Ik««tn Tbara4a> aa4 pnhtU> fri4« Mill* rkMff la t*aap*ratar«. f K VOLL’MS ONE; M MKKK fl ■ , 1 H UM MS TO GRIDUITES ON CUM OF IIP ' > \ Telte Them Must Be More of Service and llnaelfitthneHs » In All Walka of Life GRADUATION SCENE IS PRETTY PICTURE The heart of every citixen of the city, especially fho-.<- who were in at tendance upon the final seen.-* of the Kraduatlnr exercises of Goldsboro high school must have swelled w-th | ride last evening when iw.-ntyxeven handsome young ladies and younK mer marched upon the stage in the hig school auditorium to receive their di plomas. the presentation of which »» the highest honor the institution could confer upon thc»« bright young peo ple, who hav r measured up to the high standard required hy the institution be fore such honor is conferred. prspilf, the almost prohibitive - le which threatened to cause a sotaii at tendanre, the nuditoriutn and gallery were filled w.ith expectant and pr.iu. fathers and mother*; pcnnis of thou young people who wire to figure so prominently in the events of the eve ning, while hundreds "of patrons of the initiation were there to hid God speed to these young people tyho ore jut* s launching out to meet the many exact ing conditions of life, and to bring new and appreciated honors to tnelr coin ■nunity. Greeted by tpplause V igneous rounds of applause greet ed the graduates as they made their appearance at the main entrance to tm auditorium and proceeded down the aisle, asrended the stage and stood sue Ing the sea of smiling faces before , them. The young Indy 'members of tn» class wore handsome -dream** of whit* and pink ar.d carried beautiful boqurts of sweet peas and rare ferns, and with their fares agow wiih senile.. trium Vhant over the pel picking problems <il every day school life, their rich voice pealed faith in sweetest notes in th< rendition of -a most delightful chorus written and dedicated to the “Gold* • boro high school.” Th« invocation was offered by Itljv 0. T. Adams, tho le-toved pqstor of di. haul Methodist church, and in thi Kev. Mr. Adatna Invoked divine guiq ance upon the young lives now prepay mg to take their places upon th v I,alto Udd of tlf« and that not,).- aspirations and high put poses. would be their eii jacts, and theae, coupled wtlh the d. •Ira t<s render sarviee to Cyd and -a all mankind Would make th. m mor. than victors, tie invoked God’s rich est hieasmgs upon the institution which was sending forth these lives so full of hope and promise, anti upon tnc schoolmate, s and faculty upon whos hearts the great work of tho iastitu tion had lain so heavily. Presents Old Friend. The singing by a class of young ladies under the direction of Miss Kleanur F.dinunUson. revealed the fact thut in Goldsboro there is unquestionable vo cal talent and the applause which greet ed these twenty young ladies who had filled tho auditorium with sweetest mel ody showed the appreciation of the large assemblage. In presenting the speaker for the evening Superintendent O. A. Hemit ton very pleasantly referred to the j sweet memories lingering with him of hm earlier days; when at a hoy hr romped the neighborhood with his., companion of boyhood days and who I sir no* pastor of the first Haptit j church, of Wilson. It gave hitn ui hounded pleasure to pres.-nt to stj.-h | an audience his r.let friend and com- ! panion, Swindell Gove. The Challenge of the Hour. \ Mr l.ov* chose for hi* subject, 'Tin challenge of the hour to the youth of the present day’’ and Iroiti this subject j he delivered an address of rare powci j and inspiration. “Some years syro,’ said the speaker “as ] watched a funeral lirori'Mion j which firm*] to iU lust resting pla»s* the remain* of a mat) who had wrought much good m thi* lift; one wh» rtwver . tired of service, and I heard another | man of similitr type expre** the w,ydt ! not to die ut thi* time of hi* lift* whefi there win mo much to !*«• done,' What a greit truth Ih ere in in such a wish, W'lth a retrospective * Inure nt . events; when we have -.«.