THE JOURNAL.; NEW BEUNE, N. C SEPT. 14. 1883. Mr. John F. Blewfcbrn-, i Klaston, h9 a lint of oar subscriber at that of fice and utiiif of tbe neighboring of ees. He- is antharluJ eolleet and teceipt for snbseripttOBa (o the JOI7R- HAL. ' : r. -' ' .- V -is '; - : . Kinston. Items. Corn, SI. 00 per bushel. " -'-.J -' Meal,S1.20 " . '. '.., - Wheat, S1.C0.' " ..V . - .. - -.' : N. C. Haras, 20c. per tt.- '''- v' ;,-' Sides, 18c ,"; ..'.;, :.. ..V; Shoulders 18c .'. ' "!, . ' ' ' - Beeswax, 22c ... . -': . -;V.' ", Chickens, 30 to SOcper pa-.- L! -; Eggs, 15c per dozen. ' .- :- ". - - The above are retail prices. V .'.:.' . Cotton (Baled) 11c to llic " V : Cotton, seed, Sic. f-U-.Kyf'..M' About twenty-five . bales of. cotton came in last week, ; W F, Stanley bought twenty-one bales.; . .. -: . v Miss Julia B. White of this place left 4l iuay ior ias. juary h stuucn at xuticigu, where she goes to complete her. educa tion. , - , T j - . Mrs. E. F. Coxi with her children, arrived home last Tuesday evening from her trip of health and pleasure, in the western part of tlie State. ,'. V'-- t The little toy of Pete Phillips living in Vance township, who was scalded . last vveok by the breaking, of a coffee pot handler, has since died of his : inju ries. : - -f'. ;-.s':--':r..-5-; John A. Parroit.'a eon of the late James M. Parrott, died on Friday night last, after weeks of great suffering. He was a youn man of exemplary life and his loss will be sadly -felt. E. W. Bizzle, of La Grange, who ran for Register of Deeds two years ago is aain the candidate for the same posi tion. He is not so well known, but - is said to be a gentleman of fine, business qualifications - .' . ' : F. B. Loftin, Esq., candidate - for the republican Senatorial nomination from (ireen and Lenoir, stirred the political v luers-from the bottom at Snow Hill L. t week. His speech is Baid to have been a masterly effort. -' " i'". '-."'-'- The Republican nominee for Superior Court clerk in Jones county may look out very soon for. a sweeping cyclone in iiis section. It is said that Dick Stan ford, who whitewashes - very ' neUy when he 1 andles the paint brush, has been employed to investigate the pedi gree and record of this candidate during tlie late -war. - ' r- ''V .r;-- '-- -'-. Capt. E..Rrage, the Republican can didate for the House of Representatives in Jones county, was in town several ihivs last week. He made a wide awake representative in the last General A-nibly, and the people and he Re- ..can party or j cues wui promote i . if--,;- mfpist nvr retuminir nun mine ' next legislature. ' . - It appears that the Perrys are very lucky in; Republican conventions.- In the rommation ior csuperior uourt ciers cfj county, it is said the colored brethren drew the colored line in favor of the nominee. Perhaps the nominee will now abandon the proposition to e: blisli a Whipping post at every col oii -J man's door in the Suite. . ; Anthony Davis, Esq., of Pink HiU, was in t n last Monday fixing up his "war paint" for his enemies whore; cently ci r.trived his defeat for the Leg-' islature. It is said he will put Uncle Kiiby Jones on the war path, -vho pro poses t bring in the scalps; of Sheriff Davis, lawyer ferry and their Lieuten-ant-Gener; I Dk'k Vhitfieldr next No vember. The Democratic- countyltonvention at Kinston last Saturday, it is said nomina; ted a strong ticket for the' legislature and for - county officers. -Dempsey "U ixxl. Jr., is brought out for the House branch of tlie legislature. His family nnectiuns unite him with a large por tion of ihe Republican partybesides lie carries a strong pocket book and-is a clever fellow in every way. i-j-yyy, - B. W. Cannady, of the business, firm of Miller. & Carjnady, lately mayor of Kinston,' takes tlie . place, for county treasurer. He is a young man of popu lar manners, is a gooa wire puller, - has great material solidity, runs the Kinston Machine Shop, runs a large . Hardware store and several plantations, and still Ikis capacity to manage 'with success the county funds. . ". .- J. D. Hntton, Esq. there is a . resgi ment of Buttons, white and colored ' in this county is the candidate for Sher iff. He is a good man of "good old stocK," flaring and energetic, runs a t every voter before breakfast and will certainly reduce tlie Davis "fraction" to the decimal of an nought before - No vember next. 1 - - , v . -' Our Lieutenant Governor, Major W. J. 1 iarret. seeks to add to the title of J ., ge of Probate to the many surround ings of his name. : It is not yet known that Governor Jarvis will permit this nomination, since it : breaks the slate made by the Governor and Billy Wood pile to save tlie State two "years hence with Robinson "and Bartett.- A - ukase is expected from the Capitol counter manding this nomination and ordering . th a -faithful "to hold Barret and save the State." . ;;- . . . ... - - Tlie threat of the revival ' t the Ku Klux by "Old Bart", and .the -certain ty of many sudden ; deaths from- the '"worm of the Btill" after, the election, offering in . inviting prospect for '.bu siness , have induced our life long friend, Durham Grady, to stand for Coroner II is i lace will pay well well unless all appearances fail. Such is the Demo cratic ticket. , It has youths beauty and the "root of all evil" with ; which to ' fight the so-called Republican ticket and vol victis is the sigh of the hopeful Independents. - Endorsing resolutions seem. to. share the like fate in democratic as in repub lican conventions. ; One was introduced last Saturday- in t he . Democratic . con ' venton, endorsing Hon. Matt W. Ran som as umtea otaies jsenator ana sus- :1 gpfting his re-election-by the nex( legis- lature lue Jarvis wing of the party juniea t it ute av'uucK a iter-a jome .bug " an J jioon picked all the fife out of ir. I f i lift frlend-i tt h-nn-rrni-;nr -.. :w vigilant and faithful iif olher coun- ties as in this; orir wily aid working chief jnagistrate win surely recc-cause .itt the noar future 'tThe applause "f listening 1. nutesxo rommaiia."..'-! ; Tlie action of our county commission ers last Monday in altering Woodington - township so as to make three townships thereof turns out to be a "little tod pre vious" au.l 'contrary - to ? law, and Kainstthe .