VOLUME FORTY-THREE V NORTH CAROLINA FRIDAY, NOVEMBER Nil r (•' :< ssa zt=sz W. T. fop* ft Colonel W. T. Joyner of Raleigh, will be guest speaker at the annual Tysoa-May Reunion next Friday at the DULR. Chapter House. Rev. W. D. Horton will conduct the memorial services. Many descendants of the Tyson and Hay families from all parts of North Carolina and other states will assem ble for this annual occasion. Plans have been well 'laid to make' this reunion a grand occasion and to have present the largest attendance ever. Present officers are: Robert T. Dixon of Fayetteville, president; Mil ton May of Winterville, vice-presi dent; Mrs. John B. Wright, Jr, secre tary and treasurer,-and Miss Tabithj M. DeViaconti, geneologist. Committees for this year's meeting axe: Decorating, Mrer Ed Nash War ren, chairman, Mrs. Louise Harris and Mrs. Melton Allen; registration, Mrs. ,H. R. Dixon, chairman and Mrs. Pres ton Murphrey; food, Mrs. Henry Smith,-chairman, Mrs. C. A, Mozingo, Mrs. Ramey Bland and Mrs. Vernon - Mozingo; program, John B. Lewis, i-lutipwm, Mrs. Ellen Lewis Carroll and H. Horton RpOntree; nominating, Mrs. C. R. Townsend, chairman, John Flanagan; music, Mrs. Haywood Smith; receptionist, Mrs. Edgar Bar rett; pages, John D. Dixon, Jr., Bert Barrbw Warren and Bobby Ray Har Spedal music will be rendered by Mm. William May of Winterville and Lawrence Tyson of Greenville, accom panied by Mrs. G. Alex Rouse. Invitations have been mailed to out of-town members. All town members are urged and expected to bring a basket lunch. It is hoped by. the officers that all local members will-be present especi ally in view of the fact that a large out-of-town attendance is expected aact local relatives should be present to complete the ftmily circle. BUI Carr Receives Award From DuPont Bill Carr has received a second award for practical suggestions con cerning production in the DuPont Industries located .near Wilmington, Del. A son of Hr. and Mrs. E C. Carr of Faimville, he has heeh em ployed with QnPoht since his gradu ation from State College five years ago with a degree in chemical engi neering. - The latest award was given for a suggestion made while Bill was a junior supervisor in the Sulfur Colors Area. Since that time, he has been transferred to another plant. According to the company the sug gestion resulted in substantial sav ings in materials. t The process is explained thnsly, "It had been the practice to add a certain amount of a clarifying agent.to each charge of rubber ‘peptizing’ material in Die neutralizer before filtering to the clarifier. Bill observed that in asmuch as the agent ~acted as an ap parent oxidizer tending to reduce the yield of the product, the amount used could be greatly reduced without .any sacrifice in Quality. “He suggested ' then fiiat three chargee be accumulated in the clari fier, a Barrett Color Bating Test be made «wl than only* the indicated necessary amount of the agent jbe added to meet color specifications. In has *lio been an increase in the yield.” NANNIE ■; "pis'*?*'' Day Service wfll be held ThuwUy monitor at »:» at th* Baptiat Church. i,;.-' f Rev. W. D. Morton, a Presbyterian minister of this community , wiU briar the meaaare of the dagr, pastors of other churches taking part. Special music is being planned. Community Chest Drive Still Short Of Goal Latest reports bn the, Community Chest Drive show that 70% percent oflhegoal of f6760 ha# been collect ed. This percentage does not include any contributions from the colorsd citizens of the dty who have been allotted a quota of $1,000. Professor Suggs, to charge of the drive to the colored section states that although he has collected only 26 percent of the total he believes that they will meet the quota. Leaders are optimistic of the re sults of the campaign so far but are aware that more generous giving will still be necessary to order to reach the goal. Business men not contact ed in thq special gifts division will be contacted soon. Attend Area Legion Auxiliary Meeting Members of the Farmvi lie Ameri can Legion Auxiliary attended an Area Meeting in the Wilson Christian Church, Wednesday, They were: Mrs. j. H. Bynum, Mrs. Louise Harris, Mrs. Carlton Carr, Mrs. Bennett Helds, and Mrs. R. L. Mathews. Mrs. Mathews shared honors with other Gold Star Mothers in a special observance in their honor at the meeting. Mrs. Fields gave the local report. Many Students Try Out For Basketball Teams Forty boys and thirty girls were present when basketball practice be gan week before last, at the Farm ville High School. Chutes Tucker, physical education instructor and coaeh, will the boys this year and Sam BteU will oach the girls. Both teams have eocperienced ma terial to draw from, only .three vet erans of the last year's hoys team will not be with them, Paschall Bar rett and David Hobgood, graduates, and Marvin TUgwell, who was lost to the team by transfer, Two ex perienced players of the girls teem, Ila ' Wooten and Phoebe Webb wire also graduated last year. The Pitt Coutny Tournament will be held in the Farmville gymnasium, February 16-18 with the semi-finals and finals being played at the new East Carolina College gymnasium, February 20 and XL L j The Fhrmvils schedule follows: December 2—Grifton there December 9—Winterville __there December 12—So. Edgecombe _ then December 30—Chicod__■ here January 2—Grimesland-- here January 6—Stokes __here January 0—Ayden--—li hare January IS—Bethel —_i— there January Id-vVanceboro __ there January 20—So. Edgecombe_here January 23—Winterville —__ hen January 27—SAyden ——.