PAGE TWO Cc^AIiOUCHE o [y Qafacl Sabatjnl Fn in Oar I*-.! Kwur) M. i}« I a Tour d'Axyr Etao-t t,t- r-r e by tTw table very ers* t and (h.THruri. TMutf to fajrioh not lw lived -without •w end Without dw upUim cuan) sluwly forward nitil h« I-..' tv <1 tho Uibir on thi olljvr *do and u> a at tout the *’> if- ■”« of liU set »u i* r- ialed. uKd be Ujcu.kT "You b»u«h?" Mill M d. la Tour d'Axyr. fi'owning, offended, "You have surprl-wHI ms Into It. I jrtt-o you three tuinulsw, nionaleur. In wtikdi to lu»* Oita house toil to take, your own ui.tuairua tote your oafoly.'’ ••Wait! Luton!** Madame wtu ixuit In*. She Itung away- from <Andie l-ouls, ns If moved hy norm pretnaiil llnn of wlint wan coining, tjorvl-i! Thin In horrible!" "Horrible, perhaps, but |n< vital/’’ f am a man In drojnUr. the* fugitive of a k»t eana». That mas holds the keys of «* ape. il> >, t-etw. him and mo there la a reckoning to be paid-** Ilia bandi came from 1.-neoth his coat, and It oarnu tni«J aah a pistol. buy de Ploucastcl a r- ani'd. nml (lun* herself upon him. On her knaaa ndw. she cluu* to hu unit With all b«-.r atrengih and might. Vainly he sought to abako himself free of that desperate clutch. but Andra-lamis bail taken silv.ui Ui|« of that inomant of M de lei Tour d’Axyr'a loiwti-iK v to draw a pistol la hU tarn. "Blend jiway. rua Amqi ”• Car from obeying that Imperious command. Mme. da Ttougaati I row to her feet to cover the M&ruuis with her body. Uul aha aUU clung to hie arm. clung to II with ah suspected stroogth thst continued to prevent him from attempting to uao the pistol. "He la your father, Andrei Oor vals, ha la your Skin our sonl The lattar thnro . . . M tha labia . . . O my Ood!" And ah» sl.pixd ner vpteify to tha ground. and cfoucin <1 there aoliblng at tha feet of kL dc lot Tour d'Aayr. , CHATTER XIII Amoiil Uia body of that con vulsively sobbing woman, the mother of one and the mistress of the other, the eyed of those mortal enemies met. Investi-d with a startled, appalled interest that ad tallied of no words. M. da La Tour d'Axyr was the first to stir. Into Ills be wild I-red mind earns lhe memory of something that Mme. da Plougaatel hod said of a ■tofter that waa on the table. He cpme forward, unhindered. He walked un ataadlly past this new-found aim of hie, and took up the aheet that lay bealtle tbs tiuidle A long moment ha Stood reading |t. none becdltig him. Id. do La Tour d’Asyr rt-od the let ter slowly through. Then very quietly ha replaced If. Then he stepped back 10 Mme de PlougaatuJ's aid# and atouped to raise her. "Why was I never told? Why did you tell me that thia child bad died a few days sftar birth? ’ "l was afraid. 1 ... I thought It better so—that' nohody, nobody, not evrq you, should know. Them was l’iougnetel, there was my fam ily.’’ Through the windows open to she garden came from tha distance thu faint throbbing of a druiu to remind them of what was happening around them. At last. Andre laiuls begun to speak, his votes level uud unutter ably cold. , *'M. de La Tour d'Azyr," he suld. "I trust that you'll agreo that this die closure alters nothing sines It rfToces nothing of all that lies bet wen us. And yet . . .Oh, but what can It avail to tslk! Here, monsieur, taltn this safs-ooqduct which tn mode mil for Mine, ds IToqgoatul'a footman, and with It make your escape as best T'l, , ; MBs ED WURSLFR won eyj , ARCQMfeHT WITH A rIN rrns A „ jflp ' PEP DUS R C ARLV TO DAY. V • AC. V . 1. - -3BH-J, yoa can. In rrturn I will beg of )XOU U.r. favor novi t> to allow me I . i you or h<*ir of you again.'' 'i'ho MiinnilM rose „wly to hi f’.r'ft ugniu. He aimo nlowty forward. hig sitieul.ltring «ye* tils soa’s fuev. "Yog aru hard," he said grimly. ‘*l lot I roccnnl**. the hurln-r It d. rtvns from the bs<„>,l y llU h,,ir.” "Hparn me thut," wild Anlr- lam s. M. le l.i Tour c-wti*, Jei i-J him gravely, Mijiy, in njlntnis for a luo He turned to Kin do I’lougastet, "tloodhy, Thin ’" Ills rolcn broke. He had njidlnl tbs end of hit* Iron w-If i-otitrnl, lie held her fgr-o between his h .mbt an Instunt; then very gently k, seed her and put h r tram him ISUmdiu* elect, und outwurdly calm a. un, he looked acroua at Amlro- V - ITOLniNO IIANUtt AND hTAIUNfI RACK AT THE OTHER. I anils who was proffering him a sheet of paper. (1 "It I* the safe conduct. Taka tt, monsieur. It hi my first and lari gift lo rou, and certainly the last gift I should ever hsvo thought of making you - the gift of Ufa. In a aeueo It miiApn ua <|ulta. The Irony, sir. Is riot mine, hut Kate's. Take it monsieur, and go In peace.’