PAGE TWO IML^IOUCHE k Vi * ‘ J o $ ThfulSabattni 'RmR l . ..* .. t", -V - * * (CMlmW>im Our UK I sour) It WW* ifjjflried by ■ tall. slender, mm q 4 per- I* too MMk of Mi lift mm ha ttr rlsfll U hjili-iiMlt Ills k<w HMM idajsd over Imn head "JOmMiurr* ho Inquired. politely. tt Maa clear that be Mistook An ttw-Louta' quality, for despite his •Udly reduced fortunes, hu exterior wm trrepraiMMM*. *Tm have s notice below, moo- Mom." be Mid. ~Tou ere come |a record to their* iwjf< Lwti ihnigfßd And halt smiled. “One must Itvo," sold he. •'But come In. TSbe off your coot,'* U. dee Amis said, "wed let ue see Whotjmc ttofa, Nstsre. at least. Mencfft, near*. and supple, with a cood 1 snath sd MM. and you seem Intelligent. I nuke teach you enough fbe mr »«ifWM«. which at that you ehonkd fhn the elements of the art •• Mr MBs Tele that mask and i.MLIM oome ere* bare.” '' mMMBis Mm sad of the mom. Mere the bare floor was scared with ■flee ts chalk to guide the beglnuer Isl Mm aassoswel at bte feet. At the sad of a tsn-mlnutee* bout. M. dse Ante ■ florid him the Situs ttaa. and s«plained It. la addition •a flapssMng the tmdtment* at the art a» bag las era. ha whs to brush out I tfls flutrtageoom seory massring, Stou^tort 1 usrtraw" w»a 'UskVTmiew^ hspa 1 7«, "Aid a (Mart “the robe yields ast oaky U Ma taoed. tort l* Iks baa as wail, as It as." It M nharantsrlstls of bhu that, batting mads that chaise, be sheuid flam threwi himself tola the wash trSh enthusiasm. bafars the nflealsg adofltgat f tolar t&n Malty smei • MM that both astounAsd*aad*flat luuifl md* 0 * - **** *m«M hud he known that at least half the motto at Andra-LguM* amus ing program lay to the that that h* wagduraartag rtto^muMiM^tbs the ead Mato H dqddonly Mrtotoflt bad dtvstopid floe a fencer with Whom It became nsceeeary to oaert blaisekf ff he wore ta aocagoda tout A -. *ltolifoM> th» Out" ho trtd Mm “Ta the master be the glory." said Andre-Louts Hie relatione with M dea toll had moan while become at the ftlcad flfl' be wm now beginning te receive from bhn ether pupil* than befftoime. to dee Amts. a •todsd hto aaal by Inc pm slug bis flflUW to tour Metis a month. CHAPTER tl AMDRtoLOmu wm to Ut. gar too of the Patois Royal, the ualrerwU rendezvous, oo that toMqr mumtaf Is June when the •arrytog trtto it dismay aad fury *» bahrtd * Might youag mas with a peek lairtmd toss Map to a table Ofltalto the cam ds raw. a draws l •m ¥• hand. ** tn *‘T* * of oaf ltoonnt that ary imposed. thM youag bm powred a Read of KnttoMlesm swept the croord, a THK OLD HOME TOWN BY STANLEY *»•» . * v-vj- B | in' U® 1 v% y ( t /\ 0 L v r^£k ) i t'.'M IW^'^ij C#,- JUSTiVMMgN TMCBOTS weiEC SBT COMFORUBLE FCR / f\J I THE ATfWNOON - A TALJ- DRUTAMT-R mOW CHICAGO OiL .s\ ¥| i tSmWV> UP THAT HORHHTS HEST AT Tt4C SOUTH END tL hi THIrdEMnEAL- HOTEL- PoRCX - \ \ H %i % V .*'» * *i (i , motley epoefd made u|f at ir on and women at every cMss. from vagabond . to noblemen, front her tot to latly of f*ah 100. Andrif-Lotos looked qn, and grew afraid. ThM crowd, he fsit. must be I restrained. That hot-hended, lire ■pondthM - stutterer would bavo the toyrn ta a hi see by atwht uni*** snrtaußMbg ware dope. The young i man, Camille Daaiusultaa. later to her OHM famous, lease down front hi* table still wavlhg bM ewoed. -till • shntiflag. "To arms KoUuw me!" Andro-Louls advanced to scrap y the ' ImprovMod rasirwa*. and cams atid : denly lure to tore with a tab uuin ben ull fatty dressed Thus-face to Aran. -emh keeking A wftr i 7 \ 1 * i • L I M IB Ml sK 1 m JA War comm toward a HAMM. Ajtorohatoaloughsd* ° U ** r ' Th,n "That fellow, too. has a very dan rtroua gift es afoqosnce. to. M Mar quia." ha said. “•allows Mrdr* he WM anowored. "I shall toM the I lan font Binnl thu* jm nro to be fpdittt to Parto." "My Clod,’ *aa:"sf-fcrled Andre- Mate. n*l»l you talk like that of lieu tenaat-O earns la whra Paris it aaM la lihaty to tambto aheut your •mo oo tafes ttaa under your feet 7" l A H*-tt Sion hurtled amalnst bins, sweet him alooft with them do what he would, aaportolag him tram to do La Tea* d'Aayr. oo oddly met. there was that day in iMhmaat as draguona amalled the MU cut ttf whioh Andre-Louta had altMto- The horsemen swept dewu Ufloa the mob. dMpersed u. The, vMtlsee were taken up aad borne Chance, sad amongst them wm Bertrand dee Aynls. htmaalf—like all whs lived bp the sword—aa ardent upholds* of the noblsaas. trampled Is death under hoofs of foreign liar semen Munched by the noblesse and Md by a nobleman. To Andre-Lotilo four men of U>* people brought that broken body of one es the aertMst victims of tbs Revolution that was now Munched ta earnest. CHAPTER OT T!iS ferment of Paris whrb, dur tag tha two fellow lug days, re saoiblad an armed camp rather than a city. deMirad th* burial of Bertrand die Asia until the Wed nesday of-that eventful week. Andre- T-OUts succeeded to the fenclnrachool la which he was himself so well esuMMhed no aa tnotraetpr. Aad so, oo# line day m mrty Aug , uat, he reuefvad a rMft from Lo I|“«JR newt for you. Andre. Ifctr f{ } gedfathwr is at Meudon. These have ! been fresh disturbances In Brittany." j | - Not unfit (hinder wee Awdre-LeuM r > I elite to Mtlefy a «isl> which to* Mn- f pstletica of tlis Intervening days had eeavvrted in<» s yoaralag. ikeeeed S With kiore than Srdiaaiy cars, toe Head ulrguntly ooifllrd —Anffle- Lsuis mounted Ala hired carriage. 1 end drove oat to Mt-udun. - ' i It wm lair to* are ares-- at a pres- Ah nnd tolher snanmtwt M. ds Kef- ( ! oadicMi that ApifloAaaki was gto- * I ftrd tl’s was nmnnosei sd aa had i { ever hMn the sestoo* * rtarrinac ► * "What At ysa .want hSaaf" i , grow tot M. f» Hsreadiou. gj "No mors than to kies your hand. p monsieur my ifl>dfaibrr," Mid Andfs- 1 ’ submisslvsly, bowing bis j i sleek hMck head. . i r "tou can't. Yoail never, make Pie jj iimU i (land how you samel ta render L' ysureslf so udhmoly luwstluus In I 1U litunyf, "Ah. not odiously, meaateur!" a “Ortalnly. odiously. It Is Mid I even that you wars (mutes Omnlbua L ■ hough that 1 cannot, will out be- fll Iters." I’ "Y*t ll Is try*." M. da Kercadtou choked. “And you RIM NOW WITH OtrrSTßirvcUßE) • , confess RT Tou dare to contVaa ttT* "What a man darse to do, he should dare to naafSM tort— be M a coward." “Ob. and to be aura you rue very brave, running away each urns aftoi you had dftow-ihe mischief, turning oemsdiaa to hide yours*U. doing more mlkehist m a comedian, pro voking a riot ih Naotr*. aad ttoe tanning away again, to become God knows whet— somelhlns dishonest by *h* affluent look of you. My God, MS I tali you that to theM put two years I have hoped that you •••re dead, aito yoo preftonaßg dto appoint me that you are not!" He best his hands together, sad as lead his shrill *voto* to call—"BsnoU.