; ;V -.PUBIJSHCD tVtBTf THtJKSTAT v." v.-vvr,'Je-- .. x fmr nut. mm : town, s. c. ' FAliort ' and, 'Proprietors. tbk nr scrBsr-MPTiON : Dmi Ysr, !""VTTT! 100 V Xaciatr&teaBlimka Jwja oa kui NEW BERNE ADVERTISEMENTS. ci:.::,:ons a HAimr. Opposite Oastom Boaan, New Borer, N.O. TTjrtX. FBACncXilN-THEiSTATa! AND V I Femoral Court and regularly attend all am .atons of the Conrta in - U IbUowinr ownU : !ti, drtrret, - PmmtK-o. . Joom, Onslow, Lenoir. '-- . - - - " fMar. ao-w-lj. OENEU All MERCHANDISE cast. 12722 AcccJoasAiraal" f i SHALL PROFITS AND QUICK SALES. ;" WnOLKSALJS KKTAll (J ROGERS Comer Ercad and Queen Streets S'" : - ' , .,Mar. 30, 1 jw.'. D. f "EnCHAnt TAILDR. r . .. old i T A N Di V j ' New Berne, N. C. 3 jfar. 30, em i Ci .t i i'-'L ' ' . MllBLE W0 I.X0NUT.1ENT3, TOMBS, i ALL KPS GRAVE lNI BtJiLTl- f; 1sixG work rk . v - -ITILL ,.if.. LAn2LE iers will receive prompt attention and satisfaction guaranteed. JOE K. WILLIS; Proprietor, (fkiocpfiaor to Oeorge W.. Clajpoole) ; , . Cot BSOAD & -CBAVEN. Sts.V".:;: X ; IJ Kew BerneNie juar. vsy, i y r LABaK.T ANI OLtXST - i ';,vINt.T.II ErCIT Y JCet pB always In Stock iu l arge pdiriif noxa clears. fLoU in UGA If , COFFEE. 8YUUP; MOLASSESRALTetc ImSariiaj M ill Sniff, 9 O DRVGObDff, BOOTS. 6c 1 ' Arbucklesi Aribsa Roasted ; CRACS:ERSSAno CAKES iri re at Tariety. - -J. . A larro Stock of f.--i 7V NOTIONS and HOSIEitr -H!esalebn;y large CTpCK and the Lowes't prices. " Don't fail toT see me 'before you buy ' St Vev Send, tf. a Mew J. W. HARPER, H. 8. SI NN, Proprletomi. VOL. V The Match Tax. The tax on matches is one of the moat onerons of the hardens of the Internal Revenue system, in that it is ar article of necessity and falh up on the poor equally with the lich, the tax being about three times the cost of the matches. Kw snch a tax grinds the poor is visible in the fig ures of the leceipts of the Treasury from it, which were mure than $3, 606,000 for the fiscal year 1881. It is a tax against the poor man in another respect. It serves to prohib it him from manufacturing the article, for the tax must be paid by stamps stuck upon every bundle before its sale. j. Such a business cannot be ctr rird OB by anyone who does not com maud anextraordinary amount of cash ! capital in addition to the snm invested in machinery and material, The result is that the tax has driven this branch f manufacture-, into the control of a few monopolists, who are interested to maintain it in order to Hnrivent the competition which would arise.frooi throwing the business open j td ftersons ' who possess little capital. borne cnance m xne xnieruai iveve- nu'e system is a necessity -even if it is agreed tbat.it should not be entirely anoiisueu. -r.,.,,-, JLoyr Can They Get It 1 " The great agitators Jor woman suf frage live in, Massachusetts, Every vjHutef ihej assail i h& Legislature for m:ore ights.T M hey' have seenred far better,' facilities for education, more equitable laws as to property and the guardianship of children. They have suffrage in school matters, and they; want equal suffrage at the ballot box Tbe question remains; will they ever get it and how? V "The majority ;f women in the counti y do uot ; want the - ballot." There is great force in this statement, ami ;il 4b just there the difficulty cctnea in for the female suffrage agi tator. It is an undoubted fact that the majority have not yet atked for the ballot It seems to be taken for granted that when a a;ajoxity of the women do ask, they, will be permitted to vote.' It is uot quite certain that men would yield and give the ballot to women, even when they all ask it; but it is more than likely they would. ; But the fact is, that in providing for mate suffrage, men have not wait ed to be asked. -They have passed laws allowing' foreign-born men to be- -come voters, even tnougn not nan avail .themselves 7f , the privilege. The cen8USf.hows, thntofthe foreign ers permitted by law to become citi zens ; and voters in v Massachusetts, when tb is suffrage question is so fiercely agitated, 70.000 have been naturalized and -i 80,000 have-: not. But the right lasts whether they avail themselves of it or not. ' But women must fight to win the pi ije. J They - must show that they care enough abont it to ask for it. So the. work of the reformers must be directed to educating women up to comprehending the value of a vote; and iir, that very assertion lies .the weakness of -the so called r forru movement. Jf there was any inher ent: tight to and nect6ity for wo man's vole, there would bo no need to talk a- out educating her up to the standaid t f demanding it. Women do not ft el the ned of a vote; nor have lhy a lively tympathy for the a&itators of this subject. The 'Era of Spoils. 