§ii Tnmnrrnw Mominfif' Ylllfitkifi ScilSOP ^—Opeied By Gala, Spectacular Parade :' ' -iM Merrymaking wiil reign in Fanm ville tomorrow morning, especially in the children’s department Santa Clans will make his annual official visit and to herald his arrival will be a grand aad spectacular Parade, fea turing beautiful floats, high-stepping majorettes, smart bands, ponies, Christmas carols and many other at tractions. - • ' •• V' ... _ Santa will be in a joyial mood and has promised to linger for a long time in .Farmville. His float' will stop in front of the Paramount Theatre, and from it he will give v candies end favors to the young folks. He will also make a list of Christmas orders sad talk to all the children who have personal mes sages for him. The parade will make up at Home avenue by the side of the school and slopg toe street to Monies factory. All persons who will ride on the floats wiil assemble ait Monk’s Ware house and those who will ride bicycles and ponies and walk in toe parade will assemble at toe Agriculture Building at 9:30. The streets are bang dressed in festive attire for the Yule season with greenery, bright lights and at tractive window displays. Prises will be awarded to the busi ness firm with the most attractive window. A cash prise of 35.00 will be given to the following: Boy and girl with, the best deco rated bicycle; boy and girl with toe most attractive ponyoatfits. The parade and Santa’s visit is sponsored annually by the Merchants Association. The parade this year will be one of the longest in the his tory of Farmville parades. The luge, estimated 5,000, attendance last year is expected to be topped this year. The parade will enter Main street at toe Home Economics Cottage and will travel down Mein to Cotton, back to Pine, and down Main again. ~~: FLAVIUS ALLEN DARDEN Flavius Allen Darden, 69, died at bis home an N. Greene street, Wed nesday night at 10:50 following an iliness of approximately three months. He was the son of toe late Barbara Herring and Robert A. Darden of Greene county. Mr. Darden, known to alias “Flave” was an independent tobacconist oh the Florida and Kentucky markets. He had made his home in Farmville for the past 27 years. He was a f^ixlwr of the Farmville Christian £temh for over 15 yean, serving as a deacon on toe church "board at the time of b» death. He was a veteran of World War L Funeral services were held Friday vQle ffrri«fcj*n church conducted by * afternoon at 8 o’clock from toe Farm his .pastor, the Rev. Z. B. T. Cox, as sisted by the Rev. H. L. Davis of Warrenton, former pastor of toe local Methodist church. Interment followed in the Holly wood cemetery. The church choir sang: “Beneath The Cross of Jesus-” Misses Ruth and Jean Moore, Messrs. Charles Bsucom and Letch worth sang “In HU Love Abiding.” Misses Ruth and Jean Moore sang “Beyond The Sunset” most beautifully. At the cemetery (be choir sang “O Love That Will Net Let Me Go." Mrs. Henrietta Williamson, toe church organist, selected “Under HU Wings” by Banker for the prelude, and “An EvWtoig Prayer” by Gabriel, 1st toe recessional^' Pallbearers were: Arch Flanagan, Howard Moye, R. L. Smith, Russell Mizzelle, W. A. Pollard, Jr., and L W. Alien. Surviving are hU wife, Sadie Jto tog Darden, two sons, Robert N. Dar den, Farmville, Bruce B. Darden, Burlington; two sisters, Mrs. Mar garet Weaver, Rofky Mount; Miss Nancy Darden, wfcow Gresn; two brothers, George W. and-William EL ^^ibotoof At School the annuel meeting of the *F. M. Smith Family Reunion was held Mf Thanksgiving Day at the home of Mr. and Mm. Made G. Smith on Beat Fifth street in Greenville. The group was cordially welcomed by Mr. and Mm. Smith. At noon the group was invited-to the Botary Club Building where a delicious turkey dinner and aU the trimmings were - Prior to dm a duet, was rendered by Faye Corbitt Herring and Joyce Corbitt, both of Kinston, accompanied by Mis. H. CL Haney of Greedville. The invocation was given by Dr. H. G. Haney, Brothers and sisters were seated at an appointed table covered with a white cloth, centered with an ar rangement of pyracantha berries in a silver container surrounded with tur key figurines. . I Nieces and nephews and guests www seated at auxiliary tables. Special guests were Dr. Joe Smith, Made Smith and daughter, Tkfllsy Lee, and Mrs. Keturah Allen, all of Greenville, cousins of the Smiths; Dr. H. G. Haney and Mrs. Haney of Greenville, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Lane and chOdnsn of Gardner's J. M.