* M. d» lav Tour d'Anyy took It Ui# ayes look-d hungrily Into tha k«n fare confronting hkn. so sternly set. He thrust the paper In his bunom. and then abruptly, convulsively, held out his hand. Ills aon's ayes asked • qiioatlon. "Let there ha p at a I>etw»cn ua, In Ood o-iuuim," said the Marquis thu k ly- I’lty stirred at Inst In Andrs Louis. S-niio of the stare mas left his face Ho sighed. ‘‘Goodbv, monsieur,” bo auk). 110 loosed h|« son's hand and stepped lack. They bowed formally to rae-h other. And then M. de lot Tour d’A*yr bowed to Mile, de Ker radiou In utter alienee, u bow thnt contained something of utter renun ciation, of Anulity, Thut done he turned and walked vtißly out of tho room, and so out of all their lives. Months later they were lo hour of him In tha service of tha Emperor of Austria. CHAPTER XIV ANUKR-LAiltld look the air next morning ou,4ha tenach at Mcu don. Th* hour wee very early, und tho in aly rlaun sun trail trttru> muting Into ilMmonds tho deivdropa that etl!1 HngerviJ uq. fhs lawn. To Ahdr.- luuls. n*unferln* there wrlth hi’..!h eiasp. d Is-hlnd him and head hunched between hts shouldera —for life had never been richer to mat - d for' reflection imi pres- Al.uft Ibrounh one of the glass J >rs from ihe library, "Hiivo you tits wiit what you ars K-.hi»f t I dof' sho mike | him. "i'lh, r-tt*. -thing. Consider thnt In f< >• m I havo neen lawyer, polb IT hi, «WoCliionn, and bufToou - . . dly the litter. There Is al • igei- f. in ih - world for s> aia inmiebC'*’ "IkoTl, Andre!" she t--*-ed him. "Vou a’*o inolmrc. you know." •i.f » . t am. Is, you <-xpe-rt slnct-rKy in wh-.ti tiyiss-rigy Is thu very keynote of human nature? Tor two years I have presecutad by every no ms In my power . . . M. il<- l.u Tour d .lxyr." H - ;.a I l« foro littering tbs name, i iow-d as if hesitating how tn sp, ->•- of turn "A!iil In those two years I Ivovo <h ■ ,ve.l m-.i- if as to tbs inotivn !i. i! v. is f puiiitiji no- That even 1,1 li, i-t ki.i W Th.llrqv- d« Vil morin, things Would still have been the Mini'." ”ltui why. And re?" > llu atrs-'l still and looked at her. ’Ttvcwuso ho sought you, Ai n*. "I. fought him —a n»t lighting a Hon—fought him rs|snUasaly until I «uw thnt love~Md corns to take In your heart ths place at ambition. Thou I desisted. ’* . ’’Until you saw that love had taken the pirn s at ambition!" Tears had been gathering In her eyes whilst bs was speaking. Now amassment eliminated her emotion. “But when did you sea that? When?" Surely, Aline, that morning when you came to Iwg me not to keep my with him In ths Hols, you wars moved by concurs for him?" "Cor him! It was for you." she cried, without thinking what she mid. Ho saw light, dazzling, l.llmUng, And It seared him. “Anil thst was why you faiutcd?" he askuxl. Incredu lously. Hho looked at him without answer* Ing. As she began to realise how much she Kail, l«-en swept Into aajr pig by her eagerness to make him realize his error, a sudden fiwr come cr,f,.ihg Into her eyes. h ilo held out both hands to her. "AUne! Aline!" His voles broko on . tha name. M. de Kemadlnu, emerging a mo ment l.iter from the library window, beheld them bolding hands and star ing each at ths other, heatltlcally, as If osrih SSI" instils a in ths other's TiUJ Jihv’D EATUKDAY MORMING, JULY A lktt BY BEST I'COPLK HAYS HAM (MAKING NKVKR TIILKBATKB l( untinued from *ag. Os*) f stholir fkarrh < ondemgs. Msny devotees of the dsnee have tried to give themselves a covering of respectability by rlaiming thst the I alhedic and Episcopal churches per mit dancing. 