- " . - - - . New .Berne Advertisements. Ifew : Berno Advertisements. IIET7 BERNE ADVERTISEMENTS. . Kii;GTo:f.ApvE.irisi::a;:;;v. y- r. c. sept. rs. iss2. The cry f 'On to Richmond' awakened f!!:'.i!?b?ra, in -.' the hhearlSof - the ha 1 Ols' one daywhen tfreyf found ".olvos cti route a pri.aoucfs ol war . .at f.h 4ous capitot -Nor were they .usiastui : when they halted for; the : r - 1 prepared to sink supp'erless alan,!, ' , . - . . x ':y-i. 'u-l!i- Virginia Peg"mient near hy. . nlid sonm of , i . lawn to have a..look t -au1.' - -a-iy-h,. 1 .. cohVe? asked one, - of a . t '.retched tli.-eousolalclv- -on ' V...J , of our 1 a - a i ia J the other, ..ay rations to-ntehti ' or two from tlie-: hot- r-aeksa' ; J - - ' . 1 i - the hoys of the for ty 1 V;. '!na ; hospitality t:iLX. The mcn-soou aance with cofiee-ket-'. and bacon, the best iVw minutes the collee he ly.icr.il cooked, and a as sat down t '-j;ether '"-'.ire. " 'I'.ke taismeu -'hied.' The l.unsiry; - ate with a lal hh such reciate unless he has ' - -. -. j va a warm s.pot in Thud Oh" ever after - ri.'!y-;".uirlli. i the, ma .a- lantern 1' th shh'ha:: .war hh-. o h ? hs-hm - ha-i ' ! f tormcd. :' : ; ; r. y ..- ha; over a and y i io:iv :' 'la y-h-aa'a a h at y a: 1 1 1 i'.y's ' v v -f or.'' t i' the ircrfclli Advertkcraents. - NOTICE. rirst Class Sewing, Machines -at Ecttom Prices. GEO. ALLEN the juris, x ' : . xuw-home, ' ':, . 7 J) OME&TIC,' and. v " . V WHITE, The Latest, Improred t LlTlng' Prices, -11 t Needles and larta ;Jor all .Kind Send for Irtco List,b'fore buying elsewhere I lirivw thi? Inrgist and most complete Repair CI.,... in C, - . . : . No rpasoonbl oirer refused tut Seooad-tind Sl:u'Utnes iu good orjler. v - i : . . r ' - J. "V. BI3ASLEY, . . ' . .' 105 Chureh street, - nuglO-wCm - , ."-Norfolk, Va Adam Tredwell &Go; . Ccttca Cc2!aissioa Merchants, - NOI1FOLK, VA. : Otllco (Jolton Excl)anpre IJuihlinc Sella cotton for conmiission, 50 cents per bale.- , . ; t -: : aul7w6m ..ii Yk was the i3 lni-.r.ers sprang to had to camp, -The 'i is at the fvrry,' ; ran in : 1 out : .' ?. '1 ! t . : n. reserve - lores !. Coii'ec and .d.es and the were freely v rcrac-mbereil " ., . 1 pa:d ; - .: ae c ' I f-eeno Elizabeth Iron Works ClIASW. PETTIT Prop., 2S0 and 282 Water; street, Norfolk, Va 5 MANUFACTURER OP J ENGINES,- BOILERS, Saw and Grist Mills, . - ' SHAFTINGS, -liilloyis, Hangers FORQIXOS AND CASTINGS, Of Every DescripUon. " aivITwly , W. . T. FjtRKEIt, - ' -V. K. CABB.V iate of ; 'arrontoa. Late of Edjrecomb .Vt -:. - ; N. C. Cotton Commission Merchant! L orner 1 aye tte aud Water Streets, -Norfolk, Va ,-i-at.r sweet . " ring a cf war. ail S topped IT 'comb, ' ;at a - I lean arc and : y. 8ev i a . i r from i-y. I s llat : ' ' i amedi . - - - I have ,1 knew -1 ::i jurious I ' .a the ..i , ;i strong I - : - da t L l ' ' t I.abit : ' ail., never a eanie, I like a 1 -i-o. I -:-r: :zl:: v : a the a I tja;.:;: ialed . i.txl day I . . it" smoke, r - ;..;,! bent my . . .