VOLUME FOOTY-THBEB ■"■•' -«' ■ .. ’>■.■' • 'i^-rr-.: •. "'." :r:: collided at the intersection of Church and George streets late Wednesday afternoon, without injuries to the passengers but wivh damages to the tune of several hundred dollar** to both the vehicles. A new Chevrolet sedan, driven by Walter JL Pippin of Farroville, with Joseph Pippin, brother of the driver as a passenger* was going west on Church street, at the same time a new Ford seda i, driven by Tfaeron V. Smith of Greenville. & C., and owned by Ben T. Wood j£ Alabama, a pas senger, was proceeding southward on George street. Damages to the Pip pin Chevrolet were estimated at $400, while the Ford emerged in somewhat better condition, with its damages es timated at *1504200. . The two young men in the Ford are Marines, stationed at Cherry Print. They sustained only minor bruises and injuries, and were returned to the Marine base Wednesday night. Manager-Gilbert Whitley of the Pitt and Greene Electric Membership Corporation stated that plana for the office and headquarters building the cooperative expects to build here have been prepared by architects and are on the way. Specifications were drawn by the Southern En gineering Company of Atlanta, G&, consultants for the Pitt and Greene organization. The firm has construct ed about 60 EEA offices in the south ern states it nerves. The office hqre will be located near the home of the Major Benjamin May chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution, on property purchased from Miss abitha M. DeViscontL CHRISTIAN MINISTER HOLDS REVIVAL AT NEWTON'S GROVE Rev. Z. B. T. Cox, pastor of the Farmville Christian church conducted a series of special services last week _ at the Newton Grove church. ' Rev. Cox has held revivals in the Newton Grove community on previous occasions. He is much in demand as an evangelist-end accecpts as many invitations during the summer and fall months as his schedule will allow. SUNDAY SCHOOL CONVENTION TO BE AT BETHANY CHURCH The Sunday School Convention of the 2nd Union of the Central Confer-. ence of the original Free Will Baptist Church will meet at the Bethany Free Will Baptist Church, Sunday. The Bethany Church is located in the Ayden, Wintervilie section. The convention will open with Sun day School at the focal church. The convention program begins at the II o’clock worship hour. All are invited to attend. ’ ELI JOYNER FINDS STRONG TAFT SENTIMENT IN CHICAGO Eli Joyner, Jr., who spent last week in Chicago at the furniture show, re ports first sentiment in tire Windy City is overwhelmingly in favor of Senator Robert A, TUft as the Re publican nominee for president. Joy ner reports that fire city fairly ooses with confidence that Taft will be the standard bearer. Chicago is the heart of the Thft stronghold, which fact may have an important hearing on the outcome of the balloting which begins when the GOP holds its con vention, starting July 7. Mrs. T, Eli Joyner, Sr., accompanied her son on the trip and attended fire furniture show. MRSt RATTHKIilR TO JAIN , J.TA.aW-7* ■* . •"**1 / m HUSBAND IN CALIFORNIA Dr. R1 L. Holt, director of Religions Education at East Carolina College, will speak at the BaptwtChurch Soft day at 11 -o'clock. Rev. and Mre. Holmes are attend' ing Sunday School Week at Ridge crest. Doe to the absence of the peer! tor, there will be no evening worship service Sunday night. Rev. Holmes will be in his pulpit, July 6.J . Mr, and Mrs. Darios White, Jr;, re cently attended the Toy- Show and the showing of Christmas merchan dise of the Western Auto Associate Stores. The showing was held at the King Cotton hotel in Greensboro. Mr. White is owner of the local store. 