- J N i. 4, T.'IE "JOURNAL NEW' EIIIa.'N. C. SEPT. 23. 1S82. JWr. Johi F, Mtwbcrnc,: Kln 'hat a list four crlr ' tbt of fice unj muy r the BelgllS of fers. He U alrleV n receipt for nfcertptIot the JOtTR- K "A'v-- - . J--; - "T ' - i"A ? . "" ; Kinston items- KvSeed cotton is now selling at 3i and f kale cotton at lOf to Hi- . ' L Thos. McDaniel. the Hermit of Lenoir: was found dead in his bed on Saturday 1 morning.. He : had been sick a v few , It is said that Jesse W.; Giaingerie neat business man of Kinston, isfa0 e Democratic Senatorial candidate rojr reene and Lenoir. vv rsft The Nevse and the Auwfe lay at bur wharf last Siindav: ther oth left Mon day for New Berne, th"fornier. with 9 bales of cotton, ana tne h y, a Satnrdav was ' ?Tom Kippur,?J the Hebrew Day f Atonement. ;'fhe stores . of the Israelites were closed and busi ness with them entirely suspended ! There were two baptisms in Neuse riv er last Sunday- evening. Mr. Claude H il I and Misa Lida Hill, by the Rev. E. "11. Onr is of the Disciples 'church at Kin Jsto'.i. y " . " ' ' TLe Cummings Bros, last week-; fin i 'wished the inside painting of Esq. E. W. Kind's parlor, and a nice job they have . . , rri . : ,1 1 i. l 1. Jliaue OI 16. Alley miciu mio urwsifc wiui much skill and taste . A protractsd meeting xf much inter- . ert ha3 been going on at the Methodist . Church in this place for several days. Iiev. Dr. Burkhead " and others- have- been assisting in the good work.' El Lis Grout, Esq., of Massachusetts, f -who llrst started and aided in building ' up the large cotton trade at Kinston, made his annual autumnal appearance ere last week as a cotton buyer.-; Little Bert Yaco. son of Mrs. and Mr A. Mitchell died on Friday,; aged r boat ten months. He ras buried - on .tur'ay; the funeral services being c r : acted by Rev. F. D. Swindell ! ' s. J?!es Stewart, mother of W. B. 'T Ll en the 19th inst. at her res- , 'cz.ee two mues irom uover fetation on he A. & N. C.' R. ; R. - She was about iiity years old and had only a short ill- Fred B. Loftiii Esq., the very : Bnj- min oi UncU Richard's Bobie affections, I received tlie Senatorial nomination I" 1 . Greene and Lenoir to-day. ; -: . i t "Let others hail the rising sun, " J' General Fred B. Loftin is the, high J mi;tarv title which Uncle Richard has ' conferred on the Republican Senatorial !c ' . late for Greene and Lenoir. -. . kle me Feddie, tickle me too, ; 1" Ae me Feddie and 111 vote for you. " . . . . ; ; , . - .". TLe pale face delegate from Lenoir to the v iLon convention is exceedingly uneasy, le&t, with the defeat of Sheriff I' .vis, he may loose the position of l: . rid Cicer of the Grand Jury, Oh", wL it a magnificent set t of unselfish wc i kers compose the -'bread and butter In view of the political disasters which 'will purely happen in rJovemDerv " UXq IBart," a famous Philadelphia restau rant c terer, is daily experimenting in tue & t of making "egg flip" a luxury peculiarly grateful to the stomach of our rotj-, rotund, rubicund.snerili as well as of ourselves. -. -jf zci?-y Tlie attention of our county commi 'sioners and justice oi tue peace is -called to the bad condition of the draw a the county bridge, below Kinston. Crossing the river is so delayed by the ' r ;th of time the draw has to be kept ; u, that it imposes a great wrong and at rage on people who seek business or l : ieasure on either side of the river. - ''Tere isno use - knocking, at the -. ' dear Elisha.-., Kilby Jones :". im .-kjI of the situation and of himself t x. You may beg for his silence, but l a is bound to' "let the cat out of the b He affirms you and your wire puilers have covered the negro with, a wet blanket" as long as they can stand it. It must be removed or they will all take the consumption and die. The steamer Neuse left Kinston with 75 bales of -cotton, for New Berne last Thursday morning. , The steamer Kias--1 !i arrived immediately on the depart- .sof t,e JSeuse and too on 1 bales .and left in the afternoon for New Berne. T: o Hn, Hill took 60 bales to the mouth of Conteiitnea, where sh will disgorge ito one of the above named steamers. The coton carried off by these steamers fetid at Ji o 11 cents. Petitions are circulating requesting Judge beymour to appoint federal su pervise rJ for the November elections, iiuch appointments, - at least for this county, are entirely uncalled for and unnecessary. ' No one of any sense , ap l-rel.ends any troubles which State and courtry officials cannot control. This movement is in the interest of bad men who vishtobe clothed with a i "little brief autliority" whereby to stir up bad .blood among our people. r-- -. : The little boy Ernest, son of Peter Phillips, who died about the 10th inst.; was scalded to death by a pot of hot coffee being turned over on him. ; He was lj ing on a bench, asleep, by the side of a table when the hot coffee was acci dentally turned over. " He suffered for .about three days and died. On the day of boa burial hia little sister Ger trude vras attacked with Typhoid fever and 1L- sred for about ten days and died. 1 lie afflicted father has the sym- " j)athy of the community, v .. . Kil by Jones Esq., of Pink Hillg was -the "lion of the hour" in Kinston to-day. lie is a political power in Pink- Hill and Trent townships, which caused the nom inees and politicians to assiduously wait aipon mm. lie is ngnting the So called Republican nominees, at least some of them. Uncle Richard first plied himabout tnree nours and fell Dae it m disorder a used up man. - Kilby tells some hard things on the sheriff and the nominees for