la " ilftffiNi* sVNm ii, nn BBBPB^^EgSajiyj^ifii^ji^^i^^^'^^y^■'■-■ ■■ ■■*!-'■ ” 1 " - •"* X*tt % {y* 99 JUL , -J<Ly », r VH Hv r jy AtfrEffiLTa r^bye fc .^■9jpp^!j|^^"^ i **^"" , *****"'^Tyr i ,<———— - A’MV*** •••«•< -tora* a* *Mr trow a? V <U«M* VM» |U*iW MiViar* aMM liir fctmraU. IH got gyiyrir— - "Tbrco m*»r- queried Oarrtek. Why la ttatr Rfla taaaagto. tar aaow»v . ml HR* ■-rrttr and *ml tho 4aur. to tBo »1« —H» « Owah coot of C OU „t Bariil. lin<<i ■thin liin ha atnt. ha aaya. to rH?iErS-Hi jtoßlX to arrango tor * truck to «»iw <t wit-" _ • gfle prtoonor aarraad to regard Oar rtok as a atoMB. 8a rttoMMfl *tc»« ' “* °""“ mu ' y '*" j£!c^y/?7?z“'* ' •fec^TOl "■r* g»«;»»_WL»y; 3tisti»!L%jirsr!S4 woo a natoatoaa. I* not yalntoaa. •Mr. Bat H waa oaly nfty par oaat aaill^Wtol^Tha^aat^atoaa^^aa OoMM ahut up lltooa ton. It toat Xaraa oat tha "man-at-the fk, a 4* «Mr* a traaa as Raa. Itor ay thara a traae of Rath at tha mSSi <torJtoh? , '^»^pt. r *uf oouiw», “*rS3T4-». yarhaalnany. aattteg hto taa*h aa W2«^-i2S: "AU tba Wild boraaa to Matoo wouton t qat a atari out g Oaorgra. *tor." ha oliaami. “lhaak tha ttori. Utah, aa aa»art at to; aar aaty feapa Oaa la wlrvlrao tn aaato tona g atytr , '.< (MtfTD » 101 NOIKI or aPACH Vt ana aarty to tha morning atom 1 Tgrr*T*~ with Dick turaod into (Ha Attoaaay of Ulann'a houaa at r Oarrtek poatrd Gtonn on guard "Now. look kero, boy—U you tor. Tha aai anat har toMk. ghafi> «Ma ptaoa omm ha totow ha aunt tmpreoo fhtotTuto and out." h. added hla haaflaad Oarrlck •topped hto hack encouragingly With «m toat toato %a aynkat nothing Igt.'lW'. Mil" HITT T.l -Z'r- . * -- ■ »•-- fclwch P*Bu Caleb It *A4 8* Dow Darwinism .wdCaMAnnad (MM MW A) rMknaad Hm. ta m way la safe# aa«'» Bank wwi Ba uli May trat with tka dartt anaMy ill yoaOond la war »M* Gad tha mt Ha preeeeded fur ikai* i If May ef-geu w» aa negligent a tka aayaaawt a( your, Uui >■ you tra ta «M pay a* al yaar Wti to ka M yan waatd haea teas said art War hwdwiw long if*. Tot 'aa, araatd ka attended if 1 vara to ay wm mmmm yaar country aorr oithdally than yaar Sad. Tka oaly roaaaa you don't go to; mooUag U yaa doa't Mat to, t I* a warndnaoi to yaa. * Ta krmt 1 ko«4a*g «f Gad la yaar kadrt and . ikaMn i you kora ao ralitk (or Hi» tP May of oar cfcurakaa kora o talaa Ida* tkat aatarftamaw* io Me taadry to yoyaUrtie tko akarck. No (raWrr mlitnke aoor • war mod* Maffclng otoo drool aaaol ta tko rati flak' of »tko Lord Jokm Ckriat wkon •raadkkd and yraettcod in all Mo gar- , n#r *Vka Wae gakyol yraorhad and ftafMWf* aoor* entertain moot k«i t<> ft dpittrlfti. Wkra people look ro gtatt tfcry out Oho root tkiaf and i ftCjl apaoloao brand. They aro MW kyfarrioy on orory hood now ■djkoy aro glamoring (or o higher paWf ml ekriatiaWKy. Tko world •■ ■ MM of yon ofeafall me inhere oH ta*' ad demands ml- yaa aa a Christian Id (key kav# dwight to. * > jwjyow* iMMra ao aarok aao tko ftsTSira £r«i; Mart aril » daata ky tko dowtl'e it*, aaa aa kaaao la HJ* Tkoy yot <«kadr fa t aylalaao ,ay atpU**t tko word T|m »»(*— okriatlaa diffrro from m praatao ekrtattea ip that on* of if# 100 and tka otkar n haiftwa idaaNan- HI. tko loot ho jjjfco oaycomdao tkat randan It « portable paraphernalia and lugged It out to tho ctfi "Never oao toll," ha said to Uar rtok. 1 halo to ha out of radio touok. And why tha cluh can't appropriate mopar tor an outfU. I can’t too.