TILE JOURNAL. NEWBEEN E," N. C. THUHSDAY, MAY 4,1882. STATE NEWS. Gleaned from oar Exchange. ' Tobacco Plant: Graded Bcbool is all the talk on our streets, v.- -The re port of rust on wheat southeast of Durham has been confirmed.: The rarest thing on record is the skating rink for, the colored people. . It is said to be equal to John Robinson's circus. Elizabeth Vity Economist: Pres ident Phillips . with Manager .M.- K. lung passed over the road baturday en route for New Berne, with a pleasant party. - There is not much corn shipped from this section just now, ow ing ..to the i fanners ;,hol ding ; : back ;T for Deuer prices. , i j v-- : : -.-;,s A A Evening f FwitorV ColAl W Ii Saunders has gone to the Warm Springs. liiiii iifii" i iimjiiiirii iniira lit rjiLunii - -Those - ; enterprising . druggists,' Messrs. Pescued Lee; & Co:, received a letter by post yesterday at. noon, all the way from the West Coast) of Africa, containing an order for drugs, amounting to one hundred pounds sterling - - Free WM Bavlist- Elder J. Ft, Cummings will-'preach at . the - new church at Core Creek the. fourth Sunday in May. We have met several of our brethren in the City this week. Among them was brother Nathan Hill of Lenoir. cotmty.A -Elcler; Henry Cunningham and J. S. Cummings called on us Tuesday."-: Elder Cunningham is here in attendance on ".United States' Court. : .:SX?a4;gy ; WiL Heview:Hr. J. " YVA Branch eat snap beans out t of , his garden on yesterday. He ; dug Irish, potatoes on March 20th. Early, i Some of the truckers hereabouts were apprehending a frost last night. We sold one of them I, COO old newspapers with "which he covered his gardens. - --There was a severe rale at Smithvlile, yesterday, the wind blowing at one time at the rate of 70 miles per hour which was the force of a hurricane. There was no damage re- ported save an interruption to the teh graph, lines and. those, were -repaired yesterday morning. . - v -.- Winston- '-jLeade--., The - Salem Silver Cornet Band will make the music at Trinitv commencement. The graduating clf.ss of Salem Female Acad emy numbers twelve young ladies Salem Chapel . : Township gives ; a majority of thirteen - in favor of: the fence law. Mr. 5. R. Joyce - has given us a briar- that grew upon his fathers ... plantation, nn. Stokes county, which measures 19J feet, $20 per year for each hydrant is -what the town will pay for the use .of water. The number of hydrants are not to exceed fifty. -Winston is busy. - On every hand new improvements are noticeable. Ground has been broken on Liberty street, north of the Post Office, by Mr. J. A. Bitting,- for a block, of buildings." Mr. J. C. Buxton is having the founda tion arranged for another block on the 1-t north of the iaiL -on same street. AH is life and animation and we take.it V:.: : a n-.w era of prosperity is dawning From the Farmer an4 Mechanic. North Carolina Invention.' . " ?. , Prof. O. E. Smith tells us that his cotton picker instead of proving a fail ure at Atlanta Exposition as was report ed, met with more commendation than he had reason to expect, and will be Lrorght forward more prominently than ever, in due season. ; We. truly wish him success. The need for a good Cot ton picker-is already .very urgent, and each season becomes more pressing, as the negroes drif S?Northward and . Wesfc ward; or (as the case with nearly all the better class acquire lands, or a business, of their own; thereby reducing the sup ply of cotton-picking labor. It is reas onable to assume that a really practica ble Cotton Picker would saye one fifth of the cotton which .is now lost every year. The manufacturer of such a ma chine would become a millionaire, at a Royalty of even one dollar per bale. . We note, by the by; that Mr.Chas. C. Price, Jr., of Elizabeth City has filed a patent for a Picker, which' the papers of that town unite in praising, as both "simple and