BERNE JOTIENAL. new ee?.:;:: : 3kw . BATES OT Al'Vr ' On lack on wfk. . m. pn9 month ...... " M thrr Kionib Quarter euluma ou k M ' OB VMM lb.... - . ' " OM Half colama m twkiw,. PUBLISHED EVIEY TBXXRSHAX, . AT NEW EEL1E, CRATES CODXTT, . N. C. -4 r t A. Jer-. efts CTTXIBrar 'Editors and Proprietor s.c; v tim or subscription: -I " -: INDEPENDENT IN ALL THINGS. on jraar. Terms 98. OO For 7ok Od eolama on on Rion tb... ............. t - "; on jrr...-..M... 4V on tract for JViriUiMx f.w or Urn may mad al t otn- Baaaa JosaaaL. la lb Brick Ii e Tear, .. $2.00 Mix Mootlis i..., VOL. V. NEW BERNE, N. 0., SEPTEMBER 14, 1882. NO. 23: - Magistrate Blanks always si haaL. ""Wul Srrat, NW Bara. North Oanrfina.. TR A V 1 i 3 . m ! - , r v - Kew B6rne Advertisements. D. W. HTJRTT. n e ns i saiit tailor. ? ? n n old MIDDLE STBEET, .v. ...-- . , J.. 'So. ::. : New Berne, It. C War. 30, Bmw FerdinandTJlrich, - DEALER IS GROOEEIES &DRY GOODS BOUTS. SIIOI2S, HATS, Hopes. Twines, Paints Oils Can vas, and Oakum. The place to buy GRAIN SACKS in any quantity and ' ' v ' ' 0 It I LfA UI SNUFF - i '- f,:-ibj thebbl. - . Orders taken for" '' - NETS and SFINI3S. ' . Foot of Middle street, NEWJJERNE. N. C. . Mar. 3U. I V vr " ::'. s. MARKET WHARF, NEW BEBXE, N.O. . . .'-'. - . ' : .;V,- - AIo kwp - oo hand fall I Be of . ' t- . . " . ; t - 1 . : - - . - . - r . . V.-.. .'.... '.- HOPES AND TWINES; SPIKES, NAILS, CANVASS, - : AND A 11 KINDS : CHIP CHANDELBY, f PAINT3, 0LL3 and BRUSHES? April l-w-m. HORSES, 1IULES, P.0UIES Wagons, Phaetons, Buggies, i:::::ec3, whips, saddles, LC'J'S CCCX'S CELEEHATED V03K. GOOD YOUNG STOCK always ou hand, and for sale . IjOAV for cash. A. & M. HA.HN, Middle Street, Opposite Episcopal Church and Odd Fellows Hall. "- ' Junel5w-6m ITiiii'nitiire F. BCESSER has leen in the business for the laat YEARS. . F TJ U'L' STO OE ALWAYS ON HAN1 Oivo la. 1 xxx ft Trial 7 " ' Coruer of Broad ami Middle Streets', . - . " NEW BERNE, N. C. Mr. 30. Crow . - J. J: Tolson &co. 1 BROAD STREET s .'..r : - ; -. .... . , ; (Second door last from Rsllroad) !T " Receives GOODS by every Steamer. The best of Potted , -1" r , Oannod O-ooda, " Best - grades of Coffee; rhest .: grades - Flour, best kettle I rendered Lard; k r -Very best selected BITTTCB,: Pre Apple TINEOAR, 8UUAI1 ofall grades ' Beat Fajnlly GROCKBIES,f ' ' - ' ALL KINDS. L v'r. - Our country" frienda: wilL jindi it to their advantage to call and: try pur ;-pri-J ces oeiore Duying ,.au goois ,okj at ' - Oouds delivered at aay part' of City " prompt and free. Broad Street aeeoad door cast asm Railroad. - f. w Apr. 1, 1 y JOHN-DUNN,- '-I : . MATOJFACfUBEB ' OF " And Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Steam refined Confectionery. V CANDIES, ' FRESH & CANNED FRUITS, V Crackers and Cakes, iS-fGlGARS, And all Kind of .CUildren'd TOYS . . WAGONS &e. &c I A; - V , POIXOCK St., New ;erae, N.C New Berne Advertisements. THOS. GATES & CO., OFFER A LARGE STOCK OF BAGGING AND TIES. PARTICULAR ATTENTION given to Coxognments of Cotton, AND HIGHEST MAEKEr PRICE GUARANTEED. SOUTH FRONT ST, , OPPOSITE GASTON HOUSE. kf sr. SO-w-lv. O.MARKS, HEADQUARTERS FOR lry Qo4h1h," Notions. ltocM, Trim iniiifrs and ' Iw-es of all Kinds, Table LdHcn. the Uet Taukiits. all liiuen. ironi o to '12 1 -iS cts apiece. llauiburjr Edjrluffa lit endless variety and sold at lowest prfces. .MOTTOES. - AND MOTTO. lIilVllfS UUSTIC FRAMES . . . ; ; " of all sizes. I make a specialty of bupplying the Jobbing : Trade.: Country tuer- ehauts are urvitcd to call and examine my extensive Stock Iietbro ba ying. Also the Celebrated . , STANDARD SEWING ' MACHINE S Ahe mIIowIbc miiIcmi Thb UrxSiBUIMl'nC, IIABTFORD AND HOUSEHOLD thf - three best Machines on the Market, : Do not forget the pi, 6. SI ARKS," ; r No. 30, PUoek St., :: Arlwly' "X;;';-?,-7New lsrie, W. C. " Small Profits and Quick Sales." II AGKBURirOR OTHER S, i WIIOI.lCSALKd KETAlt, GROCERS ; - Corner Broad and Queen Streets, y .' NEW BERNE, N. C. ' JOBEESS OF- ' ' LOKILLARD'S SMFFS ADD TOBACCOS ". Mar. SO, I y - ' E, m MEADOWS & m. - r '- .-- -; . .. - .- '.'- : DRALERS VS 1KUGS, SUi:iS and GUANOS, - Agricnltnral Chemicals. " J3T Trucker's Supplies a Specialt v New Jlerne, -N. C. pran-Sni vr For, 1IKAIACUK, TOltPIlX.IVJ5R ? aiid Cllf LLS, BERRY'S Measures taken for Clothing from ---- - a.t-r-. ,. Berry's Drng . Store. Tarties bnying for Cahi, can buy ? 