WEATHER Fbkr Batarday aad Sunday; atowly jgTgLgSLuL '_Se •; YOUTHS ONI: NUMBER 11T Tr-Tirr-i 1 "i,,.. 1 ; ■' — "“tit Bank and Trait Com pany Local Representatives of Columbia Institution KYLE EXPLAINS HOW LOANB ARE HANLED Th* First Carolina* Joint Stock Land ! , Soak, with former Congressman Lever, uatll recently • member of the Fed eral Perm Loan Board, aa Preaident. and with offleea at Columbia, 8. C., la to do basinets In thi* County. Thia became known yeaterdav when it area teamed that Langston, Allen 4 Taylor N«d became connected with thla institu tion aa abstract attorney, and The Peo plat Bank ft Trait Ca., aa its local rep rhaaatatiA la tba County. As ot Its 1 methods of operation and term of loan I Mr- Wm. Kyle, preeident of the local 1 bank, eftiflt * ft l ‘The Pint Carollnai Joint Setrk ■ Lead Bank la chartered under the Fed eral Farm oLafc Act and is operated un der the same Federal supervision of the i Federal Farm Loan Board. The pres- i eat paid In capital stock ia SIO,OOO and i surplus. The Bank operates vary much along the same lines aa does , the Federal Land Bank of Columbia | mad under the same supervision. It | , makes loons only on Improved agrlrul- , tan! land*: U does not loan on city ( property. The proceeds of those leans meat be applied far general agrieultur- ALguzßosos. The loans are mode direct a*t*e MSboWer,' and the -borrower la j fobidden to taka.Upck in JhAjUnk. Any 11 person ia ailgftie for a fkan'Uirough 1 thia laatttuion if in adtdiion to his 1 other work ke is a the samp time ic- I tsally farming. The. Bank will accept application* for toepo from. SI,OOO to $25,000 Loans 1 eaanot SS made in oxces* of fifty per I eest of the appraised value of the land i aad twenty per cent of the appraised j ' insurable value of the buildiags, such j i appraisals being made by officials of I th* Government The inereet rate la ! aia par cent, payable semi-annually, to ] whieh la added one per cent to amortise | •r Ull off tfte debt ever a period of $S npn In other word*, for seven per , eft*, interest had principal or* paid in . ’ II years' and the debt is discharged, j Kopayment of principal may be made at , any time under regulations loaned by . & fbWTMIV’-Bferd The borrower through thia Bank la responsible alone ! for his opn debt. There are no eom- Aadloaa that Okay he charged under the ’ law, *ar are there renewals. “Wa have become connected with this ' Institutien because es the ftnandal srength of the men back of it, notably ' among which are J. Pop* Mat thaws. President of tht Palmetto National < Bank. Columbia. 8. C.; W. B. Drako, 1 Jr„ Proaidant as the Merchants Nat- < label Bank. Ralaigh, N. C ; A W McLean < wealhy plantar and banker of North i Carolina; and Mr Lever, the Pretiden, I whose activities in behalf of agrieul- i tare for twenty years are known to i oVory one. W* feel conßdent | institution la going o servo a mot*.esc ful purpose in helping the farmers of this County to pay off on the Install ( mant plan the leases suffered in the ' recant depression. The Federal Land ( Land Beak and this Bank are acting In the cloaost harmony to take cart of ' all the needs of agriculture in the ] Cocnty." J COL- PEARSALL WARNS; AGAINST PERMITTING: REPUBLICANS TO VOTE ! l. i Bays It Influenced Much BU **~fßinemi in First Primary ** 1 1 t TELLS OFFICIALS TO i RIGIDLY ENFORCE LAW V. I I < Raleigh. June 2s. Declaring that “in | many instances" Republicans were per il mitted te vote In the recent Demo-,’ ) critic primary in North Carolina. Col.' I F. M. Pearsall, chairman of the State i • Board of Elections, in a statement it- | seed here today to election officers i holidng the second primary July Ist, i cautions them to “rigidly enforce the { law” which provides that only Dgrao erts can participate. I CM Pearsall stated that "there was ! pinch bitterness on this account, rs- i penally in two of the districts. The statamont tails attention of the elec-,1 tlon officers to the fact “that the carrying put and enforcement of thisj law Jsly. change of the registrars and i /udges as elections, and under the law as pagstrueft W the supreme qaurLji their action is* lull. ~ Wu upau thfflffyi election officers rests a grave rrspon- j aibility. I heseeh you te rigidly enfore the law I feel that the permanency of f our institutions depends upon tt.