PAGE TWO BBieS OF THE BUFFS DAMHY. art VOOR.SELF FOR A N 1 ‘ . fcl FW»e *EAI DADDY IS GONG hL TO GET IT FOR Yoo - iWTHEtc 1 isn't HOME I WS|R3S*I I’LL SHUW Yin, SOME i » ' g||K|F~) real eats - f f dk. / 1.1 N You Vi— UK V cook?/ ‘A~ [L -JlWr 1 I /Vl|K| Mr>. F. L. I aik>, Jr., and little j daughter Hannah, nra In the city via .ting Nra. E. Q. Porter, Sr. •• • • Mr. and Mra. J. 0. Bizs.ll and fam >Mly • t Clinton have moved to Goble boro to live. a• t • Mi**. » Kuhuel and Jim Korni’gu;. Hi Mount Clive war* shoppers here' > ter day. t• a a Mia a Eleanor IteTring of Mount Olive waa a visiter hare yesterday. * r.% • • • Miaa Pattir Woathrook of Mount Olive wan a viaitor here ygiterday. •• • • Mra. John Lewi a Hatcher of Mount j . Olive waa a shopper here yesterday. Mra. A. P. Bouse of lot Orange W«n a shopping viaitor here yeatOiday. •• • • Mr and Mra. Collie Sheffield of Mt Olive were' viaitora In the city yeater ; , Jar. .'V ■> »aa a a Miaa Eleanor Korney ay haa returned home from N. C. Uullrge- for Women at Greensboro. MM Mra. Bhadio of Mount Olive waa a shopper here yen ter day. •• • • Mr. W. C. Moaaey of Princeton waa 1 a viaitor In the city yeaterday. •• • • Miaa Fannie Kceha Jonea of Mount ' Olive waa in the city on a.ahopping via l it yeaterday j 999 9 ' Mra. J. B Reavra and Miaa France* i Reavea of Mount Olive were shoppers 1 her* yeaterday: •aa a I Mra. Jolla Southerland, and daughter Jj Mtoo Sadie Lou, and eon Merman of *1 Mount Olive hnve moved to Goldsboro ] at MS Sooth John street. j Mr* W ». Kjwa'rda nnd daughter* J loft for Princeton yeaterday to viait ' relative#, *•• • I Mr. and Mra. David Reave j of Mount , Olive were ahoppera in Goldsboro yea | torday. eae e . | Mra. Nat Rill of Einaton spent yea t terdey with Mra Hugh Dortch at her home on Kaat Walnut street. Mre. Eva Rionn. of Berkeley, Cali foraia, la the gueat of Mra. )!vty> Walt. ■ 0 m m • • CAROI.IM \NH AT THE KRNNON. H. V. P. Uneland, Greensboro; Mra C. M. Wlllta and ehild, Beaufort; K B. Wilkeraon, Wtlaon; 8. M. Young. ; W. S. Royaler. Durham; Mr*. Williams ; end child, Wilmington; L. D. Clarke'; R. 0. Self, Raleigh; R A Shepard, Saliabury; E R. Walker, Wil aou; P. D. Grady. Henfy. Prank O Roy, Bmithfleld, T. H. Barrett; R W Herded. Einaton; Matt Tldall, -Vja, Bern; J J1 Jefforda, wife end child,' 0 Winatun-Balrm; |). C. White, KalAyh; j L. W. Rakers, Charlotte; J. II Me Oreger, H. D. Willlama. Kenanaville; W. A. White, Charlotte. PMJflirmil. INFORMAL RETEPTION FOR MISS HELENE OETTINGEK Mra. Eatelle Smith waa hosleaa yea- 1 terday afternoon from IS to 7 o’clock at aa informal reception given for Miaa Helone Oettinger, who.,, wedding tn Mr. Mark Kianer of New York city taker ftace on Wedneaday of neat week. The affair waa held at the home of Mra. ’ George Bynum on South Virgin ia atreet whore Mra. Smith reaidra • Plana had been mode for a garden party, but the praearioua atate of the t Weather neeeeeitated abifing he aernc from the lawn to the porch. Waantitiot of dataiea, coreopaia and other flower, ia yvllow and white wore uaod to adorn the wide varandn nnd the recaption room. The gur.ta were received at the door by Mra. Wyatt and Mias kachet Bordrn i and , .