-peace.. and : diguity "of the fetate-' - - The act authorizing the county Pftnimiinrtorii in olfAr fir -praatA -nflar .- pence shall sit with them when doing - this k md of work.' The justices' of the ,"" count y were not notified of the intended , action of:. the commissioners,: nor did a majority pf the justices sit with them .- when they altered Woodington town- thip" Tlieir action, therefore-,; is null and void. ... . -s-; Tlie management of the Midland Rail-r- road seems to be giving great dissatis- i ; nating favors against farmers and col ored "The manao-pment peril up their free excursion feats, entirely: ignoring both fanners and colored mer chant, who- - likely ..contribute more towards feeding, and f sustaining" the , roadthan the whole batch of favorites w ho partake of their - special- favors. The neglected ones shpuld remember, however, -that; tlie tlNeuse River "Navi gation -. Company" carries freight and passengers with neatness and dispatch and deals justly, and etiuallr with all uvub iv. iaa, coiror previ ous condition," . ' The impulsive and indomitable Frank Parrott is after, the "Hubbs fraction" for publishing a resolution,' purporting to have been passed at the Republioan convention at Kinston on the 26th. of LAugust last, endorsing Ilubbs for Con gress, which : resolution never saw the light of that ; convention, x- It was an after birth of the convention and now has the odor of putrifaction about iti Frank declares the one hundred and five, thousand colored population in this district must , have a representative of their race in the law making- assembly of the country. The carpet bagger must give way to a rightful representative of the colored ace. . - , -The Hutbsi'fraction,'' it seems, can not get tllcrliang of the clause, sine die. It has come to be quite as fatal to their Conventions device is to their tickets. They adjourn Conventions Vwithout a day", " "which pf course puts the pre siding officer out of authority as well as forever disbands the body over which he presides. The same presiding officer then calls the" same Convention of dele gates to a particular dcj and goes through the.farce of doing what ought to have been done before adjourning sine die and calls its work regular and its beneficiary, a nominee . Again, a pre siding . officer.1: . after adjourning his Convention sine die and the Convention disbands forever, -coniiocts a resolution endorsing a favorite for position and then publishes this Peter Funk resolu tion as the act. of the Convention over which . he presided. Now these pre siding officers, '..with, their advisors, who practice this sort of mental legerdemain areT. either drowning nien catching at straws, or a cheeky Bet of "damphols," as Doesticks would say, who ought to be relegated to the limbo of political oblivion. ' - ; ' La Grange Iterar. Corn, 80 cents. ; Meal, SO cents. . r' Pork, 15 cents, retail. ' N. C Hams, 18 cents. Cotton; Hi cents. V . Voods are arriving in quantities, u. Moses, infant son of John L. and Julia Walters, died in t this place on the 3d inst " ' -- . , , , ' The first bale of new cotton of this season sold in this place, was sold on Saturday by W S. rUzzell, at Hi cents, Edwards & Murchison being the pur- chaser3,i4i'r5;l';" " " 'Iiasfe' week there wan in this place almost a meat famine. But few of the merchants had any. and these few . but a small quantity. Farmers should have their meat houses at home. - The- wet, cloudy: weather is certainly very unfavorable, to; the ' cotton crop. In this connection I see that commission merchants are urging upon farmers the benefits to be derived, from getting cot ton xtut dry, assorting so. as to not have lorn irrnHMi-n IVia camA tiatr" wViioli -liotr lcail. -TOix-packed, " and the great neces sity of sheltering after packing. ; , SiniWooten had up his sign, selling at cost for - the next " fifteen .days for cash," iast week. The last two words prevented many ; sales. M. S. Webb, next door tOv Sim, puS out hisy - at cost selling at cost." They were both taken, down the latter part of the week, but I learn that when Webb wishes to make a sale, he twists his sign, and Slover Ervan, who does businessonposite, goes over and makes a purchase. -The Postmaster at this place has. re.-. ceived over two hundred f postal cards. enquiring for one Johnston Campbell who is represented to havedrawn $1,000 in the. Kansas City, ixutery. Unite a number of letters .addressed to said Campbell has been received at this office, some of .which have ' been stent to the dead letter office,'ahd as the man ia not known to be about here,: the enquiry is, i the Lottery A fraud-, and who is Jolm ston Campbell?. - . " ? Tlie - County Democratic Convention met last Satnrday, y Tlie desire previous to the meeting in this section seemed to be,, tliajt 'candidates' be selected who couhl com mand the support of the party, and that one be.' especially -selected for the "Legislature; who could discuss, be fore the people the issues between the parties, nphold ; the time honored prin-: ciples of democracy, and materially; aid in the campaign m carrying. Jthe aiarty to victory. . Of the candidates selected, l nave neard s no objection to speafc or, except that made for the Legislature. -' ' The objections to Mr. '. Wood about here, so far as I have been able to learn, are first, his want of ability to canvass, and second, that he is not sufficiently, identified with the- party. . , As. to first, no one thoroughly acquainted will raise any question; and as to the second, it is charged that he has . in every : election, the last probably excepted) voted for the Republican candidates , for. county ofiice&r I understand that in other por tions of the county, he will be objected to on account of his position on the no fence law -The question now is, will the party support him ? ' ; ...' ". Dcmoeratle Nominee In Lenoir. The Democratic Convention of Lenoir was held at' Kinston ; yesterday. - The chairman of the executive committee called the meeting to order and made a a good, sensible speech, . ; ; .