frV "will be just that way attain Ti m' LA.-- ' .' - H r 1 . I uaru runs. " .t " . auwukui) tJcuoir LOUn- . By-stamler -What are ou going ta' ' tf) Items. I doA. $xt Sutton and Grady V i ' J ' 4 w -1- ':-:. itwi , m for'rkee'inS Suttoo. lie U .AHKMiovivallj'asjubt dosed t f WMJ.I-- I is the ! JOURNAL. NfcV i:n;n. x. cf 5 . i Kinston item Meal, 41.10 ' 4--Wheat, $1. CO - J'-"" - : N. C Hams, 20c. per In. Sides, ISc " " ; Shordders lGc ' ' - -: -.v. Bewwax, 22 " - - ' v - r : Hides, dry, ,-perlb.' . Chk-keua. u to .juo jht pai.' r - Lgvcs, 10c perloztfn--. - 'i V. Market wari o and Ail thim high nuow. l ummings-'id.ow chows" Ta-iemjiu n i . t .v uJ goiulemui' nt , i;u --....- . -. . '.ij : .. . - Dr. Seawell, who v, si.ot by Mr. TJz -zell, is improving .t.i ..... .. he will re cover. .,- ;.. liiohard M.-ALUtoi bhip tiis he Jiad la-1 i, i. Elder Neck .town-ciw-uf ihe Ilfio y n ;i i i i.- h..m' tik.xii tl.J train this :.i ! ...r t.Wo- t l e k -..u here he j.r.-- .-t .ih uiid CUi in stant. ; - " : " ' Two c iJo.vvnf Ltvnaingan s'-kki jewisi, amiw,;y, a desire- to ii . i iii.tti-iiuoijt . . . -r. - ;, - Ti'' J " .u. "of the Lousia r nut 1 . . ; . 1 1 . . ... . i' i it L. ... ..5wUiUUiii propose to uie rriiicipal of Kinston Colleeiate ....iuv, u. jvuitrj , naa already se- "u,i imiii iviusiuii -.iuoimv lor Miss I; wis Gt;nl v, in a nouii.c l hi. If an ind i , . . Kill I.Il't l 111 I lit i, i : C "inuii, -lUbl anaiaatev. lor county treas- ta as nmciL in uiipronjj the land ah imhji crops. Jier$ ar niw , i7i;"" r.Y." "V"1-10 an w 'iii i - t-siaaff to the acre. 1 i land, i the hands of Dr. Jiahan ran oourpletdy douahd -as tmnct . niwr 4u. uuaer the nianaire I Hient of t!ieiresent mvmr . a t l . . --S" vi icon wuiil out Delds tow;, rein m iiti. , ... 1.1 J. .r"-" HI i orn and - this vvithout fertiliwr,.exeept such as. the of old, has fired this clay Tirith life. -: George Wilson, a graduate of dis tinction of Chanel riiiii-J ?Ldls r XT TT T- , -' cwiu . a Mill OI ler.. W II, D. j-AVilcn r i . ongn, N. C' will toi.n i...-. Mathematics and Junior English. Mrs, re. II,. Jjewis will Kr. r .. - " inil,it( . one was ; jn- ine ,.?r.'tT,LuPer.,ntendt of the Fe- T.- ,,"ld Uireotor oC Prj- .,L ;,luu"'s-; : -Bira.' Israel ; Harding position she had in tl New; Berne Items fioin Swan Quarter on Saturday morn- liltr with n;ira. v. r MT. J.. M. Hall of Middlpfmi TTirri A. Mefwrofa - , i a - ; n - county, h. his schooner, the -Mawhr, T nleh3d. Cl h in U.. !:'l:. . r---. Mum posiuou Site had in tcJii T r "o. wuh in the I ollegiate Institute, Teacher of Sm5 f3;-5"8 lh.eV.a ha S too Miss Horeni'P llinnfA ?1Ul'0 ram m hi. sect on fnr v.nih,,,. mcdurteEngifch.- iL. Il.ivis eo w T w ?,f8uJ-V the Institute ' -M - . .iai L'M cwfixrn buihlmg locutuiu:' J arranged ? with, references to on the ways in this city 4"ceavpairs. r . , " . if . .. . uuiu county, wi tn beef cattle, and cab "i1i e: consigned to .l.- A :-Afonri...., oats to Mitchell d Son, Wilmington. ' ; Cenjamin Brown of Tuckahoe, Jones wuui uruugut m lour bale8 of cotton i iiuayv it classed .middling and j.u iit ii34cenis per pound, Dail Bros, being the purchasers. 0Tn,F JarTi? will speak in Stanly Mall m. this citv nmt .Mnmio,, i,.v: TJie Governor is hard to lat -' stump,": and we Hunnose the louse walls won't hurt him much. iJJ'lif F:.Paul merchant near Grants bojp- lmhco county, who vas in tht 1 1., JI..V. -----, -.. v vm.l lt 1 amageu.::!Jorii and rice o:..:-- i'- , iuaiier on baturuayt mornine l-tt'tr I Alu .it.J ... . ". & ' iCT, 1 l: ,rn conjgiuKl to ISurruH t. Z , ii ofii ysocKing. on '.uJMy Mxwmag ot loin Your JVamoiii lPriHt. '.2. ; - Messi-s. Jno. Phillip, and B. W ,auaav.or Kinatow penfc 'Tuesday in i"r iV'i i i"BJ.iown. train at -night for Morehoad- cif v-; - . , . hp !fn B?ttIe-Kiu8ey, KjBoljjbse and - .cMun in uie cnyi three enemeR oii Mn,i., .u u.f auise stables of W. II. Wei last Suiiday, on a hearing before Justic elJs, wa.s dis-liarged for the want fern Ul'fi. , ew'S wraay, the indcjieiHlent candi date fur Treasurer, has received a- iux v.. i.uiruiniis ui -war JlVllU J. U. oulcou s armory and is now ready to T l T r . -- ' - ' ou. n jiarris, charged with the burn- '"n oi u.e liuisesitabies of W. II. West ce uipiicaiinsr tesuiuoiiir.. - . The heavy rains recently in tlie Neck Township have. -converted "the steam sivi- n. 'l r.r i-i.n i.r- - . ----- ...... .... uUl... .inggms.into a. Vr miii . standing anchored with large hauser. - - Jo milly-nc.rRie'best'autiiority-" 63 s siit-i,.; Ii.ins decides that an out sider !.,, tL - ri t of tiahiiis; in the ?trea: s' 1 i J, even toU.eex- len, ... -ndcr the mill houee.-if ! t i . liuusr. ; - - c.t , J-'V1? at falling Creek; last I, , , " - - .uiciCHLK ' ,LU leui in ana comfort ; is. raoid 1 xr ug eompIetioji:-v ikj nn' ,'t. .:. ,i lens. ...Tlie apartments for i..hf...H.., are arl in if. 1 .1 V " . " . . r rr that jmrjx..