c, AUG. r. n f f;ratc. An:, lt i r i i our ;. y ex-care-c mak--3 and ie least want to ; a valua L. an.l I . .ul to do ,,oi' ;io since wnt will do r head, where it did not .uo field. But r.rellwtion Pil.l v . l on , hat will be , the end of t'L; r q cit Ion. With the. cheap ri 3 of tran.-1 i tation it cannot remain i t in one to two dollars per day at the :r-ru on nnlv fift-c ccnte at the boutn probability was that it would at I t be higher at the South and that ii.t aiiy all hoed crops at the South ve should be compeuea to nave to, even r t prices that brought ruin and poverty ,"aa there any daylight . through; this u irk cloud- of vexation, poverty and rum could see but one, dispense with U of the hoeing, nr-'-o the land rich - rnT-iv.nion wciul cost less ana - crops quadrupled; but how,? Ah, t wfn the Question then, and now, - well aware, as all good farmers . ; - cvtn with the beet rotation, , -7 f the land could not be - : up Without - supplementing com- I 1 manures; but j would comnier- - - r-. - ; ay with labor higher and r I : -.Jre and t.otb independent. - u-u'. rial. Then what is "the of land improvement oyer - V..J--1 world. All books said lime . ,-t r, but would clover grow here? . i iny other farmers had tried i ll failed. "Why those failures ? . - soli or climate or .was the fault us ? We ka-J never tried more i mall patches near the house, and - t'-'-v looked so green and - t ..It we turned horses and - ik on them, which nibbled i wi Ji the ground while the native were loft to a rampant growth 1 v took entire possession,", and - r. ? i h?tureof nearly all the i- i h.1 en ts of the South.- Now ;1 :;t avoid all dangers so v . n . i acres of good stiif land .. mile from. the house impossible to fence it oil : - - uch cost, - broke it well pounds of . .clover seed I j o i grass seed, and hitched I I a horse and brushed it 1 in corn, the improve- vv i a trik ing a much: better crop rais' i than in many years before, -i-' h time I have kept from q tjone hundred acres in grass t , ..-.3 sowing aad turning' under 'it r ut !1 the .- crops are nearly ' ' . 1 as to labor and tenants, . . i li.-i formerly who could I get ci-'o my land, it. is .who will -. l.i addition to which it has ! i to i lean land nearly double . . t' farm, but many men say ..von their elands, they -' 1 a. 1 failed. So did I many years t -....e being compelled, I have , r au experience- of - twelve s it it will do well on all lands 1:1 di-y, except the driest : id l..r clover the stiller the '. ;' f question I am asked . l-,: y other is, what kind is t ) , . u 1 at what time 'i ' -T KIN'D is best TO SOW? much on the object in li i . v. bject be to improve : poor 1 r . , IJolcus Lanatu&r which c : the lightest, a stiff est, . - 1 driest lands, and ? grows - ! Li h as oats. If for hay and of clover and orchard . . J i, 1 top or herd grass and . 1 ; cunds of clover and 14 i r s.ed toj the acre is not too WHEN TO sow. ' v ranst be sown in the fall, and r-rs nniv be sown in September or - v. v iien I have an oat or wheat ii'tr the fall; turning every , -i- well, in sixty feet "beds, the slope regardless of i As soon as I am don work c'.. n, then, should many weeds up, give it another plowing (up) . -i - '.: 1 i'd; this leaves deep water :.rl vi ith stiff, low lands, and or more plowings (up) all s : " y be dispensed with, and the 1 ' e L . :er drained tlian it is possible :: -' 'i d 1;- hes. ; Now, between c2 i i her and the ; 15jth of : , run a sv - .hing harrow across i you have a smooth, good bed, and " a Choon broad cast sower, or . 