KEWiEEElIE JOUENAL PUBLISHED EVERT THUSSC-Vr-j sue iim, mm twni&irjL 3V UJXTINT, Editors and Proprietor. SATIS OF SCBSCKirnOX One Year, Six t Moatks , too M?isvntff Blanks always on new. rmvir ADFESTTSEao'ATK. The Conntr Cbmnbtwwrt liar ordered that all lands sold by the She nil" to ih cxaatf for tax es due for tbe year 1SSi, tan be redeemed by the owner without payins tbe additional 82 per cent. allovEpd by law provided tba taxes on said lands ar aid by the first of Jnly. - Parties interested . will take notice and govern themselves accord- I tnay 5-d" w 1 1 Jaly CoaatftXreasarer- CLKSISTKAlflT. ' 3 at Law Opposite Gascon Ilonse, Ne-w-Beni, N.5. IN THE. STATS AND all o,.. e Cor.' ;,nd rt-eularly end- -all ses- ions cf i eCour' in the followiaa counties "r;i. .. i , Pamlico,-JoBesy Onslow, Len r. - Mar. 30--w-Jy. - J. -J : a " r: o : i :r e y at lat7, -. ; i , - . i ; ijte Ci-posite. Gaston Httse,)..'::L; Will --i 3 in t' a Counties of Greenfei Ler v Onslow, Pamlico 'and Craves; alio La the U. S District Court. Proi j - :t Attention pall to C ('.".mn. Collection of J. V . I lX.i-i.-i.- S. li. Gates. J. V. WILLIAMS & Co. cci: sW AND CORN .nments. : Ci L:rn, N. C. D.;Tr. IIURTT, : ri'vTTr.iLons'r"; o d T A N D, . Hew Herne, N. C " Jtxr. .30. Km T Tolsori CO. 20 XD STHEZT (Second door East from Railroad) . , I. eirea by every Steamer. Tie lest f! cl Qoods,' C jk J sW w r, test kettla ... -: I Lard, tteJ BUTTER, Pnr UGAIl of all grade y SBOCEBIES, of i . Zj KINDS. v '" friends will find it to to call and try our pri yi. All goods " sold at Apple 1 - tt '", 'Oar c theli- LwIt. ea tc-fore 1. Hottom Zrices. ,5ouddei;v t-pd at any part, of City prompt and f re. Kroad Street second door east front nallroad. y ... Apr. 1, 1 j"- :! 'A. 11. ROLTOpfl ; '.-.i AND : X"0;t-ETlEO' - T7IIIE3 & LiaU0ES,; y; Tfln n p n o n,'o I nifnh TO U A U U U U ti, 01 ll A ft 5 - MIDDLE STREET;"'.: Opposite 2oe :. ! . :. ; new UEBSTG, Jt. C. -Apr.,1, 1 y dw . " 1-:' ';; NEXJOODSi i is now receiving a nice line of LADIES DBESS GOODS INotioiis, 0I6thing( &cte; 'K Tie rare to call and eee hira befors ' ;',-;-:.-,.!.; .-i. going ebe where and v ' ; ' ' GET BARGAINS. KlasUn, C. Feb. lfl,m -ManT7cIl CiabtreK . BaACSST .' :,iAt)nis ists, : Iron r.:i1 IJ ra ss Fon n ders .: :; ;. .. AKD ''-.:;'-.-.,:- n o i l r h iiakees;'" . - ; -.-SXAIiE AND BEP1IB ' SsliNSElS Orders -ohcited- and prom . beteen Pollock and South Front,1 f ; -1 ' s . ; s NEW Beb?e Ni -C,-f Apr.4,tf 5 "V -ri'-.y - V X. - .' V' rw- "W-" -s" VOL; V. ..." . .. . ihraud and Adulteration. ' . The lie in labels and brands is becoming so serious a -'matter-that special means shonld be employed to detect fraud, and severe penal ties should be enforced against the offenders; .Our Government keeps vto a special bureau to detect coun- terfeiting1, and all" the products of counterieiters are confiscated. Uur State provides a chemist to de- tectadulteration'sin commercial fertilizers, which prevents frauds to a arge exten on tne iaruiers:.wuK7 etsy but allows his stomach ? to be imposed on with every imaginable deceit that human ingenuity eair in vent. The liver deserves as - much protection as thepocket,Tandruna dulterated food is as important to the human - system as nnadultera ted fertilizers to. the . tender rootlets of the1 cotton plant! ; ; ; C t And ns stomaeha are moreivalu able than pockets, the vigilance of the detectives should . m greater, vengeance more s sure, .swift and terrible. ' All I producers idbbers,1 i trailers V and consumers should pnite in sacred wmpasfc jouAsq?. ciet v of the' - pests - whoVprey g upon and strike at our lives The high- wavman. burerlar and sneak: thief are friends oPbttmanity compared with tha . adnlteratora ol ..our :iooa and drinkrtPublic opinion 'should be arottsed,-andv cbneertecFraeti6n should be taken: to stop this deadly practice.. Ave are becoming , a-na tion -or dvsDeptics" 'and much of this evil js caused ibyK impure land poisinous adulterations -'in "' our food."'3' ''K-i The Tariff, i The KeiYorki2?, in com- mentfnff. on": a4: number:- of : letters sent troin editors of North Carolina and other Southern States,; in re sponse to an enquiry as to what our people thought of the tariff, - says the Southern people snow qonsm- erable indifference! and mn.irw ig norance on this : subject. " This re mark is true, but the tariff bids fair to become i a liv e jssiie id the future and when? it does so Income this indifference will; quickly cease.' On this "question there are.three parties , about . equally ( ,. diyuiea. First, those protectionists who - are so afraid of any change that they prefer to keep the present laws, with. all their ineiualitie.s and in justice, rather than risk a revision. Second, the free tracers, or, as mey prefer to over themselyes with a doubtful phrase, ior a "tarin ior revenue only.'? ' Third, those pro- j tectionisls who; desire a revision wliich'wiir protect -all that" needs protection and j at the 6ame time add to the free list raw material, and equalize all products as nearly ; as possible. This, t itiis; thought, will reduce the' revenue to a point easy to be borne, and vet pay off the debt fast enough while keeping the treasury full against all sudden emergencies. viSijf f The present condition of things is' not by any means satisfactory. First because the commission, re cently appointed by - authority of Congress, can never - be - so -organized as to present a tariff -upon which all .can agree.