t ' S i K ; ATEs OF ADVMTUIsa : One Inrh an week.."......'. .v. 1 1 1. 1 " bne'month..."!.'....!....'. If! " " tbre moatlisw.,,wM.U.. Quarter column one wek....9.l..M.-.4 ' u " oue iith-;..:.i........lli it) - - nh jrearu.w....;.i..'.. .X0.ra 'V-'-.taj-fiiit 6 if . AS tr-ff - J Half col am a b wrek eJSditoraftmti Proprietor. .....X (K " oe month " " one year. ...... One rolnmn one week..,. CO: JT. W. HVRPEB.4 M. 8..Nt7MN, '$ Proprietors. INDEPENDENT IN ALL THINGS. Torrna $a. OO Por Year. ...-....-.-W).l,l ... ; ...;...io.ii lino inr, ttmwMirti.nniwMw 12.00 J.OO " " one month "cm year, .iiii .Si VOL. ' r NEW BERNE, N. 0., MAY 18, 1882 t'f ConlracU for adreriUing fr aar iii or time may be made at the orllce of tlie Kru Bbrmb Jot hi the Ihick Clork, Cntm 8treet, New Berne. North Carolina NO. 7. , S . Macistral Blank al way OB kud.. Berne 3mv ( ) I R N Ai j. f L31.. I 3 mI ."00 R f ; - :ift''-oaf 6 pMUt'.oniMHMMj. V- JT -Tjf- 1i i. ?s W .jo.-wr,-.-..-v WUIpracticeln the' Counties of Greene, Lenoir, Jones, - Onslow,- Pamlico and i Craven; also In the TJ. S. District Court. Prompt JLttentlcn rail to Collection of -. . .. l uims. . . 0 -s ' Opposite O as ton Hone, fffwBpmf, N. C. Will" practice -rrr the' stAti'AsD Federal Court and regularly attend all ae- tnonsof the Courts m 'the -fouowma counties: tJraveo, . Carteret, Pamlico, Jonea," Onslow, VrJ. V. "Wiltjaxs. - - j GatesV J. v. YrJLLLVMS &,Co, "co:r: uz ziont merchants AND WK0LT.SALE DlULXRa IX , Solfcit nsignmeritsf . mm 9 r" . ::ittailor, f - S A L J. .- -:V-. 4.1 a r 4-t . : v. . v. r 5 C: old - 1 ' '- " : ' New Berne, N. a , Jlfar. 20, 6m - " ; NET? EillXfiH" . BIQIIULIENTS, 'TOMBS, VAIJ K INDS Vilt AVE AND BIT I LD- '--t-A:-: L'O .'' , x ING W0H1C1X ,r v . . r. ' I I (......-...al"l4 turn 4i lab . c . . . . .-... i -. 0r4ers will prompt attention and eatisf action guaranteed. 1 I j ..,;vr.,. .v. V "v.. -. . . . ' ' ..... -. v .- S - - Proprietor, cpssor lo XI porga ,tV. ;ClayfooleY jLiLaL1 ? ... LARGESTASI OM?ST . W If OLESALB : r-;:T:''Trr'Ta nlrA-nva in StfM1? tn Tjftrfft lT.f II ; ITr XIJtA IC. t;tlt' K liitu. . ; Auass stocs cr v l5pid;:G;:o,' DRY GOODS; BOOTS, At C Jl - " - V- 1 Arbckle j-.AriQa ' Boasted koTIt)!s ;aiif IIpSIEhY if W holesale buyers wilf 'find a large : HTiXTK ami the. Lowest prices. - . PoriTt fail to see me .before you buv i5 -4-CDIiLESt. Kaw Berio,:iT. a tt.tr Lonsfellow's Poetical Aphorisms. : MONET. I.'WherenntO is money good ; . Wbo bu it not wants hardihood. Who has it has much trouble and care. Who once has had it has despair. , v THE BEST MEDICINES. . Joy and temperance and repose Slam the door on the doctor's nose. r . sm. Man-like is it to fall into sin. ' Fiend-like is it to dwell therein, f Christ-like is it for sin to grieTe, God-like is it all sin to Iave. RETRIBUTION. 3 IThojiKS ths rdiUs of Ood grind slowly, - Yet they grind exceeding small; - Though with patience He stands wailing, . With exactness grinds he all. POVERTY AND BLINDNESS. A blind man is a poor man, and blind a poor For the fgrroei metH n0 man, and ilia; latter no , '. juan sees.: J- r. f. , , LAW OF LIFE. Live I, so tire I, To my Lord heartily, - To my Prince faithfully, ? ,Tomy;iieighbor KenestTy,' Die I, so die I. . . J, CREEPS. , . i: ;S Lutheran, Popwh, CalvinisticaU Tiese creeds and doptrines threisf ' - l Extant are; tut still the doubt is, where - QifijStiaBitytoly h.'.T v THE RESTLESS HEART. A millstone and the hnman heart are driren ever , rouud;YfVt 5i?rtt v If they have nothing else to grind, they must themselves be ground. . , CHRISTIAN LOVE. jWhiloih Lot Was like a fire, and Warmth and comfort it bespoke; But, alas ! it now is Cjuenched, and Only bites like the smoke, f f t r- ART AND TAOT. Intelligence am courtesy not. lway are com- "Often ia a wooden house a golden room we find. Prussian Schools. Kducalion in Prussia is universal and compulsory.. ;There at e very fewPrtissians indeed who have not passed . through , the, .common school course. -Thisist because5 the law re quires that every child shall be sent to school "If a parent neglects to send his boy or girl he is fined; and if he continues this nejglee his fine is in- creasea ana r.e is even someiitnes put in prison.- - . - ' Every- town .and village throughout Pru6Pia is obfiged to have schools, supported by taxes levied upon their luhabitauts. JSo matter how poor the parent is,- be mast seud his chil dren to be educated. "A small fee of two ant a week' is ohafgecf for each scholar; and if the parent cannot pay even this small sum, his children are taught free.