« ■■ ... . . 7. WE/.911KK Pirtlf rlo>4) Tuesday probably Iwrol thundershower* la nlnat ***•»- i i VOLI MK ONE; NUMBER IM. SEVEN KILLED j IN MINE FIGHT SHERIFFS IIWE IHE dem ni Emm XT WEIiSBIIRG W 111 brKc Number of Men Wounded in Addition to Seven Killed in Clash - WERE TjlKItK TO PREVENT IMPENDING OUTBREAK "• I WKLLftBURG. W VA.-Joly 17 ißy telephone? to Pittsburg)- Sh*• r»IT II H Duvall •o«l nix tri«*h nr«* known to hnV« b«*« n ktflrij nnxl n Inrpr numlnrw mnl r*l in * »t thi- riifton trrlnt of th* RlrhUnd f*op! Company, t«-n rmb > from Wellaburir. ncer the j State Itne, today. The «lrad wort* I brouirht to Wfllnburir and the woundpd ‘ takrn to Wheeling honpital Rrouk* county Ufpati*** at Clifton ejllr were warrhing ln«- woo?b d hill tide* mar the mine for athor hodit s,' it having been reported ,that a tloxrrr or more bad Inn kilted, lift* at the mine wa< rttnigui hod afler the tipple Utid part of the triteki from the mouth of Hi stilts t M-l In *■' ‘I »t I > ■! Five men, from pun hot woundM, drifted into the office of Mr, Vjuinn h* re m >/nin*; ami atk<«j that the:r wound* he dr« e.rd. F.«< h had b<en rl.ot in the arm. and one in addition, h»d lien hit in the IfR They did not (five their name* nor did they « \pla n hqw they ratnr by ihiir injuria Hon With Dead Man T It Duvall who wm with hie father | at the mine when the ifiscHt oceiirred, accompanied the body of hi a father to their hom«* here. "There had be?*n rU mug#lijot sortie time that tb«P mine wai t » be at tacked it had kflfli operating; non-umoti m#n» M *» d Mr. IhjvaJl, "and l«H night tfe heard the »lU*> wmm to , be made luon. , Ths shixiff had '# detail of mm at th* mine gathered up a number of others here in Wellaburg and wr went out to the mine last night. ( The report wax that a big crow<) of men | were un their way from ovri l the Slate line m* renftaytrania, and after wr reached thn mine the xherifT placed i guarda at tunU the property. f "Nothlit* Happaned until about dijy break when bring began from the w top i of the hill above the mine opening W replied to the fir» and the h* rSIf t ordered the men to move up the lull ' They responded, tiring a they Went The sheriff reached the top before he i wio killed. I raw him n few rumple* ' before and he was hurrying after « * amall patty of the mob. d Mi|*po> hr 1 wa* killed eh irtly after that bomuM 1 I found hi* body tbyre wlun I catue up. * Had All Kiad* of Dun* "Tin mob .Heeit»«*d to b * arm* d with I all ki(id' of gun* and bad abunrbml 1 ammunition, because they kept : hoot ing. even after wr had broken ilieir line und they were running over the hill. V ' c “Some of them evidently got in be-1J hind u* bee,in «• th y exploded a* !i irg* of dynsnifte under the t ♦ ppl •- ;*tid it j wav blown up. I think it raughi Hr** and wan burned I > the ground, nit hough ’ I don’t know. None of u paid much attention to It. We bu y trying to break up that mob. I “I don’t know how mmy of the mop who attack'd uh were killed Then , j were at lea.it eight, for I am ure I saw. that " many bodie There may » be nth out in the w »oda through , fliey ian whew we went after h*m up j the hill. I know a lot of them were r wojndvd, but of cour * it Will take j •nme tuna to g t th* exact number a t the I * aericHialy wounded were hi Ip j cd away by their friend or I'M! in Mull I "1 h* re mud have been JW>O or 4041 in J tke mob, while ?»h« r*/T Duvall I *id nut j holt than Ml men with him, I be‘ t-pple and the v»{la»ce *f t Ilftotiilair are in a hollow and the mine op«»nng on the h Ijxiile not fur from the (y»p- The’ mob gathered at the brush nt th* top and opeiii d lire on th« tipple, A a* the xhootiMf began we started right J up the hill after them a id fu pi th* o until they had all d»*>app*-arrd every body WR shooting hi-* be t. ** One Shot in biff "So far a I know ottlj one of ou» min wh* killed Irwin Monngo, a >p flal deputy who joined father la-t * night 'fh* n wc w< r on the way to t'«h ..iiio wav dil If* w.. *bol rti the In'**' and pretty badly butt 1 "We ivVcrrdnt "in capturing some of the men of the party, tune, I believe, tad we brought them here uniter guard * Id* n't know who Ih* are y* t None of. th* dead atrangefa ha * been tden tilted * *l he news w«« late In rraehihg Well*(* | , burg b(M a »u» « the P.fnt of th*’ light became* known n ctfll wa> k* ht to t.oveinor Morgan and t’olofNl J« k mm Ar ""I i• ■ 1111 *iitr id i # *Si » 'e p lire, for help. I nptain While •♦iMßltml ing t ompariy A **( th*- -!