THE. JOURNAL. ?JY? BERNE, N.C.; JUNE 8.1882. Kntered at tfc Post, offic at N5 Hern?, It 0j ' -i. ? a oon( matter.- i- j . 5 i il jJottings from Washington V;i TBT. CITY AT NIGHT. 1 1 ; Moonlight at' Yerii4 Wasinrig- ton to-night -is suggestive of that , , panorama. 2fot that it is built in " , the sea; but the bridge across the ' riveiy on which throng .the merry . rowd, the music -floating over; the waters from the Xew Berne Silver Cornet fBand a they are towecl along the river in a boatt the bril ? ; liant fireworks, flashing:- and cor- ruscating over the silvery "stream, : v with thee bright moon' shining se? f i reucly down, and the Various boat moving about the harbor -all sug' , ' gestive of gondolas and the Bridge - of Sighs.. The bridge is evidently a "bridge of sighs" to-nigh for it - is thronged, with j, girls, apd the v. New Berne boys, headed-by Hack burn and Baxter, Green Bryan and Geo. Oliver, are standing afaroffj as yet unacquainted with the fair -divinities. - p. '''' -The trip over from New Berne was very pleasant. The crowd was , just: large enough to enjoy them selves. Everything was freehand " easy' and all enjoyed ; it. J Mayor rW Howard entertained us with his sea yarns ; he was mate of a vessel at fourteen years ofoge, and built one at eighteen. - " , In passing Fort Thpmpson .Ken. - :.. Jones tells how he double-quicked in the stampede 1 at that placeLin 1S02; Mr. - Pavae: Recalls the same ; date wherein- he Vas in .the victo- lions crowd but he remembers another time when he was made to "carry the mail" from Evan's Mill . . ' by 'Col-TVhitfardj at which time he - lost tengallons of the best whiskey : 1 ever brought in North Carolina at least he regarded ; it as such, . and finds, on consulting Col. Whitford ... 'iiice"the war, that hetob was- of that opinion. KJhina Grove !" and ' Mayor Howard tells how he once i owned -the ' placej - and afterwards when it belonged, to ,C!apt.-J)ewey who went home with - him at , tone ; time,' and arriving at night. 5 and missing the pathwhich. leads- np " the it ill, Capt. Dewey fell down the. " Xlll and was 'so'lnuddied that on reaching the house the: overseer failed to recognize him and so the "---gossip ran pleasantlyon:;; ' . '-'Nene Iliver light.nouse-ia wonder if trampsever call there,'? ied Mr! Eaton-, and' the wide waste of wnter all around - gives 7Pt tn the allusion. Mr. 'Pavie " wants to join 'the band , antV beat the kettle drum, with Mr.Whit- man'as the basedrummer, but no belli ran bti found largd enough for them. " " - - Six P. m. Washington in sight 1 The cannon, booms rather a small lxom ; the band plays no discount ,a ou the- music; and the "Tiger- lAly "rides into port. The wharves and - .sh ipping are lined with . welcoming crowds, and the ladies on .shore nreet ns with waving hanclfcercnieis They are evidently : flatterett and I leased by the visit, as we ruie nto dock We see several red shirts (the Eire Companies) on -shore. CLarlie Hancock, A, H. Holton, rr-ni- Pntf-PTRon and one or two L Jk 4 At AWm -M- w V more had come across the country, John; the colored driver of the Com pany seemed as glad to. greet the engine as'if-he had not seen it in a month. ' . f ' The' excursionists" were welcomed on the wharf by Mayor, Warren in a short, neady turned address. May cr . HQM-ard in. behalf of the New; Berne Company introduced Mr John Manix to -telTwhat the New Berne boys thought of the matter. In the course of Mr. Manix' remarks ' be alluded, very ;graefuI1y to the fact that- New Berne is bound in friendly ties to- her sister city not - only in- a similarityof business pur - suits, but from : the - fact that so : , rrt d nV-nf Washinsrton's sons and daughters had made New; Berne their h6me.v tr. Long in Medicinej J. SvBong in Law; BelVin Jeweb-yj "Wolfenden and others in Mercantile life and Latham in Journalism were aUraamenta -rto'ijeiiv profession ? "and worthy sohCofrboth: their na- : vjtive and adopted cities,? f - Then to the River View Hote V for supper and.' the evening 'closes np with fireworks." The Foreman of the Company, Mr. J. W. Moore ': ' has managed his "boys'? very neat ly though ttoa trip-r-hot a jar nor a li'raifdne-theld: "All is ; well that ends well." ' THE- CITY BY DAY. 