1 GRIMES LEWIS ATTENDS JAYCEES CONVENTION Grimes Lewis, a delegate from the Farraviile Junior Chamber of Com merce, is attending the National Jaycee Convention this week. The convention is being held in the Sham rock Hotel in Dallas, Texas. MR. AND MBS* HAROLD ROUSE MOVE TO CHURCH STREET Mr. and lira. Harold Rouse and small son, Brad, moved Thursday to a residence on Church street The Rouses will reside in the home for merly occupied by the late F. M. Daughety. Mis. Daughety is mak ing her home in Wallace. Opening Dates Marketing and warehouse irffic ials will meet in Raleigh this week end and set opening dates for the 195* flue-cured tobacco belts. If the group follows the pattern of the past three years, the Ea-tern Belt will open the third week in A">"fc " '' .. ■ Jay Flanagan, son of Mr. an4 Mrs. Arch Flanagan, and a student at Keser^ tSkSMfeShig Coms at Camp Brookley, Mobile, Ala. Flana gan 4| a member of the ROTC at Roland Wooten with the Army in Korea and on front line duty, was re cently promoted to ♦*»» rank Of Cor poral from Private First Class. Woot en is the soh of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Wooten. Charles Allen, son cf Mr. and Mrs. Melton Allen and Randolph Allen, son of Mr. and Mrs. Bonnie Allen, volun teered for military service in the United States Navy, Tuesday of last week. They were assigned to the U. S. Naval Training Center at San Diego,' Calif., and their addressee are as follows: Company 62 - 0496, U, S. Naval Training Center, San Diego, Albert Cannon, son of tfr..and Mrs. K. Cannon, volunteered for service in the navy a month ago and isals6 sta tioned at the San Diego Training Cen ter. His address is aa folium: S. B. Albert B. Cannon, 884-61-96, Company 52-0424, U. S. Naval Training Center, San Diego 33, Calif. Pfc. Bobby Brock recently wgp transferred to Camp Pendleton, Calif., He is installing telephones at the camp. Mrs. Brock is with him. Their new addres is: Pfc and Mn. Bobby Brock, 1865 Crestline, Bt 2, Encini tas, Calif, , Sfc. John V. Johnston, son tof Mrs. Pearl Johnston, was recently trans ferred in Japan. His new address is: Sfc. John V. Johnston, 84176856, E. A. Sv. Battery, 99Hf F. A. Bn., AP.O. 201, San Francisco, Calif. -JV ' ■ MB ■! I' • *• «' V f Jl ■nn fw : 1 i % '■£ Telephone Spending $160,000 On Improvements and Building Dial telephone equipment is Being jn Farmville’s seer central office building on West Wilson Street and plans axe being made to place the new telephone system in sendee Telephone company employees are bow working on the new telephone di rectory- Borne Farmville business subscribers have been contacted for representation in the new directory and others will be contacted later.' Spivey urged that Farmville business firms derange for complete directory coverage wfcsa they are contacted by mniyfr ■£;. Veteran* clinched a tie for the title Wednesday afternoon by the Rotary dob, 28-11. Hie Botar i*a* have enjoyed a held on lint place since pity begmi^ nino woeks ago, only to have their lead erased in the final week. % The box score of the game which necessitated the play-off follows: ~ ''Veterans A. Corbett, 8b C, Dunn, ef — ^ Dunn, 2b _ L. Dilda, lb - H. Corbett, c _ D. Braxton, p £ J. Nichols, If . M. King, ss — K. Allen, rf __ AB _ 6 _ 6 -6 M. Joyner, 8b K,Joyner, aa - 6 — 8 __ 6 „ 4 _ 8 2 - l — 8 K 1 2 6 2 4 2 8 4 0 1 8 H " 1 2 '4, 4 2 8 s 2 8 1 8 Totals -- Rotary EL Wainwright, cf G.. - B. Allen, lb 8 4 8 &5S31 W. Jones, c B. Moore, 8b J. Flake, rf 4 4 8 2 E. Thomas,’2b 1 2 4 2 0 8 0 1 1 0 1 2 2 Y 2 0 0 0 totals . 