-: ry. I soon i W!-rked,-with J.r.r-kins p i . . :.;.aai pipe 1 ,ce. My victory I thong! it, I'll aii master of the I f;ikl the pipe : desk beside me; .' I r used. 'The ry noso and still I v p.inn grew com : ' . I would . 1 ' . i aatch and t. I t k the stem : - led again, h -ire. I struck . -li;e. : , , ;he company . .VSho's got an 2Miai !s and correspondence lolicited. gl7w4m - ..... , ,. . r;oiiFOLix college FOR " YCUNGr LADIES. ri i:icn:r. irianoj cfyouxg iadies Twelve rJeg: lar Teachers, Fire Gentle- t i . :i and Seen Ladies. - Chrisiirm. hr.t nor.-sectarian-. Principal Pro tesiant (ii'iioivM! ! iioiis repreeated in the Board ol J MrerttTs ;hil! : LieuItV. 7 . Two lonui-cu ;! 1 oii;htv imuils last session. New ro,l ( ! -i liuilmnis. heated by steam and In- ni wiiu cam; sunplied with .the best itioilerii oini.-at!tnal appliance. lionrdiug de- piLi-in! -t oil ilo Liicr provided thronsnoui witn walnut ::i';ntiire. marble top Imrenus ami wash' xtaniis : m iiis and best hair mattreuse on lfds : in ' ii-r-oni with hot ud cold wntert three lnrc ):ii tur.s, etc. .. . "r Got His . , il ai. - r the war La 1 been de 1 : hyior Pre wry went to 1 wiihout the i il ccre : in Lis na:ae, lest he 1 a:i iat rview, made his ' . .. ?ence f Secretary Stan- said be. "I want my . . . i i .;k ie. I've fought i rs long as I could, and I've J, . i now I waut to -go t - crk. I've got hundreds I that have been lying 1 t f ur years, ami I want , rv ir. a of it this spring, ' e me my pardon, .' ikst that Mr. Stanton t i:i a v . ird; but being amused j 1 by Major jirewry's he asked at last: . ) . Liounds do you expect a ad, fir, t!mt I showed you i a i;avy. You sent j'our fleet 1 a sh:; s i -p to Drewry's Bluff, cl 1 'era all to pieces and a ':, that wooden ships we.re 1- . And then yon went I a t a raw that'wiis worth : a 1 it's on the ground that Vl 1 vour needs to you. that I . retarv 1 uicrheda.and told ihe i ea.i nextday, as he woujd-j " with Lira. .Next day rv cot Lis pardon; and in re? ant on a ..great deal o . rination . concerning.- me s prospects. lie went hack :t Lome on the Janxes mid iviiC, enterprising, prOs'peY-- I-or catalogue, containing full -infor-- maiii'ii, aU)lv to IlEV. R. AVYNNE, ;:;h ' Secretary, Or Rev. R. M. SAUNDERS, . . " Principal, ' auldlv-w3m - Norfolk, Va. TO Tnrcli'ES and other FARMERS Tfo i.w.lli Ferti'izcr id Insecticide, FOB ALL v " AGRICULTURAL AND UORTICUL I ; TURAL PRODUCTS, -" , $15 PER TON, CASH,t Delivered at any of the Depots iu Nor New Derue and Washington Steam ers- pass .our wharf,- and stop if re quired. . - - . MANUFACTURED BY 1 v - r Stcn,' Whitehurst &,Co.f NORFOLK rAl ', - Biaas' Wharf. Office ri- 1 4. l i in Arith luetic.- jlV. -: -e 3'ou'coming noUncJe ifose?' t'oorly, thank. God.' " ;'s ' 3 matter?' n -i yl?- sen gals to . support,- lss. -1 s f i o.w er f money o (HI; np aonfs free times a day.'. " , 1 at I heard one of your ilaugh-' ? - 'kig to get -nmrried,"' so that ly leave yots six ta support,"; a jr.