1 DRCG.Sj JBA RpEN SEED. Paper and Envelopes, Paints, Brush ee, Glass, Toys, Wall Paper, and m.tny older things at bottom prices at Berry's Drug Store. Apr. 9 ly w. WM. LORGH, ' DEALER IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE CAST HOUSE ACCOIQIOSATIOXS. Broad St. New Berne, W. C rtvcMar. lift, D AIL BROS., WHOLES AE GROCERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS NEWBER Aprl, d w 1 y L N. C From the Ohio to the Sea. The Burnlnr of Marietta L.etli2 an Army Irftosa to Plunder and Destroy. (Detroit Free Press.) Neither Sherman nor his admirers have leen able to convince more thau a small share of the American people that his order removing the women and children from Atlanta was not a studied act of cruelty. When Bragg was driven out of Chattanooga, Rosecrans did not find it necessary to remove the woman and children, though he had a more reasonable excuse than Sherman. When Grant captured Vicksburg he issued no such order. Lee did not inniet such cruelty on the helpless people of Frederick City, Harpers Ferry, Sharpsburg and the other towns he captured. Burnside. did not do so at Fred ericksburg, nor Butler at New Orleans, nor McClellan on the Peninsula. All had the same excuses as Sherman, or could have found them, but noneiad his ma lignity. He meant to destroy At lanta before he left it, and he must nrst get rid ot the women and children. Atlanta could have been made a great base ofsupplies with out disturbing a single person, as dozens of other points had been, but Sherman had p..' better, plan. He could nol take the city with him. when he started for Savannah, and he would, not leave it to be reoccupied by the army which had defended it so well. AT MARIETTA. One of the most devilish acts of Sherman's campaign was the de struction of Marietta. One of the present editors of the Marietta Journal was then a. boy of 14, but he has " a vivid remembrance' of every incident, from the hour he heard the cannon shot which killed Polk to the afternoon he stood on the street and saw the family home stead in ruins and the Federal soldiers mocking at the grief of Ms poor old mother. If there was any excuse for destroying Marietta, then Lee' may be blamed for not burning every building in every Pennsylvania town he has passed through. The military institute, and such mills and factories as might ,be of benefit to Hood, could expect the torch, but Shernum was not content with that. The torch was applied to everything, even to the shanties occupied . by colored people. No advance warning. was given. The; first alarm I was'? fol lowed by ' the" crackling of flaines. Soldiers rode from houses io house, entered without ceremony, and kindled fires in garrets and closets and stood by to see that they were not extinguished. In some cases a' few articles of furniture had been saved. In others the women and children stepped fort h bare-headed to make the ground their bed and the sky ; their roof. If any one protested or asked for time a revolver or bayonet silenced and drove them out. Wlien night fell Marietta was no more." Three or four half-burned dwellings and the smoking heaps of ashes alone remained of one of the handsomest towns in the South. The people had not only been de prived of their homes, but of cloth ing aiidjproyisions as well. Next morning the hungry children were prowling around the Federal camps in search of bits and bones, and the women bad nothing. Sherman should have been there to gaze on the picture and to hear what was said by Federal soldiers who had wives and children at home and who had the hearts of men beneath the discipline of the soldier. PEEPAEATORY LESSONS. At the very opening of the cam paign at Dalton the Federal soldiery had received encouragement to become' vandals. Not one private soldier out of evory forty in that army turned robber and incendiary, but there were enough to cast a stigma on the whole. From Dalton to At lanta every house was entered a dozen times over, any each new band of foragers robbed it of some thing. When there was nothing In the shape of !money, provisions, jewelry or clothiog left, the looters destroyed furniture, abused women and children, and ended by setting lire to the house. As these parties rode back to camp, attired in dress es and bonnets, and exhibiting the trophies of their raids, and nothing was said to them, others were en couraged to follew suit. The treat ment of colord women was brutal iu the extreme, and not a few ot them died from the effects. One who has the nerve to sit down and listen to .what they can tell will had his inspect for the ignorant and savage Indians increased. But these were; preparatory les sons. When Shermaiicut loose from Atlanta everybody had license to throw off all restraints and make Georgia drain the bitter cup. LOOTING. In the first place Sherman inten ded to subsist on the country. Details were made from every reg iment to forage. The quartermas ters and commisaries took in all live stock, hay, grain, meat, etc., and destroyed what they could not carry off. Then the men who skulked out of the ranks to forage on their own account visited the houses and robbed them of what ever they fancied. Then the camp followers appeared to insult and abuse the helpless, smash furniture, rip open oeus, oreaK ouc wmuows and Wh 1 end by applying the torch. hen Lee invaded Pennsylvania his men loragen liberally, and 111 many cases cleaned out stores and houses, but where is the instance of an insult to a woman or burning of a farmhouse? It cannot be shown that they destroyed what thev could not remover In scores of cases Lee guarded farms so rig idly that not a rail was taken for fire-wood. The Federal who wants to learn what it was to license an army to become vandals should mount a horse at Atlanta and follow Sher man's