the legislature, which will be heard from the stump during the canvass. i jr The Republicans of this counthave cut t i: i leatuers trimmed thein to the LK,ae oo of the"old wheel horse'? "fthe party, my-uncle Richard, and Turnea nun ous w eat grass lite another .Nebuchadnezzar. It is predicted, ho w ever, before this campaign closes', these vain and empty youths who now seek to master the Republican party through. wuiup tuuvcnawuBcwiu uiaoover uiey have burnt down a building to roast their eggs in the ashes and be heard caning lusmy on nercuies. - We acknowledge with, thanks th r Resent of a beautiful gold head walking stick, on which is inscribed, "Presented to W?A.J Coleman bv the New Berne . JotTENAi" This stick is received a8n ? elegant and useful means of support I , auu as a puwenui weapon or deiensive '' warfare audi if an enemv shall attack vs, jay uouw and Wall street will take notice that gold will rise and fall as if another Biack Friday" bad dawned upon tne country. , - Kilby Johes,"Esq., corrects ua- in. our .item of last Wednesday 's Issue, wherein e Uncldv Richard himself is said to have had a threa hours confab with him on apolitical Tuatters.' : It was Uncle-Rich-J. ard, the,Sherif and the two Republican neophytes "lnoth - Jawyers-altogetherr wno had hjm threehours.: We cheer - fully make this, correction in justice to Uncle Richard who seems to take it as a mortal; offense to ' be published - with j having threehours ' talk with a 'col-- "-ored jgentleman-X :-&rli''i.'4,--,-?. - - .Neither Mad LeaW WcharlesPrtee, the so called Liberals, appeared here to--. da7. acfOTding t appointment. They r aier m tne canvass, i Hubbs, with a part of :his "bread and butter brigade" from Craven, and -all of the same brigade from ; Lenoir, filled the appointment. John Randolph, Uni ted States" maiL -agent, :,Jriade .' a - short speech, but dealt very : gently .with his ambitious fellow citizen J E. O Tiara. It seems,' he .don't exactly; see how; the qat will jump' and he itfjriortally averse to leaving the Vbjread and. butter bri gade,? . having enjoyed 'its luxuries about 1 fifteen 'years. Hubbs made a good talk and left 1 fai-orable impres sion on his followers. -:" i . Jtf'?'-7fyv. ' ' '-' -- L$c (Jraiigfe Itemi- vBusinesa , in '- town " Saturdayquite -Cotton 11 cent8.ji Over 50 bales sold Saturday3;it-:w-':-;: ." ' '- 'he:"TesidencVof J.W, Sutton Esq., is receiving a new Joa of paint, 'jtsaac Taylor, a colored "man near 80 y&XK;pld, died on the farm of W. M. Nettles lajtFr11ay. ;v . C. W. Joynet-M having lumber hauled witfi. the view riruilding a first class restaurant in thin place. - i ; : 'Last week wasne especially favora ble to picking cotton i .ahd most of our farmers made good use of it. " The "equinoctial blow" was not very severe in this section, as to wind. Rain fell in large quantities, and stopped cot ton picking. . - " Rev. John T.J Walsh of the Disciples Church was in town Saturday morning, on his way to Wheat Swamp Church where ha preached on yesterday. An infant child of Francis William? died near this place . last week. Mrs-. - Williams wife of Adam Williams of Wayne county died on the same day . Wiley Rouse an aged and s respected citizen of Trent Township, in this coun ty was partially paralyzed ; while at breakfast, on Saturday morning. His condition was critical when last heard from. .. ; George Moy and Dave McDaniel had a fight Satuiday evening. George was up before Squire Waiters of Falling Creek, and fined fifty cents and costs. Dave gave bond for his appearance next Saturday. . .. ; . The condition ; of Joshua " Waiters, struck by the negro, Wilson reported last week, is not so favorable. He is still unconscious and is considered by Dr. Hadley to be in a critical condition. The negro Wilson was committed to jail in default of b41-rjp.? . "; ' VYor Itemizer retnrnsthanks for the beautiful present a gold headed walk ing stick received from C. C. Taylor, the Journal's traveling agent, on Sat urday morning on which in inscribed "Presented to S. I. Sutton by the New Bertie Journal. It will be carefully preserved as a memorial of your kind ness. . - ; . - - . . : . W. MI Nettles has again sold his plan tation and gin, the - former purchasers failing to come to time. Thei purchas er of thef arm is Haywood Warters and the price ?6000,' $500 in advance of former sale. - Mr. Mclntyre j buys the gin at $2,00 J, the same : as other sale Mr. Nettle will leave for Florida about the 4th of next .month. -, To givejsome idea of the eating canac ity of this place, we have two places at wnicn beer, is sold; U. W. Joyner and J, K. Driver, one regular fish dealer,. ,B. ti. Willis, and on Saturdays two or three others engage in the sale of the "finny tribe. 2 On last Saturday C. W. Joyner sold : about 500 11)S, of beef, Driver sold 2 80 9)B,X and about 5 or 6 tubs of fish were sold. How is this for a town of 500 inh abitants V ExamlBalion far Certlfleate. Mr. J. Y. Joyner, county Superin tendent of Lenoir, requests us to state that he will bold his examination of ap plicants for teachers' certificates, aa prescribed by law,' at the court house in Kinston, on the second Thursday of October' 1882. ; Mr Joyner is desirous that all applicants will meet him on this day, as no private examinations will be given. ; ; ' Notesat and on the Way to Oreenvllle. A great deel of sickness in Greene and ritt counties ' Died in Hookerton, Sept. 20, Rosa, daughter jof M. F. Pate at the age of two years.. ;..' : .; Mr. D. V. "Dixon has completed his residence in Hookerton,; and it is the prettiest 'little