BUT . .BANK •. • SELL • • •' IN FARMYSLLE jjj$ygh§ i jgw‘ ■-.tfev';-' ■>» WIMHH r . ' ....BANK ...SELL... IN MMirn i B : •>W«'. Sj Director State Prisons To Speak Ike Thursday Walter P. Anderson, North Caro lina’s prison director, will be the guest speaker at the regular monthly meeting of the Farmville Presby terian Men’s Club next Thursday night at 7:16 in the churcK , Mr. Anderson, who is prominently associated with religious activities of j Raleigh churches, is a native of j Davie county. Following his gradu ation from Mocksville high school, he attended Rutherford college, Univer sity of North Carolina, and the Fed eral Bureau of Investigation National Academy in Washington, D. C. In 1926, he was appointed patrol man in the Winston-Salem police de partment and served in the traffic, patrol and detective divisions until his appointment in 1936 as chief of police for the city. In 1942, he resigned his position in Winston-Salem to accept a similar appointment in Charlotte. He served in that city until his ap pointment in. 1946 as director of the State Bureau of Investigations On August 1, 1951, he was appointed by Governor Kerr Scott, to become direc tor of North Carolina prisons. Mr. Anderson served as first presi dent of the North Carolina Police Executives Association, and also served as president of the Inter national Association of Chiefs of Police. He serves as a member of the Board of Stewards at Edenton Street Methodist CShurch in Raleigh, teacher of the Men’s Bible Class of the Edenton Street church, president of Fishers of Men, a layman’s organi zation for religious work among in mates of jails, prison camps and peni tentiaries. Robert Pierce is president of the Presbyterian Men’s Club. He is anxious for all club members to at tend the dinner session, and to hear Mr. Anderson. Enrollment Trends In Greene Schools Are Decreasing “Enrollment trends in the Greene County Schools are gradually de creasing rather than increasing,” stated B. L. Davis, Superintendent Greene County Schools, as he Spoke to the Walstonburg P.T.A. on May 1, the last monthly meeting of the 1951 52 term. Mrs. D. D. Fields presided oyer the meeting in the absence oF'the presi dent, Henry Burch, who was attend ing another meeting. Mrs. W. H. Goin of the faculty conducted the de Sixteen members of Mrs. votion. Goin’s fourth grade then performed a very colorful Dutch Dance. Their performance displayed the beauty of Dutch costumes, as well as the grace of their dances. The fourth grade re ceived additional recognition when they won - the. attendance prize for having the largest percentage of par ents present. Earl Lang, treasurer, reported a balance of $164.54 in the treasury. Decorating committees for the var ious commencement programs were announced, by Mrs. Fields. The fol lowing ladies were asked to serve on the committees: Piano Recital, Fri day night, May 16—Mrs. Sam Jen kins, Mrs. Earl Lang, Mrs. Marvin Boykin, and Mrs. Jack Cunningham; Baccalaureate Service, Sunday night, May 18—Mrs. W. A. Marlowe, Mrs. I. J. Rouse and Mr?. William Mooire; Graduation Exercises, Tuesday night, May 20—Mrs. W. C. Hinson, 1(«*. Gray Fields and'Mrs. John Craft; Class night exercises, Wednesday night,May 21—Mrs. Wooten Hobbs; Mrs. Archie Coggins and Mrs. Troy Danford. The association elected the follow ing officers for 1952-53: President, Mrs. Stella Winstead; Vice-President, T,jjL Hood; Secretary; Mrs. John Thompason and Treasurer, Frank Dail. At the conclusion of the business session^ Superintendent Davis was presented to the group, and he gaye —-—— Pitt-Greene REA Changes Method Of Electing Directors One of the most important items of business to be transacted at the an nual meeting of the Pitt and Greene Electric Membership Corporation, to be held here on Saturday, June 7, will •be the first election of directors under the new system which provides for districting the area served by the co operative, with one director from each of the seven districts. Until the by laws were recently amended to in clude such a provision, directors were elected without stipulation ds to their residences. Thus,it would have been possible under the old system for ail directors to come from one section of the rapidly-expanding area served by the Corporation. The nominating committee met last Saturday and proposed the following nominations. District 1—J. c: Parker and C. B. Phillips, Route 1, Fountain. District 2—O. L. Erwin and Vernon Mozingo, Route 2, Farmville. District 3—Sam V. Tugwell, Route 1, Farmville; Horace T, Herring, Route 2, Walstonburg. District 4—Seth Barrow, Route 1, Farmville; Roy Graves, Route 1, Snow Hill. District &—Joe