- it .1 t::s ucse ivusua cuntxi jxnticiancr8, a l ov habin' ouly six f " support, - he marries, I'll hab cghtl jnotefif ', fo- i :;idy few ob dese poli r, v, ha or black, in woif de v Lit would take ,t shoot 'em. Read the following certificates,. which will giVe an iiiai m its meriis. . j ... , . Vlrarlmla. s . Berlin P. O., ssouthampton Co . Ta, ? . September fi, 188L - J Gentlemen: I used yonr fertilizer on oats. corn. peanuts and veeetablesi al tha rate of about SUO His. per acre. - Jl j oat crop was good.. -Vegetables were excellent, and corn very satisfactory. Will use it next year under all crops, beiioring it peculiarly adapted to our soil as a renovator. ... i - t .Wh. H. Hood.; : JndffeJ(.s. B. Parkj Oreensboro, Oa-writes; In reply to yours of the 2otlt inst. I take pleosnre in sayiuff lhatT was rery much gratified with the results from, the use of your. fertilizer under my grape Tinea, my grapes rotted ranch lass than for several years past, and one Tanety-that had here tofore invariably rotted, this year matured well. I did not pat it aronnd the vines nntil some time in Mareh, but I believe the grapes won id have received greater benefit if the fertilizer had been applied two or three months sooner, . . .. .;- . h.;h-.lL. ha--- Peiinsylvsinla. h- :: a " iiorristown, Pa., Oct 1889. " ,. Dr. J. G-." Ralston, widely known at the north as a mineralogist, says: I uned your fertilizer this year under-fruit-trees, grape Tines -nad vege tables, with great .benefit. - - - j. , h' " - ". ' . j Bforfh CmroMasui'r'ih. 't'. . -elvider Perquimans Co., J : - . " hL- L-i Dee. 80, 1881..' 'I - - Gentlemen: Th Korfolk Fertilizer purchased of you last Spring, I nsed air the rat of about 17S lbs per acra under earn, cotton, peanuts and. vogr etables. Corn came up well and grew vigorously and -was not injured by worms and bugs-, and grew satisfactory. Cotton boiled from bottom to top, and remained green nntil frost; did not have rust and yielded finely. Peannts were good, no pops among them. Vegetables best I ever had will use It under all my crops the ensning year. It is the best fertilizer I have ever nsed. - .Pleae ship me tn (Jo) tons by the ISth of January, 1882. There will be a heavy demand for year fertilizer u ujib qwuuu iue coming year. - . y Yours truly, , .. ; J. R. Dabdkx. . ; Fiomthe samewe have the following: h,' . - August 4, 1SS2 Tor oats the result was entirety satisfactory, and for clover' the best I have ever used. Muchjaf it will be wanted this fall and nj xt spring, and some very soon f or tnraips. o v . lieHpectf iilly, . - J, K. Daiiukx, V .At ttfis place, Selvidere, twenty-one sacks were nsed nnder the erops of 4SS1, and abont fifteen hnadred sacks nnder the present crop in that Yi-ciniiy.- r---. . ... ... .. r.. .... -g Messrs. S. B. Carmoy, Joseph Sanderlin, Major John Mullin and ether prominent truckers around Norfolk have used this Fertilizer the present sea son and are welf pleased with the results. -.