'asiupgtpcaa'iaxlhft scruti ny of daylignt;i Jtrhas gone by the i"-- name" of I "litue'? pV ashington so jl . long1 that oner is surprised to find , t he energy and business enterprise i displayed there. ; And as this town - -' is the: natural rival ;of New Berne -it important to note and compare the business . methods of the two --'iii'SLnevt Berne are ' - !-on the two principal rivers that ; jjjak rrtp Pamlico sound and are ' ' each advantageously . located as y cOTterspftrade for Iarge surronnd xc ing country. They lraw from the : 5 npj-country bv means of the rivers and from-ilie lower onnt by the to the' nffetit Orr.' Moiri.4, isonntt. ttp f ten or twelve years j ami engages in a controversy about ag( so 'for "as.isrew Berne is con- a ''smooth" quarter which he al-eerned--this np-river trade wasjleged had been paid him by that cartieit oh -Solely fby flats propelled gentleman, and wanted to ex- i . f..;.i' 'i.i 11 .1 l :'-'i..,: l. uy Uiiiiuj himi iiie Ktnuiu iHiiuiueice j by sail boats. But since then steam has: been gradually taking the place of the. ld methods, and we see i consequence that business has inade ! rapkl strides. ! gin noting this steam progress it wonld be expected to find New Berne far in advance of her sister town, tor there are two large np- country rivers here, Trent and Neuse, instead of one at Washing ton; and a raibroad' outlet here for ihe down-river trade, and none at Washington But instead we find it just ihe otherrway". New Berne has "three uivriver boats. Neuse. TtenU and Cqntentnea with a ca pacity aggregating about 700 bales of .cotton, and no steamer for the ower waters at all. Washington has three up-river steamers, the Greenville, B. L. Myers and Tar- toroy with about the same carrying capacity of those mentioned at New. Berne; and in addition, for sound trade, . the Edgecombe and Washington and three steam tugs for the lumber business.- And this steamboat enterprise is telling in,-the business of the city. While New Berne with more natur al ad vantages, 'and a long, line of railroad coming through a rich cot ton "country -and shipping from here, ships on!y about 45,000 bales of cotton per year; her little sister if you will call it "little" Wash- ingtonwith nottas many natur al advantages,' comes : in with a shipment of- 35,000 bales in the ast year. And this ?is no guess- livorkvfor we obtained our facts and figures from the courteous agents of the Old Dominion " and Clyde ines;' Messrs. J. B Myers and John G. Blount. So then if facts and figures prove anything it behooves the' New Berne business men to learn a ies- son From' their neighbors and make use of steam where Nature so loud: y calls for it. ' True they, already are "getting ready for -a steamer for Bay fEiver and South Creek, but one cannot begin to do the work," and welexpeet to see in the near future a line of boatsjunning direct between New Berne and all impor tant poihts in lower Pamlico Sound; We find in . Wasliington, as was to be expected from the enterprise shown - in steamboat- matters, . a ieavy bnsin ess done by - wholesale merchants. "One merchant, Mr. noskin's: - purchase-returns show sales of 90.000 per year, while that of Mr.; Fowle." isT. nearly as, large, in tiWiry ,gools tifade , we talked with Mr. Morris, of H. Morris & Bro.l who has lately, moved from -. . . .i- .4... - x Charlotte and has Drancn nouses at Greenville" and Tarboro . He says the business at Washington com pares verj favorably with that at Charlotte.. In the ship yards Washington shows - more activity than thisityt, Two huge barges are., .beings , built foe Jhe . Old Dominion Company, in eacn . oi which over 100,000 feet of lumber is used;, and the contractor, Mr. Myers, has an order for two more as soon as they "can be built. Wash ington handles over 100,000 bush els of rice,' which is mainly drawn from down the,, river where New Berne ought to come jnto compe titionand" this is shipped ' by schooner-! to South- CafoUna. .. Bnt some parties from Wilmingtonare erecting a rice mill, ana thus tne raw "product 7 wilf be prepared at home for table use. ; v Washington needs only one thing to make her power leit m tne con test for trade, and that is a railroad to the outer world. And sanguine hopes are entertained that this will