m ft % # M ) fc * ? l ===="===!=: OOUNTg NORTH CAROLINA •TV... ,?«/ MAY M ims ,-■ ".:-:.Tr-:a= Rural Carrier Completes 31 Yeais* Service On Farmviik Bootes; Ed Nadi Warren Takes Over Rural Post Henry Tyson’s retirement as rural mail carrier on June 30, after more than 31 years of service, will result in several major personnel changes in the Farmville postoffice. Archie Cayton, who has been serv ing as carrier on iflute 1 since Joe Henry Bynum’s retirement several years ago, will take over Mr. Tyson’s route, number 2. Ed Nash Warren, a clerk in the post office for 14 years, will shift to the position of rural ‘" carrier and will take over the Cayton route. These changes will become -effective at the same time. Mr. Tyson rounded out 31 years of service as a carrier in April. He has _ faithfully served the rural inhabit ants on Farmville routes. Of his total service, 28 years and three months were spent as rural carrier on route 1, and the remainder of the time, three years, as route 2’s carrier. Three Teachers Appointed For School Faculty Three teachers were approved this week for the Farmville High School faculty. Sam Stell of Tarboro, will be the Social Studies teacher and as sistant coach. This position was held last year by Charles Tucker, who will be coach and Physical Education in structor at the school next year. Mr. Stell comes to this position from 2 years at the Aydeh High School. Mrs. Stell will be the 6th grade teacher replacing Miss Elizabeth Parker who has accepted a position in William ston. Mrs. Sue McGee Pope who has taught In the Bell Arthur and Clin ton schools will replace Miss Mary Grace Gaylord as 4th grade teacher. The eight grade teacher vacancy has not been filled. METHODIST MEN HAVE FISH STEW 25 members of the John T. Thome Parolees In Pitt 1 • Have Good Records As of April it Pitt County Welfare Department had 15 active parole cases. Daring the month one paro lee’s case was terminated after he had been on parole some over four years. He had compiled with all the requirements of the Office of the Commissioner of Paroles and the _ Welfare Department while on parole and received recommendation Of the Parole Officer, Miss Elizabeth War ren. He Was granted by order of Governor Scott a final discharge from parole. . ; ' & One parolee waw killed during the month of April, therefore the file on his case was closed. After the above-two-named case* were closed, this left 13 active cases, of which 7 are farmers. Two of these made additional money over and MRS. BARRETT WINS CONVENTION TRIP Mrs. Edgar Barrett was winner of a trip to the Inter-State Convention of the North America Assurance Society in a recent campaign. 'Hie convention opened in Richmond, Va., on Wedneeday and will continue through Saturday. The Inter-State Convention embraces ■ the states of North and South Carolina, Georgia, Virginia and West Virginia. Men’s Class of the Methodist Sunday School attended the fish stew given Friday night by the class. Eddie Carraway. was in charge of the cook ing and was assisted by Dr. E. H. Oakley and Ernest Petteway. The supper was cooked and-served on the church lawn. Edwin Mall was the guest of R. E. Mayo. gpjmt 'In Mr. and Mr*. H. 1* Wat*m children, Bade, Baa and Wilson, went Sunday with here. They were the sapper of Mr. and Mrs. R. V. Fiaer, ( .night. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Lee Quinn and •son. Lee, of Wilson, visited relatives here Sunday. Mrs. j. C. Corbett and daughter, Pat, are visiting relatives in South Dr. and Mrs. S. H, Aycock, Jr., will spend the week end and Monday With Mrs. Aycock’* brother, Dan Aycock, and Mink. Aycock in Charlotte. Misses Mary McKensie and' Bee Wright of Richmond, Va., were the week end guests of Dr. and Mrs. A. W. Smith, Jr. Mrs. Marvin Speight and infant daughter, Vivian Marie, returned to their home Monday from' Partott Hos pital in Kinston. Mrs. Bob Joyner of Wilson visited her son, Mark Wesley Joyner, and family, Sunday afternoon. Miss Mary Ellen Kittrell, who has been employed as dietitian at the Ochsner Clinic of the Foundation Hospital at New Orleans, La., ar rives Sunday, for a vacation at her home here. Miss Ruthe Tyson arrives today for tile sunyner vacation. Miss Ty son, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Tyson, was a student at Meredith College, Raleigh, during the past school year. She will be accompan ied home by her mother and Mrs. C. H. Flanagan, who have been in Raleigh today. Mr. and Mrs. Allen M. Harris and son, Al, spent the week end in Raleigh with Mrs. Harris’ mother, Mrs .Layne Bail, and Miss Jane Dail. Warrant Officer George Dail, brother of Mrs. Harris, recently arrived in Raleigh from shore duty on the west coast. After a visit with his mother he will be assigned to duty at Jacksonville, Fla. Mr. and Mrs. Harris were ac companied home from Raleigh by Mrs. Louise Harris, mother of Mr. Harris, who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. Walter Hartman, in Raleigh. James Bennett, Marvin Horton and Bruce Neal Tugwell, who have been training with the National Guard at Fort Jackson, S, C., spent the week end at their homes here. Mrs. Ben nett accompanied her husband to Rockingham on the return trip. She is visiting her aunt, Mrs. Mary S. Perry, there and will return to Farm; ville this week with Mr. Bennett who completes his training schedule at the South Carolina camp. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Drake and children, Nancy and Al,' spent the week end in Hertford with relatives. Mrs. G. R. Smith is—visiting her sister, Mrs. B. F. Wagner, in Sparta. Mr. and Mrs. Darius White, Jr., and daughter, Becky, spent the week end visiting Mr. White’s sisters, Mrs. S. G. Etheridge and Miss Nellie White, in Elizabeth City. Mrs. Darius White, Jr., and daugh ter, Becky, are visiting Mrs. Thomas’ brother, J. E. Thomas, and family in Raleigh. Mrs. G. E. Bowdoin of Elkhart, Ind., visited her mother, Mrs. & E. Ewell, and brother, P. E. Ewell, and Mrs. Ewell, last week. Mrs. Dunbar Lamar is visiting her sister, Mrs. L. A. Everette, and fam ily in Monroe. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Barrett, Jr., and daughter; Julia Brent of Hender son, spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Barrett, Sr. Miss Sybil Barrett, teacher in the Dunn Schools, will return to her home here for the summer vacation, Wed nesday, Miss Barrett is on d house party at Atlantic Beach with girls of the Dunn High School basketball team which she coaches. The party left for the beach following (he gradua tion exercises at the Dunn School this week. 1 ' 'Horace Allen of Kinston visited .relatives here Sunday. Sgt Jack Turaage returned to Kessler Air Force Base; Miss., on Monday, after a visit with his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Turaage, Sr. ? Mrs. L. W. Allen returned to her . ave re Ur. and Mrs. N. !>., Ocean View, Va. Mre. G. Alex Rousei, Murray and house Neel, spent Saturday in were accompanied home by B. Wright, had been visiting Mrs. John B. Jack, spent visiting friends Mr. and Mrs. W. A. turned from a 2-week visit with rela tives in Louisville and Horse Caw* Ky. Rev. W. F, Elliott of Petersburg, Va., was the week end guest of Mr. and Mrs. R E. Mayo. Lillian Turnage Lupton of Nash ville, Tenn,, is visiting her grand mother, lira. B. O. Turnage. Warren Lupton, father of Lillian, spent the wefck end here with Mrs. Turnage. W. M. Willis, Jr., "of Charlotte visited with his mother, Mrs. W. M. Willis, Sr., Sunday. William M. Willis, III, who has been staying with his grand*other during the school months returned to his home in Charlotte with his father. Mr. Willi# was accompanied to Farmville by Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Fusquay and son, Jones, of Charlotte, who visited with the M. V. Jones family. Mr. Puquay returned to Charlotte with Mr. Willis. Mrs. Jones and son re mained for a longer visit. Matthew Dail returned to his home Saturday from Dukfe Hospital where he has been a patient under observa tion and treatment Mrs. Riohard Welsh of Baltimore, M«L, arrived Friday of hut week for a visit with her mother, Mrs. S. G. Gardner. She will return this week end with Mr. Welsh, who arrived Fri day for a week end visit Bonnie Kay Allen, son of Mr. and Mrs. Bonnie Allen, returned to his home Tuesday after undergoing an appendectomy at Carolina General Hospital in Wilson, Thursday of last week. Miss Faye Corbett of Kinston visjted her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R L. Corbett Tuesday night Mrs. Edgar Barrett and daughter, Brenda, ivere Rocky Mount visitors Monday. Many New Homes Under Construction Many new homes are being con structed in Farmville. Daring the past winter three new developments for homes were opened up, Langdale Incorporated, Dhvte Circle and the development on the Fountain High way on the outskirts of town. Ready for occupancy soon will be the homes of Mr. aiui Mrs. Frank K. Allen and Mr. and Mrs. Mack Abram in the Davis development on the Greenville Highways. