i < i "i—i WEATHER Lacal ahewers sag thunderstorm* Frl xvpsaiag >|qaqiue pea t*f VOLUME ONE; NUMBER *4 MMU WILL VOTE mMEsnsrun ... IIMMITE Mi hr Johiwton Dtfhrw She Will Try Agaia If Not Elected i Thin Tiaie (ONLY EX-HERVICE PERSON IN THE RACE .| When Mid Mania Johnson, candi date far regiiter us deed*. came in The New* office yesterday to place her * advertisement in tha paper for this morning, tome one twitted her on mil having entered the racu *oon enough “That** where you're off.” the plucky j little woman replied. "The truth in," •he continued, ‘I have been running fur register of deed* for ten years. I have alway* void that 1 would run for thil office just aa »oon »» women were allowed to vote and hold offirea. I 1 don't know why 1 aeircted thia office „ aa the one I should like to hold, but I did.” ‘‘And. you may say," tutu mg to the New a man, “that If I am elected 1 *x pect to mahe aa good a regiaUr of, d>eda aa the county ever had, and I hope to be a better one if that U poi- | aible. Hut if I don't get It thia time. I re rt a wily will run again. My ambi tion haa long been, and la, to be reg ular es deed* of Wayne county, and ITI never be satisfied till that ambition ia) achieved.” Only Ka-Hervlce Peraon In thr Rare The plucky little arhool teacher ha> lota of thinga to any about heraetf and ; tha intereating game ahe is in. “Why, I she (aid,” "there la lot* of talk about j aorviee man. Did you know that I am the only aa-terviee pc-x#n runicng for office in Wayne county? I do not make any claim on thil acore but I am proud of the work I did for eighteen month* j in the war department at Washington ] quit my achool when the United < States declared war, took a business i course, stood an examination, and went I to work in tha war department. To gather with thia work I have had three years business, esperienre, beside iny , work as a teacher ofr right years, now (flatly) don't you think I would make ( a food register of deedaT ' Prepared for Either Event. "Some one told me 1 »Uy out of thia for I had no chance add would feci had when defeated. But I \could- i n't stay out I had been thinking about j being register of doeda too long. And beside* that I'm just foe plucky to be frightened by fear of defeat. 1 told the man who aald that to me, that if i 1 ware' defeated 1 would be in good company for there would Ue four otS er* defeated , for the same office. Ilut ' I do not expect to be defeated. I as pect to be in the aecond primary. If I am elected I am going to he th ■ beat register of deeds we ever had and if 1 am defeated I am going to run again j when the time cornea. Defeat or no | , defeat;' I am not going to be downcast, far I know tkat 1 will haee some aa , „ good votes as was ever cast by any . one. Mama’s going to vote for me. though she'll be glad when the raco is over. “A man tdld me the other day that he never had voted for a woman and nev er expected to. I told him thr if he wae a Democrat he'd certainly have to scratch his ticket thia fall, for I ex petted to be on It.” ‘My school was not out till the dth of May,” the smart little lady frorm Fork concluded as she went out. 'and 1 could not work in thr campaign be fore then, but I have been working hard since then. I certainly hope the people will elect me," HOOVER ANNOUNCES * MAIXMUM OF $3 50 FOR COAL AT MINES st Price in HO Per Cent. Produc tion Fieldx Fixed for Strike Period WESTERN KENTUCKY OPERATORS REFI'SK Vdy -fr - WASHINGTON, Ju ml. F,.t»blUh- Pnf 4 maximum prif# of $ < r »0 a ion (or Foal at th«» minro in MO pop c*m of i th# pmrnt production Acid* for th# duration of th# strife# *a« nnn«*uncr«l tonight by Irrittify Hoottr. H# r# l#gr«*tted. h# adtl#d, that a Email mi nority of th# operator* r#pr» • f»tme ' xr#»trrn Kvntuiky. had refttard to eo f»p#rat*- and or# demanding higher . t rifra. Mr lluoirrr announrrd that op#r»tor» t»f Virginia. Weal Virginia, T**nm «»**•• j and #rel< rn K#nturfey, would acerpt th# maximum of a lon whilf op#rat «.r» ,in Alabama aro pt th# rat# of twraly rrßta a ton Inflow th« G#t l.#ld icft!| in that diatrict. \V# t#ri» K#i»lu#fey op#raU*r«. h# con linurd. ar# demanding 14 .