- ThsiM - will fvicT-t.iijS apartments in i.l. K,.;r. town and its vicinil Vi, n,0 iu ..V.ri." tees slwws many of the best citizens anu Tnu',11"" anl joining conn, i'T Jma" rtl aPPO-ntment3, thw Cli -... ?Ltu, in arpiomatic parlance on an etrual footingith the. ini.inoT : . l nt f li. r . - '.. rculAr, has an- hr i tt 'tl rmtiam. Send to pendent liber.ti) - vuaigcs (uiu.otiier lars. 4-. t.-:.: eMiuu t:ib cay. ., I" W;l; Bilhince of TTt-,1 ".,IA.-,- and Will open k ?r S's t the beginning of Uie I alt trade. , .. . dealer i i-ii.. . . . - .... - -. . UV.B s'1" ou Monday last mtviN. J. House nf TM nfan,';, c t rr r. yt -uc j i i puurcs l ar. t h p ar h lAid 4- t place ODenwl-wifi, .t H V7- CarLer and family of Hyde nam iur ASJieviIle iunuav iiioruin the the D. on iehls-' fa rut garticn La- Grange' Items. Akrons are receiving rnfn itr ..i. and. inoEt frr1""1 ,.t - . ni' . Uavis'HlHl Schonl Ran.)'!...! citizens of the town last veek." - -ifle wo schotils in this : place onenel yesterday wiUi flattering pospec ii t i ft I is nmniravn. 1 1 mi -. finir . , ..-,",v.v..-; ,,.ilnei uu ana taten outlast week, r Ninse iyer Js -liieh nr.,r cni ..-.- Already I heafcof low liwl i .,...!?" . . - , - , nidi ii- tion being av fiowvai " The people of hi YannkiLi fS'S " : hmity, toeP atr heelle Governor, last w.wiv r. .:., .t.ri7! -i"1?'' from Sevn r " anu rrepai lns ror the Army Worm. Ttr t :-.ti. . . . ""J" tilt? f lfn lion wer and the rad gwth of cotton He i- - fe'HV B'sn ior army worm. le J3 wenaniitrVo- ferrderhundreil ponmU6f Pans grwiir 1 .. . , - 1 Death of i Former Cljlzen Air. 13. II. iien,i,irKr,n r.w.:,.,,,j s""u irom ; inomastille on Tuesdav-i vvi .T unnouncing ,Teath of Mn-W?' 7 years merc ;0.M Ml-. .1. R. Wnl'jTf .D" . 7via? hvay to Hyde county, vki .Air. .T.-ic n vuuuty Banks ' of .Tmu .. ... .xi ,o L ny ivednesdar; Jus cotton crop with favora New, Berne Advertisei4ent3. -e, OUt lie am t trrvf ni I tiniM n tt,.. .". him ve -tu " " v . "' luit on ;::-- "T a".nS em enoub " " e louP 1 ' doer iatnauiill. ... - There""is wa1Vl" it, . building of ...public-, Mboal Grady in Lenoir. . i ,'t,cp '"' K- . Met otter iUESSKS. Jil-ITORi: Plen w bay turough your paper Clats of. Paiiilfrin r-rn,,,- a """e.iiennerwm i accent if ,.frw..i tne nomination for the HoSse of Renr.. ! ho,Us wjw Iey Stroud ou the 27th : uit.. he beinif tltn Iowmi K;.r,i . .mi.nir.j ue-euioer utln : ; ' : ROBERTS & BROS 'f Keep 04 hand a fuU line of ,e allow 1 iT.."L,u i, ,K, iun a.u Vernon orga sentarives. near .J.i..l u..' in Trent t , nshi,i." J 1 .7 .V " . ol Democrats.. in- convention assembled i, StWf !!," 1 '-marriage on the 2nd at -iMiy uoro. recommended"' nu .. l-n i m',tv jr V. W. Deiintr tut- tl nomination of Senator. I made au .U-i v hle'a mother. MnrI uressatthe time, and Nancy , pmt Hni tn-,i.;., - sawt Judge lAistwf rinfct !.,. . J-ouveuia If. i h .vifhr r.i... Itt. ffven i. ty dollars for U. T Im Sen ttori U di01 stTi . v'ni.'btaged convention nominated' J. T . KeS7, , S Her funei.d prwcheT Aui. and he was uA i .7 Jhtt-1 ifWa i.r Pi., , f.iiZ?Jrea :AU.' all in his no.n- ,i : .. i t.w 9,i. .l,.., ... 7ru - L .Till II - 1' " m. V VUJ U ' .Cill.ll BUooa Dry Or pokery NOTIONS . ! - ANI A rW M'K ASW ihTMIVT V OHOCERlEsl likely be the ; verss. and - SCtlt FAMILY' f. i ' " I f ' " -"M.runiM n. iirnili..oi. Hm. - H - . -, d vr i-.,ij Epublicmi.. 1 1 roiMii, A v,.t township are iookin 2iJ -for the wire- ' '0'! 0011 " yery go6d, Joru is af. mu as .llsu.i. spirits - have li. now torn the the House think" nKl., will yield 5ni. i.i.. . ht as.ns v,!1:I;"m, --: nncn as last 5W " ' r1 two or three veeks la-j Mt, Jas; ILanks, an excellent farm- SS- "is eotton ciop is fully as good as last year - but two or three weeks later. 3 ' w Sm,nons of Hyde now- stopping ctJSit thay PJ fi ll 1 loi .1 T TtiT ' r nit in thiscitv" -T;j:i;r: annand K Robinson: M,i t ' Tuesday. S. Mann Jr. and &Tdam:: mornmg and took the train a?5 for Morehead City. . ."'' Lewi King of, Jones county as there nte'fceentoa-ilijJrsT-: neighborhoods for crons wKnS sideration. have not had too m,i, T.C'fS" V Joseph Miller, S.,1I. FoWler.iimi "Vr rS:!. te. were in the 4eft on th-7V,-?i ? ijvwn, visit 'tn ttX' r' uu onaay for rarmers are in fin. siied their cropa aud i mating u api leotder. ; . . have Poik ville lteini. -' the J?doni In Machinery. t.;ir. . T T.' ri ... - .j . aix. u.. li.ivnir.rir hoo rtl .1 - - tast ten davs omr so inn n. , ehieryrctton:S etea 110011..11 . T .. ... c. .ri" Y. Xarver m condenser IIU - flIIirCa ft Ol-knnll 1 . PriMf.-!.iTrAr pi" , uoasi or. " " " oegmmng to tell Grceaiiaeken, ; ...... J ' 1c. irtr - , -r. : r-.V" - . ua n iiif-tuiiiHf-i; We;on Monday., It'f-Whif ty ajpiiit ciauc party, ajd will stanaard-bearerm the was too much of H .,iiV. or uie oartv. wJi . it...,.i 7.i.. . wanted to climb into oflice.- T At the COlWHlitinu . at -. :.. 1. June ultimo the DemmrrW r..,.. .? :J iico placed nij-naine mnomi,,v. r'. Senate, Pamlico being entitled to nomination-. 'A-week -imf,. r i. . i-oFi.t. .... . 