1 shall remove that stig ma from those churches tonight. The plenary t-puncil of the Roman f'slholle t’hsrrh met In Baltimore sev eral years sgo and sneompromlsingty rondi mned ih„ danees as fraught with the greatest danger to morals. Th- Montrlslr, N J It-v. sthgr William A Rrotherl, d--- flsred that "Indulgence In the tsrkey trot, the tango, and other objeetlonshle modern dances is as much u violation of the seventh romtnsndment as adtil tery." The Right Rev. James Rlrnk. arch hishop of New Orleans, said In a ser mon at the Jesuit church, Oecember H, 181-1, regarding eerisln modern dliners* "lias it come to this, tha* our Tousled' society our boasted rlvjlisa lion, <Vn our I'hristianity should he. banished to make room for l.he vite corruption frnighted with the maisms of the und-rworlej? I appeal (o moth ir» and fathers for thr love of God lo ' Set your faces against thia outrage." Rev. Edward F llannignn, pastor ‘of 'it. Patrick’s Roman rathdli,- church, long Island, whose pan«hlonrrs num U-E ovrr moo, said’. "If I wrrr thr i presiding judge in nny court I would 1 t. nre sny woman who danrm) the < !,uk -1 ,rnl i° <* ye'nr in the pegitentt* at-y, and would send her partner to tW - county jail for three months. Su< h penalities wuold hr mild in comparison i with the sin th* young persons who ‘ ‘"rougff such are cmonilt ting The wanton who travel the Great Uhlte Way are less immoral than the o i iilb-d respectable young women who dance these sensuous dances." ~ Tl \* ** n * o h ** k *‘ ,n 'l* noun red from Me vat nan in Rome. January IA, 11114. j Tho cardinal secretary, says: ’Thr tango must H« prohibited Ohsolately I .in the of the Roman poptlff; thd center of Homan Catholic religion" The clergy are urged to raise thefr v “ |r *"‘ defending "the sanity of ’ B.agcs ..gainst th* s.ngrrs threatening and the overwhelming lm r oralHv of the new paganism.” Catholles in the Cincinnati doTrese Who may dunce the tango, turkey trot and other objectionable glide, cannot put aln forgiveness of their sins ar eerding tn Archbishop Henry Moeller There ore mgnT other «nrh denurveia lion, form the lips of men who *ank foremost in the Roman” Catholic ehureh, hut time forhids that I give wort. c h.rrli luimmmef. Bishop Hopkins, of Vermont, charges , 'I with a premature excitement of the passion, inconsistent with baptism Bishop Mellvain, of Ohio, says the I only line it entire exetuaton. He de r ln red that "it is renounced In bap i "sm. 4s renunciation it ratified In eon 1 f-rmnlion and |frofes«ed tn every par tieipation of the Lord’* Hupper. I P -hop f’oxe, of Western New York I ” * Lenten pastoral, aald: "I will not , confirm anyone who will not renounce I the dance." RithoT, Johnson, of the Fpiaeooal enurrn of San Anronio, before the dto ,‘ r <»*»y'l of West Texas, had the i owing tn spy shout these modem (leners: "These danees have passed |'b" limit and are properly classed a. j vtilcar, immodest and indecent, and J therefore ought to he Astraelted hy all I -e.,*ee»el»le people. * • • SvirTi ( *s n ees | are ntrodueed directly from the hrotn , r **' when wr eonsidr how tunny jef ’ln young men of today are hahltur. jof 1 her* ?ow places where they Pave j’enraged in these lascivious dunces , w ith fallen women, mothers and fsth " » "-I0 value the purity es their | daughter! should see to It that they lire protected from that close personal jeonlart which these danr,-»‘ encourage f tljey do not actually necessitate, When we that a Very large percentage of the surgical operations which married women are cruelly sub lecteiLto on account nf youthful tndl. e ret legs and practices of their hus bu-K!*. too much care cannot he taken to remove every c« tt se calculated to increase this terrible evil. One of thee* causes i. the immodest and Inde cent (fancy Which society ia sanetion- I ing and which lead, young men to the I b*mh»| to assuage passions which i w--r * r roused hy surh dances. I wish |to have it understood that I will not knowingly confirm any person, male or female, who srtll not first agrre to give up such objectionable forms of amusement. I have been shnrtted he- Joint expression to learn from un questionable authority that married iien engage In theee danees, closely embracing ‘the wive, of other men. while their own