5:TbV-i-rtihtry " is pr terous and the nxti'timl "Jtrvasu'ry iHlU'and a Vetutn f iiKrf!'si-al jbWv aiul division :f. 4pouV i i ,; l t'preli ndeL It is r-f-t ; - it u ,i,'et ., 1 n vf j 1 ! :: un I w-t Hav II leu orgnnjzfti it ter vstj.T i iinbsidif and that R.i on. GrhmV f!iu us ( J ) S i-rt'tarj of the -Navy: has the full c cind of the jttak-r'K it.fidence and in ten fis. Wiih a snr j Ins of nearly $2 .n.ti00,. tH) i band the Government is beset oil-! all . ndec., .ltb after job: and !chiie. after hebt-uie is being prt tsed j with' - hungry audacity. The old ring are s I ting up their trans with lhe iiitrtasetl avidity causetl by sever 1 ye. r. of exclusion. .-' Tb- Bhip vauul ucro:s the Isihinus of Tt tiUaiitf -ec abks for fifty tnilliuns ofiduTl-trs and committee; has re ported that it bhonld have it. The claim agents have footed wp over four hundred millions for arrearagesof pen sion alone and have laid the founda tion for a thousand millions more. The friends of all soiU of internal improvements for impossible stream? with improbable surroundings are ci morons fur sixty millions more. Bills for public buildings all over the country, no matter how small the town or how scant the population, crowd the calendar and clamor fori lavish recognition. Robeson asks for ten millions dollars lo begin a na vy. which means the boring of a hole t!i rough which one hundred millions may escape. The Indian supply De partment is to be increased to the sum of seven million. A new Con gressional library is to he built at the cost of four millions. Milions more are aAed for in order that "the river front and flats of the Potomac may De improved; anu so me cry goes " ous i unions i nuuureua uuu luousauuu re never neara or. no joooer ever areams ot laHHHjj u.lucl ,.mi.-M. WE'.le mere is macn gooa aesirad . j to be accomplished in many of these ! appropriations, yet it is easy to see j that an era of spoils is anticipated. ' i Tb,e jobbers are ready; they have in nuenwii uienas in cnargo oi me , uovernmeut lnio oeen called into re-wire-pulling, and only the sturdy qnisition to put down one of these good sense and stern integrity of hon-' evils, the other goes on unchecked in est Congressmen can save the coun- its profligacy and corruption. It is try from a repetition of Credit Mobil-i high time such a blot should be re- ier and like disgraces of the past. The Mississippi. The recent great floods in the: lower Mississippi, which submerged a large portion of the most productive land in those States, and carried untold privation, suffering and death among a Kpulatiou larger than that of some entire States is a matter demanding the attention of the statesmen and law makers of our nation. The frt qnency of disastrons overflows of the Mississippi, and the magnitude of tle resnlt invest the subject with in importance which deserves consid eration by Congress. The main artery of trade and commerce, afford ing a natural outlet for the products of a dozen States, and an inlit for large importations, its improvement is essential, even if considered in a purely material point Jof view. A hundred thousand lives were sacri ficed, an.d five hundred millions of treasure expended in a contest for the control of this mighty stream, which unchecked, is far more pow erful for destruction than contending armies. There is also a higher and broader duty than that of fostering trade, which the United States owes to its citizens. That duty is to protect them by all practical methods from the destructive power of the elements. This duty the general government has recognized by the erection of lighthouses and establishment of bar bors of refuge along the thirteen thousand miles of sea coast, and of signal service stations throughout the country. Scientific safeguards are thus thrown around the lives as well as the property of all. The waters of half a continent fall into the Mississippi, and their perma nent control by a comprehensive sys tem is of vital importance to millions of people. Such a system can be adopted and carried out only by the general government. States may do and have done something towards self protection but a century of ex perience in isolated efforts to secure safety shows nothing but failure. 'J he strong and generous hand of a rich and powerful nation should be put to the work of speedy and absolute pro tection. The work is a grand one and in no sense local. When it shall be completed transports laden with government rations, to supply the starving refuges from fifty thousand square miles of flooded lands, will not again be needed. Mormonism. Utah, the blot on American civili zation, is stretching out its arms and profeelytiug even iu North Carolina. The, doctriue-of polygamy,- which is offensive to good morals, and which is in violation of the laws of the laud, has there been elevated, in the minds jf a large majority of the people, into religious duty. Polygamy the having more than oue wile listed n doubt in the early days of the race. Judging from the records