- - -. Mr. A. J. Loftin was - called to the chair, Daniels of tlie JVee Press was re quested to act as secretary and Nunn of the-JouBKAL assistant secretary. - .: On - motion v the .temporary organ iza was made permanent. .- v - On a calf, of the different townships all were found to be represented. - On motion of R. ; W. Pope, the plat form adopted by the State Convention was endorsed. . - , , Moved and ' adopted that all resolu tions he acted upon before the nomina tions. - -Maj. W. J. Barrett offered the follow ing resolution which was adopted: v Resoleed, . That the Democracy of Lenoir county,; in full Convention as sembled, heartily endorse the Senato rial course -of : Hon. - Matt W. Ransom and had him as a true representative of North Carolina, whose interests entitle him tooths lasting gratitude of the peof" pie oi jn ortn Carolina. ; , ; ; Moved and adopted that the Conven tions proceed to, nominate candidates in open Convention..., I The following were nominated: f;l '-; For the Legislatuie, Dempsey Wood of Falling Creek I for Clerk of the SW perior Court, W .-' J.. Barrett ; Sher i if , J . D. Sutton; . Treasurer, B. W. Canady; Register of Deeds, E. W. Bizzell: Coro ner, Durham Grady. . W t f Tl II t It fr Skril tn I? Mf 'rkl ii r r ; .-1. tljf-fPrevloHS Condi tiou. Snow Hill, Sept. 9. 1882. 1 Editok Mbssekger: At the Republi can .Conentioniow being held-here, ine nominees iuus; lar .n re; ror iiouse of Representative, W; T. Dixon, (pres ent Representative), for Sheriff, Jan. S. Smith; for Coroner, Hymbrick Harpor, coL; for Clerk Superior Court, D. W. Patrick. -Mr. Fred joftin, of Kinston, (new eont?err) has just made a speech and in his concluding remarks said: '"Let us all go to the ballott-box in November and vote the solid Republican and coa lition ticket without regard to race, color "or ' previous condition of servi tude." He was enthusiastically cheered by the colored "brethren." His speech was very bitter. They are just now calling for O'Hara. He was endorsed as candidate - for Congress. I write hurriedly as the mail is about to close. GltEENK. Goldsboro Messenger. ' Jlaine Election. We learn from the following telegram received in the city yesterday evening that the Dutch have captured Holland : Washington, D. C. WeTiave carried everything in Maine; Governor, Congressional and Legislative tickets. D. B. Hendeefkjn. Sec. Ve publlsli below the op-lis day of a linruber of the Fall Superior- Coiu-tu Our Canvassing Agent, Mr, C. fl. TAT. LOB. will be ion hand to solicit new snbsef ibera and to collect from the old ones. Will onr gnbscribers b hind enough to hunt htm up and pay up past dnesl We take pleasure in hearing tes timony to "the fact that,: in the past, the JOURNAL subscribers have been very prompt In paying up, and we only make this notice because our subscription list 'is so large that our agent can only meet with the bulk of ocr subscribers during the Superior Courts. Pitt' i omt (o s')iL is. tri-ei-ne - ' . . uet. .lones ' ' Onsiiw " - " lt-noir Carieri-t llarf . Hjt.' I'nmlico Hi'aulVn t Martin . -. ......,. Kov. 11. New Berne Items. Mr. J. Ii Rhem. has about 25 acres of fall crop irish tytatoes. They are look ing welLVv Our townsman, A. G. Hubbard, Esq., we regret to say. is still confined to his room. ' A few days ago Mr. Geo. W. White, of Onslow, killed a buck weighing 150 pounds, dressed. Pretty fail buck. The man, "Mr." Laugh lin, an employee of the Midland Company, who was Cut in an affray by I)r. Robinson at Smith field last Sunday has, we learn, died. -The;IemOeratici County Executive Committee met in this city Tuesday and determined to "call 'a county con vention for October 7th, to nominate candidates for county officers. We learn that at a. meeting of the Cotton Exchange, held was decided to rent the vacant lot in front of the Exchange and floor it over for the benefit of the cotton sellers. Mr. J. W. Pelletier of Pelletier's Mills bought on Saturday an engine for ginning purposes from Mr. J. C; Whilty. -Mr. Whitty sold aleo on same day a Ctttver Condenser to Mr. E. B. Cox.'-V . "j - . 1 - - - . t ..- New Berne's first bale of cotton "was on the market .Saturday. tl Major Den nison was the owner, haying ginned it from differexit lots that he had bought up." Tlie sample w-aaiBfeVior'and'tliie pvynerosclnded ,to ship. C Isaac Smithy Esq.; Mr, Page's contest ant for legislative honors in the Trenton convention, says that a large part of the colored voters in Jones have determined to run Moses J. Green . for the Legisla ture anyway. He says they want one of their own orace to represent them Religions IS'eirw. . The Baptist revival at Polloksville continues, with niucli interest Seyeral confessions were made :up to Monday. The meeting is conducted by Rev. Mr. Cashwell assisted by Rev. Mr. Baker. The Exod listers. ' We occasionally ear from the col ored people who went ; to Kansas and Indiana : three years ago. They have failed - to better their condition and many Vould gladly come back. We saw several days ago a letter from one N, R. Hatch-of ShelvilleInd., to Mr. W. H. West of Lenoir county making earn est and pathetic appeals for help in re turning to North Carolina. He closes up with the characteristic inquiry about how the colored churches were getting along in.Jiis old neighborhood. - Bringing; In the Stalks. Mr." Walter Bray brought in to Mr. Geo. Allen on Saturday, a cotton stalk from Capt. Gray s farm, with more than fifty: bolls on S it and the cotton was planted in the latter part of May.' Mr. F. S. Ernul brought in on same day, a stalk of cotton measuring 8 feet 9i inches, and with limbs four and five feet long. fThere1; was a considerable, sprinkling fbolls, but not in propor tion to stalk It was raised by a tenant, Charles Keys, on Mr, Ernul's farm on Swift Creek on upland that had been , cleared 100 years. - - i-ii Crop on South Creek. & Capt. W A. Thompson who has just returned from a trip to Portsmouth via South Creek, gives us the , following in formation about the crops: i Cotton is materially damaged ; there will, not be more than one-fourth of crpp made on the beach land, but on the swamp land ittis not injured so badly. Two thirds of a crop isa fair estimate. Corn is yety- good. "There will be more made this year than ever before. Rice is very good: the acreage is not as large as last year, but double the quantity .will bg made fjplhe acre. Political Points. Johnson Bryan was in the city yester day and in an interview by ' a Jouenai. reporter reveilea the following as the status of politics in the Core Creek sec tionr-. -.