*»»• then ushered to the punrh bowl ’ whore Mra AHiekdyrrlno-nreaidd. aa i •••tod by Mtafei~Ceah Slaughter and ' Lillian D Wooten After part at ing of delicious orange | puaeh the guests were ushered to the . receiving line, whteh constated of the I Estelle Smith; Miaa IJel eae Oettinger. bride-elect; Mra AdMph-'l Oettiacer. Miaa DoretU Octttrffccr, ] mother and eiater of Miaa Helene o*l-1 Unger; Miaaes Lida Taylor and Sarah 1 Koraeewy. also bride elect; and Met- j dame. Paul B. Kdnmndaon, and J. A. ! Whitnrr, of Jacksonville Fla., recent J bn doe I The dining room was artistically dec J grated in gold and while, tbvae col I Were also carried out in the r« J fauahammit. which roaelsied „r „rang. I rtvtpod Ice, angel cuke sad gold rake J Srving is the dining mom were Me f daaaoe C, B. Mller, CUud, Martin, i I B. Daniels, George B)pum and Mi.a 1 Hattlo Dowoy. Little Miaa.. An,„. ( Log Bynum, Mary Borden Rprhel 1 Hemphill Kdperton, and Master Ed I win Bynum played the Victrola and 1 seal .led the lodic a in the dining room ( Thv oocaaivn woa a most informal 1 aae aad proved eery deligbtfal in apite ( ed the weather. About slaty gm-eta 1 aailmt during the afternoon. WOMAN’S PAGE iIGMK DEMONSTRATOR ARHII e* Miaa Celeste M, Eathr rn of Wilming ton today to take up Wayne County's Nome Demonstration work,, I hia position haa been aui filled for the past two years by Miss Elisabeth Boyle whp left this week for California to visit relative* ami to take a Rumniei school couf#*- rt turning in thu Full a* loucher «/ Do mc«tic Science *1 th« CiulJ»boro School. Mi«» McKiichern is fbtiormHy well for the Home Demount rut iru work, having^received has training at .Macon Woman's Celleff* Lynchl.arf, \ a., and at Mattie t rv* k[ Michigan Her office will be in th«* court house, and she will make har home wit h Mr. and Mra. L. M Michtut, cornt r George and Aah atreota. WITH MRS VANCE WEILL Mt». Vunca Weill entertglned ut an enjoyablo ofternoon Hridpi- party, com plimentary to Mine HHene OeUittKer, a popular bride-elect, at her home on North Janies atreet. The color scheme of pink and white waa carried out in score card* fu, ora. nnd refreahmenta. iloral deco rations consisted of pink phlox' and daisies. Individual nut cupa were plac . jdt Y OO JUST fteT I CAN JW'.jdlß COOK- HOWi VJOOLO iI6UESSVouLL r YOU LIKE youfi STEAIWr If -'WVWffk GET VOUR37EAK WKff WELL POME or WIELL DOME. . ' SOHETH,k - ) ( An Exceptional Week-End Sale FOR Thursday, Friday and Saturday < The timeliners of the many reductions which >vc have made will appeal to everyone who ih planning their vacation needs now. Here are but a few to indicate how profit able your selection will be: • ‘ Vs ® \ R : 1 n BLOUSES I EXTRA S!»K(IAL „ in Dresses SUMMER SILKS rtil atv in the latest fashions. Not in alh sizes. Excellent Alwhvh wearshle, vou will huivl.n want one or more of these Ginkchitin t.xlia tjuulity in I'oniroe ami H > efl Ml lepe tie < him* ami Dresses «t these prices, only .. «P 1.1 4 Tafl'itii Silks, yani Jpfettts, onlj S c|’ H ff t>ool Cotton You w ill have no difficulty in making a Dress Ginghams fi Hrwmiu choice selection from these as they include everyone of the summers most popular P er yard or dresses, both in materials and styles. 