*f» a ton l»ut : h# did not f##l juititird in udvnunrr tha puhli# to acr#pt that prirr l#v •! although hr aaid production co»t« w#r< hlrhrr in that diatrut than in other] /I# Ids f'onf#ranr#a with Pannaylvania op rrator* nr# #ap#ct#d to !»# hold n#xf week. **4t should h# und*r»to*l," Mr ! Iloovrr taxi, *‘that th# wh«l«* «4»Jrrt of th# aduptnittratioii'a inter# »t in roal prirti o tu pro tart th# conaumcr bv j indicating th# max noun price thal * vould I*# fair for coal during thr j irmporary prriod of th# atrik# and tip j duuur aa to protrrt that gtoup of op ' « rufmit Mho dtl ir>t Wr h to tail* ad lantif* o( it / " t | The GOLDSBORO NEWS Postoffice Robber, Caught Here , i T Gets Five Years In Pen Jack Martin, alias Jack Wilson, who i was twice arrested here for robhiflg United States pustufflres, was sentenc ed In Federal court ut Raleigh yester day to serve tee years in th. Federal prison at Atlpnta. When he finishes this term, he will be carried to Florida for trial on n'xharge of murder and in the event of acquittal (here haa ten I years of a fifteen year sentence in the I‘rnnsylvania penitentiary-for bank (ohbery staring him in the fare. Martin, alias Wilson, was spotted by Deputy Sheriff Rhodes, of tioldsboro, last.; fall shortly after the surcasaive robberies of the poet offices at Magna | tin. fv'iiunsvitle Snow Hill. Oth ers were warned then to he on the look out for the robber* and after d evreftrl search of the country hereabout*, Rhode* "picked up” Martin when he came here to work. It was thought 'that hit employment was effected large ly to enable him to get the lay out of the local office. He was removed, after arrest hy Rhodes, Sheriff Grant and deputy Marshal Meadow*, to Raleirh to be i tried in United State* Court. At the next term of court, due to the absence us the post office inspector who was familiar With the case, Martin, alia* Wilson, was released upon bail of SSOO, , which he furnished. Hot On Trail Again. When the inspector learned that the defendant hud been relented by Judge Connor, he made hot pursuit, notifying j Deputy Rhodes by telephone, telegraph and train—coming In prrson a* quirk- Ily as he could get here. Again Mr. i DVE STUFFS FIGHT | BREAKSINSENATE I’relinßhutHen and King: (>#■ ! Figures in New Annie Tariff Hal lie ■ t WASHINGTON, June ,1 The long 1 deferred fight over the die stuff* pro 1 vision of the tariff broke tonight in I the Senate with he an tor* Kipg, of Utah. Democrat, and Frelinghuyaen. ■ Republican, of New Jersey, as the j central figuies. i> This promised to be the longer t and , bitterest controversy that ha* tnrn place during the morq than a month and one half of Senate consideration of the tariff bill. One early develop ment of the fight wa» thiv announce- | j mrnt by Senator Smoot of Utah, rank ing Republican on the Finance commit- I tire, that the committee would not in- ' ! *iat on the provision of the bill i wffiich opponents contended the Chcm j nal Foundation and other “American ; ! holder* of former German coal, tar, | dye, rotton trade marks and copy right* would have been protected, com pletely through the shutting out of dye imports bearing any trade mark, label brand or impress registered in i the United States patent office by any person domiciled in the United States," unless such person* gave writ-, ten consent to the importation. More than 4,500 of such patents, . trade mark* and ropy rights owned by 1 enemy alien* were seised during the war by the Alien ropcrly Custodian and subsequently sold to the Chemical Foundation at a price which it has t»een charged in both Senate and House represented only a fraction of their value. Reference to the avHt , ire* and sale was made tonight hy , Senator King and w.n followed immed lately by Senator Smoot.'