7 "v,"c 1 au T denomination, hav ing written a letter -to a dele-ate Per emptorily deeiinin-. f H Pf. Fnn... ...lit i . " I I I . I ! L . .. w.M,e. Ueltats- iromtiifci county ! hut V": lftwrmanee yesterday' it - a wious ior me. . , ( i iut)j -jou Be'this as it may, another gentleman tm A P1-- ;J"?iJloniluatlo. J wish,, to tate A.S . will .open near here oiii wmhlT' I,' DO c"-cutances '. i !" pf September. Mr. r would I-accent the nnmmaMW 4i... W. 11. Khodett is .i ...i wr . , ---......vjuuiuj tue I..... i .. . 1 iie ; lias Lf. e.iigu!. ami lias: Gaston Mouse Few Berne idv GEO. ALLEi; t' - " 4 ' ,i ; Ncwiii:itNi:, 7' - - 1 ju.i.v U.1H1 WUnO ftf; thi ftiSAv-r lard.v hiitiiB0t i.Ai..!.- i , toe: appie- w . a iv iwieau oz. us namesake.' t i .r- :-. i'.. ". - - :- -.- - ' - The masrLsf.rattvi fin,)An.t i:? . "i :"' lhe it member of the panel. llliam Askew; howeviai- """ UI'a s;1-vs a m;lJonty of tlie ran el assigns him that character. : : : Col. AVl,it field introduced Gov. Jarris v 77 V ,l,' lI1g8 as an "honest of- .ic nuiuer. ooi. Moses says that was UV.UUUU: speecn and he wishes it was true as bountiful. That Col. Whitfield has no second to that motion. Tlie down train on the Atlantic Road last Sunday evening ran over three val uable mules of John B. Hill, of Falling Creek, killing one outright and man-" ling one so badly that it will have to be tilled and seriously damaging theother. Too many black snakes hate been killed ; nd hunsr nn for rain in iio x? . i (. 11V -M i, fv I'.aa Mewborne .says; he n luy it was going to be 1 ' "led end liHng-Up a - --'oughtjonthe.hear- " i..-..od by , Dr It. H, H'al of Kinston College.,. Jliis 'institution-0? :i on the first Monday in wi:h a full cormnf nhia e 1 teachers. -Dr.;.LeWiSj V ill Sustain the umn i-n. he did to lown .ip. J thought last M, a dry tine, so 1 black cnake wj. iest rain s-.'uc-- i From a r ' ' Lewis, the r.: it wilt be . ' ..t-r learning w September and expei the Princi ito Jliunmi UZZell M7hiU.'TT.II7 K8 II) nnpnl,n; il: : 1 . " 1 ' i,J.?.membBrS'ifX3o. v4.w.iiia fteuiment. mot . ere tsuiurday to make arrangements for the reiiou-atXToldsbom,17Uv instf . laj-ior, the JoujtNAi. man' own last week, his head se beci at n n a 1 j . . - ; C A v ; , y uay. C. 1,. .... "r.""1 ma". was o':"d "w,f. "is nead Rettinir Seven , Springwar-d.- Hope he had I Ikiftnanri! n .1 4? . i , . . . - ". "l c ' u Lit wiutuie Le- trip. I didn't in,?m, - . "eii an Treasnrr- 4i KTirVtr.: lul 5-onntj ,iAH ; t1 7T. r uemocratie sun- Iiorti so I hear , A 11 r-ii .i : -r 1 J OMta'l TO:il . axiitouio. wisely. . . . Ileal -estate . . T . . luaiise nanus. ue' ntice and act i i o v-:ext in . town con tinues to . F! nr -.1 solo tlieir mnioi- ctn. . 4.-' . nfl A T irlrV. ' PBt OCCU, iladlvrfor-Tilf.-r.i" nf tl.' Ii.IVk tV.H ? emng m;. rear iTv 7 i 01.- -nusmesa. fe James TT -- We learn tli'af xri. . nf f,. 4,, rrv- rl"V'1"ils iasiiins .,,ll-y uieu at ins Home on ves terd.w nr. almi.i a ii 1. - v" Jva Hi-X ciociv m ine morning. His death was sudden; he-Jiaving- been d rtiT""?c,:Ui vlllzen his sud- tWu!"Irit U8e "-ow to many Hye Conntj- IWnsici vnrtmr8f c Fairfield Sil- VT- , : nave neen in the citv thlS Wefit.t AniAnn, .l , . .l nleflra, 4r" : naas the f "iwuii!; JUT.. ? I. IT tenor tj - w o "'-WHHM, Ai";' ana K.' Sad-H Mr -T wt.K r. ' under,tne tutorship of Mr' A- V eih-thev are bervii .-4. proficient, i ! they are ' beenmimr .-.n- TK.. l. . "j-, nunc c uums u rummer .- Afr ago, nas been annulled. - T r ? Il6m-M WiW-DunnrnnpViffi.; llA. . i- Ex-herilT 'Worlev-nf Uillll T d lauon to tins College whfioh the Collegiate Insti tnfe: Swift Galloway said, in i'-rhr.C'-SU' springs speech, that Gov. Jarvis'admin-4 1 1 I". 1 j snown m history as the golden age of North Carolina." hapa this is true, as to the speaker; for the old "bull of , the woods" has four years and may think the padres for others as for have been as golden himself...- .. . . . . .i;tU1'SIarj'4Was attnpted Thursday ? tlie -store of our worthy M :wnr cup, and bei breafciug cf t' the bund the break,, Every ('. . very disim lows ciaiii t accepting ki they can : do not ollc . but prate at who W'me alleond .-t-niy KslK-,D.'- E. Curtis was emoYuiij- 1 1 o-im-;. . iu . - -' ' " -' V ' 1 . Lllfr- g near by, ' hear. e window trlass and r on. liie onlv da 0 1. . " t'. vyi HUIUUW ,th mivi,, LS useful in tiuns. ' . : . .; ' brings forth a' cron of rest, ,! patriots: These.el- I 'port their party by al of Hce whit-iy -is .all v!o. Such characters -Tits, of their ovn iwui 1 ... i'uriii nr 'lio.T nf . . . Faints Tk "luems which might aid acS the people watch snj, George Jenkins DunnTone of the nVnn-T? ' 1 1 -effiWorley; of 4iJonfin,i't candidaS luruioraertfle JMwards'& Mi rJ wiuiam-an order re- r ll ' stance) ,wheref5ie 3i,lt 9 missioned "or not wnat was said. : tafr i j ui iey . s iana which they uieevening John j;&kfcl)1& merly jr. Democratic , can,i t; iV.fT111! 