practicable, clearing the cotton row as fast as a horse can walk. We trust these hnrh hones may be real ized in actual practice. A . In the above - connection we recall the fact that our young friend, Reuben P. Davis, xf Monroe, (at' one time a newspaper man) has patented the ma chine which be used successfully on his own farm last fall " for cleaning dirty seed-cotton. It cleans the cotton of all dirt, leaves, trashy etc betore entering the gin; thus adding'qne oi two cents per pound to its value..; As it cost only - - .1 S " B . ' - Vo, ine mac nine ougns to sen very rap idly, after having a fair test, and after Mr. Davis prints testimonials to that ef fect in the Farmer and Mechanic. , ? , Rev. T.. II. Pegranu of ,Winston; has invented a car-eonpler which his friends think will be a -great success. He got the idea, by sudden inspiration,: the Leader states, just after reading the re mark that a thousand lives had been lost in a few years past, jn. coupling freight cars. - Mr,- D. Frank Caldwell, of Greensboro, has 'also patented a Car Coupler.: A-AA.A-- This reminds us that a brother M S. Shotwell. now at Harrisburg, Penn., some years ago made a model of a car- nmintn - .Mttiinh 'vAa Sot Co ofanmrv A Anil VlUJJlCt V UiLU TV tAO DVU-UUIUUlgf uuu would: suit any. height, of truck, and.; to our notion, was superior to any we had Been. He, however: deemed the costs of a patent, and of securing its adoption, were too jrisky lo; unaertaEe. , lis pre ferred to patent his simple contrivance, known as -The M. S. Shotwell Car -Replacer,;. (for assisting the restoration oi. ue-nuiea citra uuu vusuicoyi..aun c - notice that it is fast coming into favor; some 40 Railroads uow using it and the New York Central" BAR:,; which' has many hundreds of trains, is negotiating for its adoption. - ; r A A A A Patents have been granted as follows: Wren C. Penland Ashevflle, assignor lahblf ta J I M. . Kmntahlor - fnr pruning-knife; . Lewis S. : Hefner, as- . . m V . -rf-V W-1H" A sirrrr to mm sen ana .u.x.uio(, Catawba "Springs," N. C, seedplanter coverer. and fertilizer -distributer: x. Li, ' sh r maker; Washington, P. C, assignor o ae-of third to John Hughes,'New iJerne, N. C., machine for cleaning and scour- , ing rice, etcie- v A -jt.- A . Elder L I. Bodenherimer of Kerners- ville. tli6ivew of that place says, has invented a plow that will do the work of - Armislead'Barksdalei.of Statesville, has invented and ' patented a Folding Iloirshead. which - can be , used till it wears out. vA V - J", A -; "' . - Creo. Alieu Ou.vU., uauc, c manuiacturmsr a cultivator lor cotton, corn and rice, which they claim will cultivate both sides of the row at one oneration. enablins one aian and one mule toe cultivate eight acres . of young cotton or com per day. . -- The Goldsboro Opera House will be well protected from fire, in .the future. Two powerful force pumps are being eei in potsiuuu uy Air. juuiu. IrUn Potatoes Captain S. H. Gray sent us a treat yesterday, in the way of Irish potatoes; the first we have seen this season. Some of them were nearly as large as a goose egg. Smoke House Rooked. The smoke house of Mrs. Eleanor Koonceof Chinquapin, Jones county, was robbed of its contents the family supply of bacon for the year last Sat urday night. The thief not found. Personal. Mr. George Allen and Bev. L. C. Vass are attending the., meeting of the North Carolina Presbytery at Lexing ton this week. Mr. David Sanderlin, a prominent farmer of Onslowsxranty, is in the city. Feed the Lambs. . Superintendent J. H. Mills of the Ox ford Orphan Asylum irin the city buy ing potatoes, corn and fish for bis family which numbers one hundred and thirty five. r" Couldn't have" found a' better place7 in North Carolina for , since" we taye- Bthdted; irooiid ,fhese'strels'y ways'and docks, potatoes fish and corn weretq, Je found r in: abundance, Mr. Mills made a purchase of 15.000 herrings from