v,'-:-'-'v f-y;;.-i-' , ' ' - - " - 1TEY7 BEE1TE JOUEfTAIb . - K . , .. .. . - . -NEW BEBUE J; .. BATES OF ADT1..T: One Inch on week '.:"- " PUBLISHED EVXRV THUBSDAV'. one tnoBth..,..,., ...... ,;yE!f zzpE, xEira coraTr, f im. three months 3 Qnarter col una one .week...... '. one monlli. " " one year. Z.'..1 Halt oolunui oa weck....j.i:. . one mooth,,.-. .i " . .on ear.............. .... h On column sue week v.... I .. . ; .J rone nostbAMH. ; : oa ycar..... 1 Contracts for advertising fr anr , or Urn my be made at the oin of u, r Bxnas Jot a Hal. In th BHk Ilkxk, r Sret,Kw Bme. North Carolina. tfniv Editor and -Proprietors. :t:- &TlSejrN I proprietor.. INDEPENDENT IN ALL THINGS. Terms $8.00 i .2.00 : - . '"Sis' Month"-. J.00 VOL; V. NEW BEENE, N. C, JUNE 8, 1882. NO. J). i ': - Maris trate Blank arwaj on hnt t OCR.MAL. if . .1 i -'; I V. NOTICED lilVi-ConatT CommissioRf hare ordered that :-" ,r ; a.ll lands sold by the Sheriff to the county fottax- .pa due lor tne year w, cub ij nweemea dj uu , ,,.rtiihnot uriuf the additional 83 Tier cent. ' - -; 'n- - allowed by la provided the taxes on eald lands ' , paid by theflret of Jaly., Parties interested - VniMi! I July' -: County Treasurer: A 2? 0 H II EY AT law; - New Berne, l C. rill practice- in- the Counties of Greene; .Iy-ic.'", Jn'S, "Onslow,. Pamlico and t '. iT. a; aK m tlie U S. District Court. rrc-nrt Attention paii to Collection of . CLKVBXT MAKLT, Attorneys at Law, :.; ' '.' . Cf osite Gaston Honsei New'Bertse, N.C TLZj P3? ACTICE Uf 'THE STATE AND i -cts.: Or nrcsandreCTilarly attena au ses- Craven, . Carteret, Pamlico, Jones, Onslow, - fcenoir. . . . ' . lar. au-w-jj. ::::::::ittailor. . I7ew Berne, IT. C. j ri . fifa J.1 J; Tolson & coB; ES.OAD. STEEET TC,-' (Second d or East front' Railroad) receives GOODS by.j eyejrjJSteameri Tfce bt of Potted : a ; ' '"f-. Canned Goods, si 33 2 1 -;' farads 3 " cl .CpTeer' best grades Tlcur best kettlof ; rendered Lard-"-- ; -Very t?es t selected, BCTTEH, Pr Apple VIN CQAB, ICGAB orll crmdes - bet Family GHOCEKIES, of : :' - ALL KINDS. . Our country friends : will lind it to tlieir advantage to call and try our pri ces before buying. All goods . sold - at ,l Goods delirered at any part of City- prompt . and free. . E road Street second door esust from r"rod. ' . ..Apr. J, l y C OOTICEii IX THE SUPERIOR COURT. : . " - . JOSES COUST ' : . ' To r nHl Kereer.' - Y.-a will take notice that a special proceeding l - , has ben bezun in. the name of John Whitty, . "j, J - . ward Mercer t at, to which yon are ' r i Qdant, for the purpose of wiling the ; ' . r ia Jones eoonty known as the Lewis .- ... . r ,.meste&d, for assets to pay debt of the i - ' " ri stint..;", etc. Yon are rea uird to appear before -; V ,. laoina J. Wbitaker, Esq-, Clerk of said Sbpernar - tourt. ; t tne Court House tn Trenton on ine lotn -. , : day oi June, Us2, and answer or demur a you ' ' ' risv bf aavuM-d. o the eomplaint filed. . i- : d w td THOMAS J. Vr'H IT AKER. J. 8 , iJ . .U 1ST JD 13 It IIC E It, :' . ; '. i. KISSTON, N. C,'f ' :, y"if& '-' .." Harinj recently Teeefved a LARGE LOT 'of IJUKTAl, OASES, rSSrecf Trom"the;'iIannfdeturer-l -"jb how fnlly prepared to perform ;il antiee iaf?.' ' BUimiTG THE .DEADF at the Shortest Notice. . Give me a call.. , L, ,u s'aon' oa Oaswell sxet.'oiM)oslt'yee jprtst printing office. : f-l am. DEALER IN - fenj 011 C C 0 Sf C IGARS. OppoBito Xoe fioxiae, ''"I i vJ'i'ET KERNE, If. C. Apr. 1, ly dw -:-'-;??'K":s?. J. V. ITUiJAMSiv; B. M. Gates. ;' J. Y. Y(TILLIAMS & Co, : r h ' comrnwioN zeerchants ; .ryANDyv.;--' TmOLESAlR DEALERS 15 . se jr-: M 1TX' Solicit Consignments. - v x ' Solicit Orders. licit Consignments. , licit Orders. Ncwbern, N. C. "i A Proposal on Horseback. If there was one thing which Cays ote Tom -prided himself on more than another it was his horseman ship.: Housed to boast and with reason that he could ride .anything, anywhere, and at any time.: ; The feats of the crack riders of the bor der were all as familiar .to him as is walking to most men. ; He could pick up r a. Mexican dollar while passing at full gallop ; he could ride his horse at a dead run and stop on a blanket j he could , hang on one side with "merely his arm and foot showing above the horse's back as well ;.as any, Comanche that ever lived.' Among the men who knew him it . was conceded that Tom was, as" far as riding went, " a hull team ah' ai yaller dog under the waggin." Tom did his workfwith a finish," as the 'professional fgymhasts term it.: Xone of his accomplishments, on foot, or on horseback, had been sufiicienty however tol guard him against the assaults of a certain pair of black e j es, owned and man aged with great skill by Miss Mary Jones, - old Dan "Jones' U eldest daughter. Tom liad Jseen her first at old Fort Henry, and as -her father was well known as an expert hunter : and -trapper, and as Tom ranked easily among the first of that craft, he had little or no diffi cnlty in getting introduced. '. '' The first: day f he . thought her pretty : the second, beautiful : and the third the most fascinating girl he had ever seen.; He made, him self as agreeable as be knew how to-Dan, and succeeded so well that the old. man asked him to join him for the fall hunting. It is scarcely necessary to say