THE JOURNAL,, i J NEW BERNE, N. C AUG. 17, 1882. Kinston; Items Corn,' $1.00 pet bushel- Meal, $1.20...' t ' '"f : VS.- Wheat, St. CO -N. C. Ilams, 20c. ptr Sides, 18c Shoulders 18c' v - : Beeswax, 22c r " Hides,' 3 to 10c per !' Chir' .-v., "1 to .ve ; E -..I V ; - r dozen. 1 Vat lit- ! ntiful ai ft ...... -2- - per biiBl. 1 .-c Jlelons -;- Tire county commi. -ioners are in session to-day (Mondavi revisingtaxi. lists. . .NeHseTTver at tins niintii still rwine and threatens considerable dan? ace to ' the crons in the lnw lands. - - - renservver, at this point, is Jngner ..j 1 1. . ... ' . . i . -. mi 1 - i mxa ufta ior peveiat jreara live ' Ionv in ijre iOTtnergedfc -The water coitus fiuiaRe-tip country. . ; " outdo Dr. Tanner in the maUer of star vation says hetas ate nothing for six ; weeks and expects to go a month longer; Mrs. Julia A. Newsome, daughter of William Fields, former Sheriff of Lenoir county, dieU at her residence; iri f rieene raiiinrv nr t.iio Kt.u mcr rr tna in ni l rixm- Many hearts will grieve at her death. ; We hear, in sorrow and sympathy, tliat at AshevilletJN.jCT-a few daysagai ueorge, tne litue son of Ueo. &. Kor- negay, fell from a box and broke one of his arms. The family will not return home as soon as expected in consequence of this accident. . X"::; .:;:0---v .ly uoa, ADernatny,'' exclaimea a prominent O'Hara Republican of this . county to a Hubbs man yesterday, who enargea IT liara witn having two living ' -- ' . . ' ' ' . . . . . . bllUk V.ll f, iiOfc him he lms the Wf i of that; one wife ia bad enou-h.': - - '." F. L. Baldwin, Esq., under commis sion of Die superior court of Forsythe county, in the interest of the estateof Israel G. Lash, sold last Monday the Walter Dunn lot, near the railroad de pot in Ki ' vr,, for S1151r to John L. Nelsou Ci ; oui.ty. . -.'. A j as presented to the county cora t : s last Monday to subdivide V, i township, Lenoir county, so i wi! . t - e two new townships. It J on at the next meeting in -jt-r. It is suggested, if this tiling .one, the two new townships be ied, respectively, "Glen Jesse'? and !y Woodpile.". , : ,, -f J -tice Fields, at the oi? oi Justice C :nnn in Kins'on last Sunday morn ir 1 the "Gordian knot" for Wil !:.... Ln vn nd Matilda.. Williams in ' tae presence of- a large crowd of the bride's admiring friends, lao gushing ki-3 of the twain,, after: the-, ceremony, at the hint of the Justice, assured all present, the nappy couple .would-go throucrh ; witli l'etrarcliian constancy ana la- o- auection. TIip recent rains in the neighborhood . of th- Tuckers and the- Qu inner lys in rut county nave a.1 most completely r- .1 the corn and cotton on the swamp 1 s. The owners of large fields of i n which ought to have made a hun- e, l barrels, say they will take one bar . r 1 of corn for all these fields will now make. The overflowed cotton has shed its leaves, squares and bolls, leaving nothing but the stalk. The ruin on Jthe owlands is almost complete. - The action of the justices of the peace in i i i -t ! n r mm m i -v i cr or PinnfmA onil keeping tlie rest of the old .board seems to provoke considerable dissatisfaction. It has loaked out that Iiountree voted last January for a Republican for justice of the inferior court, defeating thereby a Democratic justice of the Institute tow i. hip for that position. - This justice ani his friends revenged " themselves '1..; z Z loii.lay and it is said, it was very sweet. Such is poor human nature. borne, dc livers piscatorial lectures pre cise !y at 3 o'clock every evening Sun .!.is excepted at Stewart's on Tuckahoo. The "jowels"i of all eec lions and nationalities are invited sf3 atteud (each "jewel" voluntarily con tributes one "winnow for the benefit oi the leoloref) and learn how to solve tl f hy iaradox of doing nothing and not Leiny idle. . He demonsiates how tlie genuine fisherman "works with the energies of the twelve Caesars and the wisdom of tlie seven sages of Greece. ' Charlie Bunt and his wife, Mrs. Em ma Bunt, the daughter of our county commLssioDer, W. II. West, arrived in Kinstcn last week. It is said he will rent the Moye Store ri 1 he King build ing and stock it, about the first of Sep teiuber, with auction goods, employins the original Snow and Dennis us .auc tioneers. It is supposed the sign "11. e. w. a. r. d. s" in tliat locality, has induced him "to pitch, his tent "in that building. It is also repoied the town commissioners wilt peim't Irni to auc tioneer on Queen street in front of his ttire. Some CarLstians as well as JewBt l.x.k for "a Jewish massacre about that t' ne. - - . ., . ; , a. . ..--.. : - The r.:Vtica! plot is very muddy n - kons hourly, Tiiere eeems to be no - nizotion among-the irarioe.i-aspi-1 . . v ! :ch is superinduced by Uieir fo.idicti ,r intjrests. There r are as , many cm , Jidates "on the bti'l liunt" aa there av in the open field. . Indeed we ".believe every bty is a candidate. We . have the politest population. ,now on " .the face of the 'eartli. Each candidate "snuffs treason in the tainted breeze. " livery man for himself and the - devil take the hindmost. ' .. ' 1 Hurrah for free, happy .nierica, ' Who wouldn't be an American. The town of Kinston its youth and last Thursday, to a hospitable picniq given byv- Miss h Johnnie Kornegayi daughter of -J. M. '.Kbrnegay Esq., of this counts. The crowd was larct. and the picnic a pleasant success. The Goldsboro Band was present, making . gTd time -for the merry dancers; and y lingt!ie Sylvan retreat with the sweet t uiitis or music Tlie appetito