- i j . ' - The Greenbackers are caving in and looking for their holes. The Liberals all have the sore. nose. The -Republicans are all on crutches. "There ain't one that can walk without a crotch,. V . . Between Hahn andStimson it is "hip and thigh." . . v. .- - The Democrats are straightening up. Some of them are now eight feet high and will soon be ten. Teachers for tlie Graded School. The tiustees of the New Berne Acade my at a meeting held Monday evening elected the following as assistant teach ers for the Graded School : Prof. Geo. W. "Neal, Miss Corinne Harrison,. Miss Rachael Brookfield, Mrs! A. . B. Ferrebee, Miss Annie D. Chadwick, Miss Pettigrew, of Washing ton county, and Miss Core of Norfolk, Va. In addition to those. Prof. John on,is allow ed the privilege of selecting one assistant. "! The teachers selected give assurance that the Graded School will be success ful froni the beginning. Five of them have won enviable reputations in this city as successful teachers; and Miss Pettigrew brings a flattering recom mendation from the Nashville, Ten nessee Normal School, aud Miss Core is highly recommded by the Norfolk Fe male College. The names of two huudred and sixty pupils had been enrolled up to Monday night. - -. ? r - New Advertisements. Einstein, the "old reliable" of Kin ston, comes back to his first love in this week's Journal. While in Kinston he was our heaviest advertiser, and his in creased sales showed that it was money well spent. Oscar Williams tolls of his advent in Kinston commercial life. "A new broom sweeps clean,'1 and it is worth while to irive him a trial and tret the benefit of his first efforts. Humphrey and Howard of New Berne tell of their attractive stock of goods. They are driving merchants, and we hojKj that their increased trail e this fall will convince them that money put in Journal advertising is a good invest ment. Maj'or Howard wants to gin cotton for the public, and he is too well and favor ably known to need any commendation. The announcement of the fact that he is prepared to do custom work is f.uili cient. R. Rayncr of Kinston, the politest merchant in Eastern North Carolina, makes his politest how to tlie readers of the Journal. His goods are as ni-e as his manners, and that is saying much for him. Mr. N. M. Gaskill of this city tells the young men where to get their fashiona ble clothing made up: give him a trial and be convinced. New Berne Cotton Market Hie Cotton market has .not ,opened here yet, but we pi'edict that when it does commence, this' market will have no superior in the Stated " The 'buyers hero are dealing direct with exporters and manufacturers, and the; facilities for shipping are better than ever before, and better than any other market in the State Wilmington, perhaps, ex cepted and there is no reason why the best prices tdiould not be paid.; The Raleigh and Goldsboro markets may sometimes show better prices on paper from the fact that a better grade of cot ton is made on the uplands than in this low country, but if our Siuithfield and La Grange subscribers will try this market with some of their fancy staple we think they will be well paid for their trouble. V "; 'f't-ffi ' One plan we expect to follow in the future, as in the past: The Journal is published in the interest of farmers and not cotton buyers, and if the buyers here don't pay the best of prices we expect to let it be known. Your Name in Priut. Mrs. Henry -R. Bryan, and Miss Cartway left yesterday for Kate New York. Mi3s Willie Brooks of Johnson's Mills Pitt county is visiting friends in the city. Mr. Bi-yan McCullan, Sr., and lady are in the pity visiting their ons Oscar and Lafayette. Henry Archbell of the Kinston Bak" ery was in the city Tuesday. Mr. C. W. Hollowell of Pasquotank county, owner of the Nags Head prop5-erty-called to see us Tuesday. Sorry we were not in. the office at the time. Mr. C. E. Foy( has returned from his Northern trip much improved in health. He is now ready for business.', , Charles H. Blank has returned from the purchase of a large stock of goods, and has a business-like step. G. M. 1. Dail was on the corner again Tuesday in good .trim for Work. J. f. Brogden, of Trenton returned from New York Tuesday and was looking as peart as a echool boy. " Mr. T. C. Whitaker a me rchant of Trenton was in the city Tuesday. Mr. John R. Harding of Kinston is in the citv. He intended; leaving oil the Shenandoah for Union College, Schen ectady, NY. Tuesday, but a too long search for a jewel who had left the city eaused him to arrive at the wharf just ten minutes after the boat had left. ' Rev. N. M. Jiirneypassed up the road Monday morning on his way to the Sovereign Grand Lodge I. O. O. F., which Convenes in Baltimore next Mon day. 1 " " Mrs. Sarah Taylor and Miss Colo who have been visiting this section recently, returned to Chapel Hill Monday. Gen. R. Ransom is on a trip North on business connected with government works in his charge. Mr. Matt Manly returned on Sunday night from Maryland, whither he has been spending the summer, and is now ready to tackle the new erop of cotton. Messrs. Win. Cavanaugli, B. W. Marshburn and C. N. Marshburh of Onslow are in the city. They report crops in their neighborhood Cotton Reports. From letters received by the" New Berne Cotton Exchange, from different farmers in the adjoining counties, we collect the following reports: . - C. S. Wooten of La Grange reports cotton "three weeks late; with lare weed but not fruiting as well as usual. " W. H. West, Kinston: "Too much rain since July; crop ten daysi late; grassy; badly shedded on light land; pretty fair crop on stiff land. -, ; . f Isaac Brown, Tuckahoe, Jones county: "The almost incessant rains since mid dle of July has Caused too much weed on strong land and stopped growth on light land, and but tew bolls . made since Aug. 1st. The outlook is from 20 to 30 per cent less than last year, and picking will hot commence before the loth or 20th. A full average corn crop; too much rain for peas and potatoes. " J. M. F. Rhodes, Comfort, Jones county: "I think the cotton crop is cut off one third, I have 16 acres that will average 5 feet high, and will aver age 30 bolls to the yard in length. Would have made two bales per acre of a good year." W. H. Dail of ; Snow Hill: "Crop about same as last year too wet now and too.drythen. We expect ait aver age crop; but for the fearful rains we would have made much over an aver age one." . E. B. : Hargett & Bro., Silver Dale, Onslow county : "Labor inferior and very scarce. Not more than one-half or two-thirds of an average crop will be made on account of excessive rains. " ' John Pearce, 5 Polloksville, N. C: "Rains have increased the stalk and decreased the bolls. Tlie crop stands about 85 per cent.'