-" ; . . For further information and for the Norfolk Fertiliser, address - a-'-,;.; -.-.j . -i-; ; - ay Styron.'WlUtelmrst & Co., . ; ay; aos23w3m f yyayj Norfolk. Va. 1 . . SLEOIIIDAS J. MOORED A T T 0 1 jr E Y A T L A W , yy y- (Office opposite Oanto'n Hoae . v &n ISerao. N. Ci - Will practice iri the Counties "trf ftrevn. Lenoirj Jones," Onslow, Pamlico and 4 vraven;aiso m tuo UT Si Distritft Ctourt. rtompt Attention paid to Colfectioif of ' whar you 'amhibolia?-7ersclf;i':'-'-. :.-Aalmsr . . I at ar gat am gwinetcr marry f -ri ,pr ' :dwX4a;.h" iVe 1 w L-r-ii dat g;ii marries, not ath ' h : iteral increase,'. m. j. w.- saniisis' cell pills. A Certain. Safe and ' Immediate cure lor Cbills and Billons Fevers, Abver known to tail. They enre the chillthe first dHj-, uo mat ter how long or severe tne at tack, y.-: , , ii 4t , , II'.! u. I rn.HirPM,.wa4...H,ltru. it W .1 DC fclg't in.!; al Ol SISlSold bi driifjgistH ou theirinwitsprdy.- a . - aag23-wlyi'a -a e K;y mviOSTi ; - r a i- f . , " Offer a Largo Stock of , Brown, Georgia 'and ? Needle . :;f cottoit : aiifs, Fceders-;and Condensers. 1 paem psisrqnsrEs ; From 4 to20 Horn loveiy v - , - s J Off THE ' f ' :r..r.---. .- . -.;.!'- i.7 .i-i. j .v .jfc. . ' "-! t" - ' Jt - -y- Moat Approved Make. , COTTON PRESSES, y s. 'V' " ;: '"' ai,ril -..! - '; f liice TI?li.fesliuxH. i '.' - , , k - -: Grain Faus, Straw Cutters, Corn ' Shelters, Etc., Etc. ; y - -"a, - , - - - - , " h " Plows and Cultivators. J y - In (J rent V. Variety g and at Very Low Prices. 1, t " . s - :- GEO. ALLEN & CO. s;.0n account, of alter- inpr,, building:, ; - , . -WH,: SULTA1T & CO., v offer rtlieir cntirp 8tockj at cost, and some , " " GOODS LESS. THAff COST for the next : r IX1 Ladies Balbriggan Hose 15 to 25 cents per pair ' 1,000 yards of Dress Goods at .COST. ; Apr 1 d w ) y. . -1 . ; ' - EASTEBJI MRTll CABIII.WJ' ' MA TI B I, K WORKS NEW BEEXE, N. (V ' MONUMENTS, TOMBS, ALL KINDS ;11AVE AND BU1LD INT. WORK IX JTAL.AH&AFRiOAN MARBLE Orders will roceiro prompt attention and satisfaction-guaranteed. ,.. JOE K. WILLIS, ; Proprietor, (Successor to George AVl Claypoole) hiy Cor, BROAD & CKAVEN Sts. New Berne, N. C. Mar. 30, 1 y tl w : . .The pleasure of your company is' respectfully solicited at the . . - l. - . Ladiss Dry Goads. HqKors ; 2nd: Shea Store v J J - v lav?--"- -f LifiJw . CC POLLOCK STREET, HEW BERHE, N.1 0 Every efibit will be iifmlo to f5itit you ir all lines of Taney Dry (;yW" fifeg" Samples: of any kind of Goods etit." .-."i" tJooils sent out to bt lookfl at. . , ft-i" Money relurnetl if Goods lo not isuit. . I respectfully invite the attention of fiie trade l.o my verv suiK.'iiorlo,'k "of Dry Goods, fn'slt and dcsirablei also my uleant stock of " I.. . a ' 'I i . Hand-made Ladies and Children's Shoes, s which ate warranted. I am prepared to ofler at the lowest priex:' fct; fin . as sured tluitniy facilities enable me to compete with any simihir establishment -iii' tliis city. A call from you