- Whatever they, recommend will be torn ,t0 piecies by Congress.- The commis sion; can by no possibility solve the problem. It was only teamed.? for . delays and that is all that can re-, suit from it. ..This delay can only exasperate those protectionists who desire, and demand revision- and if continued too long will '. .drive them into "a reunion with the . free traders' as the least of two evils : -'; A maiority of the voters favdr a revision and .reduction j-,. and they mean to have it. ; If the- high pro tectionists continue to spend- time and money to prevent revision, the power will be . taken - from them in , spite - of -all.' their - tricks, "and when it is too "late they will: mourn ; their lolly in "resist- the '".will . r of -the people. Everyday we bear of men in, the Northl and, ;Vest who. have been protectiotitsts "going;- over j to c the ranks of the free traders, and if there is no. hope of,a revision there wilreoon be a stampede. And' --when, exasperated by -li j . Ions: aeiay, t ney once get into 'power, they.will make, such a rendine: and rttearing'as to endanger the prosper lty tOt the country. The. changes they will make will be so wift and radical as to prostrate the indns trle3 that have obstinately stuck to the present : unjust and clumsy tariff. : It is to be hoped that- the friends of" the present system will be wise in - time, and submit to a fair reduction and save themselves from impending ruin. lievision or ruin!?, will soon be' the battle cry, and all must govern themselves ac eordingly.. : ;. . ( How to Succeed. It was said of the first Napoleon by one who read his character, '.Promote him, or he will force his way.' ?5 x nis energy is tne secret ot success J with scores of men who have risen from humble life to wealth and power. It laughs at obstacles, and gains courage from fail are. and therefore is sure to win in the end. Genius, or high birth, or hosts of friends, will be found useless without it. ; Mr. Buxton, the English philanthro pist, expounded tne law ot success m Europe or America, when he said, tlThe longer I live, -the? more -1 am xjertain that the great difference between men, Between the ieenle. and the power- fnl,iaoerryj:inyineible determination, aparpose once "fixed and then death or Victory. From a Correepoudent of the Lcndon Times. Insanity . and Crlm , Insanity has been pleaded ofj Homicidal maniacs may be late in behalf of so many notori-' classM broadly under three heads ous criminals that it is becoming a There is first of all a certain vari matter of pnblic interest that the ety of the epileptic who, just before nature of brain diseases should be his attacks, is troubled with optical better-understood and that many of the delusions at present existing as to irresponsibility of lunatics should be . dispelled. The popular notion of a lunatic as that of a man who can neither reason nor behave himself, who is tormented by . con- 4tinual impulsesftdido wrongj anct Wh6 may commit the most heinous crimes without having any . con sciqiisness'of their enormity, is an altogether erroneous one.; Were it otherwise lunatic asylums would be like menageries of wild beastsi'and it would be impossible tor main tain discipline in , them,, by .such hnethods as are now - generally em ployed..-In yeryj asylum' vtherer is a ward reserved for lunatics of the violent sort,:who are' amenable . to lio moral coercion and require con st ant supervision with occasion a I restraint. ?n apaddedroom.ori canvas ''straight Twaistcpatj'U-but the great majority of c the "inmates of an asylum 3fve in comparative liberty, and the fear of punishment is found quite . sufficient ; to keep them in good behavior. Clearly, then, these m,en know right from wrou it. a ney j- are aw aie i uaii j i they,steikei theirs attendaritsf grow fractious and use abusive language, steal, or conduct j themselves inde cently thev- will be deprived or some of the priviieffes allowed to 'orderly patients' or be put to physi cal inconvenience; .and this fear,op crates as potentlyj; upon xthem as that of the law does upon sane men out of doors.' : In foreigii"? asylums corporal .punishment, 'under the form of ; cold water domhes,. is ' freelyllused - towards. patients. who . are iOlent-' or - eveit .inso lent, 'and the fact of its t being, so used shows- that , the, physicians do recognize in patients 5 whom they punish a mbTaVst)onSibility . -f Of course, there' are5- patients whom a doctor would not think of punish: rmsr; -the drlvelunif idiot, the noisy maniac passing .throngrh.