was gen erously and bounteously provided for. These gatherings are useful as well as y--wwiiq. iirjr bcrjiit IUU1C IHIIIJ lAfi preciate that sex whose "condition in ... every land forms the standard by which its degree of civilization is estimated. Here, too, is learned something . of that ciiaviiric estimate oi , woman j WHICH - nerved the arm of knignthood and breathed in the lay of troubadour. The Democratic County Convention to nominate candidates for county offi cers win meet in ivinsion, on ineyth of September next. It is useless to say "the fierce democratic" yaro moving -hes positions oner, it believed the - - classic orator . Marshal A. Gray will represent the county in the next State . Legislatre.r , The practical and pains- , utKiiiK vmiicey jaexson, n ne couia not put on the judicial ermine, will don . -ineBenawriai robes of tne 11 tn senato rial d istrict. Ervan N. Fields, whose name smacks of the sheriff ality and who is luuy prepared to furnish "77 drinks .before breakfast" to all brothers-in-law and the rest of mankind, will be sheriff !Dais indefatigable -partner.'0' JB. W, Canady, the "watch doc" of his own plethoric coffers, will take charge of the county, treasury, ine oitice of Kecrister of Deeds will 'go by the order of natu ral selection, to Charles "F. Harvey. .- The Superior Court Clerkship ah ! here -comes the tug of war--wilt-be . hotly - -comestea. 3 ndger Turner of Fink Hill, Judge button of La ' Grange, Judge ' Kennedy of "Glen Jesse,'' Major Bar rel, jouu . Uogardia, Billy Woodpile, - and John H. Shock! y of Woodington, 1 1 ax aiAjirgenuy. , pressed fcy their res pective friends. It , ia true tFO three . last named, like, the prost-r quo, "come like sliadows, bo depart," fyet since they "possess the essence of unity and will naturally toiiow tne in terests af their progenitor, it is predict ed, the nomination will partake of .a military rather than of a judicial char? acter. However "there is many a slip betwixt the cap and the lip" and these are bat the vaticinations of a sojourner i fwho:' ErivesTliiB pergonal convictions. Novt rcrrcns. . - La Grange Items- - Thomas Dawson, an industrious citi zen..of thk-iownahip, lost a child about 3 years old a, few days ago. - The " waiters-f of Teuse- axe falling. Thoce having low, lands in cultivation, near this stream, will be glad to know Sfrfitryenir5ns next Saturday. tlie 19th, county convention the Satur day after, the ; 26th. TakeL notice and fiare accordingly. v . Business '"Of town is very ' duirKOorn; I has declined 4 to 7 cents per ;bushelv V heat is selling at 90 cents per bushel; N. C. hanis 18 centsiork 13 cents per pound. - Ilari-isou, the tjwn policeman, gave "Sim Potlicker, the town vagrant, a race last "week. IIart-Isou''s legs are long, and m's feet, are large, but Bro. Ephra:iu didu't get the coon. Crons are doing very well. Oorn is nearbrmade and fodder-pulling will Ecion be upon us. Ck)i,ton, iu growth, or sise of weed, is bstier thaii-tor several yeas,and is believed to be fi uitingand forming very wellv In some places the forms are. dropping, but not so badly as I have seen. i$ The trial of Thomas Uzzel 1, W right Uzzell and Atlas uzzell for assault upon Thompson, the, Wnite Hall poheman, result ad in the acquital of. Thomas and Wrirht. And in the conviction of Atlas. The line inipoped was ten dollars .and costa. ; . The evidence given did not sus tain tlie'rhniorS,' so. I learn from parties present CJ5! -4- PoKtica Benublicanward, are above fever heat about here. La Grange will have its full quoto of aspirants for many of the county officials, lhere are, up to this writing, two for clerk, one for sheriff and one for the house, heard from,"witli JohS, Homer, Hardy and others at the "wires." If the reaction don't kill, things are workings splendid. Swanslboro Items . -Crops are very good everywhere. Col. K. W. Fowville has a line, or chard and one -of , the ; prettiest flower gar4ens X eversawv;.' - - .V -Mr.HV N.' Marine has bought a new steam engine from Talbot & Co. to run his gin at his place on New River. $ Dr. E. W. Ward is ahead in farming as a general thingv . He has the largest field of corn and cotton of any farmer in thefleighborhood and i pulling : his fodder now. - v : - .Win. J Gillett, a good , farmer in Wolf Pitt', Has three acres in cotton that will make, if nothing happens, six 500 pound bales, the best I have1 seen in this county... Mr : Sol. Gornto is stripping fodder. . ' The bears and raccoons are plentiful here. . Mr. John Sammona, a good farm er and blacksmith, says there ' are 500 coons around his farm; he caught nine upon one tree, and Mr. I. A. Kellam cliased two bears out of his corn last week, but did not succeed' in making a capture; says he will take them yet, if it takes him all the year to do it. Lip Hancock sawing about .5,000 feet of lumber per day at Gornto land ing and when he can't get logs to saw he takes men in the place of them. - Only a short time back - since an accident oc curred by eawing one of his men's face np, and yesterday another one had his hand nearly sawed off, a man named Elias White, colored;? all carelessness on their part, not Hancock's. S wansborp is still booming with visi tors. . She only needs a large hotel i. to make lief one of the first sea side resorts of the State. :-1 hear that non. . J,.. W. Shacjkelford contemplates putting up a large hotel hereJ' Wish he or some one would do sor as there is a splendid opening for some one to make money as well as to add to the great improve ment of the