“ “Benoit, tbs door. M. Audrs-LouM Moreau to th* door!” Tbs tone argued aa Irrevocable determination. Pale and aelf con tained, but with a queer pain at hi* heart, Andre Louis heard that dis missal. And than another voice, a crisp, boyish voice, cut In. “Ohcrtr R cried, a world of in dignation and eurprto# in its pilch, and then: "Andref* Aad tola thne a not* almost of gladness, certainly at welcome, wm blended with the aur prtoe that still remained. Both turned, half the ream be tween them at tha moment, mi) be held Aflne lb one at tha long, epea nladews. arvMted there la the act of entering from the garlton. Atom to a milk maid bonnet of the brteat aaaflb though without aag to tha toieotoe ttnbei IMb meat a that on* aa esas moldy to ha assa upea them. wHh antafl-torltod bands, a haighs snsd euMr In her chssbs. a smile to wclceuM ee bar Upt. Me Mart lew and kMato has hand In aflenoa. THE CQLOfIBORO NH#». £ io ' ' ' \ m s’ I The Ukbiaflifl U the OCA Li 4 Wnrg» , , - httcry Juice j ■ ' •• | j ! h Mpi ) fleetb*Hand jfleeir. MOUNT OLIV*. Joky A—Meant Otter i 1 ba* s sqw.clahv easy txctuure and >i very yepelar. lip te tbs pres*at a» I, name has bssn found which Is exactly appropriate. Yoa are known hy the hat 1 you w»«r, sad If you tt» * msoibcr la good •leading pea as* privileged t* . eear th* insignia this badge of hon tor consist! of a bright red straw hat. An important aots Is that the club is for men only. | To obtain msaibeeshtp in this club. L you must first of sll show yourself j friendly, have un idrs what enhe* in gsiag (or, and hail passing farmer* ■; After you base faMHled tkSs* conai- ; I. Hons, the next step is to get oat that [ I old straw hat that you have bssn wear r 1 ing. h M yellow with the golden sun i at seeorel seesoM r*. Hsumlot into tbo aosrost nossea or drug stero and rail ( | far a package es red "Coiorita" This ! t asms is impertant. Than fly sway homo, and wit boat I your wife's, knowledge, dip the brim j into hot wets* solo rod by tho dye, tSo.v tbo riown, and in ion miasstos yea will have a .sow MA Thor* is owe ceutiea, do not pet it oe until it M iky unless >ou waat yoer hair to stotkh- * youi 1 strew. At tbo sane- time i*4 hit I rod men arc not *xctadod from tbss ergM isaSioa wbtrk gains in autobsr sad lei- j portniMs m tbs days fly, by Ikes rah Pee "Tefldie Ina" . « W bqr net a Isa rasas on to* roa ll* Goldaherel Veu rule out ea th,- hi'Jh weg and bavo no dsstiastiea \bh*a you get te -the dstoar, you Usra aaoaad aad tesM back te th<- drag store far " >ee caeasa. How . ntsssh aiior id wouis be to have ioe seglfl *» > agndwicb out i theft-, fleck a toe room would ottkasi 1/I nwimmseg parties In th* aborning 1 swnsnisi pavliea in tbo afternoon, ato -1 to*cats ail dap long, aad young p« opt* i !in the owning Ail to Mods te begin j ( tbla la a pareb, some ckaits and f blt-s j dad a saoA The rustle sign tv haay over tbo gateway of "Toodle laa 1 ’ a ools come Mtor. Itollyr flier me b lltlll la flaaw Grtoa Tbo r* porter of Mount Olivo pish ‘ iaga it la deep despaio, She is marti | i lied beyond Ove*,or* nod makes a pub \ IM seefosolen flho theutot that Ifetiy Htocemh Md be* hunbaed were buried in a rometefy above Dudley, and it It I below Dudley. She would not beliovr < it untit sks was taken there and then l {her* wm no way to get out of it. Tbr | Tiodle* routd n#t hose kora moved for -a tree that hat besn struck by Hght | ; mn'g was growing right out of the | 1 grave. Thu additional information was ob > tained from the trip. Th* husband. . Colonel KtekM Slocumb, was Aw months younger than his wife an I hi wo* buriod W yean ago yostordafv The deed to thia lot hat been giver. I |by its owner, Mr. I. fl. South*riant: ! to the