PAGE TWO •TATI POLITICAL STAGE (Continued from png* one) Pro*, to dote, from etvoagb mud t* choke off th* intrest of thoae i who disdain the lower order of politic, th* Rr*-prtmar> light ho* born, and will ' continue to be, herd fought. Pitched on ' a high plane, It has--*ritk minor ex- i . reption*—remained there. .-*•! Nine actual working days remalh b* fore the flrat test of strength and after ' th* leading candidate and the runner up have been picked, aupportera of flee a* 4 andidatra now In the race will be pDK- Jjiag other favorites. A greet many have E already made up their minda on thta ■•core Notwithstanding th* apparent * I strength of tom* of tha-wqndldatea, sup- H porter* oI thoo* raudidatoaNraaliae that ft Id hocking them they aro doing an hon- J! prary thing. " BOI.ICfTOKSHII’ WARMING UP Not alone i* Wayne engagcdl In aj hrated Congraaaional fight but within tha last tew day* the race between | Clawson L William* of ann I Solicitor Waller p. Siler haa warmed up to th* point whet* the county'i vot* ( anybody * " And Wayne I* considered ; by both randidatea to be the pivotal * county. Por thi* rraaen. th* heavy gun* . of both candidates have been ahelling - the weed* hereabout* with a noia# al - moat aa great a* any other battle give* th# past week, too, the vot er* off th* county and of tbo entire dls * trick have more or load ggcenaciousiy **■ roaliaed that A. G. Avery of Morgan- 1 t ton, la running agalqct Corporation e. Commissioner W. T. Lee. Thi* i* the * oay slat* wide content the voter* will participate in June third but 1t prom * ieee to afford plenty of thrill*. A second primary I* a* freely predlrt - ed In the jodiciol coquet In th* *ixth * district a» in the lillrd Congreisional. t Two candidate* from Sampson, two „ from Duplin and on* from Lenoir make m Onslow, to tome extant, tka pivotal p aunty in tk« flvht • * Sampson is offering Henry A. Ready aid Henry R. Faison, both Democralto rare horaos, while Duplin I* presenting S he name* of Henry L. Stavena and j 2 IWemo Ward Lenair la offering Cloy *C. lfwore. editor-lawyer. „ COUNTY FIGHT* OP INTEREST Reams might be written about tba % < various county ftghta In th* district. I y ao*ao of Which nr* apoetoeular. But It, remain* for a fact, queattonaires neve*, trvlesa. that the campaign for county , vofficers ia atill in th* peroonai atage * mid saw issues intercat voter* support * Big their favorite*. In Wayne n woman. ’/Ilia* May me Johna#o( 1* a candidate tor / , register of good*. . » By a* moon* to th* campaign In th# r Third n*U**s. ovun if It to A* off year la poiittoa. State attention i* riveted Zon the Congressional contest and poll* j tic* I* Ming pl*y«d within politic*. Washington and Raleigh nr* watching 7 development* in th* district with as "2 much interest a* th* moat partisan sup porter as *ny candidate^ * MATTER* or ucon • | Rani —toll Transfer* Th* following r«»l ratal# transfer* wet* f*f*md*d yesterday: M R. Riaaell .and wlf* to Runic* B Spruill, lot on E. Walnut str**t; con ■‘tt’JiLu. “ », t.i 'v*t*gfc, tot on Park xvonue, considers tion pfx •nuns Tol*r to A. H. Toler, lot on fi ~ Leslie atreet; cesaidcration |io. Baity L Edward* and other* to R P. Daly, M B-l# «cr*a In New Hope „ township. Marriage Ltonwa* Th* following marriage license was Usaod yonteydayi |L W C*l**Ud Lewi* Artis t# Tiara Wor K/.loU, both *f Nahunta township. ■ RnlMlag Permits Th* fallowing building permit* w.r, ■ V ■HH£|gg(a>day: ■ Amelia Urown. two <*i<■ r>. hrnM* on Mulberry etrccl, lie Pine View and Jnrh»m. coal li.WHI. J A M»r»U two story, right room : buihftag on Mulberry street, between renter as lffulherry and Ptw* View atr**t; estimated c«at sh,#oo. J. A. Sharard. contractor. WANT ADS 4i.