place. , 1 A grand farmer's picnic called a fish fry came off Friday in the wcod3 near Ed. Smith's store. About two hundred people were present to cele brate the happy results f of their year's work, in having such good prospects for, another year's support. Good music was discoursed by Messrs. E. King and I. A. Kellum, and the" young folks en joyed themselves by: tripping, the light fantastic toe on the occasion. " ' Mr. G. W. Winberry, the prince of oystermen and fishermen on the river is a thorough going i farmer too. r Ho don't make any cotton but raises plenty of corn, raises plenty 7 of pork j he ; has both to sell all: the time. He - says he don't make cotton because he wants" to keep outof debt, j He don't owe a dol lar and always lias a plenty; says he ne vox knew anyone around him to make mucn cotton without bemg in debt more or less all the time. -. He has a splendid orchard with some of the finest pears in the country. - The Democratic, convention came off last Monday and "resulted. in the nom ination of Dr. C. ...Thompson, son of Frank Thompson Esq., for the Legisla ture, i A -very worthy man and well quauhed for the position, but it seems tliat a majority of the people here are opposed; to conventions; and say they won x vote for a nominee, and -expect the Doctor will have a hard time to get elected . They say the 4 Doctor belongs to tlie Richland ring, asthev and don't want any one .but a Richlander for any olhCe. - lhere are two independents aiHloiie-libera! candidate, "as xhe is called, for the same office. C. 8. Hewitt of White QalF, independent, and L. D. Uancock, ' liberal, with the regular standing candidate. J. H. Foy, inde pendent democrat, and I hear of several other independents against the other nominee.Mr, H. H. Sanderlin for clerk against - Huggins, nominee, and L: O. Jfonvilie for sheriff, against Murrill, nominee, -and I don't recollect how many for Register of Deeds against D. JS. Humphrey, nominee. The general opinion is that some of tho nominees will be badly beaten. Jones County Items. ' It is decidedly too wet for cotton now. We have rain every day. . 's lid. WasKom, col.--of Goldsboro. an nounced himself candidate for Solicitor of thi3 district last Saturday in this place. , , sMiss Carrie Chapman, quite an at tractive young lady from Craven, has been visiting Mrs. Jos. A. Smith in Trenton. " ' oapt. m. k. I'age has been quite un well for several days but we are glad to xnow ins illness is not of a serious na ture, t i We don't understand why six or seV' en additional revenue officers have been recently appointed in this district. Is it a national necessity or is It for politi cal purposes ' ;-Mr; J. T. Harrison and--Mise Alice Koonce, upon Chinquipin, were married last week. If Madam Kumor is to be believed, another marriage will take place in that section soon. " Tae Republican mass meeting j n Trenton last Saturday was largely at tended, i Col. Humphrey, of Goldsboro, f L. J. Moore of New Berne, Taylor of Edgecombe, Wassom of Goldsboro, besides O'Hara made speeches in the in terest of O'Hara. E. R. Dudley and Robt. Hancock spoke in the interest of Hubba .- The sentiment seems to be very evenly divided between the two candi dates among the colored people. New Berne Items r - R." P.' Williami brought' in two rice heads Tuesday. ' They measured about nine inches long. " , v New sweet potatoes are coming into market in small quantities. They bring from 15 to 20 cents per peck. The saw and grist mill and cotton gin of Mr. J. Dean were destroyed by fire last Saturday morning. Supposed to be the work ef an incendiary. We return thanks to Mr. John French for peaches sent in on Monday,- also to Mr. A., W. Wood for an extra fine one that was grown. on Mr. .O. IL Perry's planfcition near.' tne cjiy.-- it weighed V ounces ana measured iu inches in circumf ejeee. . .; s, "THr. John T. Dawson sent in two fine stalks of coin f Geo.; Allen & Co. Tues day. Geo.sCredle and Henry Wrliab of Hyde examined them and began Gome corn stalky st.iea.-wheaiaprominent merchant of the city undertook to bluff them by telling'of a big rain-fall in one dav. "Itvxainea sso -hard," saia ne t'that a square box twelve inches deep, in the OTeii air was filled : v "due, ' con tinued he;; ftliat is notliing, Mr. Malli- son, down the river here, says it rained so hard at his house the ether day that a pork barrel standing in tlie open air was half filled." Tuw was a stunner to the Hvde exne , s, but Credle rallied. "I know a time," said he, "when it rained sc. hard in Hyde county that a j.ork barrel -lying on., the ground with both heads in was filled through the bung lulled' - The merchant left. First Ooltou., . Mr. Wm. May sent in from Mr. Joe Rhem's , farm Monday the first open boll of cotton this season. It opened on 1 nuraday JosJt, Larceny at JPolIpltvllle. TwJ small colored boys broke into tlie mill house of Mr. H.. sA; White at Pol- loksville on Sunday .night and carried off a bushel of corn. They were taken before Justice Jas. F. .Whiter and; dealt with according to law. Ncwi. 'OiB Bath. J - A subscriber from Bath, Beaufo county r who called to see us 1 tesday, reports the crops in good . condition in that section. - Bather wet for co. on; rice, ye ty good and. .