18 t second inmnction Mr: wi. bad-rf-ted Ifeunlou of tJ(J 27 th BcKtment. There will lie 'fteiiTiinTi f tl., . TTv,i .""tana . that ffirls as well'n- P'Y r. w . tTp ; , attractions, air. w. A. 1. Branch, ji nmmmw er ana one of the Ommw K1 if Dan. f 4. "J --'. 1I1U11- Mr. Jacob F. " Pa Morehead on . M.TA w ,r?m health greatlv imr'tT8 Ktood that?ie is under advice "i which accounts for his dJ physician, convalesance. of f.liu entitled as T -?1c ,.n.i.. ..n ,1 , . . ..... - 14114 Bt (111 worthy Jionsidferatlphs to. the Senatorial nominabon. rvfe never sought Zt office m my lffe;'a& all well know; and assuredly I am not so desirous of official position that; failing to gette through Zf k sc,Jeming, I would accept ii thev. . J consider rtittv ,4v UtuJ ..r On. I Kit.') 1 1 nwarcuuilr .. 4JH but when my fellow cltiiiens bestnw u upon me-bnsought. atd l'cah; conve nientlydischarere its diitiM t win I have held various offices under the Democratic patty in' Pamlico county, for which I return my sincere acknowl edgements. -Men Who have opposed me are nowAalUeS 6f ? tli?RbIicanl?l am a Uemocrat. and unlioM tli f, . V r Ui yeinocracyout l reserve tlie right to criticise its policy and point - - . 1 1 v. 1 ... 1 1 1 t - 111 '.11 inn ii if it ... , - ..v. 111 in iLi ilLl V 1 reform. The whole nolicv nf ocracy must be adinstoii tn iha 4. , - j . . 14 1. 11 1(4 11 LI ri of Uie masses of poor white voters, and then elm ...;ii i. . ; 1 ' .(. mil uc iiiv incioie.- t. ,. . D; McCotter Pamlico, Aug. 5, 1SS2. The ein u 'i was a hunti. u.-. 14 1 iian a Mit-i-L i.1 not show; suppose j dayj can fight .OON. ' JAMK- CAMPBELL . . " 4..- - . I'lOpriHor. A'prl. I yilw : X- -. -1. - t Offer L B. Bindley; A Laree Etork tt Brown, Georgia and lUt, ;'ricorroiT.Gi:rsf : pPPlpro anil V. A 11 1.) ' (Llll I il I (JM P Dl.srif.LKRS s. ja-euared h.r Sophomore Classes Pink Hill (Lenoir Co.) Items THo -Ti.otti k.4- it 3 Ji ': CHouoayt elect County Cpinmissfl3! buiuK two years and to levy -tlie t rn, the year 1882. On, roll caifTL for ??Zdto .eir names, there i;ii0,U; Unrty-one m the county. y The Chairman of the'Coiitit nA,. .i. smners read a; Report- enibracnui the fianeialtraaWctiomhS?-?! VHSirtl OTlif thnJ . 1 ? 1 . ----- j - imiu uie - Hxninir Drum - 1 1 . then management. We wiii M.i -4, ' .iuuin-aa ;rmgteader of fitii wiih v"ted'ia3 bwS w un result is to yours, not. t 5 ua,was in appearanee i day of msidemhlA ntut . . -" luiierestm-i JS.insto '4Tt was the time 4W lArr"''-?1! CommissioneTo"0 f f Public imita'OTWW. Stanton. Gfllmm- ;'ilir.' Vntfr didates'for tVrt6??- cJtyi8s busy as bees, Anthony S i fei timeIwel Miriftg events ahead no doubt -. wo. 01 tne committee as Hig- memberf the'STffiit .4i.TT.r , - : ueen secured .to he. .esire tn nttiit.,1 ,.,i.5i. o-iiro -1a . owviiwe o v viu vr . - :54?'" rurn 83,so TTl-nctrtT. .:- . "(( 2.00 --....,,,4 t 1 nn a Orange " 1-J!j recommend a loctinn 1 , w across Neuse River '1 A I nenta of the ined two n.n-ti-1 11 1 i nf tl. .1 " -44j .-VAdlir- . .. 4.4., . UlIHMi-iaiiRKiatnJ'' 1M.HOKCU. anaastweek' JouiAL-there was a niunication urging that the pTent n0nt0 e .7." .4.4 "V"' give Uie oniMW . county government' svs-4 t . I that the same hrV about :mgrm Board: he hllZuTiY. ol be endnr- ""J 1 actioiwen .n"!:: ""uces. -tag mo r. that a .vii4C;4, UC,ij,ypri py a fg.plppi; On a ba lot being ordered,, the otdlZgrt were elected " by the; following vote T. H. Mallison, 2 J. W. Biddle, - ' - S. W. Latham, - z - in xitBUiji,..- - . - . nrr ffteptl,l-..L-.'.. i-' W ..v.. i;ici;liuii nr i in. i -.. ... .-.... ers the County Board nrttZZT?Jr. ceeded to the efect.inn " "" perintendentof P.,1,1;,. t J:ls"y u." , - --. 4u.-i,i utt ui auu the present ncnmWt ivr . w - - - - . 1 1. , .i i . tionn rs Long, was nnanimni10)i- i4..i ' ri; . J ."'letieu. men, on motion, it was resolved that jC.fieCted,ln ?88, vvhich was uatibn Jmndred dollars 2a 2-: 25 v we continue to eet rrooiT eh f ttr oie since jny last we have had two-"gullev , : wiwiii win Degm to Shed now '? is tlie enr nf 4i.r4.- 1...4. WCkou it is to keen lin t.h nl.Twi!r. grumbling, though I have seen signs of i uiuS uu iigm, ianas. ... B.'G. Howard has some as nice cotton nave seen tms year. The weed is auu rraiting beautifully. His viuiuvruuissDienaifl. He lrilWl o j the other day and the report says he ..uWcCt, Up wiLu a iew aays. ButI reekon'he has got .yer the shock, as I beard him blow his horn this morning. P. S. Ervin and Ed., Williams are to represent Pink Hill on the excursion to Morehead the 8th'of August. We would nesurprised if some tyoung, ladies Heard of the hica -iwm1 or, . . wuu 4 1V5C (1H .peaveraam, as they are both an4would be triad nf. as well as an , help-meet. They both have race crops; ; ' S C i We were Dleased tn li44 4.,.. i .. . 4... oa ui uuuiow a lew nifrht.u f 141-41 nn .4 4 .. 1 , - , C5 ii 4.' i V 10 -mston. we knew uia. iriena rail was a mno-lo mon .i nnt r,ul.; t ' . . 77" w inane ourselves mouis- I T I I'd 111ft -.7 . . ,1 .. .1 .. . 