C, SEPT. 14. 1883. ;r frcra Ceven Springs. even Spkings, An?., 1882.; V ssks. Editors : -There hav on seveial erroneous accounts 'late unpleasantness'? at this t!.e writer, of this asks for in yonr excellent paper to h a lair and impartial state 1' Dots so that the public :. .iw its own conclusions. '; very community unfortu , ior the moral status of its . the vile-' and unprincipled .'0 to take sides with those . irait crime, while the peace I.tvv abiding citizens are too 1 to exert a dauiasins: influence ni testing a cold, careless in :ice to such acts as dutyto Ives and society, cieinanu . : y shonld openly and prompt lemn. Hence when tt crime .Temeauor is committed it is .ely dilScnlt for the outside to view it in, its true charae- In a late issue of the Kinston 7v Press a sickly attempt is made sr.iotLer over and make the late : : r.t White Hall appear small and 'Imitieant in the eyes of the pub . : ;..- object of which it is . no 1 t:. -'.c to understand. It ; is i.i t!.o article referred to : tL "actions of. the 'justices in i instaking and careful ef : d y justice to all parties in ' i:i the unfortunate affair, i Lsalt aimed at by them, u 3 hearty approval of our .. -.' A more palpable mis ii::d glaring misrepresentation . .1.1 rot appear on paper. Fur h,r, the writer says, "A?- the evi crime cut it was singular to ! . ; TV- it diilered from the ex-.-:cd reports we -have heard, , the preat riot dwindled into a rratively insignificant assault "1 ' t ttf ry.' Of course if murder '. ' a coiamitted, which came . '.r. the case a mere acci :t preventing to those who . . the snrae mind as the perpe . s of t he deed it would be very lirhc mt. The world contains h characters, whose god is hose only reliance is in brute , I v. hose only desire is I ( f gain. The orphan's woe IV i to t: )w's tear are insignificant"! e a . v in t h r to ,e trial alluded to it was notice that the counsel ' h e had it all their own , ' here being no counsel to rer r tI.- t her side. We incline h 1 h i a that the justices 'y at fault when they suf . i!.m aosel to rale out certain ii- y which would have com : 1 them to bind all the parties : t j cov.rt: and to say that the . is ''met the approval of : .. ::, or that the "great J i: hes into a comparatively ;: i:h ant assault and battery," i h1 : h tion and a downright in to the intelligence and moral i : :i t of the good people of this :., av.ty; and we assert without of teiecessful contradiction i: i.-. cuts with the unqualified v al of nineteen-twentieths . . :izens. The fact is, Mr. , and there is no getting out . , 1 est cowardly and uncalled -. i r whatever you may please il occurred at White Hall .: lay, Jaly 30th, in which . V,". Uzzell, a sworn justice of 1 ', O. Iv. Uzzell, a town -" oner, Wright Uzzell and Uzzell, four brothers, -at-1 to and did. beat . Dock a policeman. From hear- h thv ir threats he was induced : . en in doors until late in the i . e. when, receiving word . the besiegers that no harm ' rencled, he was induced to :t, when he was seized and e : .l and beaten to'the ground . - the assailants, while an r ?: ud around with pistol in 1 threatening to shoot whoever hrc I. Tims while endeavor :r so .irate the parties I found ay to knock down one of 11: r: rents and got shot 'down a: ,1 received what was at pronouncetl to be a mortal anJ. It is needless to say that the c eiaraunity far and near was ; ' ahed and a deep gloom cast oyer it. lly wound , h"as not yet s' "'clently healed to allow me to r . I the active duties incumbent i me ; neither can I expect to r again be .the man physically h 1 1 have been heretofore. Yet wc-ind is