*' Qarrlck made the Cluh hie heai qoartara and ha toll ha would Uho to •tort tho dag thara. "Chat thy word* upon thq ether and they phall return unto thee after aiany days." laughed Oarrtek as ha toofcai over hla mail. "1 suppose now tor a weak I’m going to be bom barded wMh mail Prom radio tons. It’c dtotojp that wag. Where do they hpd tha time to watt# all tha letters! May- hereto oeo. though. Read that. , A postcard— pootrnarhed ‘North per*." i oi tho radio Hrttntfii fWUI thy card; "Your meerage waa good and claar —But why did you suddenly atop arhaa you began to taU us your auttolcloaaT ’T. tt I don’t appeovo of phono graph selections to radio broadcast ing. anyhow. I can buy records “X Ml" "Thera's a catch to it somewhere," ronetdered uarrk-k. "Now what does he AoaaT 1 didn't stop. I went right on te tha and. And the phono graph rooerd what's that?" Web shrugged, tile mind was on M*4a hhORQU PHUT UP UKi A soaaotbtng toaa. Oarrtoh,. to hto room, hawing without avail triad to had gat tha Identity of "X MS“ tram tha Partial lists at tha alub, sailed tha Customs Houaa to New York aad requested tha laahtag up of the number la the motor hast registra tion under tha fade ml hue. Ha wait ed. "Just what t expected." fidgeted ZNck. "Marooned—away from a radio tor ad on# kaarws how long. That’s why I grabbed thto thing up. tha Bnt thing I toto toy hands on. CM tha rauslrtag apparatus—all but tha aatadna. Oh. vary wall—wa ll aaa." Dtck snapped la place email clips Which conaaeted tha bod springs of Oar rich's hid aad put ths hsad ptocea Uka a telephone receiver to bis “Rod springe—the iron ire eecapa —tho gaa toto water piP*a—tho tele phone wire—" ha remarked aa he tuned and adjueted. “almo,n any thing may serve aa an antenna in a > ptoefc." • Tha room telaphone rang for Oar ; rtok. It waa the Cuatoma House raOtng. "Ws Aad." reported the ’ clerk, "that K »«1 la registered by - Patrick Darius. Bridgeport, CVmm-c --• ttout, g torty foot cubto cruiser. 1 named 'Lassie.' Want a deaertp • rtooT" > Oarrlck had )uat finished copying ■ tt when a loud oaahuaaltoa came I from Disk. "Rr Joaa—«uyl Ith a mass age from Hath! Kspaatad— twice t —hare, I aarlbhtod It an this hook." » "Plnaae give this to tha aewopa- I para It now develops that Jack | Cartto. who attempted an elopement r yesterday with ma has a wife —Mrs. yaar laoa (or Ood and kla lore lea, or bocaaae of tko proitlgo it giro you in tko worldT NOTH* or BS-HALB UNDBB MOKTCACB Undor and by virtao of poorora of tala contained |n a cortain mortgage >deed eiccated by Wade 11. llinoi and wife Kilo Mlttie Htnea ta Coancil Hin •oa and otf# Ada Hinson, dated March Mtk, 1921. recorded in tko offteo of oegiiur of deed* for Wayae county in book 16&. page Ml, to aecuro certain indebtedness mentioned therein, default baring been mode in tko payment (thereof, tko undersigned will, Ml MOM)At, Jt NK 2tth. 1911, at ako court kuuae dour ia lioldsboro, 1 Wayae ( aunty. North Caroline, at j ' ' ■ in , T riK’*,,.» i , <■ in'« «-i « -—r - ~ ~ ~" " ' ''' ' ~ ,r " IJ ' 11 " '" irrlr '' ' T., .' > r .i.l-^,» l*--" *>l*ll. fI«WE IIP Finß „ BY GEOR6ENIUE . • " ■■■ i« '' " mm \ ■'■'l ■■ ■■■■« ■■ <■ - ■"—' i ■■■> p ■ ■■ ■ ■■ ■ .. - r - - - *WI WtLU'WHAT OO t WANT YOOH * I KNOW VOOW.C, L J Y£ V oUT I L HA.VE Y.U V A hO'NOW WHAT . ; ~ 4^25"* — “i l bHIMtLV f) q ■' . -rst MM» J. I / ■ yj ' _■_ . © iW* .y iNTb r«*run« w»vir« INC 1 ~ - • -**. - * 4 ' *—• »H _ ■— a'—- ■ ■■ ■■■■■ ■ - 'T " 1 Rag Larue Ourtls. That Is all now. Tall my mother t am safe and will be baok the find chance I ton swim Sahara. Ruth Walden." Tha two mpn gased at each other. "Looks like she's a prisoner," scowled Dtak "Tha first chance X can awlnt aaharsr Booichow Ruth had elertrly con trived to communicate with ths out aide world by radio. Together tha t two hurried down the long corridor and up s flight of stairs to NKa Wsl dan’s room# Dtck'd heart waa pounding, ha fait, as loud aa his | i knuckles in the door. He had - | heard from Ruth! Mrs. Walian opened ths