*maw'nw..i og. * " ■■» ■ WANTED—BY JUNE PIIUIT THREE downaiairt room* *aitabl* for Ugat housekeeping, rent must ,ha reason a,bl* and within dva block* of K-a uon Hotel. R, L. A. Box ttd 6-L2 It TOR RENT TWO CONNECTING 2 room* with hath. llg B. Virginia. . BPBCIAL BALE POR WEDDING PREB- T- - eat* and Graduating Presents: We • suggest Sterling Silver, Sheffield Bil -2 vw*’. Diamond Rings, Pearl Necklaces, m Wardrehe Tyunka and Bathing Suit* and *nv*Sg goods. Jt will puy you AfmwifcqjffT prices before buying. T.i* •* GoW*h*ro Sporting Ooods Store, N. "* J. Rffwnrd*. Proprietor. ' FOR RENT—HOUSE AT NORTHWEST earner filter and Sprue* streets.— *P|dE» B . G. Thomptosv** tßof£|MrtOWEßft HAW BONE ♦ 'maul. dW ’ground, a complete and aoUafqedofW.'Wrrtiliaor for v*gvt*bl*a „ % aaff ioweto. For sale in any quantity, •r B. G. Thimpaun. ICENOUNt PORTO BRCAN POTATO K p*r IhouaiMtd, WggO Or kvefi ft .10 per tkcsand.—R D. Batter WANTED—PBSRH JERSM CtoW.-A. HII.HEAT PRICED RRBT TYI’EWRIT ** *r# for a*l*. Caah If ye* have it— Z .. Em* iff you want It.--fa# A. Hum phrey, Goldsboro, N. C. Authority on typewriter* Burden building Only % aorvo people who want th* best. PORTO RICA POTATO PLANTS— * Cortlßed and guaranteed free from dlaeaas, |1 .21 per theutnnd: lOJNMi aad ap at |i per M Moos parked. Can ( make Immediate delivery on any pmvunt - Pitt* Plant Cm, Pitta, C,». ( ■■l eii 1 , MERCHANTS AND EUBINRM MEN <ouv)nre you that our organisation i* To, dhc. Merchant* and .Burin*** Me* directly benciltlng you, then w* would ofT.oldaboro: i I not rv«|o*»t y*«v .support. Today. Wednesday, May *4th, a «m- | *>«Mg the last week In June oar an paign under the direction of th# Cham , • nu * l ■»**he«hlp . dinner will be her of Commerce. RoUry and Kiwanl. . A ‘ «">”• • detailed report clubs will be conducted fbr th# port | of oor n*«*»pH.hmenU during*t I poa* of renewing and eecurinc ad«.! 'T*«r Will be aubmiUe.l for your con«ld ! tioaal member, to thq I hamber ot We stncerwiy hop# that When Commerce. Thi* I* our annual mem- membership i>* fiubliahed Immcdl ‘ bership drive and, whil* during U*! •‘« , k »ft**r our drijiy that the name of I cloning year" w# have hpd fine moral ***** buaine*. and professional man ’ and flnaarlal support fr.M* our hunlnea* in our city will be recorded j and professional men .n number of ..ur Boliritmg your moral and financial citixen* have failed to support us. We WB r ' ml,,n * feel that this ia due larg.dy to the Yours for n Greater Goldsboro. I fact that thoy do a<A .realise the neres-j THF • HAMHi.It OF » OMMI.KGE, ( sity of a live fhamber of Comtnerfr,! ‘ ,r SG injury, and that they hnv# never eoitaidered. • ~~ ~ “ the activities of our office. Thp 01,1 <tUur<l probuhiy is wonder- Our membership dues to the indl- i"»f now whether l’t nosy Ivania u me i vidual- ore t*& • year. Thi. is lea* Quaker Slate or the earthquake slate thaie 7 cent* a day that you ar* con Richmond Time* Dispatch , tributing to our support and wa nr* - “ ~ . sure that if you would visit our office ,‘>nc of the richest soda dcp.-it* In for ten minutes at any lime you woul* , ’bh world Imho Megadl, In lirlti h I readily see where we ar* directly *erv- E«*l Africa. Us area i* over tu o I lag y»u. Our effort* *v# iiot confincc 1 iflilea. and the sod* cohUim d in t jto « n y class or yrofeaaion. * r*. i« ealmiatcd at two hundred million at all times, loot ng for th* dcv?h'i> tone. Alnnnl m »”nn u- '• : merit of our city and county as a whole removed another supply naturally I and if the file* In our office do not torms. I ■ 'I - i “ '' ’* ' ' " X E-' ■ * • To the Democratic Voters of Wayne County o . 