(.lore planted than usual; corn crops, are also very gC3d. NdX.nJerkl8 in Bath precinct. Ketf '.nK Beer. .1 - . , ;. ( ' , - Mr. James Redmond h as erected a ,-TotlTng",es1blisbrnent""in "rear "bf his store and is now bottling the celebrated Bergner: Jngel beer; lie receives tne beer in half barrels, stores . it away in an ice house, and in bottling Uses the latest improved caphon which allows no gas tct escapes ' He has a s large tank for the reception tof pure rain water with which lie waslies the bottles cn the old style with shot and rinses" them with the cleatt water from ,. the tank. He says the demand ' for Bergner& - Engel is constantly increasing. - ; - q Improved Cotton Seed.' '-' ' Mr. Cicero Green called to see us Mon day, and in a conversation about farming he spoke of improving cotton seed.- Several years ago he prpcufed the Peeler cotton,which always brought more in the market than any other x and: instead of deteriorating he improved it every year by carefully . selecting the planting seed j but the loss ; of his ; gin house by fire caused hint to lose the seed. - He also procured the Cheatham coun whicn was noted for having many locks to tlie ."boll. ' This - he' im proved until he got a boll with 18 goad locks. Mr. Green is of opinion that an early variety of cotton might be pro duced by carefully selecting the earliest bolls for several years. h ' ' yi The Graded School Hetlns'efTrHi tec. ; . Prof.' Tomlinson of the Wilson Gra ded school arrived in the city on Thurs day night and attended a meeting of the Trustees of New Berne Academy on yesterday. He came in response to an invitation from She Trustees and at the meeting addressed them on the subject ma plain practical I way, giving infor mation about the cost of putting in fur niture, number of. rooms .necessary- for a given number, of pupils, salaries -of teachers j how to organize etc., etc. At the conclusion of his remarks a commit tee consisting of 'Messrs. T. A. Green, W. G. Brinson and Geo. Allen, was ap pointed to confer with the; Professor in regard torecommendatior-t for a princi pal of the school. T'.V-' : - Hear the Othar Side. .-- The account we ' gave of themsi meeting; at Trenton . in a late r isstfe was from an O'Hara follower. tr Monday we heard from a Hubbs man who was present, and he declares that a-large "majority of the crowd was for Hubbs. W, H. N. Green, col., who was present says ,ho such resolution was passed by the meeting as was re- our O 'Hara man. - He says one Simmons, col., offered uch a reso lution but the chairman declared it out of order. . lie says there were a great many colored men from Onslow in the meeting making a great deal of fuss. and when; be asked them who they were for!; they replied , Canady. A disinterested party- from Trenton yesterday says he thought - the crowd was about equally divided between Hubbs and O'Hara. A Be e of tbe Revolutionary War. Mrs. Elizabeth W. Simmons, of New Berne lias in her jxissessiou a wine glass carefully preserved that belonged to Col. James Foy, who was on Gen. George Washington's staff, during the Revolutionary war, and was grand father to Mrs. Simmons. The class is in the shape Of our ordinary wine glass though a little long, and much larger, will probably hold one half pint; is oi plain French cut glass, was brought to hA-nerica during the Revolutionary war, and col. toy owned one dozen of them, which he used for the pultORe of dr-nk-ing wine and champagne with Gen. Washington and the other officer. The glasses were given to his children and grandchildren, this one falling into the hands of his son, Enoch Fov who was the father of Mrs. S' r uons who h is it carefully preserved and considers it a prse of great value. A look at that glass carries our minds back to over one hundred years ago, when our fath ers were struggling for American inde pendence. As Others See Ua, We see from a letter published in the Ncjb Sout h by J. Skinner of Bowlir Green, Ohio dated Aug. 6, 1832, some thing that is of vast importance to the people of North Carolina in regard to immigration. He has lately completed a tour through the counties of the Wes tern portion oi tins state of which he is writing a series of letters for the Senti net published in Ohio regarding the ad vantages to be derived in the mining, cereal, vegetable and fruit business, and that considerable inquiries had al ready been made. He thinks the joint ure of North Carolina with the three States, Ohio, Indiana and Michigan in their Exposition of Sept. 4th lasting two weeks, would result in much good as a large advertisement in the display of her products and that he will use his greatest influence in the undertaking. Look at the State of Kansas a few years back as it stood then, and to see now that it ranks among the first of the union, is proof that her earnest zeaL in pushing forward the display of her pro ducts has-awakened immigration, con sequently prosperity follows. The Tiger Lily arrived from Smith's creek Tuesday night with Mr. and Mrs. McDouggald and Miss Muse of V ilming ton. She ran aground in Smith's creek on Sunday and remained for seventy three hours. JR.iverandfflarine.'