4 - - - 1 juov v-l'lllI LH1 1-( 1 I 1 1 Ml 114. ll'llii 1,1 I ., ...ill- 4L - Tl . -"14414, "u iM4Jie register of Deeds in onui t ume. tie informs, i.a ti. crops were looking well in Onslow. Anthony Davis, Esq.. has ah,t acres of the finest upland corn I ever saw. He believes in shnlinr ..i,,..: altogether. He has been or the last few years in shallow nln-- II cr ivifli ,.4-.l 1 1 r "j-i " jy r i t'sii ilk. val- .iact,on. llieschobl Avill be known as the Jdne Cuaiy -Male , and Fein ile Academy and, il U openn the Aca demy building near Jsvuut e building ,s i.bout fourteen, miles from w Jferaerandxine mllelfrom Pblloki J "H414CI1K) Will DO ior tne leshmau in IllirhnF r. -l n . ulU!o'es. examination and ;.if". -wfw .w with, the yi scnoiarsnip and denort ment and a'repiri of the puS: sffi. lorwarjed to their parenU or guardian...Good .board Im& oZ toud ithiiviii convenient" distance eusrI f . exclusive s, ol s Slights - ahd washino Tuitionper &ia,iii Spellihg.adfn mi. wrJnei-l.Wj- Arithmetic 1.50; SSr-.f Sf 'studies 2.00;Latin and' urwijk ij.oo,, Students will be received any l,me during the session and cTged from date of attendance. - AGENT - r j FARM JSTG IC I riire liye and Ccrii WHISKEY, t: , I'nuu 4 to 20 llurttf 1' IIU t f 1 OF TIIK . ; f'V"" iff vm v- ' atj-i v riifirt-at Varied i - Most Approved r.ILc." 1 -,-.!-'-' Much damasre v VLU from the exceive wn narTy ete?y section of the county, which fitTii't? county,' .-?',-- river who have been tn rail a J l4tlT 1 i" vCUo1? Iias been held: the railroad and hwho IrT'l "3?. little inci. bridge, almost tirii' X.". vi.i.a - vwug wiu make it a'strnnc vantages :ieTnZtAiZr:risu- Piea: After the Pninrn1 . miUed I to jail Jast wek tor bWakin .i". tref rom.: a 1 f vviitllS occurring cratic cam committee have been ili a uesL nun nurn, ui 1 1-srvw.ri ry..,,. ji . w kj want of fnd fjiiirt v " 1 - . . wiv; brellas. ailtf n frt... .. , Tl. tl i- . ici UI11- 1 lie thief Rfiva lin from New Berne, but ds oTknow?li is name or what has become of him. Vh s act was done about midnight and (Jie thief was immediately pursued and captured with a part of thjtolen phS erty, near the melon patch of iMr. Kelly m Jones county, int h.-r-i. ua IJ ' Bfd Tile11 88 n,any melons as he wanted. He confesses his guilt. : Again, on fviturday night. Cliarle ty, at the suggestion of a "pal " . secr- wfth imSeU T Ule 6tore f IKdwds; with tlie nnderRtjinflinn. ,, i-i i.i . " iit-ii uici pai knocked at tlie axr, he was to : ad -Tilt..-P?1!L discovered some' rh.CrXnm ".e "tore and left 7 -'.7 4441 1 (I LIT. 1 Jlf. in u store all night and. 'ft Tr. ItlC Itnn.t-. f . , . wivtuuiiiv rnaonim it-ii i. ii rt n --r.- . j j. . . . - 5 wiu behest, that themattei, rt yoi'lac although he fa- lio , tne right place. --; ' vuc- ,.Jtt;..iu.!'.:?!! iwi. .-..Mia. liquor, was n rtion.i iuencl of stable attenilVrr "rTT" Oon- originatti whfchTffi imorning breof broSS? White nail. 5 iii us - Vver to m. - T-?'"MUiutl liU wnni frill vvi u. lliomiwin tl,. - i., f : - "!T v" "ti vored another system of . missioners, yet in view of tiie excellent financial manno-Mint f "!frce"e.nt by this Board, they had l7s llZvty ap proval and would get his vote q urn vuie. w iay go out to the world that the IPIli Ul Urawn 4..r...t.. .. J dorsement t,lp posed to Um iWr "? ar P en- wno are i'RACTIcfi vs. TlU Cotton StntiHtiPH. - ' From STkiiick oil.) i t ,wr letters sent to -JiAi.iia.nfre rnr a 1IuI1jS ami O Hara in Lenoir. JnpL reporter at Kinston on M5a.lay interviewed several prominent Republican politicians as tothesituS i n rnA a . r1 "i ?-'pgiessionai squabble in county .The Jfk-St interviewed Sheriff Davis. Reporter. "Well si.ip i s ' . - V V"J-"f " is tills t 10 terminate m this county .? 0& rePrted at . you, are PoJ -. Sheriff Davis, "t a'v about that. I have no right to say who the light man. I eyne.1t (n " mnn tliot ... 4.. 7 fi"'" fer me endorsement of County Convention.' . iteporter. "Which vention endorseV" "aria. "I don't know; things are badly mixed up about our countno.n dMV There aie atout fA" can. aidates for every office. " L.. II. FISIIKft iv-n u-ult- t,,,, T?4i,...... ..7i. V J,vl ja'"cjii. wi"'uc'- nsner, you and Lowerv are representative men of your race In cha?' l T Wh thithe O'Ham?" l' f' IIubbs or 1.-11 .4 risner. VVeare forlluhbs. O-H-,,- stands no chance at all here. I was iii that Convention n.i t 1 O'ir.i,.., hi , , ' """" " me .4(4,.i4. nau permitted that was the one will the Con- regretted aoanv s excellent ideas for havine to leave his line nwf n,.nll i 5 -i rf farmers A. G. Tyndall. A. J. Tynd.all .and Henderson Tvndall are diTOm IT . . 1.-1 " 'O 444111 till How. 'u loiil Tt . tiliues The Republicans failed to agree- on some matters-ofs dfiTeren in X.- Jr Iif1 tnrday at Baybom, ami adjourned tomeel! OU the 3r day If TSn- Tlie Justices of tiio fMJai'iui-j'Ll--- ty met Monday at ton r"1? chose W.,,cha&, theensumar vear. .. to iAcrease the numbeTf' " 'Sri threfe,to five; and al; a w uuoose tne commissione nni-Dirin 4-.: ii. . r -" "uuui meir, ranks.