route for fifty miles, lie will hear stories from the lips of women that will make him ashamed of the Hag which waved over him as he went into battle. When the army had passed nothing was left but a trail of desolation and des pair. No house escaped robbery, no woman escaped insult, 110 build ing escaped the fire-brand except by some strange interposition. War may license an army to sub sist on the enemy, but civilized warfare stops at live stock, forage and provisions. It does not enter the houses of the sick and helpless and rob the women of finger rings and carry oft' their clothing. SHERMAN'S REPORT. In Sherman's official report of his march to Savannah he says: "We have consumed all the forage on a line of thirty miles front from Atlanta to Savannah; also, all the sweet potatoes, cattle, hogs, sheep and poultry, and have carried away more than 10,000 horses and mules. I estimate the damage done to the State of Georgia at 100,000,000, 80,000,000 of which is simply waste and destruction." Does Lee's report of the Pennsyl vania campaign contain any such figures ? He had the same right to plunder, burn and destroy as Sherman had, and yet he did not destroy, outside of the town which Early burned, 200,000 worth of private property. The march from Atlanta to Sa vannah was so little opposed'" that it was a sort of holiday excursion to the Federals. He who desired to let himself loose had only to leave the ranks. He could rob and burn and Sherman had no reproofs. The more he destroyed, the greater hero he was. While only 20,000,000 worth of legitimate plunder could be laid hands on, these bummers were licensed to destroy four times that sum ;in private property, and they accom plished it in a manner to do credit to the savages of the West. M. Quad. Stocks- and Fntnrrsl What the South Has Gambled Away in the Last Ten Years. A letter of Mr. II. W. Grady in the Atlanta Constitution contains the following in regard to what the South has lost by gambling in cot ton futures and stocks in the last few years- I met Mr. R.O. Barker, of Selnia, who had been North for the sum mer. He said: "I have studied the situation pretty thoroughly, and do you know what the great of cur seof the South is f It is specula ion! I am satisfied that the Southern people, by speculating in cotton and stocks, send to the North from 25,000,000 to 50,000 000 every year perhaps more than the larger figure. In return for this they get nothing but ex perience, which don't seem to do thein good." I mentioned that Mr. W. II. Ininan estimated the South had lost 30,000,000 a year in spec ulation for the past ten years. "No doubt of it," responded Mr. Baker "not a bit. Now suppose this enormous sum had. been invested in improvements here instead of going North to keep brokers in riotons living? In ten years it would have stocked every farm in the South with the best implements the best, cattle and the best im provements; or it would have built fifty cotton factories of 30,000 spindles each in every Southern State. It wouid have built and equipped live times as many miles of railroad as are in Georgia and Alabama. Thinkofit. A people that has wasted 300,000,000 in ten years by betting with outsiders stocked againt us. "Is the tendency growing V "Yes sir, I was informed on this trip that the Southern people had never speculated so generally, so heavily or so unluckily during the past year. In my own town 1 not ice that the spirit of speculation is growing. 1 am constantly aston ished at finding new men at it. It is the crying evil of the day, and if I were a journalist 1 should give my whole life's work to putting it down. Suppose you have a busi ness friend that gambles. You are in despair about his business. So if a people gambles there is no sort of geneal economy or industry tnat will save them. They will throw away in a week the savingof a year. Think of what we could do if it was not for this terrible drain on our resources. I We make 300,000,000 worth of cotton annually, and !)0,000,000 worth of seed and oil. 80,000 hogs heads of sugar, rice and tobacco in ; enormous quantities we have our ! coal, and iron, and woods, and are I now largely raising our own ! provisions and wool. We ship our 'gold, fruits, truck in great quanti ; ties, and yet what progress are we ! making? Where are the fine farm i boost's, the tine stock, the factories, barns, shops, etc., that 1 his tremen dous surplus should give us .' We see but little of them, because our gamblingilebt amounts to 30,000, 000 to 50,000,000 a year, and ever dollar of it goes out of the country to bring nothing back. We do n:t appreciate the extent of thisevil. We see the effect in a peo ple impoverished that should roll in wealth, but we do not look for the cause. It is cotton and stocks peculation !" Bits of the History of New Berne- We were last on New street, telling the joke of the Academy boys and the plums. On the lot adjoining the Aca demy Green, as before stated, lived for many years Chief Justice John Louis Taylor. He was married twice. His second wife was the only sister of Wil liam Gaston. In