#*n tho worl 1 loitering upon the very brink of d pair, chaos and ruin and the great work of reconstruction w.t* a problem con i fronting the ing nuity nnd brain of man, we have e*n the old give way, not ta the new. hut to the poaaihilitie-' of fhV new Thi -»• po-i Lilitles the speaker vividly and ln*tingly im|ire*aed upon his hearer* mo*t beaut ifully, stressing dhtl declaring ih« m to real , most heavily upon the youth of county, state, and tuition, to whom the world looked for surr«s»ful adju <• ’ m*-nfc Rev Mr I*n Vv W »uld I tuple as upon I the youth of today that in acrumplUh* I ing the ta k« of life and rising to that aptten* of uAefulm * and er\|c to ; t.od and humanity the man or tporaan I who fails to grip the hand of tisd who lit« not the cetirug and power 1 to )o<»k mankind squar** in the fir *, i who does not have faith in himaelf and | is talking in an übiding faith in find | cannot measure up to th« responsible j Hies of the hour when the world •> call* j ing for real men and w Amen. Thy man or woman who possea* i tkaac at tribute*, who hi* high and lofty Ist<•»t and a real de-ira for s«rvico will sue* reed when they once put tfcldr hand* to the task. frndro. > to I a*Hy. Briefly the speaker' r< ferred to the i ftv i j I Strict Secrecy I Surround Probe Os Fraud Cases WASHINGTON, May SI. Invextlfia ion of the •availed w*r fraud* ca»o' began today before a special Federal grand jury when United States Attor ary, Payton Gordon presented a* the ] first of the government’* scries ol case* dealing with war time .contract* that involving disposal of surplus lum ber by th* quartet roaster corps of the United Stall • army. Without a recce* intprvetung, the gitand jury empgnnrled under a recent act of Congress sat for four hour*, the deljhpration* being accompanied by the secret y usually kuch nurruiyidlng pro feeding,*. Extraordinary worn tak eg to prevent leak*. Atlornoy -Gener tl Daugherty unnounec-o thul ‘at rto time during the prog resit of the grand ury’e tavsitlgulfiaa would he divulgei information eoncerning it* nor the names of the eases presented tqd dt-trivt attorney Gordon declared that nil die. ial* connected #vith the nqutry werj- »wi>r-i to accr. cj and thit it- cotilti not *uy what c,a*e would be ebt- first on which the ko vt* r n mPnl woulil ask indictment*. One of the (Iri*. acts of the grand jury wo* to suffe. na all available pa peri and record* bearing on the lum ier cu|j-. Witnesses were on hand to testify but their name* were withhnld ILL LIBERTY BONDS HOOVE FIR FIRST TIME SINCE ISSUE Heavy Trading in Bonds Record ed On the Market Yesterday TREASURY OFFICIALS FOREC AST GOOD ONE NEW YORK. May .HI Forth«- f»r#t tiiAir linrf the* dut«* of irniuc*, ull Uhrr ty bond* today »o|<t at par or better Hi-ttVy trading in liberty bomU t*t highest pricea and t ran mart i on.« rmbrar mg »i*v» h»l fotH of were the outstanding feature* in the bond mar ket. Continued rase of money mid invest ment buying hy individual* uud cor poration* in anticipation of June in terest und dividend diaburMement gave* stimulus to the day’* extenaive pur '*h a*a« of war flotation*. At the low quotations of ln*t year, most of them' borMn wer«> yielding from 5 to d 1 l pt*r cent. On th«* prseent buni* of value*, the 3 1 l'% nt*t < xact : ly three and one half p*r cent and the four’s und I 1-4’a from I to 4 1-4 per rent. In fine, predictions of treasury official* made early in the year that all of Uncle Hum’s war floatation* soon would reach par or better have been fulfiled. Women are forbidden, by art * th fir it ish parhumint, to go down mine* t> engine ra, tendency among young people to be lax and carries*; the threatening dan ; ger* ever attendant which would tear ! iluwu uur tugh Ktandard of c + v-ilrmUoD f »nd j|*op4»rdtae morals T..v call t*f the hour i* for higher and [>l?rtnc«»; that fjhe e dang> r* might be 'minimised and th*. iia'ton not only be i made safe for democracy, but our civ | lisation safeguarded against those war | rirteea and crucifixion* of charactgr- I Th* call i* to thoae who ar* willing t«» lo and dare for