-there January 30—Bethel---— here February 3-^Belvoir ----here February 6—Robersonville — there ®$p j&ss&zssusi Monday morning. He has returned to Ids borne and is recuperating rapidly. Mias Lorn Carr a way is spending the week in Kinston with her sister Mrs. Howard Ragland, and family. Wesley Cobb has returned to his home near FarmviUe from Woodard Herring Hospital* Wilson, .where he was a patient receiving treatment for injuries sustained in a mteut auto mobile accident. Mr. end Mrs. Marvin Cobb and ■mall son, Walter, of Goldsboro, spent the week end with Mr. Cobb’s par ents, Mr, and Mrs, K, & G°Wi? Miss Agnes Mown of Henderson recently spent the week end with Mrs. S. G. Gardner and Miss Betty Joyner and visited friends while here. Mrs. John Wainwright spent the week end with her daughter, Mrs. Haul Allen, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Speight, Mr. and Mrs. Brantley SjMsht and Lewis Speight, of near Wlnterville, visited Mrs. B. T. Norville, Sunday after Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Lee were Lexington visitors Tuesday of last weak, when the Oak Ridge Military Basil took part In the Armistice Day Parade them. Mr. and Mrs. Murray Edwards and daughter, Marie, spent the week end in Old Sparta with relatives. Mrs, Frank Bswwm, Jr, and daugh ter. Joyce, spent several days Inst week with relatives here, Mrs. Knott Proctor; of Greenville, spent Sunday afternoon with her a broken wrist sustained in a fall in bar home; Her injuries am improv ing. Mrs. D. C. Carson, Sr., andMr. and Mrs. D. C. Carson, Jr, and Donnie, of Bethel worn the guests of Mr. and Mn. Sidney Carr, Sunday. Dr. P. E. Jones visited Mr. and Mra. J. P. Harris tod Mias Olive Jones In Bethel, Sunday. Mrs. Orrie Frauds, of Sehrin, Fla, is visiting her ndees and nephew, Mrs. C. E. Case, Mrs. Hattie Ran dolph and W. E. Smith. My. Smith, MnJ^Mn. B«dolph andMn. Mra Ed Davenport returned Mon day from a visit with her parents, Mr. and Mn. R. L. Manning in Plymouth. Miss Joan ,AtkiHson, student at Woman’s College of the University of Mr. and Mrs. Dick Alta moently ■pent a week with Mrs. Jimmy Cleg horn in Ala. Mm. A, F. Hammon, Jr, and daugh ter, Mary Varden, erf New Bern, spent the week end with the Barrow family. Mr. and Mra. J. M. Stansill, JHra. J. E. Warren, Mr. and Mra. Ed Naah Warreiind Bert, visited Mr. and Mt*. C. D. Cross, Jr, at Gates, Sun day. Mr.' and Mra. S. I* Windham, of Aberdeen, spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs, George Wbwftta *l»4 Mm. E. H, Jones, •Latest reports from Mra. R. 3, Coates, who underwent an operation at Duke Hospital, Wednesday, state that her condition is satisfactory. Mrs. Elmer Hinson, of Jacksonville, attended the Amend of Mm. Mollie Murphrey, Monday afternoon, here. Mr, and Mrs. 0. S. Clark, of Green ville "visited Mr. and Mrs. Melton Alta, Sunday. . Mrs. A. H. Joyner, of Mo^ehead City, is spending foyer# d»yf this week witi) hey sifter, Mrf. J. g. By num, Mrs. Bymn will mmvm? Mrs. Joyner to Morahead, Jstwday for a week end visit there. Mr. and Mm. 0. G. Spell visited Mr. Spell's brother, Grover . Stall* •* the Sampeon County Hoeptal, Clin Bundy Elected Officer Of Disciples Convention Sam D. Bandy was elected first vice-president of the Disciples of Christ Convention, at the animal meeting held in the Hillyer Memorial Christian Church in Baleigh, last week. Dr. Fred West, pastor of the host church, was elected president. Mr. Bandy is a past president of the North Carolina Layman*# League and is superintendent of the Farm ville Christian Church Sunday School. Greene School Needs Discussed A combined meeting of the Greene County United Forces for Education and the Greene County Educational Advisory Organization will meet in the County Gourtraom at Snow Hill on Tuesday, November 26,* at 7:80 pjn. Supt. B. L. Davis will report on the needs of the Greene. County Schools and Rep. A. C. Edwards and Sen. Cari T. Hicks will discuss the prospects and the problems of the North Carolina General Assembly when it meets in January. Masonic Ladies* Night The Farmvllle Masonic Lodge Mr. and His. Dupree Stone and family moved from - a residence, on North George street, last week to a residence on West Lang street. Police man and Mrs. Grover -Bailey and family are now occupying the house that the Stone’s vacated. . Up To Data* Mrs. Louise