building the town can boast of, - . ' - R. C. HiUlat ilie "Golden ForkV "six miles irom ivinston, is now building a large store twenty-five by eighty feet long. ' A natural increase of business has compelled him to build. . The hew firm of Haskitt, Smith & Bro. .of Greenville, who have just launched out into the mercantile world, are dealing very : largely, in furniture, dry goods etc, seem to be doing a lively business. - m r . j.. k. - vnerry or u reenv me is building a large brick store .and ware house. r Mr. Henry Jones of Snow Hill is the contractor who is also - building a market house and town hall-in front of thecourt house. - - A revival of religion is in progress at Hookerton,' conducted by Rev. Jno. N. Andrews, assisted by Revs. Swindell of Kinston andR. B. Gilliam; there have been about thirty-nye conversions and r.nd the interest seems to be unabated. -Improvements seem to be the'iorder of the day now at ureenyille. The county is just finishing a very handsome jail. There are Bome half dozen convicts from the penitentiary putting . in the Iron works, and from all appearances it will be perfectly secure when they are done. v uuwun uiu DKinnr 02 urreen- : x -il J m . - a vuie are building a row of fine brick stores, five in number, and when com pleted will certainly be an ornament to the town of Greenville. . Mr J. E. Wil kins, of Wilson, has the contract, and Messrs. G. A. Jackson and Jesse Loftin, both of Kinston, 'have charge of the wood and brick work. Cotton Statistics. From the official report of the Nation al Cotton. Exchange of America, sent from New,; Orleans i Septal 4 1882 we glean: some; interesting statistics. '"' The American cotton crop for 1881-'82 shows a large .falling off from the production of the previous year, after four years of steady increase. This will appear from tne 1 0110 wing- crop years bales. 299,796. 300,290. 687,097. 1877- , increase over 1876-7 1878- 9,.' " " 1877-8 1879-80, "t " 1878-9 1880-81,-. " 1879-SO- 844,498. 1881-82, decr'ee from 1880-8 11.149.702. Or to put in nn other view the crop of 1878 amounted to 4.773,865 bales; that of 1879 to 5,074,155- of 1880 to 5,7i,252; of 1881 to 6.605.750 f --while the cron of 1882 or 1881-82 turns out only 5,456,048 utueti. - ? Iff -the reports from, the different States Jforth Carolina and Florida are the only two cotton Statea whifih in- icreased their -production in 1881-82 all the others fell behind. In Uie disposal of the crop the follow ing figures will be interesting: ott .supply m lSO-81. 6.750.614 bales; hi 1881-83 5,73,079. Lonsumed by Northern spinners in 1880-81, 1,713,626; in 1881-82, 1,677,581. Consumed- by- Southern sninners in 1880-81, 22a,tll; in 1881-82, 286,954. xi any connaence couia be placed m figures or in the law of "supdIv and demand," as opposed to speculators, it would be reasonable to expect cotton to command a pretty figure for the coming season. The most gratifying part of the whole exhibit is the one showing that, the South is increasing her spindles and is the only country that consumed more cotton last vear than daring the year before. ' We pabliah below the opening day of a number of the fall Superior Courts. Oar Canvassing Agent, Mr. C C.MTAY LOB, will be ou band to sollcliXnew snbserlbera and to collect from tK old ones. Will onr subscribers be"jnd enough to hut him up and pay vp'past does J We take'pleasnre tn bearing tes timony to tne fact tnat. In the past, the JOUnKAl. subscribers have been very, prompt in paying up, and we only make this notice because onr subscription list is so large that our agent can only meet vrith the bulk of our subscribers during the Superior Courts. Greene 4 'unit ccuimencM Oct. 2. 9. 10. JS. C(l. 6. Jimcs Onslow Lenoir Carieivt Dare Hj d! Painlieo Uenufort Martin .... Nov. 13. 11! RECEIPT COLVnil. We will -pulilish In this column all receipts to tb VVKKKI.Y JoukXAL. The name of the subsci iber Mtyilig, and ilie djile to wliich lie has paid, will le siven. Miihsffiliers who have paid in money will please watch this column ; and if their names do not appear in it within two week after wards, or if the date is not correct, Uiey will confer a favor by rritlng us at once. C U. Ilounti-ee.'Jan. SI, IKS.!. Jonathan White, .Nov. 10, 1SS2. .1. T. Smith, July 1, 12. J. A. Sugg, Oct. 23, l.xs:'. J. V. Lanier, 'ov. 10, ls2. II. A. Kittrell, Jan. 1, 1SKI. J. T. Heath, Nov. 10, 1KS2. fcUi Jackson, March 22, 1S8:?. John A. Kinney, Aug. 4, 1SS2. John W. Wlmley, Alareii 2S, 185. J. K. Brown, Jan. 1, 1SS3. New Berne Items. Mr. E.'H. Barnum of this city has a cat named Jumbo that weighs 11 pounds. - James Redmond has bought out the beer bottling establishment of B. P. Sale & Co. ; Maj. Dennison received on Tuesday a boat. load of seed cotton from Adam's Creek. - . Greene county Superior court con venes next Monday. Our agent, C. C. Taylor,; will be on hand. Northern cabbage and onions came in on the Slienandonh Tuesdaj'. And yet New Berne is called a famous truck ing centre. Mr. Elijah Ellis received a bill of la- lot of hogshead staves shipped to him from Jacksonville, tins- low county, in answer to an advertise ment in the Journal. ! Collector E. A,White of this revenue district," has received bonds from one hundred and ninety-five distillers and there are applicationsf or between twenty-five and fifty more. We are glad to note that the Midland road is getting freights fromSmilhfield, also a good share from Goldsboro. Among the" freights fromi Smithfield was a car load of oak staves for Norfolk. Hurrah for the Midland ! We noticed on .