1, jw ten pounds good clover 1 r-i foarteen pounds. good grass ' a .re as evenly as possible; then c :'..- in it will start at once - . a time in winter., it will .- rr 1 in spring be ahead of the It 'ybe cut in Maj, or Jjane. .1 n ii cotton or corn it must i ia Ftmary (unless; you take t" s-'v with wheat after, corn. a ci e housed. -1 have had such !- - . Is with wheat that the ' wheat ulc to cut with clover two feet n: it) with corn or cotton land : i 3 lidres down as level laspos- with two iurrows and harrow i uT.tll smooth. Soon in spring the , 1. 1 esn even start and will surely 1 c f it ; and they must be mown ... O: o or two. mowings are re . . Hi c r i.. weeds will smother it and ' ' :i ti 1 le of the Soutlxshall learn - ! i ho;- at a future period, that " xlcth h Lnt grass ,5 that pork may ' - i 1 r.t less than four cents per : clover, and beer for v three. id suck as can be found nowhere but , u a grass country, and butter,suchas c an only be found on stoek farms and i--, ,.lo solely for special customers, V, hen that time comes the forest " will melt before tlie advancing farms like sno .v i i .'a sunshine, and. the land that now 1 no market value will pay a eood i st on from one to five hun- tired ti ..n-3 per acre; and although there i ".y not be. much, more money handled .J it will be ours and we shall not be f s now, to a great , extent; the hard vorked overseers : of our own farm, for the benefit of that only won- 1 ri iy prosperous .part . of- our com- mun v, the advancing, mercliant. But w hy --hould I. dilate,--when. I think of the athasslieis, and what, sliei may aittl l think will be, the view is so grand t i the subject is inexhaustible. Yuurs truly, . J.,F. Latham. Vt Lite Oak Towntthip Mr. Lewis Bynum the jolly meuite of the urm . ot -liynum x Jenkins at Maysville, Jones county, was- in the city yesterday and maiwwex to tlie en quiriesof a Jooenal 'reporter . stated that he liad never seen such crons- on White Oak as they - have- tlusr vear. "Corn," said he, "will- bdi twenty-fiv cents a barrel.' i'A buaJtet you -mean said the-' reporter; ' Twiita-live eeitttt IxtrrtJlhe replietl,.'tlve whole face , of the land is covered with it; I- don't : be- lieve-they will vr house-it. ' "How is cotton ?V asked the seporter, "As fine as I ever saw, if nothiughap pens to injure it f pom now on. The corn is already made cotton- may be cut olf yet.". We deal in cotton altogeth er. Hare 120 acres; and I am certain it will make a bale to-, tlie acre without pome accident. "Do you want a shine? r .la boot blackt staring Mr.. Bynum in t..e Lice. - - ' - "No, '' eays Bynum,I out shine you now. I have been asked that question fe hundred times to-day.-- 1 : .. ch-:. t - ...iiv.eS,Callt:.-.i i. t i . j. . ...a explained the object of tn i f ' , , after which a motion was made , int a committee of five ' on per- L.ient organization1 ana -resolutions, w liereupon . the- - ioHowing,v were -m poiniea : . - , - R. G, Davis,. Stump Sound district. ' Vr. J. 1j. JStickelson, Kich lands f J. Scott, Jacksonville ? ( ; J. D. Coston, Wliite Oak " M. Russell. Swansboro Ttt J.Ij. Nickelson, chairman of the eommittee", presented the report of the committee as follows v ' 'For permanent chairman, Col. S. B Taylor; for secretaries, Mattocks anl Win. ti. Alnrrill, and, reported the following resolutions which were unan imously adopted: ' -Resolved, That tlie term of the Hon M. W. Ransom, one of the senior U. S Senators from the State of North Carolina will expire on the 4th of