*!»• police, wi< ordered t«» move hi men from Hay ( wood, Vk V’a , to Well,burg without t delay, but reported that d> m •** t; nuan* * «f a Haltimore and Oh o train b* tw»**n* l^iirtrroiit and Wheeling wa* delaying pro** pt movement of the men S«-r , grant Kuth. in command of a detach iwsni of »ta|r police at MoundivHle, abu wa* ordff** I to g**t t« W* ja ax quickly as i*i*i*ikl<. and within an hour war on the way with hU forte,, ICliltrnirnl High flier * rs *»u** t»f U h*« ling wax in {t ontmurd un |<«g« thrtrj TFffi GOLDSBORO NEWS CITT DOW IFTER H-TMBS WITH MTS f Will \|i|M-al tw County for Help Wilh 454 Tax I'njerx Who Are lk'liniiuoiil \I ; nERMEN (JETTINCJ OFF ON VACATIONS *e ] | Approxiinat.-ly i~>4 |irr mi- within th<- ’ Hty of t.olil.horo likhlo for city tux h»vp not liktrH «« rt-<|ttimi by Inw nnH. j unlcxX thry iin list in thu ontinir, will , thrir nnntex prtwntril to thi- Wayno rotinty ttraml jury for injict , | ment whore nntber rity nor rounty tux- ; ■*» have been reported. . 0 Thi» wnx the (ii'cixion arwl the prinej- ! pul huiinexa of the city rminril 1 lu.l niltht. at its rricular mrrtinr, the fen 1 lure of which wan the' number of a filer J men announcing Iheir vacution eiißace. nienta. j'' When it wif» determined to ap|>e«l to ' eoutt'v romminuionera for rooperatinu ! in the matter of ir<-ttir,jr folk* to list j Jaxei, it wua »ur|f»ateil that a rnnijul) 1 tee named to attend the l.i,*fvd no-et inr in Auruat The Mayor named ' Messrs. Weil, Kancy and Yelverton. All (ialif Away. regret that it will he necessary for me tn Im out of town at th«| time and | I cannot aerve on the commitUie,” Mr. I W’evk i aid. “I am leaving tomorrow nigh’t and will I he It/me until the ten|h of August,"’ said Mr.tlaiicy. Es “The meeting is the first Monday and ' I shall leave here either August 1 or 2.” ndded Mr. Yelverton. The other five present, Alderrpan llum \ phrey being absent from last night's meeting, began tn aerateh their heads a* the Mayor looked the lot over for another committee. Then i| occurred i to somebody that the City Attorney ! might present the matter to the roun | ril and Mr. Humphrey said he wuold ; he on hand A few minutes I at.- r when another I committee waa alunit to he named I.V ! the Miiyor, and lliixnner had planned i toward Ald, r rm«n Creech the nhlernian 1 informed the chair thnt hr, too, would i tako a vacation Yoon. Nw Hpci ial r«lire. ~~Atthfm|rti TPrhnt-request has been made to th<v City Manager hv local o' | ficij«l« of the Atlantic Coast Ime r»«l- , ?o*ul ff»f Npcrijil police protection. sh»» L roiiltrr Hid notTfoffnullv com#* b«*fur*' tbs bonnl iNfft night. Thcr** bn* b* cm *o ky j ( only one m*i> of interfer« ncr' with ihR | ( union work*m nnd' shin wm of a mDH I kind. *lt wan not wtnpH whether th*- ( rwixl Idino officiftl* had kfithHfawn . th»’ir rermrf*t Imchii** «»f th*> prorlnm* ( t*nn of thf Gnwnwir or not. The 1150 recently RpproprlMted to lie fra** the « xp*'n** of Kir»* f’hlef V* lverton . t# (|m tnrin il t-itn v.-t f it.j, pf fir* chief wa?* turne»i last night toward the ex- pen re of the fire !««Wii’ 4 i who aterted on , their annual outing at Mon fund City j gexterdav. Yelverton cannot at t* nd and the fund will he tired to make 1 ( the vacation of the fire fighter* that » } mu eh more pleasant. 1 (Tly Valuation sl4 0041 RAO The tax rate for the coming year wilb! he h?tned on a total valuation O of up | , nroximately f 14.000,fK*0, City Mvnaeer j ( Rich Informed the eouncil last night 1 | sl2>tr»H,o74. of thia «n»uht ha* hern l»»*t« cd hut .t'tf* white* unit 110 black* have an yet made no report of tly-ir hold inga. The amount of property hetd l»y I non liatera in fU.I.CKK), it wa* reported I* An a drift I cir 4| million wl* be certified ! by the Ftate Tax ( omtpi* Miner hr cor ]* porutlon rxcest. 91 IS TEMPDRXRILT!: ISSISW MANAGER: l . i SplM in f'otinril Over Kt-lcrlion Since .or To Rich l.s , I orrsdiadoH u RAIN IS .. . i J UI t I •j’ ' I I lb * > 111 I) nl II - |. !