- Children are tonly compelled to attend the town or common schools; it is as the parent likes about sending his children to the higher schools. . In all there' are eleven grades of schools in Prussia, all supported by the State, for by public "taxrtion. ' The lowest grade is thut of the common village or ' town school. Next - come what are called "citiaeo schoola," " In which further progress is made in the ordinary branches be gun in the common.., schools..,. The tbirij. grade is that of - the 'real 8cho6k;' in wbioh languages, arts and science are taught. . t The semiuariesare one step highen These are Hafi kind of normal schpols, wherein young men'- and Women are trained to teach in the common schools. Thn.ciu, order,,eorjae,"col leges," indaslfial schools c'8ools of arojutecto re, schools of mines. sohools of agripu Knre, veterinary schools, and anally the' universities- , , The tenchers in the public 'schools are considered as State officials, and they, as well as the ' Schools." are all adder ihe control of the Minister of Public . Iu8tructiou. The salaries ' Daid to teachers in Prussia are verv MaltTIt W$e&'$i4 In Berlin tQ inasteFs is only a year, while the sawing i. teachers for tewiiig is taught'in the 'female schools) only re teive 45 and. 50. It must be, borne iitilniWerrfat the lost of liv ing Tn Prussia is much less than in Jthis country. " .; Iu all. there are about twenty eight -thousand common, sgools in Prussjaj tfjth oyer three ruiHion pur Arftfllpg for Guiten. Mrt Hfpfi f'ftiiiwy with iullee Tlie Potuts of the the t hlef Appeal-, Washington, May 9 The argu'' is logic and what is not logic. e i,:n r : I am simnlv here to say what is law. GuiieanV case was begun before the General Term of the Criminal Court ; to-day. Chief Justice Carter aud I Justices Mac Arthur, Hagner, and I .W.oo w,ro An t!,l WM, '.'l,.! prisoner was not in court f ;.. o.ioo! H. Reed appeared as sole counsel for! Guiteau. The points made in his brief were these: No inquest was i held upon the body of M r. Garfield ' I by any Coroner or other officer in the i pistnpf p.tt. iyrp.Dio; the pnrmraai court (l)at tried the case did not hiiye !iurisd,ictionj tle et'tdence is undispu-. ' ted that the rfuth occurred in Mon ; rnouth County, New Jersey, and it is thp lw, beyqnd question, th:t where j j tje rnqrtnlwoniHl is given in one ; county anl the victim dies in another ; eminty, the person inflicting t'r.e I wound cannot be tried in either for, ! murder, ucifss there is some statute to authorize it, and in this ca-e there , I is none. Mr. Heed proceeded to quote an- ; thoritifs in support of ibis last point. When he quoted Lord Bacod, the Chief Justice asked if this wai the old ; metapnysicmn xsacon. Mr. llet-d re plied that it was the same Bacon who wrote the abridgment. A like ouo- tation from Lord Coke was. alluded to by the Chief Justice as "a bald statement coming from the grand-fath-r of the law." 'Who ought to be respected,' Mr. Reed retorted. 'And he says,' remarked the Chief ; Justice, with an air of incredulity, j 'that the blow is a fiction of law, ! when considered in connection with death.' Coining to another case decided by j the Supreme Court of Wisco.siu, ; where the mortal wound was given in Clark County and the man died in ;j Grant County, Mr. Reed quoted this language: The onence of man slaughter did not consist of the mere shooting and wounding the deceased.' The Chief Justice asked what there was in the crimo in that case that had not been complete. Mr. Reed I have- . tried to make myself understood that the crime of murder is' - not complete until the death of the victim. The Chief Justice So that the ex piration of a man '8 breath in articulo mortis is a part of the offence is it ? Mr. Reed So Bays the law. I am not responsible for the decisions that I have read, and they are certainly from respectable authority. The Chief Justice Yes, as re spectable as their reasons make them, and no more. Mr. Reed That is a matter for your Honors to dispose of.' The Chief J ustice I would like to have you tell us, or any of these learned Judges that you are quoting tell lis, -hat part of the offence re maibea to- be completed after the man had got through with doing all that he could to kill another he doing to him that which inevitably would kill him? Whether there is anything in the fever or in the short breath or in the last strangulation that enters into the aggression on his. life? Mr. Reed I answer you in the j language of those distinguished jur ists whom I have read, who are far better able to decide the question than I am. They say that the crime is not complete until death occurs, and that the death must occur in the jurisdiction of the court that tries the case. The Chief Justice Why not leave it on the sensible ground that a horn-; icide who has committed murder shall uot be tried save in the place: where be exerted the violence, and let it rest on dogmatism and not on an attempt to reason about it? Mr. Rred If your Honor calls it dogmatism, aud rests it on that, I am