Edmundson, Route 3, Snow'Hill; Ralph H. Jones, Route 2, Stantonsburg. District 6—Jarvis Harrisotf and David Corbett, Route 3, Snow Hill. District 7—E. E. Nethercutt, Route 1, Snow Hill; C. E. Vause, Route 1, Hookerton. Gilbert L. Whitley, manager of the Cooperative, announced that addi tional nominations can be made, up to 16 days- before the convention, by petition signed by at least 16 mem bers of the organization. During the meeting, nominations can be made from the floor. The nominee from each district re ceiving the largest number of votes will be elected to the Board of Direc tors for the coming year. ~ - J The Farmville School Board at a recent meeting elected Sam D. Bundy to be principal ol the FarmvjHe Pub lic Schools for the school year 1352 53 which will make his sixth year in the present position.. In the past five years the Farmville Schol has grown from a 24 teacher to a 32 teacher school with an increased enrollment of approximately 200 pupils. The high school is on the acerbated list of the Sonthern Association 'of Sec ondary Schools and the elementary school is accredited by the North Carolina State Department of Educa tion. - ' - - Besides his school work Mr. Bundy is active, in civic, fraternal, and Horton Rountree Is New Commander Of Local Legion Post Horton Rountree, veteran of World War II, will serve as commander, of the Farmville Post, American Legion, during the year starting July 1, Rountree’s nomination and election were approved Friday night at a reg ular meeting of the post. Pat Bundy, also a faithful Legionnaire, was nominated but Bundy asked that his name' be withdrawn. A. W. Bobbitt -was elected first vice-commander and J. C. Brock, Jr., as-second vice-commander. • At the meeting, Basil Sherrill, as sistant director of the Institute of Government, explained the work of the institute and told of the many schools and agencies it helps. _ Special guests at the meeting was Harold Flanagan and Jess Spencer, who have been selected by the Port as its delegates to the Boys State. JayceesPlan For Broom Sale Something new in the way of sales is coming to town—but all for agood cause, -or Farmville’s Junior Chamber of Commerce voted Wednesday night to sponsor a broom sale on ^Friday of next week, Profits from the sale will be'used to defray expenses of operating the Jaycees’ team in the Little Baseball Leaguta MEMORIAL RITES * Confederate Memorial Day will be obser ved hen Sunday afternoon. The ladies of the Rebecca Winborne Chapter of the Upited Daughters of the Confederacy will place flowers on the graves of confederate soldiers. The ceremony will be held in Forest , Hill Cemetery at 4:30. DANCE REVUE TO RE GIVEN TONIGHT * . i, *..,f y " - Miss Dotdee Jones will present the pupils <rf the Dotdee School of^Rance in a rfevue tonight in tWT school audi torium. - 24 pupils wfll take part in the pre ;__ ' SfrigliFv.*hss■£. the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Hardy. Mr. Flanery, an employee of tin Automatic Construction Company, it in charge of installing Ute new equip ment for Carolina Telephone and Telegraph Company. ^ ‘T3vir ^'' Mrs..Elmer R. Smith v«i elected president of the Parent-Teacher Ass - ciation at the last meeting of the school year, Thursday night. • Other officers ehscWd are: first vice-presi dent, Mrs- George Thomas; secretary, Mrs. Allen Drake; treasurer,.Mrs. L. P. Thomas. Mrs., Frank Allen, re tiring president, automatically be comes second vice-president. . ' Mrs, Allen presided over the meet ing. She recognised the new^offieere ■ : -i'll m'~ i~m i.'ail'ivTt»in Hint ?nn fnv ftia cipal Sam D. Bandy made announce ments of the school dosing programs, the Jones Schoolef Dance Revue and the Mother’s Day Band Concert .1 - Mrs. Jean B. Williams, music tea cher in the school, presented a pro gram of choral selections! Hie Junior Glee Club, accompanied by Miss Grace Miller, sang, “The Orchestra Song” and "Sing, Kentucky Babe." :The Mixed Chorus rendered “Smilin’ Thru” mid “Sitoufc-Hearted Men.” This group was accompanied by Jack Williford. Mrs. H. E, Hart, on behalf of the Literary Club and Mrs. John B. Wright, Jit, art chairman of the elnfc, presented awards in the Art Contest recently held in the school. Bine ribbons were given the following*! Donald Wainwright, Dorothy Vincent Delores Smith, Eleanor Newton, Lin da Allen, Jean Robinson, Marian Pickett and Albert Monk. Red ribba&s--were presented to Dean Allen, Ralph Lee Cash, Marian Pickett, Hilda Jones, Doris Letch worth, Bettie Sue Turner, lands Sue Dail and Jordan Hedgepeth. Wilma Lloyd, Marian Pickett Janie Clark, Frank Williams, Mary Lou Haddock and' David Mozingo received honor able