April, 1818, he presid ed over the Superior Court in Craven for the last time. Soon thereafter the sys tem of our courts was changed. The Supreme Court, by act of the legislature in the winter of this year was oryan ized with three judges, elected by the legis lature John Louis Taylor. Hall and Henderson. Taylor was made Chief Justice. A communication in the Sen tinel of the above date says of hi3 last charge to the jury in Craven: "The Superior Court for this county is now in session; the Hon. John Louis Taylor. Chief Justice, presides, and opened the court on Monday last witli an impressive charge to the Grand Jury, a charge which for comprehensiveness of matter, perspecuity of arrangement, chastity of style and eloquent illustra tions, may, in our estimation, challenge a comparison with any production of the kind with which the public have been favored. We are among those who are of opinion that addresses of this charac ter, when duly prepared, are calculated to be eminently, useful in a community, in preventing crimes and promoting sound morality. In his remarks on the vices of drunkenness and profane swear ing, the Judge is peculiarly happy. We know not the essay of the moraLkt or the sermon of a divine tliat afforas so forcible persuasives against those odious and "destructive propensities." Judge Taylor afterwards resided in Raleigh. The Academy about this time was in a very flourishing condition, as it had been earlier in its history. The boys of 1780 and '83, now some of them eminent citizens, were its trustees, and their children were its pupils. Many of their sons, too, afterwards were promi nent in the political world in fact in every profession and occupation, while tneir aaugnters were noted for their exquisite loveliness, cheerfulness and accomplishments. In a social point of view then Newbern was at a high point, and had an enviable reputation in the State. Dr. Freeman was then the Princioal of the Academy. On Monday, the 31st beptember, 1818, commenced the semi annual examination of the students of Newbern Academy, and terminated on Thursday. "it is with great pleasure the trustees of the institution have it in their power to state, that out of nearly two hundred pupils belonging to the Academy not a single individual was absent by reason of m imposition,, and .it was a remark often repeated, with pleasure, by the numerous spectators, that not one coun tenance exhibited the paleness of dis ease." Remarkable, and recollect this too was the last of August. After a careful ex amination of the different departments of the Academy, a long report, in which every scholar is named, is thus con cluded : "The trustees are confirmed by every examination in the high opinion tliey had conceived of the Lancastrian sys tem ot education, b or rapid and easy diffusion of knowledge, at a diminished expense, it stands unrivalled by any pre ceding method of instruction. The pu pils employed every moment of their time, kept in habits of order and obe dience, constantly urged into a laudable emulation to excel, present one of th 3. most beautiful and affecting scenes that can be conceived. The institution owes much to Mr. Attmore for the zeal and ability with which he has enabled us to realize the advantages of the Lancas trian system. "The trustees would do injustice to their own feelings if they closed this re port without expressing their deep sense of the obligations which they' and the community they represent owe to the zeal of the able Principal, Doctor Free man; and their satisfaction with the at tention of the assistant teachers. " Dr. Freeman, was a Presbyterian min ister, and previous to the erection of either the Baptist or Presbyterian churches' preached for his pupils and others in the Academy. His piety was unaffected, and he was beloved for his gentleness. We recently heard an aged lady say: "If there ever was a Christian he was one, and we all loved him so much." No doubt Dr. Freeman would value such an expression from an old pupil of his, if he were now living, more than he would a statue in brass or marble. He lived some years in Wash ington, N. C, where ho also taught school and where we believe he died. The Lancastrian system was a ' school J in one room organized somewhat similar ' to the Graded School in different rooms we believe. Monitors, scholars of the I school, most advanced, had supervision i of the diffen nt classes. There was j marching and countermarching for j books, orders to sling slates and take j slates, swing into seats and out of seats, ! bowing out of school, etc., etc. The j different classes stood on the floor in I circles at the same time. The teaching : in the Lancastrian school was rigid, and ! the benefit of it was felt by every child ; in after life. Many of us can speak I feelingly on the subject, ami have often had Mr. Attmore "s left hand to fall upon j our ears like a clap of thunder from a clear sky. He sav on the end of a bench j and kept his hand swinging and the in- attentive boy near him never knew it ! was coming until it was there. Many ! of these young