satisfied. I know that it is techni cal, but technicalities may become substance, and a necessary substance, for the protection of life and liberty. It. is the law to-day throughout the civilized world that to constitute the orinre of murder the victim must die within a year and a day. If Mr. Garfield had lived thirty minutes be-' yond the one-year and one day, Gni tean wouldohave been saved, abso lutely, with the armor of the law about him. That is a technicality, but it is the law. If that is a techni cality and yet the law, is not this question of the jurisdiction of the court a more grave technicality? Tdr Honors are bound by these de- jjisiona. uuiteau and myseit are not responsible for this omission of the iiw. -- Neither are Your Honors. The Chief Justice What has been omitted ? Mr. Reed Cougress has failed to provide for the puuishraetit of such a case aa this. The Chief Justice That is all pro vided for, is it not ? A Judge comes in and says that the offence was not complete. Why ? Not because a man has not shot another man to death, but because he did not happen to die in the place where he waa shot, thus making the effect of the crime a part of it. It ia the Judges who have made that law. Mr. Reed Undoubtediy, and the Judges have made the common law. The Chief Justice I notice that your doctrine grows stronger as you travel back into twilight. I have no ticed that all the way through. Coke puts the prapoajt'on, a little stronger than. a.ny of them, Mr. Jfceed Suppose there were nut other authorities un this question tfean those which have cited, would not your Honors he hou.nU hy them? The Chief JqatioeWfhere ia a sort l uf logic that merely mixes up the itself. Mr. Reed I am i.tt here to say rhfre re a great many absnidtUus . nr la' ",U lt S 1ft w , 4ba 8ame- ! r. Reed wmS on to wy thar twenty-j "x Statea of tbls, U,.u nave -passed j statutes to remedy thu omissTon in j me common law recognizing tne ne- cessity of legislation to cover the case. He also argued that the day fixed fur the hanging of Gaiteau ws n,Pt a,u thorijed by the hwe, o the Dastrict of Columbia, as. he ha not heen giyeu all the time the law says he should have. In regard to Judge Oox's charge to the jjury, r. Reed excepted to Judge Cox's declaration as tothedoc--trine of reasonable du')t. He com' plained that Judge Cox's instructions on that point were so involved and mixed us to he beyond the compre hension of twelve ordinary mon. The Chief Justice Unles they were fools they could understand that; could they not ? Mr. Reed's argument will he cod tiu lied tomorrow me ujniei season isomer, tne can- ning factory cornm,enr$d vork on gar don peas Saturday. Over one hundred hands were shelling. Gmit and Dyspepsia. it is well know'i that gout is a common disease :n England. In this country it is so rare that little is known about it outside the medical profession. It is, however, an ex ceedingly painful disease, and the in tervals between the attacks tend to grow less and less as is illustrated iu the case of Spurgeou, who is now j so frequently driven from his pulpit : by them. As the witty Frenchmen has de- scribed it, rheumatism is your hand in the vise till you can stand it no longer; gout is one more turn of the 6crew.' Luxurious living, with insufficient exercise, is universally regarded as its cause, except that one may inherit a tendency to it, though even this, doubtless connects with inherited luxurious habits. Dyspepsia, on the other hand, is, in this country, as common as gout is rare. This, also, b largely due to improper eating improper in quality. One, may bave naturally Weak pow ers of digestion; or the digestive ca pacity may .have become weakened temporarily or permanently, by grief, care, anxietyy pressure of business, unremitting brain-work, or too little exercise in the open air. At a late meeting of the Boston Society for Medical Observation, Dr. Curtis pointed out the common origin of the two diseases in overeating. Gout results where digestion is vigor ous. Th e b 1 ood becom es overcharged with food, mainly nitrogenous. This, instead of being eliminated in the form of urea, carbolic acid, etc., remains in the system imperfectly ox ydized, as the Bource of the latter di sease. Ih the United, States overeating, giv ing rise to dyspepsia, prevents that ex cess of unassimilated nutriment which is the foundation of England's more painful affliction. louth s Compan ion. Patience Finds a Way. A writer in the Ledqer mentions a worthy old man, 'Uncle' Alden Palmer, who uttered a good many sensible sayings of his own, and was fond of quoting the maxims of oth ers. Une old sentence that he often repeated was, "Patience and persever ance will accoomplish all things." One day, in at the old man,s mill, in Norway, Maine, he had repeated the old axiom, in good faith, when a self important man, who was waiting for grist, disputed him No, sir! I can tell you many tilings which patience and peseverance can not accomplish. 