48 28 24 6 AB R B E 27 11 8 4 MaHboro Church Has 193 On Bible School Boll Stinher was hostess t» Free Will Baptist . at her home, Wed Mra Lloyd Allen, Mr. IW brother, Brace family in Traton mcnl Major and Mrs. S. Vj daughter* will spend Si Monday with Dr. .and : Smith. The Vaughn, a from California to Waabin Mr*. Mad Hardy hai from a haying trip in New Mrs. Hardy is roanascer of Ladies’ Shop in Wilson. «/r* nittif vr, iff npv James Wright, Jr, and Mils Minsk of Raleigh were dinner gueeta of Mr. and Mrs. John B. Wright, Jr., Sun day. James remained for a visit with Jack Wright. Mrs. G. Abac Bouse and Mrs, Frank M. Davis, Jr., wen Wilson visitors, Monday. Mrs. Jack Lewis, Mrs. Ellen Car roll and Mrs. John B. Wright, Jr, were Bosky Mount visitors, Monday. Miss Grace Gawtibrop of Jackson ville visited Miss Ellen Norris Spen cer this week. £ Mrs. S. G. Gardner is spending the Week end with her daujghter, Mrs. George Wilkerson in Greenville. Mrs. Sidney Etheridge and Mbs Annette White of Elisabeth City spent several days this week with Mr. and Mrs. Dazing White, Jr, and daughter, Rebecca. V;"'''§ ' |§ . Rev. and Mrs. M. Y. Self <& Little ton spent Sunday and Monday with Rev. and Mrs. B. L. Davis. They were Ihe dthner guests of Mrs. W. M. Willis, Monday. Mrs. Clu^es Drake and doubters, Charlotte and Janies, left Sunday for their home in Carthage, Tenn., after spending two weeks with Mr. and Mrs. AUen Drake and children. Mn. R. F. Watsb&%f Tuskegee, Ala., leaves today for tier 1 a visit of several Tce'iks with ] tear, Mrs. J, B. Joyner and : Mrs. Blanche Paackall leav day for a week's vacation at Crescent Beach, S. C. , C. P. Wainiight is confined to his home on aownmt of illness, : — . : Mr. and Ifn. Joe Latham and son, Al, spent Thursday and Friday of last week with Mrs. * Latham’s Mrs. a A. Tyson. , Mrs. Allen Drake entered Hospital, Durham, Wednesday, treatment. . : •• Mr. and Mm. Neal Owens spent Thursday through Monday with Mr. and .Mm* L J. Williford: and rela tives in Fountain, T *■], Brad Overmahof Washington, D. G, is visiting his cousin, Jack Rollins. Mrs. J. Frank Harper spent last we|k. with her sisters, Mrs. Ralph Emery and Mm. Monk Aiken in Dur ham, Mr. and Mrs. Jennis Harper Tinted them Sunday and aceompanied Mm. Harper-home Sunday night. Miss Willa Harper, a student this summer at East Garglipn College, rots* the week end at her home here. Miss Connie Rollins spent the week end in Llnndnton, Ihe guest of Mr. and Mm. H. M. Crai*, St. Mr. and Mrs. Jd&n B. Lewis son, Jack, spentseveralday* week at Atlantic. Beach. v.^f "|| Mff* J/t R HP w» qattynteipt Videau and Jan$, and sister, Mm. R. F. Watson of fuskegae, Ala., spent Friday at Atlantic jleach, the guests of Mrs. J. A. Mewborne at her cot tags. Miss Bettie Joyner accom panied them to Morehead City ' and spent the day with Mrs. Lucy Joyner. Mrs. J. A. Greene eand Mss. J. A. Mewborne spent several days last week at Mrs. Mewborne’s cottage at Atlantic Beach. Clark Nolen returned to his home Monday after a visit with his grand mother, Mrs. Emma Parker, in Baleigh. Mrs. Parker aecompiBted him and will yialt Imp daughter, Mie. 3. T. Nolen and family. ■: "J Ijlrs, Leon Little and son*,' Tommy and Charles, were Atlantic Beech visitors, Sunday. Mrs. D. B. Morgan, Mrs. Madeline Bountiee and My. and Mrs. B. G. Baffin spent several days last week at