that Tom accepted and the date was fixed at which he was to come;to-Dan's cabin, built on the, edge of the South Hatte Itiver; 'yr-r . - The middle of August came, arid Tom started. He had about 'cne hundred miles to " go before reach ing the cabin," and as he rode: leis urely along he found plenty, to think about in Miss Molly. . Tom, by the way, was '- a goodlooking fellow,1 trained to border life since the time he had been ' able to" lift a rifle a thorough scout, hunter and trapper; Beaching the South Platte, he rode up theTank of the-: river about ten miles, and came to the place where the cabin was, or rather had ueeur Its place f was marked by some char red logs; the ground- was cut up by horses' leer: and here and there reddish . stains marked- the ,t)lace where the thirsty soil had drunk up some man's blood. ' It did not need a second glance at the ruins to tell Tpin the whole story. Indian raids were too common ; in 7ob to make men on the border hesitate about reading the "sign.'?. The first thing to do was evidently to find out who the- Indians were. A4 careful ex amination, during which Tom quar tered the ground as carefully as a hunting dog, resulted in his picking up a necklace of bears'; claws, one of the most valued Ornaments of a savage... warrior. . The claws ..were set between strips of deer-skin. A glance at f the ornamentation, and Tom ejaculated between his shut teeth. ' ' ' "' " j ."Blackfeet!" v , ,; He finished examining the neck lace, and mounted at once to follow the traiL '2So thought of: the dan ger before him, or the seeming im possibility of the mau rescuing a prisoner from' a tribe, even 'crossed hia'mindj'AH lie : knew i was that Blackfeet t had,i raided" old Dan's cabin, antt he supposed , that the girl was probably alive from- the fact that the Indians rarely killed women.-' -' r. - r . ' Tlie tra il stretched out over - the prairie toward the 'southwest. As he rode . along .those . indications which are as an open' bookj to the men of the frontier, told him. that tnere were not more s tnan ten or twelve warriors iu the party, and the second day he : found a bit of calico sticking to a bush, and knew that they" had - Mary with , them. Tom had with hint two horses, rid ing one. and leading the other, and by frequent changes he was able to cover a great . many., miles la day. The fotlrth day,4 about seven in the evening, he. .sighted . the Indian camp between two large rocks and by the , edge pf .a little stream. Staking his horses out on the plain, Tom got on and scouted his way up to the edge of one of the rocks. Here lying on the rock, with his face hidden behind a small bush growing in a crevice, he could see the Indians sitting around the fire. A little to one side was the girl, her head bent down resting on her bands as tnough she was weeping over the tate of her lather and her own captivi ty. ,Tom almost thought he could see the tears, and although this wiis probably "delusion, it was enough to make him resolve that, somehow, he would rescue her. He could see oat on the plain a short distance the horses of the whole party feeding, and he could iust barely distinguish the form of the horse-guard, the Indian who had been chosen to watch them But he had seen enough. Cautions ly drawing back, he made the best of his way down the rock, until, reaching the ground, he struck out in the direction ot the horses. He had marked the place where the guard lay,. and crawling through the willows on the edge of the stream", he approached him with no more noise than that made by a snake. When he got close he could see the Indian sitting with his .back against a small tree. Crawlin'gstill more cautiously if that was possi ble, he reached a point not more than three feet away from the -unsuspecting savage. Gatheringhim self together, Tom fairly leaped upon the incautious red-skin, and before he could utter a sound had him by the; throat. A few choking gurgles soon ended and one more Blaekfoot Tiad gone to the Happy Hunting Grounds. Tom picked the dead Indian up and carried him off to a spot behind the rocks where a fire could be" lit without", being seen by the war party. Here he took the medicine sack of the dead man, and hunting in it, found the neces sary paints to enable him by the light of the fire to transform himself from a handsome white man into a most truculent-looking savage. Has tily donning his victim's leggings, shirt and mocasins, and throwing his robe around him, Tom prepared for the really dangerous task which was next in order. Walking around the rock again, he came to where the horses were, and from there struck bravely and boldly for the camp.- Reaching it, he stalked to the fire, and sitting down,; lit the pipe in his tomahawk and began to smoke. He was care ful, of couse, to sit in such apposi tion; that; the fire-light . could not shine upon his face tor he had well founded suspicions that the painting might easily, be anything but per fect, s He had not been there many minutes before one "of the Indians said to him: s , "Why has the Leaping Cat left the horses alone T" Then again silence, broken only by the heavy - puns from the pipe. Glancing at her- cautiously, Tom caught fine look, but that, was enough. Rising to his feet he filled his pipe, and lighting it from a coal at the nrestalked off m the direc tion of j the horses. When he left the girl rose and walked to the fire, near which she sat down as if cold. Tom reached the horses, and then striking to the rightj disappeared behind the rock.: Running to where he had staked " his own animals he loosed one of them and rode, back again. When he reached the turn into' the place! between the rocks where the Indian camp was he rode cautiously in the shadows until within - about ' five hundred - feet. of. the Indians?