humanity. Iher* must jit* injected into our democracy n great | rs spirit of brotherhood, or Irwofflcy would p»»* from the cn.fth leaving only a crim»nn blot. The speaker ft »pH*4 thc*e principles I ! to bukinfft* life and all of hu j man endeavor and declared that any btmiwe * op«*r4it*d only for th* prime - object *f profit or self without regard to the principle of service, mud be rolel'uleo to the |» ist, and gr» ut« r r« i ;rnrd or ron*ldcration given to the ( brotherhood spirit. The Prise* Awarded , KoTowing the »d«lri o of. Mr bov» | i the rlpi fa «*ri d the assemblage with mitt' hor spirited choru s after whiei j Ms f».‘ ('. Korn* gay pf« o tiled the di plnmMH. The follovr’.t k p» /e* were n.'ntiunc4 «l i Its l’rintipnl »•'» T Kmory dud were d* llvired: J “The Well prise," for the high | acbol|ir hip »v. thi fig ti' f**u I yearn high -ch>ol -our 1 w<*»» by W;i t 1 ! I anil lli - , I'a n •>n Th* **Royal! f’rlr.e.** ft»r the bent «** 1 r..y, won by M 1 > Virginia Orths i ] I honorable r«>eniioo being made of th I 1 vroiA- o* 'f is-* * h.f. fin** I ’n«k Tlnotia [ amp* n a» d- Mek Virgin * Karp The “f»»if«i , n flip,** f.»r the c*t» » »*»ak- Irng ihn fpg. -*t rholai avera j during the tv-rm* won by th«* «fr. ior*. The banner sor 4 t •.* literary *o*b*t, . giving tb* betd program in joint ..sen lion, was won by M McNeill NV Z** Tji«* **ll*bate iluitrtcr» w to 4h* *las« winning out In Inter clas* rontast, was | won by thi junior The essay prilv offered by The Cftld - boro News to the class which produc , i ti be'-t tones' of «*say* In a ron ;t *t f«ir several week*, wa* wan by the l jfiiiom. - BONUS WILL TIKE ; ' TiFFME I HvimH-ratM Vote to “Report It', Out" Without Committing Members r LOAN PROVISION * .* RETAINED IN 1111,1. 'WASHINGTON. May 31 -Tho liousr SoWirr’* bonus l.ili, amen.l.-ti in >rvm i *1 i-i (jortant |>arti< ular*. but with th mu.li discusned bank loan pros- i. ion retained, was approvrit today by the i -b-tmtt- Finance romitiittrc by a vote of j nine to four. ( huirmun Mrt’umltei ! irupoßi d tu rrjmrt the measure to the - h-nato within a few day* und said he iu().-it to ret action on it before the I i»o»«a|fe of the tariff bill. The must important altriatlon* mad. n the llotmCimn*ure worst | Tin- ehanKi*c <>f the eff.-.tlv* date of iritistation from next October 1 to Jan uary 1, lUk‘3. Removal of the time limit -tion on ' ;he filing of applications hy woild war vet. ran* tor adjusted --rvi t epipen . Dlitittl). Abandonment of the reclamktlon plan ind the a ut-st i tut ton of a provi ion un- ] Jer which veil ran* euulil be giseo pref •r. tue in niakikAt entry oil pul.lie or In dial) lai.il* wb.-n opened to entry. Approval of the hlt.-red hou-e fm-nx or. co.-sm.inly rallidi—The M.-t’umber plan was voted by the rtmirnitlee after r.-j. etion of H to f. of a measure offer d l.y f'.-nator Smoot of I’luli ranking committee It.-pul.l.can propositi*; paid itVjiife in-urani. in l-eu of all other ■ ornsa of eoniprnsntiun. Nrither I’r.-sident Harding's views with respect to the bonu.i nc.r methols of financing the legislation entered in la committee discussion', Senators said Lo ading proponent* of the M< Cumber Plan said it w : ould “not unacceptable" to the administration since it called for in. h. avy expenditure* during the n.-*i -hree year* and would requiru neither taxes or uny large draft on tin .U-a « u ry. Vote la Nine to lour. The eommouly known Met umher -ol dler bonus plan was ordered favorably >■ ported toil.iv l.y the Senate Fin Anet ommittre. The vote «i< tl to 4. Th.- effective date of the hill we * 1 changed, however, from next October I to January 1. I»i>3. after Senator Walsh Democrat, .MussttrhusiTts. told th* ms- ! jofity thut it would take six in opt kg to get the Uunue muetiinery In opera tion. * Smoot I’lan Lost. The Smoot plan providing for pnhl up life insurance in Hsu of ail otller j form* of compensation, was defeated hy ’ a vote of H to I, the three Democrats -present—Scmmons, Walsh and Gerry j voting against it. Rcpuhlit-ur.) sup- ' porting the Smoot proposal, w.