* announce . mrnt WASHINGTON. June I. *- The war ; frauds fight raging for day* irt he henate broke with unexpected fury in he II ouse tonight ten minutca after l 'he rules committee had rescinded Its j iction in giving right of si a R« - ' publican resolution for investigation of the lack of government prosecution of 1 alleged war grafters. hy Chairman Campbell, of the committee, “in a word to Denso , rrats,” that their attack on Attorney ' General Dughrrty was the only way in which they could "aerve war 'cr-oks,” thirw thr House into diaur- Her. There were cheers from the Re publican aide a* the charge was flung j in shouting voice at the Democrats, ull ok 'hem silent auva one, who hiss cd. It brought from Representative ’ Garrett, of Tennessee, the Democratic leader, the assertion list • hairmun , * ninphell, who in the first instance had j voted to put the investigation resolu lion before the House, had been in jured by the Attorney General "to t change his vote and vote not to in j Vcstigate thr department of Justice” Amid d- morrStic rliirr-, Mr. Gariett declared that Chairman Campbell ,'h*« iui other aSr use for hit own turn coat mg, for his own weakpas* of will, for hi* own lark of intellectual inGgriti . .ind r mragr U| assailing the lism-H l ctn admlniatrati in.” After Mr Garrett hod -i letter from A Mitchell i'o'iner, f-,i .. i er Attorney General, courting an in veitigktinn by Congress, Represents j dvr Mondell, of Wyoming, the Kepuii i ilcan leader, declared he was glad tie ..ominlttee had rescinded it* action. Pageant announcement. ' Th!* evening, Friday, at 7.3 U o'clock ! the Pageant will lie rehearsed at the j First Baptist eh arch. I shall be very 1 grateful if alt those in any way connect jed with the Page ont, will be pr.-serit MARGARET HIZLMuRE. W Rhodes had his man spotted and again he carried the United States Marshal to him. The second time he was c*r ried to Raleigh and held by the Unit ed State* Coinpilssione t in bail of tP.OOti. Unable to furnish this, he was sent to Jail Yesterday when his case was called ■ln United States Court and he rnterr-l a plea of guilty, District Attorney Tucker acquainted the court Willi hit record, telling him that Martin-olius Wilson, was wanted in Florida for mur dec in connection with a robbery -»in that state and, also, that he was an os. ' cap# from the Pennsylvania peniten ! Uar( His sentence of fifteen years in tlitl State was for hi* part in a dar ing bank robhpry in a Philadelphia” suburb. Officers here had information that he wus ring leader of a gang of j bandits that hud operated for years in the larger cities. Tackled Thr Small Towns. F.vidcntly, Northern police. Marlin j figured, would comb the country care- ; fully for him and he came .South. The , boldness which marked the successful raid* on the three poatofficca near h-re was a kind that baffled all the offic er*. A charge of robbing the post office at Fairmont was also against him, thi* having been preferred by .the inspector I afler Murtin's firat release in Raleigh an bail. The prisoner ia a man of fifty year* \ of age or thereabout, and carries all i the brand -marks of a first class crimi nal, officers say. He worked in tiolds boro as a blacksmith’s helper, having' been'employed by W. H. Brown. SELF DENIES LEE USED OFFICE FORCE esc Says ChEri'CH Arp llntrue and Were I’romuliriitrd by a Republican I (Rprcml to Th# Mew*.) KAI.KUaII. Junr 1 A siuiintnt m »u#ft t«»titty hy (Thief (Trrfe R. O. Hrlf, <*f th# n>rpomti«m crmwiM«*i«ni, At th# «Ur#rtion ut Ut*l body, r#iute* ptih i Uuhrd charfprji hy Frjtnk C. M,cOoW#4l. , of Morft»nton, th»t rbtlrmtn W. T ]*##, in hi* ront#«t for 1 ngnin«t A. C. Av< ry ha* b##n »#ntimg rmployet of his «l#fHirtm#f«t ov#r th# ♦ tAh* to work for him. uning d#|mrt ment ttmogrutthi r* in gi tting out lit • , #r»tur# And mail mailer or in uaitlL' thr stationery and postage. * j Iqrbrlling Mr McDowell a* an ac ' live ‘republican us McDowell county, < Mr Hi If wants to know why he is so interested In . contest between demo < cv<ats. Public xtengrapher* and muligrnph cr* did Mr. 10-e’s stenographic work, ' Mr. Self report*. Apy work done by ; employes is the result of tht ir own de- !’ sires; Mr. Lee has refused" to aec ypt i their service* in sssisting him after office hours berau-ov us the possibility of unlust chargi-s by friend- of hi* tpp ponrnt. and the stationery and stamp* w*‘re bought with money taken from hi* own pocket, the statement avows. The McDowell charges, Mr Self coun ter charge*, constitute a reflection upon Commissioner* Pell and Maxwell, the two other members of the commission. Leaves Mathilde hi ijf S Tup/ gJtA C¥. - Mian Julio Mangold, Max OaoT's aocretary who catne to take Mlaa MathlMo McCorrrlck to her Hwlaa fiance, sailed bai k olono whoa tha bclrvsa. Ins: s*d of lioardlng tha ataamrr, returned to Chtcauto. 