'irerhaps you can. replied uncle Palmer, quietly; 'but 1 have never yet come across the thing. Will you name one?' "Will patience aud perseverance ever enable you to carry water in a sieve.' 'Certainly they will.' 'I would like to have you tell me how it is to be accomplished. 'Simply by waiting patiently for the water to freeze !' This recalls the storv of the Indian loafer in th older New England days who had more wit than industry, lie was always begging cider at white men's houses, and one farmer in jest promised to give him a sieve full. It was winter, and the Indian placed his sieve In water and let the water freeae and then carried off the cider. Do Small Things Thoroughly. Every boy should ponder the words of the Preacher in Ecclesiastes: 'Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, doit with thy might.' The injunc tion is exceeding broad, for it covers small things as well as large ones. The Hon. Josiah Quincy reports, in the Independent, a conversation be once had with Daniel Webster, which illustrates the preacher's words: The conversation was tunning upon the importance of doing small things thoroughly and with the full meas ure oi cue's ability. Thi3 Webster illustrated by an account of some petty insurance cases that were brought to him when a youug lawyer in Portsmouth, Only u small amount was iuvolved, aud a twenty-dollar fee was all that was promised. He saw that to do his olients full justice, a journey to Bos ton, to consult the J aw Library, would be desirable. He would be out of pocket by such an expedition, and for Uis time he would receive no adequate cumpensa tion. After a little hesitation, he What it might. He accordingly went -Htr.r, WA-n.l ..f- and gained the case. . Years after this, Webster, then fa- mous, was passing through JNew York, : r i' tuiuuiinui, luouiauuc CUBt) uatt iu be tried the day after his arrival, and . . oc of tfee pounael had suddenly been 1 . 77 J taken ill Money was no object, and Webster was begged to name his terms aud .j conduct the case "I told thepA,'1 said Mr. Webster, '-Hhftt it was preposterous to expect me to prepare a legal argument at a few hour's notice. They insisted, however, that I should look at ihe papers; and this, after seme demur, I consented to do. "Well, it was my old twenty-dollar case over again, and as I never forget anything, I had all the authorities at my fingers' end. The court knew that I had no time to prepare, and were astonished at the range of my acquirements. "So, you see, 1 was handsomely paid both in fame and money for that j lournev to Uostoii; and tlie moral is that sood work is rewarded in the end, though, to be sure, one's own elf-approval should be enough." The Squirrel Problem. 'A squirrel is up a tree and a man ! on the ground with a gun is trying to ' shoot it; but the squirrel persists in keeping on the opposite side of the treefiom the man The man walks clear around the tree to the place of starting, the squirrel going about in the same direction and keeping the tree all the time between itself and the man. Now the problem is, 'Has the man been around the squirrel?' He has been around the tree with the squirrel on it, but has he been around the squirrel !' JLhe ExDres9 invited answers to this , . . i r;fb which fasns sras i seven, or wmcn Biteen say ye man does go around the squirrel, and twelve say no, he does not. A few t)ave sent us their reasons, and two send figures demonstrating the. prob lem. The following answers are printed: 1. Of ourse the man goes around the squirrel. He goes around the tree aud everything on it. 2. Should the squirrel have the start I am of the opiuion that the man goes around it. 3. Not by a darn Sight does the hunter walk around the squirrel. 4. The man does not go around the squirrel. Might as well claim that by having a horse attached at A and another at B each describing the same circle, keeping at opposite sides of circle the horse at A would at every time going around the ring go around the inside half of B and that B retumed the compliment A( X- )B to A in the same manner simply be cause the outside of one described a larger circle than the inside of the other. In other words a man or horse in describing any circle goes around one-half of himself. 5. The man goes around the squir rel. It is just like a wheel within a wheel. C. The man don't go around the squirrel. 