--; Then putting spurs to his horse he galloped in. It took but a few moments for him to reach the, fire, and just before he got there Mary .stood, up anl stood perfectly still. ' Managing his horse with con summate " skill Tom rode close to her, and as he . passed in his wild gallop bent ; down and seized her" round the waist. The whole thing tookless time to do than it does to tell about it. : Before the Indians had recovered from their -first surprise,; Tom, on his flying horse, carrying Mary in his arms, was almost: out of bow shot. -Recovering from their amaze ment at the boldness of the feat, the redskins rushed fox their weap ons,' but their efforts were useless, for none ' of the , arrows reached either . Tom or the girl he bore so carefully in front of him. : Emerging from between the rocks, Tom directed his horse toward the place where the second was staked. As he rode he. shifted : Mary from the place he had her in front to the horse's back behind. f Here she, could hold on herself while Tom had his arms at liberty. Riding up to the second horse, Tom stooped down as he passed and pulled the stake up without slack ening his speed. The horse bolted, but-Torn had the end " of the rope, and he soon contrived to bring him along side. Cautioning , Mary to hold on tight, he threw himself from the back of one horse to that of the other, and. the one on which he had rescued the girl, relieved of his double burden, increased his pace at once. - ? Tom and Mary rode along side by side. . Their rapid gallop put miles between them and their ene mies, and the night prevented their trail being followed. As they rode Tom was told that old Dan was dead, shot in the raid. The infor mation only hastened what he had made up his mind to do, for he said to the girl : "Mary, my , cabin is empty; will you come to it!" and Mary said "Yes." When they reached the settlement there was a marriage performed by the chaplain at the Fort, and the - girl's wonder ful rescue and Tom's boldness, ad ded to the sensation always pro duced by a wedding, made them decidly the hero and heroine of the hour. Nor did either of them ever regret the result of the Proposa Horseback. on The Maine Greenback Ticket. Bangor, May 30. The Green back party had a full attendance at its Convention to-day, 100 delegates being present, representing all parts of the State. Several attempts were made to secure an endorse ment of Gov. Plaisted's administra tion, but they were defeated by the heavy adverse votes. The platform adopted declares an unalterable de termination to opiose all efforts to secure a fusion with either of the old parties. The following nominations were made by acclamation: For Gov ernor, Solon Chase of Turner; for Congressmen, Win. F. Eaton, ('ape Elizabeth ; Eben O. Gary, Dover ; B. K. Kellock, Rockland ; and 1). B. Averill of Prentiss. Solon Chase addressed the Con vention, saying the Greenback par ty had now cut loose from fusion, and henceforth would sail under its own flag. The Convention then adjourned. Troni the Elizabeth t'ity Economist. Hyde Jottings. THE "MATAMTJSKEET" APPLE. Locum, you have doubtless often masticated between the upper and nether millstones of your jaws the crisp, sparkling, juicy, delicious " Skeet" apple. It was born here by the side of Matamuskeet Lake. We learned to-day, from the res pected and venerable D. S. GibbSj of Lake Landing, the authentic tra dition of its history. At an early date, "in the good old Colony times, when we lived under a King," pne George .Williams, who lived near Matamuskeet Lake, went over to the ocean beach to a wrecked ship that had eome ashore in . a storm. Along the beach were apples that had floated ashore from the wreck. He.; brought , some of them home when he returned to the Lake, and planted some of the seed. From some of these seed planted by George Williams sprang the now celebrated and favorite winter 'Skeet" apple. Mr. GUbbs, who, with "eye not dimmed nor natural force abated," has passed the "three score and ten" at which the Scrip ture calls a halt, says the apple, when he was a "rude boy and elimbed up the - apple tree," was called the "Williams" apple. We express thanks that we are enabled by the information to rescue from the rodent tooth of Time the name and memory of one who has con tributed so much to our own and to. the happiness of mankind as has Mr. George Williams hi introducing the Matamuskeet apple. MATAMUSKEET LAKE. Arrpwmuskeet Lake, as it is sometimes called in the old records of Hyde county, is a large body of inland water not far. from Pamlico sound. It is twenty-two miles in length by seven in width, and forty miles in ; circumference. It varies in depth from three to live feet. During the winter it is frequented by wild