11l II.IMM. PKKMITM. The foil owing building permits were grAgtid >#»t#rdtty t Mr*. J. t« on< %toiry, t»w# f'MiHl. ffNIHU 4l« )»" l»f| I*4 fM” tr*- • t l># twrrn Juhii t<ti<! William #»• » timAtAd ro«t $|(H» I» K. till' t« , #«n ! I f Art or. Mr** K Run Smith, two tury, \2 room. I*ticfe btiMti oti Ho* utub ;tr% K Mw*#n Witlnut tmd Ath »tr##lii, J H Joih’n, con tr Art or LUST— SU A 14a 4.01.1# PEMItAMT IN tb# of a hAnfert LaII, wdfe fiH ’ rd IrttAri H. H," I'luiu# tM, « tiOLWBdEC. NORTH, CAROLINA. FRIDAY MORNING, JI NK 1, 111] GRAND JURY FINDS j TWO«FLOGGED : “LITTLE SEWY" RrpnrlinK of Special InvenliKU tion Ordered hy Judge Culvert Made COUNTY HOWE BADLY MANAGED. IT SAYS ' Finding that two prisoners "were whipped u little luo severely" and in : corporuting the admission nf Captain j I. D Hinton, in whose camp they were confined, that 'he punished a l.ttla 100 1 »ever«‘ly,” th«- Wayne county grand ! Jury yealerduy made its report us fiad i ings on the investigation into prison ' Camp condition) directed in a special 3 charge delivered by Jcdgv Calvert Teas- I day. | While it isn't an entirely clean bill of health for the camps, it finds that , conditions aa reported by the negru, ; Hmith, wi re tnore or lesa ex | oggerated A statement in often co< rt yesterday by Superintendent Ham Hcutt ,of the Wayne Highway Commission, : that the problem of controlling find get ting work out of the prisoner* was a moat difficult one found Judge Calvert somewhat sympathetic w.th this view but no* with Inhuman treatment of I convicts. Will Gall a Halt If punishment o? prisoner* in the t post ha* bnen too severe, ns the report of the grand jury indicates It has, the | investigation following the special ; charge of Judge Connor is thought hy ! grand purer- sufficient to call n hay. I Every member of the giand jury, not | i previously excused, went on the invon ligation tour Wednesday, the examine j tio being concluded yesterday in thr 'grand jury room. It wu* found, one of the member* stated, that the "hard j boiled" prisoners afe ordinarily sent to Captain Hinton's camp when they b*. 1 come iiH-orrigibio- at either of the oth er two. There they get just as good food and clothes and enough of the i "Hlack Marin" to bring them under camp discipline. Had ( ondiliana At Home. In it* reguler work, that of inquiring into conditions at tha jail, the county home and the court hnuao. It was found that the county konVe Is "poorly man- ' 1 ufrdf” The jVry recommended that ; the comiuissHVirra look after the “uor i ssary improvement" at the hpgky at once and that tha new home for which plans have been drawn, be built at "the earliest pooaiblo date.” Ip.-r- new now some light or ten inmates at the home. II T t'Aih is the present *u j perintendi-nt. having.been placed in j charge about four month* ago when a former auperintendent aoandanrd his work. » J Separation of toilets at th* court house wu* also recommended by the; grand Jury. Court Ad lour n> For Week The re|>ort of the grand Jury yeiler it*y afternoon marked tke foimnl ad , Journment of the criminal term and thr adjournment of the rourt for the week. Judge Calvert will return Mon day morning to take up thr civil cal ' endar. With respect to conditions in th« ; ramp, the full last of the grand jury's ' report follows) “We have visited the various rp*tl\>a where prisoners are kept. Th«e|friaon era get plenty of food and have good quarters to sleep in. Upon Investiga tion of certain rumors which have been sent out regarding the treatment of certain prisoners, we find that two were 1 whipped a littb too severely in Cap j lain I D. ilinton'a camp, whlrh he ad ntltted he ponished a jittl# 100 •evere ly. The prisoners w'th the exception of a Very few seemed to speak In the highest term* of Captain Hinton's earal for them. Wo find the t< am* in the various ramps well cared for.” There was no reference th dereliction of guards in the nft.ttrr es escapes of , prisoners, BARTON, PA„ June 1.