1 have tried it and had I got around the squirrel, I would have shot it. 7. If there was no tree there and the squirrel was running around in a circle on the ground and the man was going in a larger circle I should say the to an went around the squirrel. But when, you put a tree there it is different. The man does not go around the squirrel on the tree. 8. The man doesn't go around the squirrel any more than the squirrel goes around the man. 9. Of course the man doesn't go around the squirrel. If I am stand ing on the nigh side of a horse and start to walk round him, and the horse keeps turning as I go, I am on the nigh side of him all the time, am I not ? And I don't go around him if I am on the nigh side all the time, do I? The easels precisely similar to this of the squirrel on a tree. Buffalo Evpress. 'Treading' Water. Fashionable summer sports have their peculiar risks, and every one should know how best to protect him self in danger. Some suggestions by a writer in Nature may be of use to those who t-pend the summer at the sea side. They relate to swim ming, and that is au accomplishment that is of more serious importance than most other mere accomplish ments that are taught young people. The bathing I might say the drowning season is now about to be gin, and many lives will unhappily be lost. As the human frame, bulk for bulk, is lighter than water, all that is needful to save life is to permit the body to sink until it shall displace as much water as equals the body's weight. Then paddle gently, as the lower animals do, with hands and feet, the head being held erect, wherever it is desired to go. This direction being carried out is absolutely all that is needful under ordinary conditions to preset ve life. These few directions ought to be stuck up in every bathing place in the three kingdom?. Children in ' every instance ought to be made to tread water from the earliest age, say in shallow slate-baths with blood warm water, or, when convenient and suitable, in some river, pond, or in the open sea. A leather belt with ring, and a stout rod with Iiu and hook, areem ! ployed hy Portuguese mothers to in struct their children. The mother, j rod iu hand, stands ou the brink; the child learns in the water. In Paris swimming-schools the i f uie Procedure is resorted I business cannot be begun to. The too soon. 1 1 fw mer m ants swstammg them- I m-tlwmn nf Ait Iti . i i I bn r-vl t 1 ! t O fQ lJ u ,uc - . m v" ' Treadincr water is far safer than i . . . , , n ni ,i i, , . .- nrian . . . i , i raw I aouifc. a" " woB.u' ,wnu "as nio t a art if o K rtr r lnrrtn (lnia I lo : . 1 .11 .... 1 i. 1 T- , , ! !er water' the 0 ; mg is reduced to zero. The conviction instilled that the body is f drown-: process i involves no uncertainty, no delay. : Very different from swimming, it can i be acquired at once. ( ointneiKi mculH. Tliis is tho season for editors to re ceive 'oomplimentaries'" to the school commencements. To-day we have two, one from Ia Orange and the other from i Graham. At the Graham school, taught by Rev. D. A. Long, Gov. Jarvis will : address the graduating class; and at j La Grange Academy, taught by MoBsrs. Rouse and Joj-ner, Prof . Gt&o T. Win ; ston. of tho Stata University, will de I livor the annual address. The funeral of Captain Bums Mid yette, of the Susan, running between Hyde and New Berne, took place early on Saturday morning. Captain Mid yette had been sick about a week, of pneumonia, in tha Marine Hospital, and died on Friday. r (.From the Detroit Free Press. From tho Ohio to the Sea. Brass' Siege of Chattanooga. If there is ever another war be tween the North and the South, Chattanooga. Nashville and Knoxville will again be rategic positions worth fighting for. The Confederates early discovered their value and clung to them with grim tenacity. Nature had done so much for Chattanooga that man had only to plant a few guns to make the position seemingly impreg nable. When Gen. Brag? held it in the fall of 1863, he reported to the War "t-y ma -w to capture ChattauvKga. r When Rosecrans held it, two weeks later, he reported to Grant that he could hold the place against the whole Confeder acy. But both commanders had to learn that an army without rations is already defeated. BBAGO'S EETREAT. When Rosecrans reached Chatta nooga and surveyed the position, be saw that a direct assault would end in disaster. Then he began hunting for the weak point, and he moved by the dank. When he had cut Bragg liaes to the west and south not an other pound of rations eould enter Chattanooga, and starvation was only a question of days. Bragg, sure that Rosecrans meant to assault and con fident that he could repel him, was deceived into remaining quiet until the flank movement had been accom plished. .Then, in a day, the blow fell, and he saw that he must either evacuate or march oat and attack the Federal army. That he did. not choose the latter course was at first attributed to cowardice, but subse quent events proved that he meant to meet strategy with strategy. . Before any Confederate had -come