that have. Come down to us, it was the constant cause of alienations and bittercess, and did not conduce to the interests of the family, or to the best developmen tof the people who practiced it. True to a higher instinct, modern civilization condemns it. There is not to-day a country on the globe, win re the people have risen above the level of baibaiian?, in wbich it is tolerated. Yet the people of Utah hold to the custom and practice of polygamy in defiance of morality, of iiiiiversal public sentiment, and of the laws of the land. The case is more perplexing, ht- aine the population tf the Tcnitory nnv large enough to entitle i 10 ihii8Mou as a State. Should itf be admitted bv ('outness, it would be jj'l'it-t-d beyond the reach ol the law against o;ygamj, wntcn is in ti.rce i-hlv in the Territories; for Congress cannot pass a law to abolish polyg amy in a State. In this as well as in some other matters the doctrine of "Slate Rights' occurs, ami the Slate is independent of 1 he. national govern ment. Oj the other hand, the territoiy of Utah U so populous that loiigtr gov janmei.t of tha community tmni Washington is difficult. In spite id all th.it can be done the law agaiuet polygamy is not enforced. The Mor mon inhabitants make disobedience cf it a point of conscience and a reii"- ious obligation. It ought to be clearly undeistood ! that the Government has no ouai i-pl witn mormons as a leliwi US bodv. I r . i i . w ii fiifH nnr tinri rtamtM . . . , . ...;u mons ...1. luinicic ilo any mans religious faith. But pc lygamy is not apart of Mormonism proper, and it could uot be tolerated if it were. There is a sect, of Mor-im.n having a more extensive mem-'tn bership both East and West than j chew cloves for his infirmity." most people suppose, which sets its "I'll do it." face strongly against the immoral and "That's all. Simply ask the ques lllegal practice. tion and pi liand yo(, t,e cash." It a religious sect were to spring j The tramp went his way, and the up and teach that lying, stealing and , citizen took hs station on a street mumenng were not Bins, the liovern- ment would siy, Believe what you 1 please; but if you steal, you must make the acquaintance of the j lilor, and pass a certain season behind iron bais. What the instinct of most men condemns as offensive to good morals, ! ana wliat modern society pronounces to be inconsistent with its safety and goou oruer, must ue prohibited and prevented. The late Mr. Sumner called slavery and polygamy "twip reljcs of barba" : risni." The term wa& justly applied; and wkile the strong arm of the migred from our land. ERNE Independent in NEW BERNE, N. The Lime-Kiln Club - The blowirg of noses in the north west corner of Paradise Hall finally came to an nd, and when Trustee Pullback had flung his whole soul into one grand effort to cough his head off, and failed. Brother Gardner arose and suid: 'My kentrymen, when you meet a man who knows just whar he kin bor roy a dollai who has friends in hoaf political parties who gits invitations to all cnurcii lesuvais wno am gin-1 erally spoken of as a good feller, 3011 j have foun' a man who makes a study j of human natur'. De student of! anatomy carves up a cadaver to dis kiver hi w de bones am put togedder whar' de muscles lie how de vital organs a to nailed on. De good feller studies de livin 'stead of de dead de mind 'stead of the body. De human mind am full o' co'ns. Tread on one of 'em an dar' am a back-aekshun to once. If I should want a five dollab bill airly Monday niornin' I should slip over an' ax' Deakun Jackson for it. His big co'n am de belief dat no one kin be saved onless he am bap tized in de riber, and I have bin keer- ful to walk all aroun' dat co'n. I go ober to his house w id a jug o' cider in one hau' an' baptismal argyments in de odder, an' sometimes he feels bo good dat he'd like to douse me in the rain bar'l. 'If 1 wanted some onion sets I'd go ober to Elder Tiffs. De Elder's co'n am a belief dat ' he was bo'n fur a great preacher. I've walked all ober him a hundred times, but 1 ze neber stubbed my toe agin duo co'n. I've sot down with him an' praised de build of his head, an' de shape of his mouth an' his pose and gestures, and I'ze stuck to de clia'r while he talked an' cavorted fur a straight hour. If I wanted onions he'd fall down cellar to git 'em fur me. 