when you visit our city ia solicited, and, in the mean lime, your orders will receive prompt and caixfuatfccntion. , i . s f2P Send ? cent stamp flr.Fahion.J(tv-::''-i':i'' ' Ffpl-ihtwCm' LAEGES T; A NT) '. OLD E S f Wholesale pisr ' ! v m THE CITY.. 4 - Keeps, always in Stock large' duantities PORK, LONG , -CLEAIIS, FLOUR,". SUGAR, COFFEE, SYRDP, ; ' Molasses,' Salt, " &c. . LORILLARD AND GAIL & AX SNUFF, - also a large stocc of DRYa GOODS, BOOTS, SHOES, and Arbuckle's Ariosa . ROASTED COIEIi, CRACKERS and CAKES in great variety. A large Stock oi , NOTIONS ANJ) HOSIERY. Wholesale buyers will find a large STOCK at lowest prices. f Ioi,t fail to see me before you buy MIDIJLE STItEET, -;-' h.a K Mar. 23 ly d w y a " New Bebss. N". C E(.;f1.i:I ; :CQr.HiissioN Apr 1 d w"l V C. B. HART & CO. " ONE PEISE CAS2 STCS2L , - Noroa8t corner Middio and Sootli Frou.t streets " . h oite E H. Windley and K. R. Jones.1:-5 ' Stoves, House FnndsMng 6000X ' . CROCKERY and GLASSWARE; !' LAMPS in great variety. BURNERS, WICKS, CHIMNEYS, - - , KEROSENE OIL, " Pratt's Astral-Non-Espxosive Cii, i Machine . and a Train Oils. l -f vfe are now'prepared to manufacture . . Tin. and Sheet-Iron "Ware, .-h- Special attention riven to renainne." Geoa eoia tow ana warranted to be as represented. April 14-iy a -w . A. IT.-ITOTION, 3 ?'DEALEH IN Foreip:n and Domestic . .. WINES & LIQUORS, T0BAGG0S&GIGARS. ' . : MIDDLESTKEET, Opposito loo XZouso NEXT 1IEUNK. ti. C. o. XT. O. OPEJ AT ' PEEP 'OV DAY,' "And Don't You Forget It," THAT K WHLTMiN'S EYE ' OPENERS ABE .UNEXCELLED. ffiiey Streets liear. Corner: South rront,. NEW. BERNE, aN. C. ' .. ''Next' door a to K.y;K. Jones'. Apr. 3-d & w TJJ in. ALEX AITLLER, ' h h WHOLESALE & RETAIL Constantly, receiving a full line hyOlioicc Ordceries ftvhhh'fc'i'-yy - andh i:: yiy:: h:- a. "a FARMERS' SUPPLIES, . which we 'offer as low as any house in the city; and warrant, all goods as rep resented.; Call andi examine onr stock and prices Stables furnished free to all oiu countify customers. Goods dcliyercd free to any ;art of the city. ; 12 W. & D. . - Consignments ofGrain, Cotton, and other -s- . PBOBUCE - ; & O Xj. X D X 1 33 3Z. X ry Cjrood IN otion s , 'HA rr s', BOOTS AND SHOES. GROCERIES ' '-OF; ALL KINDS Pork, - Bacon, Flour Sugar, 7 ' Coffee Salt, Syrup and MOLASSES SNUFFand TOBACCO. HARDWAK E ' ".. "such as Spades , Shovels , Hoes, Axes , Nails Plow Traces Hames, ' FarmeriTs Sixplies GENERALLY : . a-as-vs-S' vLL.a1 - -- a.. ." a, -. A It S MOTT'S 'SWEET CIDER, tiie"best mvde, CO N S T A N T LY IN ST OC'K LAME. a-. la jiias. W H O L E S A L E It O C E 'R1 and . Ipovisin Dealer A FULL SUPPLY constantly on hand of. Dry Salted and Smoked MEATS, s " . ; ' - B Prices low for cash. a Satisfaction guaran teed. lligheft cash prices paid for country Produce. Call and see me. North West corner SOUTH FRONT & ., MIDDLE Streets, NEW BERNE, N. C. Mar. .30. 1 y w It stands at the head I r a,h- Cvy'StSngGS-.a Jl' f a ,.' . . w .. . . WnOLESATiB : AND1 RETAIL DKA Ta r . .? a y liirsK-ro.