pronounced a very leht ore," and the whole thing . i dwindled into a comparatively "in; lyniticant assault and battery." A T. ; 3 arid discriminating public will be sure to judge for itself. -' 5 ' ; -: . .4 . hY. X. Seaweix. Letter from Elizabeth' City. Elizabeth City, Aug. 30.r :' Editoes Joxjenai. : Thirty days ago I wrote you from this place,' and I am really glad to see the im pi l ement of the city developing so rr r i lly. The work on the new court bouse is progressing finely a ware Lor.se that was under wayjthen is finished and occupied, two others are going up at a good speed, and e v i d ences of prosperity - are quite visible at every turn. ; - i. .- e There was a small fire here a few days ago, and T. met " Gen. Joseph E. Johnson here attending to the interest ol urn companies carrying msurance; on .-. the property de stroyed, a. -:: i : -.r ... hi ne 1 t,iizaoetu - Uity erewery is probably the only one in the State, and the proprietor is meeting with Hue success 1 in introducing ; this "Jenkins' Ale.' The-people speak very highlyh of it, - and physicians say it has a very fattening, tendenT cy, which is good foi enfeebled per sons and debilitated systems. Be ing made from pure hops and malt, tins must De tne ease This city has the prospect to-day of becoming the" most noted place i n the world, and one of its citizens 1 la'T the distinguished inventor, of the crown j : . Clu 1 1 IB has i is I 6w cons wU fch, if a i the crown iewel of t American inge- Charles C. Price, jr. of this invented, patented, and constructing a cotton picker, success, will render his name famous and his parse very plethoric. It is the most complete piece of mechanism I have - ever, seen. A stock company has been formed for the purpose of making an experimental machine and test ing it thoroughly : before offering rights to manufacture it. . A de scription would hbe elll nigh im possible, but suffice it to say it is a machine: about the -size, and has much the appearance of the larger class of wheat threshers. It is to be drawn by two horses attached to it, but not connected. with each other,; a driver sits-up in front and performs six. different offices; two boys stand on the back platform, one to take away any trash . that may be passing along the elevator, while, the other ; bags the cotton; ties the sack and chucks it off in the rear. - The - horses pass down the alley between the rows, shield ed from contact with the weed by a contrivance of . paper, snfrrounding them and passing out before eacn one, . much ; after- the - manner of a cow-catcher to locomotive..The picker strides the row to be picked, and by means of eccentric axles can be made to" accommodate the height of the weed. The picking is to be done by means of revolving discs of seven feet diameter, wnicn revolve on a shaft somewhat as the saws.of a cotton gin.; These discs are pro vided with several fingers or. pro jections like unto the.; teeth of a circular, saw of large size, but of course hot so near together. The flat parts, that is the sides of these discs,contain innumerable pointed pins :- near am inch in length, and set at a peculiar angle both as to the plain of the disc and the centre of the radius; of h. these pinsthere will be in an ordinary machine just sixty-eight : thousand.' The fingers or projections will by a forward and upward motion lift the limbs of the weed, brinff them in contact with the revolving discs, and, passing between them, will i be subject to the points of these numlerless pins by means of which the cotton will be drawn from the burr and pressed towards the seat of the pin, as you nut cotton