gentlemen promised when strength and age would permit to ; pay the faithful old teacher back with I "compound interest," yet when years j had passed away they were thankful for i his discipline and punishment. Mr. ! Attmore kept up his Lancastrian system ; of education in a room in the Academy ! until his death, which occurred about ; thirtj years ago or more. We have walked now nearly the en ; tire length of New street, and let us by ; the same street return to the Neusc. ; As it seems to be misunderstood I would here state that Mrs. Eunice Hunt was ! the mother of George Pollock and Mrs. Thomas Deveraux; they were own bro ther and sister. After their birth, Mrs. ; Pollock being a widow, she married a I Mr. Hunt, who was the father of Mrs. John Burgwyn. Mrs. Burgwyn there- fore was half sister to George Pollock ami Mrs. Deveraux. Mrs. H"Unt was not ' an Episcopalian but a Presbyterian, and j to her memory is a tablet on the walls : of the Presbyterian church, to which we nave oeiore anuaeu. iteorge j 01-loi-k lived for years, when in Newbern, in the house where now resides Mrs. M. E. Manly. lb; sold that place and bought the John Stanly property, which had before belonged to John Wright Stanly, his father. There Mr. Polloek lived for a few years before bis death iu the house a:: it was in the lit volution . near the corner of Middle and New street, the lot extending aloug New street, on which is the old Stanly office, to Hancock street. The exterior of the dwelling has been only slightly altered. Since its erection, a century ago, a portico in front has been added on the last few years, which- may add to the comfort of thote living in the house, yet it detracts, we think, from its appear ance. The piazza was put to the rear of the houw by the late John Black well when he owned and lived in it soon after Pollock's death. It has had sev eral owners since, and is now the resi dence of Mrs. C. W. McLean, a proper guardian for this still stately structure. It has rooms in it made sacred by the occupancy ot George Washington, Na thaniet Greene, and many other emi nent persons. When Edward Everett walked bv that hou io ho raised his hat. i observing, "Once the home of statesmen I and patriots. " i We shall allude to this residence again j in connection with the communication respecting John Wright Stanly and Capt. I Davis, from Wilson. I We have before stated the younger hpaight s residence, during the most eventful period of his life, was opposite the Stanly mansion, and also, on Middle and New streets on the opposite corner from the Spaight house too on Middle ami New street i the Catholic Church. To the liberality and efforts of William Gaston is its erection mainly due. lie did not survive long, however, after it was finished. Next we come to his office on New street and a few steps from it was his dwelling on the corner of New and Craven streets. Benjamin Woods, before referred to, owned and lived in this house previous to Gaston. The Blackledge house was opposite on the same streets. Now we are at the old Bryan tavern again. The front was north, and in our time on Short street. It is very evident no house of th it kind would have been located on the point of a triangular shaped lot with its rear on New, the principal street. Undoubtedly, origi nally the land of the hotel extended to Craven street west, and to Neuse Front, astrf-rontl street, east. It was then on a creek and after the creek was filled in those narrow streets. Change, Short and New, were opened. In 1723, we find an act increasing the township-of Newbern to two hundred and fifty acres, reserving to the owners thereof," the property of such lots as are already sold by William Hancock, attorney of Thos. Pollock, ete., and the rest of the land not already laid out be forthwith laid out into lots of half acre each, with con venient streets and passages, with fronts belonging to the said lots, eto. Next, in 1740, an act was paesed allowing persons willing and desirous to be inhabitants of Newbern to take up any lot or lots so laid out as aforesaid, and not before taken up upon the payment of twenty shillings Confederation monor, with a pepper corn yearly if demanded, as an acknowledgment to Cullen Pollock, his heirs and assigns, forever for each lot. Provided always, that, the person so ever shall take up and have convoyed to him any lot or lots as aforementioned and shall not build or cause to be built thereon within eighteen months after tho date of conveyance, a good and substantial habitable house not of less dimentions than twenty feet in length and fifteen feet wide, without shed, every such conveyance, shall be void, etc. We will publish more of these act j hereafter and tell also what our fathers paid- for their breakfast and dinner with grog, toddy or punchi f of a "cold supper," for a ' bed room aboye stairs" horse3 kept at livery eto. etc., at the Bryan tavern, the Fifth Avenue Hotel in its day. The writer of this was once in a room in the "old tavern" and wit nessed with an elder brother the mar riage, by our father, an Esquire, of a col ored