March next, we, appreciating the liigh position taken and well sustained in the Senate of the United States by Jihe distinguished Sen ator, instruct our candidate? for. the Legislature to use his" best efforts to secure his re-election. . Besbtved, That we endorse the nomi nation of the : Hon. R. T. Bennett for Congressman-at-large. :and Col. W. J. Green for Congress from the 3rd district as a gentlemen well qualified for the high positions sought for: them by the Democratic party of the State and Dis trict, and pledge to them our undivided support. - - ts Resolved, That we endorse- the State platform in regard to county govern ment. The vote' of the' convention being ta ken whether two-thirds or a majority of the whole : vote should elect, resulted in adopting the' majority rule$" taking the vote of the Governor of 1880 as a basis. - - j ?- . : The chairman announcing that ballot ing being in order the roll of the dis tricts being calledproceeded to vote for a member of the Legislature;, 'Dr. E. W; .Ward '8 name being called, he came forward and declined to have his name run before the convention. The vote being taken,' resulted in the following:1. . .- - - ' FIBST BAUibT. . II. E. King, r '.- - 249 C. Thompson, - - 157 No choice, E. W. Ward, - -'. 101 J : SECOND BALLOT. II. E. King, - . . 387 J. W. Spicer, . - - . 383 C. Thompson, . - -' 242 No choice. E.W.Ward, - - 14 J , : THIRD BALLOT. - " ' ' J. W.Spicer, - - 478) C. Thompson, , - 381 No choice, II. E. King, - 227). . - POUETH BALLOT, . 'C. Thompson, , - - 676 ; J. W. Spicer, , , - - 406 . IT. K. Kino- ... - R .- r7 " " J'1 , . Dr. C. Thompson having received the majority of votes, - was declared! the nominee for the lower house of i the General Assembly of North Carolina, s Moved by J. W. tspicer that the nomi nation of Dr. Thompson be made unani mous. Carried.-- - ,; -' ' E. Murrill was nominated Ton the 2d ballot for Sheriff by a large majority. . A. C. Huggins (present incumbent) was nominated by acclamation for 'Su perior Court Clerk. li. li.. llumplirey was nominated on 2d ballot for Register of Deeds. - " -SamT li. King was .nominated for Coroner by acclamation. , John vv altons was nominated county surveyor by acclamation. . ; - - B. Taylor, ChTn...- E. W. Mattocks, I -j Wir. B. Mpreillj-- .Secretaries.. ffleetlns el the Dem ;Ex; Com. of ttte County ef Jonea. A meeting of the Democratic Execu tive Committee for the several Town ships for the county of- Jones convened at the court Mouse at o clock p. .. m. , Monday August 7tn, 1883. .i . V James B. Stanly, Chairman, of the Executive Committee for the county at large, in a few appropriate remarks ex plained the object of the meeting. : - On motion of Uol. IS. Askew, the meeting was permanently organized by electing James B. Stanly , Chairman and on motion of Lewis King, Samuel Hudson was elected secretary. . Roll of Township Committees were called and all were found to be reprer sented. On motion of Dr. C. J. Mattocks,the convention proceeded to elect, an Exec utive Committee from each .Township for the county at large. - ' - ' White Oak Township, Lewis Bynum. V" Polloksville, . " , II. A. White. -Piney Grove, Dr. C. J, Mattocks. Trenton, " . J. A. Smith. , Cypress Creek, " Uenjamm crock. Tuckahoe, " - F. M. Dixon. ; ' Beaver Creek, "'.Ben Huggins. Chinquapin, , " Dr. Fred Whitaker. On motion of Beniamm Askew, a Committee of three was appointed to confer with Gov. Jarvis and Judge Bennett and request' them to make a speech at Trt nton during the campaign the chairman appomted on committee of invitation: B. Askew, J. A. Smith, W. Wooten. . On motion, tl.3 "oceedings: of the meeting was to be .