in the ordinary card by milliner asrainst. the inclination of the tooth. At the proper place there is revolving brashes like those of the cotton sin. only much small- pr which will "Dicka the teeth" of the picker, pass the cotton on to an endless band which, will convey it $o the elevator ; this will then pass it up to the top of the machine ex pose it to the; view of the trasher, who will take out any stray leaves that may fall in, as it passes, and then directs 1 it into a hopper with one opening at -the top and two at the bottom ; below, these openings will be suspended a bag to each; by means of a : trap partition the delivery of the ; cotton can :' be changed from one opening to, the other, at the wish of the operator, and as soon as one bag 1 is : full by turning a crank the "delivery is . di rected to the other, so no-time is lost-in putting on bags. . Mr.' Price claims that the picker will pick all , opened boll and in flict no serious damage on the un matured hones,, that the weed in twenty -four hours after the machine has passed over, it will be in . as thrifty condition h as before. ' In company with a practical farmer, I had the" model explained by .; the inventor, we - suggested every , ob stacle and objection either of us could devi-e and each one had been considered by . the patentee and a remedy or a supposed rem edy provided. Mr. Price is 'very. .'sanguine of success l)ut says if this does not meet his expectations, ; he will try again,4 as the subject is not ex hausted I confess all the obstacles were so readily met by him, that I felt that none could prevent, him from succeeding. - The inventor is a man of - only thirty-one years of age, born in Pennsylvania, but has been chiefly reired . at his present home, h He has made several inventions, some of which are patented. - A notable one is a metal row-lock which you can't lose if your boat ! upsets: hand can detach from your boat with the greatest ease, when you wish to. Another was a rudder for ships, but an en glish inventor? was just ahead of him . at the patent : office with ? it. r Stilly another whicl? . I rather hope he won't patent,yand that is a hoop to be roUed - by Jsails for boys to play ' "with, although it pleased me so I tried to buy the model. He is energetically pushing the s experimental i cotton picker to completion, to endeavor, to give it a good . trial during the. month of October. " If it proves a success . a large fortune is opened for him and a great blessing to the woi Id at largo. - - h..v: N. S. Hubbs Resolution in Lenoir. Uditoes Jotjenal: I deem itj a superfluous work to bore your in telligent readers' with, a further, ex planation h with reference to the passa ge of the Lenoir resolution endorsing Hon. O. Hubbs for Con gress. , With your permission. I will say, however, that the resolu tion had been voted on and passed, without a dissenting voice, prior to the conversation beiiceeri Mr. Parrotl and myself, to which he refers, and that the chairman had then "va cated his seat, land the crowd in great part had left the court room," and that he was SDeakin? to others as to the propriety " of inserting this technically- irregular transac tion in the proceedings, when Mr. P.'s attention was attracted to the topich'ofh conversation. (I think Mr. P.. knowing the convention had adjourned, was engaged-in conver sation at the time the motion was entertained.) He sternly objected to the" insertion of the. resolution in the report of the proceedings; and, knowing it to be irregular, and knowing, too, that in the very zenith of the proceeding three rous ing cheers were given for