| ( ,y . ( in * t tent city mafiager following , H't’-iiutment b> the Mayor *»f a kpecial • «»mniitter i ornpos« d »*f Aldermen Cjl. , I kjfi, Vetvcrtori and kdgi fton to ;« l«ct t vili.'we * *»r to * il\ M mag* r Rich | A ‘•pUt over thf -"I* »f»i* of n 'perma nent iKff w-r, to Mr Rich wit« fore. | hadowf *1 IT )ii| night Mr?ion My | R|f 7 h r» * irnntmn, t# »»«b red itt tha * n *•*.»»ng thf* e V.-k ay.*, i cff**c'iv» , Ai»jrn*t ! 'the purpo eof naming th* M»v«ir a i • .nt to th* 4 tty Mafi.’ig* r w.<:> not «of rely clear In the preliminary ahtr V • If * I V f T th*- I M||. - eo » t *f th. , t.f’W city hi m«|'< r. There i* no lego) , i lab.bition again*t the Mayor hr Mayor i und a* a**i*tant rity manager, fie lief i m expressed by th****- who are i thar with gtty politlm that t laud*’ t i.anfhkim. u|wrintendffit of the water work . a if! I*- ftnme<| ru*c***or to Rieh •od tfe p| j»* tfitmam made at the next im«link. vl the board Mr Dr; u?bom, lt*U *aid fpr him. i* fnmiiiar with the utli>»iru*trntioii of th ‘ty'a affair#, and tot* t' the obje«t on* . wl-**| have hern perennially mined I*, th« ifii|*io) nirnt of an udtaide man. * «M*UMiaoac, Norra. c* soldi a. Vubssav hormnu, jiilv in. ms. CHARIOT SWINGS LOW ; AT TENT AS NEGROES . GIORIFUNEKI GBR * The l<onginj( of a Thousand Veara of Skivt-ry into thi- Soni-s PLANTATION SIMRITI AI.S RESOUND THROUGH TENT II) K. 8. l-irkcna. Rcv.c M K II im preaelll'll to the nr ■ last wight. Whul a cold hnM atntrmcnl thut is. It sound, like nothing hut a. atn?ed fort, iut in the minds «f the colored people | it will he a red letter event until each , ene present is so tiryd with life, a hard I fi for them, that the chariot swings li w to take them tp dwell in the rity j when the stret* are paved with gold, nnd no cloud darkens a brilliant «kv. riote will Im- no wash tub* there, nor :0.. ab to cook It is no wonils-r that ! the negro song deals almost altogether with heaven. f.ot, of p<-optt> laugh nt the negro | religion and hE» emotion. To aumt it is merely a treat to hear them sing, luet ! *® othera, those that have "leanied to look on nature, not in the hours . of l thought leas youth, but hearing oftime the still sad music of humanity.” th. r mush- digs deep down under outer eru-t JV* the human heart, Mud the ,in it, i* heard. f Doomed by the curse of C.od to hr the *lavt£ a and the servant* of the world . fardver, down through the raMtami ' veara of slavery and savagery, they have come to tile prmnt, an? Dir *,»«T nen* of ft nil, the ho|N*lt|Rn|if of never bring more on thin earth than nervantv flip given to their #ong a plnintiv* un derrurrent of pnthot nnd benuty that enn be found nowhere rlxr on enrth. I The negro ha* two nmuxement*, or I I’learupfa, hi* religion or phyxirial jn nre. Os rnurxe hi« religion i goint; to be emotionnl. it in about all h* hat. He haa nothing to look forward j to orv enrth. although he doesn’t realign it. nnd the tread of the negro song ha* been upward, and toward heaven. It** ' FWlngn into the npl ritual *, of the olden dayn today Ju**t nn he did back in' }h* nnti-bellum ported they resound «d. tweet and longingly, through th fit Id# of yellow corn. To nlrtg “Swing ! I ow Sweet rhariot’* when down «n 1»i 1 I pern picking cotton, atunl h»vr the black man not mind the hard ground he crawled over, nnd the rockn wer* j softened hv the hope that ** priu*r et» r j tin! In the humun breatt/* klr Ham preached at the tent Yen, Mr. Ham preached, hut. the striking thing about the »cr*vlce wax not Mr Ham preaching. U wm the |t tenlng. The evnngelint would c pu h on un closer tp f*od in bin ormuii, and when he paused the good old- colored hrethern and nistern would **-otch |he wbei-ln, and the prem her had to go higher and higher, until he got- so high some of them rouldn't Bland the rar»- ; fied atmosphere any longer and pro | cci *fed t?c get htippy, and when n negro gets really httppy, especially over til* r* ligion, he i» about the hufipi*->t of nit thing* on the earth, over the earth o* Under the earth. Some jpf the good n*te>* threw in the clutch and went * .er the hill* of glory in high, never lotting up a marawut. The n* gro Ihve »be Lord ml« f ii vk ly »t |nti* H # when those times come around ho evert*** D.glg and impressively expresses thut love. Mr. Eam-;iy started the colored folk* eff on that famous old spiritual, "I want to H* More Dike They , r;»ng but sang he*itantly, 0 Mr IShr«i*- v ri»l hot ai»*iut if and th real • u* *1 le put «oine of them by the nape of peck if they didn't start singing like the meant it, and from then on, f»r t from fear of Ramsay nSd then from abeer j exuberance, the colored fo|k«* mg Then ame "Rwmg l.ow Sweet Chariot’ and how thy rhsnot did swing. That »* < possibly the greatest of a!t the u* gro spiritual*. Wkg in flit « ... I * ,' i ever rail n chariot sweet except the no gro? When they really bore down on the ! chorus, one could almoiit hear th»* wheels of that chariot humming j* it came to carry some tired noul so th*- everlasting resting place. Wha| a con 'olatiofli it f* ii -1 b* to the?