Harris her tek, were in Wilmington bundey spending the day fit federation • ipppiii. >.ppipps jwwppppi. i Alien, vice^j&irt gf county cqonfii], In olOfllPff hi? ?flQllkli Mite Allan eh&llenved the women to make 1988 just as progressive is IMS. Attendance awards were presented to 86 home demonstration members ranging from, one year to 11 yean: The council president, Mrs, Moye, a member of the Ballards Club, receiv ed a seven year award. Other Ball ard members receiving ayrajds wepe: ton Ellis of the Seven lines Club re ceived an advanced reading certifi cate. Mrs. Lester Turnage was winner at first prise for dried flower brrange ments in the Flower Show that fol lowed luncheon. In the achievement reports of the day Belvoir shared first place honors with Simpson in haying the highest Wollpack Club Hem Coach Case of State The State College Basketball team has prospects of a good season in the conning year according to head coach Everette Case. Case was the princi pal speaker at a meeting of the Pitt County Wolfpack Club here Wednes day night. The meeting was a supper affair held at Bonnies. Ben Lang, program chairman, was in charge of arrenge ments. Also attending was Roy Cfogson,; director of the college athletic aaso elation. • Movies of last year's gsmea were shown in oolor. State College la the only college in the United States able to make pictures of- the night games in color. The pictures are sponsored by Coble Dairies. The firm gives three films to the school for Its use and the others are dis-. tributed throughout the country by the dairy firm. Coach Case told tin college alumni that be has seven freshmen he be lieves will-develops into good players, The lost of Captain Lee Terrell, who has played as much basketball as be can at State, will be felt, but he is looking forward to a good reason. Terrell who is still studyi|g at State is manager of the team and Bob Cooke, who because , of an injury could not play part of last season is assistant freshman coach this year. Mrs. Adams To Make Home In Pearl Harbor Mrs. Frank Adams and children, Clint, Harrietts and Monty, boarded a plane at Washington, D. C, Friday, embarked aboard the naval transport, General BShckenlnidge. for Pearl Harbor. Mrs. Adama was expected to reach Pearl Harbor, Wednesday, to the. moment mviitflr tliat k* «teiu' nM l. suwuvm **/*«« w*v iw wottia wn ne able to give the program. Say. Vereen made a talk that wiU linger long in the minda of all mem ber* He spoke on the subject, “Get ting the Moat /Out of Life," Baying Unit then are three very important arts to be mletited ifone would get the moat out of life: the art of opti mism, the art ©f patience and the art of sacii&*. - The clgb'ia looking forward to hav ing Hey, Yereen next Tuesday night when he wiU apeak on the United Ma tiona, 9Sm U.YJ'. To Meet With Methodist ^outh The Union Youth Fellowship, an interdsnomiifatkmal group of young P®ople of several local churches, will meet with the Methodist Youth Fel lowship, Friday night of next week at 7:30. A special program of recrea tion has been planned. Young Folks Winners LaGrange Horse Slow Farmville’s young folks ever win* non, ate especially gifted in showing and riding bones and ponies, I&tfae LaGrange Hone Show, Sunday after noon, there were two winners of first place* by the, younger set Johnny Dixon up on his horse, Wildfire, placed lint in Hie Musical chair of the pony class and also was 5th in the race. Anne Frances Aden, op on her horse, nude* placed dint in the Pony'Pleasure Ossa and third in the Champioiudiip Class. The third place in the Championship daae made Anne Frahcee the first Farmville rider among the younger Set Xo bring hon^,hoth a ribbon and a cash prize. Other winners were: Jimmy Joyner up on his horse; Bader, 3rd in Pleas ure Pony Class; Alex Allen w> on Radar, 3rd in Walk-Trot Class; TJnfo Mewbera up on her home, Dream Boy, 3rd place id Western Class; May Turnage Eason, up on her horse^ Mid night, 5th in Equitation and 6th in Plnsure Pony Class and Biehaid Joy ner, 5th Equitation and 6th in ano ther class, riding his horse, Lady. ®*» LaGrange show la sponsored annually by the Veterans of Foreign Wars. ' Among the spectators from Stan ride were; Dr. and Mri. J. M. Mew bom Mr. and Mrs. John D. Dixon and daughters, Susu and Vivian Lu, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Byers, Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Eason, 1* W. Allen and Oliver Murphrey. Burry Taylor, who baa done so much to promote horsemanship in Farmville, also attended. At The Kiwanis Club The ladfca (who, take sharp notice of such thingB) agreed that the school lunchroom had never looked more attractive, the Kiwanians agreed that their ladies had never looked so pretty, both groups agreed that Mr. and Mrs. James T. White of Green ville could hot possibly have given a more delightful program, and all agreed that Mrs. Stowers' tasty dishes had never tested better. That,