*rv Sena tor Smoot, Mcla-un. Frslinghuysen,' t’wl der and Itiliingh.iin. R. puhlicans vot- I ing against it were Mefumher, Curtis, Watson, Sutherland and La Follettv. | Senator Nl< Jh*xh brokt- tho ti« whit h | ha* <*xisted among the Kcpublicnn moyn her* on th# vote to report the MrCamb I ••r pl*n whfch n the Huumi bill with ' *otne umendM)<*nt* including . elimina tion of the land nett lenient or recU mo tion pro jer t. f Several of the majority members of the comoiittoe gov»* no Hew to t hAmimii Med umber that they would oppose lay* j mg tt*ifle the tariff bill for Senate onsideration of the bond* at Mny | line In the near future. (hnirman Mr- Uumler replied that he intended to get a* prompt connideralton of tho bo nus bill a* rould be worked out, Ljt did .not stall- wht thi r tjl* tmiff mm* * ure wnnM be ti-itt * i«lr, Tt wiiij report •*d thut the Republican leader* hoped to work out some plan by whieh thp (Hihw* mesaure could be expedited with «»ut delaying *erioisly the tur.fi bui. Vote for Action. Senator Simmon*, ranking flernocrut! • announced on behalf of the three Democrat* present that they voted to report out the MrCurnbcr bill only to j. action nromptly and not becnu*«‘ they favor4*«l the measure. Tk* Ihmte U-.tiler expreetMed the belief that the Mct’ufnber b»tl would be of little j benefit to the fouuer nrvirs men nod 4M>d to offer a substitute bill in the Senate or an amendment to the Me < umber plan. DM K KVA.NR JOINS MM \l, BAM* TEAM KINSTON. HI Dtekb Kvnna. E>*t Virginia pttrhffr, will j«nn the :o | en| eluh of th- (n*t« rn Carolina fnJi I'ii. Vlnn-iay hv. i will not pitch hX f lh« a, buwevt \ t wji» predict* d today. lie is* regard ad u llu bad 11 • lo | twirlaiw Hi I w»» u meA»bay of the Kinston Hub last < I • ear, and didexceilent work in th« 1 last half of the *ea»i*ft, |l« developed * into one of nift t hitter* tr th** jbttgU' . having a i* mark Me tendeni-V Jto bang out two and throe baggers . when they were needed. Wilkesboro Boy, Ju Graduated When RirifMONO, V\ M.«y .!! William A. fr>ilnor, «»f Wilk#*lntro, N. <who srrailu.*!* Om iiionnni' fi • u (hi> !*o |fl* \ ft* hi ph«ito>nupliir w< ( Itilliii twin) win If Dying t»v*»r hi* uti <•?*»► farm four mttr* fro»u hire, hi •ittjrl*' *• »»t army pUtrtr going lirlo a *i i<l bur* l inf iru«> lUm*.^ wh«*n it rra^hwl, lilir;iifuutiuti »u* nmdf by thft un UOLUBBORC, NORTH, CAROLINA. TUI RSOAI MORNING, Jt NK I,‘IMJ —, ,a>s v » WATSON AGAIN GETS SENATE INTO ROW; , AFTER HOOVER NOW „ 0 And Agnin tht* Vit-e President Calls His Attention to Rules WILLING TO ENGAGE I.ENROOT IN COMBAT •> B WAKfIINGTON, May Charge’ a-1 ■ ~, ~ -1 ai He-- < r >n 11- * Senaiq Y««t w.-ek hy Senator Watson. D. -I. , rat, (.< orgio. It-il t.. a lively rov | today between that Si-natnr and Sena tor I.er.root. Hcputtl ..at' WUconcin, in ihe cour.e of which the Georgia Rena 1..r wax adipi.nistn-.l l* > Ihc Vice- I’reni dent agauiat violation of the .Sonata rule* an to the unc of language iu th j Senate chamber. The tilt w«« prec.pita* oil through p.-■ net-iathm by Mr, Ic-nror-t of a Irttn from Mv Hoover, clcayng a o-rlS'oa j oiade by Mr. Wal.or* that thy aceoun • f »f the foreign relief oiganGationn un der the commerce ai-cr.-iat) . diyvciion never had ben audit, d. dr. I.i-tn-00l d • .lal- -I lo ii - .. .. thi i.i let that 1. ! "»o happen-, that 'r< iiatoi , ..oim.tinj« o.akc xtal.-mentx that are utint>lut*-i\ without foundation, ’’ adding thut th. 1 nlatement rvi-m/ifit.r the relief accoun.- wax of that character." Senator W»t«»n w«. .i n hi, feet in luitlly, dc.laiing that it »ai the thir 1 time tt'at Mr. leg,root bad attacked him pel onal't and that hi «a< iiot afraid I of the Wiuronnin oeuator "on the tton. of the S.-nat,. or anywhere t-lae " lie then aid ihe Wioonmti .enntor woul have to xcttlo With him peraonally. Deficit la-nroot Senator Leiiroot wan r.ferre.| to hx the Georgia aunator .-in "the insolent junior ic-iaiar from Wi.-remain," and the Semite »«. reminded that tin. l« «k, r had "deti-.c!" Mis. !.»