Watson, & Daniels at .cost. . Tentn'orafar J ' . -4 Orithe" 10th of May the anniversary of the death of General Stonewall Jack son, the usual commemoration services, to bur gallant' Confederate Dead, will be Observed. The preparations for a proper celebration of them, are now in progress, f of which due: notice will be -We hope that Confederate soldiers in the' vicinity,' as' well as those; in New Berne, will assemble on that occasion, to assist in paying this ' tribute te. the memory of our galant braves. r.'Vl ' Mental AritnmeUe In U. B. Conrt. V ' District Attorney: "How mach liquor did Brown sell Humphrey V ! ; '.,'Ai; " Witness Scott: "Four gallons, three quarts and one pint." " " . " , Attorney: Whatwas it measured in?" t. Witnes8:4tn a quart jpotJt: ' 'Attorney : "How many times was the quart pot filled fn. : . - A A ' Witney: ; Staring up in vacancy, and nervously twisting his ' fingers, , while making a . rapid mental - calculation, while; the Judge ejaculates, aotto voce, "a question in mental i arithmetic:" 'Thirty-five times and. one-half. ' , v Comlai lo ! tno. PolntV f A " ' Judge S.:ifVMri Perry do. you know the general character of the witness V ' - Mr.- P.I J-"His 'neighbors epiak 'well of hini.3f x r -'-r ". v:;; ; ' Judge: That is not the question. Do you know his general character?" Witness A "All that I know is that he stands well in the community." . : '. . Judge : i "You misapprehend my question;-' I ask do you know the witness' character?",. 7 A.. . j , ' ' Witness evidently, badgered. "All that I can say is that his neighbors give him a good character." . A A -- A -,"-- :v i."r-.'-:y-?yp . . PmDoUar'-SpeeeneS;-;:-' ; One accustomed to Court Honse pro ceedings ' can ; generally' guess pretty closely about what fees the attorneys receive, from " the character of their speeches. A ten dollar "fee produces a abored, drawling talk; twenty-five dol lars will put some considerable fire in the attorneys; and fifty-dollars will ; make a lawyer make a speech worth listening to. .We listened yesterday to Messrs. F. M. Simmons and L. J. Moore in the . Morten case,- and pretty soon discovered that their clients had been t spending money. ' We rate their speech es as fifty dollar talks, for both attorn eys were making strenuous efforts for victory The speeches were logical, I to the point and well delivered. We would take great pleasure in , hearing these gentlemen in $500 speeches. Evidence to Convlet. ' In the verdicts rendered this week in the Federal Coort we think we notice a very perceptible difference between this Court and our State : Courts in re gard to the evidence necessary to secure conviction HereV the juries, want every avenue "closed andA all, theix leaning seems to be to the accused. ; The Govern ment is looked on rather as an alien,with a desire to oppress and proseoute thome people. In the State Courts criminals get but , little sympathy and when in dicied for. felony the presumption of juries is rather against Chan for them. It is almost impossible for man to free himself entirely from prejudice, fand wmie we tmnx tnw prejudice does exist, it is unconscious on ' the part of jurors, for we admit that the jury this week is composed, of some of the best men in this and the adjoining counties. JTndge Gilmer. " This . gentleman whom it was our pleasure to meet in Kinston on Tuesday, has had the pleasure of meeting j many of his old Regiment, the 27th, while holding the courts in the 3rd district. There were in the 27th two companies from Lenoir, two from Wayne, two from Pitt,! and one from Jones. tThe Judge readily recognizes any .of . his. old comrades who grasp his hand and I say "how are you Colonel;""and then he is ready to talk of the times that tried men's souls, and many of the old vet erans can beat him on a real war yarn, but the Judge enjoys it just the same. We have not had the pleasure of attend ing his court