^ Smith, president of the re union gave a few facts about the family tree and brought a wonderful message using as his title, “The Lord hath done gnat things for us, of we an glad.” Scripture reference was taken from pntm 126. Mr. Smith began his message with the statement, “We should be thank ful for a long life and consider health as a sacred possession and as afreet gift from God. To be granted mom years to live and enjoy die thrill of living is a very wonderful privilege.’ Mr, Smith pointed out many things that ‘we should ba thankful for and closed Ms remarks by saying, “Our bodies an temples of God. The latch is on the inside of our hearts and when we Shall have passed and gone into the Gnat Beyond it is my prayer that our souls may begin a “Thanks giving through thanksUving for the remainder of our Bum,” Dr. H. G. Haney, pastor of the Christian Church of Greenville, in troduced by Made G. Smith, gave an inspiring message stressing the many advantages of a big family. He stressed the observation that God set up His Kingdom with one bags fam ily from all four corners of the earth working and sharing together the many bleaabiga of love aud kindness, today has been shown hi the love and kindness of brothns and sisters. Me stated that many large families an working together and. are accom plishing gnat things for the 'master. Dr. Haney clooed his remarks with prayer, - After the dinner, and visiton had departed, the family held a business session presided over by the presi dent, J. M. Smith-Due to the absence ol the secretary fnd treasurer, Mrs. Mack Abrams, the minutes of the 1961 meeting wen read and fin ancial report made by Mrs. L. & Willoughby. A contingent fond was received at this time to be used to beautify the gravel of deceased mem ben; of the family, or to be used to any ^.wsy finely At ; During the business, the incumbent offlwrs, J. M. Smith, president, Mrs. B. L. Corbett, vke-pnddent, wSL Mn. Mack Abnema, seentary aud treasurer, were- reelected to serve mother year. The group drew - ’ J 1 ,nrlKI.|Il||M W Ilia. Emily Tatam of Norfolk, Va, Mrs. Ethel Ferry of Wilson, to the 1968 meeting at the home of: Perry in Wilson, A perfect day was and many thanks gracious host and hostess, mb* did so much to nudes the oeession a memor able one.' All the brothers and sisfon present. except lied Smith, of ville, and Mrs.. Hilda Duke of SCHOOL LUNCH MHNU Monday -^macaroni and cjweae, * .IF ■ , - .*• “ ■ .-' '5. tWJ ' fc Tuesday—soup, eradrtui , sand wiches, Ungqrineg and milk, Sffsfc halted hsnv peas, Wscaita, f Friday"- ftSU P«A «<n»wut, •tew, bread* doughnut* and milk. BsPi ■sapjM|jHPP8BBBroB nurse at Park View Hospital, spent Thursday of last week with her par Miss Joan Johnson wag week end guest of Mr. and Mrs. W, Jpsfje m* Mrs. Ed Davenport spent Thanks giving Day with her parents, Mir. and Mrs. & & Miffing m Hrwouth. Junius Berger, Suit# University gtg ient, was the guest of Mr. gayen port, Friday and Saturday and ac companied him to Plymouth Satur day night for a visit on Sunday with his uncle and aunt, Mr, and Mrs. Manning. Hr. and Mrs, ». L. Watson and children, Reide, Bay and l4sty, of Wilson, spent Thanksgiving Bay with Mr. and Mrs. J. Y. Monk. Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Eason, Jr., and son, Robert, spent Sunday with Mrs. Eason’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. R, White in WUiiamaton. Son, David, who had been visiting his grand* parents, returned home with his parents. - Mrs. J. M. Mewbom and children, Faye, Linda and Johnny, spent Thanksgiving Day with Mrs. Mew born’s mother, Mrs. A. B. McNeill, in Faison. Miss Julia Satterthwaite, student at CamgbeU’s College, Buie’s Creek, spent Thanksgiving Day and the week and with her permits, Mr, and Mrs. P. W. Pet$ertfcwaite. Donald Baucam, student at David son College, spent the Thanksgiving holidays with Ms parents, Mr, and Mrs. P- F, Baucom. Miss 8We May* student at Flora Macdonald QaIUiwi Bed Springa*' *pent the Thanksgiving holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edward been on an la in Falatka da, met the Hr- ami jibs. Kenneth fro—, of Roberson yille, iristted Mrs. Bom' sifter, Mrs. Joney fayfc? «wd Mr. Taylor, Sunday. ‘ Mr. but Mm, A, C. Turn*— anf# Thajfo&Ytng hA the week end with their daughter, Mrs. Clyde Waller end family in Cleveland. Mrs. L. E. Ritchie, another daughter of the Turnage’a and her family were also iruests of the Wallers. Mr. sad Mrg. A. 0. Turpagt, >f Rocky Mount spent Thanksgiving md thfi week end at the home pf Mr. rumage's parents near here. j|r. Mr. and Mrs. Saber* frier— and shildreB, Anna and Boh, own* Thwk* Sfadflfr 08fr With M». Pierce's notber, Mm. G. W. Jefferson in Fountain. . . , ^ Mr. and Mrs. Horace Allen usd wn, Donnie, of Jacksonville, spent thanksgiving Day with Mr. Allen’s »rother, Howard Allen and Dually, md visited other relatives harp.