--the ld Dominion wharf Tuesday morning r several bunches of green cotton stalks just taken from the field; and shipped to B. R. Smith & Co. by Mr. Walter Cohen. It is sent to be experimented with in making cotton bagging. Lieutenant A G. Paul Assistant In spector of Lighthouses is on a tour of in spection in this district. He promises to put the district in first clais order; the buoys will be taken up and beacons put in their places, and everything will be done to make navigation safe both night and day. , The proceedings of the Republican convention at Polloksville, last Satur day, is sent us for publication, but it is rather lengthy. The following extract will give the drift of the feeling: 'Resolved 5, That the Hon. James E. O'Hara is an accomplished, educated gentleman, and far better educated than his opponent, . and for this reason he will and should be elected by at least five thousand majority. Death Amons llors cm. Mr. B. H. Thompson of.South Creek, who was in the city Friday, reports that thirteen horses have died in thatj neighborhood.dunng the last two weeks. The disease is blind staggers and not a single one attacked has recovered. Cotton for IHorning Showers. Mr. J. L. Rhem has a kind of cotton that the blossoms are rot affected by the morning showers as is the case with the ordinary cotton. He obtained the seed of a farmer near Deep Gully. It grows so as to let the water out which prevents the form from dropping. The Cotton Market. We note in the Raieigh Observer of Friday,' middling cotton quoted at 11J. On same day it was selling here at Ilk. It takes, however, good cotton to rade middling. The bulk of the nice cotton that is marketed here generally grades only strict low middling selling from i to i cents less than middling. Cotton Market. Sales at Cotton Exchange on Tuesday of 91 bales at prices ranging from 11 to 11 5-16. Among the sales we noted a lot of Lenoir county cotton : 5 bales from W. B. Pearce Esq., 9 bales from Mr. WVH. West: 19 bales brought down by Mr. J. C. Wooten and selling for Hi; and 14 bales sent by Mr. John Rhem and sold at 11 :33i. The market closed weak. Old Time . One of the oddities on the streets Mon day iriorning was a two wheeled con cern with a top like a rockaway. ' Capt. E. B. Roberta says the name for it used to be Stanhope, so called from Lo rd Stanhope for whom the first was con -trived. The Captain has a vivid recol- lction of one his father owned from which he was on one occasion, thrown without hope Spriftig a Leak. The schooner M. E. Ililes. Capt. Charles Smith, cleared from Makley ville about the 20th with a cargo of lum ber for Philadelphia. When near Hat teras on the morning of the 23d, it was discovered that she had sprung a leak and there was about three feet of water in the hold. She put back to New Berne, arriving here on Sunday morn ing, for repairs. She had about 80,000 feet of lumber, shipped bv Mr. Makeley of Hyde county. New Berne Cotton Market. We notice that the house of R411i Bros, of Norfolk, among the largest cot ton exporters in the United States, have established here a "grader," Mr. Fisk, in connection with their buyer, Mr. Matt Manly. The facilities here are now so great that New Berne ought to, and, we believe, will be the best cotton market in Eastern North Carolin, after Wilmington. The buyers make a marked difference between good and bad cotton and it wtll pay those bring; ing cotton here to handle carefully. New Advertisements. Einstein of Kinston tells of a "Grand Opening" on the 4th of October. Bob Bryant, of Kinston, wants to hear some one say, here s your mule." Clay Parrott has got in one of his selling-out" notions, and he had nearly as net give ins old saw-mill away il some one don't buy it. Mr. Shelburn expects to flatter the Kinston youths by giving them a pic ture so much better-looking than the originals he can't do that for the girls, however, for they are already "as pretty as a picture. " And last our JNewr Heme friends, Wm. Salter' & Co., offer shingles for sale. Some time ajro we had inquiries from Kinston lor a shinsrle dealer in New I Berne. We have found him. Send on your orders. J. W. Harreil offers to make and re pair boots and shoes, ami guarantees satisfaction. We have sufficient evi dence of his work to say that he makes a good fit and uses first-class stock. The Kinston. ' The new steamer belonging to the Neuse Kiver Transportation Company came in S'-iturday evening f rom.: Kins ton loaded with 203 bales of cotton a pretty fair start for a trial trip. She handles admirably on the river, and is a model boat for her business,, with one exception which will soon be remedied . she has not sufficient capacity to hold steam and a new steam dome will have to be put on. If she is run under four bells the water is being continually blown out of smoke stack.