? - '" The steamer Neuse cleared for ; Kins ton Tuesday with a full cargo pf gen eral merchandise. Tlie schooner Addr't Ilenrj, Hill, Cap tau,arrrved front Baltimore luesday with a cargo of fertilier coasigned to Wm. H, Oliver. y; - The steamer ContiyTaea' e&me in from Vanceboro TntIiiy evening with a cargo of lumbfiw. Tlie steamer Cutler arrived from Vanceboro Tuesday with lumber and sliingles for O.. T. Cherry. The steamer Trent arrived from up Neuse with -corn, and Messrs. Spencer and John Brooks as passengers. Tue Shenandoah brought in on Tues day, gins and condensers .for Geo. Allen &Co.j flour, pork and J general mer chandise for J. J. Tolsoh & Cj".; flour, tobacco and other merchandise for Robeits & Bro., and flour, buttery " lard etc. for Hackburn Bros. . Vonr Name in Print. : W?1. Caho.Esq. ,iof the PriiUco En terur.'sewas in tlie city laesday. He thinks his county - will roll up an in creased Democratic majority next No vember. Prof. Rayhill, the elocutionist, called r see us Tuesday. He has been teach' ing In the Normal school at EK' abeth Cfo: 'Mr. Burtt, of Snow and Dennis lame, is in tne city, lie expects to engage in business here. U Mr. H. E. Tripp, of Bath, Beaufort co called to see us luesday. He is agent for the U. B. Mutual Aid Society of Pernsylvania. ' Mr. George Adr us, a prominent farm er of lieautort county, was in the city Tuesday. B. H. Thompson, of f. uth Greek, was in tlie city Tuesday. He says crops are badly damaged by the rains in his section. Mr. W. D. Pollock and sister, Mis Sallio, of Kinston, are visiting Mr. J. lit Phem. ' Mrs Alice Ham of Goldsboro is in the city, on a visit to" Mrs. Capt. Thompson and Mrs. C. C. Taylor. - .. Mr. Geo. A. Herring and lady. Miss Maude Williams and- Mr. John O'Con ner of Kinston are in the city, stopping at the Central Hotel. , .- .''Mrihj. 'evo of . yaneeboro. , was in wie city yesteruay ana iook tne tram tor Morehead City3 last night.' ' ' Mr. C: Y. Foscue of White Oak, Jones county arrived in. the city yesterday. He sajrs corn crops are fine, but don't think it will sell as cheap as Mr. Bynum says it will. ' ' ' Mr. W. H. Wahab . of Blades ville, Hyde county, was in the'eity on Satur day and took the -train - for M orehead City on Saturday night a where he will spend a day or two and then star t Noi h for a stock of goods i; GOVERNOR JARVIS' SPEECH. The Governor had 'a large crowd to greet him at Stanly Hall on Monday night, and after, being introduced in a lew appropriate remarks, by H. K. Bry an, Esq:, arose and began his sneech. He '- felt complemented . at meeting so many of his fellow' citizens; it showed that they appreciated the fact that the government of North, Carolina belongs to the people, and .that .they . were en quiring how that government was be'ug administered. Parties, if they are what they ought to be, are merely organized agencies for the administration of what belongs to the people. Sometimes - par ties were organized for the purpose of making raids on the treasury, and for this reason it becomes the duty of the people to enquire r'.'ato such organiza tions and give their support to the one that administers their affairs in accord ance with law, good order ,'and economy. If the t'me had arrived when the pe pie were convinced that the Republican pa. y would best administer their af fairs, then they should go to the ballot box and vote to restore that pajw to power. On the other hand, if the Demo cratic party had been faithful to its trust; had administered the laws hon estly, fairly and economically, then there is no reason why it should be turned out and the other party put in power. Both these parties have had their dav in North Carolina, and if he could only get rae people to nstitute this enquiry about their management as they would about their private affairs; if he could only get them to be as just to the gov ernment as to themselves individually. he could convince every fair minded man that it is best to retain the Demo cratic paiiy in power in fioith Carolina. Tne Governor then instituted a com-.a parson 'between, - Republican rule in, Noith Carolina' for the' years: 1868r4J andr Democratic ru'e for the years lo79-0. showing tliat the Republicans spent over $1,800,000 for- the two years in admin istering the laws while the D mocrats spent about $900,000 for the same purpose-in Fame length of time. He also showed that the Republicens built no asylum for the colored insane, no asylum for the deaf, dumb and blind, built no school 'houses, carried on no schools, while the Democrats had built an asylum at Goldsboro for the colored insane, had built one at Morgan ton for - the whites, had revived the State University, had built and were still building school houses all over State and carrying on public schools for the education of both rcces the blacks receiving an equal proportion with the whites. In shoiu, it was the same old arraignment of the Republican party that has been used against them for the last ten years, and the same figures and comparisons that wore made in the campaign of 1830, but the Governor's manner of presenting the facts and figures made them fresh and vigorous, and revealed the fact tliat they are still good campaign documen i. He claimed for the Democratic pay the honor of compromising and selling its just debt of twelve and a halt mil lions of dollars, reducing it to three and a half millions, the interest on which is being annually paid without any in crease of taxation. This they were en abled to do by practicing the most rigid economy in administering the laws, and by having disiiosed of the Western N. C. Itailroad by which they saved about $175,000 annually. He also made the point for the Democratic party, that not a dollar of new debt had been created since they got control .of the State gov ern ment. Hie revenue plank in the Democratic platform was endorsed. He claimed tliat if tlie protective tariff was abolished and one made tor revenue only, it would give ample funds for t"io administration of the government. This being the case, he was in favor ot abolishing the reve nue system. (What would Senator Ransom do for appropriations?) He chareed that the collection of the one hundred and fifty