* Mr* and Mrs. J. C. Corbett and laughter, Pat, spent Wednesday and fhursday of last week with lbs. 3orbett’« parents, M"r. and Mrs. J. Q, Stheridge in South Mills, Mrs; G. H. Pittman of Falkland, vas the guest of Mrs. Ethel Thom on, Thanksgiving Day. Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Tumage and on, Sgt. Jack Tumage visited Mr. ind Mrs. J. D. HOI in Sunbury, Sun lay. - Mr. and lbs. J. Denner Shackle tod of Atlanta, Ga., who have been dsiting lbs* Shackleford’s mother, fra. Frank Dupree, Sr., returned to Atlanta, Sunday aftemon by plane. ' Mr. bid Mrs. G. P. Bergeron, eon ‘at, rad Miss Ann Pollard were in Weigh, Monday; to see the Christ nas parade, Mb. and Mrs. Joseph Peek and son. foeya of High Point, Mr. and Mrs. Mward Mozingo and children of •now Hill, spent Thanksgiving Day nth Mr. and Mrs. C. H. MosJngo. Mrs. W. C. Hathaway and Mrs. I V. Horton were Wilson visitors, fonday. Mrs. Jack Yelverton returned f—m *itt Memorial Hospital, Monday, fra. Yelverton was taken to the hos pital Wednesday of last week and tnderwent an apendeetomy. Mrs. C. 3. Cato, Mrs. Yelverton’* mother, is nth her at the Yelverton home ih lavis Circle. _ Mrs. Ernest Petteway and sons, !mle and Hayes, spent Thanksgiving >ay and the week end in Lake View, I. C.. with Mre. Petteway’s parents, Ir. vnd Mre. B.T. Hayes. Mr. Bette pay srfaed his family there Saturday ight nod accompanied them home Sunday. While visiting With the lay— family Mrs. Petteway visited e’stives in Florence and Gresham, I. IH Lumberton,:■ ^/" ,'r-;; ;■ Tom Willis of -Newton, spent thanksgiving Day with his mother, fra. W. M. Willis. Robert Sapden Albritton, S-; Id son of Mr. and Jin. Jim AJbr >f Grene county, died in Worn [erring hospital, Monday. The hospitalized on Saturday fa TSttssraJS ieing used in the process of Social €Jwncil, Gaun cflj the International Court of Justice, and the Secretary, and showed the relationship at etch troop with the entire ON picture, In coacloaloh the semhiar member pointed out that PNh«or only rontth&f hope for World Peace; however lie emphasized the tact that all ipterofited partis* m wwking hi dead saroeel to help the organization achieve its objective, 3g ' |r r*** The Hey, Mr. VeTO«n was intro duced by LeBgy Rollins, program chairm*a Im % eveutog* ■; < data 8. Lewis stated that th$ Community Chest Is new in the “heme streW-tnd urged support by those who had nolalreadymade their eeatribatian. '.v Pour members were absent and Jesse. Moye received the i^||jspce 9 Plate Bass will be in charge of the program 'next week, j, \ . T t' % Goodwill Traveler To Speak At Christiiut , Church Sunday Night Mrs. H. M. Johnson of Kinston, who was a member of the United States GoodwiB Tour to Europe, will be guest speaker at the annual Woman’s Day program at the Chris tian Church, Sunday night. ' Mrs. J^maen, Who is also presi dent of the North Carolina Fsdera» tion at Home Demonstration Clubs, Will apeak on 8m subject, "Woman’s Responsibility and Building Christian Citizanahip la The World Today.” The musical program will include special made by Mrs. William l^y. Mrs. C. H. Mozlngo will be hostess to the Rebecca Winborne Chapter of the United Daughters of the Con federacy at her home .Oil afternoon at 8:80. LYDIA, BASON COOKE \ mxv* Lyaia amod ycwMSiy £. Pine street paaaed away Thursday afternoon at 1:10 at Htt Memorial Hospital after a abort Illness. Mr*. Cooke was taken ill Tuesday after noon at bar horn# suddenly. Mrs. Cooke was the wife of the late Will iam IL Cooke, who died about seven months ago at his home on W. Wilson street. She was the daoebtar of the late Sarah Amison and John D. Eason of Edgecombe county. She moved to Farm villa approximately 16 yean age from Stantoneborg. She mm a member of the Howell Swamp Fre* Will Baptist Church for 26 yews. MSSTi ©OOQ poinvo v* reverence <uui WMWU* far the lives and deeds of those fan* before end thus instills self-respect. the memorial service, during which highlights of the medical career end tints Hi! gtrarements Is research sit* tending to&mth American countries, of tf* late Dr. E. Cooper Person, Jr* prominent New York surgeon and native of Pikaville, were give® by Horton Rountree, Farmville attorney. This service was concluded with a -vocal selection, The Lord’s Prayer— Malrtte by Lawrence Tyson of Greenville. __ The following new offledrs ware elected at this time: Milton USay of Wiafn^lle, president; Horton-' Roun tree, 1st vtee president. Got. W. f.

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