- She . was loaded up with merchandise and left for Kinston late in the evening. Funeral of the Iate S. N. Dewey. The funeral of Mr. S.' N. Dewey took place from Christ's church on Sunday p. m. at 4 o'clock, Rev. E. - M. Forbes officiating. The services of the church were sol emn and impressive, and the music by the choir appropriate and affecting. The remains were interred in Cedar Grove Cemetery, and the procession consisting of the friends of the deceased and members of the order of Knights of Honor,-was of great length. The burial servjee of the Knights of Honor was read at the grave by Mr. G. E. Tinker and W. F. Rountree, and the floral decorations were elaborate and beautiful. A Woman Murdered. Dr. Bates received information on Monday morning that a colored woman had been found in Bachelor's Creek, near the bridge on the Washington road and was supposed to have been drowned. The. doctor summoned a jury Of inquest and repaired to the spot when upon examination it was found that she had been choked to death, the points of the fingers being plainly visi ble. The body was recognized by sev eral witnesses as that of Fannie Wil liams. The evidence pointed to one Jim Boone, col., as the perpetrator of the, crime. He had been living with her for sometime and was last 6een with her on Saturday night between the bridge and Streets ferry coming to wards the bridge. He is known to have had several quarrels with her lately, and not long since she had him put in jail here for beating her. The body was first discovered on Sunday r ' ' j j ' "she came to. her death by being choked to death by some unknown person or persons, the evidence 'pointing to one Jim Boone."" -Warrants have been is sued for Boone's arrest. Itivcr and Marine. The following schooners arrive d from Hyde county on Friday morning. The Gov. Vance Capt. S. H. Spencer, with a cargo of corn and wheat. The Havanna, Capt. Eugene Spencer, with corn consigned to W. P. Burrus &Co. , - The Vai ina, Capt. Frank Bell, with rust proof oats, cotton and beef cattle. The Emerald Capt. J. H. Gaskins, with a cargo of corn. The E. Charlie, Capt. Ben Willis, with corn and wheat. The steamer Contentnea arrived from Vanceboro Tuesday evening with a cargo of shingles for Wm. Cleve Sr.- The steamer Trent arrived Tuesday evening from up Neuse with thirty-four hales of cotton and other freights. The steamer Kinston brought down cotton Tuesday and cleared for Kinston at live o'clock with merchandise for points along the river. The' Shenandoah arrived Tuesday morning with a good freight of general merchandise and the following passen gers: Messrs. A. M. Hanff. J. H. Bell, J. J. Baxter, Mr. Clark, and Miss Core of Norfolk. She cleared Tuesday evening at 5 o'clock with 400 bales of cotton. The steamer Geo. II. Stout of the Clyde line discharged a large freight at her wharf Tuesday morning and sailed for Baltimore last night with 639 bales of cotton. The schooner Varina sailed for Hyde countv 1 aeday night with a Gullett gin shipped by J. C. Whitty to Thos. R. Jar vis. The schooner Carrie Reel Capt. Dick son arrived from Broad Creek Tues day evening with a fine lot of beef cat tle. Your Name in Irmt. Frank Myer Esq. arrived on Thursday night and looks as though he will make things lively at the Exchange. Mr. Wm. H. West of Lenoir and Josh ua I Tucker of Pitt, both excellent farmers, came in on the Neuse on Thursday night and stopped with Capt. W. A. Thompson. Dr. Charles Duffy, Sr., of Onslow is in the city. Frank Brown, of Tuckahoe, Jones county returned from the North on the Shenandoah Frirday. He says he can't understand how those who op posed Col. Whitford so bitterly at the Polloksville convention are now his warmest supporters. Mr. Thos. R. Jarvis of Statesville, Hyde county, is in the city. He says the cotton crop in that county is dam aged about one third, but the top crop is growing picely and with a late fall will partly -make up the damage. Col. J. N. Whitford was in the city on Wednesday. He will open the cam paign iit Newport on the 3d of October, at whii-h time and place Col. Wharton J. Gre.'ii will also address the people. Mr. P. M. Pearsall of Trenton called to see us on Wednesday. He says Job I Kinsey Esq., the former Secretary of the Liberal convention, has announced himself a candidate for Superior Court Clerk in Jones. Glad to see in the city, Monday, Mr. Potter of the Beaufort Telephone. Mr. Potter will make an effort to get some of the Beaufort children to attend our Graded Sohool, so that by seeing its practical working. Beaufort may. in time, adopt the same method. He says, in Kansas, where he lived several years, there are but few towns with more than 500 inhabitants but have a Graded School. Mr. Amos Simmons of Jones county was in the city Monday looking for a house. He wants to move to the city for the purpose of sending to the graded school. Mr. Charles B. Keeler, the clever keeper of Brant Island Lighthouse is in the city. Messrs. S. Hudson, Charles Whitty and A. G. Barrus, all Polloksville mer chants were in the city Monday. Sheriff S. E. Koonce of Jones was in the city Monday. His chances for re election are said to be very good. Col. J. N. Whitford brought in a nice lot of cotton Monday. It brought 111. The Col. starts out on the canvass pretfy soon. F. M. Simmons. Esq., has returned from the mountains. Messrs. Cox, Gaskins and Holton of Pitt were passengers on the Trent to the cit Tuesday. Commodore Appleton Oaksmith is in the city. He came up to put his house on the south-east corner of Pol lock and East Front streets in order for the reception of a family who ire ex pected to work in the cotton factory. OKIT1ARY. Departed this life, September J6th, little Annie, daughter of Benjamin and A. E. Brown, of Jones countv. aared 2 months and 1 1 days. Her life was short and full of suffering. My loss I know is heaven "s gain, Hut still 'tis hard to give thee up: Yet the thought that thou art free from pain - Will help to sweeten the bitter cup. A. E. B. Graded Scltool Notes. .Tr, T We give to-day: the list of text books for the different classes in the Graded School. Prof. Johnson has. made ar rangements with the publishers to allow "exchange" that i, any one ma carry old books of similar kind. bv ant author and by paying a small difference get the new book. Mr. Stanly will have the books on in a day