Hubbs, and, believing moreover that there was but one O'Hara man in the county," I readily acquiesced in his susrsestion to suppress it in pre- Iparing the proceedings for publica- uon, wmcu x uiu icw uaj ai terwards.the resolution was pub-. lished separatelj', at the instance of many true Republicans, with no view whatever to adding strength to Mr.s Hubbs in this county, but that the voters ot other counties' in the district might know the cause for the omission in the proceedings of , our - convention of an endorse ment, by resolution, of our worthy standard-bearer.-- The resolution, when published, ; was accompanied with a most explicit ; and truthful statement of the circumstances un der which it was passed. . Very respectfully, John W. Collins. Mr. Collins remarked to me, on the 31st ult., that he had sent the Hubbs resolution to the JouenaL for publication, with a statement that it was- passed - alter a motion to adjourn hadUbeen carried, and that, as X Was' absent from 'town, he had used my name as secretary of the convention, to which I re sponded "all 5 right;" and 1 now certify that this version of the whole matter is correct. i-ih"; '; h L. B. COX. -h I certify that the foregoing is a true statement, as I was present and made the motion to adopt the resolution. : V - y -:h--h : - W. J. Tope. New Berne Advertisements. f. R. J0C3ES, x connissiOH .Consignments of Grain, Cotton, and other M. PRO DUCE -'m OZjZ O X T E3 :rS0JIPT ATTENTION GUAEANTEED Dry Goods, Notions, H A. W S, , BOOTS AND SHOES. GROCERIES OF ALL KINDS Pork, Bacon, ; Flour;; Sugar, h Coffee Salt, Syrup and ;'V MOLASSES. SNUFF and TOBACCO. HARDWARE SUCH AS Spades, Shovels, Hoes, Axes, 1 Nails Plow Traces Hames, ! '.v'i ', &c. &c. - F'lvraiev'H Supplies .GENERALLY . " DIOTT'S SWEET CIDER, L'.' THE BEST-MADE, J : CONSTANTLY IN STOCK Prices low for cash. Satisfaction guaranteed. -, llighest cash prices paid for country Produce. S&" Call and see me. -.- North West corner . " SOUTH FRONT & - ' MEDDLE Streets, , NEW BERNE, N. C. Mar. 30, ly w , , . h" hy . ( . AT -COST; On accouQt of alter ing building, -WM.-SULTAN &.C0., offer their entire Stock at cost, and some GOODS LESS THAN COST for the next Ladies B albriggan Hose 15 to 25 cents per pair. 1,000 yards of Dress Goods at COST. Apr ldwlj EASTERN NORTH CAROLINA MA 11 IB L E, WORKS NEW BEENE, N. C. MONUMENTS, TOMBS, ALL KINDS GRAVE AND BUILD ING WORK IN ITALIAN&AMERICAN MARBLE Orders will receive prompt attention and satisfaction guaranteed. JOE K. WILLIS, Proprietor, "(Successor to George W. Claypoole) Cor. BROAD & CRAVEN Sts. New Berne, N. C. Mar. 30, I y d w LEONIDAS J. MOORE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, (Office opposite Gaston House,. New Bcrno, N. C Will practice in the Counties of Greene, LenoiV, Jones, Onslow, Pamlico and Craven; also in the U. S. District Court. Prompt Attentiou paid to Collection of Claims. Apr 1 dwl y Sixty Days New Berne Advertisements. GEO, ALLEN & CO., - ' , "T'v v.'f-'T "- ':-'V. . "" :P -L,- i newbehne, n. ; - - ...rh.vy:.;-:-.. jOBer a Large Stock of Brown, Georgia and Needle COTTON GINS, Feeders and "Condensers. Fiom 4 1 20 Ilorsf Power, OF TUB . Most Approved Make. COTTON PRESSES. Grain Fans, Straw Cutters, Corn Shelters, Etc., Etc., Flows and Cultivators, In Cireat Variety, and tit Very Low Prices GEO. ALLEN & CO. . Apr 1 d w 1 y O. . . XT. t O. OPEN AT - . "PEEP 'O' DAY,' "And Don't You Forget It," THAT E. WHITMAN'S EYE OPENERS ARE UNEXCELLED. ' ; ICddle Street, near Corner South Front, NEW BEHNE, N. C . Next door to K.. 11, Jones. f Apr. i3-d& wl2m. ; AI.EX MILLER AVHOLESALE & RETAIL GROCER. Constantly