*n* gr t*. droaift* and ’ »mg of the "Fvi i!.«»tir*g Arms of Jesus. M 'My ftina Are All TuKen Aw#)" wa* the next, and “Rome of These Day , * followed. "I am going to || t . Rctidv" and "I see The Itlood" ram** In rapid < sue** *•*ion, with Mr. Ran;-ay giving nirny to c«»lored r ksadkir*. P wn.t then the negroes really got Fight and Mr. Ili«r*lv Thomf»«on, who was at' tit•» piano Kud to (juit playing, for no pt »no on * irth could harmonise with the n*'pm n*m/ Ihr mgr*** *n| ng i,ff k• '/, but they alwai Hirroonire, That n* gro *ho r urp * d any whit** on* that bus b o»i that platform duting tbix meet in ft the'high shrill voice of the aped mammy, the full throaty warble of tb« \nubft hegro gift, nnd th* d«« pb » an*l h gh n »oth tenor- of the non, blend * I together perbetly, and out of the buqntirg m*-lodi* gr«-w wi ir*f, q i» • r haf'or .* tl< ■* * f # »"•« n 11* * pi|//(. iMu*i*t < * tli i w»rh «i 11 the *»g* S<*fo* of the songs they King carry in th«*m the almost lo t memory of th.- loin tom* and red glaring fire* of African fert -is. The negro song in the hope of ht*pe r' »,#* «. the light of dark ft* *, th* Joy of a*tin*•-,■. Ji d*at« with tb* fuiurt Ii N f rt <ti t«» deal k% *?t |k futtin I k fi i o ha* oothir.g to point !,o In the pa*♦,' bla is is the future, mi h ftiagga, plaintively•, pathettcall> .hof.e joyfully, of the mighty sweep of tinu* that roakca up the human c*incep t '*« *»f the great eternal expanse Ihe hereafter T -I--? v di*>< n the hot glaring »un nf’the cotton field, the x oooiit nights * f the p intati<*n, the tPiyved Iwtiginp f* r something better, something sweet (t ontnurJ on page two) BABE RUTH GETS HIS 15TI1 IIOMKK NKW, YDlit*. Jub "17. II ib« Rutb hit hi# fit l — B *-h houtpifoo of th#,#wi wn in i! Um Mn'i Hth'intNii, n{ thf Y nikf. Whin lie. VNltif t*<tny. .Hi Jifl.v li. I«*l UtllliS tuta w«» if .iREAL WORKERS TO GET i REAL GIFISIN RACE KUnrls Madt" Now Kssmlial To Sumn«; ilpiiorlunity for More Ne* Knlrnnts Thf ruff fur thf i i|ut»! |iri*f nulu niohilex, and sti thf othvr prist* l*» 1,.* i tflvrn l.y ih.- Nf«hi h«* itxrl.il. Kiirh' now j, tho tint, (nr <loh ntfiyborN to ti t busy and cfrtirf Ib. n. *• ' «* irrv to vrin. IHA you rrrr S»forr h»v«> Ihr np porlontl) you «rr offrrfd In thi* rxmpai(n—an <n>|Mirt unity to hr rAIH IN CASH for thr rffnrta nrr rwar) to »in onr of Ihr many pris r« awarded? Urm. inlM r. >»u ar.- iM.aranlird pay for ft?*'; ainalr inn mi nt nf thr N|»arr lint.- >on pul in gathrrina rrrdltl in Ihi* tampaiKn c Ktrr> artivr (loh on mhi r I* ,u«r natffd rithrr a ttri/.- nr n < #*h mm. 1 1 mlmlnn rkrfk, and if you arr rntrr. fd now, you ran art nrr a brand 1 nrw Htudrhakrr Mnrrial “A”--with out thr rxitrnililurr of a alnalf |i n* [ nr " A Great Dpnortunlty. Oh. •rr is a hit; r>|i|ioriunity fur thr , llvr, nctivr Club ’ marnhf r .won mnkfs I rnal, srrimt* effort in this Kfnoruu. Kifi | |-lwit.K rampnicn. There Hrt> Ini* <r , | suhsf ripiiana to the N.-wh lo lie had by - rtrort- ar.hn will only t»-fc for them Tbe r j prises arr mi valuable Hint no amount nf effort is too mu'-h ti> |iut forth in wirnin, them. t ; Ami every , new sulim ription you si l turn mean# CASH in your pocket. I.e i i aide* ptllnp up ilousandn >of votes to .