'When you come across a man who imagines dat he am an orator, doan' gibe his booms; it won't hurt anybody to let him keep right on finkin' so, but it will make him your deadly ine my if you try to conwince him dat he was cut out fur a blacksmif. Dar' am people who write stuff an' call it poetry, lze gotanaybur who writ forty-four varsesofsich stuff las' fall, an' read it to me an' axed my candid opinyun. Did I tell her it was bosh? Did I jump frew de winder when she reached de second varse ? Not much I I listened wid de utmos' diligence, an' when she finished de las' line I ad vised her to publish a book o' poems. Denex' week I fell sick, an' dat poet ess was fust on degroun wid chicken broth an' currant jelly, 'When I meet a man who has made up his mind dat our city guv'ment will go to smash if he doan't git office, I iucourage him. I incourage de young to become Washington's I iucourage de ole to hang on till de world has to recognize deir grea;Dess. A word at de right time means de loan of a dollah means thirty off when you want a new white wash brush means a bushel o' lime free gratis means a recommend it you want tojine de purleece fo'ce. Tech my co'ns an I'll want to kick ye. All men am de same. Call 'em co'ns or call 'em hobbies, but he who goes slashing around wid out caiin' whar' he puts his feet will make twen ty inemies whar' be gains one friend. Study your man. Take him apart put him togeder fin' out whar' his co'ns lay, an' den step high an' softly. Let uh now irregulale to bizness. Detroit Free Press. - The Wrong Intiiiniij. Tn h "prtniii Mi-huAtLviHn.jp theVf-! lived, a decade since, a 'Inan' known I no .TnlrA filiukcAn Vi vtm ! memliej ofivis having soiyed in any cajacity tp'gain the title, but he 'ac quired iCSoqjeh'ow, and had dignity enough for4 a wliele supreme bench. The Judgf yvjis-'iin eccentric citizen, well liked; but lie had a tenihly had breath. No ote" wmld ride with him, few could talk with him, and every n VUaaru LjflalLraUUiJ- lllt lUIIIW a. J I body wondered why he didn l eat n.,nn ft.r a ..K..nn X'.. viiiviu i t v ua X' wuc iiau iviio courage to mention the matter , and yet something must be done r the Judg: would bou ostracised. In thif emergency a ong came one ol' the first tramps ever seen in the Stale At the first house where he called for a bite the man called him in aiid Said: "My friend, are you a brave man?" "Well, 1 never took a back seat vpf n ,.,nf ao t" 'TrTmsnriKP " "very wen. lou see tnat wmte : building beside the postoffice ? Go j up stairs, urn to the left, and you ; will find a red faced, bald-headed i.)l&l Vht T nt ..tt n -t . n tn t u i,o dnpen'f corner. He saw the brave man up, and he saw hira come down. go He went up gracefully enough, but when he came down he bumped every p- rate stair, arid as he gathered hitn- splf mint Ka Ix.lli m hnivt lif'tpd him clear into the gutter Ho start ed for the river on a dead ruu, and ruu, never stopped for half a mile, and Then the citizen overtook him islipd; "Well, wa.3 tb, Judge in ?" "He was!" ''Anil you put the question" "Don't I look as if I did? S.ty, what infirmity has he got ?' "A bad breath." "The d 1! What a fool I was! Why, I thought his infinnity was in his feet, ami when he gave me that first lift I waa so taken back that he got in two left-handers on my jaw be all Things. C, APRIL 20, 1882. ! fore I began to fall ! Two dollars,! 1 why, I'm damaged to the extent of : two millions !" Detroit Free Press. ' HUGGED. I Old Eph Sewell. who ns a suake- i charmer ued to he one of the attrac- tions of Rarnnm's Museum, related j to a New York reporter the incidents ! i ui a lamous ngiu ne once nan witn a I boa-constrictor. Eoh had charge of l a cage of reptiles, and used to go into a O tue cage and Me down with the snakes, He Said: On one occasion, I introduced myself to the largest boa-constrictor ever brought to this country. He was eigh teen feet in length, ami weighed over three hundred pounds. He had been in the country two weeks, and Barntim was obliged to pay a good price for him. t When I went into the cage I saw that he had become monarch of the concern. The remaining snakes were assubm.ssive as mice, an'l when they crawled over to greet me his lordship looked wicked. I caught him in my arms, and be reared his head until it rested upon my left shoulder. Lifting him as much as possibile, 1 passed him aroud my body, and he apparently imagined that he was embracing a tree in his native jungle. He tightined his coil, and a feeling iike I was being slowly suffocated came over me. Quicker than a flash I caught him back of bis head, and by a dtsperate effort wrenched myself free. Thea we both got angry. The boa came toward me and I caught him by the throat. I was strong enough - k - ..atr fightand relaxed his coils. ..i., u:, ..n F" Then 1 shook him until he was throughly alarmed and ever afterward he was submissive. Had t permited his coils to close about me no earthly agency could have saved me. Strappings. "When you tell a young lady that she is winsome and fair, she accuses you of flattery, but she believes it even if you had not told her. lied pepper and brown soap applied to woodwork of a stall occupied by a cribbing horse will, it is said, cure the animal of the habit. Never lean back upon anything 'hat is cold. Never begin a journey until breakfast has been eaten. Milk which is slghltly acid and buttermilk produce