while in session but from all reports we take him to be a model Judge. We had the pleasure, however, or rather it was our duty to follow . him through ' many hard fought uelds in Virginia, and we remember distinctly how gracefully he fell on the bloody field of Bristoe Station, and how dis gracefully we ran after being plugged with three yankee bullets, fortunately none of them affecting our propelling powers. The Judge is taking a great interest in making up the records of the old 27th ; he has urged upon them to get the names of all their dead comrades an send them to him and he will 'forward them immediately to Maj. Moore who has been appointed to prepare a rostrum of North Carolina troops. We have promised to end him a complete list of Co. D, and we intend to fulfil , the promise. So we command "Fall in Co. D, and attention to roll call ! !" Some of , the early planters in the Swift Creek section are plowing up and planting a Becond time. Qaaker Bridge Road. The board of directors of the Pene tentiary 'were: in session yetserday. They took -Bome action relative to send ing a force of convicts at an early day to complete the Quaker Bridge road, in Jones and Onslow counties. It will be remembered that last year the convicts were taken from this work, owing to the numerous escapes. News & Observer We take great pleasure in publishing this extract from the News & Observer. We have been urging this matter in and out of season in the Journal, and feel that we are entitled to some credit in accomplishing this work. We urge now that the convicts be sent as soon as possible. The pocosin through which the road will run is dry now and the weather just suitable for effective work. - Fifty convicts, under a competent Superintendent, ought to finish the road in ninety days; and if sent at once the work can be finished before the hot and sickly season. Let them come at once. I Never Stole the Beef. In the cross examination of John B. Hill, on Friday, in the case of illicit dis tilling from Lenoir, the. counsel for de fense wanted to discredit witness and asked him about a little unpleasantness. Attorney: Have you ever been indict ed for stealing? . Witness: Never. Attorney: Tell us about Blackledge Harper's yearling. " . Witness: I never stole the yearling. John L. Williams and I were driving up my cattle and one of Blackledge Har per's yearlings followed us home. Wil liams killed him and I got forty pounds of the beef from him, but I had nothing to do with the stealing. Williams, after killing the beef , slit the ears and changed into his own mark, and brought me to observe so that I could swear the yearling was in his mark; and I told him I'd do it, but I do certainly deny that I had anything to do with stealing. ; V Attorney: Were you ever indicted for obtaining money under false pretences? Witness: Never. Croom Stroud had me taken up for selling my own fodder. Court Proceedings. Friday"rwaa Lenoir day in the United States Court and the celebrated illicit distilling cases came on. ztTntti&S&'iri$'jJ''B: HUl. Illicit distiUingA The defendant entered a plea of .guilty, a : A A A United States vs. Asa Waller. Illicit John B. HUl, the defendant who had just plead, guilty, was introduced as a witness for the Government: "t live in Lenoir county,'on the south side of Neuse riyer.f-Am a farmer. . I bought the' Still from Jack Palmer, .'and run it awhile in' the woods near my house, and then put it in my smoke house. . I sold the still to Asa Waller, the de-: f endanLand he told me he intended - to run it." I moved away from1 there " and I Mrs. Moody, my wife's sister, moved in : and run the still for 'Asa Waller. Asa was to pay her 25 cents for "singlings" and 50 cents 5 for "doublings'' I was around there afterwards and saw Asa carry meal to and take liquor from the still. " A r ' "' Cross examined: What kind of farm ing have I done in the last nine or ten