fowl that feed upon its grasses, which are hunted by sports men, chiefly for sport. Fish do not abound in its waters. Catfish and the smaller , .kinds of robins and other perch, have it pretty much to JthfinselViMfJBut -4t...iiwldy bot tom and the charred stumps and logs that are found upon it make .it admirsfbly suited to the propaga tion of the German carp. Stocked with carp, the, waters of the 'lake would be eveli ! more productive of valuable food than the fertile lands adjacent to it.' And in & parenthe sis, we would like to call the atten tion of Fish Commissioner, Worth, to. the importance; of sending some of the young carp to Hyde county, to be placed in Matamuskeet Lake. If they were sent to W. S. Carter or Dr. Simmons of Fairfield, or to D. S. Gibbs of Lake Landing, or to Ed. L. Mann of Middleton, they would be thankfully received and properly attended to. There are various traditions re lating to the origin of the Lake. It was unquestionably made by fire. The peaty soil readily takes lire in a dry season and when once fully under way is almost unextinguish able. The Indian tradition is that it was formed by a fire which burned for twenty moons, and the tradition of its name is full of the romance of love and rescue. TEAOH'S LOG BOOK. There are many curious histori cal and ethnological relics in the county of Hyde. The most curious of all," and probably the most curi ous of all the lustorical relics of North Carolina, is the Log Book of the famous pirate, Teach, who was killed in a naval engagement in lower Pamlico Sound. Teach fre quented the waters contiguous to Hyde county and his principal places of rendezvous were in Hyde and the adjacent section of Bean fort, which was then a part of Hyde. When he was killed, his crew disbanded and settled in the precinct of Hyde and became peace able and industrious citizens. A few years since there died near Far Creek, in the county of Hyde, an old man of 85 years, named George Washington Gibbs, who was a lineal descendant, a great grand son, of one of Teach's crew who had in his possession the log book of the pirate, which had, been pre served with great care through the generations. The log book was carefully examined some years ago by Nathaniel Beekweth, my inform ant, and a Mr. Adams. The old man would not part with it for a pecuniary or other consideration. After the death of old Mr. Gibbs, the manuscript came to the posses sion of one of his grandsons who still has it in his possession, and who is blind and needy. We sup pose it is a diary of his piratical and other exploits. It would be a valuable addition to the antiqua rian historical relics of the State. The French Broad steamer will arrive here this week, and will be transported to its destination on two flat cars. It is a propeller, W feet long, and ! feet beam, and will be arranged to accommodate pleas ure parties pleasantly. It will run up the river ten or twelve miles The last appropriation of ,",000, just made for the improvement of the French Broad, if properly ap plied, will remove all the obstruc tions now existing between that part of the river just above Ashe ville, up to the Long Shoals. When not used in excursions, Mr. Pierce, the owner of the boat, will employ it in towing down rafts with which he proposes largely to supply the town with fuel. Ashe rille Citizen. From the Commercial. Steamer Transportation. OUR INCREASED FACILITIES. Down to five years ago the s only steamer that bore the port name of New Berne was the Neuse, owned iniThe First ShnTp Fight Kinston, and ten years ago the ar rival ot a steamer ot any kind in rftia nnrl was a. nrhralila m-on t Tiiif we have improved and New Berne I begins to make a showing of some ; life and energy in the matter of; steam transportation. NEUSE RIVER NAVIGATION CO. The steamer Neuse, engaged in the trade of the Upper Neuse to Kinston and White Hall, is the property of this company, which is preparing to build another steamer for the Neuse andContentnea River trade by the fall. TRENT RIVER TRANSPORTATION COMPANY. The Contentnea and the Trent of this line are engaged in the Trent and Neuse River and Contentnea and Swift Creek, trade, and the company is contemplating further additions to its fleet. SWIFT CREEK FREIGHT LINE. The steamer L. H. Cutler, built at Vanceboro by Mr- C. T. Cherry, is receiving her- machinery at that point, and is expected in port the coming week. NEW BERNE Ss PAMLICO STEAM TRANSPORTATION COMPArNY. This company is organized on a good working capital, and Captain Gray and Mr. T. A. Green have re cently returned from a visit North looking after a steamer. They have the plans and estimates for a new steamer which can be built at once and have made a report on some steamers they examined. This line is for the lower Neuse, Bay River, Pamlico, South Creek ami Hyde county trade, and will be in full op eration by the fall. MIDLAND STEAM LINE. The Midland Railway Company has purchased the sidewheel steam er Tiger Lily and- arranged to put her in the Hyde county trade. On the 20th of Juiie she : goes on the route for the summer season be tween Washington and Beaufort, touching at Swan Quarter. At the close of the season she will go in the trade from New Berne to Hyde direct. She, is a splendid .passen ger, express, mail