wives are being simi | l.irlv .embraced hy Other men It te i shoehfng h*yond words fittingly to f( haracterlie. Nothing Bur evil, and Thai continually and growing >worse can come from such a corrupt and de moralljing state of society." The council hy unanimous vote In dorsed the utterances es Bishop John son. The Other Churches. It Is not nerrssary to uuute the de crees of utbes churches, suc'i as the Presbyterians, llaptists. Methodists arf.l Disciples, for il ts well known that for years their voices hgvr been raised against the dance In most emphatic terms. Thr World’s Greatest Prea. hers. Home of you think this only wi!d evsd, long hairedvevangelist* have ever Uuiked the dance. However, sr* find among the men of God who have warred against the dance such names Henry Ward Hrerhor, Charles H •‘•purgeon. !>. L. Moody, Sam Jones, Gypsy Smith did you ever hcvr of him?- One of (he World's greatest evangelists, and this ts what he said: "When you dance it i* not the music that appeals to you. but It i» |he cud* . dling. It is thr hugging thnt accom panies the musir. The reason you Mkr il Is because It appeal. to the very worst in yuu. Thrre (s not one among vou that would like to set your hue hand nr your wife in the same petition the neat morning following the danro as you saw them .1 ths dance If you did you would at once institute pro ceedings for a divorce," Out in Kentucky, It would h.e a shot gun, They wouldn't think of fooling with any rented/ as mild as a divorce G. Campbell Morgan, pastor of the Cnngregational churcji in l.ondoa, add the greatest mao In that denomina tion’, (as G. Finney. F. H. Meyer, the man jsrho' bad more ta do with the so cial cleaning up es London than any I other one man; Lety G. Broyghtwa. the - man who pulled -out of hia little 1 churfh In Atlanta because of its da nr ; Inf, card playding, thFatrc-g uing. world ' ly members, and with *6o loyal mom bora wbo followod him, built up • church of 3,<00 mrmbori and an audi- I toriom that aaata 6.M0; J. Wilbur Chapman whoa I waa In Richmond I I heard the dancora Mill “euasing" him because h* preached against their dance, f ourtlandt Merer., Johnson Mjcr., R A Torrey, William A. Buq/ Hay and erery other tniai.tar that evt* •tood for .plrltua! religion. Archbishop Srlhubling .aid that nine- j teen of erery twenty fallen women coming to the confel.tonal, attribute i their fail to the dance, - A. I walki d down the BowHrv In New York on morning about 2 o'clock.! with the superintendent of a mi.cion, he pointed to a young woman cjraxy ; drunk on the stryet, and .aid j thousand luch creatures were rechrd- ■ ed, name, and residence., in hi. mla sion. and four of erery fire „ nttrihnted their downfall to the dance. foremost Men of the World Commencing with President Wilson ! and Emperor William, the evangelist dueled a I eng list of eml„«nt men in condemnation of the danee. As a I ”>a h * r .:J* wh “ 0r Howard Croaby said: ‘Thu foundation of a larfr ainount of dome.tie misery and domes!, c wu J ,ld »*"•" Parents allow «d the .acrednos, of their daughter’s ner«on, and the purity of their malden walu'» *° rui "' y Danaiug and Duuri.g Mantem. The evangelist quoted at length from foe 4 T? pokov “' ‘ k - woman 1 for so rang conceded to be the World's *k! w 1 d,nc * r on *•>» alage. She says She has seen its de.turetive effeetk upon both the charhete. and the health of women and gives it up in dlagu.t a. both aen.uoua, immoral aad >tupiq. Mr V, F * ulkn » r - *ufm*rly president of the I'ancing Master’, association of the <*nclfl« Coast. and also prinelpal , f a daneing academy in Los Angeles >ut now a mission worker in I.o» An Holes, ha. written a honk the Miggo.tive title of -From th , B „,j Room to Hell." The evangelist' read rron, Chapter four of that book the follow,ng statement.: -No woman Who dance, ran be a good dancer. Tha most accomplished dan- i *•!*•« women. An. r t k, s W,,h **• »f 1-0. Angeles brothels, and 16.1 say they fell on account of the,. 