- ,t to the New Berne Jotrnal for publication, ;with'Tequest that the- uoldsDoro. Messenger please copy. On" motionthe' .meeting iad- journed. . james li. tSTANLY, Uliairman, S. Hudson Secretary.- An Old Plow Ilontr. Mr. J. W. ".Hamilton -liavincr put .out the news tnat ne wanted a lot plowed, Lewis vVuliams, col., appeared on. toe f round on Tueaday-j-oae olj tlie hottest ays with a large - Atlas ' plow on; his shoulder and announced himself ready for thereto.'- - y Where is your horse ("'enquired Mr. T-r 51l. . U. ' xiamiiioii. 5 - .Horse 1 I don't want no horse.'? re lied Lewis, as hewung himself to the m and began to roll the dirt nicely to tne corn.. r . Lewis declares that he is 84 years old, remembers perfectly well when Mr, Joe Rhem was born. We' have heard it said thai a male - never dies', and, we have known horses to be 30 - years ld but we challenge any town or county in the State to produce an older plow horse or mule than Lewis; and Mr.4 Hamilton mill 1i1lina ItTv PUnm 'a ' kiut nlAii- man to do a better job of plowing than Lewis done on his lot. Tlie Ansnsf Overflow. This summer, has probably been the wettest that we have Jial since WU while the season, taken all together, hits not mhh so .- propitious. Many times heretofore local .rains have flooded lands adjiCMit to Bwanips ami other l.tw laces but the rivtr-vas nevir out ot its banks until last week, wheu.an ; uti precedenteil rise uvcurred that .-carried destruction willi- it. - lu two daj-.n the water rose twelve---- ieetiH Ckrn in the rirer flats was ' aliaojt completely sub nierged. At leant rive hundred acres and live times as many barrels of corn Buffered by this inundation in this coun ty. All of the corn is not ruined, as the water w as over it but a short time. Some of the best corn land iu the coun ty are the.-e low lands of tlia Tar, and these fjreshets are so unusual that they are never anticipated, and in ''pitchm; the crop no calculation is based on this possibility. It 4s safe to say, -w-e think that the damage done by : this overHow is f'roiaeix.to ten thousand dollars. The principal sufferers are those between here and Eocky Mount. 'Tarboro South erner. ; r Consignments of Grain, Cotton, and other - 4 - PROD.UCE SOXiJEOZTS X3- PROMPT ATTENTION GUARANTEED - JOiy Goods, Notions, EC A. T Si. BOOTS- AND SHOES. GROCERIES OF. ALL KINDS Pork, Bacon, Flour Sugar, . Coffee, Salt, Syrup and - MOLASSES. SNUFF and TO BAG G 0. HARDWARE SLX'U AS- Spades, Shovels , Hoes , Axes , Nails Plow Traces Hames, -" v- &e. &c. Farmer's Supplien - GEN ERA I t Y: -'S" MOTT'S SWEET CIDER, ."THE BEST, MADE, CONSTANTLY IN STOCK Prices low for cash. . . f Satisfaction guaranteed. - iligfiest cash prices paid lor country PrM luce.?. .-. " . '-. .' fJdU and see me North West, corner SOUTH FRONT & s. J. J MIDDLE Streets, NEW , BERNE, N. C. Mar. .30, I y w - - - , A; H HOLTON, . , J --.I) BALER IN' FOREIGN DOMESTIC ; WINES & LIQUORS, : TOBACCO S&CIGARS. - MIDDLE STREET, ; ' Oppbsite loe Bouse, '.. ' ' ''NEW BERNE, N. C.' Apr.:l 1 J dfcw A'f mm. 0nf account of alter ing buildingj f WK SULTAN & CO., offer tKeir entire Stock at cost, and some GOODS LESS THAN COST for: the next Sixty Days. Ladies Balbriggan Hose 15 to 25 cents per pair. ' 1.000 yards of Dress Goods at" COST. AurJ d w 1 y ROMfrlTS&BROS Keep on hand a full line of Boots, Shoos Ury Goods, Cvr o o lx. o I- y NOTIONS AND A CHOICE ASSORTMEOTT OF FAMILiY GROCERIES. Cli