-nr.if.t on the two pmvioui occasion* when iliff erenev. .n. "I -l.f'e-l ~ ’ll then ami I defy h.in now,” ..huutid Mr. Watson. “I'm nn afraid of hint hero, or anywhere cine and the sooner he tinda that mil the bet ter for Loth of ox." Vice-President t olid go pounded hear ily with the gavel and warned the xca ator against the use of language tha< violated Senate rules Mt, Woi on rC turned that no objection had been en lered when Mr fx-nroot - ,-ha g.-J me j with a deliberate falsehood.’’ The, : Georgia menotnr went to his seat tui f'vautor Ifarri on, 1 iioarul, M.saissip I" 1 , moved to allow ilk f to C4* ( titnii* in i#hb f/ *nh«i Mr. Waisijn w tm 4« Made Ohjrrtimi SoDafor pr«*viou*ly bj<l ok jrfud 4<» Mr. Iren root’* rvqn< it f<» unummoiiN consent to inxfrt lh«* le*t»**r in th** Rf-corJ wiihoot f«u«ltng. In t*x i Ift'tauoii, Ih#* Grorgm irn*tur tuld th<* I that bi* Hn! not want tb® Idtfnr Id H«j prin tc«l wiihoul an nrmwi-r aitrl ‘ thua to go u* with ununimmi* upproV al of ofi ri< tiator*,” H. said that Mr leonroot wa.i “well known a* % bitt.*r hater of the S/t>uLh,** and doclaied h ♦ - would not per mit the remark* Pvgard - if'g hi* recent lUktrußnt* lo go un rhalVngvd. Senator Can root, opening the dU- | cu - 1 «» n, y dd tbp Sf-nala that it wa; utifortunate that a a»aa who could nr t dr-fend himii'lf m rhe ScruiD* wa* mad iho aubjcri of attaek and d*dtr«<l that the country will Judgo between M r , I Hoover and the foorgig tonator." Senator M’atnon, however, reiteratvd f bi* charg •* that Mr. Hoover had n</ had ait a nilt of th r furtda and declared that Ihe “Englishman Hoover ban been i freVerat of apprnpHai vft khMNMI a ntonth of the*p» fund* to bi* own k#t, M aid of having he**n gatll | of paying wgatoful naiarte* to nubpi : dinateq, in the rvlief work. Handled Money Th** NtatenirM* of firmtor Wqtaon j Mr 1Ioov*t’« ltttiv iniij, appeared to; have been baaed on “ruotU gb*olytf mi* lafo t (nation." “Wherever theae an •notation* f ti* *. j Holg an Relief < ummiliet arid the i Americttft R«*lief Aflmmlwtration » hiv«‘i I *i handling fund? Idenging to thi* gov ! ernment," the letter continued., M th H'</t«- of account *g4 have of ufo s*ity been deponite.l in the II m H It' Hutir) in order lo i»btum puyuient of the appropriation*. “The*** a*HO' iatioii* have ab»<* handl id moaey for fore.gn govern 'tier*!*, bu* they were presided over by director* if high Mantl ng tn tho ropmtfnitys , they have alway* trva*Ure*Obp of merchant bank* an in every in** tan**# of tlwtr r*emi*u * uud r«*c« ipt % ht»vt ben ao ofrajitpi) i« to require com bint d action of ». j»i,ei» of men.** Mr Hover initii ii that h«» th ft was r.tily ti(k th wsrn >u„ nad •1., -r i .Vic. in 11. •!,.>. „f b.i i,iai.it, an I in ihc spirit of th I,cat c ■' -lys 1.,-, - * ist ly Is Killed His Plane Crushes *•'« ihroUßh h rime on ByiJn«ir'» flr(r#r. Alii r iM-riorrtiH >• mini<-rwu« -luni . u ><m tin* t otmtfy * Inti «f \ irrintH At \l i lt«m|>luri, ntiuut four rotlp* from Iln-H luoinl, th* |ilun.' »uiti|«frl> i.mulil (in ■ml |ilmi|i-il to (hi- i fouinl. H ittnek ■ trip in il« du«nw*n| rmirM> ami i .iin(il. i. |v Hi-mwlUhi-.l it. Tin- yiiutiv »»• aufMii tu <i, utli !i- (-..i Ih. |it«OP l»lt ttlr Brnumt ■< . iiritthir to 4 «f thr airnknt. Herbert Hoover To Take i Responsibility Os Fixing Price Os Nation’s Coal ! Late Wire Flashes . .1 WILW U KFK, M«y 31. Twelve «i --! ganflc gHR bar* were tonight *Vi|i» r hrough the upper an ** p* *|SRU *» the thirteenth imtinnnl baloon race Visit w* •1% d ht*re today MMl* Will» »» »*ach ravigotor Wherever and vtK’ r i | ho return* w» earth. Ihnt« it pilot* took b**U*>*‘Hs into I d»c* air Uu tbe *ky pilgrimagt* for fr< Way DvitttM'cfßt, t*f Spt'i titrfiebi. 