■oily rye-lit Inward winnin, wic nf t'he tietter prise# to lie awarded. Ii i-nT every day that yoli have the npporlun I , itv of 1 serurlnf -1 naf aulomohile ■ MitCf" own eh-iy efA , - , ' in your own pare tilde nt Ihnf. > un r f ampaiup I. Cp Tn Ybo. Are it™ (sin# In in- a hi* prlre winner in thia ratnpalan or are ton polnir tw tie smtni thnae who wilt wleh ihey had marled, when Ihe rlnalnv dav of thh eamoalrn arrlveaT The M-hrdpdf *of rredit« ia pah li-hed rieewhrfre in (hia ln«Ue. ■ laMtl 1 It over and )mt,«ill are that with nnir a few awh#. eiptiona you ran he away nn on thr Hal Thlnh It nvrr, and iiiaf tr* and are haw ran* It la la lake Ihe trad in thr pnhllah <-d atandlnaa. In# will he aurpriaed how soar rtedila will wnwint no. With the larra nomlier of credit* Itlven on anhavript ion* NOW sou raw lake the load and pile on each a rrral nanstn-r that It will lie nr\l (o Impoa.ihle for any other C'luh member In pa a* yon. Time fa (Tying. Sow is the litur for those already rn i tered in the pamputirn to sri-t tlaried. Tin- enrn|»ai#ti will .hr .hurt and will f"ho over lean tliiih fiva week* tiaie Th. first period «ml the lurßesl credits of -1 i sered in Ihe rmupttipil will nd .AupU I ‘2nd after'Thol time I.ESH rrrdlla will he triv.-n on every .uherriplion. Mur beat ads h e to I hirer Club mestbers wl»o x*'t in earnest pod in lo win, fa lo brio, or arpd In aub arrlptlon* a« noon aa you aerurr them—y ou |rl Ihe arealrat jiumher , of rredlta for them at thia time, and It enalylra the offirr to Ret thr pa per atartedp a Ithont delay. In thia wav you art uwrr rredita lor ea«h >ulm i fplnm and the ■wUha.-rllw/ ran aave hla roopsin* for you. The Karr la On. Tin rare 11 on, .ml th* p ■■■ i errw | Inp fa t Your alolily an'E pnputarily ! h ive Im ii ib iruinkif it- d. You ran win if.vmi pet in hiiil try. It is up lo you I till started in the race with a rhout, ; put your shoulder to the wheel, and how \niir rompidiim s now, al the ho. rintiinir of the <»• U>"l y"“ know hnw ! and have the ability l« make n ry,nl race and shuwirir in lh< credit robirnn Am, rrtnnmher. Ih#t in thia fare, the same as In nny other, the heyt rampaipner wine, 111* I Kit I Nt Mill-,lt tlNfl tHiatrie! Numfnr tine Imlttdi t Tty of fiitlil.hiua] fllalriet Vninfirr tine includes all of the t it, ot Goldsboro, tine lord an tnmohilr and as many raah prices and rash commission* as there are aitlvr rl«l> nuUnbers inoel au to this dlatrbt Mra, tbraurs \dxMa ' .sllll# t ha «». It*l'd sJ.#tt* It. K. Ilroophlon il.ftti't f heima » t amfiers I.### til -s llelene Cohen IIISH) Mis. I eunof Il.lnli'ts n# nan M • lan .re llsuyhtrry ii -’*• Mis. I .innic lidaar>ls I » on* I'elph hi|Oli in i NOtt Mr«. flinch (rains 17.M1# Mi*. Hillyr f.rair firahaoi fcl.tdt Mias t er* Godwin 2# •'»# Miss I.lad. Karri. 7T‘ti. William llccdrn (.#*># Miss I aoentd.i ilnnks I# til# Mra I arrir f |s|. r MM Ml WHI Kcl. M* a 7WI 4 nry Mux * ell .it Ing Mrw. MltfU.n Il «M Mis. H* ribald Phrranl a tU# ’ll-» I -in Hlmwniu UH Miss ttahi I |! Mail h 5* #tm Mr* lot her Ynipr* i.O ,"ufl tirorge Mpirrr a oun I red Warrick y t . a.att# Miss l.llllan Wa nl 3.7«# , Mr. t h*s II Water* .’••IM Mrs I uther Wesfray 7.### HINI KH T Nl MHMt I Mil Ulstrlrt Number Two include, all t territory ootaldr of Goldahorw. inn I urd automobile and a* many roah prlar* and • a>h *iwnmtaalnn* as thrrr arr idltr • tub member* moat fn to thi* diatrirt. (Hat* -t Nam tier Two las I,ode* all lor* 'T ConUauad #a pap# tor) THREE INJURED SAULS-; :! TON SHOOTING AHQ ;f rn CmiVAL When Sheriff (iranl Got There Ihe Hoar of Snutll Guns Was Slifl in Ihe Air * . ... 0 t FIGHTING FOIsIiOWED A SATURDAY PARTY .. , . Boat la too *ui up iii*«im th, v, .ni just pa -iny bust wcik-.nl It «M *h while* ti arlnu down hloetnd- stills, f hreal-inir up Sunday sehwol rnnvinUiiti , and ib riiiir from pruwine < rups Tlila week the black* |*l It all mer | them, as riols pu. Anil the law took ; a hißßrr toll, ty* i. The ps-rformanri »•;!» lota hiitpi r. accotdiaic to the offl . re,' Who declared that arventy-live MtHMf wire mirnyed in .hootini; nnd sutlinpl carnival which foiiowrd a Saturday nuht party. A bnaehall yainc alartcil the fire i - anil Ini 11.. him i. mi l a *t| oTr. •lance ami picnic follow d (hf rositl altb-»o fur, aii thri ll isini: ro.isly JJ wounded ut ni'# ■, iwo cut und um »hol j I hi- li.t will nut In i nnph-tc until , I Judyrc lllund Im s the followmi;: t inr 11 lime whi-kry. Will Ur yum Tor earrylmr u runcealed weapon, I W ill dnlm- i i hor djsurdccly conduct. Klijnh )s»kiii I i 1 n», Will Johnson Aim* lianii U, and t j llu**a‘lie A thin. on. *" | liPte Snliirduy afternoon RhcCIIT , - • -*l*l.fit- recelwi'd *4*t* #s. *4 At.