on us Lefar nmkiug your purchase?, al Jon'h Krnnt St. near Gaston Ifonee. Mar. 30, 1j .1 w ALEX MILLER, WHOLESALL: & FiKTA.lL oiKH 1:1: i '.instantly M'i 1 : i.iil iHji- ami FARMERS. SUPPLIES, which we oiler as low as au- house iu the tity. aitT warrant- al! ioods as i ep-rrsi-nlrd. Call and examine onr stock and prices. F-tal'les furnifdied fire to ail our couuti"ycustoiner. Goods tteliverld free -Co any .at t of the city. ml2 W.:& D. W V' UKil UAIiTEKS v. FOH. r ' i i j ! -f, Kotions. hoes, " ;s and Iaces of "all. IIuhT.-, T.iSdo LiiHeiiH, the rSest Napkins, all Linen, from f to -12' 1-a ?t apiooo, Hamburg- Kd sings in endless variety and sold at lowest prices. MOTTOES. MOTTO lIfcM ES RUSTIC FRAMES f all sizes. I make a specialty of. supp'yin the Jolibing Trade. Country cbantB are invited to cull and examine my extensive Stock before baying. Also the Celebrated STAN DARD SEWING MACHINES of the jollon tng makMS The Light Running , DOMESTIC," H VKTFOKD AND 1I0USEII0LU, tlu three best Machines on the Market. . Do not forest the place, O. 19 ARKS, No. 30, Polloefe St., Anrlwly New Brne, N. C. smallpbofitsantkiuicksai.es. HAGKBURN BROTHERS, W 1 1 0 1 , 1 :S A lAi & ICKT A 1 L. GROCERS Corner Broad and Queen Streets, : NEW BERNE, N. C. JOBBERS OF LORHLARD'S SHDFFS AND TOBACCOS Mar. 30, lyw EASTERN MIRTH CAROLINA MARBLE WORKS I?EW JJERNE, N. C. MONUMENTS, TOMBS, ALL KLTDS G li A V1J AND IiUILD WOliK IN . 1 ITALIAH& AMERICAN f.lARBLE ; Orders will receive prompt attention and eatief action guaranteed. JOE WILLIS, ; ' Proprietor, - (Siiccessor to (iroriTc Claypoole) Cor. BROAD & CRAVEN Sts. New Berne, N. C. Mar. 30, 1 y tl w C. B. HART & CO. ONE PEICE CASH STOKE.- Northegt corner Mnldic itn.1 South Front strwts osite E U. WuidU'y and K. R. .Tones. DKAI.EKS IN Stoves, House Furnishing Goods, CROCKERY an-" OIVSSWARE, j L A MPS in great variety. BURNERS, WICKS, CHIMNEYS, KEROSENE OIL, Pratt's Astral Non-Espiosive Oii, . Machine and Train Oils. We are now prppared to manufacture Tin and Sheet-Iron Ware. -Special attention given' to repairing. Qoofis sold low and warranted to be as represented. April 14 It d & w . . . . - , ..! .-f J. J. Tolson & co. BROAD STREET (Second door Eas t from Railroad) Receives GOODS by every Steamer. The best of Potted Canned Goods, Best grades of Coffee, best grades? Flour, best kettle rendered Lard. Very best selected BUTTER, Pore Apple VINEGAR, SUGAR Of all grades best Family GROCER IKS, of ALL KINDS. Our country friends will find it to their advantage to call and try our pri ces before buying. All goods sold at Bottom 37rlcoB. Goods delivered at any part of ?ity prompt and free. Broad Street nffontl door east rora Railroad. w Apr. 1,1-v XT. Oi'KX A'f ' It PEEP '()' DAY,' "And Don't You Forget It," THAT E. WHITMAN'S EYE OPENERS ARE UNEXCELLED. Middle Street, near Corner South Front, NEW BERNE, N. C. Next door to K. li. Jones'. l.-i-. '- 1 w l i in. For t'OMS( ill. rAil i:, :iml illl.l. B K i i; Y 8 CHiill aillH. M. :i; tH'i-s laUtn l'or Clotldll" tVoin B0GERS, PEET & CO., N. Y. a t-- Berry's Drug Store. Parties buying for Cash, can buy DRL G S , O A RDEN S ICE D, Paper and Envi Iohs, Paints, Brush es, Glass, Toy?, Wall Paper, and many other things at bottom prices at Berry's Drug Store. Afr. 9 ly w. Brick BlockMiddlo Street, New Berne, LV. C. WHULESALE'GEOOERS " :AH Ooods in OnrJiue sold at the very lowest cash pric es. I'romt and strict at tention paid te all or4(8 entrusted to .