26 on neeount ckol k 'j B , ' u,r * nt *- >• by wilful choice and 7 froi poverty and sham, wki a "* , ''’ t d * nf, "«r school in with Vv V ' n r ‘ , ‘ »*»* •*«>••♦ w thin thwe mantha. A matron of a »«n f V WOmrn ""* th “* seven of every Wom ,. n who there a.rrihe thetr fall to the dance " h „," ny w,""* s"** * , '" e ‘ d ■" •‘•nee*. o»h public and private, under poller cln bi'Ttd " r ‘“** "° d *"<-- can be held except under a speeinl Rolie. permit, and . munlc.pal ,l„, lr e pnatron must be preset?* before the dunce can begin. Liberal *uwta»ion.i were made front the records of these aIST rt T!" l \. ,n,ur " r * l •‘•H* in nation and atatrs have been -discontinued as incompatible with public mtiruls. „ have colicgv and university balls. In the name of alt that is good and i>ol>. what has «ur eenn«ry come to’ »°" r *•"* * nd daughters ip , h i, | boasted civilian tie* become eerrup, hat they have to be put down on the lexel with eutlaws, th.erea, n,order <ra and act decent by muolelpw? es ficera? It ,b„ u ld be .a insult to the society of any towa to think that the city government has to go into oar homea aad inspect the conduct as the 1 children from what are eoneidered the most rospertable families. Where are the mothers and fathers of our land’ And what are they busying themselves i about, while their daughters are flitt I log lo damnation and destruction and being watched over by the chief of police of the town, to keep their et duct from becoming the grossest in decency ! ' The Press la Scorching. The evangelist held up to view « double page cartoon of Puck of Jan •11, 1012, picturing the downward road j of tha dancing girl at first in the hall room, serond in the bawdy house, third in the police Station, fourth In the hos | pita!, fifth in the potter’s field and - finally in hell. Extract, from Colliur*. Weekly pic ! turnip the high society of New Y..rk and San Frnnriseo a. daneing in their 1 drawing rooms till Intokieated wtlh liassion and then tumbling into convey ances and going to the lowest resorts to finish out tko night in dV-gustiilu revelry. Yet some of you respectable high'! society folks haven't any more tense than to ape that gang; and then when some preacher cornea along and tells j you who your crowd is, you get mail I *?d bristle up your back like a mail 1 porcupine. Pediatrics, a standard medical mag > asine, in the October number, 101}. j »aya: “In all ages and among all I races and civilisations dancing has j been and is now intimately related to the sexual life. The of this is not hard to find Rhythmical movement is a stimulant to tutu*. I cence, which uncontrolled, rkeites the sexual feeling. With many tribe dancing Is the mere pralude so sexual 1 indulgence. "That aexual Impulse Is the true me tive of the danee Is attested by the favor with whirh the 'ragtime' varW*t> is received In preference over the stately and grnteel man art type. The idling and action (not rhythm. and cadence of the ‘ragtime’ affords jti|t the stimulus desired and the opportu nity is taken to indulge the feelings , with as much show of drrency as pns- In the New York Sun, at quoted by I the Literary Digest, April 10, 1913. these startling truths are act forth: "Ear frum living ’new,’ these dances are a reversion to the grosaet prat ticea of savage men. art based , on the primitive motive of the orgies 1 enjoyed by the aboriginal inhabitants I of every uncivilised land •'Preserved through all the ages b) the habitues of low resorts, by strum- j pets and their patrons, these dance* have never lost their original reason for eaistenee or been deprived of their appeal to the baaed. Today, whether prMß in the lowest brothel, <*r in surroundings more expensive, they retain without change their meaning and are unmodi fied in their effect. The New York Evening Post, Hous ton Chronicle, t hrlstian Advocate were also quoted in hair curling lan gttaga us condemnation of the dance. Also physicians, hospitals, soul win-| nvrs, etc. Mr. Pinch, U. B. Commis- sioner for tho suppression of tha svhlu ' slava truffle, said it was useless to I close up the rad light district and p*r mil tho tango to continue unrestrained. Dr. Frank Richardson, speaking he fore the Homeopathic Medical As sociation of New Jersey said. “Modern da-nee halls are the modern nursery of the divorce courts, the ships of prostitution and the graduat ing school of infamy. Our young peo ple’s daoccS defy description; they are impure, contaminating and deadly.