1., rtub’d guiekty. Hh* bug waa unatlo i« uold *t*» gas and when Donnldwon t*v 4 tig self headed Into Lake Michigan a d linking at the mine time he c ° *-wn ril Ray Ycirw after a f«Mir mile kitiifl The landing was ' » I n ntntdri d feet of (he lake. The baloon* Here Rtarted by a guntv wlntl wbr. h rariod them rapi y * 4 ’i **i by southeast. Special weather report* ho we if, how'er. th«t wh<i| art • f, ,11.1 f ♦*, i vvi»- tr.4ch'd t ill* bl ' .14: would L- Ii fT .) into a nctth< «> eHy direr tion by a steady ftouthweal wind. The pilot* said they planned t :«ke adanlage of this air ru.h ni W .s 'vould carry tlrw®t into nortftraNtcr 1 nited State* or Bauthaaa*® n t an* *n protded they negotiated t’ Gieat Lake a. i AKRON, Nev., May HI. Mary Tick lord« from Owen Moore wa > Mistained today when the Nevada #u pr» me court affirmed tbc order of d»- triet judge frank I*. Langan quavhirg *arVicw of Bummoni In the action • rought by Attorney (*en«>raf Kowler to ! I*et aside the decree granted thw mo vie star. * 1 1 ‘ •omni■ -hinn tonight fuljy approved the (rerroan it* ultimatum and del! 1 itety decided to grant (o i oiuny pro- j vimonal moraiorium for tht yer of' IMPROVEMENT IN BUILDING NEEDED .MerchanU Asrtorialinn Heekinß lo (Jft I’litivs For Knlarflnif FoNtoffice Kxotuled Th Merchantr Atso'-iaiion I* trying to »"<urc such ntt enlargement of the (ioldshoro posti.(tiro aa will meet lb, need* of the ever Increasing business of th# office. I’reeidvnt Hawley ha* written Senator Fitnmon* nnd soru.-cl hi* interest in the matter. The Id ler given Iw-luw edts forth th* n#«d« mentioned nnd the steps that have been taken to *erure it. Kenator Hintmons promptly replied to the letter ssyipg (hot he wool,) Inkr the mutter up with the treasury department and »e* what iheir r.ttitgdr would he regarding the necessary legislation to secure the Im provement, the pnetoMre I.Ultdinge he ng under ihc jurissllctlon of the Ires ury, ilusihes* im*n of the city are Writ.ng 1,-It, rs individually supplement ing that of the asuoctutton. The fol lowing letter xki sent Senator Slm g*U! lion. V. M Simmons, '!’• 3. Sciiiite, '‘Washington, I). V. My Deur 8lr:-» "Th*r» hss recently Iteen died in the •üßervising nrchitoat'e afftre plans, Jruw.ngs and speciAcatlons fur a pro 'o*ed onlarevment of „ur pre**>R I’nst DA.-, building, which will entail an np proximate n.»t if thirty to thirty live Lhouxmid dollars, and in as much u* !lii* egpendltute will n <- < riitate ■,»«•> ml 1,-gislutii.il, | wish to acquaint you *ith the following tacts: ' Th, present building was erected in I" 1 Wticti There .Wits no parcel post ,nd wh, n tty- population of our city w. c,,-,..i.1> ruhly 1,,-s than ftv, tho is md The lotrl annual receipts of the i IV',* nt that 1 1 me Hr, lift. - n thousand dollar* ar,i the receipt from hox ren ' il i *" appro*i'o-rtcly 2.’, p. r cent t ,f 1,1 ’ I*' "i* re,,,p(. At this tme 11 I'pulaj on of our town hu* reach id twlve thousand eno the indications now in lh.it th, receipt* this year will In fifty thu-l'Und dollars. I‘nr,el po t has giotv-n to suth an extent that the pre,enl needi' demand a separal, ' 'v> *n »nd special help t« bundle It. Utrr I’ontim.t.i stab* that thee, it an* un>u|i|di<d demand fnr locked box • vjlh „o place »o .t ,i„lt additional hue*. Tk*,cl tic, to . ..I id. ration of th, aim, (it. I hep that you tske ' . lit. r „ »t*h lb 'I I, .urcr In |>.i i t-in-lit t uur eaihc-t .oi vcnienre and iu 'Mill ft* |.. vihl,. s, ruff the ee*u cry legislation for the ■ erection of this addition t» our pr,nt build “This rt liter i* v.stl) important' nnd '•> .as special intr r« at •* •*, ry man m to.ld- nto ,nd vir.nitv. I wi.h to ' k-.o sic, th t our entire p„pu viyc you teat ,ec fit to render, I am, ••ko.li V. ry truly, •1,1,1d-'.,Hi, M-. \■■ ,■.'■*lloll •JOHN II IIAWI.KY. •I'rcsidetit" SAFE CROSSING CAMPAIGN OPENS 0 mm Th«- K , rieral public will be greatly i'ltcrrst, J in the t-nmpaign which open, .'<il«y umlcr htmpices of the liailway Aa-ociation for lhi> prevention of nrridt-nW Involving autnmobllea ami vehicle.