soon' be had, for within the last month a survey-has been made by the Wilmington & Weldon road from Wilson to Washington ; and it is believed that the interests of that corporation will induce it to build the road. ' Insanity Murder . The finding of the Jury in the case of Henry Bryan, tried last week in this county for killing Mr. JvM. Agostine, raises much dis cussion as to the boundary between sanity and insanity in guaging hu man responsibility. The verdict ol the jury could not perhaps have been otherwise upon the testimony Lof a majority of the experts; and this testimony of the physicians we suppose, "was based on the latest modern principles of medical science and yet a consideration of the whole case suggests doubts t whether or not any man is not sim ilarly insane when he, in a mom ent of frenzy, slays a fellow crea- ture. j ment, or not finding it, getting a In Bryan's case the testimony j living or starving, being a success showed that he bad suffered all his : or a failure as a worker, depend up life withepileptic fits and was aj on other things than school train Half imbecile, bnt in his ordinary i ing or college training. There is, condition,- was conscious of his civ- j in a number of years, a larger pro- il relations anl ofiiglit and wrong; was a good worker, .1 I 1T...U. U IV lll'l own business and had ordinary sense in his daily avocations. It appears that he had a fit on the night before the homicide; that at noon "on the-next day he goes ruHiige; iiuii on iiriug it.-iuseii iit- went away-there leing nothing noti.'able or peculiar in his manner or appearance at that time. Again at night he returns to Mr. -Morris with-a renewed 'request to exchange ; the money, argues about it, and on being again refused, threatened to go to law. While the altercation is still going on the watchman, Mr. Agostine, goes up to him and takes him by the coat to lead him out of the office and he immediately stabs him with a knife which he had open and concealed under his apron. He immediately flees, and on being taken resists arrest. . Upon those facts a majority of the physicians gave the following opinions which saved the prisoner's life: 1. From the evidence given the prisoner was sane up to the moment of striking the blow. 2. The fact of his endeavoring to escape and resisting arrest indicate that he, may have been sane at that time, but the probabilities were against that opinion. 3. . That he was insane in striking the blow. One of the physicians says that if he struck the blow from brooding over his supposed wrongs it "was clearly insanity. . To the average reader it may be difficult to show how one may be sane up to' the moment of striking a mortal blow, and sane a few .? - ---- 7 minutes after, and yet insane in committing the homicide. It raises the suggestion that any man is in sane to some extent who commits murder. If brooding over wrongs or supposed wrongs by a weak minded man works him np to the pitch of committing homicide, and it liSf:'in his case, insanity, why should it not be insanity in any one who thns acts, in all cases of homicide, from passion f Is there riot a growing sentiment in the civilized world that the old doctrine of "life for .life" is wrong; arid therefore medical science is un consciously widening and enlarging its pleas of insanity so as to soflen the severity of the law ? If one com mits what is tefmel a brutal, cold blooded murder no one doubts the justness of the Mosaic law; but is it not a fact that one who slays his fellow- man in a passion-reither sudden or from brooding over wrongs is jiartially excused by his fellqws, on t he ground of the frail ty of human nature which Irailty or weakness the medical experts modernize, by calling it. insanity? Is not the teaching of modern writ ers like Maudsley making it pos sible to prove all men insane who proceed to' extremities under the impulse of hot passion ? We would be . pleased to have this snbject discussed in the Journ al by some of the physicians in New Berne. The public is interested in knowing exactly how far the doc trine of insanity goes, and how it is to be applied. College Men. The annual Commencements of the different Colleges in the State are the subject of newspaper report and of popular