months V . Been farming in jail. Never was indicted for stealing a cow. Never was arrested for obtaining money un der false pretences." Mrs. J B. Hill: "Am the wife of witness J who has just testified. Saw Asa Waller carry meal to the still when Elizabeth Moody was running it. W A", Coleman:. "I am the Commis sioner that examined this case in Le noir. " Would have bound Elizabeth Moody ;over to court, but she fled before triaL" . .. tTbiscioaed the testimony for the prosecution, and the defense, repre sented by Messrs. L. J. Moore and J. F. Wooten introduced the following testi mony c A - Robert Harper: "I am a public mill er in Lenoir county near where defend ant resides. I sold him his meal for the year 1881 -furnishing him a half bush el about twice: a month during the year.-ATThe defendant's character is good: ' Hill's character is bad for lying and fussing." Simpson Harper: Asa Waller's char acter is good; don't know about Hill's." Nathan Hill: "I am a preacher; have known defendant and witness for many yearsA Waller's character is good; Hill's is pretty tolerably bad. I had him employed once and turned him off for lying. . . , Henry Cunningham: "I am a Minis ter of the Gospel. Waller 's character is good; Hill's bad." Lemon Smith: "Waller's character is good; Hill's bad." Cross examined: "Can I give any body's name whom I have ever heard say -Hill's character was bad? Yes. Mr. Heath said he had rogued him out of $13. Anybody else. Yes. Dr. Bartleson said he was a liar and a dis- j turber in a neighborhood. Anybody j else. Haywood Waller says he is a liar. Do you want any more names ? j , The case went to the jury after j speeches from Messrs Moore and Woot- j en for defendant and District Attorney j Robinson for Government, and their i verdict was, "not guilty." United States us. David Morton: Rob- i bingPost office at Grantsboro: Plea of Guilty. United States vs. C. L. Davis: For transporting whiskey distilled illicitly ; from his son to F. M. Haskins' Rtore. 1 Plea of Guilty. - United States vs. John E. Deaver: For ; carrying corn to illicit distillery for ' distillation. John B. Hill testified that in the : spring of 1879 he was running two stills j for Wm. Perry and James Davis. The ! stills were in his kitchen, and defend-1 ant, John E. Deaver, used to furnish the ' meal used for making the whiskey. ' Witness was subjected to about the ' same line of cross examination as in the : case of Asa Waller reported above, and about the same character of testimony introduced as to character as in the Waller case. After speeches from Mr. L. J. Moore for defendant and from Mr. Bagley for the Government the jury rendered a verdict of "not guilty. " We are pleased to learn that our townsman, Mr. George L. Wadsworlh, has secured remunerative employment as steward with Dr. Blacknall in the Yarborough. House at Raleigh. It Is Curious That catfish should swim backwards in the month of May. , That some people will insist on going against their own interests. That anybody should be opposed to graded schools. That a fat man should tremble with cold in warm weather. That the colored voters should be asked to stand in the way of free schools. Durham Tobacco Plant. A Remarkable Fact for Edgecombe County. A Superior Court has been held and there was not a single trial for larceny. No one goes to the penitentiary from this term of the court. There are only four occupants of the jail, and two of them were -sentenced by the last inferior court. Crime is on the decrease good magistrates and good judges having done a great deal in relieving the coun ty from the costs of criminal suits. Another argument for the present method of electing magistrates. Tar boro Southerner. La Grange School. The following is the list of officers and speakers elected by the Washington Literary Society for the approaching commencement: President, Geo. W. Mewborn, Greene county; Secretary, Furney