-our care. . , -t-r- - IjSw - o v FEimiJSHSi; F()I1 Tl,E VALLCIUiLlv,:-, 'Now ready for delivery, the hSsiHloR of Stan17-01"3' "U'laMe loi Tuniips; Potatoes and Wheat. ""x ! " ;;; Will he sold for CASH or on TIM K at reasonriWU 0. E: FO' & 00T1mX C. B.-FOY & COMPANV oiler to the trade : Lorillard.. ftiil Ax Uaihoad Mills Sweet and Salt. Snn(t", at niauulacturer's prices, " , ' '-aprldifewl y BERGNER & ENGEL'S CELEBRATED BOTTLED LAGER BEER FOR SALE BY THE CRATE. Also on hand a full stqck of Groceries, Provisions, Cigars, ANDlTOBACCO. pn Froi.t ISrick Store. -MfllLU STISRKT, r''. w Apr 1 d w ly , en'l Insurance Agt KINSTON, NT ( Represents the following first-class companies : NORTH BllITISli AKD MERCANTILE INSlFKANnK FIRE ASSOCIATION OF PHI LAP E Ij PI 1 1 A, WESTCHESTER OF NEW YORK, GEORGIA1 HOME OF COLUMBUS, NORTH CAROLINA HOME anl others. Stores, dwellings, merchandise gius and farm property insured aainst loss oi damage by fire, or lightning. ' AnliwSm MlDlflHD MOREHEAD J. VV. J5AY1JSIS, (ON EUROPEAN and Table - " 4..-. , Bioaki'ust, 7 lot) ;:. liiin-r, 1 U rtiiiiirip.tt nt short This Hotel is now open for the reception of guests ; is strictly first ( lass in ev ery department, with everjAatilitv i'ci -amusement - (.'nxict Lawns, Surf Da Uiin, ITislung, 'TSoatla' 'Ilu'ntiug; 'Sc. A full staff of polite and attentive-servants, coupled with our long experience as hotel men, invini? every branch our pcrfounl 'supervision, will enable us to guarantee H 10 EAGLE COTTON 20 GEORGIA " Can get any make desired on short notice. and Condensers with all riixs if desired. sold by me. I am selling the bcstC0tt0IT pmiTT run i-JXXXiXj XJ 80 Watertown and ;() Eclipse Knines of (liflrrcnl, any kind of Machinery on shortest notice will sell a DON T FAIL TO S Eli M l AND COTTON FACTORS , vaabms , NEW P.EIINE. . N. C. HOTEL. CITY,, IT. C. PBOPJiLETOR. AMEBIC'AX PLAN) do llote. il ; Supi.t-i", 7 to .S:.iO. I' rival notice, tlay r niJil. full and entire satisfaction. Ma23dw.'m iOTfON GINS, arrived atrid still ''yt'- wttv vrn-rv vein fiTNVINii ROT'J'OW. bAWlnlt liU'iiir.u, uu. u r ,. if Tl 1l7 17 V lUT'i' iiiti I in.'" 1 luwuii .iuu ru n vn m o Clias. .H.' - W II O t E S A ' - a A FULL' , ycpiistarttl.y Flour, r - -Sugars, - - - MOLASSES & SYRUP-S, ; T( ) Ii ACCO A"ND SNUFF, Salt, Powder and Shot.; . 4, . - .". . x ; . '. V " Special attention of Country Dealers ia called to my Otock. , SoitAgiu for the "EKTIlil?' WJJEAT FLO VIZ. ' 4 Snmplra aoI prices kent by Mall, - ' ' - ni -ri-i i-rm-r,-,-W wuriinmiivrpiinur- mtm t - - w - mm m ' T. iiiftlHG T, A R (x E S T ; A IN THE CITY. . Roeps always in Stock . large duantitics rOiM L01TQ CLEARS FLOUR, : SUGAR. COFFEE, 'SYRUP, ' - !M!oTn.scs," Snit," Kdc. . LOKI LLARD AND OAITi & AX SNUFF, also a larc stock of DRY GOODS, BOOTS, SHOES" and "ArbuckleVAricm CRACKERS and CAKES an great variety. A large Stock of NOTIOINS AIVI IJOSli;ii V Wholesale buyers will find a large STOCK at lowest prices. non'f fail to sec mo heforo yun Xnty HIIIlLi: HTIJIIirr, Mar. 23 ly dw " 1 " ; ' Nkw Bebnk, N. C W-HOBiES'ALE Jl'- mmm. m mm mm m.- rn -N v J ' iJlLuLiiiL' IS KING!. CO (-0 II'EIBS -' - .' - ' - , .'-. - ' 'n - I 10 50 and 00 saws. I can furnish cotton Feeders, ; Cleaners will give a wa'rantee r on "6vcry gin Prfifi's in the south, sizes booh U) hottoni prices !SjLiLi L.:0 1, F l It O C 15 R n (1 . SUPPLY on hand "7-. 'ATA c- i t tMiiirHi'U" Jinu. N 1)1 0 C D J! S T 1 rf PW " SEND US YOU;? t.'JGI" HESS CAND rc:7 . riMDr: .zx. - 0. lAflDHETFi PHIL AD TL PHI A. r comp-ad examine it. .' arrive tanu( . can limusii and on libcml terms. Kinston, N. C. 1 Tf- i v