and light freight steamer.. The Midland company is arranging for other steamers and will put on a line from Morehead to SavvnslMro. OTHER ENTERPRISES. A project is on foot for a new line from New Berne to Norfolk and Baltimore, and there is now build ing At the Midland shops the boiler for a tug boat for general towing service. A small steamer for . the upper Neuse is building at White Hall. THE CLYDE LINE. In addition to the steamers De fiance, Stout and Experiment, the Clyde Company is building a large steamer for the New Berne, Balti more and Norfolk trade, and will have her on the line by September. OLD DOMINION STEAMSHIP CO. A new and magnificent sidewheel steamerj built expressly for the New Berne and Elizabeth City trade, will be out next month, and with the New Berne .from this port and the Pamlico from Washington will give this portion of 'Eastern Carolina together with . other lines the finest facilities for travel by water as well as shipping that we have ever enjoyed. Ir. Blaine at Gettysburg:. Gettysburg, May 30. The decoration of the graves of the 3,000 Union soldiers interred in the Na tional Cemetery drew together a great crowd of people to-day. Ex Secretary Blaine .and General Jos. R. Hawley and wife, 'in company with the Hon. Edward McPherson and Gen. Whylie Crawford, U.S. A L ;!? who commanded the Pennsylvan reserves in the battle of Gettys- burg, visited Round Top, Snip's mil, cemetery nni, aim tuner, prominent points on rue nem. Gen. Hawlev delivered the ora- tion. Air. Blaine was called for, j us such a volley that nearly half my and said he had reproached himself! ev.nty men w. re killed or wounded, that he had permitted nearly nine-, and our advance Tell back in the great j. .. l est disorder." teen tCiiiM n i. mint- i urn fulfill contest without visiting and re freshing his patriotism with the sight of the grand scene of the great battlethe battle of Gettysburg. It is a proud thing for Pennsylvania that on her sou rebellion . was stayed. This battle demolished the theory of State rights, and it left this State the grand right to rejoice in the result of that struggle, lie congratulated himself that he was a native of thai State, for on Penn sylvania soil on the Fourth of July was the Federal Constitution adopt ed, and the rebellion received its death blow. What a Fool Found Out. The man who answered an adver tisement to following effect, say? hi cu riosity is satisfied: 'If you would learn how to make home happy, send a postage stamp and twenty-hve cents to V. O. J iox. Cincinnati.' He dfd send the necessary cash and soon received the answer: 'If you are as big a fool as we think you must be for giving u.-, your money you can make home happy by leaving it and going West by yourself.' The Mexican Congress adjourned Thursday. New elections for Dep uties and one-half of the members of the Senate will be held in June and July. -- - From The Detroit Free Press. FE0M THE OHIO SEA. TO THE f The Battle of Perrysvllle. in - Kentucky. w lit re Itnjrjr Counted J'asy Victorj-. on an And Found Himself Driven Tnree Milec. llad tlie war begun w ith the battle of Perrysville as it did with Bull Run Musi tor'y would liavc given it pages instead of lines, and y 1 it w as one of the best fought and most gallantly-contested fights of Hie whole' war, and its results were a hundred times greater than Fredericksburg. Chancellorsyille or Cold Harbor. It was , Bragg's first grapple with the Federal commanders who were to work his downfall iu after months, and it was a movement on his part destined to dispel the Confederate illusions that Kentucky had only to see the Southern flag to rally by thous ands. THK SITUATION. It was .September, 18G2. Kirby Smith had fought Gen. Morgan at Roger's Gap and defeated him., and had pressed on to Uogersville and met and scattered the forces of Nelson, and had then taken a position at' Lexington. From this point be gathered supplies, recruited several regiments, and made such cavalry demonstrations as to seri ously alarm Cincinnati. : Bragg -had pushed down and captured Munfords ville and its garrison, and had then turned Irom the road to Louisville and established himself at Bardstownl Bu ell's advance at an early day drove him from his position, and it was, not until the 7th of October that Bragg concenr trated at Perrysville for -battle. Be lieving that he bad Buell's forces so widely separated that he would have to deal with only a single corps, his plan was to concentrate, attack, defeat, and then make a junction with Kirby Smith and walk over the forces in that gener al's front. THE ATTACK ON THE LEFT. McCook had come up slowly, skir mishing heavily, and it was noon of the 8th before be swung inro position on the Federal leTt. ()n can yet trace his Hnes these loug years after. - The woods in which his first line of skirmishers' was posted have disappeared and given place to fields of corn, and some of the houses and barns are no longer there, but the stone walls and the : hills and the shade trees tell the story. It was a strong po sition, so strong that before Hardee moved forward to the attack he had a council with his division commanders and warned them that the attack must be made with a rush to be successful. Two hours niter noon Hardee with