in some individuals a hypnotic (sleepy) effect. ' The weight of the heart is from j eight to twelve ounces. - It beats one! hundred thousand times in twenty four hours. Keep the back, especially between the shoulder blades, well covered; also the chest well protected. Ope ounce of salycilic acid is sufficient to preserve a barrel of cider, that is to keep it from fermenting and becoming sour. A small cup of warm milk con taining a teaspoonful of lime-watermay be given frequently in cases of "bowel complaint." Of one hundred infants suckled by their mothers eighteen died durng the first year, while of the same number suckled by wet nurses thirty died. Masachusetts has an act forbiding railroad companies employing men without subjecting them to an exam ination to determine if thev are color blind. An industrious German collector of statistics has found that while the I average life among the '"well-to do" is fi,ty ye. amonkr ,lie loor ia 01,l' till rt.V -t WO. " The Medical Council ofSt.Peters- 1 burg has authorized women to prac tice in pharmacy, so that Rusian i women have now free uccess to all branches of iiicilicine. Iu the process of condensing milk, one uailoii is ltduced bv evapor- i iitii n t it-., tiiun one qnurr, and pure c sugar is SCrValioU added In assist in prev Wlien hoarse, speak, as little as pos. sible until it is ncoveied from, else the voice may he permanently lost or d'fiicuhiea of the throat may be iiodtlv.'ed. The percentage of recoveries from habitual drunkenness (mtbriet.y or dipsoniania)is one thim utnlei com pelenL medical care. Ntver (iiui; regular bathing; fur unless the skin is in au active condi tion the cold will close the pores and favor congestion and other diseases. Merely warm the back by fire and never continue keeping the back ex posed to the beat after it has become comfortably win ui. To do otherwise is debilitating. Never stand still iu cold weather, especially alter uaving taken a slight degree of exercise; and always avoid standing upon the ice or snow, or w here the person is exposad to a cold wind. Dr. Andrew Clark, of London, ; says of alcoholic beverages that in a. perfect state of health there is abso-1 lutely no benefit to be derived from j t ieir use. an. that as he B-oes throueh : the wards of hi hospital he concludes that seven of every ten cases owe their 1 ill health to modeiate drinking. longstreet attacks. - .. The decks have struck 1, 2, 3, yet Dr. Henry J. Menninger, at j Meade is not hurried to leave his one time-Secretary of State of North j strung position and dash his troops Carolina, (or of those who rnled her across the open fields against Lee. by power of Yankee bayonet?) is a ' It is a wise decision. If there is any meruber of the Brooklyn City Coun- thing humane in war.it is a humane cil, and chairman of the Broad ol j I rustees of the New xork College- of j luaimacy. lhe Brooklyn Kagie says: Dr. Menninger is one of the few intellectual weights in the Com mon jConncil in recent years, and old" stagers"' says say that his cijual as a debater has seldom been visible iu that boil y. OUKNAL Sixteen Years After. The Second Day at flettyebara;. Ijougrstrect's Attack ou Sickles. The Terrible Struggle for Round Top. Hood Said it was a FiRlit of Savage, i tf.u.....j. t. ... wv iw. the Horror. ! It. was daybreak of the 2d of July, ' 1863. On the hills in the valleys I spread over fields hidden in the ! woods around Gettysburg were 200, lOOO men making ready for a terrible I battle. I In the giay of morning one could ! hear the Thirp of birds in the or. jchards and the lowing of cattle in the j pastures. It was a glorious morning. ; The sky wus without a cloud, and a 1 slight breeze riffled across the wheat 1 fields and rustled the leaves of the I apple-trees. A hundred thousand I men were aw ike and moving before ! there was a flush in the East. When i the sun showed his face to the world it looked down upon two armies ready to begiu their bloody work. Hill and Ewell were there the day before Longstreet and Lee had come np after midnight Howard was there l)-nb!eday was ready for i another batth Hancock was order ing more artillery to the defense of ! Cemetery Ridge. The Second, Fifth land Sixth Corps were coming up, ' some of the brigades in the first on i the double quick, and, the music of : hands and the tap of drums were ! heard evtrvwtiere. Sedgwick sod 1 nis oixiu mum marcn luirir uie 10 I 1 1 . -1 . U ! 