Carotins Patriots Chapter of the 1 Deeghters es tor imerirsn Rr'Volution. MosuM Olivette* Mrs. Albert Byrd entertained rnosl dr I ligbtfullp WsdnesAy morning at . Heart* la honor of Mis* Vlrgibis Byrd t i giss*t* Misses blaiey and £lix» both Taylos «f Rocky Mount. Covers were laid for twelve, and al tho sad o t tho moaning Mias Eva Louise j k'lewoss woe declared th* winner. Assistsd by MU* RosolM Byrd, Mrs Byrd served a Aslitioua salad sours*. Mis* Ewlya LansbsUi of Staunton. , Virgiaia. after at trading tha Unia*tal|y j fuml* «nd waiting us ThomaaviJU u the charming houso guest es Mrs. M 1. Broasoni* oo East daflkts street. YESTEM’S RESKTS . i . . , —i; if .ij Aassricaa Lragse. Now York 11; Cleveland 3. A Philadelphia &, Chicago 0. Roaton At. Louis mm. Gtbota not sebrduird. NattoMi League 3, New York 6 St. I-oult 14. Eanoklyg L * Utboxs uot scheduled. latsraatieaai League. Ms work 3, I; Jersey City 3, *. 1 Syracuse LAy Toronto 12, A Uoitiiuvro 7, Rending A Rochester 3, Bu/raio S. I'lsdmoto Loegae. Dan villa 6, RgtiUgh 9. Durham A High I'onu JL Winston Rakm 6, Uyosnsboro S. 117 innings darkness), V leglotn fltsts tosgos. Newport Nt-ars i. Portinuulk 9. Nurfulh A Rooky Mount I. Wilsea 4. Richmond t. booth At la to Ir f.eagoe Spartanburg A Charleston 13. Grrsnvlllr 17, Charlotte 0, ’ Columbia 4. Augusta 0. jCOdSTHT GROWTH OF RPEHHIS IS ISSUED Bf BHU i t * I tt ?' * I Mflfefl Sgflfliar Hikes Frank As •Rrtil art Iki Hardktu , , AdtoiMHUHtioD 1.N4 HLAHOH GETTING ON PUBLICS NKRVKS j S *, T- . .|j WASRINtJTItN, July • —An assault i on th* ftsrsl peltry of the admuiistrs- I lion ovtd too legislotivo program of the waioatty to Ci-ngr.x wm mode today i ,in the ft*ast* by flanalor Sarah, Re- I publican. Idaho. Ha dor tor sd the gov- I oransont had failed except in a most i limited degree ta relieve the burden of I the people and that there was ahead i * program whisk would add to those t hard ops not only' millions but billions t y | of dollars. r ( 1 i !■ I*>at program, Senator Borah nans- iI, ( *WI ttrt IvIUWK bvnus whlok Bo estou U |)aU<l would cost from four bilttoa del- i ll'ara to kfet Milton dollars the ship mb < 'sidy bUt which h# said would coot from fifty to ono hundped mi! bus dollar* a j f** T w#lW at Hu oarao Mate relieving i »•“* t»aciai class** from a large port | of their taiaa; the proposed W.ono.othl to L*h*#*a and tkt bill to rreavc ) twaty five additional Kodarak judge "Tb« fart lg,“ oaid Senator Borah, • i * that tha constant iaersane la gov, ra maat • apssidiloro* baa reached the point whoso It haa gone a on tbr put, U*'» nerve* and tbr people of thr roan- i try afo beginarng to awunfsrl it in liif- : ferrnt aayt “If W« Jtadg* U« fa tore by ths past, «a aim bare an iiyd* bteda*** which It will take us mors than I.OWI year, to Mft t* aa>\ nothing as tha roaettntly iairiMafwuilia ia the wafr as In rroaaing taaaa fropi year to year by rraaon of tbr budget*.*' niii r NIOKO IKE OFF ID low 15-16 (UIMok Stark aad Equip****! ia i DM Hkapc . aad Strike Cr*VP#ni Sarvice , * STRIKERS MILTfANt - • mhHERE. DALTON SAYS > ''t * * j ' Tba Corporation Coairaiatioa yaalcr day granted tbo Norfolk Seatho is Rail way porraiaatoa to toatporartly discos- I •mao train* fiftooa and ilitaea, arviv mg and dr porting from (loldabaro at • :4b ia the moralag aad l»:36 1a th. staining, roapostively, when Traffic Manager J. F. Dalton informed the cam iniaaion that the discontinuance was due to the .tribe of tbo akap me a. Tho traina woat off Wsdnsiday