P. Wooten, Pitt county; Orator, Jefferson Davis, La Grange, N. C. DEBATERS. W. K. Jacobson, Beanfort county. W. G. Sutton, Wayne county. DECLAIM ERS. Logan D. Howell, Goldsboro. Geo. L. Capell, Lenoir county. MARSHALS. C. F. Hardy, Lenoir county. C. A. Blount, Pitt couaty. Benajah Herring, Wayne county. J. E. B. Whitfield, Lenoir county. W. E. Ormond, Greene count j'. Benajah Sutton, Wayne count'. Students'' Monthly. North Carolina. Department op Agricci.tcbe, Ral eigh, March 29, 1882. Editors Consti tution: No tabulted figures of the increase of grain and provision crops have been cast up in this office, but our correspondence, extending into every connty in the State, keeps us generally well informed. Basing an opinion upon the evidences, I think that I am clearly within the limit of safe calculation in estimating the in creased acreage in wheat, rye and oats at 33J percent, over the crop of 1881; that of rice principally highland rice, at 15 per cent. Corn land is in preparation, and re ports agree that more corn will be planted this year than formerly. The acreage for cotton will not be in creased or diminished. The sale of fertilizers will not vary materially from last years s sales, and will reach 90,000 tons. Grain crops of all kinds are in good condition. Very sincerely yours. M. McOehee. Commissioner. From tbe Farmer and Mechanic. North Carolina Timber. INTERESTING TO QUININE USEES. Mr. Irvin, a Northern man, traveling in Jackson county, writes: In my per ambulations through your mountains I find what I believe to be the genuine Peruvian bark tree. I simply mention this fact to call attention to what may be a matter of importance to the phar maceutical interests of the country." WALNUT AND CABINET WOODS. The Salisbury Watchman remarks: "Some of the finest walnut trees in our mountains have been sold at $40 each, just as they stand in the woods, the pur chasers reserving the privilege to take them within a certain number of years. Nor is this considered a very high price; for the time is at hand when walnut timber will be in greater demand than ever; and it is becoming more and more difficult to obtain it. Walnut lumber is quoted in New York from 190 to $200 per M. Farmers having old unproductive fields should set them in trees which will hereafter be valuable to their chil dren, if not to themselves." Mr. Irvin, the Northern man before referred to, writes to the Chicago Lum berman: "One man purchased 2,500 walnut trees in Jackson county, the smallest measuring two feet in diameter, and upward to five feet four inches. He says the hickory of Jackson is by odds the finest he has ever seen, and the quantity is immense. Seme red hick ories are four feet in diameter, and from seventy to eighty feet in body. In fact the timber of this mountain country is immensely valuable, and the quality and quantity are unsurpassed by any country of equal size in the United States, east of the Rocky Mountains. We have heard of $2,500 being real ized from one stump. It was used for veneering. The opening up of the ex treme western part of the State by the railroads now in progress will bring all of our fine lumber there within easy reach, and will attract capitalists from centres where such woods are appre ciated." The Newton Enterprise says: "Mr. Solomon Shrum had a large poplar cut on his plantation last week that was 125 feet high, 82 feet of which was good for lumber. It made seven saw logs with out a knot, except the last twelve feet, which only had two knots. The tree was nearly twelve feet in circumfer ence and three and a half in diameter, and made 2.250 feet of good lumber." Cheap Living'. Our Lenoir citizens who are attending court here as witnesses claim that tliey can live chsaper here than at home. ''Buy all we can eat for ten cents, said Esq. James Herring, and sometimes we don't pay that. Big Potatoes. We have on our desk two