? D. S. Aman, Palo Alto, N. C: "Cot ton two w;eeks late; labor ten per cent short, and crop poor." E. F. Sanderson, Polloksville: "The rains have caused the cotton weed to grow very rapidly but not boiled accord ing to growth." C. H. Fowler, Stonewall: "Crop later by 15 or 20 days; owing to inces sant rains since July 4th, has not had its fnll share of plowing; is in bad con dition." J. W. Sanders, Sanders' Store, Car teret county: ' "Rust or some disease is causing cotton to shed its leaves and to ripen. Many fields are now opening, and t!i ' crop will be out by Oct. 15th. W. S. Hell Jr., Newport: "Condition of crop tolerably good better than hist year, though injured some by rains in the last thirty-days. Hyde County Item3. Have been very busv over since I heard from you, but I send a few items picked up between times. Mr. Williams of your village, has been visiting relatives. Protracted meeting going on in the Methodisth churh at Swan Quarter. Mr. Thos. R. Jarvis of Sladesville, lost his infant daughter last week. I hear of no weddings, but courting is progressing finely. Look out for news when the cold season sets in. Rev. Mr. B.irbour, on South Lake,-is bereaved over the loss of a little i-on He died unexpectedly, of congestion Aged about 7 years. I see that Geo. Credlc is determined to keep Hyde ahead. Perhaps that barl" had a very large bunghole or the bungiiolc In 1 n vivij -an t'l b trrjl. Price, the Liberal, has been to Swan Quarter. He made his little speeches consisting chiefly in arraigning the Democratic party. We tlroiight he a Liberal judging from his speech he is a Radical. Rice crips are very line, but tlie worms have appeared and serious in ju ry is feared. Corn is more or less in jured in all parts of the county: on some ot tlie low- lands auout raiment a total failure. Cotton is weeding finely, but I have not seen an open boll. Beaufort Items. Miss Matilda Arondell (lied in the city on Tuesday, aged 59 years. Mr. W. F. Kornegay of Cohlsboro, Mr. N. M. Lawrence of Tarhoro, and Rev. N. M. Jnrney. are now ilshin? bv the day. Mr. Kornegay hooked a mackerel which he said pniled like a mule. Julius F. Jones was on Thursday nominated by acclamation for sheriff. Rev. li. II. Harding on the fourth ballot was nominated for the House; Dr. li. E. Walker for clerk of Superior Court, and Rev. John liumiey for register of deeds. There was no discord in the c invention. Oil. W. J. Green and Gov. Jarvis spoke in front of the Ocean View hotel. Jones'tfounty Itemsv" Jno. "W. Wooteh, Esq.', had the mis fortune of losing two of his, horses one day last week. , i i It is very quiet in Trenton now, noth ing to relieve the monotony but an oc casional political discussion. ; Hope the citizens of the county will remember Hon. J. W, Shakelford will speak at Trenton next Saturday , the 10th inst.1 : ' . - . Thcr land of Thos. F. Worley was sold to-day' by the ? county commissioners; H."C Koonce bought it, paying $1201. 00 for it; " .'- Mr. Jas. Pollock of Trenton, who has been so very sick,' we are glad to ; know is rapidly improving and we hope will soon be up again. , - ---.Mr. Jno. I. Heath, one of -our ener getic and successful farmers brought the fir i lot of seed cotton to this market this season, which was sold for 3.37 per hundred. We were shown on last Saturday by jr. ocaroorougn some ot tne nnest ap- i pies we nave ever seen. - lney were presented to him by Mr. Andrews of of Beaver Creek. The heaviest weighed 13 ounces and three of them turned the scales at 37 ounces. ; Miss Fannie Koonce, daughter Of Mr; Amos Koonce about 18 years of rge died at home on Cypress Creek last Sunday-morning of the typhoid fever. Miss Fannie had been for several years a consistent member of the Methodist church. Swansbo'ro items. Mr. Lemuel Mills caught 000 mullets in one night this" week, li in size, hear, the mouth of New river. Capt. Heady is now prepared to furn ish fish in any quantity and at all times and so is Capt. James Loughlin ; both have good fisheries. Some Weddings on hand, will tell next week. No deaths lately; Doctors are starving. Alarmingly healthy etc. So mote it be, Amen. , Monday last was a big day in Jack sonville. We thought we would see fighting .going on between the candi dates, but all passed off without it not enough spirits drank; , only one man drunk, Capt. Peter . Way who always attends to the drinking part the first Monday, and by the by he made the best speech of the day. We have had lively, times here for some time. People are all lively, health" good, crops not very bad, plenty , to eat so far as fish, clams and oysters are con cerned, and the' merchants are about going off North to buy their fall stock of goods, etc. Pittman. Mattocks and Dennis are going, but our old friend Thomas S. says he will not go this time, her will send by the rest of them for his stock. Mr. A. F. Farnell, jr.v is picking cot ton; he has a large field open but says he don't think it will turn out as good as he expected, but cprn, field peas and sweet potatoes he has enough to fatten all the hogs, squirrels, cows' and bears in the neighborhood, and then will hare plenty left for a dozen families Tor one year, notwithstanding John Summons says he has 150 coons to every 200 yards square on his plantation. , A grand farmers 'picnic at Montfoit's mill last Saturday, a .regular fish fry; about 250 present, and so sure as you live, fish and clams did not go begging. Heady had furnished the clams and J, A, Kellam the -fish.