“ CHAMBER OP COMMKKCC 18 GETTING OUT A BOOKLET The Chamber of. Commerce yesterday ; annouoced the Appointment of a censes ! committee to take an inventory of the industrial resources of Goldsboro i wkirk. with an accurate presentation of i tba natural resources of the rounty. i will ba compiled in an illustrated de- i script! ve booklet “Helling Gadsbora" and broadcasted all aver the cobn- 1 »gy. * 1 J| THE GDLDSjBORCTNEWS *“■ - Touching Scene at Tent 1 When Couple^Surrender ' r —« r .’lf’.* 1 Wise } Handing Baby to Scat Neighbor, Joins Young Husband njt Altar; Red Headed Girl Leads Ham Followers to « c Frccmont in Colud of Dust; A ( orrsetion or So A touching seen# eras enacted at the i tent last night when the altar call was t given. About four rows from the I front, a young man, his wife end a c sleeping baby war* sitting on on* of * the folding seats. The mother had $ the baby in her arms. The fsthoff was evidently impressed with the s*r- ‘ ■ men, but declared ho wasn't a Christian! ■ when the evangelistic asked his I ence to give him Indications. ! p P Aftsr a scars of people had filed down the aisles of ths tent and took thsir seats on the first t*o rows. Mr. j t| Ham left kit platform and went bark , n to the man. No on* knows what he (| said to ths young husband, but any- 1 - way he pulled out from bit seat and t -cam* down to the front. * The wife sat there slant. The baby b was tlaeping peacefully. There was a • hlat of tears ia her eye* as her hus- V btnd left her. Mr. Ham spoke a few * words to her, and she turned to tea * friend and handed her the baby and “ joined her husband. They were con verted. Juet before the services were dll- 4 missed. Mr. Ham put his arm around j the shoulder of the man and spoke' to them, saying, “Now you father and y mother, you can go back home to- i b night and look down in the sleeping s face of that youngster, and say ii by the grace of God, you are going n to have a Chriatiaa daddy and a Chris- n tian mothsr and bo raised in a Chris-, (tan home. The facts at both the fa- j] tber and mother reflected a peaceful sort of Joy that-must have filled Uatir * hearts as the touching words of tbo evangelist were spoken. Who, ever thgl baby is, he. or she, ought to be in for a good rearing. Federation aa Platfarm ”, . The member* of the Christian Lay- n men's PgdtrvaAloft cam* out hi * body t last night and aat on the platform, and furnished the music for th* *#r-j f vice*. Who said me* eeuldn t sing ; anyway? After the song service had been nndcr way tor tome fsw minutes, Mr. Ramsoy announced that “I Am * Hound for the Promised Land” would •' bo the next number. * The men sang it through until they a reached the last worao. Mr. Ramsay * •pok* to kls maa ckolr and when tkay i reached tht Iftat chorus, two hundred * handkerchief* flashed Into the air and 1 waved rhythmaticaJly with the cadeoe* « es th* aoag. Hi* audience. In sing ing the ohonia book to the choir gave * the same salat* sad than it was given with the entire crowd stonding. Thro* f or four thousand handkerchief* waved ( in unison with th# music of a great j old church hymn is aa impressive sight # Through an oeeeoight u» printing thni, sermon of Friday morning, which was j| delivered Thursday night, Mr. Ramsay j was credited with making a statement « during th* course of the aerroon that ■ officers in Goldsboro were allowing 0 bootlegging. Now Mr. Ramsay did make r that statement, but he made it back a two year* ago whea Mr. Ham was r preaching in Texas. He stated last , h night that the police force of tho ■« city was giving the meeting every * assistance possible, and was eompli-i* mentary in hi* remarks concerning th* Goldsboro polic* fore*. Mr. Ramsay ‘ did make several .remarks {(luring the course of tho sermon Thursday ?'