1 1 . reach the held, but '.hey were hurrv- insr ud. determined t6 be counted in when the fight was hottest. ! MAKING READY. t From daybreak to o o clock one 'standing ou Bound Top could see ! regiments, bri trades and divisions 19 . o . '. raoviner in every direction. Guna were slowly brought into position gaps filled, ammunition brought up. The Federal lines were slowly poshed out until they reached a front of fixe miles, and Lee must push out his lines to cover the same front. Fol lowing the hi I Ik and key points the Federal lines bent almost in the shape of a horse-shoo. Lee could not con form to this, but his lines described a crescei.t, witb his choicest troops and best guns at i oints most exposed. Slocum's Twelfth Corps was opposite Ewell: Howard was opposite Hill; Sickles was opposite Longstreet. Meade reported to the committee on the condnct of the war that he had between 05,000 upd 100,000 men on the field ot Gettysburg, ljee s re port placed hi fighting force at G2.- 000 men. Davis says tuoee figures were exact. Confederate reports now in the archives of the government eive the force at 60,000. Coufeder ate reports Bay Lee left Virginia with less than 70,000 men, and deducting for cavalry off on raids, guards, de tails and Btrairelers, they insist that he con Id not have had over 65,000 men on the field that day. WAITING. A t 9 o'clock in the moraine the whole of the Federal army was in position except Sedgwick's Corps, the head of which was yet fifteen miles away, and the Fifth Corps, which had a march of ten. Then the rumble of cannon wheels and the tramp of men was hushed Ten o'clock came and silence con tinued. At 11 o'clock most of the men weie lying do ti in line. Aided and orlerlien riihlu I here and theie, but not a mti.-kt I broke the etillness. It. wab noon y the clocks in the houses ol Gettysburg, and yet there had bei n n i dvaiice. That waiting meant much. Lee had seen thai the Federal position was well-nigh impregnable. Meade had seen that the Confederate posi tion was scarcely inferior. If Meade moved out to attack Lee had the ad vantage. If Lee moved out he must be defeated. Stand to-day where Howard held the center that morning and you will affirm that insertion. Meade was waiting for Lee to attack Lee was uniting for Meade. That was why the bonis slipped past and the clocks struck again and again. Every hour was a loss to Lee. Two Federal corps had swung into posi tion since sunrise. Every hour was a gain to Meade. Sedgwick and Sykes were comiug up, and every regiment in both corps was a stone wall.' "somebody blundered." Confedeiate military writers say that Jiee intended to attack a suu rise. Indeed, his orders for such a movement are on record. He had realized that Round Top was the key of the whole field, and Longstreet was ordered to mass and attack. The rising sun was to be his sigual, aud had he hurled his corps against that hill at that early hour he must have captured it. -But som body utun dered orders miscarried, or were not understood, and instead ot at tacking at sunrise Longstreet was not j ready at noon decision. Lee must attack. It is too j late now to retreat. He planned for a out tie in rVnnsyivama, and it is ready for him. At half-past 3 o'clock, just as the first regiment of Sykes corps comes limping np, a move is seen all along the Confederate front, and every Federal springs to his feet. There is to be an attack all Terms $B.OO 'or "Vo.r. NO. 4. along the Federal front, but the real movement is against Sickles, who has thrown a Dart of bis lorce out in front of Bound Top as a further pre caution against a sudden surprise. Boom! The voice of that single cannon had scarcely echoed the fields, when there came a crash of Artil lery which made the hilltops shake. One could count the explosions at I fir8t. bu' "to"" tbree or foQ' minutes one tremendous crash which Heav- en's thunderbolts 11 never equalled, Hill thundered-Ewell thundered- Longstreet made the earth rock der the wheels of his cannon as , he paved the way for a dash at Sickles, and over Sickles to Bound lop. Un - der cover of the smoke his lines are loiiuiu. nuuu pmctB uiioseii at ine head of one division Mcliaws at the I. , , . . . . head of the other. At 4 o'cloek the fire of artillery ceases and the columns-move out. Meade knew what was coming, lie knew where the heaviest blow would fall, and be was conferring personally with Sickles when the cannonading began. He had thirty minntes to prepare for the infantry attack, and he lost not a moment. SICKLES CARRIED AWAY. The instant the Confederates , . . w ,,c, moved out, every Federal gun could be brought to bear was turned upoh them, and Sickles braced him self for the shock. There was no halting by the Confederates no giv ing Jvay by the Confederates no giving way by the Federals; 20,000 men moved as one a mighty battering-ram faced with steel. A living wall of 20,000 men stood firm to re ceive the blow. A rush, a cheer, and the shock comes. For the. next ten minates on that mile and a half of front men used the bayonet. Lines were broken, and blue and gray were mixed in a mob. Then the impetus of the Confederate wave began to tell, and Sickles was pressed slowly back. He would not retreat, but he could be pushed off his feet by lhe greater force. UNDER TIIK PEAfTI