-N. rv. .-.. , AUE liECLIVG. A VEIIY LAKGU .yj'dci, urooas, Groceries, , , -o'1- ' . hClotamg, '" m. . a 2 ' . x Glassvarr, " ; ' : n " ' v, Furniture, 1 V They proiTo.fl)4o Bell th(Mr )0(l at cfoic' f.fic,, and offer. Me-i;il i inonts to country morchantf.a - - "-- a' ,,,. -i , .. . . -- . - . .. . . . ' , ' t," ' X 11 1!. Ol J 5 K Alii, U ' l 1 - BROOKS COTTOIT HUSS, . : . 'Brown and -other Gins, always on hin ! . 4 . V A Car Load of ;ST0VKS Just Urn i' m m 171 rkiiT Sugars, complete line, all grades.' MOLASSES & SYRUPS, TOBACCO AND SNUFF, Salt, Powder and Shot. Special attention of Country Dealers is called to my Stock. Sole Agent for the "ENTIRE" WllEA T FLO UR'. Sample aud prices sent by mall.' Mar. 30. 1 v-Hd w The LfeMgiiarters! HILARY! HAT! MAY! LIME! LIME. LIAIE! BRICK, BRICK. BRICK! OF Alul GRADl.S. aul7-rtttiuii; - TTT -JTT?7c"T"n ' ' , , ' UIANAaEU OF - , K IN S T 6 lS-l a ; IT O I : : : , ' . ... '. . y, ':' T' - ' . t y ;"h DEALlilt IN - ' - ' -l." - ' r jlKtVv;; Orgnii..! ; ' ' The most - popular Ursran mado... SSalLHrattion in Instrument, pin e ;n 1 i guaraTteed. ' ;ivc me a lilal. ! : ;-' , , , . ' . l -... i . " .. i) .. ', ' a v-' a Gnte t;it Ii:ino. 'it has a line case, wcc tonr,4ire' 'touht nt vlndofali ratc and m:,;. u n , protit. s Thin is a dinner to luiy a iiaii at homo n licnp an ahrond. i Instrument warranted i'or five Vcaif, and kept in tune for twelve miC - ' - o a - - .. ,".- 'Domestic Sewing jMacliinr. . -Although this popular machine ha' not Wu eammssed with I hron-Ii I try in llii8.iinliie(rtate,vicinilyvTel llu-rc have Incn ft vt ml nld. nnd innni. wlierc instructions liavc Ixsen ftiven with (hem (U v have !;ivtn imi.l;n i ;... I will pubfish a litof Nttininla from iIhwo J n t.ittul.iicl iUtw ! in a-short while'-ia-;.-,."- h vy -a.ly: , .V'-' . . 'It is stru-tly jirsl-eliLt, and",lia thej prfttaa' it.o.J..v.n ; Whnmi i" '1 f. r reai-F.- , , - . ." : yf-a -'...y .. - '. h - ; f . . j . h -s--.- s Picture. Framea,-Mouldings, - Fictud nd NiVinuow CI " - - ".( Cnrompa, Mottoes, .Ac. '"'yy ! Agent for Copying Extablithnittt't. ''. l'ltotmi fii lH (t nd vml mh' " - ' ; ;: I bid'" In I vli Wo tcr, Color: h a ; 'i MUU nWDSTAWSAFCR 3UEK1XK ' LIXEX; AD .TflKvBlMXESS l AIil.s. h f ' ;' . ' ' XFEPLES AND OIL . . , SIieet.Miisielattoi'rts. cv M ,,.i a - 4 jthin -in the JI "sic or SewinsMaihlne line ordered. ' - anl7wt.T.. - KINSTOX, N. C. ' h 1 A - :'''.;'"- ; . Represents the following firRr-cLisBcoinpauiesi': . . .. .' ifORTII BRITISH 'AND MERCANTILE INSURANCE CO.. - FIRE ASSOCIATION OF FIIILAIlEH'IHA, . WESTCHESTER -OF NEr YORK, - ? ' V OEOIIOIA HOME OF COLUM11US. . : : NORTH CAROLINA II OMi; : oulotlier.' v . ; Store, dwelllnp merchandise' gins' and farm p roHj iwuitd ii:nint Ion j damage by lire or lighthin;;. .S ; A''.-'-;':'-'.'" ' i ' " ' Au3vv,"in IJosendale. 