-a 1, an. WEATHER ' VOLtfMV ONM: NUMBS* IM. Sadness Hangs Over Tent As Ham-Ramsay Meeting Ends ■ hue ma u UM* HEMTS. ISO EvaafaUat Uft far New Y#rtt CHy mi a Late Train Sunday Nlffct CHOIR PRESENTS MR. RAMSAY WITH PURSE Mr. Ram cloaad Sunday night. «f ter riuul 11 °* **• • v »P*illatle campaign Ta three who oat under tha aaaraaa night after night for the paai MVoa waako, hoard the preacher preach a*raad with or disagreed with him, list to tha aingora sing. the bohtoa cry.' oad gonorolly fall under tha apall of tha tfct closing hours of the war# rather aod. leaving a' llttlo tugging around tha heart and a hiwt of met.tur r in tha eyea. Thera la a apall the hig tent hringe on one, la i &pite of an effort to remain merely a ! caanal onlooker or reporter. The erewd came early Sunday night. 1 It aheajra doea on iaat night*. The teat wa* filled with the hum of many voice*, Jn*t a* it waa th* drat night rleliaa of th* orehaatra were moan I lag painfully into tanr Th* uahera, were looking worried, and bringing up [••■•”■ for every aoag in the tong hoeh. Mr. Ramsay waa looking them over With a cynical .mile. v Th* aong loader dapped hia hand. ' together a couple of time a, th* ladiea wore requeated to taka off their hat*, a aoag number waa called and the laat •*rvf«* *f th* campaign waa under way with th* crowd silant. Th* choir aaag and aang, they tried to aing all th* aoaga the people wanted, hut people al waya Want more than they ran got. ; The collection waa taken, and then the ehoir .prang ite surprise on Mr. Ram any, presenting fete ~fth a puree A Baby Waa Loot. A baby was broaght to th* platform nad announced at laat. Tha young gea tloman waa |tii through auppor and s *•* *f what h* should havo oaten wn* •"••rod around hip mouth. Ha eat ap aa Mr. Ramsay'S shopldar with a non rhalWM oaaa that emphatically stated that ha waa vary wall pleated and didn't aidoh care whether hi* folk* found him not. finally a fha Waved franti cally hack In tha canter section and Coiowal /aha Langston •oemingty vary 1 mwnh at ham* nt the Jah. carried the vaongtter hark and delivered him to fond parent! Mr. Dixon got op and made a little speech. lust shout ike right length, ■tatlag that he felt that everyone had had a good tlmo during the meeting, and all thane that wanted Mr. Ham hack ) again to stand an. Everybody stood up. ■o fa* a* could be saen. Mtm Rgpraaaaa Appreciation. Mr Ham cam# forward and began lo express hia appreciation whan another hakv appeared, sans papa, sap* main., aaaa most everything except tear*. This vonngeter wa* also lost, and didn't like H a bit. He probably hadn’t had sun par yet, and the yearning around hie middle waa stronger than his predreet- ( aor’a. He sat up on Mr. Ramsay** shoulder and looked uncomfortable, and Ilk* Maaes In th* bullruahee, he wept. Moaaa fqlt about aa much lost In tha hullruahaa as that other baby did up on Mr. Romany's arm. Finally a fond dady cam* forward and claimed hi* OJn amid much rejoicing on the part of Mr. Ramsay, who seemed rather at , loot t* know what to do with the young er generation. Th* Goldsboro circuit, of the Meth- 1 odist church wrote Mr. Ham a let**, and asked him ta come back, stating that they had haan richly blessed and that • hey had plantv of tent territory for him ahy time he took a notion to re turn to Wayn* county Mr. Ham want forward with hia mea aagaa of appreciation. He thanhrd the school booH for th# lot on which the tent era* pitched and the police fore* and city for protection and for the lights that had bean strung around the ground*. Thaaka tha Preag, - He thanked the press, the Gold.horo News in particular. for the large amount of apace they had given the meeting and for the attention, consid eration and courtaay given by the . Now*. Th# Hotel, Mr. Vapstorr and Mr. Brinkley in particular, he thsnhthi tar aervieo, unusual aervice and at- j toatioa h* had received while stopping 14 •hare The Davis Family. Mr Diaon and jt A Mr. Rtevana ho thanked for personal attention they had given him and hi* family in the way of taking them to and from th* tent onoh night Th# ehoir. th# orchestra, Mr Hurst, th* uabora, Mr. Pike for Ire water, the preach# rt, calling them by Pam*. Mr*. Rterr and other* for flower*, and th#q fa each and everyone for the liberal offer V Ing. "Clod bl*** ea*l) one of you" the ■?- preacher axclaimed with tear* in hi* l' eyas Make* Laat Alter Call. After a vigo/oo* sermon on How Rhall w# Eaeape *0 Great A Salvation", 1 th# minister mad# hi* laet altar call In Goldsboro, and avoy a hundred respond ed and were converted. Mr. Rsmsay pronounced the benediction and the great j crowd .urged forward to tell . th# evangelist g*»d by Like the Persian Army they came forward in on endlas* at ream Automobiles /began to start, long streams hf light pushed their way through tha darkness as the car* saeed out of the school /nrd. and the revival had rloaed Mr. Ham waa drive* to W|l*n* after midnight ta eateh a fast train to New Tqrh Mr Venatory took him over In hia rat. Mr. Ramsay stays over through (Continued on Pag# Two) n A' < • • " THE GOLDSBORO NEWS CHIEF USHER D. M. MkON. Chief aahar and m *f th* loador*, la tho Ham-Ramaay meeting, Jaat brought to a doa*. -BUTIMORE li OHIO PULETMe WITH ITS MEN FOR SrUEMBT w *■ ~ 1 m ■ |. I Strike of 10,000 Station Agent* Averted by Action Labor Beard Member FURTHER CANCELLATION DUE TO COAL SHORTAGE I ■ f HICAOO, July 14.