door. Bbe ' Who afraid. What did the sudden rapping mean! Her worried and wearied toco searched Dick's syea. About MutbT Tall iik. Dtckl" Dick, blurted tt out "Oh. what awful people " shuddered Mrs. Wal den. "But Ruth aays. ‘attempted i stopsmant' that means Ruth B all right. It didn’t succeed. But— What can you da now? Ob, there's my telephone ringing again.” " She turned from the room phone bawlldarvd. "It waa that Raa Larue , girl—calling ma Ob. but them waa hate and spite and Jealousy to her voice! Tke little vlr'S?' "But wbat did she aay T calmed Oarrtek. "I can't begin to repeat tha flood I Ot words. Why, you’d thtuk that L j Ruth's mother, had tried to frame up •omething against har! 8h« sold. 'l'd have yoa know that Jack Curtta la my husband! I married him to Chicago two yaara ago! -1 won't have that daughter of yours coming between us, and I've told him so. I'll squeal— I'll hand the whole bunch over, first.*" ''BullyP' Interrupted Oarrlck to Nlta's astonlahment. "Oot 'em fight ing among themselves. Hell hath no fury—and aft that. Tou couldn't want a better guardian for Ruth than that aromas scorned! And I*ll hat you shall do aamathlng—the first ekanoe aha asts. Mara.” without waiting for arty comment from tha surprised Muk. "let ma have tha wire. Central . . , where dig that toat aaU to Aha Clab coma from? Can you traoe ltr* Ha put hla hand over tha tsaasartttar aad aalded. “In tha ally yen oaa’t traoe a thing. But •ut to thsai little Long-totqnd towns theoo hlok talaphoae girls Usun In oa all ths vtllags goastp/ Walt, you 11 aoa." Then, with hls'hand bit, "Tea. thank you." Mo bung up. "From tha Oravel Works at tha mouth of tha har bed" "I'D be darned—our harbor!" as claimed Dick "You’ll ho something else." quick ly from Oarrtok. "Your boathouse!" "I hadn't thought ot that. We'd batter gat down thara." 1 "Wall, I thought of It That's Why X loft Qlann. Tou don't need to ask It, NUa. X know. You're j nervous and all upaat. Yes, I think doing something, anything would do yau food. Hava McKay drive us all down. And hurry. Ws ra net going | to tnako a oall!" They wars coasting down from ths . top of ths hill a saw hundred feet from tho boathouse when McKay . Jammed oa tha brakes and scraped a ; couple as dollars' worth of rubber off J thoMraa I dust over the tops of tho trees t could be aaan tha roof of the boat , houaa. But beyond, la the harbor. one Instant data a rowboat with a i girl aad fellow in It. the grU to a f bathing ault. Thay seemed to be . struggling. The neat instant, like a , threw foot flash of a motion picture, there eras a huge celumn of watrr and puff of smoke, black wreckago ot ' the boat. It scorned that, by a split ‘ second before, the two had struggled * overboard or leaped. Then capurlhe * deep report, echoing and revrrberat k tog among tha Nonowuntuo bills. "tlk-nn!" exclaimed Oarrlck, as ' McKay relesmed the brakes and 1 rolled down like a roller coaster ths * rest ot the way. r They were in time to aea that ths ' buaihoues eras unharmed. A little ■ speed boat which they had not no tk-ed now circled about. It picked up the girl And started off furiously * toward tbs mouth of the harhor. A black object, Ulcnn. strugglcfl- feebly K In the water. By this time Dick had his coat off. He ripped hts shirt as He ran down tha dock and plunged [" off, almost unencumbered by tluit t time. i. (Continued In Our Nest Issue! - - - ( IS eVluek. noon, offer for i«lo to tka kigkmt bidder I,or caab, the land aoieribod in ladi mortgage, a* followi: That lot fronting on Slocumb street 7k feet, and' running bark with Maple itreet weitward lIH foot to rioyd Johnson's line; and being also the ■•me lot thereafter eonVeyed