- the acute phases;; of- 'general ?aralysis,; the drunkard '-under the influence !of delirium treniens,frand the epileptic in his vertigo are sure of impunity,' whatever they may say?or?dobut not so ; with the epileptic;- iniithe lucid ptMos- betveii the elaHChohc' patientjvho as j, pos sessed with a monomahfa, but-who, on all subjects save tnej can reason soundly i and thQ.; paralytic anring the intermittences of ihis; malady, when he ,is apt. to be talkative, troublesome, and slyly mischievous, but yet v retains the perception of what ; is-, permissible v and :what s-is. not. It must s be remarked, again; that in inQst asylums greatJnanyl of the patients - are j -.allowed i to smokej to have-' lucifer -mafchea'rn their possession, to r carry: knives and scissors,:and;rta "work! with edge tools, spades, and pick-axes ; others are sometimes employed in the surgery to help in mixing drugs, and a tew can generally , be .seen going about with paint pots;, varn ish, and other ingredients-; for-; the work ot house decorating, jsow li it were admitted that a lunatic is always k an; utterly'; irresponsible creature, . it .. would : : manifestly be monstrous to trust -.him with edge tools,' with drugs,.- or witli , paints containing - poison.. ;'Eut .lunatics are so trusted constantly and with out any evil consequences. - What becomes, then,, of the doctrine that a man who has once been, m an asylum, or who has had parents, in anasylum,- should be regarded as innocent of any : evil ;intent if he commits a murder. Supposing that a lunatic ywho lias v resisted the temptation of setting fire to his asylum, knocking his doctor down with a spade, or putting poison in fo.-his, keeper's food,. becauso lie knew ; that ! any ;j such Ireaks would be promptly f punished, were after escape or discharge from his asylum, to commit arson or robbery, could it fairly be said that he was irre-1 1 . 1 1 1. 1. .. .1 1.1 eiuiiHiuit; ufumise jiw jiito hclcoj spec show that at the time when he committed the offence the alleged lunatic was laboring under acute cerebral excitement amounting to delirium the contention would be absured. The idea that because a man's brain is affected he may be expect ed to commit any sort of crime is one often favored by experts called! for the defence at criminal trials, i Dut laets ao not uphold it : and it has been authoritatively' reiected by the most distinguished physicians abroad Doctors Legrand du Saulle, Blanche, Lays, Bergeron and oth ers.: In short, the doctrine now accept ed by French medical jurists is that before a lunatic can be declared ir responsible for a crime it 'must be ascertained whether the symptoms of his nialady predisposed him to the perpetration of that, particu lar crime. A lunatic may be ad dicted to indecent acts ; it does not follow that he will be blameless if he commits a forgery. " Another may be an habitual pilferer and yet know perfectly well that he'has'no business to take life. Lunatics in confinement are constantly heard using deadly threats against the people;whe deprived them of their liberty ; but even when they escape it is seldom that they put these menaces into execution, because homicidal mania the only form of insanity that irresistibly impels to nndFT the bp lief that hemifhr, avoid -lcMSi, was 1,15U, detection ? Assnre'dl v not. Unless ; ceipts fiom India this there were special circumstances to I been 1,382,000 bales, a .Bern INDEPENDENT NEW BERNE, N. murder and makes the preparation of it excusable---is,. happily, much rarer than is commonly supposed. i and acoustic delusions. He lancies himself surrounded with enemies or wild beasts, and he strikes or kills in self-defence. Asylum : doctors, account this type of patient the most dangerous of all and guard him with the utmost rigor; in pri vate asylums they will" generally re fuse to receive him because he gives too much trouble Njex cornea the' drunkard -with "delirium tre mens, who, in his mad paroxysm, is also .haunted. f if h visions and may very well coffiinit a, murder without -retaining any recollection of. it, when he; has returned to his senses. ' This man is certainly irre sponsible, because he has acted without any guilty knowledge, butj ha must be kept iii nfinement'-- because, however, sane lie.may be wheii drink is withheld from him, recovers las liberty he will takej : to uthe bottle; until it masters his reason. The third typejbf hom icidal maniac is the' man afflicted with that form of melancholia called by French physicians del if e desper Hcmtipns. " Jle too,- is. tormented by optical and acoustic delusions; he hears jvpdces of, people, insulting Jhim, recognizes old enemies in harmless strangers imagines- that attempts are being made to poison him and that a vast, conspiracy is afoot to injure or annoy him. This kind of man is. usually more addict ed to suicidal thoughts than to murder.; but he is dangerous. i-. f ; - v " ?' ;' ' '- "It must be hoped that it will be found practicable some day to ar rive at anaccur ate legal definition of lunacy and to commit the . -power ot signing certmcatss oflunaey on ly to responsible-practitioners of a certain standing in their profession. Meanwhile, by way' -of. guiding those who know little about luna tics; to 1 a right understandmg- of what- constitutes irresponsibility, it .may be stated that ; the mental disorders which render a man un fit' to discern between right and wrong are as plain. to recognize as smallpox:" and scarlet fever. A man; a eed be iio doctor to tell when a patient is suffering from the fren- zy oi incipient general paralysis, the vertigo; bflchronie eiilepsy, the