or two. ; f The published list of f books does not cover all the instruction offered, espec ially in the primary grades. ' Much of the teaching will be oral and illustrated by blackboard ext rcises. A very com mendable feature will be the attention given to vocal music. It is almost im possible to. learn to be a good reader without practicing the principles incul cated in teaching vocal music. - Prof. Johnson - examined about 50 children yesterday of the six to seven years of age. To-day the eight-nine crowd go in. He requests us to an nounce a slight change in Friday's pro gramme: On Friday those from 11 to 12 years, inclusive, will be examined, and on Saturday those from 13 to 21. The Trustees have ordered more seats having now, new desks for 460 pupils 420 having registered. J Miss Juliet A. Core came in on the Shenandoalt yesterday. She graduated at the Norfolk College with distin guished honors, and, Prof. Johnson in forms us, is a very fine German and French scholar, conversing fluently 'in the French language. Stonewall Items. Rice cutting will commence,, next week. Cotton picking will be in full blast next week. Rice crops are splendid and safe from all mishaps now. The .health of our county cannot be surpassed in North Carolina. Dr. W. T. Kennedy has been under the weather for severai days; is expect ed but in a day or so. The Congressional candidates for this District are posted for a joint discus sion on next Tuesday at Bairds Creek and Wednesday at Goose Creek Island in this county. Messrs. Latham and Pool are the men. " There was a match game of base ball played at Mr. Dempsy Luptons on lower Broad Creek ? Friday. 1 There having been a challenge passed and accepted between E. G. Robbins, Captain of the Trent Club and R. L. Woodard, Captain of the Broad Creek Club, and after hav ing played 5 innings each, the Broad Creek Club having scored 18 to the Trent's 10 the rain came to their relief and a stop was put to the game leaving Capt. Woodard master of the situation. The dinner was served at the usual time and it would have done you good to see how that crowd stowed away the good things furnished by the hospitable la dies of the Broad Creek section, consist ing of meats of all kinds, fish, fowl, tarts, pies, cakes, and in fact eyery thing to tempt the a petite; and your humble servant held his own on this occasion as he will on a certain day in November next. Don't be too sure; it may be that your opponent will try some of the Broad Creek cake, and insert a finger in the pie before November. Ed. Jour nal. For that crowd I will tender to the lady managers, to wit: Mrs. Dr. Lindsey, Mrs. James Jones, (whose name was changed from Mrs. William F. Jones on the evening before, F. F. Woodard, Esq., being the official on that occasion, (and I assure all who see this that if one can judge from appear ances they were both pleased with the change) Mrs. Frank Fulcher, Mrs. Benj. Lupton, Mrs. Robert Wharton and many others whose names I did not learn, our heartfelt thanks for the good things and hearty welcome we all received. Notwithstanding the pour ing of the rain a good portion of the day, all seemed to enjoy themselves, and who could do otherwise when there was so many lovely faces to grace the occasion V Hog Island and Cedar Island being represented by both belles and beaux and as for Vandemere, Spring Creek and Broad Creek, there is no use for me to undertake the task of explanation. Swansboro Items. Visitors are leaving for home; only a dozen or so in town now. The farmers are very busy getting out their cotton; some are gathering corn while others are talking politics heavy. Nash Dennis caught to-day 125 trout with a hook and line in one hour and fifteen minutes. Fish story ! ! ! Ed. Journal. Turpentine is brisk. Schooner Ray, Capt. Dennis, just cleared with 263 bar rels for Wilmington N. C, shipped by Pittman & Co. Seven persons were baptisad at Cow head church or Montfort's Mill rather, by Rev. Mr. G. W. Best last Sunday and Monday. One at Swansboro by Rev. Mr; Warlick at the same time. I send two rib bones of a rattlesnake to you, I have part of his back bone 1 inches across, but can't send it in a letter. The snake was fifteen inches in circumference. These are not the lar gest bones. Mr. Bryan Hatsell killed the largest buck ever seen in this neighborhood this week: he had six snags ou a beam, and weighed, gross weight, 340 pounds, and was not fat either. Hatsell was afraid to eat him though the dear looked healthy. Col. W. J. Green, candidate for con gress, is booked for this place next Sat urday. It is said th.it the Col. is hard to beat in a political speech, and that he can knock the spots off Gov. Jarvis easy. How is that Governor ? It must be some prejudice against you on ac count of something some one don't like; perhaps-its the Quaker Bridge Road. Very healthy yet: some few cases of sickness only. Capt. Burns Smith is very sick with billious fever, and a little son of M. Russell, Charlie, is also sick with the same disease. The animals, four legged ones I mean, are very sick ly. The wild deer are dying with black tongue by the hundreds. Whew ! ! ! Ed. Journal. One large buck came in Mr. Bob Henderson's yard yesterday as though looking for help for his disease: he did not try to get away at all, and was killed by one of the men with a stick. Ahem ! ! ! Ed. Journal. Hyde County Items. The army worm has disappeared. The farmers are busy saving fodder. The health of the county is very good. Cholera is killing the hogs at some points. Horses are dying with the staggers all over