his three divisions moved out in splendid style, and the first musket fired from tlie Federal skirmishers in the woods along Rousseau's front killed a captain in Buckner's division. With that shot all the Federal batteries in position opened fire, and the Confederates broke from "common-time" to "double quick," and rushed to the attack. AT THE BRIDGE Cheatham's, division had come down the Maxville highway, and as they reached the bridge "panning the creek now called ater him they found the Federals in the'.frorit, and the fight be gan in bitter eaWiesL The stone walls behind which the Federals were posted stand there to-day. showing the marks of hundreds of bunets, and so fierce vtas the fire from behind these defenses that line upon line of Confederates postrast ed themselves until its fury should pass. From their positions along the banks and in the timber they soon opened -a galling fire in return, and before the fight had lasted thirty minutes they were gaining ground. Many of the gans on the hill above the Federal position were silenced by the fire .of the.bharp sliooters, and when it came to be shout ed along the lines that Jackson v had been killed the raw troops in his, divis ion, many of whom had never fired a gun before, bei:an to flutter. If they gave way they would open a fatal gapv A dozen oltioers rushed to rally them, and the Confederates were near enough to hear a capiat crying out iu stento rian tones: -'Stand firm, hoys for tlie love of the dear ohl Union don't give way !" Jackson's troops rallied, even though some of the regiments were iu full re treat, and they stood to the stone walls and poured in such volleys that the Confederate advance was paralyzed. A i captain of Buckner's division, in de- scribing this part of the fight,, said: fc ' Wn co vv T 'iL- r 'e nmn ri vino- urn ir ai)d witu oil(, eIi(:(1-s we pushed foVward (0 drive them. My company was with , m iitiy leet whin all of of u: wavering blue line, a sudden it ral'.ied and gave A PANIC A.MOXfi RF.CRL'ITS. Tcrrill's men had the strongest kind of a position, and two batteries bebiud them were so posted as to sweep the whole front. When the Confederates were ton ed hack by Jackson's men they rallied and moved at an oblique against Tcrriil. Iu his division were several regiments never under lire before. They waited like old veterans for the advance, but when the. Confederates broke into a run and began veiling, the raw men fell baek without discharging their muskets, and the enemy's bullets uo sooner struck among them tlian they fell back in a panic that carried their officers with them. Where the batteries were posted is now a field of oats. As the crowd surged back Terrill rode to and fro. commanding and pleading, and just be side a tree since dead and chopped down, he fell mortally wounded. This com pleted the panic and most of tlie divis ion rushed pell-mell for the rear, hardly a man taking his iun with him. Then was seen a brave sight. Starkweather's brigade was in reserve. It moved up in gallant style opened ranks, to let th frightened recruits pass through, and then steadily advanced to the walls and ritle pits, drove the Confederates oui, aad planted themsel.-es there to stav. McCook's left had been fairly turned, but this one brigade stood in the way. A whole division was hurled against it time after time, but it clung to the walls and maintained such a fierce and rapid fire of musketry that Buell supposed McCook's whole division was hotly en gaged. For an hour and a half this gallant brigade repulsed every assault made, but then had to fall back to a shorter line to prevent a flank move ment. ' ' .1- - - : PKAI8E FROM AN ENEMY. A Confederate colonel : who wrote a newspaper account of that battle said of starkweather's brigade: v " , ' i "We had McCook' Jeft fairly beaten and one whole, division, on tlio run, when a single brigade planted itself across our advance, Such nerve rand gallantry will seldom be. witnessed ; agaiu. I myself waf in four of . the charjres asainst their ' position, 'and twice I thought we should swarm right over them, but each time we were driv en back by their cool and ; terrible fire,' leaving the ground covered with bur dead ami wounded. .Hardee raved and stormed, and(cbarge , after J charge was made, but the blue-coats . could .not -be driven. When - thev finally shortened the line they moved back under fire in a manner to reflect credit ,-on tlio best troops Napoleon ever commanded." " FROM CRECKTO illTA. Rosseau occupied-' a ' ridge partlv ! crowned with trees- and . partly mnder i cultivation, crossed by .. "twp . highwaj-s j and offering shelter for his infantry and front was .Crazv Creek, half hidden with willows and its banks forming - splendid -breastworks. Beyond were fences, walls and fields, v Where -Anderson formed his line of battle twenty year ago the corn grows rank and the ' wheat stands high -. ' Where Rousseau- pushed forward the brigades of Lytle and , Har ris to hold a skirt of woods, " the May breezes rustled the i ripening oats as I looked down from the spot where Sloan's battery was stationed. ' .There ." were many raw regiments in , Anderson's di vision, a number of the companies be ing totally undrilled, and : only, three regiments having been in any