* at grade crossing*. The iainpa if n will be nation-wide in iM scope and will extend over a period of four month*, from Juna I*l to Sop te'rfber ’dull, ldid. H.iihUoi«i ly illuslruteil poster* are now on display in every pulilir place in *ll our cities ind town*, a* well ar in the vicinity ~f trade crossings in our rural district*. These postern point out the hazard* incident to cross ing-1 rulro.nl trucks ui gr.tdc, unless prop, r caul ion i,i e*or«i»ed. It ia he licved by many people lhat the only safe plan i* to STOP, LOOK, ANI> LiH- ThN. before attempting to rroM rail road* track* at crude It hi hoped in view of the many serum* accident , which have occurred *1 thr*e crowd! *« during recent year*, involvinn lon* as life and property, thnl every person operating an automobile wtil realise the seriousness of the aituation aad resolve to further the campaign by liter* ly following the slogan whleh has Ireen adopted d KOS.3 : CROSSINGS CAD riOIJSLY" DUGIITKKH WILL HKMVK HAItUKt I K AT NOON. The Daughter* of the Confederacy will have a barbecue on the Court House Square at }2.M today for the I heitoAt of C onfederal* Veteran* who wish to ifo to the Reunion at Rich mond. If the weather I* unfavorable the dinner will be served in the vacant store -of tk* Borden Building on Walnut nlreet. MI- OLIVE CHMFH I IIMITIH I’rtMidrnt Kenneth Royal ChM Spenker For New OrtranUa lion of vSiNter Town <V Ml. Olive husinnai men hnv# com pleted (hr organisation of their cham ber of commerce and are starting off with vim and vision to work for the development of Mt. Olive and Wayne county as w*l|. Thrir first art ia their nlArial career will he to extend t'«* the right hand of fellowship and co operation to the (.oldshoro chamber at their orgnnixatiofi luncheon this af ternoon. v Th.* event will take place at six-thir ty thix evening and Mr, Kenneth t\ Roy al, ax president of the Goldsboro Cham ber, will Ira thu principal speaker and guest of honor. I' Mt. Olive has not heretofore chamber but the leading business mn. convinced of the value that euch an or ganisation would be, have gone into th* uiganisatian with great enthusiasm. They have expressed great appreciation of th- efforts of the Goldsboro Cham ber in Its hard road program and are ready to join with them, in carrying on this program and also th* agricul tural program. M< inhere of the Gold-boro Chamber or,, d, lighted with the organisation at Mt Olive und hail It a# a great addi tion to the working «n< rgy that cun l.r marshalled into every effort lor the development nhd upbuilding of Wayne roiinty. With this new organisation young und vigorous ns it will be. Way ne county will hive what very few counties cun bo., t of, namely, two wide awake rhamhef* of commerce. Two such working organisation* tun pul Wu> ne on the map in any way that liny undertake. SAYS IT'S HOBBS 111BEBIKTBV Mr. O. J. I’itfMon, t»isimgrr of llulilu for rungs* *», through • h tit> )f*UrU*y, ii mthtft* h in' t’op i.»w > an mu! m« rhtuifi/) u« u -grinr Ml ■ - Clftl* i liAl h | i* k*il. l in th«* Aral pn* 'i ir\ hut h, ilot * • Imm th«t hr will i •0 r**i» * ~«»t» hi»«i iM-n ilown In lower W ij,*,. uLi'it h# **yr liuiihx hq niln*i*« f»4 »’tii in 'Hit , J| t , maki-a ftu |»i • (J»ct too •» to \K »v»»r, min r than thv prtdtrtioi ‘ f surprint. • I i »*y it ffiwill l>« Hobh« and Ab< orffthy in thu akruviii priMiory,’' Mr. i’< tt * M»i (..«•!ci th#* m Two women havr limit rtrclvd to thr »iy rouiKi! of •Krgltl*. IHr hi if 1 tis the r tigitierring for - f the ChilAAn Htatr milt uadi u .# wummi. . FTLI. ASSOCIATED 1 press I pricb'hvb ( KNT* Jit Conference With Un ion and Non - Union Operators Mr. Hoover Asks Mine Owners To Agree With Him On Reasonable iPrice For t 00l During Strike Period; Will Have Committees Report To Him. d*> W AHHINGTON, Hay tl -Maxtaam lair prices for spot root Ip See dUlrtrta were announced tonight by Hecraiary Hoover after reachiag agreement, with commit!