-It waa also' a?reed that the .Wti,..!., - i..T: ship should choose one from Their rZ peetive ' townshiiis tn fnm lih, For No. 1 TdwnR.,iA TtZ?4?; NOTS, Mr. R. D Vcr' L. E.Wheaton; No., 4, Mr. jc7Alcock No. 5,' Mr. Thoe. T MiAiiLlV,. 5j welectod to serve for the next t two years. f 'Mr. B. F.- Mavhew elected comity superintendent of public instruction. :s jAn assessment of jjtl 404 onx.the 100 valuation of property v, f1-, WW tlltf jJUll in&erlePaj; ; Deer,! f:"' ":' . J 4 'i." -i-' "-.s-.",.- V ,." ,f- r - , . and Porter. ;' ii--'-, -t - r- . '.. ' FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC :-.".--.";::'C":I::dJE"K French Urand v Largest deabinthstate ' -V - 4;-.vr v ..i:'v..-j': -iij '-" 'A .;'.. J COMMISSIOiV SI MICH ANT I (iiiniantee Hivl.Ant Hf.i - '' 'l COTTON r.- " - ' "- Urain Faii8.8trHW Cutter " Plows and . Cultivate: In CJ rent "iYt-ir .. ...i i i Low lrlcra. ' i ' : GEO. ALLFN ; Apr j w ) r- - m,ftnt,f Higheat Mnlt iHicfrst 'v ATTO Corner South; Front & IVfi.fdk. Si Apr: U.6 i t . . ' 4- 4 -I KNEY; AT, LAV. opposite OmIuh New lleiNfl. K t ? Will practice in the Counts rf f)r Lenoir, Jones, Onslow, IW--,. . Craven; also in the U. t ( Prompt Alful Ion rinl41 (.;:, tt: M.UUIK. A r 1 ll 1 y ' 4 , Dr. Mr! 5 Beaufort Items.. J. D. Huffham is still improving. van uuncan nnrt .T 1 in AMI VH 4 4 1 . VI 11 li . . r . I. . 1 - I -viuunn iur mis weeir. Chadwrck & Jones are enlarging their store hy adding a warehouBe neii "lOO ieet in length. , Most of the waterniol.m 1 . -'l IIC&D UvTf siuppeu north and now ttwv - J - J4 1 1M1 iiai in 1 -- . - II I I , II lllvllRTI illot, the irlii; i.T.-II"'.JL.-.u- 1st we SV-.t"- ""v, ioiivytngri!;.-v,-rj,. Fron -L-o &bta-TP to date later nv teti W..t 7 ' v ".'i' tlnn U- o n- ii JJ1 SOOU ly.remaih ThbttDso "f-otton woke un .thl- when tlie Tiri7Ci.s ouse,- -f -"Ktolter than sleepers next morning, who r-nil the PMa5 "!e - a Justieeof . . v I . 1'lULUrtMI 11 ji - . .. . a. - vu.i .ii iiu, wnen the rascal "nn-ule way for liberty," but was captured and locked up, : .n On the same night Zand probably bv the same party a raid was made on th postofheeand about two dollar taken from a pocket book which had been found and left in the post office for iden- uncauon ox owner, ; The thief is hi3 Wst.ThTr'JW11 .Jtot. and whire: nder "anmf " -n.n xcateU et nponhv eS T,"uwa7 knocked Tfn'' nom he 14, r. in-ij uewasTirel nnnn and woundi!.! hv rt V7-Jiy "P01 t before it was closed at .ght Dadley, ,3 dKi hiswork after all had left, .ttI and .others.- miHi .VfciC"1?Iac': 'M1 ,lf "ipaad made- a search for f-T i?" 1116 cfEce, which are carefully kept in a large iron safe. prJifJ0 5y 'commission ers met Mondav and : 1 do MI Ies.4 ti,0 k",. ?"LY? dangerous, un- : j -Ft-Bsiona ot ever- oeiore. " - w TT r'u- JlUt --'f!ti,n ii r Darf of . Snow rTi nds, bad; crop fifteen da vs UltCvrbaG triATUWai.1 ..l:i- . ' ""J8 that if no disnr " "'"P1! iimy expi above art average Z, major a. , Gordon, - Cobton : "The l 't renort AJ,e last liinV- n-aiana two weeks :.raSV-fcrm -Proved 1,V r-i7 ,!,us ut,en toomuch 4.V4 odious uamage done yet iQ,vri: "" ",,l uo m mind- "KuiiKo ailU oi--mnr.. - . Til - - .tV IH-tK fjjy TUP iil'Aiin 1'S.-Wedy for the first h ? a ram. Two -the bail the constitntinni I,- 01 jsyennts-on theSlOO to -keen ew-e n, uie rNo fence district They elected tM old hoarder clSus- o v,,;. 11. itountiee whn - waa defeated and M. II. WootenX,r ?n place. Twovcommittees were appinf. ed to inqaire i to tho expediency of building two .bri- over Neuse river nen tYhlte ?Ia11 and 'nstonand tT "the neighborhood of the PPer Daughety bridge and to report at Capt-AV iS. Bird was elected" county superintendent of pubin instructioj Mf. .TilVflPr (liVllminn- ,.' j "."vwuy Good Farmin o. Tliat porUon 'oVi " J near Reuse riv er, which, in olden times, was a Dart of the Dr. Channels ni,l iTlPar? Of exceptionally good farming whiclicon some of w1m..i, ..T e ven, mentary to tlie Uzzell V. m thecavitv. re at all citTiTli- 1 favorable fan maV ' "L" " . And - ti- 4..,:' r,v.ui' 'or u ie scic- on Au- JnVrJ?,iSlr,?,mVV that v. I , 1 r:l" fc K"lHt a. nan way." UP a V,,Vt',Uio" that ,ay .tn.',WeriV;- ':That is exactly where . ........ va?..-iuiii was not nai no was only an alternate, and Si ch le'i lV ,,,akt th, 'notion u inch lead to the bren .... r.r .1. 1 un- Convention Before tl a dele; uie uieaKing uji We are Huhbs men IiEWIS OIJADY. Wilt l-lni..,...l7 . I -I- r . ... 1.1.114. is a most ex cellent manure for cotton, wheat and corn. It don't appear to be as strong as some nf fT4 cli4.T1 .! 0 . man. iou can use a greater quantity to the: acre without injury They want one thousand bush els each. Uill mail, and is a single man, but I think he is about to conclude that "it is not goodfor man to be alone. " Rev. II. C. Bowen nrpftclio.1 o ...,4 i r . . .4, j 1.1 v .ii, excellent sermon to a large couera tion at Pleasant Hill in Jones county'on last fourth Lord's ilav. Tin ct"... with us a night gave us an account of his trip to the Normal iSchool at Wilson and his visit to the Graded School while there, etc., all of which was very pleas an t and -entertaining. He expected to oe at the Sund.av School f1nnvnnfi, the Disciples.