TREES. As Sickles' lines arc gradually pushed back over the broken ground, three or four brigades cut loose from Sykes and come to his assistance. The new lines form across a meadow over a highway under the peach trees, and -stretch out toward the pines at the base of Hound Top. They are going to stop the advance of McLaws right there, but it will require some terrible fighting to doit. Every man in Longstreet's corps knew that to gain that hill was to gain a victory over Meade's w hole army, and they cheered as they rushed upon the Federal bayonets. Every Federal likewise realized the importance of the. position, aud men died in their tracks sooner than yield the ground. Again and again Mc laws gathered his Texans in hand and threw them at this or that point, but he met a firm line everywhere. In the peach orchard the fight was a struggle between savages. The Tex ans charged there as many as five times before they got a foothold. How anyone ever lived under that terrible Federal fire is one of the mysteries of war. It is one continu ous, crash of musketry, so coolly de livered that every man was a t ir get. Peach trees as large as a man's leg were cut down by bullets, and rocks in the line of that firo were marked hundreds of times. Five o'clock found the struggle, growing fiercer. At 6 o'clock it was terrific At sundown the Confederates had slowly pushed Sickles back until he bad to be again reinforced t hold bis ground. Two thousand dead men were lying between Seminary Ridge and Sickles' lines hen the stars came out and the clash of iu died away in sullen growls. Sickles had been wounded, and the soil had drunk deeply of some of the Lest blood in his corps. hood's ASSAl'I.T. Hood and bis Texans had rbaiged directly at Round Top, and the hist rush almost carried it. He had no J skirmishers to lead the way, but charged in solid lines with duets which were heard above tl 6 loar ol artillery. There should ha I fen. a Federal divuion on that hill. There was not a full regiment there. The Federal line should have rested its flank on the slope as it stretched away across the peach orchard. That; flank was a hundred rods away, leaving a gap through which whole brigades rushed without inciting a foe. The gray wave is at the 1 ase of Round Ton when the few Fed , erals at the summit open fire, and reinforcements are hurried forward. Artillery can be used up there, hut men must drag the guns up by hand. In a wild, frenzied mob, lines broken and officers and ni' n mingled, the Texans swarm up the slope and ral ly at its crest, lhey are too They have readied ihecust oi It Top, but can they hold ii" THE FIGHT on Tilt i -111 rT. As the Confederalex in-h np side the Federals me clnnoinL' other. Thev meet at the t -t, ale ! .ilnil one the a ml that was the hell spot of Gettysburg. Lines do not advance, but mobs ol men sway hack ami foiih over the rocks and through the thickus, howl ing, scieaming and shedding blood. No prisoners were taken there. When these mobs swayed upon and into each other, the nuiski Is'hlazi d. steel flushed, and the frenzied living trampled over the gory dead. Alt n who were pierced with the bani:et drew the stock of the e.n-kct fiom lhe enemy's grasp and died trying to draw the horrible weapon lr:n th' gaping wound. There were dead men there who Lad their skulls In h t on jnthere were wounded there who t-NEWrBEKNEJOUPJIJ ! I KATKA OF APRTIIIJ0 , ior.rlnca Wa.....wJ.........- on month..... 41 " three montU., (limrtpr roloro n r lr ............. " ooa yir.. -.-.... - Half column Wark I- -1A it " oe month.... " one year...- On' column on wrrk ...... .. .... " one month. ;..'. " on yar.. , .. , ) ( tl J I (I Contract for advarlUInf for an? ()mm- , or tims may ba mada ml tka ofllM of tha IV aw tflMM. JotnAL. In tba Brick Blocks Cnn ! Street, New Bern. North Carolina. been knocked senseless by toiiM ; an(l rocks. " ' 11 " .' DBIVES BaCK. For foky minutes this - bloody struggle" surged to and fro -over the crest, and theu the Confederates be gan to give way. The Federal ad vanced with renewed enthusiasm, and Hood's division was voon hurl ( into the fields below,' shattered mid Lro ken. but ttubbornly stick icg 10 , thn advance position. .Fate had scored ailVVIIOI ' . IliaiVU PKRII'BS AtTCt 1111 t ..... , . i?A v ... nnAtli r aju m atrt m a T.aa fllll firgtd Longstreet could have carried it on the monii f th gecon(j d y . b ! out Le R hnndni mJ Ho(a , wo jt iu ,tei,Truing11 ft.Mrful CoBtf , . , . ,A T, 5 ,. I VM. AAV VWUIU 111' . I i thk ctNTRa: ,' ' The Confederate center, under Hill, had moved up .slowly and cau tiously. It was a grand advance of regiments and brigade, which moved witb flying, baiinerf,' flashing Mill, and peals of artillery. The First, jiiieveum anu iwciiui urps were to feel the shock of the assault, but ' the great biow was to be. it ruck at ths Eleventh. From the. moment Hill