down to half rations Bragg was marching out of Chattanooga, bands' playing, flags flying, and the men in good spirits. None ' of his earthworks were dis turbed, and the bridges were all left in perfect order. THE STRATEGY. Awake at last to what Rosecrans was. doing, Bragg; had bestirred him self with such energy that before leaving Chattanooga he knew the po sition of every Federal division. The nearest corps, was eight miles- away, and the farthest was about forty. By rapid marching he could strike them in detail. The fact that Bragg was retreating proved to Rosecrans that he was demoralized, and he started Crittenden's corps in pursuit This command, by making a short cut to head Bragg ou, escaped annihilation. He had the trap Eet tor his game, but the game hai taken another road. It was these movements which brought on the battle of Chickamauga. ' Bragg had faced about, ready to fight,' and in ten days more it was Rosecrans who was shut up in Chattanooga "and it was Bragg who was playing the role of besieger. A BAD SITUATION. Bragg's army had been sup'plied by railroads running into the Confed eracy, but when Rosecrans ' found himself penned up he realized that every pound of rations for hid large army must not only come by wagon, but he hauled mote than fifty miles over roads which to-day a farmer's team can hardly pull along with ten bushels of oats. If the Confederates did not meddle with the Nashville Railroad supplies could be wagoned over the mountains iu limited quanti ties. Rosecrans had to trust to luck and arrange bis trains. OVER THE MOUNTAINS. A brigade of soldiers lying within half a mile of a depot of supplies will keep twenty wagons on the move all the time. 1 hink, then, now many wagons it would take to supply bay, i corn, clo'hiDg, rations, equipments, etc., to a large army sixty miles from a depot! War has never furnished ! a similar case, and probably never . will. I was over twelve miles of the . route the other day, and I found a hundred places where it seemed un sa fe for one to venture in the saddle. For all that loug sixtv miles there was not a spot in that fall of 1863 ' where a team could strike a trot It took two days and a half or three uays to go wiui empty waguus, uuu I four and live to return. Where the road crossed a valley the mud was hub-deep. Where it ascended a hill six spans of mules were necessary to handle the load. In many places there are stretches of two miles where the road is too narrow for vehicles like army wagons to pass. This fact sometimes delayed the wagons for hours. j ! A STILL OLOOMIEB THOSPECT. ' Bragg was determined that Hose-' crans should leave Chattanooga be fore help could come from the WeBt. He would not make au assault, aud RosecraoB would have met with de feat if marching out to attack him. Therefore his plan was to starve the Federals out, aud he came so near success that none who were shut up there will ever forget the short rations dealt out. The Nashville Road was several times torn up at different points, aud systematic at tacks made on the wasron trains. Over a thousand wagon loads of sub- h- and after a few weeks the whole bombardment he could not have ! route was lined with wrecked vehicles earned it. One has but to rid. to j and dead mules. Rosecrans mighi the crest of the mountain to see how keep his soldiers in bread and meat greatlv his position was overesiima a little longer, but there came a day ted- He had three ""9 behind when nothing further could be ! breastwork which stilt stands in o.-d . thought of. Tho hoi ses must starve. I relir ad fourth down between I and the men who were without shoes anrl ..verenata miisl ni.Vo tho fcat ,.f it Fall came on, cold and rainy, and hundreds of the men were suffering for the want of clothing aud tents. Bragg thre his lines across from Missionary Ridge to Lookout Moun tain, and one of his most advanced fdits now stands withio the city limits and close beside a summer resort. He was not idle an hour day or night There was a constant, firing all along the picket lines, and the Confederate cavalry was particularly aggressive. The country was entirely stripped of forage, aad the question of , "how to beat Bragg" was finally lost In the search for food. Some regiments were without coffee for days at a time. Others got coffee but no pork. Others yet considered themselves lucky to get coffee ,ond . hard-tack, Rosecrans could not march out and attack, and had he evacuated Chatta nooga Bragg was ready to , pursue and overwhelm him. , He had ' only one coarse to stick. ROSECRANS RELIEVED. Men who fought under Rosecrans are not satisfied with the treatment he received at! the hands of Grant Take all that has come to light io these long twenty years and there is much for him and something against him. He was a ; fighter. Where