millions of dollars in excess of the actual expenses of carry ing on the government, was roDnery. To give the audience an idea of what $150,000,000 is, he told them how many horses, railroad cars and engines it would take to carry it to Washington City if it was in silver dollars. QUAKER BRIDGE ROAD. The Governor "arose to a question of personal privilege1'' on this subject. After a little fling at a certain class of journalists in North Carolina that class, we presume, who are bold enough to criticize his actions whenever they think necessary he gave an explana tion of the laws granting convicts to the Quaker Bridge Road and the Western N. C. Railroad in full-.'accord with the opinion given by Attorney -General Keuan over a year ago. He said that the convicts put to work on Capitol square in Raleigh were such as were not fit to send off to the Western N. C. Railroad : that at his suggestion the pen itentiary board wrote to the commis sioners of Quaker Bridge Road to come to Raleigh and select their convicts, and after the chairman of the commissioners had g tion, t'.. pronon r such ,sei v i e; . to send them i ... furthermore the (. have discharged evt , itentiary board had t. ; a der such circumstances, lie wai in favor of punishing crime, but was op posed to treating pi i ;oner3 inhumanly, and this sentiment the Journal, heartily endorses. ,-4 While the Governoru madeT-apparent- ly. a very satisfactory explanation to a majority of his audience on this road question, yet, to one who is acquainted with the whole circumstances connect ed with it, there is one point still unex plained. When the penitentiary board wrote to the chairman of Uie road com missioners to go to: Raleigh, and select ihAir convicts, and after the chairman had done so and the Warden wrote him that the physician had examined his squad and pronounced them unfit for duty: the Journal charged that the an thorities in charge1 of the penitentiary were guilty of a trick and should re sign. The Governor says the letter re questing the commissioners to come up and select their convicts was written at his suggestion. Now did he not know, did not the penitentiary board ,bnow, tliat there were no convicts there lit for work on the Quaker Bridge Road , when tliat letter was written ? . The Governor explained tliat there were not enough convicts to supply even the W. N. C. R. R., because crime had decreased; lie wa glad in his heart that such was the case and we rejoice with him,' and hope that the time will soon come when the Legislature will see fit toto justice to the East, and will open up roads through the public lands ot the State that tney may oe utiuzea ior the common school funds. , . , Letter from Norfolk. Norfolk,-Va., Aug. 8th, 1882.: Mr. EDrroBirr-There t is much to be seen in our neighbor by : the - sea. tVast improvements are going on and : the wheels of commercial progress are not only running smoothly but rapidly to a distinguished prominence. - Norfolk is not relying only on the commercial advantages she enjoys but is paying no little attention to the man ufacturing also,. Aa the number of ar ticles that are manufactured here would require too much space for a letter of this kind, I shall omit them - but must allude to an agreeable surprise that I met in my. wanderings about the city. It was a fully equipped locomotive building establishment. I was shown by the proprietors,' Messrs. T. W. God win & Co. v a photograph of an elegant locomotive which they had forwarded the day before to St.,Louis, and also one the week before to a road in South America. This establishment; has facil ities for turning out a locomotive com plete in about six weeks t'me, carries a pay-roll of about $200 per day, has or ders for at least six months ahead ; and best of all two of the proprietors are native Virginians and the other one is from the far west, showing that there is both pluck and talent in - the South to erapple with the most difficult and ex pensive mechanical arts and push them to success. i i meet nere many norm Carolinians who are all proud of their Own State and look with great "pleasure Upon the evidences of prosperity among her citizens. " '" hi -1 ' I am indebted to our - former , towns man and genial citizen, Thomas L.' La tham, for many courtesies and atten tion. He is, as he alwayslwas, deeply inter ested in his business, but if you J press him with a good joke you can still pro voke a laugh from him as clear and heai ly as when he was on the corner op posite where the Jewels cluster. ' Through him l was anoraea tne pleasure of hearing one, of a series of sermons to young men, by Rev.4 Dr." Burrows of "the city, which by the way, will be published in the columns oi i your enterprising neighbor tne new South. They are the emanation oi a highly cultured mind enriched with a graphic descriptive power, tliat at once carries conviction to the mind of the hearer that what he says is solid .truth. Better reading for the yOung men and women too, can be but seldom found. -,j N,S. - Stonewall Items.