fiE r OLD HOME TOWN BY, STANLEY ' wVjjriLL*?iY ;trfwVj —l1 —-idi grand prize frec TV fLuCKY NUMBER WITH i i f / , f TO SU *F »▼ >TikN HISIPAftUOR OUR BOARDING HOUSE BY AHERN I; \p« , REiTUE c \JSB W\teuo\Mto I ] ,BVVfcl 'TKKIMG MV Vg? eoiO* socwHGeg back »U tM*. I |q{ w»* J TVkXUatMT ; FRAMt UP A i U rUAY »CE NtXJ P CUBCT ~R>o' : rr * fuic» smack or 'iaxjLD hear’m' p au' mere i 15mouu>msf£ ' \ AU* IWrru A.«rr or/, ** p«ier ®/ * FOILS A COLD PLOT-—-. i«i.ii ■■ t i "grrr; ■„■■ ■■ ■■. ■ -—.————. ■ i i OUT DUB WAY |k if BY WILLIAMS |] ■ray 6 OLD*BOBO MBWS. Wants Ads | Special Notices BATES. Twenty Av* cent* per insert ion lor 26 word* or )••». For more than 26 words, one cent each. Phite aparc or type display ads insert- ! ed In the column (or 61) cents per inch, each insertion. When Aye or more “consecutive Inser tions arc desired a discount of 20 per cenf it allowed. WANTED TO RELI. JM GALLON CAS-I olinc t»nk..e(o<»d as mv. Cheap for cash CEO. D. BIZZKI.I 22 7t I H BMSiIKI) tKy. ! ( - ■ 0 fey W a °l lIFf.IN IIICRIt TOR\T | The deliberate Insult Inflicted by lliu great noble, tho I llAliyi Id Wi LA TOUR D AZYU. . Hung * T I riIIUITF, RK VILMOHfN Into a p as#l,*n- lie fariiol that h# was a lilvhiltk that be «u up. pealing for Justice for tho brutal uhooffcig of the u-uj-aet (Uncovered | poaching. and I- aped forward to S(rlke the Marquis In the face. 1 Immediately, hit young lawyer friend. ANRWK-LOUIB MOIIKAtT, itw the , trap Philippe had never worn a ■ word Ufa eloquent* had Im pressed t,e noble aa a dangerour gift when Philippe pleaded for Justtfe that morning before good* natural ■ QI'r.NTIN I»R KICnCARIOII. le>r«l of (lavrtlluc, who wn* popularly be a. Iloved lo be the father of Andre-. , ‘ Route. It wm there that Andre- Louta had t-srtud with horror that thr Marquis do La Tour d'Axyr *n autng lor the hand of • on ffayrlilac'a brautlful yuung hreee, ■ AJ-TNK DK KKHCARIOU. Alin# war I the Kill of hie drrama; Philippe, $ his dearcat friend, wee now facing the Marquis wllh a duelling sword In hta hand. i CO ON WITH TIIK HTOKY • hi. de ChabriUanc, loaning upon u cane—for ho hud relinquished hla aword lo U. do Yllmorin—lpoked on with/qutet Intereat. Facing him on Uta other aide of tha combatants stood Andrc-Loula, the palest of the four, staring from fevered f yes, twletlng end uutwlatlng cldnuV handa. lie clung to the conviction that I the laauv could not really bo very aerloua. If the ohligatlona of ridlliipc'a honor compelled him to croaa aworda with tho man he hnd atruck, M. do La Tour d'Aayr'a birth compelled him no lesa to do no eert oua hurt to the unfledged lad ho had BO grievously provoked. M. le Mar quis. after nil, wa* a man of honor. The encounter was very ahort, of course. In youth, Philippe hnd re ceived the tutoring In aword play that waa glvi n to every lmy born Into hts station of life. And so lie knew at least the rudiments of what wa* now fgpected of him. Hut what could rudtmenta mail bltn here? Three disengages completed the ex changes. and then without any hsalc tho Marquis slid hla riKht toot along iths motet turf, lit* long, grucsful body eatendlng itself In a lung* that went under M. da Vllmorln's clumsy . guard, and with the utmost delibera tion he drovo hla blade through the young man's vitals. t An.lreT.ouls sprang forward lust In time to catch hlg friend's body under tbs armpits aa It amok. II With white face and twitching Slips. Andre Louis looked up at M. de fa Tour d'Axyr, who stood survey- I a lug hta work with a countenance of giave but reraorselcfs Interest. I "You hav* killed hun!" cried Andre Louis. fOf course." Tlir Marquis ran a lace handker chief along hts blade to wipe It, As he let the fabric fall, he ex ' plained £lmaeir7,"Ha'had, as I told him, a too dangerous gift of elo quence." -> And he turned away, Having com pletesl understanding with Andrs- Louis. Bltll supporting the limp, draining body, the young man