new Irish potatoes, from the garden of Col. John D. Whitford, that weigh half pound. Beat them who can. They were taken from a quantity which he had dug on yesterday of the Early Rose variety. j In the Lenoir county cases the Grand j Jury, yesterday, returned a True Bill j, against David C. Davis and not a Tine . Bill in the case of F. M. Haskins. The New Berne Daily Journal is the liveliest corpse that that journalistic graveyard has yet produced. Greens boro News. C.E. -F0 &co. Brick Block, Middle Street, New Berne, X C. WHOLESALE GROCERS AND COTTON FACTORS All Goods in our line sold at the very lowest cash pri ces. Prompt and strict atten tio paid to all orders entrusted to our care. C. E. FOY it COMPANY DEALERS IX COMMERCIAL FERTI LIZKRS. Now on hand find ready for delivery l.OOO Bags Anchor Brand, and 500 " Game Guano will be sold FOR CASH OR ON TIME AT REASONABLE PRICES C. E. FOY & COMPANY offer to tiie rXiacle Lorillard, Gail 6c Ax Railroad Mills Sweet and Salt Snuff, AT MANUFACTURERS PRICES. Chas. BL JBLANkT W H O L E SALE G ft O C E ft a n (1 JExo visioi Healer A FULL SUPPLY constantly on hand of Dry Salted and Smoked , MEATS, Flour, - - complete line. Sugars, - - all grades. MOLASSES & SYRUPS, GREE3V AND ROATE J . COFFEES, TOBACCO AND SNI FF, Salt, Powder and Shot. Special attention of Country Dealers is called to my Stock. Samples an ft price sent by mall. 3 1 L- I 1 - ---- - - l- -.4.i!. r i i! i if 1 i ,r - :- .j . ill- j ! Xy li'L 1 -4 111 I- H A-.-rV'rv 1 . , j 3' V -; - . ' .' ;'A; At J ; Havinff made arrano-enients with some of the leading Manufacturers of the United States I am prepared to furnish on short notice, STEAM ENGINES, of the very first .quality for JlUltlVVA . v. i Sawing lumber. Also -', fii-i.l K1aw eomn of tho iinrtii' I I Wll 111 1 11 IV'I . ...... - . j tho. followinp; certificates: Kinston' T.enoir(,o.."X. C Jan. - IS.'J. J. W. (i raiN'okk K.q. I)KAH SlH:- - Tin' ' i to ti horse power Eclipse Engine I ; bought from you last iall has turned ;i ; GO Saw Ciin and Feeder with an average , of 8 500 lb Bales per day and have; -t 1.-. -ti-. .1.. Tl... l.'....w. ! gnuieti jo jiiiies in uuu u.i . mi- j.uiii. and easy. V ery Kespectfull , W. r . J.Ol-Tl N . Johnson Mills, Pitt Co.. . t . Dec. 3rd lfv-il. llriw Sir; 1 lie 1 - lie aie and Separater re bought of you is SHADE JACKSOV 6. A. HERRI A" ti. i m.T KIVSTOV. L HARVEY, Esq. DAVID & LEMUEL TAYLOR, SAMPLES OF AM WACIIINKUV ON II AM. And will be sold on Mar. HO, 1 y 1-4 c W FIKST CLASS IS T . . . - - - 7 small linguies mouiueo I also handle A. B. Farquhars Machinery of all kinds of the Great lion Works of Penn. And as to the Watertown and Eclipse Engines they havoa famous reputation well merited and widely known. RADFORD'S GRIST MILLS, The best in America 'ld to . . :i.-mi. r. T.:iMi' l'nniiri :unl clu . i,- 1 1. i! ni..-.iii. dm-s It- w.nk iu-1 :i- :- i- - u I 1 iili. w" k .-niniiK r.'l : n cm uMiimr :m Knjlinc r l.c!;,-r -ci' ' iifi- - ,;.l)x .,,..,.,., 1 ' ' i i ri . N . Smith. ii n i: Smi th. , K''i - I' n N ' .1 ui i i . t is". ; I M.. i: rl HI I lie ; i-.n- ! !,.,!L.i, . T . .i i works all rmlit. I i m; ii well i 1 -.!--'! wilii il andean clieer- ; . ... , lullv n-i-iiiiini. n. I as a tirst class l-.n'ine. . r.r-. I .. 1 . I .okti n. I.KOI!i CO.. .1. H. COWARD, ."lOH A THOMAS . . t-i DilliUU S. .r." Rlt-LAWHORM roasoimlilp T-nis. S. H. ABBOTT, has opened at his New Store A LARGE STOCK OF Dry Goods, Family Groceries, nls llnllnir U'nulsn (1rnpllfrT I1IOV y fr ifvilllf Tin and Glass Ware. Farming utensiis, huci: as riown, nintfin Hoes, If limes, Colnrs &c. wh ch will be replenished weekly form the Northern Markets. SPECIALITIES. Ladies and Gents Hand made SHOES, "Creme Oat Mel" Toi let SOAP, lOcts a 1x of a canes "n each box. A Fnll assortment of remnant of LACES at 1 Oct s a bnncli of from 2 to lOyds in each buneli. S. II. Abbott's warranted WHITE ROSE Family Flonr. 