposed law will be delayed until truck owners hate ]peen given an op portunity to melt with the govern ing board and offer their sugges tions. A request that parking limitations be placed on such vehicles wal first made by Chief of Police I* T. Lucas at the December meeting of the; board. Lucas reminded the Commis sioners of the recent tragedy in Middlesex, which resulted in several ieaths when children playing near an empty trade exploded a fire-cracker that set of# an explosion. The matter tras brought before the board again on Tuesday night, but no action was taken, other than to in vitt truckownerfe to meet with the Commissioners. Copies of the pro posed ordinance will be mailed to owners of oil trucks, who will have ample time to study it. Present for the meeting Tuegday night were Mayor Walter B. Jones, and Commissioners John Stansil, O. G: Spell and Fred C Moore. Abeent ware Cheater Ovrtland and Claude Joyner. Canvassers Must From Town Board Itinerant merchant* or desiring to con<ioct house-to-house canvasses in Fannville must here after obtain permission from the Board of Commissioners or run the risk of being arrested. At their meeting Tuesday night, Farmvilie’s Commissioners adopted an ordinance prohibiting house-to house sales activity unless salesmen nave been invited into homes or have obtained permission from the Board. Before an 01 place herd outside charged Famville stated ih the law, which is mi incident that took weeks ago when an salesman was lolesting a maid in a the Commissioners no desire to work ■son legitimate busi some control was iy-night salesmen, ihat permission must .the board is guar ite firms and their suffer undue hard ivioney One of Oliver imirjknrey's Negro drivers, wno disappeared wita ms employers- trues alter. He had re ceived pay for a load of darn delivered Thursday night at a mid in Roanoke, Va., has aoaed another* mystery to the long list of holiday puttiers officers. are trying to sotve. No trace has been found of the driver, Johnny Jones, since he cashed one of the checks Friday morning at a Roanoke bank. ' Murphrey, who operates a fleet of transport trucks and deals in corn, sent Jones to Roanoke on Christmas night with 500 bushels of corn. The cargo was delivered Thursday night. Operators of the mill stated Jones told them 72 bushels of the com be longed ’to him, and the remainder of the load was owned by Murphrey. Accordingly, he was given two checks, one made out to Jones in the sum of $151.25, and the second made to Murphrey for $900. The Negro ob tained the money for his check hut evidently made no attempt to cash the one made out to Murphrey.\ Jones had instructions to return to Farmville via South Boston, wheke he was to pick up a load of barrels for a local tobacco company. Upon the. Negro’s failure to show up here Fri day night, Murphrey started tracing Jones, but his trail ended at the bank where the cheek was cashed, The truck was a 1950 model Chevrolet with trailer. Neither the vehicles or the cargo were insured. Jones came to this community .a few; weeks ago. His home .Mis in Georgia but he.held a license issued ifi. Chic ago. T At The Kiwanis Club Miss Margaret Fields, graduate student at Peabody (College in Nash ville, Tenn., talked *to the Kiwanis club'Monday night about the respon sibility of churches. Appearing as the guest of her father, Jake Fields, Miss. Fields told Kiwanians that the church and its lay leaders have a definite responsibility toward social, economic and racial relations, and that the church must take the initia ative in coping with these problems if progress is to he made. Her appearance on the club £ pro gram Monday night was the second time MiBS Fields has addressed the; club, and her talk proved just as in teresting as the first, and’ just as well received by the club. r- - « .1 ■ ■ JACK PAYLQR ACCEPTS > POSITION IN CHARLOTTE John Hill Paylor, Jr., who has been employed by the John Deere Company in Raleigh for the past several years recently accepted a position with the Engineering Department of the Pied mont Natural Gas Corporation in Charlotte. Mr. and Mrs. Paylor, who is the former Margaret Fountain of Rocky Mount, and small son, John III, moved to Charlotte on Monday and are residing at 232 Sedgefield Road. BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Billy Harris of near Farmville announce the birth of a daughter, Sally Kay, on December 23. Mrs. Garris is the former Sally Scott Morgan. • -— WILL ATTEND AUTO SUPPLY SHOW Mr. and Mrs. Darius White, Jr., will attend a showing of spring merchan dise by the Western Auto Company at the King Cotton Hotel in Greens boro on Sunday.

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