FRIDAY MORNING, AMI U, IMS. " ii no 0.. ~,,, I ... 'f ; ■■; .Mint f i »ts ill)" . . *■■?« roRMR* DSBoRtTVaL'’™ T • .. .iAHUIKI) AT UOARAMAK . . ~m <S IJOU Mac (*Mun Ike BrW. of Mr. 8. Badger McLeod g’ *t I .awberten ( Special to The New*.) HOARDS! Af>', N. t'.,»June M.— ln * t cer»a»,ny characterised t»y beauty and i„- ehafisring simplicity, .Ml*** Lillie Mar , Cotton and Mr G. Badger McLeod were •added this mfrlterg at eight o’flork. !■ the >fWape|, t wlorli waa artistically 1 decor a I.o* with , gedfslgl. of potted plant* s4d cut «iw*r*. To the atraiaa of the wadding March (him i oliengi in. " o * rendered by J. 8. Norman, the ■ bride and groom entered together and took their stand before the officiating minittcr, Dr. Chorles lj Durham, pa* tor of tha Tint Baptist rbarrh of Lumbtiton The inipri'viva ring rore ntony was Meed and while the vow i were < . " being plighted, MarDowrll'a «To A Wild Roar," waa softly played. At the contrition of the ceremony, Mi nn<i Mra. McLeod itctiti'd (»n|iatulut'ititiy from th* immrd nt** family and fri#n<4*. I UQ)u<.y )q3nj|»iui Jo 9 d*l 10 DAYS (J>l \ 1 DOLLAR DAY \ | * MANSOUR’S DEPT. STORE Y A ’ * * ' f ’ '‘J/ *" i ?•< * * # Oily a few more days left for you to take advantage of this great Bargain Kvcnt. (toods are moving fast. • ('ome quick! The early Bird catches the worm '.* , • • « / . ' Ann* .li'v; ami .Nulimuil, ". I (a-otl >|iialit y. ;tll <.l i :tinl ld)tlit‘H Admit,, matlo nf vntiles, a yard , I V•'' I *|iialit (Inml.n,], all SI.OO . m.*M, HI JS ACHING WfiiT • rd£sS wit it-, only lr»n yards lo it fiCd* MiMB SI.OO I—. r»tli,*r tl.’i.rj'e and llrtiid EwjH i ita:rk 11 l, v\t \ ’ »mi. ntjtwv/ ■Tt iHiys { VvvSiiLlM f\ii r \ AMiflk/iafi 'W| £■ vfIWHM mL *-» p f|U j ffL mg A- ammg\J yV \# ■fiNflHnH I / ■fift |l£f% 7 at MANSOUR’S DEPARTMENT STORE 105-107 10. WALNUT ST. - (iOLDSBOitO, N. C. • >► " s , . • *." '" c ■'»■«■ - ■«' , "r, •"' M|H!lggn K/a.iu n Later they Mt on o Motor trip to the western part' of the Mate and will be *t home in Lomberton afjer July Ist.) ( The brid# wna“ strikingly attited in with nevaasoriea to match and worn n ’ cerhsUt* of f> rn and vnlt. >’ line,, Mrs. TMrlgod U the daughter of Mr. i. A. t -ilton of Goldsboro, but hn. re aided in Roardmnn during the past fottr year.. Bh* i* » woman of tine hnsineai uualitie. and of a vr. ct, cheerful'ill*’ pn ition, and is admired by tk wide cir- 1 cl<- of friends. The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs (ico. H Mflcod d( l.umbrrton. He is assii.latid with the Grantham Drug fnrwpuhy, and u held in high esteem hy comities friends. out of town gaests were Mrs. ti«o H. Mi'Uiod, Mrs. E. K Procter, Mr and Mr». James Proctor aod twe lit daughters, Me tars. John and Robert , S’ , j Procter of Luiaberton, Mr*. J. A. Cotton of Gold h«ro, Mrs. H R Hryan of Wil mington, Mrs. E L. Nash of Roncmary, Mr and Mr*. K. lino* Proctor, Jr, ■ Mi 3 A Hrown. Mi < Alice Lee Drown of I'hadhourn and Mrs. Uussie Brewer of Birluinghaia, Ala. GIRL. A BANK PRESIDENT n. WILL Rrt.DY LAW The yoangest hawk pic*i4e«it at the irwrant low* Slate bankers' conVeqti.irt was a girl, AWtia Dele,' 1 though }tm SS, Mis* Role is presi dent of the limiri.ii k Savings Hank of j Hancork, la., a town of 3tM> ii.h-sl Itant ■ ° "I've been In the business *in<«., 1 ,'was a little girl," <hn sags, “but be ginning next* year I'm going to study Jaw.” Miss Bole'* father is