previous engagement. Regiments were" massed for the attack under artillery Are, and as the bugle sounded its notes: the entire qivision moved forward. : , - REPULSE AND VICTORY.;'.' l The two Federal brigades were firmly rooted and not a musket .'cracked until the Confederate lines were : within . pis tol shot. Theq a rush was made, but it was met by such a fire that the men were appalled. Held to their, work by the officers, many of them fired in , the air, while other companies in some cases charged bayonets' at each other in the smoke. Some of tlie veteran regi meuts, however, displayed the greatest gallantry, square up to the Federal i sition and fighting on either side of the walls and fences. It was a terrific fight for fifteen minutes, aud when the Con federates retired the ground from hill to creek was thickly strewn with victims. In a few minutes gray lines- were te formed for another advance1, this; time resolved not to he halted. ' Without slopping to fire, ' they swung -up' the slope with yells and , cheers. T'ie weight was overpowering; the Federals fell back to the main line. ' "ft ' - A DESPERATE STRtTOOLR. ' 'i-..? The Con federates ' were .pushing, on when another. Federal brigade hurried down, and every piece of artillery which could be brought un was soon in nosi- tiou and using grape and canister. ; An derson also brought forward his guns, and for half an hour there was a . des perate struggle. Bragg said In after years that the fighting at this one point between two divisionions was fiercer than any portion of tlie battle of Chick amauga where an entire corps was . en gaged.; When a fourth Federal brigade liad been4advanced, the Confederates in their turn had to ground? They" were followed up briskly until Rousseau's 1 line rested where the hgnt opened. . : ; SINGULAR INCIDENTS.- , When the Fifth Wisconsin' battery came into action one of the guns tlirew a solid shot which struck a soldier full in the breast, crushing him to a pulp. His musket flew to the rear,whirliug sav agely through the air, and it crushed, the skull of one soldier and badly, i injured another. The shot deflected to the left after striking the first man, and it then mashed a lieutenant's - hip, broke the leg of a private behind him; and rolled along the ground and crushed the head nf a wounded man. A - shell flred'bv fSl oan's battery -struck a stone' weighing about fifty pounds, and while -tho shcu failed to explode, the fragments of stone kirled and wounded, several men. A Confederate shell which fell ambus Jackson's men alighted in a little creek al which scores of men were filling their canteens. It came down in a srroup of ten or twelve mep and plunged into the very spot where a canteeu had just been filled. While the shell did not ex plode, its fall splashed water over fifty men. An ex-Confederate captaiu now living in Atlanta who lost his arm in that battle, had a button cut from his breast by ' a grape-shot, hi scabbard struck by bullet and his cap knocked from his head by a piece of shell ln-fore receiving the bullet which crushed - his elbow. A gnu in one of Anderson's batteries had a right wheel shivered by a solid shot. It bad.scarcely been re placed by the. spare wheel M-hen another shot crushed the left wheel. The men were trying to drag the gun back when a shell struck it fair in the mouth and split it for a distance of three feet. None of the men around the gun were hurt by this shell, but three soldiers in line over 200 feet away were struck down. A Confederate shell seut into Stedman's brigade exploded over the heads of a company advancing, and while no one in that company 'wa hurt, four men in the center of (he next companv behind wi re mortal! v wound ed. ATTACK I M i Ml KKID A N . Failing to drive Rousseau. Hardee massed everything against Sheridan's 1 division, and lor a tew minutes drove it j before him. Sheridan called upon Mitchell for reinforcements, rallied his line across the Springfield pike, and af ter a quarter of an hour ot hot work lie ordered an advance of his whole di vision. McCook's rijiht swinging at the same time. At some points tlie Con federates stood until havoucls clashed, but the impetus nf the mighty wave swept Held and wood and highway clear o(' onTcderatcs, and as they began to give wav the Federal- cheered along the whole front. KUillTIXti ovkh i'insoNi-:ns. This was the licit battle in which Federal and Confederate regiments raised in Kentucky were placed opposite ; to each other. Both realized tlie fact, and the- fought with a bitterness which , other regiments could not feel. In tlie : last advance, about a dozen meu be longing to au Ohio rcgiinctit pushed ahead so rapidly that they suddenly found themselves surrounded and taken prisoners. Before they could be sent to the rear a company of Federal K tnckians advanced lo rescue them, at the same moment a company .f (',. iedcratcs raised in, the san con n rushed forward to hold the; )n it. O; of the Confederates, now living i Franklin, Tcnn.; says of the f-tin;.- .: which took place: . . .-"W4 did not stop'to lire,' but ruM.. ! forward with the bayonet, . In a juomci.t we-were all mixed up, jabbinsnndpm'i' ding with bayonets and striking a. ' other with, the- butt of umkc Ik. , Federal, who had formerly lired with two miles of my fann, made a pu- h i ; me, and his bayonet Ya&M d b t . en n right arm and nldo and went i'.rou ', my coat. Before lie ccidd witfeVaw it I hit him a blow with mv fist. 