THURSDAY The Ham-Ramsey Tent Has Arrived > and wiH be erected as soon as the rain lets up £W « « tent thin size cannot be wet before being erected. ' , & * * • • '! ,4i i * 0 ° k ■> , • , -a- rt * nV w woe , • f 01. * C’ wm&w* • • «• ■ * * ■ c • u v • <p ■ .... Pipy- ■ m: MP&v - • , I» Rev! M. P. Ham. n * y ‘ 4 * n mm vs •«* - - - ~ & » |p'. / I The entire Evangelistic Campaign wilL be covered in full by I The Goldsboro News ■y , * ' M’'- “ - • 1 Special rate SI.OO for duration of the meeting K . * .. x * I Omni -y SINE HHI STICKS ' n id sms Imnw Hu Plem far Making . Affair WorthwhiU m SlAte (Ipoclal to Tha Nm.l RALEIGH. Jn4 ». The North Coro Uu Agricultural society settled Ha {Mill rw sror tho location of the •UU ikir hr vbtiag to raisin thr proa •at «iu at a MtllM tot Ur. Tho eroee-repda spot of Method, tthloh has already atkrnoted Meredith collage mN Which, tom* Hal.lrh p* tr*% threaten* to get thr . Mato ropiUl and all the ether public hurt Holloa a located here, leal Out «n Aha fair gresaAs of Ur three hetsfn ha<l heoa a pent ta wrangling and squbbling peer a variety of subjects ranging ’'■ --*• ■ - - OUR HOARDING HOUSE IfoUMQ BUSTfcRtfTiV'BARK % TUCVk A DOS *“»** 9US.OP HE MAV ? 1 v-r S PLA&4T MIS T%ETV4 UUD6R S"*T ' VOOQ socvs .twtboHf I DOOR, Ml I M MDUR f GARDEN \ f WMATII >A COME UP OUT or \OUR IPLMTfIM’ A* BOJE Uhe THERE WOW?\\ ?SE , Kkar-ih owiotJs! j -tuev’u. be plawtihg \\ \WItL IT GROW ?/ / THAT VELP AFTER I \\ W U#T HE WAHTS» *~tS*L / | GET THROUGH DOSTkJG fgn T — 1 him- he'll skid home |\ &* Jyl I \ wmi EMOUGM bricks > *1 Mug /H \ o*4 His BACK TO BUILD/ » A Bgg TV A CMIMMeV! rv-W C*s «*> \ (•(•(/ .. V -* lk< L J v /^Lyy Rttul J \ yf 1 L ■Uy V,\ V \ 1., TJ I J J 9 j Ji *• • J V r ■ /▼/ /»- . V\, ■ ’ j* -^H * 0 m \ f r» *#/ I . .T-"l 'Mufli*. #*| W .4 \J / f |i y' j M "wi ij \ ' I / j I Mi fl I-lJ V/rf J£-4 11 Mm jU ** w &+** : "t : - I - ' /il 1 H,, y/Wf - -ion ~R ,iQ\ySTfePS> dog-gome GARDEM . , from legal teehnlealltleo to Raleigh business conditions. , The 10-odd acres in, tha preaent alte Will rereiee the addilion of aeveral I • acres to the rear of the fair ground., I and thia. the society derided today, will | be sufficient to meet demand, of • ■ growing inetitution for fio yodra to come. . Governor Morrison In it minute* of- • ‘ ferod a plan, adopted by tho noddy (with applauae, that ta eiperted to do more toward, gaaranteeing the sapah eloa as the fair than all the three hour* of debating over going to Method nad then come. Heretofore, the eociety ha* lived ! through the sessions of the general as sembly In fear and Trembling for lh» 1 ' llllla st,&oo appropriation it'ha* been ’{receiving. With barking from the gov j ernor, however, and a ranrreto plan far going after aid in a buaineaa like way, tha nett legislature will be called upon j | far real, effective aeeistanre In making .Itha fair a aUUwide propoaition instead t of the. usual central countie* exhibit • of farm product*. i jAt the governor's suggestion, a com- I miUee of aeven will be appointed to r confer with tho department as agrlrnl t lure nad make a aurv.-y of the need* ■» fj • *• y „ .. eV’ir ■ ' 'r-• X'-JPIl'- Wy- * •» „ % *0 •* * ? '% - . f >. I ’. » • -V- * ' '■ ♦ n \ .'lll , ■\ y • w If tent is up tonight a choir practice will he held there at 8 o’clock. In caae the tent in not • i> • f in the air, choir practice at the Hurst Studio in the Grant building. ' • A -o' ’ % of the fair, give etudy ns to It* possl- I hllltlee •• an agricultural stimulant , and »ugge*t needed naaialance for Its proper support. It will confer with the budget commission and then the ‘ general assembly will be called upon * for financial, aid of o real eubstantial character. ■ Col. Benehan Cameron wanted the governor to pledge himself to Include ‘ In hla annual message the