-from fswsrf— I j alon anil with (i.iiry. Whit.ley and a - flivver limdi d with artillery he Went 1 down lo mnkc *n ins—tleallon. Ju*t - before he rearbed Ihe arrne of thi ; party hN heard the roar of ainall puns , i and when he arrived he »•* the blood ; .pilled and heard thr arrcannnK of 1 I run A* .mill n- Ilia car drove up. Ibc nr erne a acaUcf-cd all over-th. town ; hip. 1 1 llmine hi* live pri- oners' hv#r to 1 | s krem Ihe ehertlf nad Ih-puty Whit ley Then wi nl out to find the rau.e of nil the trouble, ft Went without uvil'ir that bln. tad, likki r was at the bottom of the whole thiny, In a ahorl iambic, thr sheriff dm covered a #till of silly palloN ca>ncity, i*o*f at At lihki gallons of lu-cr No op erntor# were to he found hut by pH-rinf: odd* and end* to ant her wyi Bryant' l ».. connected with »fj. till a. -filing : j nv tctomsThc manufacture r it under aur ! vt iffaiice line! any cloy fuay bring hiat arrest. The qniniel, tin b other enirniclrvg in j the nn lee w-* oflicers. can- yt-1 evidence | iicainsl iculay and tniuorro'*. will tried before .lg#ci Bland. Scnn# of J j "h# cove* may be aired today but it fa! likely that they will all he tried at ! tlie same time , t a ex di-pu.td of before Judge Bland yr terduy we rei THieriff layie»r, colored, far* selling wlvr’key, twelve moiithk e-ach in two j case*. hr.d ,N,|| tens bill, selling whiskey, sty moflthri in jail App< al to rupi imi [ court. | Jame#° Jesiee-s, u-vault with deadly weapon, f.'-if and cast*. Appeal, HMD STRIKE TO BE DISCUSSED HERE Short I lint* O/ficjiil* to ('oitrcidfr Mt-«n.s of Uomliiillini; Ef feels of Walkout KcprewrnUlive* of yhort line full- ' road, of North Carotin* will meet here j this morning to rnnAirler, among other thiiiK*i mean* of combatting present sod potential effect! of the nation wide ' atrlke of railway shopmen. “c, few of the short line# are dlrrrtly «f. t fc-ii.| by the strike- except in so far as fs-rl- haide shipments are delayed by the to up of trunk liiie trains, Al eg other things to he considered^ at the meeting today, which la to per Ire lan organis-ifleen of the; North Car übna Khort f.lnn railroads, formed nl Wilmington two week* ago, Is the torn -1 t * t'l lon of motor trucks and the <„n Isiior, of tin short and trunk liii,^ l Mldfit ' '• J. h-elile, general manager, Wlb ' i on, Krun-wick and .Southport; A. * I. I homp -on, Aberdeen nnd lto, kfi-h, i Aydiior huulb of the har.t I'arolipa,. \ ti»i*l 4 orntr»«*r< i7«! *g* ni Dftd« rwood <»f ► th- iSicitlirfff fiifDfHidtd \\ ir > i v ui| i»rd t»» r* m* h <*ot«J*tuir» laxt ni^M, ) Ir* irhl rul* * • n)a«» on tht* ) ' r »U<riti(#n hy th. uhort lim \ « irri*i >. t „ "* ‘ Ip I »•' (-I*ll \N I S IttltM TIKI.ItH ( I "Spe from 'train When t oil Ist on ! Open, t ar Hour* J MASON * ITV. lowa, Jut, lb „ I el. phnr-.l . nl tieo, linger. In •i, W.,11*. I • ■*• • I • ttpe.l from th, tr .#t wh. n , ih' mr. i tram and atutl . r err. bed .al I'ly mouth 4orie l t#,ii early today t Two f.a- 1 nyer ear- left th. rail, and rlmiri erf tile meu, ear w.-II jarr d ‘ l % ft * r roam,, p 11-.- corn ft-’d for an I hour rrr -o, all the elephant w s-- round • I up and put -to practical u -• In it I .in nV t b J i ... rleel r I 1 If all ye,a g. ( m,t „‘f y„ur Job is enn ► tamed in your pay envelope, yesu've gae . the wrong Jake- or ywuve tils wrorn; • kind of Worker probably ihg )for be « Msg asm. j RUSH TROOPS TO CHECK TROUBLE 1 .. U . SIRKKIDMPI3 | MSI MAE EBBS' SoNtr.il Ylundrrd Men lliistk SjiTiiil UflirtTN Out of Km-kv Mounl Hi»< K V -MOI'NII I.i|v 47 Thirteen *p* ■ I«t rompnny |U, , inr», who h»V« poor ding the ViiM* I u; .,t | - *hi>V '<l South Rorkf Mount, were kid nai'i'v.J it oil hustled out of ihe city in v nuloikobiir* early this ntiirnlntc hy n 1 liaii<f of alleged shop strikers, estimated ,li> numlirr anywhere from |Oil to 3WI ! laitor today railroad official* slated that •even of the guard* hail reported 'from point* around Kim City and Wilson, whilo ll!«< other si* arc still missing. I Other developments today InilinfSft , “jtlie securing of 'in iiijurtrtion again-t j Win striking work, rs hy th. Atlantic „ r* oast I.lno railroad nod the addressing of a mans mnlmg of ilia strikers and others hy Mayor t'. 