'and when he fell 1 piled on to him find hi Id him down, although he bit my thumb to ti e bone. We were having it hot mil heavy when our folks fell back and l ti me to be captured; In those few min utes I saw the 'bavonet ined nt b .i-i twenty times and I believe that fully thirty men were' struck with nun-let." BACK' THROUGH THK Town. , The Confederates were b g push dui iney we giving rruin i r:t slowly. Still fighting, when vn- certain brigades began to march the light. It Is charged that F. his head and ordered a rct-rca ' line. Polk laid the blame m and an rflbft was made to I. responsible. r Jfo matter with ficf'r;th5 fault, was; the !' began falling back, and once r was begun it ended hi a 1 rush through tlie town, and ;.- :' i, pursuit and capture .of ninn y , and a considerable quant. ty f war i terial by the Federal. At i agaiust the protest of the divi ; i c manders, the -Confederates were m, drawn aud the -entire-field left to t1 Union forces. - - : WHAT BRA0O 'LEA KM. I . i; Previous' to this fight Brncg c-m-oi -aged the idea that a Confederate ai n could easily clear Kentucky J"i - v 1 end force and keep it clear. 1I pm mulgated the doctrine among his t , ; that they hadkmly to charge the lYden.l lines to scatter them, and bis men w en led to Dchevetliat they had only to f ; afcwrvolleya to win a battle. "I r..l.- I. his plan was to whip the Federal an in about an hour and then make a vu , I march to Join Kirby 'Smith, who wan held at bay elsewhere. :Vk l ad the samo contempt for the bhie-coais, an I Hardee had often becn-.jsneered nt I r assciting that Northern men. v mld ie i stand up in line of battle,. 'I J n- rcsi.!i of Perrysville were fl bitter jn n- era! respects Tlie Confederate m ! ' i realized .that he had been de i i d au ! defeated where ho txpectcd ra-i Victory. Bi-agg.nnd l'lk l a I t!. i IilanS ;dis6rganiteit, " find the i lea .f inlding Kentucky had to le u! an toned. A" Uull Run taught both niiuits in the East the'fact that war meant fig! t and fight meant kill, so 'also d. I '. n - -vllle furnish tlie Western 'nrmii s w , ; i lesson written In blood. Future I :,; :' were to be fought with eotu tl.a g d t solid than a braggart's assert .. . -. Ki t ; sides: realized that where iiuiiUk ih were reasonably equal the fight would le steady and furious, and so it prove-1 through the long and bloody years that followed. M.'tJtAii. v- Jfot'Asbanictl of.icw Jersey. : 3Iuch ; fun is made- of i:!..l Island, lveca use of its mh.iII t n i tory; and muchsarcasm h is 1m-cu Ient on -.New Jersey because i! taxes its railroads for every si ran ger passing wtoss the State. But it is "pleasant to know that some citizens are propd of a "Ncvv Jersey birth: , . ; .. " There was an arousing scene on Iward the Imisianh. mall ! at Ihc other day,'." There, was 'the usual conglomerHtion of passi ng i s in he cabin just before .the. iwi.it landed, and amid, tlie general hubbub of conversation-a man rriuar! d, in cidentallv, "Xow, in w Jersey, where I live"- ; '...'.Instantly an' old. in an wjio. sat moodily and silently pumlcting by the tove-for some-time, sprang ( li is-feet and exclalmwl- ' -;xStranger, ' are . yon frimi New J,'r.'.-.; ;". -: VAn' willin' to acknowhslge il !" ; "Yes fiirt proud on't.". - "llurrali I - Give .us ynr haml !" cried;the old man faitl.v dancing with exidtatioh.Vl,ai from New Jersey, too, lait never felt like de claring it afore. Shakel' I'm mi old man. ' I've travelIedr long nnd farj I've been' iu every city in tin West steamboated, on Jliti ()lii and Missisip'pilM-en loCsilifoniy, over. the. plains, and:; around the Horn ) took a voyage once, do Liv erpool r but lit all my travels, hang me if this ain't the first time I ever heerd a man, acknowledge. that he come from New Jersey." . ' Courtesy rtttd Irritability. One who lias Jus tcjnpcr under verfect control Jut a great '.advan tage over others-who; are- easily irritated and liable to fits' of pas sion. It Is risid that one thifig that contributed to i he 'fuectisM.'of I lie United States, iu Jhe.reoetijt arbi tration at Geneva, 'was.-the jerfect urbanity and "gentlemanly seIfioM session ' of its Commissioner, t he I Ion. Charles Francis, Adams. Sir Alexander Ctickburn, the British Commissioner,. it Is tail. was hasty and choleric, often' lost-Ids temper, and was nnle and erHonal in his replies to arguments' IVom other members of the Commission. Mr. Adams, on the contrary, was digni fied ami conciliatory in his manner, listened attentively to -ftdversenr-guments, and replied witfi txmrtcsy and fairness. Ills pearling won universal esteem, qmt it pnot Ik dou bteL that Sir. Alexander Cot k bnrn nlicnated lwtlrportlbdity Hiid respetrt. It Is' possible 11f.it this esteem for Mr. Ajlamil, omit dislike for Mr. Cockburn, may have, had au insensible influence in shaping (lie final judgment.. Many Jnlclligeid EngHshlnen declare thnt: tlm ling lish Cubinet niode. a mistake when they appointed au Irritable man to epresent the nation. . . ;.'," '. . V -i -"' .' t-t.-i&? fi ' 4.

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