- Lnui M illiam Miller, distinguished for hav ing shaved four former Presidents of the Unltod Slates, as well as a large number of men prominent m the G«v erment affair* of the country years ago, ia dead at his home in Washing ton, Warren Country, N. J , near here. He was eighty-nine year* old. A strange coincidence in hi* tong life was Mhe fact that the first man be shaved after locating In Washington, fifty five iyear* ago, was If. R Butler, a former I'oatmaater at Kroadway, N. J., and My. Holler was the last man be shaved prior to retiring three year* ago. For Ifi years Mr Miller followed hi* trade in New York City, at th* the* famous Ht. Germain and New York ■mills, and ir was while there he shave ' Presidents Lincoln, Hui hansn, Fillmore and Pierre. Hr was a warm personal friend of President Lincoln, and the latter spent several day* at the home of Mr. Miller just previous to being j nominated for the Presidency. E A short time before Mr- Milter died he related tha story of President Lin coin’s Cooper Union apenrh in New i York end laughed heartily as he relat ed hew Lincoln had confiscated the receipt* of the hox office te help defray iii» campaign expiNujS whin a cUndi .‘•lr *” r ~r' 1~ e--_ Mr Mill**? tlj# fAtfe#r of iw#lva rhildrrn, M wh»*t i ' xurviv# hill him! Ih#r« nrfi f• 1 1 «ta gi .i»Kl#hil»lr*i/ lln fun* ial rvir Mill b# ronduet/i, Wi<lftrß4Ajr a( iir iioofi, MfiHlMi HT. PAd/H HTKWAKIM j Tlirfr will b# a rail mriting As IS# Hosird of Kt' wirdfi At Ht. I'aul • ihuiub t«ir» 14' lii at M oViork liVHUtMI TOUAV! (iulll boro Kill A VI ( rul*l«ii or >1 Of)l| * hViju# I. ou I . U tb l . H oin« ‘ Ground., ad dißfi is, Mr. Adaduadi Jbc | Benefit Orfhaa H|Um Boys ' m ■ '■/ f * " ab;, * ms v PROPOSE FOUR VEIN PCttCpSE University Executive (Vimmlt lec’x Hecumnnndulion ( alls for ()uart«r Million imperial to The Now*. 1 RALEIGH, Juno Tho extension of the I'hjtcTxUy Mo.li.nl course from two to »o u to prpvida full tn ” ■trtloUow In- fnoHidno, j* [ tn tho roport submitted by * special committee at today's called meeting of j tho University Executive commit too. Tho eaten nfen of tho course would inquire tho erection of a quarter htil lion dollar hoipilal and tho engagement of a complete medical vtxl f. Tho sprrtal cummlttor'a rreommen dutlun ia a long waytfrum an announce i. nao. a« to tho ntcvilyn <f the course, tut it has inapired hop. I that definite atepa finally have been taken nutting to the ttltlHlrtm lit nit tho Hfll or in one of the cicte, of ! tho atato. of a tpudernly equipped hn«- 1 piUil and the provlalnn of full inatruc j tinn In medicine within the state for young men umpiring to such a career. I’naalaioualy Adopted The executive committee igjupled the report unanimoualy. ' The l Tio#rd of trustee, now must adopt It. which pro bubly will be done at a meeting in i 1 hapel Hill Jgne IS. Next another' committee mutt apt nd three montha lo the study of prulletna eonnerted with I the location of the hospital and achool. •j hudget and the exact character as aerv|eo it shall render, together with other allied problema; this rutnmitlee to report to the trustees at a aperial in OotuUr of thin ynr. * tlh approval of tha board, tha pro , poaxl then likely will he presented to the budget committee of the general assembly with the request for an ap propriation by tho noxt legislature of funds sufficient to rstabliah tho ochoot and its annual maintenance. The special committee reporting to- Joy, composed of President Chose. I Uean Manning of tho medical school, and fir. R. H. Lewis of Raleigh, eeti matod the root of a hospital of need ed equipment at »750,000. The annual cast of needad equipment to the state probably would run to a hundred thousand. The present two year roursa mala about thirty thousand. RBOllTli OF CHILD UmiSIIMOF ! PERMMFMI GRffllP I . Will Not A refill Munclc Hhoabt Uni# mm (lorßitH Ht#am Plant (itH'H With It WILL CONTINUE FIGHT IN I’UHLIC INTEREST WASHINGTON, June 1.