culled to him. "Come l>ack, you cowardly mur derer. and make yourself quits' safe ty killing me, too!" The Marquis half turned, hts face dark with anger. Theu M. da Cha brUtane set a restraining hand upon his arm. Although a party through out to tho deed, the Chevalier was a little appalled now that done. Hu had not the high stomach of M. de lot Tour d'Asyr, and he was a I good deal younger. "Come away," he aatd. “The lad Is I raving. They were friends " "You heard what ho said?" quoth I the Marquis. I. "Nor ran he. or you, or any man deny It," flung back Andrs-LouTa. InnatilßtlSl'ei.Hl . -1 11 ,i 1 1*. III! .UIM u«U(i.,g hllil.liuibe. EVERETT TRUE BY CONDO n n Yts, 1 you PftOfUStD To | T owe YOU .v iw c » fi lMkll!lPgiaHiUgMMltM,.alail! FRIDAY MORNING, JITXt M, lift - l>oor lad's head was full st thia an cyciop-iliat tiaah. It comes Os las much reading. I bav* saver sat much store by toll, Andre: and 1 1 havd never known anything but trouble to come out of learning " Andre 1-ouio felt a tightening of hU hi art. a Ravening of hla hopes. "Your critic sms,” ho said. "*ro all for ibe conduct of tho dead and non# for that of tho musdarsg. tt does not seem possible that y»u should be la sympathy with ouch n crime." “Crime?'' shrilled M de Kercadlott. "My Go.l. boy. you are speaking of M da La Tour d Axyr." "1 am. sod of th* abomlnoMa »h»* der be has raanialiud . . . "Btopl" M. do Issrcadlou waa voyja emphatic. "M le Marquis la my friend, and la likely very soon to aland In a still closer relatlonahlp." "Notwithstanding tUin?" asksd Andre Louis. M. do Kcrcndlau was frankly Im patient. "Why, What baa thia to do with Itt I may deplore it. Hut I have nO right to coiulcmn it. It la a com mon way of adjusting differences bo- ' tween gentlemen." ) Andre Louis Interrupted him. “It la no more a duel than If U bad been | fought wllh pistols of which only M. le Marquis's was loaded, lie Invited, Philippe to discuss tho mutler fur ther, with the dellberata Intent of forcing a qurfVrcl upon him xml kill ing him. I am telling what M. 1s Marquis hlinreif admitted lo ins." “And what the devil do you pro pose to do. If you ptsaaeT" "I shall go to Rennes, and lay th* M R V a 'W ! »l ')M \ - i.mLky, HHk s \ "hmm » a al i M/m K!" CRIED ANDRE-Ixmiß. facis heforo the King's 1-leu tenant.** ' "He'll bo too busy to see yoa. Thcie la trouble enuufth in Rennca already on the scoro of these crasy States Qsnsral." "Good-afternoon, monsieur my godfather." said ,Andre-Louis. "Walt, boy, wait!" Tho little man rolled forward, affec'lunate con cern on hts -great ugly face, and ho set one of his podgy hands On hi* godson’s shoulder. "Now listen to me, Andre," he reasoned. “This ts sheer knlgh t-erran t ry—moonshine, lunacy. You’ve read 'Ron Quixote,' and who' happened lo him when ho went tilting against windmills," the seigneur stormed. lie was Very angry no»v. "Since you chooss to dis obey me, you can break yoeV empty head against tho windmill, an.i be damned to you.” > Andre Louts bowed wllh a touch of Irony and reached (he door. "If the windmill should prove too formidable," said he, from tho threshold "I niky ».-» what can bs done with the wind. Goodby, non a»our my godfather." Hu was gone and M. de Kercsdiou was alone, purplo in the face, pus sling out that Inst cryptic u ll wanes. <1 out inurd to Our Next Issue) *>:. til • .Hi M 1,11,,!... „.i. ...l . ■ ... ,„,im.. Ul ,«a m .-... .. Surprise Horse V JggP^ flj gS& flKr « \ m «# i ;l ,„, Pillory »m defeated by Knob tl Tb»ti in the Ihlmoot niece he ik foaled Knob. Now Pillory la son ► i lei• d the only borac with a thanct to boa I Mom h the wonder rnoer. All Ilf Ihrm are not dead An Ohio man bought a toad of fine wood and fuieod It wn* eawduat. ■ When a trip to the grocery ia nee i »«ary father adnu»l abort »kut.i gt*« freedom of movement. New York plain her Jdltn iiimab.f over hi« IreuUm. Thi# provea they don't fotgrt everything.