1., (lay, who urged the men to slay within the law and ad vised that outside force would be re c quested to rope with the situation un leas the provisions of the law were . obeyed. * Rnilwny offirlals, who conversed with some of the deported men over long * disUrirw teleplione, quote the men a* f snyiitg that they' were taken to piutll- ' •ninewlii 11 4n the vicinity of Wilson mid Klai City in niach ThcVTiy ihelr fc ttfnaje-' "* pyr-i and thin dumped, out. The men were roughly treated, aerordmc tuviim • pany officials, slid two received Injuries > which were of sufficient seriousness to P cause them Iti seek tkn attention of pfvy- ’ sielaitS, A complete Investigation us the I affair is understand to he under Way " while srarrh 4* being mads for the miss- a log men. * The tbirlren special policemen. Who 1 made up part of (he night shift at the KiihT’on shops, were seised, local an •* theritirs say, while they were having 1 lunch shortly after midnight In the * restaurant at South Murky Mount. The " gong of alleged strikers, variously aa* timated to numtier anywhere between 1 urn and 34M1 persona, entered the rtslau • rant and told the guards to gtve up their " Weapons. This request was complied P with, it fa stated, esiwpt in one ur two " instances where the weapons wsre se « .cured will'out atiy great WlUtl psirt of the Wenttwrs of the mob. Thu 1 men were Shin,- according to the evt- t dekre gnttii red by city officials, bust * led Jnto ears and laken from the cliy. * Their wheraalusutsxy||paraad a mys : , tery until well up day when rail j road "XUe">l yrcrived long diatom, telephone calls, thay aUte, advising that ( even us the men,hud showed up at Wil ( son and Kim lily. while three of the ; number .were ruffering from injuries »e ; reived, the exact natprii of whieh has nut been determined, as the result of their night's rsperieatw. OfficiaJ* here instructed railway physirlana to give ( attention tu the men at the paint at ( whirh they rejiorled.. What happened to ( (he other six mini hu<J not been learned ( up until a late* hour this aflrrnmiti. 70 CHicneo sthike- BRHKFRS POISONED i Mon Hart Katrn in IHninjr i I’ritiidt-rt lly ,lh« C. M. and SI. I’ayl ! * ’ c It I Hlt'ACill, IM. July 17 Mi venty new ~ bop employees of the Chicago, M l l win | , ksi r and hi. Paul Kailnjad and revon city j i policemen were suffering today from t poisoning after eating, food prepared for workrrs replacing striker*. These , men were stricken during the last three 0 days, ten bf -them yesterday. A score J of health department workers were as : „ > signed to cover carry railway yard In ! i 'Chicago and rig'dlp irisyn-«'t all food served to worker* to prevent recurrence | of the trouble. The policemen stated f they bud eaten lunch In dining car* pro -i ' vided by the railroad. j e It ws* Indicated today that J»r. Wits • Vi t in .barer ti,» investigation „ «.f the origin of the poison, bad mfor- { | niatlon wh.ich he expected would lead to f the dinovery of the poisoners Riant! nation of the milk served to the workers nl i h , been r ule. , e tlu j,, pber. super intend'i t of j .terminals us t' « railway rompany, ' (a- I \ ■I I thi fallow up -l'item* nl ,today . f,j • Our men are. fed in dining can In j r <hargi of cooks of rtgulei tram stall*. , $ nbd the fin'd is the best objiunable. It i« the same as served on our dito rs. p Met. who have been employed In the com <, in <»nry, distribution and service depart- « •ni l for as long twenty yepr* hav* a ebarge of tl" cars hern and every tine v of tip a I* a trusted employee. p 'Vi u canned imagine how Ilia food o could have bein adultt rated c 'Me fid Hill melt on the day of the a firat 11 i".i' in. iilncsa cam. .-fa t Raft} of thorn iudetained sad w* im- jt imdiately liarted an iavr'ligation " l ■ y t National I t agqr. I’ittiburgn * Miooklyn 5. • I, ' ago 3, I‘hltgdelpbm K. i. r. iaii.iti s. Ho tod 7. St I.ouia 2. New oVrk 3, tmeriran league. f‘ l a deli plus 0, ( ieVaiand g. . I! ■ too 7, Keirait If. Nf-v* \ urk. 7, ( blraga A. VA a ihiiigten St. l-ouis rain. Internal iwnal Iwagac. Iloffala I", Newark I, I Uuv'hvsUr 7, lialliMore % t . yw ■ MKMRKIt OR • j ASSOCIATED I*RESS » - o •* , > J RttARDSMEN PASS ' THROUGH GOIDSBORO TO STRAGETIC POINTS ' a (tovernof- Morristtn Ihhupm I’roc iantdlittn Ut'iu.indinK He- i f hloralittn of Ordrr SITI'ATION AT ROTKV MOUNT IS SKHIOUB Knur companies of North Carolina Na- ‘ tional guardsmen arrived here last night from Camp Glenn. Morehuad CHy, m route to Wilson, Kockmgham, Rocky Mount and Raleigh to be held In rwidi ncss‘-fur duty In the event of violenro IB cities touched by the strike of in* railway skopinon. The companies passing thrnugk the city last night were: < nmpany C. of Henderson, onlrrcit to Raleigh. ( ompaay I), of Durham ordered tv Durham. ( empany A, of lluriington, ordered te W i Isoo. Company E, of ( oncord, ordered to Hechinghani. r-r —!