man of Beaufort, James Ellison, to Pheabe Green of Newbern. She was a near relative of the Princess Green, emancipated with John Caru there Stan ly. In thoae days the marriage cere mony generally ended with "Salute your bride" and the report would follow nearly equal to the explosion of a charge in a gun. It was before free people learned from civilization the christian spirit of getting clear, at pleasure, of an objectionable wife or hu. band to try for "another and better pick." But then as now , there were some singular marriages in the land and our fathers would have their sport respecting them, for instance, fr ni a Newborn paper, 1808: Married, near Fort Mitchell, on the 14th of June, Mr. James Hall, aged twenty-three, to tho amiable and ac complished Miss Lucy Frisbie. tender maid of sixty-neve-n ! "If love's a flame that kindled by de sire, An old stick's surely best because 'tis dryer. " Thus all women were not grandmoth ers at 27, by a bow shot, previous to this generation. Now, Messers Editors, as imperfectly as I have given the history of New street, 3'ou must concur with me in the opinion that it was almost sacriligibus to change its name after it was made so famous by those great men living on it. As long as Newbern is known their deeds can not he forgotten. They make a State as well as a street and town great. Even more, do they not make a country great ? But we have had a long talk, perhaps too long at the corner of New (Neuse) street and East Front and must pass on, yet let us linger to say that not the least eminent and deserving of honor, among .those great men who have resided ou New street, in the estimation of his fel low citizens, was the last to fall when ripe for the Reaper. We need not tell we refer to the late Hon. M. E. Manly, who at various times had conferred upon him the highest offices in the gift of the State of North Carolina. His lst public service was as Mayor of Newbern. It was then through his influence the name of New street was changed to Neuse street. But with proper regard to his high position and experience, we think it was an error. It was breaking in uou old names, teaching us to (U s troy old land marks, changing the guide board of our fathers. "There is given Unto things of earth, which time has bent A spirit's feeling, and when he hath lent His hand, but broke his scythe; there no power And magic in the ruined battlement, For which the palace of the present hour Must yield its mmp. and wait until ages are its dower," Whatever Time vouches he hallows. We pause and linger when we see the traces of his finger, and New street brings our fathers before us. Let us keep their works in view. Come now, follow the Ncurp with us to the corner of Change and East Front streets. On the very spot where stand the d welling of Mr. Ethelbert llubbs, was the mansion of Col. Leech. There he for a generation entertained com pany with an open hand and geucrous heart. He was the father of the wife of he elder Spaight: She was the mother o( the younger Spaight and of Mra, John R. Donnell, and the grandmother of the Hon. It. S. Donnell. R. S. Don nell had no enemies, and to his friends his heart was always open and warm. As a lawyer he was equal to the best in North Carolina, so said Mr. O. F. Moore, ami as a parliamentarian he was not surpassed by any presiding officer evor in our legislature. He could and would have been made President of the State Convention after the war. His feeble health would not allow it, and Judge Reade was chosen topreside over its deliberations. ThefLeech bouse when erected was on the opposite side of the creek from Bryan's tavern. We have heard Mr. William Hancock, who was a descendant of William Hancock, the agent of .Thomas Pollock, and father of, Mr, James' Hancock and Mr. Robert Hancock, now in Newbern, often relate how he would come from his father's residence on the Lion Pasture plantation on Trent river, six or eight miles above this place, on his horse at night to par ticipate in the dances at the residence of Col. Leech. At the' Bryan tavern he would change his d rem for a ball milt, which he brought with him tied up ia a hand kerchief . After the dance, return -ing before, day, and getting his father's praises for industry iand . such early rising. The Leech mansion only, had four rooms in it, two very large 'ones and two quite small. " The Colonel was fond of company, , and never better pleased than when surrounded with visitors. The sideboard with the inevi table) punch was in the entry, and every visitor had free access to it, though, strange to say, no such thing as mania a potu was then known. Punch at that time seemed to redden the noee and "put a spur in the heel" and keep out of . the brain. But are we playing our part as well as our fathers, punch or 00 punch, dance or no dance? The com rag gene ration must answer? 