mention. • James'Walker of Greenville was the judge of the contest Miss Edna Robinson’s fifth grade was winner of the Room Roll Call of parents. • ‘ After the meeting, the Art Exhibit was on display in several rooms of the school. ' years she served «b president Prin iciation for the given in the two DrtMewbornAt Medical Convention Dr. John Mewbom, president of the 2nd District Medical Society, attended the 98th annual session of the State Medical Society at Pfnehurst, this week. Dr. Mewborn arrived in Pine hurst Sunday to attend the prelimin aries before the convening of the see* sion on Monday,andremsined for the complete session, returning here Wed nesday. Mrs. Mewborn accompanied him, •• • hj CHIMBS AND ORGAN : TO BE DEWCATEDAT $ BAJPTIST CHURCH SUNDAY A dedicatory service will be held at the Baptist Church Sunday morning at 11 ©’clock. Carroll R. Holmes of Hertford will represent the Holmes family id presenting the chimes and the organ recently given to the chui*h to apt honor «f Emily B. and John W. Holmes. Manly LHea wfll accept the gift for the church And Bev. E. W. Holmes lead the congregation in the Mr. aad'liA. John B. Lewis and Mrs. Dunbar Lamar were Goldsboro C and Mrs. Charles E. Fitzgerald •qd daughter, Millie, vhrfted relatives and friends in Winston-Salem and Rridsvflle, Sunday and Monday. Mrs. Allen M. Harris and small son, Al, and Mm. Dilly Thompson of Rocky Mount spent Monday through Friday with M». Harris’ and Mrs. Thompson’s mother, Mrs. Layne Bail, and Miss Jane Dail, in Raleigh. Mrs. Thompson was the over-night guest of Mr. and Mrs.-Harris here, Friday,, Mrs. Harry Harper is able to be out after bring confined to her home on account of illness. Mrs. Luther Tugwell of Newport News, Va., spent the past week with her mother, Mm- Grover Bryant, who remains ill at her home. Mm. Neal Owens of Norfolk, Va., arrived Friday to speed the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.,!* 1. Williford and to attend the Smith Senior Piano Recital, Friday night, and the Batchetor-Morriss wedding Sunday. Mr. Owens arrived Sunday to spend, the day. Dr. P. E. Jones, Jr., and Dr. Gordon Liles bpth of Concord, enroute from New York City, Bpent the" week ted with Dr. Jones’-parents, Dr. and Mrs. P. E. Jones, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. 0. S. Williams and son, Jerry, of Raleigh, spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Allen C. Dar den. /' Mrs. M. J^ Gregg and children, Joan, Larry and Ronnie, visited rids w(»ek with Mrs. Grig’s parents, Mr. and Mm. F. B. Hargett in Pollocks ville. Mrs. Dixie Harrington and Bob Mooringr of Goldsboro were guests of Dr. and Mrs. A. W- Smith, Saturday night. ’ Mm. DewjeyFuquay and son, Jones, Of Charlotte, arrived liist week for a visit with Mrs. Jones’ parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. V. Jones. Mr. Fuquay spent the week end here and retained to Charlotte Sunday. Mm. Jones and son remained for a longer visit this week. r ■■■ Ann' Pollard, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Pollard, suffered a knee injury Friday night of last week. The injury was discovered following the recital of the Youngblood School of Dance hi which she was a participant. She was confined to the Pitt Memo rial Hospital this week for a short time to have a cast placed on the knee hut was able to attend school later. - Sgt. Thomas F. Perdew of Camp Atterimry, Ind., is on furiottgirat his home near hem. .;v-/'■ Mrs. S. E. Ewell is slightly improv, ed from an illness of seveiul weeks. Robert Rolling, student at the Uni versity of North Carolina at Chapel Hill spent the week-end at his home here. Mr. Rollins will attend summer school at the University and will complete 4 yearn of pre-medical school and graduate with a B.S. de gree St the end of the summer. He wiH miter the Doha Medical School hi the fall. ’e: Mr. and Mm, Harold Allred of Greenville visited Mir. and Mn. A, B. Tyson, Wednesday -night Jo "Alice Brock, daughter of Mr. and Mm. J^C. Birack, Jr., underwent a tonsillectomy at the Pitt Memorial Hospital, Wednesday; She is report ed as recovering rapidly. i Mr.’ and Mrs. Ed Davenport attend ed the wedding of Mra. Davenport’s cousin, Miss Anna Stevens, and Doug las Weather^ in Fuquay, Saturday afterno©*§ Mr. and Mm. Davenport presided at the register at the recep tion given by the bride’s parents f ol Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Scott have re turned after spending several days at Atlantic Beach. •Mr. Mrs. Joney Taylor and son, Mike, visited relatives to Roberaon ville, Sunday, Mrs. W. C. Hathaway, Mrs. A. W, Smith, Jr., and small son, Wally; were Goldsboro visitors, Thursday. _ Mias Kitty Moore of Goldsboro and Charlotte was the week end guest of Dr. and Mrs. P. E.Joned.* Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Castaway re turned Wednesday from a. visit to Washington. While there they visit ed with Mrs. Caraway's son, Blaney Heath; Jr., and Mrs. Heath. Miss Betsy Willis Jones of Roar note Rapids spent the. week end with her parents, Mr. and Mia. M. V. Jones. Mr. and Mrs. R. a Ruffin will visit, with relatives in Rocky Mount this week encL Mrs; W. S. Royster, Mrs. W. Leslie Smith, Mrs. George Beckman, Mrs. Arthur Joyner, Sr., -Mrs. M. V. Jones and Mrs. H. G. Ruffin were Raleigh visiters,-Friday. _ Mr. and Mrs. Garland Edgerton and Mrs. L. D. Harris of Rocky Mount visited Mr. and Mrs. Claude Tyson, Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Spith have had as guests this week, Mia, George Hart and daughter, Irene, of- Hew York City. Miss Ruthe Tyson of Meredith Col lege, Raleigh, Imd as guests on the week end of April 27, at the home of her parents here, Miss Edith Bradley of Scotland Neck, Bliss Jane Spence of Greensboro and Miss Helen Colby of Charlotte, all classmates at Mere dith. In honor of her guests' Miss Tyson was luncheon hostess on Sun day and had as guests in addition to house guests, Misses Dorothy and Raye Hathaway, Miss Pat Cortfett, Miss Naney Lou Moore and 'Miss Clara Belle Flanagan. Mrs. Grover Bryant had as guests during the week end, Miss Lima Rue of Washington, Mrs. Ida Dale of Goldsboro, Mrs. G. N. Powers and Ernest Mizelle, both of Petersburg, Va. Clinton Rollins of Raleigh visited his mother, Mrs. W. J. Rollins, Rufus Rollins, Tuesday and Turn night Mrs. Lillie Cooke is visiting to niiiiilwmiluN if Mrs. Cora M. Edwards tit Wilson is visiting this week bar nephew, Char les Edwards, and family. Miss Betty Rose Whereon of Greensboro College 'and classmates; Mias Lib Collins, w— Lula Chapman John 0. Pollard represented the wn'r zoning board and Cleveland M. board’s recommendations for zoning property recently taken into Farm vilje's corporate limits were consider ed Tuesday night by th,e Board of Commissioners, Wi. ' Sections on the east, north and northwest of town were shown on the map presented to the board. The zoning group recommended that all of the property in the eastern sector, a slice of tire Davis property between East Wilson and Grinunersburg streets, be classed as residential pro party. The tract in the northern sec tion of town which is being sub divided and developed by Dr. Paul E. Jones, was also zoned as residential property. The section behind tire A. C. Monk factory and extending north ward to the Fountain highway was zoned as industrial property. Includ ed. in this are tire vacant lot on Horne avenue, directly across from Bell’s Warehouse, and tire corner on which the V.F.W. club now stands. The lots on both sides of the G .E. Modlin home were zoned as residential pro perty. All of the new area bn the Foun tain highway, with the exception of town-owned property now used for recreational purposes, was zoned as residential property. The tobacco storage house cm the south side of the Fountain highway is now on residen tial property. The zoning will have no Immediate effect on the property now used for purposes other than re quired by zoning statutes. The law, however, provides that no other in dustrial buildings can be emoted thereon, and should the storage buBd imr he dcatmmi hv flnmen nr lift ing bp destroyed by flames or de molished, it could not be replaced. The recommendations of the zoning board were accepted by the Commis sioners who expressed their appre j elation for the work accomplished. Dr. J. M. Mewbom Is chairman of : the board. Mr. Pollard explained that Dr. Mewbom was out of town and that he had been requested to [ present the recommendations. Others mi the board are Mrs. Ted Albritton, John E. King, and Edison Moore. HAROLD ROUSE PICKED AS TOP INSURANCE MAN _____ * Harold F. House has been picked by the Equitable Life Assurance Society of the United States as its top repre sentative in Eastern North Carolina tuid will represent the Raleigh agency at a meeting in Washington^ <D. C., next week. The company has two agencies in the State, St Charlotte arid Raleigh. Ronhe, who has been a representa- - ' tiye of ther company since December, has also been awarded a special anni versary trophy dor Ms work during April, the period in which the contest §'■]_■ w»s conducted. J - ---'i ■' At the Washington meeting, which begins Thursday and adjourns Satur- .. day, the 100 leading agents of the : company’s field force of 8,000 will convene. • > .

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