treasurer of Pot- J h t’ tmcHttainid comity, la. • Shy was alo the first in her county to sere* on n jury. I ~ o a THE GOLDSBORO NEW* '* ■* /*“• T riMiillmt l<»,t am ■V ■ w WOMAN'S PAGE ® 1 f 1 ifillin' i mmfw *' ‘'■ ' I ~ ' ■>*■»■■ —wwA i uri i'in inv v.iu V -m _ . . Ffsrsffi —it OPR FIRST YEAR l*> • Bride I*- 1 Svi Runny entered upon net first yeor •s tuy own was com p|,.Veil Ugiiir/ tt< *jwur to find out »t the' atart ivhst puv «ft> Mean*. And Jack *mj |, who h*tl more than ordinary advantage., owing to J*<k> industry and thrift, had land Ird in bankruptcy. Bonny wa« going to li» happy ever j afterward Hilt wo»s I ever guiii* tu he j happy again? j * »a»M have started for my hua ban.l nr with him AAd yrt I had barn I unable to withstand the liauriii othar girls had. ■* I hadn't haan ahla to practice urdi nary • . ouontira 1a hrlp him. * In thr short prosperity nf our fimt yanr l had shown the wladuiu of a baby. Bankrupt and joblcbs, Jark had rod. to hia ienaes and mada air face a fgw hard facta and the hardaat waa (hi*: No longer hy a kisa and raraia could I. turn him front aarioua of ! “* r ••Karo or persuade him to let me , Karr ray own w*y, lha shock’’ of thin discovery waa a tonic. If Jack would no longer humor .in.- a« a child wife I would batter be have lific a pi.niun ! “An in Head of childishly wnndarinir j a-hat ia in Mr* Harrod* letters," laid | * ta Me, "why not aak Jack T* I And »« I did, my lane n ifuiv.r with j Icara, •llh reproach: | “Hera aae I have a doyen of lh«m I onr a small part!'* ■ "Hhy Pkgyins! Why yoo're not hg man I mean slot fatuiaina! n You mean *» »•? *««>• hapt aw- and never read am ?” 1 diarrtt Os conran nolf't l Jack swept raaiotleas arma about mr | an ddraw ma to a chair by tha labia. 'Open them All of them! Read theint" But read them I could not. Thay were nothing but rhese problems! For my files,” Jnrk explained with Characteristic brevity, tl suppose | ■iuKht to add that my husband gave op playing i haas with Mrs. tterrod. Ha did tract. I wouldn’t let him ) j I «4t up suddenly. “Jack! You remember that night in ‘lh« nines? Whan you ray my suit lan diicw hat-” Jmk .loud up unset ly | had awok en*.l a memory which hart him, hurt cruelly. Hut ha Waa not going to let I it rain our lives lie ws* fnr mere ganeroue than I I haMcned to aaplaini I *Tlie girl who wore my elothei was] Bonny! Hut I wouldn’t tell you. Not | as long a-i I had Mra. Herrod's letters ' on iny mind. I was going to swap fair-" 1 Jack attempted to oilance me with 1 kl'>»ea, hut his tendarnels only made me Sob the harder. “I've been horrid, Jark. Rut I'm go nr to begin all over, Jark, with our forend year. "I’ve been a thriftless llttla wife Rut I've learned You'll *te how I ran save ■ when We get anotltar job. ' Meantime, drar>—t. We'll manage to ..crape along any Heei.ou> | j 1 I have de< ided that I will not take Bar- I nick's money! *’ V * tTo Be Continued I MARRIAGE A I.A MODE American fnthefs, ’ abetting * the harvest of bills a«w«d hy the June 1 hrnle. would appreciate the eastom In aome parts of Indio where the friends nf the couple provide the ' trouseaa. Tlmy borrow all the finery they 1 ran to adorn thr brute and groom for thr marriage. Sometimes the elaborate wedding reramoqias last for a fortnight during which time ' the bridegroom does not aa* bis bride. | ‘ Sr Reduce The Cost of YqtH V *'■ -! n * T Tsr » I Stomach 1 1 H A