morbid hallucinatiomiof melancho lfa,r brthe 3eIiHrrm produced by alcohol, ether, or 'opium, if no pronouncedf symptoms ; are appa rent lunacy may, indeed, be latent, but it has not reached that point when -the brain is so affected as to have lost its power of controlling a nian's acts. To assert Ihe contra ry is to lay down a proposition by virtue of which the worst" crimes should secure to their perpetrators the greatest impunity The Cotton Outlook. The cptton situation is becoming interesting.! It appears that the entire amount of cotton hauled from the plantations since Septenv ber 1 is 5,2J0,382Abales, of the av erage weight of 474j pounds. ' At this date last year there .was re ceived from the plantations 6,3ol, 300 bales of the average weight of 486 pounds.. The actual differ ence in the weight of the - bales is rather more, than 12 pounds, it taking 40 bales of this season to make 3D of last. Making the calculation,-oar present crop is equal to only 5,138,423 bales of last year's crop, showing a difference of 1,212, 883 bales;;:? The crop last year was 6,589,320 bales: At this time' last year there were still on the planta tions 238,000 bales. There are not now 50,000 bales to come. The real difference between the two crops will bo more than 1,400,000 bales. This deficit is supplied by the surplus cotton .on hand at the beginning of the cotton year, and the increased .receipts from India and Egypt. Tne amount ot Amer- 1 ... 1 T I ' I it t iTl llOlirl Sll 1 11 1 1 .riT ' I " v"tt" """" (i oaies. i lie re- year have gainst 707,- 000 bales last year, and from Egypt 414,071 bales, against 372,382 bales last year. The increased receipts from these points are, then, in round numbers, 500,000 bales. The total consumption of Europe and America last year was 8,407, 000 bales, of which 0,185,000 were American cotton. Putting our crop t o,200,000 ot the weight ot last year, and adding m the supply on hand we have 0,330,701 bales as the total American supply, which would just about meet the demand if it could all be placed at the mills, and if there were no increased con sumption. There has however been a very considerable increased con sumption, and it is quite impossible to put all the cotton at the mills ; so it is apparent that American cot ton will be scarce before the new crop comes in. Its place, however, to some extent can be supplied by the increased shipments from In dia, of which there are now 1,033, 000 bales on hand against 700,000 bales at this time last year. It would seem that already 1GG,000 bales of this cotton have gone into consumption in excess of what was used up to this date last year. At all events we must enter next year with no stock at all on hand, and the price of cotton will depend very largely on the crop prospects. 3rY?r and Observer. Subscribe for the Jouhnal. I- 3 J IN ALL THINGS. C, JTj'NE 15, lfs82. TO PBETENt fcoyStTMPTTlOW.' Kxpertmentf tm VaecliiaU-Dr. Mil ' ler Belief tbmt tbey wlU Ssteeecsl. . - ljr. wesiey 3er Teaa a paer entitled "Prevention of Tubercular Disease in Man and Domestic An imals," before the New York Acad . emy of Science last evening.. This Was called out by the recent re searches of Dr.' Koch, Government Adviser in the Imperial . Ilealth department ot JtJeriin, who ; discov ered that consumption could be conveyed by inoculation.. He found by microscopic examination of the diseased organs of a great number ot diseased men. and animals that the tubercles were infected by iniu ute parasites which her differentia-. ted trom the surrounding tissue by means of a special dye. Transfer ring the diseased matter by inocu lation to healthy, animals, he re produced the diseased Jle culti vated r the parasite artificially through many generations,; and again produced the disease by in fectfnsr healthy anihials with these. A natural discussion followed as to the feasibility oft modify mg i the tubercular virus by cultifationj and using this in the lorm of vaccina tion jas , a - means -to- prevent con sumption. ' V - v j The essayist last evening pointed out that a related disease might be transmitted from man to animals by'means.; of inoculation, and back from animals to man, 'thus giving protection trom or lessening the severity of, disease Pasteur, he said, found ,tha t -his . chickens when inoculated with a mitigated virus of chicken!-cholera were -- fortified not against this disease only, but against., anthrax ; and it has also been shown that when animals are vaccinated with bovine virus, as in propagating . vaccine to prevent small-pox . in man, this operation gives' immunity, to the animal from other contagious.diseases. ? Though this is not a principle to-be relied upon no such f vicarious action in other cases has been known , to exist. Vaccination, as electricity, the essayist, said, is a mysterious agency that exists in life itself, and all we can do is simply to render it harmless, transform it into different degrees of virulence, and modify its character, as a preventative. - I The essayist referred to a paper witten by him in-1873, in which he alleged the possibility of prevent-' ing. consumption ...of the lungs in mail. by means of vaccination with the -) modified form .of ; tubereulosis of. the bovine. , i Experiments in this sort were, made by him.. But this j modified virus : was' first rendered harmless by : having , been carried through a series of generations of the bovine animal.. .