resort. Crowds flock to hear the boys make their annual speeches as they step out from school into the broad arena of life's battle. (Two questions may properly be asked of every college man: First, has yotir liberal education helped you in your business I And, sec ond has it helped you in personal growth! It is largely charged that college training is a hindrance rather than a help toward getting a living. That it makes men too " "CS" proud to work in manual pursuits, and, therefore, educated men starve: while waitinsr to find con genial employment. That many a good mechanic was spoiled to make a poor professional man; and it would have been better to have let him learn a trade, and kept him out of college. Tf this is true and to some ex tent we admit that the charge seems true the question is, is it the fault of the learning (often su perficial) or does it lie deeper down in the nature of the man ; Does the habit of study disqualify a man for practical life ? Do classical at tainments and literary acquire ments sharpen the mind and quick en the hand or not? Does the habit of reading and thinking dull the edge of enterprise ami energy and add to the natural sloth of the man ? These are serious charges, if i true, and deserve a candid answer. I The fact is, that- finding employ- j jwrtion of mechanics and laWirors nHanilml tnllla'n., nnnnf ii'.-t-i.l- 1..1TI I ImvO . II I II Lit II UL CI IIIUI. lllllll ill. I. is of real cull mod men. It is not , . , " pal learning nor the want ot makes victorious soldiers n liber that Hio l.oltlo nf lifn Tf i lon dnwn in tlje depths of nature and of eliar 11V - - ' ' X " " " " sue eessful fighter lie, and there are to be-found the reasons of 'failure1 ''ni practical life. The practical bread- winner and wealth gatherer may deserve praise of a certain kind and degree,- and they generally - get their full share. But many a man who could get no money ahead, and ; hardly enough bread to keep life in his body, was after all among the greatest of men. The question is, what is he, not what has he ? And if what he has is mind or matter, knowledge or gold, wisdom or wealth ? What is his own to car ry away with him, and what must he leave ? There is no dispute about col lege training, as giving the strong est impetus to growth. The judges in such matters all know it. From our regular Correspondtn 1. 1 WASHINGTON LETTER. Washington, June 3, 1882. The turbulent scenes of last week in Congress have been continued through the present week, and the end is not yet, nor will be until a Republican is placed in every con tested seat. The rules of the House have been amended so as to prevent fillibustering to a certain extent, but, even with the amended rules, it will be necessary for the Repub licans to keep a quorum constantly on hand in order to dispose of-contested cases, and of all questions of a political character. It is the in tention of the Democrats to use every possible means to retain Wheeler and Shelly the two re maining members whose places are contested. If, during the progress of the debate, the Democrats at any tune hmlrhe Republicans without a quorum, they can, in spite of the new rule, resume dilatory tactics. The trial ol the Star Route cases began in the Criminal Court to-day, and it is watched .with great in terest by. the bar, as well as by the man v friends of the defendants. All the counsel and a large crowd of spectators were in attendance. Col. ltnh TiiffHrsol ooene.l wit h a motion to quash the indictment, as far as ex-Senator Dorsey and his brother were concerned, iiecause, as he argued, the grand jury had not been drawn in accordance with the provisions of law. Judge Wylie overruled the motion of Mr. Inger- srdl. Very eminent counsel, includ ing McSweeny ami Shellabarger of Ohio, Chandler of St. Louis, Wilson of Iowa, and others, have been re tained by the defendants, and it is thought the trial ot the case will continue far into at least a month. Lieutenant Danenhower arrived at his home in Washington yester day, and was received at the railroad station bv his brothers, sisters, relatives, friends, and about three thousand citizens with great demonstration s of love and es teem. He was escorted from the depot to Willard's hotel, when about five