other Generals would have realized their defeat he had only commenced to fight. He had the confidence of officers and ,men. Another might have moved out and attacked Bragg, goaded on by newspapers and politi cal clamor, but he refused certain defeat It is a good General who knows when not to attack. - On the other hand, it is claimed that Rosecrans lacked strategy; that bis pursuit of Bragg was a woeful mistake, and that in so doing he was doing' exactly what Bragg planned for him. Bragg had plenty of time to evacuate Chattanooga, yet he did not touch a bridge nor -destroy such stores as he could v not carry - off Critics have said that these incideuU should have Bhown Rosecrans that his enemy was in no way demoralized. Had he hurried up his scattered corps and slipped into Bragg's warm nsst his army would nave secured all the key positions and been in trim for a fight at any point The battle of Chickamauga. not only reduced the army in si fearful manner, but demor alized it for weeks, and thousands of the infantry were left without arms. And, too, Rosecrans could have at anytime accomplished what Thomas eet about before he . had been in Chattanooga twenty-four hours opening a shorter line of communica tion. It seems not to have been his failure as a fighter so much as the claim thut be was a failure as a strat egist, which caused his removal. But, whatever .the causes ard. what ever the criticisms, "Old Rosy's" name will ever bring a cheer to the lips of the men who fought under his standard. STARVATION. In the last days of. the siege there was not enough forage in Chattanooga to supply the horses of one full bat tery. Had Rosecrans attempted to retreat he could not have drawn a dozen field-pieces away. Shade and fruit trees were cut down for the ani mals to browse on, and in some instances citizens were routed off their straw beds that the contents might go to the horses. By and by every horse was a gaunt skeleton, weakly wandering over the black fields in search of patch or shrub, and one after another they fell down and died of sheer starvation. The soldiers had to make the most of their slim fare, and even to divide with the women and children of Chat tanooga. After the lapse of a month not a house in the place had flour, meat, butter, milk or potatoes- When families had eaten what they had in stock they appealed to the soldiers. PRIDE VS. HUNGER. When Bragg evacuated tho city one of his colonels left a young wife behind. She was from South Caroli na and a thorough Yankee hater. She was at first comfortably provided with provisions, but as the days went by and she divided with this neigh bor and that, hr stock ran low. She finally had nothing left but corn meal and dried peas, and one night a ser vant girl stole dl the meal. Other women were appealing to the Feder als, but this one determined to die first She had pea-soup, pea-pudding and peas cooked in various other shapes, and when the peas gave out she gave a negro a dollar to cut her a steak from a mule which had fallen dead ia a field across the way. She had made up her mind to brave it through, but the mule meat was worse than the blue coats and she locked up ber pride aud applied for Federal rations. BKAGO'S BOMBARDMENT. Lookout Mountain seems to hang right over Chattanooga; but one must ride for two long hours from tho center of the city to reach the spot where Bragg had four guns planted to bombard the place. There was more talk than shoot, only one of his pieces could be sufficient! v de- pressed to strike the town, and his occasional blazing away amounted to nothing when summed up. Two shells ntrnck & hotel without da ma ire to anybody, and a piece of another wounded a colored boy on the street Had he been offered a reward for killing ten Federals in a month's i f ue ro8 0,1 lne fel,0,- huty "'l ;l U eu,r of these gUIIS was ft breat- work tl.ro wu up to cover two up to cover iwo regi ments of in an try. It is there to-day, ookiug jjust as it did on that eventful day when Hooker's troops struck it in flank aud , sent the Confederate rushing through ' the pines. lltwl Grant ignored the position entirely it must have been evacuated a soon un Missionary llidge was captured. ' OIVB MK TEN lUTSMOtta.', . j " So said Bragg when tlfinga were at their worst in Chattanooga,' nm! if Thomas hadn't r bestirred himself. starvation would hav compelled n -urrender. In the fffurt. to supply the army from Bridgeport by wngon, Bosecrans lost 11,500 mules and horn es on ' the roar". ' One could havo walked the entire distance on ih ir dead bodies, aud in journeying over a part of the route tha other day.' 1 saw many of the skeletons at ill bleaching on the hillsides and in ' the' ravines. There was also. low of over Tl.OO!) army waguns, and at least a million dollars', worth of stores ..That the Federal forces held the key to Kant Tennessee, with a victorious army in front and starvation in tear, is a mat ter deserving of more praise than history has given it. .Had -Bragg retaken the place, the consequence would have been felt from the Army of the Potomac to Vicksburg. , '',.' '.' Chattanooga, Tenu. M. QrtAt. Casting Their Eyes Houth-uard. The Plans rtbe, Itepabllcona to Make Vp ' rr Expected Umwi In tbe : Nrtli. ..