arson's stomach is an expensive poe* I rp*“~ session. It is always wanting more. But J you can reduce the cost by careful buying | ~~* ,y seeing food stuffs that are rich' I ' jw nutriment and do not faste away in the % cooking. ** 1 “lOconomfcal (Quality is not always available at every storey But 1 you can always l>e sure of fretting iit from us. That is a strong «. ft < jj • point with *is, and we buy with that end in view. ■ I JENKINS GROCERY 1 I PHONES -700-701 ft j ► MBTKPTION FOR HNIIIHEIRfT. Mra. I'aal Telverton was hostess at her beautiful horea ua South John .itiret yesterday aft* m.iun brlwven the hours of six and .even in honor of y Mi ij Sarah Horne gay, whose wedding to Mr Ituy Armstrong of Gastonia will boa aortal event of tin ropung week. Mr., Y* Iveyton'a u*MI pvath g- , ly decorated in yellow and while Shasta data!** and phlox were grouped artis tically in baskets and vases through i out tke reception rooms. | Receiving at the door wera Mrs |i„n L Humphrey and Mrs. Dewey Silbeuiab. I.ittle Mias BaraK Hall Yrlrril.n rul< Ircted the cards of the gaests. The ra>’ reiving line ronaisted of she hostess, Mi*! Sarah Kornegay, and Mra l.q*li« Yelverton. Mrs. I’atil Borden and Mrt: I>. II Bland ushered tha guests Into the din ing room,- which was a beautiful at presnlon of the yellow and white colon , schema. A large crystal b*iwl of .liasta daisies on a lace rloth formed tha Cen terpiece, and grouped around this at intervals on the table were crystal ratidrlaliea with yellow shaded candles, '•fee cream, rake, rahdiei, and nuts, •II fashioned IU Ulu prevail* Mg Cola* 1 srhftme, were served hy Miss Margaret Kornegay, Mra. K. R. Michaug, Mrs. Shelton Dunn of Rochy Mount'and Mis* Eleanor iaurnegay. From toe dining room, the guests were escorted hy Mra. Will Beat and Mrs. W. E. Stroud Into the recaption hall, where Mi«a Kurhrl Borden and Mis. S. F. Teague were hoatesaea. Here they were served with delirious fruit punch hy Mra. J. R. Crawford and Mra. Z.rna Wall. The punch bowl sur mounted a decorative embankmant of j yellow and white daisies (rimmed with smilix and fem About on* hundred gudata called dar { mg Ike course es the afternaon. ', TO i:\tkrtaim AT 4.N. Myy Paul Bordon will be hostess this 1 afternoon at 4 itO nt her home on Mai- ! berry street In honor of Miss Sarah I Kornegay, one of the season's most j popular bndes-rlert, Mrs. Thorn- I ton“llood, of Km ton, who Is visiting btl«i WITH MRS. J. J. HATCH. Mis. James J. Hatch way hostess yes teidiy morning at her home on North i tleorga slret uat an enjoyable bridge party, complimentary to Mist Bardh j i Kornegay, bride elect; Mra. Hatches' | ! a liter, Mrs. W. T. Host, of Raleigh, and Mrs. Hickman Ray, of Durham who Is , 1 visiting here. Where she formerly re |< I aided. 1 1 Mra. Hatch's home wga cheerfully and '( generously adorned with summer fluW- ' i era. I’logreaulve bridge was played," there being nine tables occupied At the close of sn interesting game the honorrea were presented wtth attract < ■ve gifts; Silk hoar for Miaa Kornegay | a **<t t of uu ibui tag spoons for Mrs. Host, and a handsome dect of cards far ! Mra. Kay. The highest a* art prise, a 1 set of hand made daillies, went to Mrs. it Harry Abrams, of New York Ity. who .>» thq gaeat of Mr* Adolph Oettjager.'.j A refreshing salad waa sarved >j after the playing Wa* coacludai. Aa* If isling the hoatraa ware Mra. A. M. Bub- I blit, Mra. 11. I*. Oraham. and Mila KUtel !