hundred of his friends had assembled to give him a cordial welcome home. Mr. John T. Given, chairman of the reception commit-' tee, introduced Lieut . Danenhower to commissioner Dent, who wel comed him. in a brief address, and presented him with a floral model of the last exploring steamer as a token of regard and esteem. Lieut. Danenhower, in response, thanked commissioner Dent and his friends for the cordial welcome given him, and said that he had been so over whelmed by the stream of congrat ulation and friendly affection which met him at New. York, that he found himsetf utterly unable to express his grateful appreciation; at the conclusion of the speeches, commis sioner Dent presented to Lieut. Danenhower separately, all those present whom he did not personally know, and he was again OAer whelmed with congratulation and expressions of friendly regard and good will. After the welcome he was escorted by the committee to his home in West Wasliington. Secretary Folger has issued an order, to take effect from the 1st instant, prohibiting smoking in the Treasury building during oftice hours. It is understood that a number of ladies, employed in the department, called upon the Secre tary and requested to be trans ferred to other rooms, as their male associates were almost continually smoking, thus rendering it very disagreeable to them. About three fourths of the male employees of the various departments can be seen at anytime during office hours with either a cigar or a pipe in their mouths, notwithstanding the fact that part of their room is occupied by ladies. The good example t hus set by Secretary Folger should be followed throughout the several de partments. From the N'v. S-mili Berne as an Agricnlltiml Center. New BY MA.J- 1). T. CARRAWAV As one of my former eontri na tions intimated, I will now give yon some facts and figures on the pro ducts of this section of the State, and I mean by this section that portion of the country which sends its produce to the New Berne mar ket. As I do not wish to offend His Koyal Highness, I will speak of cot ton first. There has been sold here since the 1st of September about 22,500 bales, which is an increase over the ni cvions vear ol a noni (..oo oaies The freight lines show of about 10.000 bales an increase that have been received from all sources, and the above figures show that of that increase our buyers have purchased over three-fourths, which at once establishes the fact that this is an attractive market, and one that of fers advantages to the seller suffi cient to cause him to sell here rather Ihnn run the rink i ilrtinjr I i,f-ttor elsewhoro. This is not only i ..n ..I' ll.n l.r.ulm.i.l' llllt 1 1 1 111 0 1 1 V I I L 111 Mil. Hinui.. 1. ..... j eases also of the speculator, who operated in the rural districts with ! an eve to disposing of his aceiunu - iatio'ns at Xew P.erne and found it ! ..Ai-..Kifl iio I 11 'illLil '11 I V UV i" ' - Another article of comaraliv aeter that tliecleinehts of t he recent introduction is rice : of this there i has been marketed leTe.Hos0apffiiri(l. !rddstffat "rc- -abont 125,000 bushels, a vert :re- marlfsiltlA iriprAJisA over last voar. Aml of corn there has been re- ceived at this place, sit a close-estimate, 750,600 bushels, of whfch a .considerable quantity has been gi'ound here, and flie remainder forwardel to various Rechons of thia ani ot her Stat es. These three articles, cotton, rice and corn, constitute the bulk of country produce handled here, but by no means the whole. The trucking business has as sumed wonderful proport ions, green peas, beans, cabbage, Irish pota toes, turnips, radishes, cucumbers, cantelonpes, water melons and squashes, winding up with straw berries, are shipped in quantities truly astounding, while, the old stand-bv, sweet potatoes, are sold nearly the. year round for home consumption and shipment, but in such quantities that an estimate would be a mere guess isow at a very reasonable calculation there has been paid out for these products an aggregate of $2,500,000, which, if equall3' divided, would give $25 to each man, woman and child of both races living in the counties from which 'the articles come. Where on the globe will you find a more generous sale ! And when it is remembered that our section abounds in forest, with only here j and there a clearing, what may be ; expected when all shall be brought j under cultivation, and fanhs le separated by mere strips of., woods as is the case in thicklv settled States ! Right here let me say that to the thrifty northern . man here is the best opening for his energy and in dustrious habits that he can find on tne American continent. e neeai more agriculturists m our State, to ; develop our j esources. Manufac- j turing interest will, bring capital and labor; but the--capital, will be ! 