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Pope, Jr., and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Yelverton recently began gynstirUcfion of homes in the Davis Circle. Mr. and Mrs. Rex Hodges and Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Turn age are building on the Fountain Highway. Mi\ and Mrs. N. Cannon are owners of a home being erected cm the comer of Church and Waveriy Streets. The laying of a foundation was planned this week for the home bf Mr. and Mrs. R. V. Fiser , on the comer of Grimmershurg and Pitt Streets. Homes of Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Mayo on the Fountain Highway and Mr. and Mrs. J. I. Morgan, Jr., on South Main ■Street will be ready for 'occupancy this summer. Mrs. Dearie Mayo -Tripp recently occupied he? new home on Waveriy Street. Mra. Tripp, mother of Mrs. J. B. Briley, was formerly a resident of Greenville. Dr. and Mrs. M. J. Gregg have added extensively to their home on Fountain Highway.. .. little-used path near Beaver Dam lake. A blood-stained raxor blade found on the seat beaide him indi cated that he had inflicted the wounds, on his right arm, with the blade , - The services were conducted by Bev. Z. B. T. Cox, Christian minister. Interment followed in Hollywood cemetery, Mr. Wooten was a member of the Farmville Christian Church, the Bed Men, and Woodmen of the World. For a number of yews he had been farm supervisor for Dr. Jones. _ _ He was the son of Mrs. Elisabeth Evans Wooten of Farmville and the late Owen Wooten. In 1916 he was married to Mamie Williford who died in 1927. In 1980 he married Bettie Lovic who died in 1960. In 1951 he married Elisabeth Whitehead of Wil son, who survives. Surviving besides his mother and wife are three children by his first marriage: Mrs. Glenn 'Analey, Farm ville, lbs. W. H. Crocker, Chimp Le jeune; Staff Sgt. W. W. Wooten, Fine Castle, Fla.; four sisters, Mis. Harold Melton, Mrs/W. B. Gardner, Mrs. Bob Norman, all of Farmville, and Mrs. Van W. Little of Monroe; four bro thers, W. (a Wooten, J. A. Wooten, Abe Wooten, all of Farmville, and Sam Wooten of Chicago, III., and eight grandchildren. • m Rotary On Top - In Little League LITTLE LEAGUE STANDINGS V L Pet 7 2 .778 6 S .667 ‘4 6 .444 1 8 .111 The Litle League has completed one-half of its regular schedule. The standings above include Tuesday's games. Next week’s schedule: Monday—Jaycees vs. Yets Tuesday—Kiwarns vs, Rotary Wednesday—Kiwanis. vs. Jaycees Thursday—Rotary vs. Vets The players and their dads enjoyed a weiner roast-Wednesday night at the Boy Scout Hut Kiwanis TWO LOCAL BOY SCOUTS TO ATTEND NATIONAL CAMP IN NEW MEXICO Bert 'Warren and Mack Holmes' of Troop 26 of the Boy Scouts leave to day to attend the National Boy Scout Camp at Philmont Scout Ranch near Cimarron, New Mexico. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Nadi Warren will accompany them. Mr. Warren will attend the scouter’s training course classes while there. The party will 'return the latter part of June. • ,: Director Installs Jaycee Officers Mike Harper of Sanford, national director of the Junior Chamber ot Commerce, installed new officers of the load club 'Wednesday night , and made a speech that was interesting and well received. Emerson Smith is the new. president, succeeding J. T. Walston. . Three visitors were present for Wednesday's meeting: Sheby Roe buck, Calvin Herndon and H. .B, ... . The sudden shift to the left, by ruHnnti Democratic party leaden in cluding President Harry Truman, bodes no good for party harmony at the Chicago convention. In the first election of officers for the convention the national Demo group pot its regular slate through without