-. Dr. Miller . expressed thet belief that at no distant day a preventive for consumption would be found in' vaccination. N. T. Sun. ' Tlic Crowing Cotton, Crop. K lEW YoEK,'June 3, 882. Messes. Editoes : Bradstreet's report of the growing cotton crop makes 97,000 acres less of j land planted in cotton than in "1881. which is an average decrease of 6 per cent. Particulars by States as follows : ; Louisiana . . Texas . . . Tennessee . - . Georgia . . North Carolina Arkansas . , South Carolina Alabama . . Mississippi . . Florida . . . Virginia . . . Indian Territory Missouri . . . v .6 decrease. 2.3 7.8 8.3 G 4.0 4.8 7 7.2 7.2 u u 17 Average 0 per cent, decrease. They estimate 25 per cent, less of commercial fertilizers used than last j'ear, and report the condition of planting on the 1st of June gen erally backward and stunted on ac count of cool weather, and , replant ing rendered necessarj' to some, considerable exteut, but this set back is expected to be overcome witli favorable seasons from -this time out. Yours truly, t , Maesh, Peice & Co. Ioubtfut Compliment. Walter Scott had a favorite servant, Tom Purdy, who thought his master the brightest and the best man in the two kingdoms. When he learned that his master was "the great Unknown,'' the author of the famous novels that ev erybody was talking about, Tom, with true family pride, felt it his duty to read them. In due time he thought it also a duty j to compliment his master. As they j were walking together, he said, 'Sir Walter, one of your books has been a great comfort to me this winter.' "I am happy to know it, Tom," was the reply. 'Yes, Sir Walter," continued the honest soul, '-I don't know how I should have got through the winter withtou it." 'You don't mean so, Tom?' said the pleased author. "Yes,' said Tom. 'I'll tell you all about it. You see I comes in from my day's work tired out pretty well. I sits down in my chair with your book in 1113' hand, and a mug of beer on the table. Then I cocks up my feet, all comfortable, you know, and begins to read. In five minutes I am fast asleep.' Sir Walter laughed heartily, but turned the conversation to other topcis. Of the two general classes of speculators in the stock market, those who try to frown them down are called "bears." A Chicago paper tells of a man who was complaining that he had invested a rather, large sum of money in . Wall Street and lost it alb A sympathizing friend asked him whether he had been a 'bull' or a 'bear.' He replied, 'Neither, I was a jackass..' OITRNAL.- Sudden Deaths. Ahsestbet- :; ;" tics, j.-'-w . The public are familiar with - deaths ir the dentist's hair ' froin chloroform, and, less often, from 'ether. It is not well to use either in slight surgical cas see, especially as nitrous oxide is always safe. - : . - - ' '-till, in surgical operations, as a whole, even chloroform has saved vastly more than it has killed, it both enables tne operator - to handle the. case .more carefully i and prevents - that . nervous expenditure on the part of the patient which, of itself, often determines a fatal issue 1 ; '' .. '''.';! "v! .",-,;. "Chloroform produces its,-- anaesthetic effect by its action brt the brain arid ner voms centres. - Now there ; is a ' great difference in brains in their suscepti bility to influence, whether, narcotic, or stimulative.. A quantity r, of;?. liqu.ot which' Will throw one into a drunken stupor, ! and inflame another with man iacal rage, will, at the most, only gently-stimulate a third. - - ' ; '. 'J . ' ' -T'he diffeaehed is partly constitution-; al,' and" partly dependent, on j aotuired conditions' of .the, person, Greaterex-j perience doubtless, will enable us to know 'whether ; ihe admiration of a powerful anaesthetic will be safe in any' individuual ease. '". '. ,.f; '.., ; . :'..; .'. ' Bat at present this knowledge is only partial. It is, however, known that it is not safe for persons troubled with heart conplaints; not for those' fid dictied to the use of ardent spirits; nor for any soon after a full meal. , ; ; But' these cases ' aside, the question is one mainly of, quantity. And it is probable . that by-and-by it ; will f be found tha t the true and safe course will be, in all cases', to "use only so much, or so much combined 3 with other drugs, as well leave the intellect free while rendering the pain bearable.. . Ihe immediate cause of death from chloroform is a , temorary ; paralysis "of tne nerves either of the ; lungs or the the heart. ; throneh V such chance in the blood as to take away its 'power to supply nervous, stimulus. - - ' X Slfasmoaie Action, ;; ; . ; V The muscles are endowed, with con tractile power. They tend of them selves to draw their extremites toward their centre. The hearf is a' double hollow inuscle, - whose, alternate con traction and dialation constitutes", its 'beating.':' The -contraction "throws on 'the blood into "the System,-fand the ailation opens the heart tor more.;; Ah? workine '.of this -central encine so es