night, tho 10 :J5 train to New Born be -Inr curtailed firat. Hundred* of pro tooka from (.otdaboro, New Bora, Kias-J ton. Washington, LaC,mage aad a half ‘damn lesser points—eosard b w traina ami tha ronaoetioh* alto filed with tbo rommiotloa ag-a-. i the ditruntinuunce. Declaring that its rolling stork or dinarily ia m bad conditioa aad that : wveral of its engine* are lubjcct to jbo aidelraeked momentarily by tbo ! National Botlor taepector, Mr. Daitua I prooontod to tbr board a rendition that demanded tb* dtarealiauanre of thr train* or the plartog ia jeopardry of human life, the commission explained. Four or IW# men in thr (ioldaboro >*rb of tho Nor folk-Southern are out in tbo notion wide Uribe of tba (hop men end Mr, Dalton yesterday told •unmi .eien that »ken the company a. tempted to biro non union worker* to do eoaao of lb* work tba ttrikora had keen perforating, the non unloa work er* were warned that bodily harm woo Id eneure If they continued to ! ‘‘neab.” Simms Mia warning. Mr. Dalton aald t|*e company' had keen unable to get anyone bore to partially replace tbr •trikmg employees. More met are out in Now Born, u witt said, and are going to remain uut 1 *» loo* at tbo strike laita. The nine 1 *« true of the alrikiag trainmen here. • 1* wae en tbo uademanding that the two traipa weald bo roatorrd when (tribe ia ended that the conuaiaiioci veateeday game- approval to curtail meat, R. O. Self, clerk to thr commission, laid the New* ever long dmtaace l«le phono lent night. Folk* familiar with the condition of ike Norfolk Seat kern, particularly with the rellin* atock and et)bipai( be tween here and Maw Bern, are iarlined to .ympathy with the appeal of tie road far pernuaaion to discontinue two I fame Tkoee ba«« keoa. at different t»»e», naaiker* es complaint* rogiator ed against the traia service' ua tee New Bcra-Uoldoboro division aad ao ! ineietont waa 14 at one tuns that » moveamnt to have tke iagialatar* In eeatigate tbo condition of Ike rood bed ""<1 equipment. with * view of revoking tbo lease from tba State, gaiaed con .liter*L>lc headway. ~ , Mr. Self farther told the New* last night that detailed expinnatVoa of order granting tho rdhd paraiiasioo to teinp*rarity curtail tho nervier on this Hae ha* been sent to the several com mercial organisation* which filed pYo . teats, Tke curtailment, be added. Will not interfere with the movement of tke State militia hu Merehead City over this week end and following the en campment w tick run* two week*. Simms' - ! HBICII SCHOOL StarMf ft Mwtf ill to Sgrtrrr 1 IngtUutiugi to Ua Ran by Stale Uaiventily By Brock Barkley. RAI.EWiM, July * Raleigh through it* chandler of commerce lauucked a fight toiler to locate the l)nivrr»ity Medical irhool here. Charlotte is el*i after the erbool and a lively conteai | Rmong cities of the ..jtate Is predicted ' ia »plte es the rsromatsadatian of a | •pri'ial conimittrw of the hoard of trn*- 1 INI that the arhool be located on the t I in r«ity eoiwpwo ut ( hupcl Hilt. ' Around a mHMo* dollar* wilt he In- J vetted In fneilHtoe for mending the I Cnlrereitr’r from two J to foot year* ts the general M*emhly I make* proper provi.ion aa rrcomieand 1 ed hr the hoard as trustee.. I Nettle meat between R. C. Allen and revolver* for the Central Bank and Tract company, Insuring deporitar* from (5 ta 7S per crates their depea ita, lr expected to rauae the no) pro»-iu* of the rase against him in court. Hr la charged with rmbeaale mont. Although the rpacial term as