receiving a full line - - Choices Groceries and FARMERS' SUPPLIES , which we offer as low as any house in the city, and warrant all goods as - rep resented, h-" - " i 'i . Call and examine onr stock-? and prices. Stables furnished fiee to all our country customers. Goods delivered free to any art of the city. , t , " ' ml2 W. Sr. D. - - ROBERTS & BROS Keep on hand a full line of Boots, Shoes Dry G-oods, Ox o o Is. ery KTOTIOKT m AND A CHOICE ASSORTMENT OK FAMILY GROCERIES. Cnll on ns before inakiug your purchases, al Sontta Front St. near Gaston Honse. M;ir. 30, ly d w A. H. H0LT0N, DEALER IN FOREIGN AND D O M E ST 1 C WINES & LIQUORS, TOBACCO S & CIGAR S. MIDDLE STREET, -.h Opposite loo Housoa NEW BERNE, N. C. Apr. 1, ly diw Ch B. HART & Ca CITE FEICS CASH ST0HI!. Ni-itl'i-'Hl corner Middle miiJ South Fmut sti frts Obile E H. Winjley and K. R. Jones. DEALERS IV Stoves, House Furnishing Goods, CROCKERY and GLASSWARE, 1 A PIPS in great variety. BURNERS, WICKS, CHIMNEYS, KEROSENE OIL, Pratt's Astral lJon-Expiosi.ve Oil, Machine and Train Oils. We are now prepared to manufacture Tin and Sheet-Iron Ware. Special attention piven to rei'airinp. Goods sold low and warranted t.o be a n pi eSj-nted April 14 lv d & v SIMMONS & MANLY, ' Attorneys at Law, Opposite Gaston lloufc. New Beri:e, N. f!. WII-L FKAOTH'K IN THE STATE AND FeCeral t'onris aud regularly Htiend all ses sions of ili Courts in the followini counties : Craven, Carteret, Pamlico, Jones, Onslow, Lenoir. Mar. 30-w-ly. i NEW BEENE ADVRTISEMENTS. , The v pleasure of. your company is . respectfully solicited at the '-' - J-: ; ' -y ' - ' r ' ' ; Ladies Dry Goods, Notions and Shoo Store -y , 'i of . .. A..I?J.iIBAKER, , POLLOCK STREET, HEW BEIltlE, tl. G. Every effort will be made to. suit you in all lines of Fancy Dry G.xmIs. &e& Samples of any kind of Goods rut. HSr Goods sent out to be looked at. salf Money returned vGoot!s do not suit. I respectfully invite the attention of the trade to my very superior Mock of Dry Goods, fresh and desirable ; also my elegant stock of Hand-made Ladies and Children's Shoes, which are warranted. I am prepared to oiler at the lowest prices, feeling as sured that bit facilities enable me. to compete with any similar establishment in tins citv, A call from yoa when you visit our city is solicited, and, in the mean time, your orders will receive prompt and careful attention. Egg- Send 3 cent stamp for Fashion Sheet. f ep4-d&wGm LA TIG EST AND OL DE S T IN THE CITY. ; :: Keeps always in Stock large duantities PORK, LONG CLEARS, FLOUE, SUGAR, COFFEE, SYRTJP, Molasses, Salt, &c. LOBILLARD AND QAIL & AX SNUFF, also a large stock of T O B JL'C C O, DRY GOODS, BOOTS, SHOES, and Arbuckle's Ariosa ROASTED COFFEE, CRACKERS and CAKES in great variety. A large Stock oi NOTIONS AND HOSIERY. Wholesale buyers will find a large STOCK at lowest prices. IJon't fail to see me before you buy MI1II,I3 STUISET, Mar. 23 ly d w New Berne, N. C " Chas. H. BLANK, W HOLE SAL E GROCER an (1 lPioi sioir Dealer A FULL SUPPLY constantly on hand of Dry - Salted nd Smoked MEATS, Flour, - - complete line. Sugars,, - all grades. f : , MOLASSESc SYEIJPS,. GI1EEN JSJSiy ROASTED COFFEES, " TQBACCO AND SNUFF, k Salt, Powder and Shot. Special attention of Country Dealers is called to my Stock. Sole Agent for the "ENTIRE" WHEAT FLOUR. " 49- Samples and prices sent bp mail. femes Kedmond, "VV HOLESALE I.KtUOR IlElI 13 I J. BERGNER & EN GELS CELEBRATED BOTTLED LAGER BEER FOR SALE BY THE ( HATE. Also on hand a full stock of Groceries, Provisions, Cigars, AND TOBACCO. Open Prout Brick Store, -IfDDLH STittf.rr, Apr 1 Lw.Jv -NEW IKIINK. X. C. C. E. FOY & co. Wholesale Grocers, and Dealers in the follow ing tandard Brands of Flour, Which are put up expressly for our Trade : CROAT AX SUPER., DOVER MILLS EXTRA, V ONTENTNEA EXTRA, WHITE OAK EXTRA, TRENT Rl Villi' XXX EXTRA, NEW WORLD XXXX FAMILY. Foy's Patent Process, from Selected Wheat. Our patent, process is equal to anything n tln market, aud we uuui autee every barrel to uive satisfaction. ( 'all ami examine our slock. All 'i.ls iu our line soll at the J,ovest Cash I'rices. an3l BRICK BLOCK, MIDDLi; ST., NliW BKKNH, N. V wtf The Headquarters! HAY! LIME. BRICK. hum BRICK, OF .VI .1 . Plaster, Goat Hair, &c. SVLES KOOM Craven Street, Aug 19 d& .v If Mar. SO. 1 y l-4cl yr HAY ! LIME! BRICK! iI JIlH. below Express Oftiee. It. O. E. LODGE, Ncw Bi-ne, N. V. KINSTON ADVERTISEMENTS. .Qe'l'lmraev WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS, ARE ItECEl VINO. A f VElt V LAHGE STOCK OF Dry Goods, yr y; -:. - ' Groceries v--;': " '-l 'i Shoes, .'. ;' : ? t I Hats,--' . v Clothing, ' ' . . immt. GlRsswarcj r , ... . : : Furniture, rtc. Th y propose to sell their goods at close prices, and offer rpecial induce ments to country merchants. jy 1 'I ' ) ' ,"g31-wly ' THIS. 0 E LEB11 ATE I ) vii-cf - v .y. j-mmLa-nj iVn 17- j w -T' ' m ih V- r' nnessee . ., : 3 BROOKS ; C0TT01T PRESS Brown and other Ginsi always on hand. First class Stock of EJr: v: A Car Load of STOVES Just lleeeived. MILLER & CAN ADA Y, au-17-wtJanl . ,h y ir , . . ( KIKSTOIT, IT. C Ji. Xi., 3tiC I Xu X. ' MANACKIt OP 2 ' u KINS T O N : MUSIC HODS E , The most guaraiteod popular Orsau uiatlel . Sjxt'mfai lion hi Iustrumeut, priec and tornm Gnte City IMano. It lias a fine case," sweet tone,aiebongiit at Mrlmlnale rales and w)d at a winrll prolit.- This is a chimin to Lny a j.iaim at home an elw ap an nhrond. Instrument warranted for live AeaiR, and kept in tune for twelve months. ' -o ..' - Domestic Sewing Mnchitus k , Although tlija popular machine has not been canvassed with lliroui;htlM!'eoiin try in this immediate vicinity, yet there have befn several ttohl. and in tciyiae where instructions have beeiiveu with them they hav n'lvcn fatiMlHction. I will publish a list of testimonials from Uiose h have hud tlicin hiouiu) here in a short while. It is strictly lirst-class, aud has - the prettiest M"oodwok.-; )Vai'tniitcd Pr live years. -;. ' ' -'- ' - 1 ' o ' ' - " 4 Picture Frames, Mouldings, Picture and Window Glasa, v Chromos, Mottoes, &c.. , Agent for a Copying Etablihment. Pkotographn copied and tnlurtjd in India Ink and Water Colors. RUBBER HMD STAMPS FGR MA RUNG LIXX AND FOR ' Ul'SniSS CAti,S. NFEBLES:ANl OILr tl Shoot MiTsieI.tterns, rgfinitt?H Sc TMiiKio SSf" Anything in the Music or SewlngMachine line ordered, ,aul7w tJunl Gen'LULnsurance Ar-:':lo . KJNSTON, N. C. , Represents the followbig'first-elasa companies : , ' "r NORTH BRITISH AND MERCANTILE INSURANCE CO., -mm?. ACunfTATinv nv mrir. a ttr'Timr a WESTCHESTER OP NEW YORIv, ? if 1 ' f ? GEORGIA HOME OP COLUMRUSi ' I 1 : NORTH CAROLINA HOME and others. Store, dwellings, merchandise, gins damage by fire or lifihtnins. Farmers Right Goivgi! w . . - TVeTbsteir A CAR LO&D--blfeTitEUlJ EST For Farm Purposes No W in" Use h ON HANI) ALL THE TIME, t v - Hand-made Steel Axles and Steel Tyres 4;" FIRST CLASS yVI.1 TIIROUGII A large supply of OponVand' l'opV Cincinnati lliggics. j.t Low Iiffiii'ow. Tois.flO, Opon '1, ; FIFTY SETTS OF HARNESS NO." 1 AND CHEAPER GRADES. J. W Grainger; Aug io, wtf kii:sto:i, n. c. h t t T . 9 r ' I and farm property insured a?aint loss oi " ' t ' h i i i Au3f3n wagrons!

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