reeommen- J dution for state aaeistance, but the | goveraor preferred that he be privi leged to use hie own "method*" in gal ling the subject before the eolons. The governor's jnotlen for the ap- ( pointmant of tho committee and the | suggested plan was accompanied by a ah tty t speech on the purpose a of the agrirdttural eociety. He thought It , ought tin do more towards carrying out it* general objects rather than center ing so much on the fair. There should bo agricultural socle ties In every county In tha state. “I know there are the quasi-pelltlral agricultural aecletleo scattered ever the state," said the govefnor, "but there ought t# be • ran! agricultural society In every cocnty to lead and tench the people." He went on to captain that the purpose of the state society it to By Ahern *M» CffpWOW W"T» foster and promote sericulture in every t way- » The eettlenent of tho light on tho lo- 1 ration and the Inauguration of tho gov ernor's plan foq state aid made today’s | called meeting one of the most Im portant tha society has held. Mrs. Kdith Vanderbilt, president of the so ciety, was onubH to attend, having been detained at HUtmora. because of trou ble with her Col. Joseph Hyde Pratt presided. Judge June Aduma of Aaheiiiilr, who talked with Mrs. Van derbitt Saturday, told the society she ] was neutral on the location Aght, and that left the Held dear fer the three hour battlo. RKMEMBKR the row tale at Edger ton's Btablet Saturday. DEATH OP HIM ELIZABETH MORES Newt reached Goldsboro yesterday of tho death of Mies Elisabeth Mosea of I Chapel Hill, who diod In in Asheville I aanitorium following g prolonged Ill ness. < Miss Moses Is the daughter of Mr. E. P. Moses, who resided in Goldsboro several years age. The entire family 1 was well known and highly esteemed hero, where t|tey had often visited sines Mr. Motes' active connection with the Goldsboro public schools as super inlsndcnt, gnA Miss Elisabeth's un timely death Mates as a genuine blow WANTAI V* POE BENT—EOITRE AT NORTHWEST corner Centgy and Rprure streets.-- Apply to B . 0. Thompson. GENl’tNt PORTO RICAN POTATO plants inspected nnd chemically treat- Hi .trite to name, free of 4teaigi£itS>f II per thousand. 10,0 M or over, sl.lO per thousand. —H. D. Salter Pitta, Ga. ■ ' «..—»■ —i.. —i... f ■"■■■■■'*■ ■— ■ '■ tiMfee H»B BENT—ONE NEW PIVE BOOM huagalow on Simmons street, poeari sion given about June Hth, One new , • room bungalow on Linnet street, " possession given about July Ist. All modern conveniences. Apply it Isaac's Puraitgre »J«re. W ANTEI> —ACTIVE OR BILKNT PART ncr with on* theusaud dollars or more to invest in • god manufactur ing proposition. Osn net IS* to 111 per week .Apply by lettsw P. <h bos v *- *• c ; y HIM RENT—G-WO KOOWIt ANII MATH upsiau«, for light kssAnirk' I low Cnl-n. stsMMi.'nMmHnfrw. stand, llnlbsr 9Ution.y ACTO PARTE—RAVE t* TO fl PER cent. Complete stock new and osed parts for all make* cars nnd trucks. Bing gears, pinions and transmission gears. Wire wheel service and parts Distributer* fer Transport trucks. Whitton Auto Wrecking C#.. Colum hia, 8 • PI ORE roR RENT—IN ARLINGTON Hotel building. Apply to R. G. Thomp son. PVR HAl.t-REMINGTON TYPEWRIT .»r, slightly used, s bargvia. A. H. ts .s.l ill Mk His hi Ess - mbs* ur to tkoae who know hor one) loved her. The funeral will be held this after noon la Chapel Hill. RATE HEARING BY I I. C. C. EXAMINER i Mr. t'amidy Will Sit In Golds- 1 boro Wednesday To Hear ] Complaint of Royal & llorden. Jj r 1 ' 1 LJ a. Kxamintr Cassidy, representing the Interstate Commerce commission. Will be in Goldsboro Wednesday morning to hfar the raae brought by Koyall A i Harden against certain railroads, to re rover overcharges on shipments of cot- ! ton Haters. He will begin tne hear ing In the postoffice building st 10 j