rour I now in araaioa was understood to have J Keen called for the trial and I two ether former official* of tbJ hank 1 Indicted with him, J H Hightower and f H. H. M»*eey, the rases have not been ] taken up beyond tbe announcement yea- J terday of the civil proceedings Nigh l tower and Maaaoy may not be tried be- J fore September, Indirattag farther do- t lay |h rlo.lng the record* an the hank ] thpt closed ita door* gig mu nth* > ■ 6 . - - • wiA o*o* • hundred thousand doßars | as 4a pa el kata' —mi gone *r»t avideoaaa of tba aflacU of thy railway .hopraon* strib. ia tbe elate , were contained lb report, u the cor poration comwlaalea today of the eon celling of ahort-rua train* by the Nor- ' folk Southern and Ur to tem* 1 potnrilly cancel toon two train* be tween Raleigh and Norfklk. JKSl'b ( MRIttT IB ONLY RUI tiE ro b nfCH men *at tprn t I ontmUrd from pate It paloas he ba* tin, harbor in * > take belter from* tb. storm. r thoarttfu, person will ad„ llt fonrrt at work in tba world that tend to destroy and be —turnlK protection from them. U. m..h. . 1 , * r »* Ihin* ha kaoara ho ntaet hare rrfuga from bit death. Wt all .kna# we are going ta die. W. cannot look .round in tbe world today without » the lAaveynrd* in which U<- roanUoa* generations have been bu riod. Death ia not a theory, h ht n hard cold fact that mu*t he faced. And when a man begins to • Vonaidrj •iftth ho rau«t find torn* rrfu*,- fj- #m j ll - Yoa “my talk of re-incarnation uad other things, but a man must satisfy first heart and ikon bia taul «nd iwinU that he haa found . a real and strong refuge against tha great enemy of mankind And pgopla, there »e inly one refuge from which man can ■.rape death. Thai ia Jesus Christ. I hriat took death by tb* throat and flung it back, broken and defeated. He is tbo only refuge that ia strong .enough to overrents death. - Rale# It Clear. To Be Swept Away l ‘N*w again all thoughtful men will pdni't these is going to ho a jadg msai. Man haa bia caarts and blot legal proccedure with which to punish a man. ft ia not aecesutry Tor n*o tn declare that nature punishes when bet law ia broken. And listen, people, fled ia aot going to let you go without punishment if you break bis law* and his commandments. Many of you look uround you and with a self satisfied lc ik that you have keen duMk your beet. Your own conscience tclkg you thal that is not a real and ante refuge. Every false refuge when the time of judgment comas, ia going to bo swept away. If you bav* taken a 1 refuge in lioa, then that refag* is going to be torn aside and you will stand before tht bbiaing light of-(lad's 1 j*dg ment throne ■ without a sbndow of re fog,- and without a sign of pardon for your tint in thia world. It will be like a bed that it too short and a covering that is tea narrow. You wNI bo cold and unsafe when you take refuge in lies. Big Mt Evident Thing •‘Then there la sin. There is nothing - more universal than sin. Thr old Dar winiUs Uy to tell you'that we evolved from an atom and an atom Using our start and an niom being unable to judge us, we are not responsible to the atom knd then of necessity ve have no law aad therefore we have no sin. because there is no law to break. They »ny that *« will gradually evolve away from sin, bat 1 want to tell you that it ia ns such a thing. Sin is an evi dent thing on earth. Wo look around Ua and toe tbs tin and the w« must remember that it is jult what man has brought upon himself by his sin ' We must haws some