--A permanent organisation to work for "absolute uoOlillai of rhild labor In tne J’niVrt Mtntca" was formed here today by rep rearniative-a i ft a number us national easocialiona called Into conference on .he subject by Samuel Gompcrs, pres • dent of the American federation i* Labor. Th® meeting was arranged by Mr , j Gompcrs following the recent tension of. the I'nited States supreme court | hi Mint- that special rgeiao taxes on the pioducts of minor labor was In* 1 valid. Spokesmen for the nvw organ!- ) i ration after a conferx-nro at tha Ameri- , ■an Federation of Mlhu appeared before the House judiciary committee to urge legislation prohibit ing or regulating employment‘of rhil i dren in mines, furtories and similar ar- . j duous occupation. It. preaeptatlva l handler, Republican, of New York, said it was the opinion 1 of himself and other members of the tominittee that tho supreme court's rul- j, mg had made It Impossible to neeom p!ish anything by legislation regulation unless and until a constitutional • niendmenilment had been adpptcd. The organisation formed today to in slttute a fainpalgn for »drh an amend rnent will In* known as "Tke l'i rmanent Conference fo r the Abolition of Child l abor." Mr. (jumpers accepted the post : of per in so.-nt chairman. A committee of ten wap appointed to j draft a constitutional amendment “and ! ; the bent form of law" to meet the sit I nation.'" I 1 HICAGO, June I.- Nine of the thirteen balloons which left Milwaukee yesterday l n the natiaaal m • „ Oirk three entrants in the internation al rat a in 3witx#r’nnd war* still in ihe air tonight. a< routing to latest r»- lorts. Three of tha great ba da Mended today and one. piloted hy Rov iionaldson, of Springfield, HL, was loiced down yesterday In tha ■ tltrts Ilf Milwaukee. HI thi.ee TemV- In the atr tonight, fiv. •**,, r.puri.d over lake Erie drifting east and wer ‘ oouad-d^r.. tly rnilj tuwaid T. ,xs. On . of th.- mile, however, a naval bag fill i • d with helium was not offic ally in I Ha Hiiri l,ring #* |>*rirt»wnt«l. ,/Tht* Itiil Itjoii Mbitli fowrfd tH# It-nj « t bef<*r> lanting »•« that I piloted by J S. Mr Ik it. Im-0 „f fit. |*,uis v hl« h descended at Fulton, MisS'.WWL I ut llir.e o'clock this afternoon aftHLj hdieli.g raveled apprnsimutely ,t!>o miles I splam John Heiry « . fHt I.ouis de e.rwiijid at Monlicello, llhnor, Sftkll | nit < s from the starting point. Her ■ aid Von Hoffman, St. taiuis, came! i. a own at Sort Wayne, Indiana, after ! ■ only about <MM uni s In sp 1 j i > i; .uteiy imtauau Uours .1 GOMMENCEMFKT IT . DM FELLOW'S HOME SUCCESSFUL EVENT Col. John E. Woodward of WH *«on SprnltM to Seven Gradual t>H ' r- , At CAMERA MAN BUSY MAKING MOVIE REEL With the graduating exercises, held In the Nathaniel Jacobi Memorial Build ing, last evening, the I'ommrnrament exercises of the Odd Yellows Orphan Home, of this city, ramo to a highly . successful close. ./ The evening exercisqj was a climax to a dnv full as interesting events, fan lured by tha click of the busy moving picture camera taking views,, of thv children and the various artlvitiss of the Home, and a conference of tha , Grand Lodge officers and District su pervisors of the eastern half of tha atato. JThe two singing elassss ware also buay making preparation for their full lour*. The eastern class, under iht ; direction of Miss Elsie Tucker, will leave today for Raima where It will give Its first concert tonight. The Wes tern class will lakva Mohday for Raw Bern where It will stage its first con cert. This class is undvr the direction of Miss Annia R. Southerland. Grand olfiSars present, xgoret Pant Grand Master L. W. Moore of Wilming ton, now (trend Representative lo tha Sovereign Grand Lodge, Supervisor of the fifth district and chairman of the Endowment Kund committee;, Grand Master Rev W. K. (uppedgv of Rock ingham; John D. Berry, Grand Hears - tary of Raleigh; Ram B Curtin, Grand Worden of Greenville; Rav. W. P. Constable, of Sprinß Hope; Grand Chaplain and District Supervisor of the sixth district; Joe K. Willis, of New Bern, Grand Guardian and Supervisor of the ofufth district; J. W. Moya of Earmvilltd district supervisor of tha second dlskrictt Edgar Wombla, super visor of Hie eighth district. Trustees Present. The foiowing trustees of the home were also in attendanca: Marvua W. Ja cobi. of Wilmington; W. H. Ovqr|on