1 ovtla.nl V Kelin i I i; ( omonts. Plaster, Goat Hair, &e. SALES ROOM Craven Stroot, Udow Express Offlcc. Aug lO d&w tr IJ. O. E. tODOU, Nw Berne, N. t'. NOTlCE Tlc ConntT Commisshraera have or,!prl i hat nlf reil estate soltl by the Sheriff to tb; conn ly frr taxS flue fnr the vlr 1Hfll .nn mlAmiiiiil hv 11... owlfors without paying the additional SS per cent tuiuweu oyuw proviaett tne trixcs on s.na lands re paid by the first or December. Parties inter ested will take notice and govern themsolv!s accordingly. D. NKILBn J N, julyS-d&wUl County Titusiir. r. DR.; EDWARD CLARK Kesiectf nlly offers, "professional ervu-es to the citizens of New Heru.i and country piiiToiuKhiif;. tins, praciicea ot'cossjiilly ioiirti'ii years where malarial ferers prerarf; a physician, ob tetncian and snrjreon. . . OKFlCK-Hancoolr--ilnos. dm,' ' xmre. rtirni"r Craven and l'ollock . -fA'i - i'ronrielor'. . , - i ' kwiilciue. nlrt i'tinmiiu fw: enriv . oiinuers- Jjiore, a. vt. a coruot nvuse and VravcitVri'' uul d&w3m. THE LIGHT RUNNING DOMESTIC. That is the acknowl -dtred Lender In the Trade Is a fact that cnuiiot he dUputrd. MANY IMXTATK J'l'I NONE EQUAL IT! James Eedmond, A I -JOL.EjfSA.lJiE LIQUOR I E A. E E Ji. BERGNER & EN GEL'S CELEBRATED BOTTLED LAGER BEER FOR SALE BY THE GRATE. ! Also on hand a full stock of Groceries, Provisions, Cigars, AND TOBACCO. Open Front 15iiclc Store. MI11LE STItEET, Apr 1 d w ly NEW BEKNE. N. C. C. E. FOY & GO. Wholesale Grocers, and Dealers in. the follow ing standard Brands of Flour, The Largest Armed. Tlie liilitest linn ninc. The most Beautiful Wonil-woik 5j a.vu is wAttKAVTKD I Wliich are put up expressly lor onr Trade : V To bo inndf." of tli ' best material.. To do aiiy ; and all ICimls of Work. To Complete i CROAl'A A' SCTEli., in Every Respect. j DOVER MILLS EXTRA, For ecoii!)jny luiJ jierfi-clicn i 'i lit. sit -e i he'4HSii ! CON TFN TS I'JA EX TRA . . larntimesllc Paper Fhtoi. WHI 77' OAK EXI'RA. Catalogues free. F..r sale by j TRL'T RI V Lit- X XX EX TRA, . MiOKs, NEAY WORLD XXXX FAMILY. Feb 2nd ly. New Jlerne, N. : l!y IC. I. K-iii.-inn, N. C. , Ii-:il. i- in Pi 10.) . : -..'Li , Si-. vile'- llnc'li ines . etc A.bli. llemi-tic S. M. Co., 1;ii iiMij-iD, Va AriiIS W.ltlteJ- Foyls Patent Process, from Selected Wheat. atem process is eijual to anything on tlie market, aihl we ".'tiaratit :e every All iroods in ur line tf Our n; hni n i in oiv.-SLiiilkf'timi. Cid! .ui.l i--:.niin.: our t sold at the Lowest Cash l'lkes. -- ha au31 FiKlCIv !1L(K!K, ! 1 1 1LE ST. , NEW JiEKNE, N. C. wlJ A CAB LOAD OF; .Tilli.-.LliES'J'j : - -J ' s' l,---s J " , J For Farm Purposes Now,' in Use Vy W JL AJL 1JJ rf ML OLV ML HAVJ ON II A NJ) A LL THE TIME. V a; Hand-made Steel: Alcs and Steel Tyre FI RST GLASS ALT THR OUG II A large supply of Open and.. Top Cincinnan: Vt I jow Fisuros. Tops sjC30' Opn f'f -' r FIFTY SETTS OF IIAIWESS NO. li AND CHEAPER GKADES: ii; a I ,. ,--i ? v, .y" . . n.---a m' " "X a. . .- Auk 10, w tf. : - MUbu:it u. 1 I- . - . - - . mi.

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