sential that its power to dilate and con tract is, to some ; extent, provided for within itself. So much so is this case that the heart will beat for a consider ably time after - it has ' been removed from a vigorous animal. , -K uertain ganglia , at thebaseof the braini supply,, the force necssary,v:to motion the motor neve-foree, as it is called. , The supply is generated by the nerve cells in the motor 'ceo tfes, - direct ly from arterial blood. - f v t:'-f Withold the- blood from the motor cells and alljmotion at once eeases. ; .The same effect follows when the blood .is sufficiently .vitiated through the failure of lungs, liver, or kidneys to elimate its constantly accumulating impurities, T .Ihe motor nerve-force, ac ts-by k ex tending the muscles, or- when they are in a state of apparent rest, by simply counteracting the contractile tendency. In the case of the heart, the motor and the contractile force aot alternately, ;, , If, through any cause, .the -.motor force iss suddenly checked, the . muscles yield to their, normal tendency, and. the results it spasms. Hence spasms in the dying do not generally indicate suffer ing, for the nerves of sensation also, at the same time, fall of their nervous supply. 4 . On the contrary, cramps in the limbs at night, caused by an over . use of the muscles, which has partially exhausted the supply of motor force, are attended with pain, inasmuch as there is no dim inution of sensational nerve force The arteries have a muscular coat, by the action of which the arterial blood isincresed or diminished. In, the dying and often ,under other circum stances the lessing of the motor-force allows the arterial muscl to contract along their entire course, thus greatly diminishing the blood supply to all ner vous centres, and lowering the power of sensation. Hence, the act of dying is ordinarily painless. Hence, too, the pallor of the face. His Interest in the Boy. It is a pity that humanity shonld ever have a- mercenary motive. But for a nature so sordid as to be incapable of any higher regard for another's life and welfaic such a motive is better than non-". A negro bo", says the Oaves ton Jeii'8 came very near being run over by the locomotive of the special train. Had it not been that an old negro, at the risk of his own life, seized the boy by the collar and jerked him backward just as the cow caicher reached him, lie would undoubtedly have been cut to pieces. A gentleman who witnessed the heroic, act said to the old ne gro 'I suppose you are the father of that boy?' No, sah: his fodder libs out in de country, and sends de boy to town to get his edticatiou. De boy boards wid me, sah.' 'You seem to take a great deal of in terest in him.' "Indeed. I does, sah. His fodder owes me foah two niufs board ob dat boy; so you sec dis aint de right time foali him to be ruu ober by de kears.' Youth's Companion.'' SSSS-BSS-SS ' Common Sense. A valuable horse had been lost and no one could find him. A half-witted fellow finally brought him back, and to the question, 'How did you mid him wlien no one else could?' replied, 'Wall. I just 'quired where the horse was seen last, and 1 weut thar and sat on a rock; and I just axed mysel if . I was a horse, whar would I go and what would I do? And then I went and found him.' M - I. y . njl,t .. - . t ,.. "H"t Terms $a.OO : no: ior, " In ; Prison Without j Crime, ! The life and safety of the great mast of mankind depend largely on the sacri fices made by a few. . Who. that . pnee knows this , will' ever be ungrateful enough to forget' the patient, hard-faring class who work and watch for ns? r ' The life pfjthe.Farallon light keepers lone Iv and - Tfcrf? iZS is built somewhat under the shelter of . - w mm- the rocks, hut they live in what to a landsman would seem a perpetual storm; the ocean roars iny their ears .'day 'ahd night; the boom ' of thefsiirf is their constant" and Tonly ! music; te.;. wild BcreBTm theseaj4a)- the ho wl of the sekirSns, the wiistle and fthrfek of "the galey the dull, threatening thunder of the vast breakers,.' ar6;ih dreary' and 1 aesoiate, sounas. wmoh , lull.. them.- to sleep at night, and assail their ears when they awake., -v'.,- W: '.. ;:'. '' . la the winter. -'men ths' even" their supply vessel, whkh; for ,tbe baofiV part, J is meir oniy connection with the world is, sometimes unable io make' a landing for. weeks at a time. Chance visitors they see only occasionally,' and at that distance at which a steamer' Is 'safe from the surf, and at which, girl onld not even recogniio her lqver. - .The . com merce; of San Francisco passes before their eyes, hut so far away that they cannot tell ? the ships ' and steamers which sail by them, vbicelessand, with out greeting; and of the events passing on the planet ' with which they have so frail; asocial tie, they learn, only 'at long and irregular intervals; '.