refuge from eta Where can we find that refuge, as long a* you Tike, but 1 can tell you now there is only ore real refuge 'from tin and that is found in Jeyu* ‘Christ. We.bare our sin* in our l.cart. We have some lust of the Hcsh that without the- strength found in a faith in Christ we cannot ovarromc and that lust will make us unfit for the presence, of a holy God. Take Unio yaursaives thia refuge from tbe at tacks of sia, and yoa will find t lit Ire a great wall built up around tuu that wiU kaop you strong in tba fs.tb. and At for the present JF.s holy Uod. Sin ia re pa on. ildo for every grave out there in tbe graveyard, for the Lord said, “When yoa eat thereof, you shall die. 1 * It i« responsible for every in sane asylum, for every jail apo peit house. ft is responsible for the snf fow, for the dangers,“"for the iHlhl*d> tie*, for the grief of the human race. Home have attained a certain degree of culture aad aa a result have become like tke Rharaseea, self righteous and fail of rotting bone*. I till you folk* i 1 hag rather live . penitent drunkaeil than a self satisfied Pbaoasco, Old Bell Righteous Hypocrite “Do you remember when tmilt taflier with the light of Joy in hu face wel comed home that wandering son man;. ’ years ago in Yhnt boy hat! gone out and spent hi* life and monr., ! In riotous living, but had come heme! to the father, saying I nm tin Qt to be thy son any longer. Th • y her had killed the fatted calf and wi>* l making merry over the <»turn i f the j MW ■»* * \■ | CHANGE IN SCHEDULES S | NORFOLK SOUTHERN RAILROAD | K Effective July 6th. Train* li and ig operating be- )] I) tween Goldaboro ami Marsdeu, Jl operating between New Hern and Oriental, will 1* dto- tl li Continued until further notice. Th<«Norfolk am! New S I Hern (deeping car will alao i*e rimeontmuni on Him date ts II unlfWurther notice. , | (( Eif active July 5, Train* 17 and 18. operating he- J if tween Helhaven and Raleigh will be, dfacontimied until fj II further notice. vl H Train* :t and 4, operating between Norfolk and )) n Italeigh, previously annoonred to lie diacontinued on n Tl iuiy 6, will continue operating on the name schedule Y% Jl intil further advi*e<i ff IT J. r. DALTON, (( )) Geaeral I'aiwMnger Agent. (I EBIDAY MMk SB/t I. lm. prod leal. leal oat there ia tto front of the b 0... ,h, t ttliuT “r Hihmr * m4 ,mr "* he had stayed at haata. kept .U tba comrands of bia faibos, *M they id n. Vk* prepared aay feast for him. Tb# old self righteous bypocriU! But Ba ton. that i* tb* way with twtatwf folk* today You have yew* old church meat hem right hero In Ooldubarw whs ait around in th# amen corner alt thoir live*, but when there U native ,werk to he done in Ihp name <4 Christ they turn up tbeir news gad n away, saying that they take no part in MNd- this kin*!. You bad* them here in your work They are tba crust,oa the pie that the md light diakaigt. farau th* bottoa, es Tho >n|y dißereaao ia that th«p. ur" oa tup ami aa* wag bhsek cned like th* bottom. That (lead has base tha cuts*’ of th* ages. You stand off and rue*, aad its not tba Batte . and Beesirs that are russing this meeiy Ing and | trying t# hold it back frois taring souls, but it'* the old super sensitive, hypocritical, churvh member who doesn't know Christ and hoi never known Christ. Ita4ta« at the Heart “SJint Yet it’* tin. You don't have to be black and ugly on the outside to he ninfwli l remember tbe oW tgee that stood in the school yurd and un der which the children had played