| Hatch, as Wilmington, N. d ‘I Ihosa enjoying Mr. Hatch'■ hdtpllal- I ity ware Hits BaraiT VornegayT Mrs. I W T. Bdst. of Raleigh; Mra. Hickman I Ray, of Durham; Me.dumaa Paul Bor- IJ dan. C. D. Grove, K. B U*n R. B. Mil !| ler, R W. Powell, Murray Borden, P, f* V. Hungardnar, Thoa. Norwood, Adolph (letlinger, llarrf Abrama, of New Tort It'Hy; T II Prince, W L., H I. Graham, ('. I. Smith, W. K Stroud. Win. B Thompson, Jritnig Smith, If. W Tuttle, E. K WJrrcn, Graves J. Smith, Vance Weill, L. M Michaui. I'aul B Kdinundaen, W. P. Nufar, #, I H. Smith, K. If. Graham. A. V Bobbitt, and Misses Mary Slaughter, Margaret Kornegay, Mary Stewart, of Norfolk, Va„ RlolSe Gee Kornayaj, and Ethal Hutch of Wilmington, M. C. PAGE THREE ■ Mr Ralph Wing left this Martin* Par Greensboro to .pend a law day. . ing friend*. • • B • . ‘' Hr. H F. Woodard has guns ta Nasr York to take a post graduate course. •• « • Misses S 4« rags ret and Virginia Morae tyr, Mrs. n. Hanrtr. , ' Mr*. Albert thfd ad Mount t^Hrartritp? ■ sapper hero yesterday -5 'Mrs. 'd..'t.''autl*j mt Bogtb >a*rtd«y. ' \ Koadiu dad Viglnia Byrd * •attm Oliva war* ahoppara ia tha *iA J?" yaaterday. 'TIJS . *••• ■ft B Mr and Ma. Dave Sommalin of M»> 3 * tar<Uy W * r * ,hop, * i,, * »‘»itara hare yea ••• • l Mr. and Mrs. Have Summerlin es Mt. tarZy. W * n hat# yaw- 'J a a a * •••' '. ■ ' Mra. Pittman of Mount Ollaa waa • ' •Magyar in tha city yesterday • t « • w irm Mr and Mrs. J. H Edwards of Prince- * ton were visitors berr youidny, Misses Stella Cron# and Peniy ciay ?» V * ,P *» 4W « » ttm Ml* Mt Aaho villa. 'a a a'g • * •' Mr.. W. 8. Edwards and children bare ; returned after spanding a fan day* in Princeton. _ ,_e Ka. a— «■* » s* . . £ Mr. Oscar Nail of IPilaon waa a aU- Uor ia thgj city yaatarday. Mrs. L. W Crawford of waa «* • .hoppo, >• tho <Ry yaofrday. ~ w Mra. L. W Jarksoa of PthaatlM wna • visitor l« JJ, Mr. Paul Smith has to hla home in Pikeville. * • a Mr. rharlas Rena of PraasMt waa gV visitor yo.ty rday, Mr. Oadgy Ayratk of Prsasset atabda- + Cd ova* Iq tha citg y*-*urdag ***•• **My . Lewie of Palaon waa a ahoppar here yesterday. , r Mra. Roland Kirtmdfe ban iillllkl , ~x to her horns l| t n M/mgkdSl , Miaa Ethel Hatch! of ibe guest of Mr and Man a ' ItlK Fm '.. guy, having com* to k. WtreamlftodC .'-*P the wedding of tholr iaugkiM to Mr Kay Armstrong of t Tuesday evening 4 .... Mia. A. Koacowar left a visit tu relatives and frUwda Jfeg. I.ynrhhur'g and other ( Vlrflnla *Sl||M s ( AROf INIANU AT TNI KMMfeE The following North t atoltatonn WBIB tegnured at the Kcnnon nibilw!. H Ma. Keime. Greensboro; m. "Iff, Ko. ky Mos.t, 8. L fiSfl Wlltboru; A. L Sterner. Chav J Savurln. Wilmington: Hnll. Wilmington; C. *. |i#R, ora4H bor..; L. D Burton, Wsahlngrton; 1M Wniter., Kinston; K. Jf i.oakar. % K, Bailey. I A Wadaworth. bSmaZI I. William. Kanford; A. C, fflfl Huih.m, Ji, me. I t'rnwtotd, tkaM A M Broune. Ahookio. L,U Bears, oB ham; W C. Thom.., Bnjfrfc ir wmTmuT 1 w m WEU. MW * . J Yon arrive at a pnhlle ebtoMnMMB, aa a- tboator oy "lure ,he pcrf.rmanc 7 that row do got In Convenience Obklg th already ig yU**l. w w \ W You do not W*ih dgying tha yr*«- 1 rass of th* glgy or oparo, nor dg jQ yen mak* any nanecaaaniy aaiao m* with your program -7 Ton raasove yagr hot wtthaM haw ’ •

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