** Sexual Llfo, a standard? medical work by Malehosr, on para 116 sayt: "In the pleasure and relief It dancing very often acts gs* a substitute’ for the natural gratification of the sexual Impulse. I t is noteworthy sad significant that after marriage glftk generally lota much of their ardor in dancing. Dot of the mouths of mane witnes »v« 1* truth established, jand while I have r»ad you many, I could continue all night reading juat as strong state ment* as have been given you here. Recapitulation. I have proved that the danee „in whirh both sexes engage together, originated with savages at prfrt of their degraded Tngan worship. has been preserved and handed down by th* brothels, has been condemned by the churches, statesmen. scientists, preachers, social workers, 'physicians, and the pr**«. That it fo*t#r* adultery and fornication, wrecks women, ruin* homes, and threatens society with moral hsnkruptcy. Are you going to continue to endorse it? The greatest ahield to womanly vir tue it modesty, and na woman can dance without crucifying her modesty. M doesn’t require any hrains to danee. Every lunatic asylum teaches the In mate* to dance because it la the only amusement they ran learn , Hot Shot from Ifam’a How It tier Eollowring are a few of the strikilng utterances caught during the very rap id delivery of„this sermon: A large percentage of the hirh school pupils of Memphis, Tenn , fail <-d last year to pas* their examination* because of their cyare for the da nc«* The average age of dancers is •».' year* for women and 31 for men. fan an amusement so deadly be good ex ercise ? During our meeting at Sjgn Angelo. Texas. It came out that after a <:sice two high school girls had to be driven around town two hours to tuber them up so it would he safe to take tlprn home. Also that two of the high o eiety young men had gone tw_t bawdv lioliae and learned the tango, when it w»* first Introduced, and these two taught it to the rest of their set. loung woman, you can never get people to take your modesty seriously so long as you defend or even tolerate an institution so altogether vile as the danee You are mornlly "’blind ond morally insane After I had preached this sermon in Paris, a lady connected with the Ken tucky Institute for the Feeble Minded, came to me and said VBro. Ham. you didn't tell half the evil* of ttie dance" Women, the world will think of >nu j juat what you make it think Pd rath er mv wife or daughter would have an i nnnetito for drink than for many lay ers. Negro Prise Fighter** While Wife Most Reaaitfwl Ikwwccr. Tnder n date Une of Glasgow, Scot land. Nov. 11, the Associated Pre.e* carried the following item "Four | thousand people blocked Street j today while Jack Johnson made a re cruiting speech. Johnson appearing t-n a loenl music hall this V"ck in n I'revue.’ Incidentally his wife is pla -1 carded as ‘‘America's most beautiful and versatile artiste, the originator of America’* greatest erase, the oystgr doner " j Young^woman, the curve of the ball room m*v not come upon you now but be not deceived; you will reap from It. I don't # bf-Heve that anv daneing girl in this hmr»e tonight will ' marry a virtuous man You saw Why?" "Be not deceived; whatsoever 1 a man soweth that shall he also Trap,” There is nohodv on earth that has Keen responsible for the ruination »f more boys than you dancing girls. Hit. HI U h CHIEF (Continued from Page One) j to, mnl-c onlv 10 per cent if the noi<i • in pleasure resorts where since | the nrmis!:P> tbev have had a practicul monomdy.s This requiring or chest rad - ft nine-tenth* French, is a enticed**on to French nunSc ana, three thnoHitnd of whom are nut if employ ment, including tome of Iho prixv win ner* of the National Conver-i: ry of | Music. < repe and Organdv Prvval’ing I'teps- and organy are •««!! holding 1 Iheir own in the world of fashi in and "he latter is likely til pre v att-dlive i ; whetmipgly at .