33 1-3 0 per cent off on all ladies ready-to-wear. 9c • ■ " y ■ •• r . SUMMER MEN'S SUITS THOSE SNAITY UNDERWEAR The man who known clothes will recognhm STRAW HATS the correct ness of the model in tliene netv •Cut for comfort, nwtfcrialm! »uits ami will RpprtHiate th.- m, H -ketl on crisp, clean lines for coolnew Rial deßitrned for V*! ‘ ,uahly l of l ?‘ aU ‘ ri ''*• ami of straws that will not "*■ „,.ko U,M -Hunleira- Note „n,„ MEN’S PONGEE SHIRTS 95c A most complete line of shoes for men, women and children; 2f# per cenQoff our entire line of Oxfords and Pumps. Farfours Department Store DANNV IS VERY KANK ! **d for each k r .j» t nnd iced drink- were !Hf rved during this gmne. Th*t gu< i?t of honor received tut < k- MUi»ite nbowi r bt>u«|Uct of pink and white iwret peas, »i.d Mrs. J. t V»»- *tory wit* awarded a hund pninG- r j ->« ■«1 'ivsm nnd pink .undid r ai* o given a beautiful corsage^ Tke dining room table was oroument ( l with un ariistir u ddu .r , b» a: mg tiny figures of hrid» * and groom*. Ices and cakes, In On class colors of pink ai d green, were served. Tho««: present w*. re Mr*. 0. A. Hum , -I. M, - Nellie <. ' . : d tb. fol'.t 1 rs of the . uuior t la.**: •Ml Paul Urecch (nee Mi aa Esther IL It • hnf im-i'ii fibrtt, Vir k'lnia Earp, i ther Leah Ep<-U*in. H«1 • It«J f i» t \ .tgirfla tviaiiam, Gladys Harris, Kayo Hart Lcid, Flora Hill, Maude fl l »r>t« r. »Sara Lou J« nkui . 1 i < I ke, L-i t Lynch.lna Mia on. Loti Robinson, Dawruti Hiuugh H'!' . * or.! 1F..1t Wed. Miss Wilkins, the hoate: , is gL o a ir.tmbvr oi the Sua lor cia ( KEI.C ll ( ROW SON Mr, arm 'nr-c. Fred ft. Prow son an riotMlce tlt«* i urr.ago of their dnugh ? . * - i'.tui A ' i '-t * n .i un uary fuiirih, nineteen bundrtd and tw* illy-two, Li Snd 11, ut the Modi odist pur:e>nuge. Xl t' -e* Eleanor iuu| M:iry Bright Harrell wore shoppers here if l. rda u i'll SAY QADDV 13 A PR«TT> Good coox ! vjhat Do vou i -* * Think SAV9 J yoi) COOK tWifcAP - —tj AMO DOTTEB T* 2:- / THfcOCST OF VO f. O. K. MKKTINc; TODAY The ( h»tfty 1 ‘<;l, wi)l not rn« ot until Utt«r in the ic.cVith, a* s. (ini iiivnluir* of the mcutiyt bnarti tore »b«Dt. M ItS. ► r. R( TKI-fcK IIOiTCHS Mr R, K Kut *!« r wi» HuiUm yes iorduy morning at tin ittrietivu Brtilgt* arty g»t< :i ut her home on (borge* trie* ;r Mi - Hekne IMLitgor, bride rivet, who h«tl been the recipient cf h large atymber us reent Mjcta! ut tatiofv*. Il'rt* Ktttdbf'l Imjjio frjMb,. o‘lorntd w»Wi » variety of field flowr*, >« U»*v and white pr dominating. The tally raiKiia wt re running hand*made affair*, combi;: ng tho initial* of the Lride to be tti.d the cn>o|l elect. I ' ’ .V»rd«‘d UL ha c! «* .»f t ' mine Wi ro n ja lo cry.ntal compote for the truest of honor, and a hand topi * car k ftfr s:,* V.