-to be held at OKI ir.i ri..: i. 1 ., "n. ...ii ! V " u eiore tne tilth Lords day in j July. J Mr. J. W. Kincey has cut ofr his beard: he is no longer known as "the man that swallowed the gray horse and left the tail out." Wi ,lm,'t ...1... . 1 . . ; , ' - - v ni l - 1V1IV , , ""wioiiru w part irom 4, 1; , RO remarked to a neighbor the other day "Havn't yon heard the cause t he said. -No." "I'll tell you lie went to the picnic at Uzzells last eek .-iii.l sought a partner among the young ladies for a dance and failed to get one. He concluded thnt 1-ietrayetl him as an old man. Where o)on he went home and cut ojf his " uiu and vowed he would never white board again." and tlie market is flooded. luutiirainni late lias o-.-..4l.. ;..4 fAWI -.!. tl -Mr"-' . ft'.V '""T- ..44... ,lt. nuiiiug ana nsbmgpleas- uitfn uc me jnanv v.mtnra nnw o.. - - .1. iicau- yuiie a party trom Salem arrived on T,"pfiay4,,U"ht-. CaPt- Geo. N. Ives is niiuiK uit-in tne signtsof Capel40ok out on bond the sloop Lucia. u ' wal,y. ortne Biblical Re- ,ic, i nt-re. icissaidheiseunallyas p'nn.l n imi.(.. i -i - v. "y - i,u,.-, on funo! 1It, win oc cupy the pulpit in the Baptist church on Ssunday morning. hnnilti SarHh D Davis comtemplates building a row of cottasres alon- th edge, in front of her present ; house, to be ready for next summer. Beaufort is on the look up, a good graded school, one nr i,lli 1 . ' " " " iiufccio it mis never seen such days as will surely come. Mr James Ward who lives in' 'the country, comes to town nearly every (lav. 1T k ,.- on .1 . . J he eninv Ui'" "J?1 ""' 8ays KINS.tON, Xl- (i inies 1.-; Kepiesents tlie following first-t-lais 'fcAfrina NORTH BRITISir ANh tviA a xt, watei-s boardins Til 141. . (. ' f"P AooyuiATIOX OFrniLAnRl.iniA JlViVi 11 r- 1 lA'siritAvrw 1 vi , ..r--- v;.i, t WESTCHESTER nPinv-vVrT' GEORGIA 1IOMK (IP ivir ttVAV?:' ? NOHTl, OAUOUNiillOM . " . - O r v . ' v ft ' 1 I . ' . r -in a t n ell anips i.r iBfeffliiaoMc it. prosjierous are cut short cause of which wear a Mrs. Iievenia ITaotl. TTtwfl, j;i ' "c "l ur. jno. ln i.i.i fV m luck- 17Sa.r-!l.4. VV;"t? JUiy a.itli. Heath had -1.--.1- . y." "-- yi tueir iiie at the nhu-.. hLT" SL 3' V 8ie diiHl. She tTLST : 1 10 " children, and lived of iTi,' Kwn and married, two iiiiirK 1 mno r. 1 . , 1 r . 1 tt.!-S!k'7- " """.''veoi inem r-'e. a. ."usband, 11 chil- Kfana-cluldien an(i t,rpt a" J- a Lost ofSemKo ,,4 IUM, Atnsttm Free I'tvsa. gust this year." River and Itrariue T1.44 ol. - .... iii.inpi.ili4.i- nr.. ...i. if;,i....ii . ... US Silencer 1-W . " ' "l"'"1 ' " ' ."avi on Wednesday with nVa oV con signetl to Burrus & Co. and .T a W oWsr.- " ""-u" Steamer T'rcj- Z. arrived Thursd iv ornma w th a ln,H,i. ,aJ Quarter. , 'wa Schooner AV,f r.i,.t nr... T . , K.. , .'V--1'V MI. liimisav. ...- 1., 1Ve,, nom tlay river, u ith beef 1 cotton ami r. -J ,l" l,eet' tl rday with . . ' ,N " :it: wheat. 1 1 '"' uals i he Jrr ie renorter nul.i 1,,.,.;,- i .-. terrogaU. this gentleman he ! t. ball on his oh 11 nu.4 ' uu Grady. "Hallo. .Toiti?v r 1 t . to show you one of mv r i,-.i' . 1, , it and see if it i. m, 1 . 7. "l a . opposed lomiitin, V".V Ti-.... I... ...... 1 . " J "wiiiiiuuiui ior 1 le.ixurcr, but ar. i-;ii;,,. 1 . (jii( 4 1 ; "- " ami rV hi; -nt 11 "V1- J wis, you woui.i .w-m in un. JU11'.X1 Kinston Items,-fmv ,,f ( ,(,7,(.--. ..4-. limn ;US SllOUlU 111 '1 lit - " 1 1 1(1.. 1 1 H- - i NntlAii...,. II.. l t out. Jones County Item?. JornxAL, c- Tlie clever agent of the V . KIVKir. Wib! Ill in II Afn.i.l.... Mr. P.M. Pi.arsall, a young law recently Irom Duplin, was ehx i-omuy .-Miperinteiideiit doubt make a good one. The Renublic.-iiis was and will under iii) no-inina- hold their count i.- convenhou on Saturday, the 2nd day of September to nominate candidates for . ..un.) unices anil ior thelegislature. mi -i -in u .'legates of the )th oistiict, coniiosed of th Unslow. Jones and HH W44 1 1 (i.i 1. .. l i IT- iv.-1." -. .. "c C,I .1 sau ine other day in Mr. J . Ila-vifi iii.l.- . -1 . . . : . i . . . .... i -. I'r' a,Ki saia "e never "j'.jcii iisau so well, . Maysville Items. -JX"-1- F- Mattouka, fowl angler, is now his i ualcn?nK K-Wk and Mallets. : . The plantation: of Mr. Ed wards ia be ing pitted with hiarl holes. ' l lie cotton crops here .loom; i.i per rent, the was the late rains. Mr. N. P. Smith is going to return to i exas wjiere he i'ltl 4.44l.t.v-.l I I. 1 i , , --'". vi .1 , lip says he can't here. . Some of the jieople of this section an ticipate a nice time at the big August and the Lime Springs near South West Messrs. tJynum & Jenkins is goiue to put in. a saw mill. They say they will lumber cheaper than the cheapest. Hn;m y ,iai-K, a colored man living on John Collins's land has the-iaK stalk of corn 1 ever saw, it is about sev enteen feet high Jmd has three or four vi ell developed ears. J. M. F. E. 9 : , , BcRGNER & ENGEL'S ---v CELEBRATED.BOmED " LAGER BH FOR SALE i IW 'VTTT? nr a rn-n Also on band full stet'ef Qt . Piivisions, Cfer, Ooen.,i ANU TOBACCO. - , ' a.Vi d w " r"?11" TitKr:r. BEliNE, X; c. iil It It Jjj S T ANT) Aor Jiu- iiii jjJixM , lH7h y ci ted no Shoofly Items. i-l .