1 1... x. H 1 1 1 in large oiume, coiu-ruueu o,y mw persons and the laljorers will lw. t skilled only in their line. Mining j interest will do just the same, and ' both will take much as all of the i net profits to other climes; but the ! tanning interest wm nring capital anu moor; uie c.ipuui ueiug nis- j tributed among many and the labor skilled in every pnrsuit of life, from feeding the pig, to Plowbig the from darning the stockings to the j hitrhest art of house wiferv and i cookery, and all the profits remain here where it is so much needed. And what is of great moment to every State it will bring a solid conservative element of societ y and population that being interested in the sale will take great interest in every thing that tends tox the good of the country in which they settle, and soon become co-laborers in all the advancements to the higher at tainments of our day. The active quick moving northern men settled here and there being among us would have a tendency to spur up the latent energies of our own peo ple and we should see such a rush for excellence in all branches of ag riculture as would be of great ad vantage to all who engaged in it. Experience has shown that the natives of no country when left to themselves have ever pushed for ward with rapid strides to improve ment; but the introduction of a new element among them seems to in fuse new life and arouse new ener gies, and put the whole mass in ae tive motion. It is not necessary that the new element should be from a great dis tance; many times from a neighbor ing State, and sometimes a neigh boring county, has this effect. The fact that it is a new element seems to be the chief impetus. We always do our best in the presence of strangers. It has been said and it seems plausible that the secret is, that usually only industrious farmers ever migrate to better themselves; the thriftless having neither the means nor inclination to do so; but I am not dealing with ftpianations, but with the fact, and to substantiate this, I can cite in numerable instances right here in our own neighborhood. From the floldsboro Messongor. School Kxamination. Graded The examination of the Graded School last Friday, was well at tended by the patrons and friends of the institution and proved of much interest and universal gratifi cation to them all. Each grade was examined in its own room by the teacher of the grade, but any visitor was allowed to question the classes on the matter they had gone over, and many took advan tage of this privilege, but few suc ceeded in 'sticking1 auv of those thev examined. I There are eleven grades in the i regular course of the school, al though this year there, have been 1 no pupils far enough advanced to enter the eleventh grade; conse ! quently, at present there are only I ten grades. The first grade is divided into , three departments, as follows: I Preparatory to first grade, taught I by 3Iiss Annie Moore, in which are ! those children that entered the ' school too long after the commence ment of the second term to go on with the first grade; the first grade, taught by Mrs. M. O. Humphrey, in which'are the children that en tered at the beginning of the sec ond term; and the first grade ad vanced, taught by Miss liena Hum phrey, in which are the children that entered the first grade under Mrs. Humphrey last Fall. The : secoiMi giant is i iiiK" -'" "" ry Oarrow; the third by Mrs. A. G. i 1 i 4 l. I.,. Alio AX... Craton; the third and lonrth iy Miss Blanche Bobcy; the fourth by Miss Fannie Everett; the fifth by Miss Olivia Millard; the sixth and seventh by Mr. E. W. Kennedy: the eighth, ninth and tenth, high school, by Messrs. Moses and Kennedy. On account of the illness of Miss I Kona llninlilivoy tlio nrsr Kiaue an vaneod ami the first grade were ex ! 