for “years. One day, with hardly a breath of wind stirring, that old tree top pled over crashed to tb* eantb. l At the heart U **i rotten and hol low. Rome day yoa old sinaer, who put on a solemn face pnd talk like Chriatiaaa, bat who really knocking a “tQiting that ia -pving souls, you will topple over, and .then the world will , too that yea are sol tea aad hollow at the heart. There isn't a child her# who hasn’t lhe germ of Sia larking ia his' or her heart. Eventually this germ will do its work, unless as a •hild ihut germ is ca*t out at Christ s taken in. Only One Refuge. “Where >»re yo*l going to Had a re fuge from thi, awful curs* of sinT There is only one rvfugo that is sure and safe and that if in Jesus Chsiak !’ou must turn yuur soul over to him or training. The athlete may tram your body, the leather may train your mind, hut thi re is o lty ore train <tf for the soul aril that ia Jesus < krilt. And listen, fo'k*. he i* cot on y a refuge from the penalty for »ln, but be is a refuge from the pow, r of tla. look at that awful :■vandal that *a* broken out from the yery heart of Katan on the pvt.on as Me) Trotter, hat great preacher, and missionary. It wa* a fraraeup, and I boliav* Ik* dovH went into that mar’s home and in the "nod of that woman kia wife, pot the seed es sin, sad it has caused a great mun’s usefulness to he lei* aad a gaua: sorrow to enter hi* heart. Satan watch es you, u*«* you, hunt* you down, and there >* only pn« refuge front, hijp and that is in Jesu* Christ Study ywtr Bibl*. and use that a* a weapon to fight Satan. Jesus Said, 'Fear aot, 1 am with thee' when she devil stirred up the *torn>. J«»u was there and the pear* entered the heart* of the detcip les again. There are hlaophensoiLt thought* that come to yog. Thdy are not thoughU of th* f’onh, they run, from Satan, and from no on* eU*. Ot* Waterloo Field. "! have iieen on many buttle fluids. I stood tu WaSaaloo where the grwat French g< teral. Nap. Icon, was beaten f »*w where th* aid guard in perfect ferinatiun flung ihenitvive* agaiaat thp atie'iivy aiul saw where they had died n perfect formation. I aiw the lost that the Frenchman woe outganeraiod ■y the combined wnple* of Europe, but 1 wt that God simply felt that be had gone for enough. I *uw that dipt tlefield in Spain where tha Moor* were flung back, and wondered the gras: influence that bntle hud li*d on his tory. I bare stood In the past at Thcmopolae and nave seen where the 'Partnra stopped the onrush of that great Oriental Army, and now and Mt i,hr greatness of it all. But riding down •hrough the Jordan, I saw the greatest battlefield of ail, and Oust Was whore Christ hnd overrent* Sutaa in that *tUA battle told of in the BI file. Tba WU ( hrut inmmtiuiiig ft behind him, aud «v*ry sine* then Satan ha* boon taking commands Isom Jesus. 1 can do nil thing* through Chalet wh«. atrsngthvneth me. You remember men who embraced the tUiauw at thr Stake. Did they do it- on their own strcnßthi’ No. They had tke strength of Jesus Christ behind them. You ran meet Satan njid overcome him Juat a* •Tinst did Uftck there in the wilderness. You can gain a victory oVgr death on the batt'efuld through Christ. "People, you ran over o-n* vin, yo.t j can overcome Satan. You can Mm* a refuge from frith and vo« cpn hate » ilefunder in the day of judgment I* j you take unto yournelvss at.d confess t„ Jsius Christ, the Lord and M-w> v of |u» all. Won't you da' itT'

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