-aside resorts, paniciK, i inriy Deauville, the French Nswport, | where things must hv ronime it faj|t. | A’ soon an the groat raven, marking | ihe Paris season are over women begin j asking th»nlsevns how, thev Ett going I to. Iqok at Deauville. ” With organdy, I ’-Hi• reason tbev will have to think of tome?hing to keep off the ram. Shiny ! leather mantles and water proofed jfnr I menta seem lo be Um, faooritew for these social em« rgene e* These gar ] ""-"is ate prevuM'd in styh away an | make them extra «rdinary levihle For moralng teas de wear little engt* ! are bi-inj- made of sunh* In enters vivnl ff-V ihole es the hi ghles; lowers., or even the habiliments of F up.'for Ksi rttbn of Annam and the big rhb-f* of {.Dahomey. • IThe rvcsal troubles In Germany seem to ennstltutr an attraction for many travelers. The German pa sport 1 bureau in Tari* ha* bee.i <r-rrur» with applisation* for vises, psrticulariy by ' Americans. They are tuld li st their ' paper* aie g""d fur all part* of C,er I many except in Havana, where tourists are still obliged t • report to the police slid get permission to remain In ran s.d-ration of a ft*e fur sojourn American journalists are unusually closely quo-tinned h< fore vise* are oc corded. The G luntrs* Do rhamprun who wax Mis* t'lar* Lotvgworth or l incinnati has juat been awarded the Dunlin I'riae by the Frem h Academy for her "Giovanni Fmrie." which wa* published last year. Thix prise is given as recomp, n-e for, scholarly woik of vsccplioaal *alu*. Tho mas with a smila these days! need not nocgssartly bo aa optimist. Ha! may bv tk« if* man Nowt- Tiiut-s. . SUNDAY MORNING, JULT 16, HEt •UMJAN CONTEST (Continued from Pag* On*) th# Now#' own corUcsA, conoyived in tho intrieato mind of tho slogan manager, horn, nursed, reared, crowned and bug. iod under kit administration, all.with Ct* W *" W, * k *** ** lk * wh * ( * News’ out- A LANDSLIDE IN fMH'TH (A BOLIN A > o.ituiued from Page Ow«) tr* sscority, th* mensber grower a fair prof . ib for hi* tot,are, and th# assoriatlo* p clear title to munv raor* thousands of i pounds of the weed. O I " 1 t- SA(RLi) Ptf,TVER ESCAPES ALLENTOWN, it, July 15. Though , surrounded by fire and deluged at times with water, a large altar painting dr- I picting Christ at Gethaeniare escaped j unscathed when tame* swept Si. John’s j Reformed Church, one of the uotad re ligious edifices of Alien! iwn, shortly after H o’clock this morning. The fire, which js believed to have originated from a painter's torch. Marled in the roof and had to she drawn out The entire fire department wan railed and most of the firemen woiked at diary height. The t dling of tho bell routed a superstitious fear throughout the city until It wax found to ho routed by powerful stieams of water that occa sionally struck it. The -er chime* r r of the glories of th • e.'.unnnila a- l.e’iev.d la be ufllT’Jve.-.* and moet of ’he stained glass Is intac*, bit. the dtM.flfifi p’)ie and many valuable chore! r.cgoutremeaU were either damaged or ruinrd. Th# teas it estimated ap to At ,606. The Iftborshp ts on un M pof cent clause. A ciinirnrf hud just been let for r-model'nr at c rent es } 16.06# u.r it. • • nterc we • t] .it tyork. Ri'.ora.i • be mrd.' witbout de’ay Wins Award ’ / 1 Q H • f - - ■ / beach** by » committed «* bual «eas man. She mevor^wewra.thw '.pe-pieco *UIL * , Di ani-is nt days the ndifftl in of a cross to the signature did not ulway* indicate that the signer cbuhl not write, but was added as an attestation of guod faith. Fur a time prohibition was regarded HI a trugeey, but la was left fir the Shipping Heard tn convert it Into a farre New Orkun* State-. ,-ihoe Polish Deinoi.strat jr —"And If you haven’t already rutned your shoe* with other cleansers this will do the work." He-ten Transcript. -JPUWINB I'AI.M BEACH HI ITS ATa B. Ci. THOMPSON’S For $11.25, FAMOUS FOFt I I YEARS If you arc a Tar Hedp wlicn you think of goinf somewhere for a rest where the wife and kid dies can have a irood time, you think of— THE INLET INN Beaufort, N. C. Under personal manage ment of Mr. and Mr*. Jas. Rumicy

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