of Durham: Dr. L. B. Mcßrayor of Sana loriutn; (), Dewey of Goldsboro; and Mrs. Hattie Whitaker of Henderson ville. - Mr. ('. H. Edwards of Raleigh, a for mer trustee, waa alee present. Tho conference of Grand Lodge offi •ra sad district supervisors, presided over bv Grand Master Coppedge, to gas at U o'clock in the morning and lasted until noon. vP A number of plane were formulated tn knre up the forward move that has characterised the order throughout the state for the last twelve months un der the leadership of the ratlrlaß Grand Master L. W. Moore. Tha conference was an enthusiastic one and thoaa who took nart are confidant that tha growth of tha order under tha Coppedge ad ministration is going te be of a Bat tering character. The movin' picture operations wars iVtder the direction of Poet Grand Mat car Moors, who inaugurated tha featura by having tha parade as tha Grand Lodge at Wi no ton-Sal am last Month • filmed. The acmes mad* at the Homs vepgpoda y are to supplement the pa-i rade film, which it sooa to be shown Throughout the state in the various moving picture theatres. Pllm Views wf Ike Home. Yesterday the camera man ground out views st the Homs farm and the dairy barn; t*v children os they march ed into and out of tho digiag hail and while thev were seated at tha tsklsa jin the hall. Views ware alee takan of the children In play activities oa tha 1 lawn, etc. Pictures were alas taken of ' the two ringing classes, sad of Mr. iC. H. Edwards with throe little girls, commemorating the fact that Mr. Ed wards brought thv first three children to the Home iqore than 30 years ago. Mr, Edwards was one of tha orginal trustees of the Home and .rimed for about 30 vearn, retiring at his owe re quest owing to Ihe condition of his ‘'health. j Tha auditorium was sacked last ava iling to witness the graduating oxer rises, and the young people all acquit ted themselves In a splendid manner. The program opened with the “Greet- I ing Hon” of this juniors. Following this i song prayer was offered by Ree. U. T. : Adams. The salutation was by Hiss Annie Westmoreland: the ealedirtery by Jas. Won. bard. These were followed by the I’laas sqng of the seniors. Col. John K Wbodard. of Wilson, de livered the literary address which was highly Interesting. c The Bibles were presented to the graduates by Grand Master. Coppedge. Medals swarded were »r* seated by : Dr. I. It McHravvr. “ Diplomas were presented by Marcus W Jacobi, chairman of tha boird as trustees. The "Farewell Hong" as the seniors was fallowed with the benediction by Chaplain W. P. ( unstable The class colors ar# trees and geM; the class Rower, the mauatara daisy; nnd the motto i 'Our aim Husaeeaa, Our Hope to Win.' MACON, Ga.. June I—Th# Or mulyee river registered It feat hors at I o'clock tonight, d*l IP of H.J fret In twelve hooro ood Indica tions ara that It will reatlaoe tu rise during the night. Families are deserting their homes la the lowlands. Other streams la middle and southern ,1 Georgia are alas oot as (heir banka. Kalb continued tonight Miss Elms Karabow, who has bsen at I the Training school nt Rose Hill, was | in the rity today on her way to Raleigh l and Ike guest of Mias Margaret Rise i mars. Fl’i.l.' ASSOCIATED ® PRESS V WMMDEB DM COMING HEBE 18, MONTH EM RULT Mallard of kinnlon Working on “On te New Orleans.” Spe cial Train - - % t*-- - INCREASE MEMBERSHIP OK REGION TO IMOO On his way to Kinston to attand a ' big American legion rally thare last night. Commander Tom Byrd, of the North Carolina department us she L% gion, stupped over in Goldsboro for a few bjMira yesterday .nd conferred with the eterutlv# committee of the Way ay post with reference to the membershio drive now under way. He was amt here early yesterday hy Commander L L. Mallard and osorgo T. Skinner of the Lenoir post- Sometime during the ssoalh of Juno, it wos decided, Commander Byrd trill come to Goldsboro for a rally tq be held her*. At prosont thv membership of the American Uwiaa ia Coldabara Is only 44 and the Wayae post, la this <lly, is the only aetiv# poat la tbs county Oa the state pro rating la at dnr ta bring the total membership ja North Carolina te VMM, Goldsboro