*ht, but they weren’t worth printing. g Dixon Makee Talk Juet before the sermon Mr. D. H 0 Dison went up on the platform, and r in a short, pithy speech explained the p presence of the Laymen's Fadarmtlan. r "I J*st want to say this," Mr. Dixon, in opening Mi remarks said. "When n thia F.deintlen w». orgnntaod. there 0 were many who said it would be dead o in six month*. 1 want to say that a it I* not dead, and thank God, it never wilt die. We have held service* nil j t over Goldsboro, end eastern Carolina. " and the organisation Is growing." Mr. Dixon's remark* were greeted with prolonged applause. The evangelistic party.-vAh# orehc* | tra and n large part ,of the Goldeborj| f choir journeyed ove> to yesterday afternoon for s service, ( „ , Even aa Moees Did h If Mosas led th* children of Israel n into the promised land with a cloud | ; of fire, a red headed girl in a sever. , passenger car led the followers of Ham Into Kreemont with a cloud of dust, f Ihe dust on the road was about | thir teen inchr* thick by acßnrt» measure- ii meat, and about on* inch got on every j t person who went to Freomont. The. other twelve got into tho eyes cf the j v newspaper man accpmpenyini, th«j —■ ■■ - ■ ■■ .4 ' Judge Boyd - H °"7Xfc,J Greensboro!.t.y i„ Ike- collection of {4JTf4kkfce* tal t levied by th* state $f Northern Car olina against tsc Hqptharn Bqsd>»ard 42 Air Lin*. Atlantic Ooast l.ipe. Nor-. ~ j folk Southern Atlanttf ‘and' ; Yadkin railroads metre granted to- j day by Judge Jansrs t Boyd, of Western North Carbine federal dis trict court efpetirst until th* mat ter ot tho centaillu|it>aatity of the tax is pasaod upon., by tho United States Supreme Court, ~r s , , ~"‘ r ' ■ ; -_■ , J i Late Wire FI arshe s Minister jUuilty Charlestown, W. Va., June 23. The Rev. E. Wilburn charged | with fatally ahooting » Logan , county deputy sheriff in the miners’ march of last August, during labor disturbances In the Southern coal fleii s, tonight wa» found guilty of mutter in the; second degree by? a jury in the Jefferson county circuit court. The jury wax out for one hour and thirty»l\ve minutes. The defendant Received tike ver- j I diet in the same mini manner t that marked hiiLißering during' ; the past two wtekn. v «— Dempsey Must Meet Wilfe New York_ Junt 83. -*Jack Dempsey, heavyweight cham pion of the world, must ht Harry Wills, New Orleans negro battler, or resign the title, tho New York State Athkitlc Com mission decided today. The commisaicß] gave Detpp sey until July 10 to accept or if«cline Wills' challenge. Nego tiation* for Denit ey-WIIU Lout already are uadir wajff tlpon hifl arrival here testa*da/ Jack Kearns; th« stammipn’a n»itn ager, wArtf lnto tonferrnce iritb Tox promoter, and Frank Ftourjtey, matoh maker, and it drag announced that a! tentative agreement had been reached! A definite contract to be signed when a spot wag se lected for.the match. Tho battle may be waged in New York State. Tokyo, June 23.