'A Til I IH'U I Offe t liOI .1110.01 ,M l'S. 1111111- i phrey, ami, whne we ave ly no means partial, your reporter must ! bear testimony to the fact, that i this class was the most frequented ! mid ejimnlimented of any in the L n i school: the recitations of tliese lit- tie ones almost babie - in the his-' sources of their State, r I spelling try sound; in the dmerc t sounds oi the .vowels, map drawing, singing, penmanship, etc., ..etc., were truly wonderful. The Calisthenics of the large pa- pus; and those or the little ones in costume, together wi." the dumb bell exercise of the boys, were very enjoyable features of the day; and it afforded much pleasure to the parents to see that their children were so well trained not onlv in mind but also in .body. The exercises added very much to the already great popularity of the school, a fact upon which Prof. Moses deserves ..heartily , con gratulated. Heir Rebel, t he terman Social ist, has been rearrested at Dresden for contravening, the law of Octo ber. The Hon. Robert Ijowrv has been renominated for Congress by the Democrats of the Twelfth Indiana District. The Emperor William has invi ted Prince Bismarck to act as sponsor for his great grandson, the infant son of lrinee William of Prussia. Manwell & Ciabtroe blaCKSM ITH S, M A C H I N I S T F. . , ' Iron and It rass Founders A N I BOILER MAKERS. MAKE AND HKP.I1R K i ( i I N K S AND ALL KINDS OF. MACHINERY. Orders solicited a nl promptly atlentie i to C HAVEN St ' between Pollock and South Front, Nkw rRRVK (; Apr..-t,-tr a '" - - . . NOW OPEN AT Weinstehi Building, A FTTLT., BTOCK OF SPRING AND ! SUMMER fJOODS ( !0.TSISTINO OF Jjftl . p Mens mid Hoy' Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Hats of the JL.Ucst Ntj le", Notions, Trunks and Satchels, Carpets, Huks and Mattings, Ladles' Ulsters and Shawls. A (KUWPI.ETE STOCK OF GENT'S FURNISH! 0 GOODS, I WHICH WIM. BE SOI . CHEAP AT WM. SULTAN & OO.'B. April l-dw-ly. ' U. S. MACE, Xl:i?xig;g'is TP MARKET WHARF, NEW BERtfE, X . . Also keep? on li.iml full tin of ROPES AND TWINES, SPIKES, NAILS, CANVASS, ! ASl) AEI, KINDS SHIP CHANDELRY, PAINTS, OILS and BRUSHES. April 1-w-fim. Having taken the agency for the bratcd ele- ONEIDA" ENGINES AND SAW MILLS, for Kfistern Norlli C'atulin.i I shall open in the brick hinldhii; next to the Cot on Exchange on or abon'. .lune Ifitlu wlu re samples of saul Knyines and otlu-r classes of Machinery can lie seen, and to all in W.m. of first , l .ss ENGINES, SAW MILLS, COTTON GINS, r Shafting, Pulleys, Beltingjw- anil vcr I hint: iif eili-d ." line. I r'.-. f- -t till t y solir tinii, :iv what I e!l 1 vvi is L'Uarantei-il in Lrie . he 'Machinery ; an exainina-1 it understood rft-ct sniixiac- , tion. H sun 10 write w here. for terms before IHireha-iiiii 1 ;lin fili els . i iiU i ll ntlll lli-ll Ijiimher, Laths, &c. on ii aon;i'jl Pollul; .villi'. , term -N. C. :il ";IK Mill at Yr llnllv. John C. Whitty. X. B. Address me at 1'olloksyille, N. c. until June 1 jth. -nSIIr SCOTT, EOtZSALE AND RETAIL IZALE2 ' ST Pry Ooait; Ham and Cap. Bono and Shoe. Al manes Spun cotton, rholcw Fumil.r OrocrriM. PricM a low a th Iowmi. aim Pnr Wlot mad the bnt of Ltqnort".- Br-nr and Knglt ltr Br atwajra frrli and pur. - ..Mlddl ffrwrt, opposite IVoplrti MarkH. NEW BERNE N C. k.r. jg;jes, . ':.-.- t jr.. -r : COMMISSION . Consignmenta of Grain. Cotton, and other PRODUCE soiii o-x x aea z. ATTENTION 07A&AmES WIlOfiKSAJjIS ANI It KT A IK DEALER IN General Merchandise; Dry (ioodw, Notions, H A. 'V BOOTS AND SHOES. (tROOERIES OF ALL KINDS r Pork, Bacon, Flour Sugar, Coffee, Salt, Syrup and MOLASSES. SNUFF and TOBACCO. i - j , ! II A lM)y;A R E : XVf m Ai-rrr Spades, Shovels, Hoes i Axes, Nails Plow Traces Hames, ; &c. &o. ' Farmer'N HtipplioM O E N K 11 A r, L Y . V MOTT'S SWEET CIDER, THE BEST MADE, . CONSTANTLY IN ST O C K Prices low for cash. Sttt intact inn guaranteed. - Highest rash prim paid for conn try Product;. t& Call and see me. North West corner SOUTH FRONT & MIDDLE Street, NEW BERNE, M. C. Mar. .10, 1 y w ; - ' ' ! For COLDS, HEADACHE. TORPtlMilVKR and CHIM.S, BE R R Y'S; Cliill 3?ills. Measures taken for Clothing from ROGERS, PEET & CO., ELY. at Berry's Drug Store. , Parties buyiDg for Cash, can boy DRUGS, GARDEN8EKD, Paper and Envelopes, Paints, Brush es, Glass, Toys, Wall Paper, and many otlier things at bottom prices at Berry's Drug Store. Apr. 9 ly w. E. M. HODGES. Kinston, N. C, Miinnfaccnrc" anl n?i:iir- all kinrtn of BUGGIES, CARRIAGES, Carts, Wagons and Plcs, 'l-ri M- h:ln you can liny lli-in Nnril). ai Cheap CoHItis Mnile t ordr on .horl ntfr. Hhop nnKwiit Mm. Nimn Hotel. 