- No Journal reached our office? yes terday to the discomfort of all your subscibers here. This is the' second time within the last month.: Is it off to Jones this time or where f - Mr. J. Dean of Pamlico had his mills, both saw and grist, and cotton gin des troyed by fire last Friday night or Sat urday morning a little before day, sup posed to be the work of an incendiary nend. Mr. jjean nas tne sincere sym pathy of every good citizen in Pamlico. I have not been able to learn whether he was insured or not. The wet weather continues. Rain every day and a flood every two or three days; while I write it is pouring down. The jute crop that bid fair to yield such a bountiful crop three weeks since is reported to be a total failure, and corn and cotton is injured over half in the southern and eastern jiortion of the county and materially injured in every part. Rice and old corn still hold their own. Quite a boom in improvements in our section. Mr. O. D. Lane is build ing him a residence near here and a joint stock company of farm ers have organized and raised capital enough to build a gin house and fit it up with a tweiit horse power engine for the puipose of ginning ana grinding, not only for themselves but for all who wish to patronize them; and they are also going to run an extensive mercan tile business in connection witii tueir gin and muling business, lheir gin house is under way. It is being located about 4 miles below hereon Trent Creek near P. O. Lart. Mr. C. II. Fowler, of this place, is pre paring to build and fit up an elegant sa loon and other additions tnat nis traue requires. Mr. A. H. Hamlin has bought a lot iu this place and is preparing to build thereon a eomto.ible dwelling and there are many others that could lie mentioned, but I suppose 1 nave saul enough. Pink Hill (Lenoir Co.) Items- We siill continue to have showers in this section. I see cotton ;n some pla ces isbegii ling to shed. We made a trin t.o miner Jones coun tv a few days ago in the neighborhood of Mr. W. G. Fordham. He took us t.hrono-h a nortion of his crop. He has tho finnct. rrvllnri T have seen this vear Ho itit'nraiwl ns that, his nrosnects for a good crop so far were the best he had had lor a number ot years, nis crop showed sitrns of excellent cultivation He is indeed a model farmer. Crops cenerallv throuorhout this neighborhood " . " . . " 1...4- were looking exceeumgiy wen, uut they were fearing too much rain, as the showers were very frequent. We were shown a few days ago by Mr. J. K. Tyndal a patch of coUon, the seed of which he obtained a few years ago of Mr. W. G. Fordham. It is of the Simpson kind. Mr. Tyndal informed us that he had been trying to improve this cotton every year by selecting from the most well formed and boiled "stalks and thought he had succeeded in mak ing an improvement. We think it showed it beyond doubt. If farmers generally would adopt this plan of se lecting their seed we would make mucli more and better cotton. We had occasion to visit the Bush Branch section of Pink Hill hot long since in company with R. K. Noble. We made our first halt at Blaney Harper's, as he informed uf he had some excel lent cider that was not siceet. We dis mounted and tossed off a bumper to the ..Lly .- ,t;il of -.l that L... one 1 trout;!-, stand. nd taking liar libeling refreshed, man Noble's, the per aboard, IHU 1 i Aa wo neared old father of .our comrade, (Dick Noble) and who too is one of' bur 'worthiest neighbors. Dick informed us that they had cider, watermelons, etc., which we were not surprised to hear. Dick has certainly learned the art of making watermelons, as his patch conclusively allowed, fur 1 never saw ' so many fine watermelons in so small a place; but we are of the opinion that friend Dick . ia now studying the ai t of finding that "lost wife" of his, as we heard an old gentleman ask the question the other day: "Are you not most ready or me to- call you cousin yet V". This looks like strong symptons." "' . ...Dick has some fine cotton. . We did not see fcn'y more of his crop but took it for gra'nlei (having - examined his cot ton closely) that the corn, chufas, etc., was nice. After taking on a supply of watermelon and some good cider (they have no other kind) and mounted again and drove for old John K's. (Noble) as he is familiarly called.' Here in this-neighborhood, Messrs. Editors, a clever people -who it seems, they make it a part of their business to be content and happv Therr crops are excellent. . - ' ,'"r While in this ' neighborhood our at tion was somewhat attracted- to: the beautiful dwelling house ofMr.. Isaiah Smith,' Just across Buck branch .on3 a beautiful hill' from' Mr. - Noble.' 1 Isaiah is a stiring young man", ho. informed us the other day that the only thing he lacked was a good wife 'to arrange the furniture and inform him how. high to fix tlie mantle piece etc I have been informed that lie thought his 'heart had bursted and coming out under his arm, resembling in substance that of. brains. Causer- A certain -young lady' having married recently. ; : . ; m Married, on the morning of the! 6th, inst., at the residence ef the bride's mother, Mrs. Cathron Howard, hy Elder W. W. Denny. Robert Taylor and Miss Nancy Howard; all Of Pink Hill town ship. . COMMERCIAL. 'V. NKW BERNE MARKET. , CoTTON-r-Middling HJc; tow middling II Sc. . good ord inary He, ; ordinary I0c. None in market. Corn 88c, in bulk; 90c. in sacks. Turpentine Receipts moderate. Firm at $2.50 for yellow dip. Tar Firm at $1.25 and $1.50. Beeswax 20c. to 22c.: per lb. s . . . Honey 60c. per gallon. ; - Country' Bacon Hams 18c. ; sides 16c.; shoulders 15c. Lard 15c. Beef On foot, 5c. to 6c. - , Sweet Potatoes 50c: per bushel. Eoas 11c. per dozen, i-in- t: Peanuts $2.50. per busheL . . ; , Fodder $1.50.' ' Peaches 15c to 40c. per peck. 1 Apples 30a50c. per busheL, : Pears-$1.00 per bushel. Onions $1.50 per busnel.- Beans 50c. per bushel. . ; Hides Dry, 8c. to He; green 5c.' Tallow 6c. per lb. - ' ; Chickens Grown, 50c. per pair. - MEAL Bolted, $1.15 p3r busheL Irish Potatoes $1.50 per bushel, but few in market. '. t Shingles 5 inch, $2.25 per .M:; 6 inch, saps,. 