- A splendid time, bu t very warm, and the young wido wers were fairly splurging. Only eight widowers, and all candidates, too; just think ' of it. Not all candidates for county offices, such as have been men tioned, but candidates for matrimony! a still better office. Mr, Sol. Gornto concludes that he is a candidate now, and wants the young ladie3 to vote for him, so does Mr. Micagah Farnell .and Maj. 1 . O. Fonville, all young widowers and candidates for matrimony and think from the way they acted Saturday they will soon b3 elected. Mu.c and danc ing was a part of the picnic amuse ment.' More snake3 thU Week. Mr. T. Marshall was getting his fodder last week when a large coach-wlnp snake attacked him and his boy; tho monster had a white rabbit in his mouth, and was 12 feet long. He attacked the boy, who is about 13 years old, and if it had not been for Zeph, probably would have whipped the boy to death. The rabbit was a genuine white rabbit; don't know where it came from. The snake was killed, and Bryce Morris killed a large rattle snake 7i feet long with 14 rattles, and measured 22 - inches around; his rib bones were 5 inches long; inside was a live raccoon and a dead blue heron. i. II. Littleton saw another snake yesr terday near Maj. Fonville 's 10 feet long but did not succeed in killing him. It was of the coach-whip breed, so says Mr. Littleton; but as Mr. L. didn't kill the snake we don't know how he got its length. Guess he measured him as he run. Last Saturday, some 200 or 300 assem bled to hear the speech of Hon. J. W. Shackelford and some of the county candidates. The speech by Shakelford was as good as usual; he spoke in in terest of Col. W. J. Green for Congress and the nominees generally of theDem ocratic party. J. H. Foy, independent and C. S. Hewett, also independent, with Dr. C. Thompson, nominee, all made speeches, all candidates for the same office, that of Representative of Onslow. Foy and Hewett had the most to say, one giving the other's record, etc., which added not a little to the merriment of the crowd. Thompson seems to be confident of his election, as he is the nominee, but the county is bad ly split, and a good chance for a Repub lican to get elected this year to the Legislature. Mr. Thomas Gilman is the Republican candidate; he made a speech at Jacksonville on l:st Monday. . Out live candidates for the Legislature and three for Register of Drjd-s;, all the rest have dropped out. Two for Sheriff, two for Clerk are all in that lino. Don't want the Sheriff and Clerk's office so bad. Polloksville Items- Quite a b.vy of pretty girls n w visit ing our town. Cotton has commenced coming in and the feature; of the furnisher relaxnth a little. It makes a darkey mad to tell him that the Democrats don't intend to al low him to hold office and that they have E. 11. Page to help carry out that intention. Mr. S. 11. Rountreeof Kinston, Grand Lecturer of tin State, has been holding dose communion with the members tt 1 Polloksville Lodge No. l?-- A. F. A. i M.. for the past few days. The Messrs. Bell have moved to town and commenced business in tlieir new ; store, with Mr. (ins llaskim as chief I 1 clerk. The advent of this firm adds i materially t tin; business and s .-ial ' status of the place. ' Politics continue to attract unabated ! interest and it reallv looks as though the whites, even in this benighted coun ty have the inside track. The color line h;is been drawn by the while U"publi cans themselves, at the Trenton conven tion held by the Republicans a few days ago, not a single negro was nominated for oliice. Contrary to the wi.-.'ws of a great many of that race. We've heard a good many darkies around here say that they will not sup port Cab Scott and Eli Perry, but if S. Iv Koonce and T. J. Whitaker announce themselves independent candidate.-;, they will do all they can to elect them. The former has already announced himself an independent candidate and it behoove- the hitter to do likewise il he desire-i re-election. The Democrats seem much elated at-the notion of the Beaufort convention of Sept. -7th and strongly pred ict Whitf ord 's victory over factions,; fraud and variegated politi- cians. Stonewall Item3 V Rain, rain and still it comes. Tlie Tiger Lilly arrived here with a full cargo of freight" Saturiaj', dis' charged and left for your'city.' The Republican 'convention of this county convened in Bayboro Saturday agreeably to adjournment. , Mr. R., 8. Daniels wa ; m ;Jc permanent chairman, and Mr, W. A. Carrawail Secretary. The commiitij on credentials reported all right on that line.i Tlie' fimt ! busi ness on hand was the nomination of Sheriff. Mr. W. D. Alford beiujr the man. For clerk Superior Court. David Lee : for Register of Deeds P. J Dela ma : Coroner V. T. Dickerson ; Survey or W. A. Carnuvan. (Mr. Jno. R. -!Mc-Cotter who liu-1 already r-announced himself a. i in Uvended candidate for Treasurer was- unanimously, endorsed aud Capt- Jns. 8. Laiie independent for the Legislature was ,also ' unanimously endorsed. 1c w n one of the most har monious and orderly conventions I have witnessed. i . . Mr. C. n. Fowler isi receiving a large stock of mjr;!iiu li-se and so is Mr. F. F. Cherry. Mr. VV. H. Gaskins re turned home Friday niht from a1 trip to Morehead City where Madame ru mor saj-s he went to see s fiie one in or about' Portsmouth' who ho would be more than pleased to induce to be come a citizen of Stonewall: Mj, C II. Fowler" is pushing his saloon' ami ware house to completion. Prof. A. I t. Ham lhi is having, his lumber put in. "position' for his new residence and for the occu pancy of a desirable hotif ekeeper. J,Mr. S. II. Fowler, of Biyborois having' one of 'the most commodious 'stoVe-i' in the1 county built to accommodate his exten sive trade. Mr. Jas. B. Turner of same place is aiding an addition to hia 'store to supply a ''necessity- ! To accompio: date his trade ha and Mr. H. II. Dowdy are North purchasing their goods etc. ' : COMMERCIAL. NEW. BfiUNE IIABKETi Cotton Middling llc;lo.w middling IllfC.. good ordinary lie. ; ordinary 10c None in market. . Corn- 72c. in bulk; 75c. in sacks. Turpentine Receipts moderate. Firm at JJ2.50 for yellow dip. . ' Tab Firm at 1.50 and 81.75. Beeswax 20c. to 22c. per ib. Honey 00cs per gallon. Wheat 90c. per bushel. . Country BACON-Hams 18c; sides 16c. j shoulders 15c." Lard 15c. Beef On foot, 5c. to Cc. Eg& 18c. per dozen. Peanuts 1.50. per bushel. Fodder $1.10. Peaches 50c. per peck. Apples 65c. per bushel. Pears $1.00 per bushel. - Grapes Concord, 1.00; Scupper nong, 1.50 per bushel. Onions S1.G0 per bushel. . ....' ; Beans 60c. per bushel. . . Hides Dry, 9c. to lie; green 5c. Tallow 6c. per lb. Chickens Grown, 50c. per pair. " Meal Bolted, $1.15 p?r bushel. Potatoes Irish, $1.50, sweet 65c. per bushel. Shingles West India 5 inch, mixed, $2.50 per M. Building 5 inch, hearts. f3..r0; saps, i 2.50 ppr M. BALTIMORE! 