--ijarge crowds are mae;n. t.. , ..." Morehead on ever fZ.7"'H w ,rom . r iui 'We notice in the Tppnt i',-, rr nnrtot.-nr. -1 , 1 ' ' i rans- ..... vu.u.l . 11 (II I'll! 11 1 (.4. ws ireignts lor the Trenton merchants. ; considerable and Richlands - -f - i 1 - .T n.. 4. . . from Juniper , i il1 ingwith cun ni .., ,,- Bu,-rus&Co:andJ.A.M i!01 I ll.l -I". UlUrai, liail. IIITIVI,... I' 4. mantown Saturdnv ,.,(...':.. ' '." ,,l" and oats. Q mi coi n Hie sc-hooifer Cora. Cant. Jarvis -o-rued on Saturday morning fro.nn" Quarter with cargo of oats and corn I he A. W I). C,.,. (rapt. P.. M. Payne litrlit W. J. KeiHiiter. -Mr. J., what anon nere on t. ( tion y" I,.". ' ' We a,'. IIl,b,,s '""ii. That Hon v ".,":..,WJ::!1"! inter .ni-riii i a vis can t ' "L- Ji iavis iindertnl.-. us county forO flar.-, ;n ...4 i . r . .. : .iLLciiii to ins case. 1 f KM I'AIiKUR, i.OIiOKKI). neportcr. "Well, Eli, who t,V. l" vote lor for ( n. "We are for stands no chance here. ny-sianiier. "u colore.l iieonle hav, the ,-hance of electing a n'an'o f v u own color now, and you have got ...v i-.iuSii in mis tiislrict to elect I 4.4411 jou ougnc to do j,. Eli. "That's just the wnen (J Hara run bef men told ,JS to vote for 'in mere was a is the situ- 'ongressional imtv.- .iiii this to carry ccrtainl v are you Oinrt-ess'-' Huhbs." Ullarai llllll. Senatorial I e count ies of ! 'arteret. will l,,.l.i .. j meeting at Polloksvile on the 16th day ' I of August for the nuroot-.c of ,,n.,.; ;. i a candidate for the Senate. 3 ! The County Commissioner.! 1...1 Ar.,... sstrates met together at the court h.-.u-e on the i, rst Monday for the purpose of levying taxes for the ensuing year and electing a County Superiiiteii.leiu. A ..... ... . cent:; on the on. dollars valuation was levied. I he r. iard of Ma; loiiowmsr for ( Jos. Hay way it was re. ion while lim : we done sn Vice' Oil I lie i ii.l.-..l .....1 ,.r 1 1 , ..... .1. 14, 4, dim we toloi-ed people didn't know aiivtluM- bu nl red istrates elected the 'oiiiitv- 1 '..1,1.,,;. . lor the next Inn ve-n-u- t,' iw 1.. 1.. l.anks. lsiuu- P.rock. Quitman and Win. P.. Tied. m m- i.-...... w.isCh.urniaii of the old Board and is the only one re-elected. lie is also the only Magistrate 011 the new Hoar. I. The lands of Ex-sheriff Worlev were sold on Monday by the Chairman of the county Commissioners, thev bavin--- 1 mortgage o the same for taxes collect ed by Worley while sheriff and failed to pay over to his successor, but the was rendered illegal is being bid in f lL will therefore advertised again. ( .ops areiookiug very well around Shoolly, but l hey are damaged very much by lhe heavy rains of late al though 1 think the rice crop is as K00d ai could p i-sibly be expected. T .. ur-n- ! i i - vv 1111am u iNeal of our place met i Wltb ey fad luck last Sunday mom j mg. He lub-hed his horse up to his "uSi5 started oli on a short .tun uis relused to go - ..a man , cut in tbe house and sat down j.i.i aooui rne time he horse fell dead aud .lid i. 1. IVIIliaill II N e-.i I iu r.4 visit and the did his not kick. j t u a I it ! TTTr nn r. .n --" ' jr 1 11 th. - wn ir ri . . . wW - ' IN THI! CITY, -v .' ! ; nrtH? StCK?k Quantities vPOR 'ioNiJ ' CLEARS, FLOUR, SUGAR, COFFEE, SYRUP, , . LORILLAHD AND QAIL & 'AX .SlTOTf- V ''S, ' aiso a large ' K : " ' 1 . -4 i -Wi m uuuub, jjoviu, SHOES, and Arbuckle's- ArioLa ijij COFFEE,. . ;, CRACKERS and CAKES in great variety. A'larg8bcS'tit ' , 1"rir"s AND HOSUSBY.' .- i ' - -IJ U M XT T. - ' DRY old and he says he has lost fourteen head of horses , the last 4 J years aud it falls , very heavy on the old gentleman, but I .....e e may oe ai.le to get him another i in a very short time. A young man traded linn the horse and recommended i him very highly to Mr, O'Neal, but ii ' s generally that he told the old I man a lalsehood. I. YY laiDLflFJD HOTEL. MOEEHEAD CriT, IT. C.' 1.'- BAY1JSS, PROPRIETOR. on account of r the county, have to he ' WANTED. Agents in Carteret county, to sell tht Light Klinning New Home Sew mr M-i. Apply to TMOS. Mt'GEE, luglOwliu Kiustou,N. C. ch ElTiiOPEAN and AMERICAN VLkK) ' - note. ... . . . , . .. -v :, isi enK last, 7 to! ; lBkai.A... 4 ........ r, e,t, at Miort notice, dnywrBlifht; i ms Hotel is now onen foi i-4,.4...:.. -r . . . . -. , l . ...viuiiuii ill tniAftrm ! . I .-I. .1 1 .. n & . -i. ue arimeut with everv fsuNilifv-UVu. T. . J M Fishing, Boating, Huutiuit jc-A ni 11 Wil rqttel tUwBt Surf Bathln. , eoupjed with our'ioni ex ieT.cLfilii f atteoUre anant , mmaion, will enable us to mISSK .aS;" Tfa lMiiuer, 1 to 3 ; 8ilMMr 7 tm-Atn at kluirt- iii-it I ... -i . .. ' ' . .

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