1 THE OLD RELIABLE BERGNER & ENGEL BOTTLED BEER J 1 tlif fittcntinn nf mv frirnrtu nnd nntronp to th fnol that 1 nm oflVrin BEER as PURE and FRESH as ran lo oht.ninr-l anywlirr In the I'nltd Slftlef erf-pl in the plucf " 1 i'rfwul I have b-r-n haiidlinc lor 'tn limp Bcrnner A Rngrl't Olfbrntfd BollUd Brrr nnd lalm tnr II. ilmt u I : Kqnnl and HttT tlian any otht y Ufl ilf llo'-r ol.l In N'nv Horn an.l a.lJolniriK tons Thl-J l-r tn bronKht to Klizal.PtU City Parked 1" Mr aiwl ttii-n bottUil ami (If llvrM In Now Berne In a li ttei condition IhHii If l.rnnght In Larri-U, therfby lolnc lf ton' anrl liaTln? tn Imronled Rctlnbedr Tli. i 1 .il l luadf fi r llucn.-i A r.riKI buttled l..-r i Unit U It better t.i have ihe I1F.ER KEPT I'KKSII and COOI. nji tn tlie MOMENT OF BOTTLIMd, j thnn t.i lei It ft nirin, fis It neees$ailly nmt do ' reining frmn Norfolk l.i l.nrrl. thn rofil II jnln ; l..fai Lot ilnii;. I reiip.-iVullj .1 tri .l lr.mi merrhaul nd ' dealer', and will cive tbem tho lst Bwron the I Market nnd a Cheap th fhpl. ; Pa Iron .n Uie line if ibe Umilrijid may rely .hi 'ni-iiing l.--er frmn ine frfuli at nil timet, and at III. . r low-I priee. I ii mnin u ill io lie at lo a r.-i li-f. Arranpeini-iits HI Ke maiie with nailr-'nd lo if'l freiglii To nur t..rrn-r patrons we return lhnnkt for pni favor-, an guarant lo them that w will in.leaM'i to not in Uie future a we hare iloiii- in thf pa si , i-1 riving ai nil lime- lo icirr pftl isl'ariion. frf- er.M-mlrr thai we nevei make any rharife foi dravaae. ery re- peril nllv, James Redmond. DAIL !' ! ' . .1 . i l" ANT ; COMMISSION UERCnAKTS, C. B. HART & CO. C27Z CA"H STCUCt Kcrtnwn nomer MM4t b4 Homk TromX t ( Crockery aod orjisswARE, r - ; LAMre in rtmU yarlety. j- ............. , BURNERS, WlCKfl, CniMNEYB, ' : KEHOSniCE OIL, ,; . , .fvif '-f " ".' ".. .. . Fratt't Aitral IToa'.odTs CO, Machine '' and ; Train ..Oils. V 'nr ,w r- nriknafartar ' Tin and Sht-troa War. Special ttU't ir i " " rerlrtir. Ooooa old low and warmnled ut ! repi i'"f tel. April 14 lr d A w O.IAliKS; ' ' UK A tQUA HT Kllfi F 6 R I ry oon;f Notion.--tthom, TrlmmlnsTH nnd IM.en iSf ll Kinds, TahlA Mfn the Beit ! NftpkinR, all Linen, from ft lo Hamburg !elni(! In -ndltH Tariff y n lid notd at tnwMt prtoa. M noTTbEo; if rirr aTm icn, " RUSTIC FRAIIES. -;;f.UlJk i 'inf-all lits: I make a Hpecialtj of upljing iba Johbing Triwle. , untry "eT chanUar iiiT-led tnrStll f.")d examine my (xtensifA 8tM k 1 . Uny. Also the (V lt-h ruled - ' , . RTAN IA I; D HKWINQ j m ac nil; n o r w ruwinz r u.., . " ' , The Llrbt Ru d u I b ", u 'A LSTI C, nARTFORD axd norsnroLD, the - thif bmt Marhlnp oa the Market. TVaot forget thr-l", O. rt All KS, I- THOS. GATES CO. OFFER A LARGE. HTOCK . Of- ALL Provisions and ;- . A. fc - ' I .1 . -. V-.'.. 1 'Dry--Goods ?iJ i - i AT VKR Y. JiOW'lFIO UREfl. GommissicQ .Kerch&nli-Jr 1 the Sait cj 3'- ,.',f.rv SOUTH , FKdNT ;.6T ' OrpOSITK GASTON, HOU8K. . Mar. M-w-ly.. , ' '"' " '- .,v',". NEW GOODS. i 1 B. RAYHERv ;:- ' ...;:s.,.:,.'-!-.;:!ni:!r-' . i now recelrlne a nice line of . LADIHH, DREK.H 000IW ' --- ...... H. ., . : Notions, Clothing,' "tc &c. Be Mir Irt ;all ind ' him U tv going clewhfs- anl K- ".. GET BARGAINS. Klmaton, Tt JOHN-DUNN; MlVUFAt-TlJJitR OF ? . And Whotal a4 EHall DeaUr la Steam refined; Cofffectlonenr. candies; Fit KS f f tt CANKD FRUITS, V l ' - r e- Crackers and Cakes, CICJAHS,, Ami all Kind 6f CiiiHrfni T0T8'.'. WAOONS Ai. Jkc'ti POIXOC1C St., Apr 13, ly w - Wrw Bama, JT. a Fenliiiaiid TDflrich, GROCERIES &PRXG00D3 HOOTS, 81IOi:S, HATS, Hoim. TwlnMS TaImU Olla Can- aas anI 0km. ' ' Tl.o i.iaro ihai tm.M'XACKA in nny qnnnlil y ana ,.1-',-., s . . -rr - by the bU. Or.ler- taken To; .?.. N UTS nl H I N Ki KoolorKUlit.UwC' ' v ; . ( NF.W BKR21K, N. C Mar. nn. 1 r ,. .,- .