—,— Tho troopa were ordered oat hy 0«a --*ral Mett* late yesterday iftsasaag lowing the Issuance in "gtilfli of • priicla MOen by Governor Mwriisag la a whirh fnw executive declared ualesa the threatened violrnrc at rsilMad Mflatli *«» brought under control as stlfeag shopmen he would throw tfe fgN mill tary power of North Carollpg te 4m«k None of the nun panic* oydiaod. —t will do goard duty undar Mia l—tnir f I'ona so far received. The pTrVffxitlsn ■>f the companies at RorkiggllMa End Wilsoh Is for the purpose gs ngsUgg hi m to llamict nnd Rim hy MRgUp in the event of furthar dlsiirdgga ad'g&Mar The Henderson njc (way, alEe i" Raleigh, and the oßLaa luuiy, ordered to its home atMia*, MB moved in ardor that they rgpg Rg .d to i. vital paint wlthoat (M|i. Thera -Was no disorder* SrnMMsM. IB i.niM.uh"e7l from lo warrant the calllag oat «|Jg|g3s I Ihe order moving thens9B| Gii nn was due, primarily..td>,«(t3P of the Coventor and tha A IJlitOTl • rnl that apraad of the .Irthf Bo lie up traffic that H woulgAhc laspcw sihle In nsscmhle tha troega gh B jNka •irder scene with any appr. rtdhto aMact II" |»i . rvntii.n "f l»« M fljhM and property rights. V* The Governor's proclsmattosi tartlhi futtowai' KAI.KIfill, N. C , July 11.—wdkr i* not restored la a very *lftrrt III* f shall order General Matts Ve pat baf fielent 'military fare* la tha town of Roeky Mount to restore order, uphold Ike law and prttect life and property/* deelated Govemar Morrison in, a for mal statement issued from the' execg» live office this afternoon, in .regard to the railway slrika situation re ported at Rocky Mount. The guvernor'a statement la fall fol lows: "The shrrlff* of Nash and Edge combe counties nnd the Mayor of Roeky Mount have applied lu am for sock gsti itary protection as would be necraaoty to ro»tor* order und preserve paaa# at Rocky Mount sad uphold the law. '"These officials state that |ha situa tion nt Rocky Mount is such thsi farce* *1 their command Is not sufficient. • | I.n . .I, fled that tha nttuatloa th. te new i» such as te pqrtrnd djaor d'-r ~n.| violence, und I would at anec onliT troops there, but far the Jfpct thm bis honor JudgeH: (J. Connor, of the V. R. District t'ourt ha* leaned aa r junction restraining the partres even ■ oiud and others flu in continued gets of vlolenra. ' 7<nis injunction or revtraialng order I).’ Judge t'onnor should bring the »trik me ele me at to reason; but If net, I am mi idled his honor has power to use I. marshals or such other fadaral 1,".i , n, win (~, needed to enfercu re t for and ohm rvance of tho audera id his court- T am of tha opinion that haetrgf as • timed jufitdlrtlon a* ha has, ardor can „ ! I r restored hy the regular process ad his court, bar kid by the federal arm us the government. ' K it If order Is not presently forth rsimip-r at llochy Mount and at pther b'acc* in this Slate, incident to Judge I ""Ill'l l order, thru wa dee taro such d' "t'k r« must Cease, regardless as the reason* offered for the existence of *u h lawless conditions. "I stand ready now to Invoke *e*ry power the State ptMaeaaaa to rautara oril. r and pean> within this camatan w.olth, xad I warn those who are an • 'iiko aid resorting to thmau aad to vlpl-nce against peaceful citiaana sad property that they cannot prevail against afeaaised society, aad if they do not < ■ me to order and raaduet their eaoaa with argument rnthor than with ataware, threats and violence, I shall throw all th# military power of tha slate against th, m without further delay." Others w#t ground*. I rrginia Rials l-eaaee. Rocky Mount I, Richmond a. Wilson I, I'ortsmeuih i. Newport News 9, Nosfnlk t. Piedmont l eague. High Point 1. t! sleigh u, burlivtt ,1, (>■*,Ail'oio f. , I» xr- v,' G- i. tV.-. 'on Hale in 0, fM otic lllanllt I .eager. ■ 'i .purr ,Charlotte 3 0 i ii irlr.i.ui *. Greenville (J. A vgusta 'i, < eluaiiiiu t. I'KK.'K RIVE CENTS.

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