0 ' fv '■ ; -V ? I wish to state that I appreciate more than can expreHH the many kind worda of confidence that many of the lead ing men of the county have Hpoken in my behalf, in urging me to become a candi date for nomination to the State Senate. [ ...... * l o , ! C • .-- . ( While I realize that it will t>e a great pergonal sacrifice for me to be absent from my home and business during the cam paign and the session of the Legisl l ure, I feel that if I can in a small measure serve the interests of the good people of this rreat county, 1 should not covet the cost to myself personally. .Therefore, I take pleasure in asking the democrats, both men and women, of the county to give me their votes on June 3rd, and if nominated l promise to do my utmost for their very best interests in every possible way. Respect sincerely, * , * H B. PARKER ' % yj ssrsir..; m""'' ~— :=z.ttl::, ... ■:=' , -jr t / And every woman who comes here to supply her warm weather clothes JL 'it needs will find in our splendid showing of appai el a wonderful array of ,//L^\p \ Uz|j\ Q | /jj sheer garments that make you feel cool just to see them. V_ V T \ ring I / That the latest whim&of style are featured, it is unnecessary to tell any- /c !r i * , Dne who has ever shopped among our’conveniently arranged istticks. If [ ; I you have never had the pleasure of shopping here, now is a good time to Lf\ j Tkk r._ New Summer Dresses li g--/. It is difficult to know jivt' where to start when one trys to describe the sum- I M 3 ® mer Dresses. Perhaps the best way is for you to stoj) in the first time you //Sm 11 (X » have an opportunity and ,see them. It will prove worthy the effort. J \ J%rl \ »:>m $2.00 Dotted Organdies From $7.50 up tm ' / / >m $5.00 t n I Kwissew K.-°m . • •... *6.96 up . ■ SMg \\ \HJ /» yures Sport silks in marvelous combinations $19.50 up, vj// (/ 6 extent of carrying Dresses in stock in Voiles and Silks up to size 48. A WEIL BROS. J We diatribute Hetty Wales Dresses in this district _ —— • : t. . ■F . o « ► A A * .• "wa THR CO|JyBORO NEW larFF THE READY -RATION FOR DAIRY COWS GO TO YOUR LARRO-KEED OKA LEU GJiT A HfTI II Y '>llll TWO HACKS To ANY ONE COW IF YOU'RE NOT ' ENTIRELY SATISFIED WITH UR BULTH, RETURN THE TWO KMBTT RAi K.S AND THE BALANCE OF T|IE FEED AND OET EVERY CENT OF YOUR MONEY HACK. v —OK VOl’K MONEY * IIACh ON REQUEST. ■ T ItATM f (UR GUAKA NTER ON I.AKKO-FEED We know, and Ihuueand* as dairymen know, that rowa give IkdMOHT MII.K FOR THE LONGEST TIME when f.d ‘ with l.arru-Fred. T» prwve to YOU that this i* ao we a*h tor lo make a fair and square lest at our risk: Guaranteed I.ARROW K I’KODUCTB’o-Feed I* hard In heal. I have used it four year* and it make* more milk than asiy- Ihing we have fed yet. We are uslnff eight bags s day with ensilage to 99 cow a, and they are making SOME milk, nearly IM quart* to a bag. JAMIES C. SYNTH. Winterthur, Del. Hie I .arrow Milling Co. I* l.arrowr lluHding ll.troil. Mirhigan I 1.. A. Raney, Goldsboro, N. C. \ ail Hrothera, I’ikeaville. N. C. I’tke A I’erle, Fremont, N. C. j S. W. Tew, LaGrangr, N. hlnatun Seed Kinston, S. C. I MAY THE BEST MAN WIN I PHI , -t\. , ~.."****■ ) V o ~nf it , I ■ We are candidates too—for your business - both person- I I al buying and your mail orders. ■ I SMITH HARDWARE COMPANY . I O' . ■ b V - # H| I GOLDSBORO. N. C. I * ■ Wholesale and Retail ■ , • I " A O' ■ Q • m ■ ■ Selr-rt hhy one of your row*. Weigh her., milk mch day for a week on her present ration. At the end of the'vseek add up the total. 