left bis position b irii. under . t!m Federal artillery- fire. Shot and . I .1. a rr-..ifti. i i . a j shell tore through brigade until all order was lost in a wild ruh ' to ret out of line of the fire, bat the advance could not be checked. If be conlJ 1 prevent the center frbm rein forcing Sickles, Longstreet might wiu. TLis was his object, and he did .'not mean a hot fight; but, once the troop got under fire, they could not. be held back. All along the center , was n steady sheet of flame and a continu ous thunder, but, Hill battered in vain. Where one portion of his Jinra gained ground another portion lont, ' and as uight fell he had secured no ' advantage, and had loft a thoutaud men. . ':; - ' ' ' '7 OH THK LEFT. 1 ' Ewell, holding. lbt Confedeiate loft (tnitrkaita ihn EVnm! rirrht V,.l more cover for his amanltinrr enliimna. re . . . . j and bad attacked with a grim deter, minatiou to win. He meant all tbo fight he could get, aud lie got plenty. For the first hour every advance re ceived a bloody check. From H to G be gained ground." From 6 to 7 iho breuBt works hastily thrown up by the' Federals'.' were captured and recaptured three or four times, and . tprimAitf.a utWl nt imt An) volleys at each other with , less than 300 ltet .between tbem. , They , aro , fighting as the tun goes, down as da rknes comes on as the harvest moou throws its while light over fit Id. ' highway and " forest. - Ewell could not push the Federal lines further, but he could hold hut owu. When the' fight ceased ho was tiring, plant- t urhnra tti IiIma linaa had mniwl v hours before. jr3 ; : ,,.,. ; .. Longstreet had won gronmL even though he bad lout Round Top. 'Hill. . had wou nothing, .but he bad been , held in check. Ewell had. won and;, held his ground. . Was this sudden I , to encourage the uU.UUV (U renww the, attack next day against the D5.000T Each corps Commander tbonght it' was, ancTLee was of the same opin-' ioi . He could fall back, or he could ninvi' hv the dank' but ha : wiiulJ : dn . neither. On the morro he Would, carry bis banners : over f Ometery-, , Kidge , ,- ." .; Sickles had lost gryuud on the Ieft,t and the Federal, right . bud been , driven, but Meade had saved .Round!" rt I u. .1 C... I, .... , and in position.- longstrcet had done . . his best Ewell Iwd done, Ins .bont and , , Hill luul battered at the center hi ..vain. Meade, w as encouraged even cnthui-, ' astic. .,"'.- J ' X .. ... !.... . tt. m. rt w men nir tiint uinu - iu pickets thrown forward were . In .some niaci n not over 200 feet ai art. . Meade must shorten his line to remove tlio saluut or horse-shoe. 'Tx-e must ihorf!w in his for the work of the morrow,- On - iilii-i- Hide hriLMiileh Were ' I'liaiiirhur Ik- .. . si Lion and artillery, moving JVom mid ... , i ---i i. mulil touawu. Jwtii inusi ix: uriven hack. I nner cover of, darkness the Federal commander moved ' A "corps' lu.st nosttioii to strike him as mwu a dar-. ii"hL came. There were wounded meU' who had he n on the Held two Oiiy and the hciWes of the dead had hoiTi- ' " 1 1 - look, but the living could not succor. I lie one or give burial to tue.olher. j Tli morrow uas to usher ill such , tcrrUli'" ( lighting as the world had never sccu. - 'X .' jffrou f ree jrv&. v i, vau, .- ''U'- - y ' I lV-...l m ' . -.-i . 44 T .uilioroiiM incidnntfi will occur even u. in the midst of misfortone. ; The nnlj-'-J itittuae uono 10. me jurnuurw at iuc fire on Chestnut street this forenoon,' was to a looking glass, nd ihat, was,,, in a manner entirely un looked for' and i-.. u ncxpected The glass bad been liken1" fYrilTr-l I lll-)11Ctf4 fllll I 'A.rfnriv'''lpnntf''" , . . . 1. . T. .1 ..Lw'l up against the fence where it ttobd 7 unharmed during all. the COnfjUtiou. , and alarm oocBiotied by the fire'Jlut- '. a goat happened to come s long1' and- spying a refiectiou.tif himself the 7 glass he gaaed for a moment shook,.' , his head a few times aud mounting en : his hinl legs, he went for- that 'Othsr ' croiit in a huriv.and onlylfoand but his MiisiHke nfier ih"j looking-glass "wa I J sina-hed into smithereeoK, .and, no. goal w;iK io be seen. Hescemed COO, . fm-ed for a moment, stared a little, " shook his head a little, and then walked quietly away to make a tweak-'' l..st of any old j.ie'ce of tiaware or . broken crockery which might be -'left viog sirouni 1 l.Mtse. Wil. ffM-KW.-''"' In 1 1 !). uother (ireensloro enterprUe lias Hist Iwen perfected. A Coniiny haa Ih-i-o lormed Ii.-re to run tb Um buatr-n-Ks on an extensive scale.- Forty-three v . -olniiies ot Italian heea have already l..-.-n oit:iineL and while thi city, will I..- headquarter tor the company,' Its" atreuts w dl canvflHS tiiia S:te. Virgina," and perhaps other Btates. 'There la nothing pays so well for ..the capital In vested at bee culture. Bujl. ''".' :'. - ;-3l 4 v

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