4.00 per M.; hearts," $5.00 per M. - , 15 :- t .- - 1 i . . BAI.TIITIORK IHARKET. ' Baltimore, August 14. Oats firm'; southern new 68a70c.; western white , fiffaftSc do. mixed 65aR(V. RvArinll at P68&72fl. Hay fiim ; prime to ' choice Pennsylvania and Maryland $18.00al9.00 Provisions fairly active for jobbing de mand; mess pork $22.25a33.25. Bulk meats shoulders and clear rib sides, packed, llal4fc. Bacon shoul ders 12c. ; clear rib sides 15ic. Haras 15ial6c. Lard refined 14c. Coffee steady; Rio cargoes, ordinary to r fair, 8a9c. Sugar quiet; A soft 9ic. Whisky steady at $1.18. 5 - j WILMINGTON TOARKKT. Wilmington, August 14. Spirits tur pentine firm at 43c. Rosin firm at $1.85 for strained, and $1.50 for good strained. Tar firm at $1.85. Crude turpentine farm at $1.75 for hard, and $2.75 for yellow cip and virgin.', NEW YORK COTTON MARKET. New York, August 14. Cotton fu tures closed ' ; August 12 84 al2 85; September 12 56; October 11 90; November 11 C9all 70; De cember 11 70all 71; January 11 79a 11 80. February ll.90all.92; March 12 03al2 05. Cotton steady; uplands 13; Orleans 13 5-16. Comparative Cotton Statement New Yobic. August 11. The following is tlie comparative cotton statement for the week ending this date: 1882. 1881. Net receipts at allU. S. ports 4,767 13,176 Total receipts to this date, 4,618,910 5,728,648 Exports for tlie week 19,342 19,529 Total exports to this date 3,502,246 4,460,286 Stock at all U.K. ports 158,029 23,933 Stock at all interior towns, Stock at Liverpool, . Stock of Am'n afloat for Great Britain, . 10.551 669.000 22,809 767,000 29,000 87,000 It stands at the head THE LIGHT RUNNING i! i;stic. That i the acknowlpdKPd Ledr In th Trade i a lart tha cannot be disputed. MANY IMITATE IT! NONE KQUAL IT! Tht- Largest Armed. Tlie Lightest Bui nlng. The most Beautiful Wood-work. AND IS WARRANTED T he made of the best material. To do any and all Kinds of Work. To be Complete in Every Respect. For economy nJ perfection ot fit. &ee the popa lr Domestic Paper Fashions Catalogues free. For sale by 4). MARKS, F-b 2nd ly New Berne, N. C. liy E. L. MILLER, Kinston, N. C. Dealer in I';ano. Organs, Seizing Machine, etc. Ad. lifts, Domestic S. M. Co., Richmond, Va. a1-Apents Wanted. -w tf .-.".11 -. M. . ... .r, at tin i, 1. IT. it lot iu Scott's Alley in i ! ' ? iicrueand altthe !nijro t ,. ou, to JialUfy n morP'ai; ii. on lh'10lli day of January, 1 Vlnra. Tjitcmi nrwl JnmpR I .ii'iih. augl7w4t KOBEIITS So B1IO Insure "Your Gin Houloc. Iaarance effected In good reliable tiutnpsules at Modem Ralsa. t " .. Btks written from oaa ta twelv mootlis. " .-v- - WATSON & STREET, , . i ' Qefarral Iararancs Airentv, antlO-vrSnt . ; New Defao, N. C. JAMES .lJPLEY'S Patent Entrance . Oato . : -y FarmUic. Oin be 0eued and nbul ri lUoul liniountluic fora bucrr, cart, rarriair. (umor horne. I'uiu . NiKbts for ale in l!rTin and Oiilow couuuev, by . NtLtHtN WHI l l'UK l, '' "- New lieroe, N O. ' Mnl-OtH- on exhlbirioa at amy hoaae. AMK.H W.lmn; '. '- , - ' ' S. II. SCOTT, WHOLESALE AND EETAIL EEALE2 IN Dry nomlft, Ifittsand t'n", lti1tp anil NIkm, Al amance Spun f'OtUm, 4'lioUw K'inilv (Iroa-ortei-. . If rices om low an llie lowvxt. Aleu hire tnf and the tM-ft of Liqiio. lierirnir and l.iirf.:V Loer Heer.aiwoyn f rerb and Mir. . c- -,.y. - ' Middle nine I. oiniosite l'iniuli-'ii Market, -rf 41i ' - 1 ... .NEW tSUKNtH XMU,, Apr,4 Wlf , "l lieOonaty (nniUV4ont'V;irenrdered that all real estate fnWd y lle .slieriB' to the csmnly frr taxes dne (or lUe yearlKl,i an lie redi-exied hy the owners without iurme the additional a er e-n. allowed by luw uovileil the taxes un raid land are pttitl by the Wirf.of Iecember. fanien inler mCed will take moik-e mmI govern iheuiMlrrw accordingly.. ' . V. : H N- KH.HIJRN. )llly-dJlw4d '- 'i " t."ounty Treasurer. Gaiiwi? Kause SALOON. t 1 JAMES CAMPBELL. .V ',,-y .f E. H. UindlDy, - I .; - f , , DISTUiLEItS . AGENT. ; . Pure Itye and Corn j . wiiisioiiY.,; WiUCE S AND CI OAR S i. r J" Greatjyariny. i r ..i .... . Ginger Ale, Pale Ale, Bpct ' . ; ,: "and Porter. ' : ' FOKEIQN AND DOMESTIC C I D E It lit libls. 1-2 lib Ik. BiidKeRS. JF'rwincli 13randy LARGEST DEALER IN THE STATE. - - ' , COMMISSION ''MERCHANT For tbt Sale of all Kinds ot P R ODU 0 E. Guarantee Highest Market'priceii, daner South Front & Middle St ; ! " NEW; EEBNE, N. C. Apr. 11. C ni U it f A GAR " LOAD : j-armers w J$i I '-"'rV. WAGONS ForFarm Purposes Now in Use f?0 ; nolumbus ox HAXri all Hand-made Steel-Axles and Steel.Tyres ' FIR ST 0 LA SS ALL TIIROUG 1 1 A large supply of ,.0peiv and Top ; . At Low Fignren. Tops $0, Open tTO, FIFTY SETTS OF HARNESS NO. 1 AND CHEAPER GRADES: ' Aug 10, wtf - kikdtl ::. c or: A it u.v Gl SOUTH r:.o... ( ; ''gaston' iiou.-;r at ar. GEO. ALLEI1 L ' m:v iii:icm:. n. c.,, l : : t ... . . Offer a Large Mtx k f 4''- Drown, Georgia and.!.' .-.'V .' C0TT01T Gi:i3, Feeders and C, ; : FARM KMCiJ iX I From 4 tt 20 IIorc- ! . ' , ... . ,,M O THE - . ; ; . ' " " " Most Approved MaLc. i. 'rfu - t A i " cotton P n r. c. i : : . i Grain Faun. HIthw 'uKcrn, Con i . ; Hliellr, i:.c, i:ic. Plows and Cultivate, .". ... . In Oi-cut ; Variety, nml at V i ImW PlfCt'H. ' i J , t " ;.'-...... . geo. alu:n & CO. -i Apr. It'll 1 ' EHODES IIOTJCL ,.,..." WILLI AMSTOJC, N. C. Firat t W fare, ' xKto nrrvnuta en I sr,iMl niu'OiiiunxlationH. ' t f W iii;L0iV3;i OFTIIE I5ES T -Mia va a-a rsl mis time:

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