*** representing thus* felg, tinder the plan adopted at the geoedhl conference of operator* from prodoetag •eld* for prevent lag ruw-away price* ' i •* coal at the mine* darlag the atrtfce it was determined that la the Ala bama diatrlol the (air prtroa ahoaid be U rents below the Aaal “Garfield arnlo." ar a maaimaa* ml IUI a to* to tI.M a toa. In the Harlan and KtlsH field* as fc.ntu.ky Ihh Hoot bora itsadadte •eld. of Ttpaaaaoee and KontMhy i*d the I'orahAntao New Blear Pag rivor •ad W inding ylvor gall Mid* (omolto lern. coal dlatrletn of Weat Vlrgialal the maxima* price waa Mod at MJM a toa. Fair price* far the remaialav •rid* which are prodaalag daring the Strlhe are to be iiad tea*arrow after cnnfrrenreo between Mr. Maever and , o "Hiltl.es reprraeatlag tboae dlotrWM whk-h were appointed after the general meting today. WASHINGTON, jfy JL-Racratory Hoover today ununud <b« |g||MM|UNh ly for fixing a r, <>>o*aMa prta* an spot coal during the ' *a*tlnaa*aa leg - The present coal strike. Opening th* coafergge* haae tgdu y of union and now-aalaa ~gr ralaag^fii the producing field*, ed that any ugroemani hitaaaa gr operator* looking toward kha Balgg gs prlc, coal, era* K * interest of th* public, woßgfj| ■mK ; and therefor* he asked the i*di#jtfMl operator, to agreo with hi* ggpa (M, ional>ie price for coal ia live district*. ' ,# -K ' h secretary ft the , nun, fii.tr appointment gjUHSh. < » representing each prodg*g|pK* , Crirt to advise with -Mm upaa a Em .h<« for coal in thwir r, -portlwa S ♦ tricta Hr also naked that thee* BMh- 1 roatlaao iaTHB <nd report to him, after the deln taiga * tiop of a fair prtra, caaa* mt awfm price* in thely district* and a*t ah hi* request a* might ha neeassary to , I meet such case*. At iUgseat Harding. Mr. Hoover told the aevayal hundred , operator* assembled at the meeting j that the ceafereace had been called by him at the requeat as President Harding to consult as to what meue might properly be token to restrain runaway real prise* dp* to the .trike. Hr explained that the ronfe rowan was not. concerned with wage* ar athpv questions, but aolely to the question •>• price and distribution of raal new ! being produced. , < •peaking of prepent rendition* " throughout the country, he said that , production wo* new a Lieut &,OW>,OM tone » week, and consumption between 1,- ooti.uun and .i.mmmwo tap* a week. Fro* ductlon will increase slightly aa timo goes on. he added. "Th* time ha* arrived* Mr. Hooewr said, ’when th# pawiae virgin* whs did not hard my recommendation* for .to-kmg up with cool muat go Into iho market and get it." Mr. Hoover recalled last time there waa a cool .trfh. cool rase • * high ns twe dollar* to aruoa dol lars a ton nt th* miaa, which be do lared, reprrarmed million* of doilp/a !•* »*‘*k loaa to the operator*. Thi* efil » or, hr asserted, we* against th* will i and wtah of th* ope raters, who roa | uderrd it the most dianatre&e thing that could happen th them. DIM, alt ProMema j- C®*l price* throughoat th* reantn loday, Mr. Hoover cootiaurd, rang# ' (rom about two dollars and twenty-fte* . "«H>t» to three dollar* and flfty cant* * ton. although the margin of from fifteen to twenty cent* • ton on real may be the margin between profit and loss f»r the operators. Th* puhlia, Mr. Hoover rantended, ahoaid understood lhat the problem at hand ia an* of al most Stupendous difficulty. "It la cf*y," he said, *'te renouoeo prod,leering, With aeme It ia a Cow ornbio apart but the vast majority of operator* do Mot wish to tolerate profit eering in roal,” What a fair price far roal |a de pended upon condition* la aarh dl.tnct „n,l where profiteering begins and ends if a question of deflnltn fair price, 4e term Hied upon fhrta and nat upon tho orira, th* secretary told the operators, rhrr* is sot. Mr. Hootrnr explained, a shred ~f law to anforwa a fair, prt«C<W prevent profiteering ' and the law prohibit* operator* agreeing aa U what a fair prtre may be. Comfcipa jtion* agninst public interest. “In time* of emergency," Mr. Hopp •er aald, ”»om* on* muet take th* responeibility, aeaume th* leadership I “ltd any what, la fair. I do not believe | * man ia worthy to hsid puklit oMe* who willnn t assume responsibility iu time* of emergency, sad I will not Oak my agree meat »r combination to re ♦tfaln trade or ptieva wrong in low. I : prnpoa- tr ij quir /I. to tk* situation " v»r „u» ,: -iriitxmind I will taho ' n-i i oqsibility of my awn hark sad -ill usl, every operator, is act-apt this • in hi* own district *

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