by the •aid Wade H. Mine* and wife to 11. C, Moore and wife by deed dated Nov. 29th, 1921, recorded in the office of Register of Deeds for Wayne County in Hook IK7, page 47. referenre lo all of which ia hereby made, thli the : 10th day of June. 1922. COUNCIL HINSON, ADA HINSON, \ . b ’ MortuVcrei. I K. A. 11., Atty. "■ mmm wwni . Irish Prisoners of War - j -‘j. < pei j— -or , Mnl v ** Bn tj .ft**' jf '**4 1 \ H| a* SS''^*KL*'vr f ’'* 9 7 ' ■> \ 9B r § I —to—a——snmna r -i.n ■«» >i afl jo- ■wa ■«—atoaaeifc.e—Mato—wnaq—araM——to a—flitoaHM m Borne o( the B7 Sinn Fritters toy British troops in Femix;nssfh headed for isli oa a motor lorry, Uaadcufted in pairs, closely watched toy arau4 suw-Us. \ Syrian Dancer tot s ijl - —1 an 1 f-ww-SSI ■{ In this costume AmjßK Uhoury, Boston shop girl. oa if her Syrian uncestors. Sh«‘s said to be dcsci ndant of a Syrian rr.altUn .vho danced in Lebanon In honor of l .:#r, queen of heaven. _____ - Lady Greenwood ■k-i sj?% Indy Greenwood, wllo .of Btr (loinar GrrdhwooU, chlgf secretary to Ireland, la n^-ognUed—unoificUl' ly—as one of tho most In' (.resting and Influential personalities in lb<* Irish tangle. .1 ' ■ • .. j Watch our wiiuiown —u '.16x72 i , r, . 1 in. grass niyu. Friduy mid j P I .Saturtlay l>r>c, June 16th and j ,17Ul At Isaac's. ' J ' ! ~ 11 ■ 1 "--r-- i»i ■ t* W"‘ Discounting the Count I B ■. 0 A COUNT used to lie a man in charge of 500 persons to I I whom he was a sort of overlord. This is rtbt true today I because of altered political conditions. We still have I Counts, but the Oount business has changed somewhat. I Business, of all kinds* has undergone something of a I revolution. It was not so many years ago that pack I peddlers were the sole distributors and transporters of * I many of the household articles ofjthe day. Their legs I set the limits for most distribution problems in thoae I - - * '*,./* v ■mk s' 1 Modern transportation, progressive sales methods— ■ and advertising~have broken the shackles of time. I < They make a speedy job of what used to take years. I Through advertising many an article has been intro- I i duced simultaneously in stores all over the country. I I Advertising today is the method used by business to I tell you why you shtutkl have certain goods and hciw 1 to identify those goods. The advertisements you find I here are a truthful catalog of needed merchandise. I Articles of all kinds and for all purposes are presented I in a pleasant way through the medium of type and ■ ' picture. The outstanding requirements of every mem- I her of the family are met by offers of good merchan- I ■ Use the advertisements or guidance and I )>ou will be a constant gainer I * • HH j w« at > The Goldsboro News I * 0 *>« H il l.iiAl I i~ , i *"• r YlftflT RATTUMMAKB POUNB. tw«B thi. city ,n 4 |>.v cr . Wall Jda . KINSTON. Jooo W.-J.«b« y«Df j *° -}* th * i V raught ta thl» fi*y th« firit ih,btt*4 h«r - thto NUM. Th» roptito ' **♦?• * ~d it rattUk w». a h.-althy »p*«- ' * nen «l«>ut 4 11 fg»t In langth. It 1 Tor nice frartt vcgctgbk n of all hilli-d on the C«Mitr«l Highway ho- Mmto. roll Barnea Grocory Co, ■ Jk £. t A Community-Wide Policy, ,n . J t it -«1. ,11«>H1 iKiaiftfl R i loii-bli -i ** .* . •' »<** •< of friendly co-operation constitutes onft ‘* w* , j of the chief aims of this institution. . B*‘ Wu Ijcliuve in tliia community; we have fniKln the « farmer, the men iiant, the wage-onrner,' and are »» v williiiK to back-up our faith with the fullest measure W of co-operation and Bc;vice that a I tank can offer. (( LETS GET BETTER ACQUAINTED | The Wayne National | Bank ■ I Dependable for Two Generations W PAGE TWO

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