—The Japa nese cabinet today decided that Japan shall evacuate Siberia according to reports carried by the Japanese news agehey. The' decision has been referred* to the Imperial diplomatic council. The cabinet decision to with draw from Siberia ia declared to constitute a re-affirmation of Japan’s policy in that country, The date of evacuation will not be fixed until after the mat ter has been considered by the diplomatic advisory council to morrow. y. ——- ——— And eo you must personally endorse I tad present the prayers you make ia ; th# name of Jesus. He has unlimited credit at th* Baak of His Father, and you need never fear that His check will be turned dewn. I lon* ago learned to rely upon God's promiseyfn James 1:$. "If any of you lock wisdom, let him ask God. that Kiveth to all men literally and up hraideth not; and it shall be given h! i." Why don't you ask? Yoa all, need wisdom ia your ,t>u*inc*s. in youc. household affair*, in evsrylhing. You »»k. 'What, in temporal things? "Cer tainly Read I‘hillippians 4:». From the j time I placed myself unreservedly ia ' God’s hands for His serviee, I have never asked a man for financial aid. There are resource* Jieyond any human open to me. Hut if you “regard iniqui ty in your henn,” your prsvere are? vain, fur God will not hear you. Right there is the trouble with so mony churches You put unconverted j j men and Wonu-n Into your s-heirs and I to teseh your Sunday ila****, j and worldly, unfaithful rneq on your i | official boards because they are tieh | or prominent or effirient business men. 1 Heteral Other ( umdderattoqa James says “Ye receive Viot t»ernu*r ;V* ask not," Prayer is aomethinq more than a soul's mm ere desire. It \ must be uttered. Unespr< seed. It Isn't ;e prayer, but merely a wish. That old ; ' son* ha* taught foolishness God says j i“I will yet ko Inquired of.’ - Ks-klrl • ;37. You must not only ask, but you j mu-.t preserve in ssk ng The lord I Himself taught this in his pnrabli* of the widow and tbs unjust Judge, stiff '.the neighbor who borrowed two loaves I : at midnight. Daniel prayed for three; g weeks at one stretrh for God to change r j the heart of I'vrtts so he would permit i the captive Jew - in Babylon to ruffurn to Jerusalem, and he finally re intelligent basts for hts faith; proph . Key said they should return after TO i years of captivity, and tha time was I - 1 IS not ' , ..Osyius. , T. ' '+* . 1 • a s -. * < I -L. Cooler Element Miners ' ( ' L^a£ onfro/ at WMISHP- I * HERRIN OUTRAGES ! AS DEPLORABLEi Drvl* Havh AnHasin* Should Be Punished to Full Extent of the Lrw ADMISTRATION HAS SETTLEMENT PLAN - 1 WASHINGTON, Jaaa 21—President Harding an ropresynted today a* re garding the Southern Illinois mlaa d(a •rdar» as daplnrabla while Secretary ml On via. In a statement laanad as lar consultation with (ha Preaidant, da (larad tho** responsible far thr oat ragaa should be punished la thr fallaai talent of Iky law. WhMr Mouse spokesman In cwnpaon:- Ing on behalf oi ikr Prchiden) with uapert Ike Herrin Iroablaa aatd the j administration. realUing that biller Itoalllll) Wat engendered by Ike 'cwal •drlka, waa continuing aflarta to knag abeut a settlement. When a/ked aa to Ike nalare of Ikoee effarta Ike reply waa that d lar lore as Ika government's hand ■night a| this moment have a harmfal l effort. Secretary llavlt, however, let It be , known that stops were being taken by the Labor depart mewl to bring abort at aare a general meeting nf eperalert | and eatnn leadert and that ovary. ran cillatnr ronnarted with the department In sddilyn ta fear efflciala working di rectly tinder Ike aecretary warn tag eg (4 la confer* ncaa with Ike two part lea (o (be atrtk*. In ability to bring abonl nn agreement between the operator* and miner* aa In Iht territorial a tope as Ike prapoaeJ confarence baa hla.ked raanlta until ga untly. Mr. Davit aatd. but aamrtklng daflnlte la cavorted within"* few-day*. The Hecretdry indicated thkt the operator* wafe aboat to agree to a cen tralised aeadsroacv laeolvlng ika' ctn ral competitive Said. UITHST. FINDING CM TIGGED IMS PMUmC SHOCK , Finit Traffic Violation in Nino Youth Proven too Much f#r Careful Man ■*> * o ‘- PHYSICIAN SAYS HE . WILL GET