*r } I - , # who made the highest srnrt . The ho* t* -h< rved a two course luncheon, cun* “ i ling of- ulad followed bj? an ice. Tin* yu« t wv •*• M i Helen t>« * tin# r. M' -da . Adrdjih Oe.ttiru'er. k'.. it M»clau.‘i, Hugh Dortch, W. it. Thump * on, Kt-rineth Boy oil, 11. VV. Tuttle*, bol W. d, i:in. M i inbi Lau Blum, of Jtci kcley, (’aUfornia, and M. ••m a Her * ide \V«il, lk,i to Uct tinker, an 1 Mury Dortch. ® Mr J. U Kiavet of Mount Oliv wa» in the city yeatrrday* 0] m§ r wtmpZ'xij’&L KtheTHom Groceries - ■mn ■ gigifciu iiii ■ ii»pi QiMfi Particular People TRADE. HURL We cater to this class of people because we have confidence in our aMlity to please. Jenkins Grocery QUALITY ~~ SERVICE Thones 700—701 \ ‘ Rupture Cured at Home j No Knife, No l’uln, No Wood, No Loss of Time From \ Work, No More Thun One Treatment (Most ( uses.) ( TAft HEEL WKCI A LIST— NORTH i AUOLIN.VS ) OWN ) Onlv one of kind in the whole south or cast. Ilr. Ernest >V. Dunn of New iiern will be in Rttcky ) Mount, June 4th. *y 1) Anyone th ,Vu ;■ : . .. d will write to New Item at once statiiu. :.o, a a-it number writing be will j) try and arrnn.p to visit our town for one day while so t\ close. L This i. the fust and may he the bwst and last oppor )) tunity anyone may have to jfet a cure. (Everyone for V| a life cure ut that.) ;) Kxfx't tinyr to move, and has intended doing so for \ t ljr, • . ai’.i (rather certain of Philadelphia.) v No time* to It*-.*, no need of hesitating, A CUKE if j treated, no doubtful cases ever taken. 1 6 h Wonderful Reputation and Record on Cures. Write ) Dr. Ernest W. Dunn. .*V2 Craven Street, New Hern. N. \ at onre if interested, and you will be happy and well ( for doing s«». ( Spti iali. iny on “The Two Greatest Cures of the Age” ) anti the only ]>ecialist ol his kind jn the whole world. j ‘‘Hone by Dunn’’ and done by None, South or East (( of Chicago. PROMINENT HOOD ROADS WORK ERS COMMEND the work of H. D. Williams Miss H. M. Berry and Hon. Hcriot Clark son Praise Mr. Williams* Service sv in Hood Roads C ause \ Warsaw. N. C., June 18, 1922. .Mi -■ il. M. Kerry, (iit. "uro, N. C. Hcriot Clarkson, Chariot t •, N. C. * a ill jr.i wire mu toi 1 ; 1 mtrht letter your o|>inion a! i>ut v rk n. M. 1). W Hi.on T:i 1 i iH-i tion with StHte S lie used for campaign purposes in his race fur Con;.;reus? I>. L. CARLTON. /- Creenlmro, N. May 18, 1922. D, L. ( '-li lt. .11, W.U 11 .V, N. .Mr. 11. It. Williams rendered a moat unselfish and signal .service in connection with the development of sentiment for, drafting and paa«agc of the State Hoad Law. L wori ed out provision fur collecting the H>‘oolitic tax after pothers had hoen dialled. I do Du know d a mure loyal and devoted son of North Carolina than Mr. Williams. H. M. KERRY. Charlotte, N. C.. May 18, 1922. .Mi*. I). L. Carlton, Warsaw, N, ('. Dear Sir: our telegram received in my a law nee. Mr. Millinnis was invaluable in our road work in the State, lutl do rut desire to t into politics in a district that 1 do not live in. With kind regard*, Sincerely, iIEIUOT CLARKSON. TWITMPAV MOWHMC Jtlthl I, Ittf