Atlantic / f * Miss Aonia Lse Jones, .spent the week end at Atlsatic Beach. Mr. and Mrs. Walter B. Jones spent several days with Mr. and Mrs. A Y. Monk at Atlantic Beach last week, . Mr. and Mrs. George Hinton and daughters of Kealy spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Arch Flanagan. Mr. and Mis. L. E. Turnage and Mias Nell Taylor Beaman spent Sim day in Sunbury with Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Hill and daughter, Mary Turnage. KnJ. D. HiU anddaughter, Mary Turnage arrived Wednesday and will visit with Mn Hill’s patents; Mr. and Mia, Lester Turnage through the week end of July 4. Mr. aad Mza. Julian ftiiiifc ««i ion, Richard, IjgCt Monday after a visit with Mr. Shiifb’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Smith, to visit with Mrs. Paul Parker in Erwin, mother of Mrs. Smith; They leave Braid Friday for Brant Lake Camp is the Adirondack Mountains in upper New York State where Mr. Smith will assume his eifchth summer as camp athletic di rector and area supervisor. Mr. and Mrs. Edison Moore and son, Ben, spent Sunday visiting in •HmV * As DU71C6 spent tu6 week end at Atlantic Beach. Mias Elisabeth May arrived Tues day from Barium Springs to spend a month’s vacation with her parents, Mr. Mrs, Edward May. Mn. J. E. Hart of Kinson, is visit ing Mrs. J. F. Hart and Herbert Hart Mn James T. Lewis sad Mn Kay Nelson of Washington, D. C., spent Monday and Tuesday with Mr. and Mn Jack Lewis, Mrs. Ellen Canpll pi? Herty l* Water Sate price was ia the neighborhood of $mho. Tfck&g over the Hardy line means that 800 hew names win be added to the 2600'-odd rural families now serv ed by Pitt and Greene. Mr. Whitley says that several im provements have been planned for the entire syBtem. These include re placing present wires with heavjer Exhaust Ball Supply; So Chime Is Called Tew Standings W L 19 8 18 9 17 10 .9 19 FarmviUe . Fine tops _ Greenville - .8 16 .8 n FarmviUe defeated- Pinetopa, 19-5, Wednesday night in a game that was finniiy itiiiri at the <H of «■» and onedialf innings-because the supply of had been j. D. Thome, who had defeated Farm viUe only a week ago with his alow, curved slants^ started for Knetops. Four innings and eight runs later, Jones relieved him, then Stencil and Deal were called to the mound. James Knetops and FarmviUe play again in the local path tonight This week end, FarmviUe and Greenville meet playing here on Saturday night and in Greenville Sunday afternoon.. were in the fifth inning; f CAZ4JBD FORCE SERVICE Mark uemng of Seven springs, who has been serving as manager of the municipal swimiping pool this summer and playing baseball with the local semi-pro team, baa bean called to active duty by the Air Force. • Herring, who graduated from the University of North Carolina earlier this month, was a •member of the Air Force unit at Chapel Hill. He had anticipated receiving orders^ but not uptil the falL f Mayor Waiter Jones states he does not know who the town will employ in Herring’s place. Chester Outland is chairman of the recreation com mittee of the Board of Commiiadon •and Mm. Claud Ail«*» of near wton ware hosts to a family m at their home, Sunday. Juno ill Of Mr. and Mm. Allen's 11 beta of the, J. A. Bauch, Mr. and Mm. William Bauch daughter. Helen, all of Akron, Okto; Mr. and Mm. Ernest Spearman and daughters, Tintfk ami Judy and Mfr« Elizabeth Couch of Deeafur, Ga., Mr. and Mrs. Rnaaell Joyner and aena, Gordon Gray and IBidiaal of Danville, Vs.

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