OVER IT - (Special to The Newt) Haltitnore, June iJ - Tor nine years, Joseph Pulliam, J 242 Kaitern Avenue, bar* driven an automokila and kna prided bimtelf on a clean rarord in respect to non-violation of traffic and automobile laws. He waa tagged Wednesday for alleged violation of a polite traffic law, and the ahoek pre dared paralysis. i He wa* ■ onAnrd to hi« bad yester day under the care of two physician* Whan hit name waa rolled In Traffic Court. George G. Rupperahergpr, 2400 West Franklin Street, his • brother-in law, Inferred Magistrate K M. Stny lar that Mr. Tulham waa aarisatly ill j from paralysis “caused by ahoek and ' worry over lb# lag placed on hi* au tomobile." Hat letter From Ur) tor Mr. Ruppertberger produced a letter signed by Dr. C. A. Rltftnlder, of the University Hospital, supporting' the j statement and ipfurlhlng the Court that the paHent'a condition made H j impossible for him to answer tbs aum i inons. Magistrate Stay lor read the let ter and aiprraaed sympathy. "This, indeed, la an unusual ease,"' said Magistrate Hlaylor. “The young man may be canflned to j his bed for weeks, and we don't know '.what the outcome of this case will b*," ; | -aid Mr. Ruppertberger. “He had a ' clean record, and he wa* surprised I when hr found hi* ear had bean tag ged He spent several hours looking , through the law, hut could Hot And thr j sestion under which thr action was | taken." Keletlvr Wants Settlement Wednesday night Mr. Fulham was t i stricken with parwlytia of tha left side. i’revious to the attarh he had discussed with, members of his family tha allrged violation attribute I to him. Magistral* Hlaylor told Me, Ruftp*torj lp*fionc»4 (v • pa* »og»r koayduy th* i tpollrcy «.*<, tok*t>l tha autoipotuw. # j H-J » • * " V * FISH MEN WERE Di BESTEN TO DEITH m HU - Robert Sumaker. Holder of Two College Degrees, Among Victims & 11 •' GOVERNOR ORDERB MIL'TARY INUUIRY HERRIN, 111.. Jana 21—The maaaarre of non union minersln the wood# near tho atrip mine as tha Heather* llllmis raal rampant whore they were employ ed waa (ho art of a meh waick gal ko (•■d tko control of Iho cooler element .'tempting to eerort tko capticea to “ Herrin to "show them off to Ike bay*," according to Informed#* learned today..! Tke loaders. It wga said, finally wars .amp* I led |# yield to th* laatoara of Ik* mob tbpt tko pels* tsore "hart M." Tha rtooiag men theroapaa srov* akrt daw*, beaten to dsatb and aa* was kaewa to hae* been hanged AHhadßk a number as the miners shaddor at thr alaagktor all say "they grt Jus* whal they doaerved." Rotweoa tb* road and tke wands an th* right aid*, (her* was a a barked "Ire fear*. Mart as th* prlaaocvs, probably tklak vafMely (Rat It wort* b* aomrthlag t* hate the fane* betweel Jhom and bo mob begal 'climbing tko* t»nc*. They difflcalty church will take charge 'df th* alevoa | o'clock services (Sunday morning with a special program including a sketch entitled "Mother Geos* and Her fnm ; lly as Mission .Poliowing la the preliminary pro , g«m. Xpcriil music by chair. Pfayor, Rev, G. T. Adams. . Special music by choir. * Bible reading nnd short talk by th* ] pastor. „ , | Solo, Mist Dorothy Hdm ((• citation. “God Wanta tha Boys and | Girls," Mist Bessie Barham Duet, Misses tfainn pad Brown. ( olleclion. Muaio ks choir. For the Mother Gooaa playlet. Mia* Mgry will take th* principal role of "Mother Gooaa” and the other characters aret "Speaker," Mlaa Georgia Dacia. "Old Woman in Mkoc," Mlaa Anal* lignum. J "Jack llornar." Jokn W Denial. —•-SM«* Muffin, Mist Mildred Stanley, “bucy I .octet," Mlaa Virginihß»rk*r. “Simple Slnton," Matter Hen TNwnpen M.title Boy Blue," Master Hugh B Slavs n*. "LMtlc Ho Peep," Mlaa Martha Bob bitt. “Mary, tjuilr Contrary," Mias Miriam Craarh "Little Boy in th* Lana." E. C. Crow. “Jack and Jill," Master John Hawlay.j Jr., and Mitt Catharine Crow. “Mary Had a Little Lamb," ( Mlaa l Louise Rouas. “Kwk-a bye-Baby," Mias Louisa Davis. 