the county. Cotton is opening nicely, and we are just betting on our rice. Geo. W. Swindell Jr. is making im provements on and in his storehouse. J. M. Spencer of Spencer Bros., starts for Norfolk Monday the 18th to purchase fall stock. We learn that three more rum mills, or ticket offices to misery, via Black Valley railroad will soon be opened in Currituck township. Part of our Northern mail now reach es us via Elizabeth City and Fairfield. We need and leant steam mail commu nication with New Berne. Hope Col. Andrews will notice this. County Liberal Convention was held at Swan Quarter. Satuixh-vy lfith, M. M. Makeley presiding. The following were the nominations: Wilson Lucas for Representative, Hi ram MoCloud for Sheriff, Asa J. Smith lor Clerk, Alex. Berry for Register of Deeds, Jas. W. Hayes Sr. for Coroner. No nomination for Surveyor. Eleven votes were polled in the convention. Jounty' Items. The merchants in Trenton are paying niu prices ior seen cotton, ... i Daniel -Andrews, Esq.,' brings to our maraet in j.renton, twice a week, very fine beef. . y We are glad to see our friend, Capt. Rasberry out again who has been very unwell for the last sevra days. r- Mr. J. H. Bank will begin sawing in a few days, lie would have begun last week but for. the unavoidable delay in getting part of hia machinery.. The Trent River Transportation Com pany has shipped from this place, in the last week, 58 bags of cotton, besides that a large quantity has been carried over land from in,tind .around Trenton to New Berne. Mr.'J. L. Kinsey, the clever and effi cient agent of the Trent River Transpor tation Company, informs us that W. F. Foy, Esq.. of thiscounty, puts up the neatest and best packed bag of cotton sent from Trenton and Messrs. Lafay ette Franks of Onslow, and A. C. Good ing of this c miity, ut up the next best bale. Accounts are seen in every paper of the large an I flourishing schools in nearly all tho E istern counties," while Jones, with the exception of Mr. Rhode's school at Polloksville, has, as far as 1 have heard, not a single school. Is not this a very poor showing for the wealthy county of Jones ' We must do better, we nmt arouse ourselves on the all important subject of education; un less there is a change we will continue to sustain .ur reputation as the Rip Van Winkle of North Carolina. The children of the present "generation can not afford to grow up in ignorance and if more positive steps are not taken they surely will. Stonewall Items. Mr. O. D. Lewis is nearly redy to-l move in his new house., 'Prof. A. H. Hamlin's new residence in this place is being rapidly built.; Mr. Felix Sawyer died at his home a few miles below here on last Friday. Mr. J..H. Gaskins is getting his lum ber in position near this place forja new residence. Maj. W. A. Hearne stopped over with us last Saturday. He has been the truest of Mr. C. H. Fowler. - ' Mr. Jas. H. Miller lost one of hia twin boys last night of whooping cough. He was only a few months old. ' The said cough ranges at least 120 in Pamlico. W. T. Caho, the Democratic nominee for a seat in the Senate, reached home yesterday from a tour through part of the district looking pretty well worn. You ought to hear his explanation of a skinned nose. He repor.s his prospect 3 lovely and the goose hangs high. COMMERCIAL. NEW BERNE MARKET. Cotton Middling 1H; strict low middling 11: low middling 10. Corn 68c. in bulk; 70c. in sacks. Turpentine Receipts moderate. Firm at $2.50 for yellow dip. Tar Firm at $1.50 and $1.75. Beeswax 20c. to 22c. per lb. Honey 60c. per gallon. Wheat 90c. per bushel. Country Baoon Hams 18c.; sides 10c.; shoulders 15c. Lard 15c. Beep On foot, 5c. to 6c. Egos 18c. per dozen. Peanuts $1.50. per bushel. Fodder 75c. per hundred for new. Peaches 50c. per peck. Apples 50a75c. per bushel. Pears $1.00 per bushel. Grapes Scuppernong, $1.00al.l0 per bushel. Onions $1 .50 per bushel. Beans 80c. per bushel. Hides Dry, 9c. to lie; green 5c. Tallow 6c. per lb. Chickens Grown, 50c. per pair. Meal Bolted, $1.15 p?r bushel. Potatoes Irish, $1.50, sweet 70c bushel. per Shingles West India 5 inch, mixed, $2.50 per M. Building 5 inch, hearts. $3.50; saps, $2.50 per M. WILMINtiTON MARKET. Wilmington, Sept. 23. Spirits tur pentine firm at 42c. Rosin firm, at $1.32i for strained, and $1.42J for good strained. Tar firm at $1.70. Crude turpentine irregular at $l.'K)al.70 for hard, and $2.50a $2.70 for yellow dip. BALTIMORE MARKET. Baltimore", Sept. 25. Oats higher; southern 43a44c. ; red rust proof 40a4 2c; western white 43a44c.: mixed 40a42c. Provisions firm; mess pork $23.25. Bulk meats shoulders and clear rib sides, packed, lHal5Jc. Bacon shoul ders 12ic; clear rib sides 16jc. Hams 16al7ic. Lard refined 14c. Butter steady; western packed 16a22c. Coffee dull; Rio cargoes, ordinary to fair, 7a91c. Sugar higher and firm; A soft 9ic. Whisky steady at $1.20al.22.. Kinston Advertisements. $10 REWARD. I WILL VA V T 11 K ABOVE HKWAKD far intniiniition i.f n (MJAY Ml'I.K that was stolon fit-in J. rnn-ott'K Mill, i-'nlurtlay niglil, Si itt iiili'i - Tin- mule lins :i i:n k frny ppot on forohend; also sjxit of same loi on rlrht lii(. KOllT. HltVA.N. Kiiistnii, X. C, S-pt. 27, 1NS2. w2t REMEMBER ! A Fine Photograph A Good Likeness A Nice KmineCan now lx wcuroil at Shelburue'M Uallery on street. This OKliilillsliiiienl has been newly fitted up with new mid (stylish neeessoi le, scenic Imcksiioiind, etc., itiul 11 Kplcntliil slock of frames, easels, cases, etc., on hand at mode rate in Ices. Call and see them. WM. SUKLIU'K.N'K. Kinston, N. C. Hi infl along your old picture and have them copied. sept28-:im SALE OF MACHINERY. TIIK I'N I KRSI i N 101 Wll.I, Nr. IX AT 1THUC A I't "I'll .N on Thursday, Oct. 12, 1882, The following : Stationary Kngliic ami Holier. Saw Mill- almost nrii , Three Flue Mulls. Four Flue Hogs, One Webster AV!on, Two Buggl8, Three Good Carriages, Font' Yoke Well Trained Logging Oxen. One Huudrtd Thousand Fet Long Straw Pine. Lumber. 