1 Turning from this house and looking east we find before us a large cypress tree. Now on the land of the Hon. C. R. Thomas. It was originally the pro per iy of the Spaights. Some of the ear lier members of tho family -were there where the remains of an -old wharf can sometimes, at low water,' still be seen, engaged in mercantile business. ' His torians of the State fix the building of the first vessel in North Ptmlint in Newbern and it was under that tree, so saia our iainers living to the Revolution who received the information from their fathers, and we think- it cxn ha irn truth. - ':-. "Stern dweller" of the shore, 1 Two centuries thou cans't count, And perhaps as many more. This -tree is on the margin of the Neuse. with its Imnulitir rroal liftjwl nn above tho elms and cedars on the street west of it. it stands alone and ' erect, clear of treason and crime. No more blood can cry out against it.. -The tears of the widow and the hunger, of the orphan it never . caused under the shadow of its bousrhs. amid the thunilon Of the Revolution: whnn irlnnm nnA darkness seemed to-be noirclfng the American army Nathaniel Greene stood the friend and associate of the elder Spaight it was then Spaight's treeJ We can emagine Greene there almost in des pair, his army half famished, half naked,' he doubtful, it may have been of the success of the patriots cause. lie turns now to John - Wright Stanly, Greene is his guest asks him to give and it is freely given. Money loaned and never returned. With interest it would be millions after the lapse of a century. The pitchy cloud ju3t before bo threat ening, is nartiallr. at InAt Aian Greene returned to his army with lighter. new 1, ttuu uarnes joy , to nis men and their suffering families: . Some years pass by, the smoke of the war rises, the echo of the . last gun is hushed in the distance, liberty As as sured, our country is free. George wasiungion sianus beside that old tree; a dumb sentinel on the shore, it is; and it tells no secrets. Trusted before, it is now trusted by the great Captain of captains. Washington is the guest, too, of John Wright Stanly, Spaight their friend and associate is with theml He is importuned to aid in uniting States in the union of States, destined it seems, to make the grandest and most powerful nation the world has yet known, c We have beforo shown John Wright Stanly was after the war the associate of Caswell, of Leech, of Nash, of Spaight, heroes and statesmen. What think you of such a man in such COmnanv with such friAiwIa wKn Kn,l cowardly succumbed to the threats of his captors who for his liberty or his life had basely turned against his coun trymen V Would it not be reversing the accepted adage, that a man is known by the company he keep, and prove that a man is not known by the company he keeps? In our next communication we think we can convince "H. R. S." whose ad mirably told story makes us wish that he would write more of them for the Journal, and that he could assume our task in giving the Bits of the History of Newbern, we say we think we can con vince him that he must have located his hero in the wrong place. D. Polities In Onslow. Politics and politicians are the topics of conversation in Onslow at present, and the Democracy is gaining strength every day. There is no man who has done, or is now trying to do, more to bring harmony in the Democratic ranks than Hon. J. W. Shackelford. His speeches which lie has been making in behalf of Col. Greene has put the trood men of the county to thinking, and con sequently the people will soon begin to organize. 1 hear that Mr. Shackelford is going to canvass a portion of the 3d district. If he does, there is a rich treat in store for all who will go out to hear him. His speeches are eloquent and effective. The candidates for the different offices in the gift of the ieople of the county are numerous; aud still they come. Oh, blessed is he that wanteth not an office ! For surely he shall miss many an anxiety. Nono of the county candidates have commenced can vassing yet, except those running for the Legislature; and they have been having a hot time of it. Dr. Cyrus Thompson, the Democratic nomi nee, is gaining strength every time he speaks; aud it is predicted that J. 11. Foy will soon quit the field and leave the contest between Dr. Thompson and Mr. Gilman, the Republican candidate. There is a great deal of water on the ground at present. Cotton has been in jured, and fodder thaf was pulled last week is ruined. Ehi. I''lrt Bale In New York. We copy the following from the New York Juunal of Commerce: New Cotton. Tlie first bale of North Carolina cottou was received here yes terday by Messrs. Rountree Sk Co. It was shipped to them by Mr. A. II. Green, of Wilmington, N. C. Mr. A. J. Disney purchased the bale at auction io front ot the Cotton Exchange at 161 cents per pound. in Jirotiklin f.'ujlt . Thls,'aUl Mr. Pi 5 c r gazed around 00 Lis new a t six acres thi, my dear, U !...! 1 always wanted, -A farm ii l a I., r life are the highways to happlm Spoopeudyke, doq't you think t' : 'It s perfectly lovely, tvlo'itu -l " HHMpeud.vke. . I was born ou n ' and was always healthy, Okxi. 'i 1 to go giMHi ways for-water.' ; TH tlx Hint. my dear. r.