150,000 yaixl made MUCK By a strict personal attention to bus iness I hope to merit the patronage of a generous public in the future. Thank ing my friends for their past liberal favors I am respectful ty Feb 16, Gm S. II. ABBOTT. For COLDS, HEA1AC1I E, TOWII LIVER and CHILLS, use B E R RY'S Cliill JPills. A few barrels of EARLY ROSE SEED POTATOES, For sale at SfS. pei' lVbl. ctisli a t Berry's Drag Store, Parties buying for Cash, can buy DRUGS, GARDEN SEED, Paper and Envelope?, Pairts, Brush es, Glaso, Toy?, Wall Paper, and many other things at bottom prices at Berry's Drug Store. Apr. 9 ly w. W. 11. oox: kocpa the befrt MONONOAHKhA Wll ISKKY, pure WINKS and HIIANDIES, ClfiAllS&i., for sale. Trenton X. ( V In rear of Foy'x and Kooncc's store. Mar. 9 3mo. rings and Prices. Address D. LANDRETH &'8QNSalh:!ada!phla. or on sins iui xiub tl,lvt v7" . "b ,; t Imimih - - nit ii. who Milistantiall v cndor-i .lolmsons Mills. I'itt Co. X. (A Jan. 2nd. I.ssj. For 2.. years 1 have been Mi'acd n Steam iliUimr, have owned several Mills. The 1 ' 1 1 . atertown Knixine I bought of you is fa!' siijierioi to any Mill 1 ever owned for sawini: lumber. It works sniootli and with meat power. .1a'Ksn I'm m N. mm .I . Il.un.ll .-. i in i-iim ' i"iim oi m... i am .-n ".t. b It linleeil. r.vel oou uiai ei s ii mijm . . , , ; - i i .. . i r its the Miiootliest and liierst liinnins , i.-,,, ij.ev have ever seen. ) . i. mi ukii.. .THIKS BROOKS Eq.. HELLS FEKH1 PITT CO.. . Win. II. PKARCK ( HAVES CO.. N. C. Wm. COWARD EStl.. HOOKERTOV. GREECE CO. Ri. I WILLOW OREEIV, OR EKJVE t .. N. C HOWELL, POLLOKSVILLE. JOXES CO.. -i.' 1111 n T H f'VTriV JORiKN CO.. Ri. C k BRO., HIDGE SPHlXtt PITT ( O.. Ri. C JT tf T 2 1 T XX - w . . SALI Or 'TALT71BLI LAlin, -J.-'--:.- . . . . Ily virtue Of ft mortgage deed executed by Thoma F. Worley and wUe, Mary E. Worley and II. F. Urown to th Board of Commissioner of Jones county, -on the I2th day of July, 1881, and ifgV . tered in the office of, the .Iterister of Deeds for Jones county, Book C Xo. 29 page 3U8, 1 will sell at public aoction at tho Court House door In Trenton on Monday, the 8th day or May, 1882, at 12 JL, tho real estate conveyed In aakl mortgage, to-wit t A tract of land situ ate in Tuckahoe Township adjoining tha lands ofF. Williams and the1 heirs of A. Williams containing 198 acrfcs, mora or less, and being the same upon which" the said.T. F. Worley and wife now reside. : , C A'." E. M. FOSCVE, ". r Chm'n Board lorn. April 3rd, 1882. . . Apr. 6-W-4U . MORTGAGE HALU fK Br -irt ? m Krtc X4 cxet4 T Sylvmtrr Lwbr and wife Atte Ltwkora, . rrguurrd oa th Soth day of Jdb 167 la Book 43 pax IT. Ktgiaten oflc ( Loaotr connty, I will aeu at tba Oart Konaadoor la U towa of . Ktnutoq on Xomja; tha day of Ky 1f''J at ' 12 M. tha rral aatata coaTjrd la aaiA Kortgifa, i-vniuuni oi two 101a in tna towa ot Kinatoau Tarma Oaah. Wa. C. nBXDC, WW!: V: n : .:A . A- ,VorM It Stahds at the Head. THE"naHTiiinri;i:'a .; TT TOIViKSTIC. ' : That la tha ackno'wlodjrd LmJw m ittm Trad ia a fact thai cannot ka dk'pBtvd. MANY IMITATE IT! i NONE EQUAL IT! A 1 Tha Irat Ara Tka LiimI T( nlng. The moat BaavtlfWt ol- k. aud it winmitTco Ta be tnada ot lb. Wat katrlml. . To 4. any and all Kind of Work. To b. Tompl.ta , ta Brtry Rtiptit. For ecaaomy aaj perfncUini of Ot, ara tha aopa larDnaeatt Paper Fa.hlona. ' '' , Cataloffnel trf. ' For ale by ' ; , . , . O MARKS, F.b.Xndly. ; ; NW Bwa, II C. , Adilraa, Daeala K. Cm "' ' " '. " HinmoMD, Ta. . -AcnU "Wauled. ...... m ' ' ' ' AA1 ft ft. - - i onrrrsi To every man's door. If cur A AV : . A , - . - - -fc 1 gtj.8EEP8 are not sold In j zur Handsome Illuotratod Catclc-- BEST; . i. - - i ' v i - it iL-3 .. ; i . - -I i j - for tho money. I MZESFROMltTOItlkCHEI. MAJ. HKIRT HARDHO A WD J. H. ICUU, AURORA BEAUFORT 7.. UlROAKll. JACKWfc VItX, CO.. 1. c. Ri. C. OJilLOW CO,, K. C. r li'OX. KlllStOIl. IV. U. t. F T ...'" 0