o’clock. There sre five cases, but se the star principle is involved in all, the pre- j sumption is that it will be neceeesry to hear only one. The brief for Koyall A Harden was prepsred by Mr. R I- A shell of the traffic department of the Goldsboro Chamber of Commerce, and , tha rasa will ba presented and argued | by him.. The attorneys of record for the rail roads are as follows: Jaiava K. tlowan ) and Henry Wolfe Bikle for the Penn sylvania and Cong Island A New York. Pennsylvania A Florida; Prank W. , Gwalthmey and Henry Thurteel for the j Atlantic Coaat Line and the Merchants and Miners Transportation compuny, and Charley 4. Klaey for tha Southern The contention of the complainants is, briefly, that since the esecutiee o( | d< r of June 26, ltflH, Increasing rates. Mhr railroads have Improperly elnsai- Aed rottaa llntera tha same as cot ton. That by reasoa of this Increase the complainant have already paid aoage Ave hundred dollars aaressive amounts This escees they ash ba refunded and that eetton Haters be given ‘ the true eommedlty rate to which they . are entitled. i "Cant something be done to keep our girls from being insulted on the streets after nightfall T" ask* a contemporary. ‘There can. Put tko mto bed at A o’clock and sea that they stay Ihere until morning.”- Ovlllu Packet. , “Henry Thompson, what do you mean by tracking mud all over ray clean floor?” “I was manly trying to con vince you, my doaj, that 1 have been working in the gtaslen"—New Yurk jSun. p f A woman asked a jeweler to estimate the cdst of repairing a lavalliere. ’All right,” she said after the price had bee A named. “11l bring it bark when It gets warmer. I’d tske cold if 1 took it off now," —Toronto Telegram. Thirty thousand dollars’ worth of beer was seised in New York. Thst murk worth of the present kind of beer would be, roughly speaking, about sis Paeiflc oeesna.~-l.ife. • twiv; “Who Is your favorite movie her oinat” ”My wife she »■*» through a 'VI r \ " . vv.• X. •- ■ ■ ... ;• > V“ oV ■ v \ / ;s - : fe-y 1 O I ■J * s* Mr. W. J. Ramsey. . \ It Is ri-markublc how fi-w of tho dis coverers an deonquerors of th* Now World died in peace. Columbus died of a broken heart; Balboa was dis gracefully beheaded; Cortes was dis honorci; tHr falter Raleigh was be headed; Pixarro was murdered; Ojeda died in poverty; Henry Hudson aas left to the mercy of the Indians along th* buy which h* discovered. Iloman leg. are not of the same strength. In fifty-four cases' in a hun «lrc<f the loft leg is stronger than the MtHWtalb .as . Auction Sale Os Milk Cows We will Kell at Public Auction at J. M. EDGERTON’S STABLE GOLDSBORO, N. C. Saturday, June 10, 1922 AT 2 O’CLOCK I*. M. ! One car load of fresh high guide Jersey «' and . Guernsey Milk Cows with young calves. The finest lot of young cows ever seen in Goldsboro. Many of them are milk ing 3to 4 gallons per day. *"«**■ One extra fine Registered Jersey Bull, one-year-old, will be in this stile. Just what you want to improve your heiri^ Now is your chance to buy a milk cow at your own price. No by-bidders. Sale rain or shine. Every cow Tuberculin Tested. You take no chance. We sell cows. R. C GRIFFIN MONROE, If. C. - —II— — ' ~T~ ''' - i- The right of wearing a riM hat was r given la cardinals by Pope Innocent IV, din the first Council,of Lyons. 1246. The color of the hat la to aignify that tha A. 111. I- arc always ready to shed their blood in' defense of' the church. > Ice has been accumulating in the -in ■ tenor of Greenland since the dawn of ('history. It is estimated that at the presen time he ice-Atlds cover an area 'of aix hundred houaand miles, and are • jon an average a mile and a half thick, -I * : There are no fewer than 332 parka < j and squares in Paria. PAGE SIX

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