-tui iu-1 : SiKopcndykey TH Ihui ' l!.e t Now, where are my agricultural r , I mut plant risrht wrt' II we an- . to have crop, and When ttu 'nc 1 We'll take them to market '1 See tliu reiMtrt says v'!ii inu t your hen cltopped turnip once iu a l. . said lrs. Hpoopundyke,-. utu; i thumb 00 the paragraph. 'Lither that or cabbage,' returned I lUsband. 'I dou't know w Lrl!, r v have cabbages enough,' he ecu,: '-.i musingly. You might Itave less buck wht -j.t.' gested Mrs. 8pooK'ndyfce 1 rf. think, though, that two acre h w enough lor one henl aud if it i, ' can buy a load uow and tin 11 I oeighbors. ... TH thiuk that over .'repli.-1 .' endyke. 'Here's one th'u j don't understand.. It says w f r a few seed before planting t, i.. they will germinate, but it don't f to do it.' . 'Maybe it meaus to bod th;.i,' gested Mm. Hpoopendyke ; 'or you . . Oh, perhaite you "think It m crack 'em with an ax to kcc if t hard I I s'pose you've got fui i " . stick straws into 'em to sic i; ; done 1 Well, vou don't you j s . em. I'll get some acid and !i, ... '. , anu 11 11 otscoiors 'em they're 1 and if it dou't they're id I rihi. we ouirht to have Some weevd 1 1 I dou't know where you're -U plant it,' saul Airs. Kpoopeiuh -," ! it will grow with buck a U, it r' , num. Xou can't put it iu l . , . uatftt, because the inir and ' h u , light.' " .. Don't you kuow what u ervd ! .' itiauded Air; Spoojtcndj ke, l.trili ; ict ' wiie. Uoi a uotiou U'a v weed for the pig to nuiokc. haven't Imagine its gUfc-ede uote jviiji ,, mouograiu :or him to write '1 well, it isn't a swallow-tad cmt (1 dug hut tor him to go to t tiuu h ueitliei! Vou dou't plant weevif, ; SlKwpeiidyke, any more than yu soup, orciotiiea-ptus, or stair-rod, y Duy 11 iu UutcIs, aud I'll order m.m, i U1111K we ou:t,t to tiuvc B.M.u u curtaius lor lite trout window,' ed Mra. SpMopeudyke, nuxiou u , the conversation. es, and w want a ibldin r i 1 for the t ow, and we've got to Uve a 1 arm-chair lor the pig,-mid JYi uu. those ctthbagcs Wou'l do wiU.n t a v nurse !' squealed Mr. Spooi u j ;..' suppose I've got Ij hire at m.iu t.., , that the meadow don't go lihliin 1 days aud upset your reliiuiii ii,, O I you're u fanner's wile, you 1,, t ! l j had time to write an Index to , . , get some dolantcd blaJer t, tit yen , with k fly-leaf, you'd niaku a w ! agricultural reporll' . Aud Mr. bpjopcudykti shot hitj 1 house and to tied, while his wife, f , . put all the oil lumps into bu , , water so they couldn't xphkl ii,t: the night, tell asleep dreams j-1' t 1 cabbage patch had elojied , : t onions, while the cow and t'.e. j I died of weevil, aud-the wind. m i" I abandoned agricultural ' ihji UiH u started otf; through Oina pm,!..: the Gospel. .'.'". , . i The Minister Ceud u Woadcr. . Apropos of the Egyptian trouble, w. wish to relate a little story, the circum stances of Which occurred during or np tdthe Holy Lin I several yjv or more ago, .t . i ' . ; .' f t lie was 11 devout Christian, and ! the study of the Jiiblc and a piv understanding of the ; liig JJook I highest aui m life. : 4 , When he arrived at the Sea of Gsl.l his heart was filled .with iwf, and 1 felt enervated and cleansed by t thought that lie was taring ou t!e very pot where his Savior once stood. Approaching the boatman,' ha a ! dressed him iu his choievwt A ruble, ar. ! with llible and commentary Iu hau l awaited ail answer; 4 1 "'' Ah! what 'smaller 'Ih Vcr? Why don't yer talk United States?' asked the u.t , contemptuously,' He was a 'nul l u Yankee who was picking up a 'living I v terrying tourists across the sea. . So this is the Sea of Galilee,' devout y murmured the searcher after knowhtd Ya-a-s.' 'Ajid this is where our Savior walkc , upon the water?' - -, Ya-V . . '.,.V';r.V 'How much will you cliare to tak me to the exact spot?' '- ' . . Wa-al, you look like ft clergyman, an I won't chnrge you nothinV ' The devout one boarded Uti boat, an I at last was pointed put ; where tl mirac le is said to have occurred. A fin gazing at the waters, and dividing ,U time between glances at his books and devout ejaculations of satisfaction, the searcher signified ids willingness to re turn. - ' " ; Charge you $20 to take you back,' said the speculative Yankee. , 'But you said you would charr nothing.' ' . . i Naw, didn'l, Nothlo to brini yon out. Twenty to git back.' ' : 'And do you charge everybody 2( to take them back?' asked the aloniahe 1 searcher. '". ' ' Ya-a-B. That' s abeout the' figger. ' Wall, theu, ald the devout oue, a he went down into his clothes, 'uo won der our Savior got out and: walked. New York dispatch,. ., , . ,. , n a A Tticlluru Traveler. ! A cood storv is told in the TiiIca .r the Time' iu the . September ' Centu?y, illustrative 01 tost armor ot reserve with which manv travelers think It'nwMwi..- to invest tliemselves. ; It is ofa country - man of ours who. having crossed the Atlantic urltli n i a im.m.i. . r....... beginning to the end of the voyage jUli not addressed to him one word, parte I from him saying airily: Well, ood-lj t ! YouwiUoow preceed, 1 suppose, 1, your home at the -Deaf aud Dun. Asylum!" . ' v- ' Bpoopendy kfl u.i 11 I

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