1'lnce of vale al Saw Mill, T'. miles southeast of Kinston, and - miles north of I. K. Wor.ien s plantat ion. M IK U.MS CASH. II. C. PAKItuTI', Kep2x-2t Kinston, N. C Shingles, r, INCH KKIT FOK HAI.K BY WM. HAIfKIt A CO.. I' islii l s WIiiii f, t?it-W.:iu " -New lit i lie. N. C. I Jones . KINSTON AD You are liespectfully, InvitecLto attend . Einstein Grand ON- Wednesday : KINSTON MA CHINE ' W0 RK S, Are pi epared for doiof all kinils of repair work On Engines Gins, and other racliiiu r Casting Done Every, Friday. . AGENTS FOB COOPEIVH, TANNER' fi, DOOKW'ALTEll A ' - other engines. highest pmces paid for old ikon and y, .- . . ....,,-. KINSTON, N. C. W'17-wU. NEW BERNE ADVERTISEMENTS. HOWARD iiii:AiQsuitrrEiH vio 1 1 GEfJTS' Furnislilns NOBBY SACK 'KSt CUT AWAY SUnS, hats m all the LEm::3 stvl::. Gents1 Undervrare, White, Gray and Scarlet. We have the prettiest line of hand and machine.made 8I10K3 evr-r t.lm n i , this city. We keep the celebrated Stacey, Adam & Oo.' (Shoo. Iliimi. f t wear. Our 75c and 81.00 Bhirta cannot fe Burpnmed. Oeiraine lVrrl. M u t .. Jjft.25. Silk Handkerchiefs in great variety. Rubber CnnUi and Hal h . than ever. Rubber Umbrellas, the best for rain. A full atwortment of nit V in stock. Celluloid and Linen Collars and Cuilrfof the latest sty k-s. A U aus, line of Neck-wear. , Ours is the only exclusive Gents-' Furnishing Store in the city ; so give us ym. patronage. Our aim is to please. Give ua a trial. . i Having superior accommodations for the display of Carpet and C1 Cli-thn v . have added these to our stock. Also Trunks and Valine. ' . , , , We will soon have samples from Bronner & Co. and see them. . - H0WABD JONES, ': Pollook Street, NUW XHaAlXO-XJ. XJ. c. Garraway's Lives" Pill. Contains no CALOMEL or "oilier MEltCULIAL' Ingredients, hut are t posed of ' , - Pure and Unadulterated Vcgcib Inrc ! MAKING THEM THE ' ' ; I ' It . , . 'TV' ' ' i Surest, Safest anS Best Liver Pill on the Market. Try them and be convinced of their merit. . f' ; Cg All Druggists and Dealers keep them. 25centa perb ox. . ep21wly LAKETWHB For the MERCHANTei!i,rLrin For the MARKET CAM DEN Ell For the PRIVATE FAMILY CrOWn by ntiraniwAB on our own rrnt tW IlucUon IUBatrM4 CtalcM ul Band Bfbiir FItKE TO A IX. MERCHANTS, SEND VS YOEK BUSINESS CARDS FOK TRADE 1.1 -T. DAVID LANDRETH & S0NS,SEED GROWERS, PIIILAC ZLl New Berne Advertisements. The Newborn Academy. The Graded School will be opened, in the Newborn Academy, on Monday, October 2d, 1882, with the following able and accom plished corps of iiiHtructors: Prof. D. B. Johnson, Principal. Mr. Patterson Wakplaw. Prof. O. W. Neal. Mrs. Mary McK. Nash. Miss Rachel Brookfield. Miss Caroline Pettiorew. Miss Juliet A. Core. Miss Annik Chadwick. Mrs. A. B. Ferebee. Tuition free to. all pupils between six and twenty-one years of age, in New born and this Sohixd District. All others will be charged hh follows: . ( Primary Department, ier ses sion of ten months, payable one-half in advance, the other half in the middle of the sch sion . . . ... . 10.00 Intermediate .... 15.00 Highest 20.00 Hoard ean le procured, in the city, at reasonable rates. The Trustees will spare neither pains nor expense to make this .School the first in the State; and, in olTering edu cational facilities never lefore offered n this section, tliey hope to receive the argest patronage. ( HAS. t . CLARK. sepl6d&wtf President. Administrator's otice. Statu of Nohtii Oaijolina, Claim fount). V Thi' subocribor having n :i I i 11 1 an Ailinmir Iralur of tti et:iU' of Thouiar. K Ja-kiiip. iIm-I, li Iho Pilh day ot September. A.l .MS 2 brton-I lie Vrobmo Court of Craven county, ln-rrby iioliflr nil ersotiP liav inn claim aj!.-iinM suid rMate. lo pivneht tliein ftr payment on or before llie !Mi day of September, lv-3, or thi nonce will be pleaded in bar of lli. ir lecoverv. All person indebted lo iald eMate will make immediate payment. Hone lliis Pith day of Septi'inlier, 1S82. li. H. COX, pc t20-ilvtv.' Public AtlminUtralor VERT IS EHEI7 TC. 0 t . ... l?Jitllinecy ;, . - ; .. pen::: i KINSTON, N. ( prr w .H I ( 9 f r r- - W ItaM kMK V . Hyde County Adrertitcnicntf Lake Landing,' Hyde Co., AGENT FO It - ' . . . IIAKTFOIID LIFE AN1 AN. NUITY" INSURANCE CMMl lANY of II an ford, ;mn. MAItYf.ANUl.lVJ2 HTOCK ANI MUTUAL AI1 HOCliri'l of IlAlllmorr. Mil, t . AND " ' , TUB MUTUAL MAURI A1 ( ' AID AHSOCIATION f OrlemiH. '" - - . Circulars Mailed on App!" cation; - ! auglOwSm Sewing Machine Needle . AH kinds Sewing Machine NeedK Forty ContH jr Iozcn, ' sent to any address on receipt of prii IV. U. aiUII.llK. Lake Landing, Hyde Count. auglOw.lin H. H A, X . ' A1I:NIH. 1882V AQIfNTr Hruc A fte. celebrated India rnk.WiW-r CC .. Oil and Ornron fort rait. , Miula fVcm rrr i Hcriptioa of amall 4cUipm. -Arknowl-dr1 by art critic I be Snrat work now pmduord. (. ftpcrial leriiK for BirnaMeevary parana mfr to make tinmen Incomes. Wi luvll joa u. .. ynr a.'drens imtonimtelr. for full MrtlrnW Rildmaa n. R. MIIiYrTTK, laa Art . .uj.lo-w.1m Lake Leading, Uyda Co, N.J raiprKS HOTE UVILLIAXSTON, N. C. Fuk class, far. Ule WfvKuU an g ool ncco nimoilaUoua. ; ; i f w .; .4' .

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