MbdP 1 been ashed ta secure slaty mow asa bers before JWfy Kinston, which now has one of tho 11 coat pooka ia tha mate, has ben asked ta raise Ut araw* beraklp from 111 ta r ’"* A prospective membership as fiftaaa hundred-in Wayne county la psogfhls, ( omiaander Byrd aald yesterday Thata were that many se.d-.era from thla county in tbc world war. Os this a«m ber about throe huadrad eaase from (•uldsboro An a result tt the qa. <c roncc ksro yssterdap riaidi Hdworda and other legtenaaires aaaui ed the Btau Commander that thg Wayne poet weuld enroll at tenet ‘ hundred members bp July I, - ON ta New Ortsaaa BpaaM Commander Mallard, of wsy-se-ri. Wha With Commander Caakteall es tha #!!• mirgioS post. I. | a ,hargo f l|am. i alignments for s speeiol iMrUft •-astern North Carolina to NISUS neiri.. to the national ewmMt ie held in New Orlegns Oetohaa If ta -II will return here la »• 4hW |Mh M liim' up passengers among tha "" ' fur the "On to Mew <•'«! A Similar teal* BVlkK’#' fr.mi we,let n North ?!■ rules to the annual eaaveatkgi .'#■ numb-ir this year, it ia twenty but in View es the IdwCll "• i»" fan that the nationslifih I Kin is tu be in th« Sauth this sS, Sl 'ill 1 erolina .l-psrtmeat mS § "<«ke . big show lag M NvlU w.tll the two special trains. l-smb l-i—p. two sperisl ears want to (at.«M Git* •nd u-ports „f the .tlnS i hat the Tar tlnil dsdeaatiea iMM quite . hit with the Tpraag Commander Hvrd camp here MOms , di»y from Washlngtea, haring akkaad- * »d recently rallies and *—mag 4n that city, New Ber% Jllgh Palm Betr-M -igh. Henderson. Hcofl."d N.cT Greenville. He will rat«m have 'eta * tonight and taka « *-gHtira train far la an Interview here rvaterdni Ms Ht.te Commandar big tblnga which tha Nnrth OavallM ..epartment ia attempting ta da thla year The Brat ia ta mmA aJJ the dte .bled veurane as thg Wt tb. raeegtd. t« extend, by co-eperalton, tha edWea uonal program es the state hy ilrtu <»g the Impoctaacu as tagghtaw tha t'indamentala of riUgaiiahlg Jh tha school, .nd th. thiedtghMkWM atgit# membership to 14,0**, "I am coavtnced." Cammaadar |nd ■aid. -that th. edugatlaual program • n -North i'uroliaa ta r»raeMlhla hte the largo slacker Hat mo had in the • tats Aboat ninety five peg sent gs the slackers could not rood and write t v •he English language attd haw raw you * P*'. | a man to ho g uwtrlotin unless he ran na triotism meaaaT , . * "When I Brat mad tha atgahav list I wanted ta hang every man as thaw but whan I ssrertninad tha aataal aaa dittnns, I fait, as da a great nsaay man •ho bay. stwdiad' tha eohjaat that tha por fellows ware ssara ta ha gltllad than blaasad Fsagls Ara Ta Maasa Th. poopta wha arq retpoariMa for 'ha .durational program it Bu trace are to ba blamed far thla aawdflia«. ha assorted. Ha alas explained that n. of th. things the Lagio. la to drive oot this ignaruaea as tha fuu aamontals qf ritisenship |g to write for Ike approved work an civil gwuera "rant, ta be naed in the schools of tha state, two chapters dsaUag with the fundamentals as ettfaawahi*. Th4 rotruiiH t« tli# tUf «b 4 •Mlw mmtt#r« iNUhi trw.twd I, ""•»<' Amarlcsa Lagla* bspaa aad expects te barama tha orgaaixattaa far iombattiag tha awe handrad and BftV unAmerican orgaaUatlows whlah ara try tag. with tha aid as huge tuna ad money, te break daws government l» America. Europe | t tera and bleadira and lari,. Amarisa fag hTlp. ImsrT «. I. looking te lha Ugion te hgla me. Itcreelf and it la thraurt tha that we hop. to ms a right.#., ferae work tag far tha things that maun a Wholesome citiseaahlp, HoapHallsstim Work „ "Th. work ever the state generally f» progressing satisfactorily,'' tha Cam mandar etpl.in.d Harries afdrara have been appointed at entry prat ta work In conjunction with tha Amariana Iragton Hasan ofdier ia Atlanta la the hospitalisation wark.tba aim as which Is to roach every disabled msa la the stats- and help him oerara what ha la entitled lo in Ihe way of ‘.alnmg, medical treaipiaat and • r-niatiun A nuiubar as posts oavt udopk-d ksrvla at the Ota. < „•> Kao • nurih pcapitals whiyh i».„ St, t|4Vi , i:IS care of aplead»4lp- ~ , ’ . * \ . i r PRICB PIVI cm

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