1TIA1IKKX. Baltimore, Sept. 11. Oats' firmer: southern 40a45c. ; red rust proof nominal; western white 42344c : do. mixed 41a42c. Provisions stea ly; mess pork $24.00. Bulk meats shoulders and clear rib sides, packed, lUal5c. Bacon . shoul ders 12ic; clear ribosides IGlcl Hams 15ialGfc. Lard refined Mo. Butter steady; western packed lih20c. Coffee dull, Rio cargoes, ordinary to fair, 9ic. Sugar steady A soft 9Jc. Whisky steady at $1.20. WILMINGTON MARKET. Wilmington, Sept. 11. Spirits tur pentine firm ai 42c. Rosin firm at $1.32J for strained, and $1.45 for good strained. Tar firm at $1.80. Crude turpentine firm at S1.2V for hard, and 2.50a2.70 for yellow c'j'p and virgin. NIS1V YOKE COTTON MARKET. New York, Sept. 11 1 P. M. Cotton weak; September 12 85al3 36; October 11 77all 78: November 11 56all 57; De cember 11. 55all. 56; January ll.61all.63; February 11 72all 73; March 11 84all 85; April ll.95al3.9C: May 13 06al2 07: June 12 17al3 19. Sales 14,000 bales. Cotton quiet: uplands 12 13-16; Orleans 13h. . It stands at tlio Jiead THE LIGHT RUNNING DOMESTIC. Tlini i- I lio acUnowl dRf I Lender In Ti-nile a l i-t th it c-innot l dispiili'il. MANY IMITATK li! (he NO.VJi i:(UAL IT! I'll- r,l Ai-nird. Tlx' Lishtesl Hull' . Tl i. mol ltrnndfnl AVooiI-worl AND -IS "WARRANTED hi mailn oi ilif Ue8l male-rial. To cwany ill liimls of Work. To lie Complete in Every Bespcet. r ((Mi-'iii v :im.I n-rf--cJ i -n ot lit. tin- ;uiil Ui- Doiiii stir I"nii!-r Knslllons il.' !'r :il lv MA IIKS, Now Iterno, N. RIII.1.KK, Kin- lii. N ' , --i li tr M.u-li 'ti---. K.l. ..1 l I5v i 1 . - 1 - -1 1', i.i. , i li- riii-st i- S. Co., J!li llMrM, j-A;'i-iil:- Waillr.l. FAUHS FKKK TO ALL. Ort'i'iili and WnsllinntOll, '"t he l:inl c -i- , .. . ,i of never luilni"; ciops, where r.-tw- llOli'ieiS, clliliell llllSS, dlnll -hi i U 1 . . Wlllleis ale Ulik'II nwil. oh- r I r Ik,:,., -.eail, t- all. .. f.-rnlo own, inellt. I :l ll Im . K:ull'ii:li 1. Mills in le siralt'e locations can lie juh -i- i:;.--1 on ' ten years time, in e.iy u. y meiilH. ICvi t'V imliis! rioi:-j nifin can n i-mne imh-iiellilenl I V w inn vei v short ! lime, hy xer.lllli;. in Uie I i'-iiii' IN ill III aiv. Al Ire-K a i-1 'f a I a i ii I . In Scii;ti.zio, Pou rr. wo, ) Ti:s, and' a!; him to send .ei i e py l The HYsf Shore a li i n.l -o ! v i I ! lif t rj lei . journal, contaiiiin.' 'nil iniorniatieii. I . . .1 Ik T .1 New : B erna "Advertisem mtz. WAR IN EGYPT ! ' t -- . :'v - . 'While the English and Egyptian are uusy ngiiting eacn other, v -; .-.'.... -"'.- ; ' ' llophrcy G Iloucrcl Are waging a " -' . ' Terrible Warfare with High - Prices,;; , .... And will never rest until they have ijti "rriim, Foot sviitl Irngron. s Call and nee how we slaughter Gen erals "' - - Groceries, Provisions, ... Dry Goods, r -... Boots, Shoes, . - . Hats and Cars, AND HELP US TO BURv'tHE DEAD. - IIITM PIinRT A IIOAVAnD. Brlelt Blo k, New Berne, K, C. oppe Bite1lie l House. ci ? apitL'tdwUn ' Cotton- Ginned wahd.BaledI! The undersigned will gin and bale Cotton; during the present season, at his Steam Cotton Gins on South Front street and Trent River, at the LOWEST LIVING RATES, and refers to the public who have patronized him in the past as a guarantee of fair dealing. - THOMAS S. UOWARD, ' ' ..... 4 . - . t 6epl3d6twlm " " :New Berne, N. C. N. 31. (5 ASK ILL, MERCHANT TAILOR, Is still at his old stand on Middle street, . and prepared to make up the LA TEST AND MOST FASHIONABLE CLOTHINGS and guarantee satisfaction. . . '' . '- ' Piece Goods of every quality and pat terns al ways on hand.' Give him a trial; you will be treated right, ' sep13d&wlm P. Holland, Jr. v . . ... O. II. Gcion. HOLLAIH) & GXHON, (At Simmons & Manly s Law Office.) REAL ESTATE AGENTS. -Land purchased and sold on short no tice'. .... '; y .. ; Special attention given to the letting of houses and collection of rent. ; V. O. Box 461, SEW BERNE, K. C. For references apply to National Bank, Goo. B. Guiori, Simmons & Manly.; sep4-dAwtf .'. .;?' ''.". ' : V J?L 3Nrl', li:i3. : : IN LAKG13 Oil SMALL QUAN ' ,TlTIES,v ; J Oak Hogshead Stave s. Any kind of oak, heart and sap, 42 inches long, 4 inches wide, 1 inch thickf rough dressed; 6sv:''; iy. .J4? ) 1. J ' T ' 620 per thousand will be paid. '" v ELIJAH ELLIS. New Berne, Sept. 1, 1S82. ' w2m IVli:V FIRM. F. O. SIMMONS. '" : ' . " J. HAVENS. Simmons fi Haven Id, Cotton and Grain . fokers, CRAVEN STREET, - -.... .- . ( Cottou JUjicbauc, NEW BERNE I ' - ..... - .... f? ' - Solicit consignments ot Cotton, Corn and Ricei.;:;-.- v ffl-wit . JAMES -iJPLEIi Patent Entrnc i Gate,: for : Farm Use. ; r Ctn Ik opedMid rkml witimfct.iH mriBtiag from buggy, curl, cu-riaeo, wngaa ot bonu. ' Fitrin lii(ihtfor tale in l.'nvca mid INwlow comiUV-s by NELhON WHlTk'OKl. Npw, licrne, N. C t f One on exhibition at my Uouxr. Aujf. a. W. J in. Craven County, N. C Flora and James Luuos. . : . ' TAKE NOTICE. Vc will scdl on tlie 15th day of Sep teinher, 1S82, at the court house door, a lot in Scott's Alley, In Ihe city of New Heme, and all the improvements there on, to satisfy a mortgage made to us on the 10th day of Jamuiry, 1879, by Flora Lueos and James Lucos. niurl7w4t" UUUEllTH & BROS. S. H. scott, : WHOLESALE AITS RETAIL SEALEU IN lii v Co.nIs. Hat anil Caus. Hoot and Shoe. Al im:iiicf Sjnin -ottn, clioirv Koinilr Orort-rh.!. I'ru-i's :is lv a Ibf loweM. Alw Pur WlnM mil tlif bt-Kt of LUjnorB. Heif(Dr anil tug-Vl Ili'i'i- always .irt-f ii ana pure. . Muldli- met, opposite Pi-uple' Marlrfft, NEW BERNE N. C, Apr 1 wly Insure Your Gin Houses. T iiaiir.'i net- r'lli-c'cil In i:imx1 r. lial'lf C,iYinlM .11 Mi l!