'Mother in Shoes Children," all the ‘Hrlfht Jewels.' Special collection for children'* work S Mimic, i ~t J | Rest die (PM* ,•* j -t .U LAf, it ■ - jnjX, V VU l 0 - -j.TL, * SjlSmzu .. it j. " pff *’ l ’ z } - • f pHicy nvi tiny WEEKS WET VIEWS" BRINGS SUM? >••• iunniiiFe i tflflflf I m|J||! ' , 1 . . Idlll(ptfefW > DRV FORCES DEMAND ' 1 ' STATEMENT OF POLICY WASHINGTON, Jan* 2S—According to a special story 1 .* tk* BsMaam Bn* of yesterday, Presldowt Harding U be ing died upon by th. af the country to any whotbafer and tha comment of Sactotary of Wag Jaka M Wo*., at ChaatoM Pko yaot.rday N favor of modifiratU* of tka Velatadd act refiocta aa AdmlaiatraUag polity. . Neither Ika President nor nap atk er member as kla Cabinet lop re Ury Fall, however, has any eitawa*fit 'tinkv la th* quaaUaa. MV, nil [* frankly opposed ta Volatqddlaffii- -M ol'ficlak circlet th It Indies tad tlMkfc ' h.slar interview, Mr. |Feaka an ; pressed only hi* own pnaainl alalfc. | ,n d it i* addad ika< kc did akt wtptoa* iham far publlratlon, altbaaiffi not repudiat* any aartfmowt on- tbl liquor qaaation wkiah ~ai UkrtMlil to hJm by kU intovrt.^" Tk* first echo at laarrtgt* ♦ WlfiNf statement to reach tk* «|M|. aufi from dry source* waa -a Uiqgraih trail •be Rev. Att cus Wsb, of the Anti Saloon 'League .oT'YaxJS. demanding to know if tw 'etdip •*. gardmg prohibition antortalkedfcs rlfig ■lavtoiiwir nrrn try ini *Cp»ll|WliWl wltola. •■ ' " - fi'yvw* . Later la tk* dap general- < oun«*J »i tka Aatidßlkrti League, referred ta ga meat issued by bias' rtfapL TK record of Mr Weak* as % RNBmS§ till- Senate and concluding ! •»' on that the Bc< aataV*l "Irroroncllh.hi* wet " <» «n effort to astorUla JIOBh Ury Weeks, in advocating • roendment. to the Vddufl ring light Wine. ' " ihk Administration aa * wQßfl|l eolleague* in WsabingfiMi^ i". ■o,. t .Wlel.rv MeiloW—l «*y, Herr. tsrv Hoover—-I |gg|HH^ ••y. . Secretary Wallngp—f MM n.H Ultcua. to* matter. a|R Secretory Davit—M» VMMMM * Mpi c.titen are well k*«W|»*#Ste s tS* He «»»*«» I have 4y Weeks I. making tka Secretary Fsli—l was a JflHK:# ’Wf Die culyi omrmuse of Ib|| fifiMpipf •nary- rommitte* Hist Volstead act I gas -TlßßfTillli"Tj »-ted for boor And Attorney Ooaoral Daugkwfr|lHmMfil at bis ..file* to b*>a«| gs tka retary Donby I. onlltl way to Jlptt Tk* utkor mombar as »M cWMtHK Baorotoev Weak*. „ t jtt A Tke Wbito House was a* ~\ r~ tgfifinir ai on ng that tgrtnrt tk* DMfiaito of olumbls -dfy• H • tlmt whM ever uotlf today that Mr W**k7t» Sf an advoett# as tka CSHCrttS |fffi|ii||k of lagaliaod light orlna* and kapr, a proposition Urhiek is being mar* toll, more widely sba»pi*iM|d aa g a—pgf mite that might datlafy alMatoreata *a c*pt tb* very extreme dry* and ofinal ly extreme -Wet*. ; JfT ” —Ei » amu it. rm cun —^ KINSTON. June >t— fit- «RU lips, a wall-known Pitt Coanto —y, died lato Monday af.lfiffipto wklkk kZT fan Inal Christmas am. tk* faaoHll was held at Grtffoa Taaaday pftoyaooa at five o'clock. Mr. Phillip* years of af*. He eoeductod 7vto n*st at Griftan, giid wfia Hall >fiirtont , * # that town sad vlelnJtv.' U tgrrivtM va by on* ton and an* daafpftsr, tc'phW’ Up* and Mrs. Aagt* Maanlng Jr'pfft county r ’JSfGrt"'' VARISR or lURfiIdTOR y # NAY BRAIN. C. LAWRpfi KINSTON, Juno U-k. R. V.rAlr, d Lumberton. will bo ytgpil for U.gato president of th* Httoa JUr A«.e«latto|l D was staled bar* todaf* Tk* aopecfr I lion meal* next w**k, UrJRt tbsMlapfi toms of th* organisation vn* sir.tK part of tb* Rtato will furnish tka Prqfito idem tk* coming fiscal year VtoßM*# being groomed by a tiMtokfiP gs ttola < efilial friends. He la on* *f Rid kask' known attorneys in th* M*l«- (to Wgp f«»r'-- ■ , ’•*#« *f Job* G DawtoM J ’ ‘iV* 1 ,