-,.!: ;.;.....;;..;.,.- . ,.. .1 Washington, May '8. The' Rc-' publican ; National Committee ' is sending circulars throughout: the South inviting prominent men in the Republican party to meet' the com mittee in conference in this city on some day in June. The object of this conference is. to find out how rory . districts it will be possible for the. Republicans lo carry y an expendi ture of money and work, how many there is a fair chance 6f carrying, and howmany may bo 'carried by indc-'' pendents as against regular Demo cratic candidates. It is certain that . the Republican. committee expects to carry a large number of the Congres sional districts ia the South. It has already issued an appeal for money, and speakers will be sent tr the South and other preparations made lo make up in that section for tho losses which are to occur in the North. The appoiutment of : Major-Gen. Jim Scoville as special ageut of the Treasury is undoubtedly a part of the programme.-' Scoville, who seems to have run his career as a Jersey Re- , publican, Democrat, feud Independent, will be sent into the Southern States aa soon as the canvass opus to make soeeches, and otherwise to represent the Administration' in the arrange ments -forTCcnring Rermblican Con gressmen from ' that section. N. Y. Sun. - - "' '" ;- ' i War Telegraplitng. The Union army, in 1862 lay en camped on the north bank of the ' Rappahannock, opposite what was to " be the disastrous field of Fredericks- , burg. On the bank of the liver, in ' the extreme front of the' Union line,' stood tbe house of Mrs. Gray, a Iong, rambline stone buildincr. whoso frout of three stories faced the river. ,Tho;,' ' roof sloped sternly toward the rear,. ' , where the stone side waa but one story high. Mrs. Gray herself, an' elderly widow'" had received the Union advance with every deoionstra-' ' tionof welcome, and her house soon became a favorite rendezvous for young officers. A prime cause of thia, ; aside from Mrs.' Gray's. cheerful - hearth and good fare, was the beauty , of her daughter SUie,a brunette ot : perhaps 29 years. A young lieutcn- j ant was badly' wounded . by those ' batteries, and spent all his ppare time at the feet of this fair 'Southerner,-'1 , . who professed such sympathy with the Union cause. ; ; ; ; i. Late one rainy night a sentinel , ' pacing back ana forth before the tone front of the Grey house hsard . a fuint but sharp noise cutting the '' still uir. It sounded like tbeelick of a telegraph instrument and Usenmed , to come from "beneath , hit feet-. f , Greatly perplexed he called the ser-i '' gcant of the guard. They lUtoncd.V carefully and were presently joiued t , by tho gallant lover of ta I lie Gray., Conviction of treachery "smote'' his heart and with the sergeant -he tmJ '' ceremoniously entered tbe Gray -v ' dwelling. b'allie and her mother, , despite the late hour, , were ,. busily k , " sewing by a table in the sitting-room. The ladies rose in apparent 'surprise u. 5 indignation at the intrusion.' ' 4 'And fctep aside, if you please said the sergeant .;.'',. . ,.., ,V . ' ' W hat docs this meaut' asked Mrs. Gray sharply. 4 i- '.'.' 5 X 'brunk. 1 appeal to you for protoc'-11' , tioD," cried the young lady to the lieu- w tenant. That officer could Only shake ('. "i his head and sternly wave her .aside.,,. You are false. You have deceived ' , , , rae,' he said hoarsely, aa the girl who had promised to be his bride artuk '.' i sobbing upon a sofa. ) The soldiers could hear . ticking i - more plainly now. They moved the ', I table, lifted the carpet, and "discover- f ; ed u trap door leading to a cellar ok" whose existence i bey had no snapi '. v cion. A light below was nurtautiy I qiieiit lied but they fearlessly descend and discovered a teiegrnpu lnsirumen w ith an insulated wire running through ' ' ihe ce'lar, und evidently passing luath tbe river to the enemy ou the other suU. OouchiBg iu a corner!'. v. was the operator, n youg and baud--, some man, who had never before been ' ' i a . - a netn about the houe, having lived lor days iii the aellar. ' V oil are mv nrig- r oner' troin the serea-'l brought the dititssc(l wail frum poor, Salli of, 'My husband, oh my husbai.d,' The, ,"; heart of the Union" lieutenant' wt-ot " hack once mile to tlli) girl he lei t be-' hind him. - . - , ' jr.

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