--l:ilH l:l'l Hi-I .1 wi-iili n from no In lw-lv' m.mtli". WATSON & STREET, ;.-m-r:il liiKiunnr i' Aernl, an; iia3iii New Hfrne. N. C. NOTICK. ,1 1 1- i mi in k.mtium hn ... nt-iti-rfH 1 lift t all n il -tali' iH)lr! bv tlif SlipiitT In tin- nmiiljr tar j i - iIhm for i In i-ar liSi,,-an I n-cli ihhI by th . v ill-1 n 1 1 Hi ill I 'a. II1K i III- Hlllllliuiini ..I -r i illi.wi-il In-l-l r iili-il t litxi'x m Kali lantlt I in- panl l.y 1 1..- tiivt i.f Oi rfinlwr. PurlWf Inlrr V.. ; i -n il will laki- nuiii e anil Kovrru OjeinMlir u-i-uriliiiU . I II. N. KII.HVRK. j jnly -iln til I'ounly TrvasiiriT. j DR. EDWARD CLARK i l.'i-Fpt-rifiillv olF.-rs piofisional wrvicm to 11m i in.i-iis of Ni-v Hi-i-ii. anil ronnliy nirronmlintr. ! H ,.rnrli,,si v, .-.sfniiv fortii ar i i'i- malai 1. v, i pruail, no pliyfU-lau, iiIh ' ami iiri.-inii. j Hi in i: -Il murk llnw. dtnjr ln o1-ni r , ' .'..apn..,, 1 conii-i Ni-nse nnil Cia i-n. aiKl-dwjin. aston House SALOON.. ,JAMES CAMPBELL, 1'ropiiett.r. - A CI. r TO TKl'C - - Th8 . KcrLlk IV... . FoK A IX AUIilCULTUIiAL AM - - tuiial ri:o:n- $15 peu to:;, Delivered at anj ot tie I' ' folk and Pirt . New Uerue and Va. '. era pans our wlarf, a t, -J i quired. M ANUf'ACTin: r r r v Styron, V7hit:r:t : . NORFOLK, VA. OrncK ... . i ' Brad th following crtiAral,.1,. h M Wm uf Iik hm'i IU. . Urrlln Y. !., hunii i -n ( - . i -1 i " OvutU-m.n I ui d your I. i . poanmn aad vcr't.ihlm. at ti.o . : Hm. ftt r rt. My uai f-t'in i . . !! i-xclUnt. and im . will nw It ui-xl yrnr UMtlr n it - -Mitaily ad'i-ii looor un - Vi u. li . lrsl. " s 3wK.Xr. IL Prl... . m i. i .... . i , i i la MyliiK liat I -ry mu- . fYMllln liiin tlti nr of vi.i.i . . irrntM viiia, my i:riiH. run. I . .. , . . wvral lfn P'il, ami mir it . i tolor tHrarin llr rotiud. iliin , .1 1. . 1 did not pnttl n roil n.l lh m.-. . , ,1 In ilarrli, but 1 Iwlirv tin- t t- ia -. ITCWvi d yrrabT iM-ni-llt if ili l. runv r I applu-d inuw thrw numihi ... . .'' ' Ptaairlan.. IS ot I in! i. t , Tl , i ; S ) 111. J. O. ItaUton, i(li lv know 11 m ii,.- a lnlnn nlonii, uya : 1 umi jimr fin, year under frnlt liwi, gra ' 1 1nn uu 1 lnllr, v nn grrnl bonatlt. Kartk rrolla. Artridnr Frrqulniana Co., N,0 , . I S'-i ( Oanllcmrn: Tka Korfolk l.-1-...y.i 1 of you lal Hpri ng, I nrl I I lir 1:1 u- 1 . Iba nw nrra nnili-r corn, col Um. ih-bi, .. ftnblca. I kirn rnmr np well and 1 . . 1 and waa not Injiirfd l.y wonim m-ii grew antlxfnrUiry. t'.lion !ni l t?..iu t top, and rcmnini'd trm-u iinul fror. i, ruat and yirldnl Unclr. l'i-mnii . pop amouc llii-lil. gi' iM-fi I , yvill nw It under nil my rropa tt.w It ia thf tx-at fi-rlilUi-r I hum rm 1 hip tax ten (In) loin ty ttia lfi li i.l .1 1 uer will Im a heavy deiiian.1 It j . in tliia auction tin coming yetir. lonra truly. j . a . ui . V.oro Ui aamc wa liav th follow it.; Aniruat i, Vor emia tlm 1.--- . 1 . (atiafartory. and for rioter iin 1--. t i ned. MiiiUof It will bevrnni- 1 1 cxt aprinr, and om very aoi-ii I 1 i Jietircifiilly, J li 1 At tlii pVftca. lelvUlere, IhpiiIv 1.1, i- . iMrd uadHf Iba anHai of 1-I, nn.l n -liundn-d aacka under tha iaeia . t . . 1., cinliy. Mwr. s. 11. t-armoy. Joaeiili S 1. John Mullin and other pronnio.111 1 1.1, . NoriiNK nave unj thla herin i-r inn aon and arw well pie and w liii Hh ici roriuriiier inforiuaiiitn and nr f Kertiliaer, addreaa Mlyraa, bltrhcirt .. .NOTICE. First Cla Sewln- ITas , at Bottom Prices THE JAVIS, NEW HOME, ' : DOMESTIC, er. 1 . - ... . : vn:n : Tbe Latest Improved at Lhliir I i .... - in i Need I en and Rartt for all Ji rVnd for I'rlce l.tat b fi-ra Ihij Iuk aivit niuiK-v. I ha ihe Inrui-at and (noat Con'j-lfin T Shop in the. South. - No reaaonable offer retimed liir I i M no 111 ilea In kimmI older. :;:,v':; ';''J..W.'BKA8Li:V, i ; t ., 105 Ckurcli htm t, auglO-wGm . ' Norf. Ik, V Adam Tred well & On. ' '. Cottcn Ccsnnissica ' f ' NOUFOIdC, VA. Ofllee Cotton Exchange r.uIl.T'.i . Sells vol t.on for comm. fhiofi, r i jer bale. , .. aiilTv: i Elizabeth Iron Woi! CHA. AV. I'UTTIT, Prop., 280 um 282 Water street, oif.,: k , ENGINES, B0ILr : Saw and Crist t'.V "1- 81IAITIN - I'ralleH. ' IIn.n:r? - FORQINQS AND .VAtTl . " Of Every Deacription. . auglTwly , W.'J. T.Paaaaa, W.K.C, Late of Warren 1 on, ' Lata of to, ' ' - N. O. , - . - : parker &,cAr.r Cotton CommiHion Merchant , Corner Fnyette and Water HUec!, .,'",' ! Norfolk, Vrt. : a' nlnea and curraapotidaniw anlirilad. . ,' , avKtlwain ' c ...... . . NORFOLK COLLCQE YQUNGr LADIEf 3. FOE niGIIER EDUCATION OF ICI X3 U! Twelre Regular Tex Lers, Fire (i ; " -' ; men and Berea Ladlea. Chriatiaa. bat nrni-aertarlan. frinclrtal rn teatant deooiainationa reprvaeulrd in H.e lUtai.t iA lMrrctura aad Faculty. ... Two bnndped and eirhty finpila t:trt aeuiou. New and elanant baiaalnr, haated bv n. w and IlKhted with aa j at)lie Willi the -- naoderav eda-all aj aftaaiancM. . hurriii( parttnent fcnildtuK nru, itUd throuicliont . a-alant farnitpre, marbla top bnraaim and u. atanda ; aprlara tad bau matmmaea tnda; bath-ruoma Willi aoiaaitooU water; tin larico parlors, ata. - For catalogue, conUining full infor mation, apply to Bar- B. H. WYNNE, '.- ' 8M-retaiy, . Or Ret. R..M. SAUNDi:ii, , ' - , - ,; priocifial, ' aiaAAi n.a.!lm . . . Nnrfnllr Vn Two Farms for Sn!c IN VANCE COUNTY. Fire miles from Henderson, two an ) half from Middlebnrg depot, nd join ii and containing 292, acre eich. A d i rably adaptel to raining yellow tot.n and cotton; Improvement unmirin by any in the county two now nu t gantly finished house, one eiRl't, i other nine room, all neeesHary houses, new, or In good repair, curing, packing and wheat barn,, 1., steam wiw-mill and cotton gin, ort hn and wella flret-claaa. . .1 br farm arv ail Hated wliiiln one ami a l ntllea rlinreltea, arhoola.ri i ' ' ! m mill a fOodaaiKliunrhuud. and ared i..-n.. In.inea ia ouaof tbe healtbiet i.ait of the ; Terma lihernl. T"or pnrticnlm ntply 10 j y " T1IOMA8 CAUKOLL, aug24-w5t' ;tlendenon, N. C. i;

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