-.v The change from sunshine to fog , is the thief tariety ih their lives: the hasty landing, of supplies the great event in their months, They cannot even watch the growth lof trees nd plants, and to a cnua Dora and reared in such a place, a Bunny lea under the I shelter f rocks is probably the ideal of human ; feli- A Marriage for Money:' '-TV r - - - ,:. ' : " In New York City, a princely mansion was offered for sale - few- years aao. about which hung a sad -story. A man or enormous, wealth lived to the age ot sixty without marrying; then he propos ed to a .beautiful,- brilUanfryoung girlj who belonged to a largo, but poor fami ly. 5; -'-;- . ' -' -. " - -. - ' ' She hesitated 'long before acc!Ttin? hinn his habits, morals, 'person, were aG obnoxious tO her, - for ne,was agnf of pure, renncd tastes.. .. . . lint to ne tne wue ot a tnmionuaire. ws9 IrsV i T to-ehAwbe-bo hai hved - come of a8eivant,7-these were temtar to go to JEui-ope,-. to reign like a queen tions too strong for her, as-they are for too many -American women- , She married him without a practicle of love or respectr sold nerseii as' absolute ly for money as eversiave was sold. ; Her husband paid - for his . purchase. Before tho nrairiaee he built a magnifi-;- cieht dwelling; archietecture,. sculpture. painting, gave of their best to make it fit tor the dome oi a rojai . laxly;, there was a Chien8e room, a Persian roomt a nmaoo room: mere, were conserva tories, picture-galleries, dainty boddoirt. The. plan was .toat. .tlie bride-should 8pend-one winter in this regal home, and in the 'spring. go to. Europe ; for a two years' -visitk- '- ; '-' '-- -t a"'- . .i'- ' Two weeks alter; tho wedding, the bridegroom was struck down with' para lysis, and tor nrteen years lay on his bed a helpless, querulous Invalid, nursed by his wife.' - The man.sipnr.wa8 closed! ex-I cepting in tlie "sick man's anarlrhents.l and resembled a gigantic tomb, ' liy the terms of his wm she would inherit noth ing if she deserted him.;.,She remained faithful, therefore, only to find after Ufa death tliAt his estate.' was as hollow a sham as her . marriage, and that.; it was swallowed up in his-debts . t, , ' ,v -a Hot ah marriages for money -end as dramatically - as this, but they are -as tragic, in reality. -The young girl, who sells her life for a price inevitably reaps disappointment aud misery? e ;' 1 '-t r "L Changed by a Compliment. To kill a mortifying riflront by a con- ciiatoi y witticism is a success that very tew in such a moment have, the grace or coolness to grasp. - ;, . . . Count Jaubert was wonderfully happy at repartee, and in his sallies was atter ly lndiflerent as to whctlicr it- was friend or an enemy who suffered. If, however, he happened to c0niprome himself, he had a happy knack of set-1-ting himself rluht ih' a moment. - v On one occasion, liavingbccrf highly. displeased with, Marshal Soult, he made the illustrious soldlftr the butt of Innum erable epigrams. , The marshal,, hear ing of this at one of Louis Philippe re ceptions, turned his back upon the count Just as he was stepping forward to salute him, some thirty gentlemen be ing present. . Monsieur le Marshal,' said Count Jaubert, with the utmost sang froid, 'I have been told you do not look upon mo as one of your-f riends. I'm delighted to find that there is no ground for the ru mor.' 'How so, monsieur?' 'Because,' replied the count, 'you are not in the habit of turning your back to the enemy.' - Thc marshal, it is perliajM needless to say, at once held out his hand to Count Jaubert, From the IH-tr olt Free Tress. lirotlier Gardner's Difficulty m Becomintr an Angel." "How wicked we am when we sot down and fink it ober," said Brother Gardner, as the Voice or the triangle struck the hour of seven. "While 1 keep trying to believe in heabet), I keep wond erin' how any of us will ebcr git dar. We nius' not envy, an' ylt wc do envy. We mus' not b'ar false witness, an' yit we am torebcr stretchin' de truf. We mus' not lie' an' yit it comes so handy dat we can.t help it. We mus' not steal, an' an' some of us don't. Dat is. we doan'tgetintera posishun to handle de funds. We mus' not -be jealous, an' yit when de won am across de way, whose husband aims $0 per week sails out wid fo' new bonnets a ya'r, am it human- natur fur my .ole Woman to look arter her an not wish a . h ad hold of her back h'ar? " We mus' not sw'ar, an' yit what am I to do when I strike the cand Of a "sidewalk plank wid my rut, or whack my thumb wid de hammer? Am it to be supposed dat I P'NEW BEHIIii 3u . -t-T-.-t rV-l " kates or ADvr-i.riLi.. : Oct; inch p rk.wv -v ''?. moptn-.n.,..-..,... ' " 'Vikr xH4h., 'QnsrUr eolnmn otis V...,........ ' ;- " on pmrt...-....i.........k-: " om ytiLT.....r.y Half eotamaoas w-k....'.. ..... ...... aa roonUiJ.....-.-.- ".'i " on yr...M.....-.... On eolnmn one week.... ' ' one month .....:. ? one yi" " tf ContrscU for adrertUinf f r b-v . or time may t made al (he :-. i i. ; BskB JoratAL,'ln the i;n. u o Sreet, Newjlerne. Kortlt Csrolm. Will calmly sot down an' . Rin a ; bym? , , . , , Wlien wo trade bosses wid a 1. cheat him. When a man war bony half a dollali f m wc lie t We play keerds, dance, go to t'e (' an' circus, an we doan turn oi r ! on a dog fight. I tell you we p poo', wenk human 1" inV. in, while wc natter oirf-dts ! t 6lV?'lu' ,OD l0' 1' ! i nil m n nun 1 1 u &-r n ro u 1 1 ft alead nkktl on a srt- t Y ; r or pocket d five dollali t .:! de postoflicc. When I sot w i. and pull off my -buu , oi. ' . V feet hide oven, an' get tot,, how hard. I try to i pood, s pow'ful eny it is to be I n 1. I so-absorbed h my-Otr)"' ' . woman has to hit me on 1 'later to bi-in me ba k to niil'i meout artcr an armful of v len, let us coun liner to try t 1 r but lefus fount on wrctiai', v '. about lo'ty-linu-s a day, nn' -frown flaton.crur. barj.s tin ry time. We will now irritat1 d" r der of bizness." - luinort nnr i a Curious blunders l.avf ! i i telegraph. operator i:i!" of messages sent. l'..i it v -(o find a u parallel io I related in &crrfne's, 1- ' ; of a single letter turnfd a I -dead man. 