0 Then rhange the eow over to Lnrro-Feed uslly, taking one week lo mnko romplctv rhrtrge |p na to qllpgr her to herself tu the new feed. Give her the same amount I by weight) of Lnrro-Feed a* you did of the old rotior# At soon a* she ia on., a full yation of latrro- Feed, .tart weighing her milk ugaiiy Kc-rnrd each day* yield as be fore until 100 pounds of I.aiwo has been fed. If, after you’ve used 2(MI Ilia., your own fig Andrews A know lea. Mount Olive, N. C. It. E. Herring, (Union. N. C. Honey Feed (’*., Wallace, N. A J. A. Meadows, Nrwhrrn. N. C. Freemen Brothers, Morehead City, N. C. Mann itrolhers, Washington, N. C. i are. do not show that the row gave more milk on l.arro-Feed—or If for any other reason yoe are not rntirriy .atl.Bed return the two empty narks and the balance of the feed and get every .eentffof your money- back. ' You want to get more milk from your cows. W« tell you that with Lnrro-Feed you will get more milk. The only wuy to prove it i* to make a teat. If the teat shows that you don't get more milk with Larro-Fcctl w« return your money with no question* asked. That"* fair. Try it. Order a supply of Larro-Fced fr in your dealer today. « p , ” w- - FARMERS ENDORSE . HOBBS * * "\ ■ ; * -1 *. ' / ' «* > >■* •f • * , •«*» v * j The farmer* renntv want Sam Hobbs for Con gress. He has done more-Tor the farmers than any other man in the county. He is capable of fillingUhe place as no other man in the field is. He is strong has far a quarter of a century made a study of farm problems, ha*t sacrificed his time „ and money freely in our behalf, and has the ability and the back bone to go to Congress and accomplish something worth while for us. ‘ Morever, Sam is a worker as well as a thinker. He can and , does chop as much cotton in a day as any man in the district; he n ean run as straight a furrow as anybody; he sides cotton to per- . > feetion. His crop never jpushcs him and that he Is not a farmer ' merely in name is in evidence every year when harvest comen. d We feel in addition to his being one of ua,and fully in sym <t\ pathy with us in evdry effortV«to l*etter the condition of agricul ture, thut he is the strongest and most capable man in the field. We c would not ask the people of the district to vote for a mail just-be cause he is a farmer, but when we have the most capable man run- * t nlng and he is a farmer, too, and besidea, has spent many weeks y in Washington pushing laws in behalf of agricultural advance " ment and has the friendship and confidence of the leaders of agri , cultural thought in the whole nation, we feel that it would be h suicidal not to elect him to the position which he seeks. n We most emphatically endorse 8. H. Hobbs for CongreM. .* (Signed): P. M. Smith, W. H. Sutton, J. R. Tyndall, D. B. r ' „ Sutton, W. A. Bizzell, J. W. Bryan, J. A. Beaman, J. W Weeks, J. <t C. Warren, C. L. Hobbs, R. B. Barnes, P. L. Herring. C. R. Beaman J. C. Williams, W. S. Strickland. W. J. Weeks. E. C. Newman, C. ;. S. Royal, H. F. Turlington, J. C. Weeks, R. B. Smith, Henry Vann, A. Vann. I). J. King, Billie Warren, W. B. Boyette. The foregoing endorsers are only a few of the ninety-ffve per cent ofv the fanners of the county who are whooping it up l for Hobbs. Every one of these is a life long Democrat and the most then!) are those who have known Mr. Hobbs longest and j most intimately. » , T =. : =m=.,.- tM ±t+tr ntfyTiw

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