trou ble—Gov. Paul»A. Dover, of Massa chusetts, was named keynoter, loyal party man Sen Rayburn waa named permanent convention chairman, and Fair Dealer John W. McCormack was named to head the preliminary pint form drafting dommittee. - : Conservative Southerners, who ere demanding that the party platform tone down its civil rights plank this year, and reinsert a strong states' fights plank, can find little comfort in this selection of officers. And to pour more salt into Conservative wounds, President Truman is report edly backing Senator'Hubert Hum phrey, of Minnesota ns a major speaker at the convention, also in sisting on a strung civil right and Fair Deal stand by the Democrats. This certainly lodes like the brew ing of another convention storm for, whereas the Truman bloc ts pressing for more Fair Deal declarations, a bloc which has been led up to now by Governor James Byrnes, of South Carolina, is pressing, just as insist' ently, for less Fair Deal philosophy in several fields. And Byrnes has threatened to withhold support of tile Democratic ticket if his In a Miaaisaippi Speech recently lie even suggested a third independent party might again be needed this 4 (Continued on Back Page) JIMMY DARDEN SETS Iff ’ £ ^ HOLE-IN-ONE record After IS yean of playing golf, Jimmy Darden made his first hole in-one shot, recently. Flaying in a threesome Friday, with Bo Rahil and Arthur Joyner, Jr., he scored his second ace within several weeks. The first hole-in-one was made in four some play on the 9th hole of the local greens. The aeoond shot was accom plished on the 14th hole of the course, par-8, distance 18S yards with a num ber 9* iron. Ballots To Be Used Tomorrow SAMPLE BALLOT FOR. COUNTY OFFICERS 1. To vote for a candidate on the ballot make a cross (X) mark in the square at the left of his name. 2. If you tear'or deface or wrongly mark this ballot, return it to the -registrar and get another. FOR REGISTER OF DEEDS (Vote for One) □ BLAIR COX WHELESS □ CARSON R. JONES Q CHARLES O’H. LITTLE □ LARRY L. AVERETTE FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER / District No. 5 (Vote for One) □ M. BROWN HODGES □ R. GUY JACKSON SAMPLE BALLOT OFFII1AL DEMOCRATIC PRIMARY BALLOT FOR STATE OFFICERS L To vote for a candidate on the ballot make a cross (X) mark in the square at the left of his name. - 2. If you tear or deface or wrongly mark this ballot, return it to the registrar and get another. FOR GOVERNOR (Tatar ferOM).*,. LIEUTEN. u,i 1^,4''ty»i i< -SAMPLE BALLOT OFFICIAL REPUBLICAN PRIMARY BALLOT 1. To vote for a candidate on the ballot make a ber of the county Board of Commis sioners- Mr. Bodges, the incumbent* has served on the board for 10 years. Two years ago, Mr. Jackson was un successful in his attempt to defeat Mr. Hodges but defeated him in the district, which fact is being used by Mr. Jackson in his attempt to per suade voters in the remaining sec tions of the county to cast a ballot in his favor. Both the contestants have been working hard. In some sections, a heavy vote will be cast ThiswiU be in precincts which have “favorite” candidates. For instance, Farmviile will probably turn out in large numbers to support the candidacy of Mrs. Blair Cox Wheles, who is seeking election ss Register of Deeds, a post she now holds by appointment The governor’s race—between Hu bert Olive and William B. Umstead has been the topic of debate in politi cal circles. In this section, Mr. Urn stead apparently baa the advantage, ed the late J. M. Broughton in his successful fight against Mr. Umstead several years ago for the Senate are now arrayed in the Umstead camp. It is admitted, however, that Mr. Olive has been gaining strength in this locale in recent days. The palls will be open from 8:80 a.m. to 6:80 p,m. Ormandsville Wins In 12th Inning Ormandsville defeated Farmville, 8-7, Wednesday night iff a 12-inning game in the local park Heath start ed on the mound for Farmville and was relieved by Benton. V. Jones started for Ormandsville and was re lieved by Garland little. In games last week end, Farmville split the series with Greenville. Box scores of these games follow: Farmville 12—Greenville S Farmville..; AB B H Gay, as-1_6 3 3 Webb, Zb_6 2 3 Tugwell, cf___ 4 1 0