'Mr. ltaym ., ,. . New.Yxirk Titney oft en vW.u- ! daring the Rebellion, oml wji with many oflWrs. lie- r. day a telegram from C1. ; startled him: Your lr:!. r' Belle . naine. Come in lie started early t!ie i for Washington, and nii-s; t ( there, pushed forward to 1 full of sad thoughts that 1 - ' who had been - very . tick, 1.;. ! . sudden. On the w ay ho in 1 1 'r. I of Albany who was ga'M.,l Ui mlng the dead bodies tf ! ' , made arrangTinents to have 1 ! embalmed. i 'Going' to fifciK Wn-!.': : t quarters; to whone din ' . ! : -brtgado was attached, t! " i sent one of Ms otl'crrs t . Uie circumstance of Lis t ' , The.. officer noon n turn !. bn4hcr with himl The tt i blundered by adding a IcU' r. Swaki liad written, 'Your 1 corps is at Belle l'lait-e.' traphec madii ii corpse, 'i l l was pardoned; however, l y I on account of the job ofinw i.. . 'Jbe Lliiie-lClin fl' ' r.The president .ordered tl.iiti dows to be rained, tlio U e in C frN renewwl andaU tlie du f thc roon an1 llicn Fai(;. ... ,When Y0U run, Bcro a 'S 1 Jllistl V ! do .vices nor wcaknses, c: i you would a hot 'tatci . lo 1 - - ' ded man to le ino'or 1 r-s an' wretched. It wh not ! i turn out a perfeck man. I! .: we should i have Jmd in:; i:.- r a preachers nor do B.Me. Ai :'i haye biu Ileabcu au' wi -i.: I ho call to die- Xature' sometimes tuni e- i widout cuile, hist as she l in s a i : eved colts- an' three-l 1 ( . i" - . Bich - pursons soou b (-nil- k: eltben tools or luriHti( H. It rt , Jfatur's way'to bring iucii into ; wid an ' angle's w ing n!r :i-'y An' It am a leellc nif-j .ic'ams i i i n too good: man. When y C ' huniau bein' who Isn't J.u.n- ' who nebber deceives, cl; .-.(, i , -.vies, cdVets who. goes a'.., : .wid'de wcatherv craps an' I.Hss. :: - . won't bet, thinlco to lo tin r ' k upon a hoss race, you have f n a : i to let ftlone Ilonm too good. : ; " ' made him fur an-angel and I - t -put him in Ileaben. 'Ilik a man who has wrnktH -- i sinRt! Dcu J know Uat he 'cm n ; i mortalwho was put on nrith to Je r 1 i. I like a mali'Vho has had icku .-, I i-" t aches an' grjovous trouhle.. i ,t sartin of a man who has iy. I -like a , man, .who. haa , liu .. IV.. -i 'juuff Uo git' -druuk 1 an' " sirons; t (.;i kir.k.-de U-mtashun .olx-r a ku 1 fence. Den !yu-know wlmr' to : ! him. lie has bin dnr an' knows wh it ti foot he was. 'Hike a man whi ,. ' bin a-liar; au' Vto. hasn't rutin Iv i-". ' covered from de Injury. ' Pen I Yuow how j to trade -hoses whl him,' mi' I , .know what to be lieie when ho tells nm' dat he has blii . Ashing '! II n goo.'a - -oo-t ' , naj-bur vboiTys my fj-ade I kuu l :1,v( . when It will linn iionie' nor how imn li of jt will bo left. Ha thief tnke It fr a loan Iamprttty sartin to rckivc n it la a day or two au'.in good cornlihinn.' .W hen a man tens nie. ui it Las in ¬ come so good dat he foclt liko hucn I go right home an', put an erti-n -r 7 nn my kitchen doah. Vheh a r "rt ;r shed tears ober de condlNhnn of J.r-? Off heathen i de heathen at home !. ., I " better be keerfulhrnr dey Ir-ndl.iru r nn- ey. De man who's conscience v n't", let him go to a place of nmuHcmcnt i s bin known (d elope " wid anoda- nan'n wife. De man who can't rvmerub-r d .tt. . , he cber used an oath or tole a lie luts Lin . . -follered " across do ocean an' arre-t-d " rur.robbln' widdeifj an'., orphans. : Do h-..-man who alius .w'arsa smile- am- now - sarvin' his third term in State lVUvu. 'Let me say to you in suniin up da t do ' man who sins an' knows It nn' w an't to ' do better, am - sooneto be trusted flan I; -do man who neber sins nn f ers ' dat he am good nuffV JI you lie to a w!.o " ; feels dat he am " weak nn' ', siufu.1. Yi V " will den'luiVB a pardner;who' am t,ot' ' afreak of Xatur,;,' Xctui uow tmbaras . ourselves wid .de regular ordcr,,ol' hi.- .. . ness.' , J 41 Wt - 1 11 !- ; .Kotlcc. . ' - To the Dcmocratio .Conservative 1 Vo Jers of Jones County. . ..' By order ot ' the County Executive Committee, you are hereby notind to meet in Township Convention on Thurs day, the 15th of June for the purpose of, electing delegates .to the County Con vention to be held in Trenton, on Satur day, the 17th of June IBttJ to selrrt del egates to the senatorial. judicial, con gressional, .and State CoDTcntlonn. , Each Township will elect a Townsl.ip Executive Committee , of five pernona and the Township Committee no tdoctc l are requested to meet with the Conven tion on the 17th of June to elect a Coun ty Executive Committee. -, Jas- B. ptaklt. Chairinan Exciutire Vommittce for , Jones County. .. .' . ... ... Mr. Jos. I Rhem lias sold over t'.i"-" thousand barrehi of Irlhh tiotatoox i! i season, realizing about $0.00 prr barrel. t ''i'.. ' . s