—The averting of : a atrika of opproaimately 10.000 atatioi 1 agents, preparations for the formation of aaw union* of shop workers on forty Eastern roods nnd negotiations for » sopor ate peace on th* Baltimore and Ohio marked progress today of the rail way shop man’a strike. Tha mov# far net unions to take th* place of tho striking shop craft* waa idUiated by L- K. Urn. Kastern regional chairman *f th* Ateociatiea of Railway Exeenttvcs and whs taken m arlplflea- Uaa of th* intention of tha read* t« hold out against th* strikers demands for a return of seniority rights aa pre liminary to aoy settlement. The Eaatern roods, arrording to Mr. Tmfee, plan to take advantage of rulings j by tha Labor hoard by organising new shopmen in such away that each aye tarn urllt have its own qninn and wl'* he ahl* to negotiate separately with tt* ‘ man. Parley! for a separate peacp due ta, morrow at Baltimore between repreae-. | tetivea of the striking shopmen pad tne B and O. Railway attracted considerable attention in union circles hat strike leaders refused to make any comment. Th* effort of W. L. McMenimen, labor member of the rail board, today prevent ed a further spread of the strike in a I conference with W. J. Noon*, head ot | th* station agents organisation JNr. . | Noons complained that the alalia agents were being froeed to do Ok 1 work of strikers hot Mr. MrMrninem gave him such assurances that an, grievances would he corrected thta he afterward announced that the station agents would remain at werk pending » conference with the labor hoard Comparatively few outbreaks, due U , ; the strike, war* reported during lh>- ■ day but further cancellation of train* said to be due* mest’y to the shortage us coal ware reported from yariouh *re | lions. The grand I mink took off two , trains between Chicago and ttetroll and two between Chicago and Harvey. GREENSBORO IS SHORT OF COAL GRKENBBORO. July 24 —This city neesd 13,000 tons of coal for heating pur poses in dwellings to last until January 1 and there is in th* coal yards her* only SIW tons, with th* prospect of coal rationing by a fuel committee. A sur vey of the amount on hand and th* amount needrd was made by a commit- , tttc of the Chamber of Commerce here, part of a national survey being made by the United States Chamber of Com i mere*. Some of the industrial consumers her* have large amounts st their plants, hut other* have not. Unless the railroad shopmen’s strike snd -the coal miners* strike teminate soon the fuel situation here will be acute. The result* of the Investigation show that nil local coal dealers earept onr are having difficulty In getting coal Home of them reported that there was no traable in securing coal until the wrseh Just closed. Greensboro, with the reet of th* i cities, has been waiting for Something to .happen to settle the etrihea, hut wtth only one twentieth on hand nf the amount needed la go through twenty weak* th* result* of the investigation arv not measuring. | .I.—» so AM'OHOMf DEATH* INCREAHiNG RALEIGH. N C, July 14 A reward < of 1400 was offered Inday by Governor Morrison for the arrest nf Talmndga Hilling*, who escaped from a convict ramp several weeks ago while serving > lif* sentence for murder. Advier* reach ing the governor arv to the effert that Billings is at praent engaged In th* il licit manufacture of liquor In the moun Mins as North Carolina. Restaurants are selling corn on the i rob and firing po-tba-bean. prawn '! EXPECTED SOON I j MIL MEITS STRIKE | Aiftawi of PrtsMaa! Urn Tliat FoProl Authority ('aanot ' Penal! Breakdown MORE MAIL TRAINS , V DISCONTINUED WASHINGTON, July 14.~WMI# on th* surface concrete developments In r»»roM ttHha war* leaking in Washington today, th* impression gain od In offieinl circle* wns that tha all nation was being rapidly ah aka n dawn *• a paint whero n now mov* by tha ad ministration canid he expected. Farther evidence wna obtained (hnt of the chief •aacutiva’a sdvictr* have urged that th* government can permit tha breakdown of tha country * arteries of comnaerc* to go no further white waiting for th* railroad manage m*nt and ahopman ta dlipos* of Utali dlfferances. Official reports hove haan received It la known giving details of the expanse to which th* strike has been responsible for th* total "blanketing" of lha healthy business rowivnl In th* United State* nnd. qrhlle instances of direct interfer ence with th* United States malls have recently ban* coaspiciausly absent, pos tal Inspectors today reported tha far ther nnnullmtnt of important mail trains. • Boma administration adviser* who favor a drastic mov* by th* government ai* known to hold th* view that Presi dent Harding should demand that the railroad executive* make ovary effort tv raster* Interstate commerce, especially to th* extent as abandoning thdir stand on tn* seniority issue -said to b* th* crux whale v strike question . whereupon \h» disputant* weuld be ex pected to rw*( together on the matter of a fair living wage for railroad em ployees, conceded to bo tho remaining I important iatue. . > Will Hayes Is Looking , Over Movie Stronghold I LOS ANGELES. July 24 -Wi.l Hay*, former Postmaster General and new head of the Moving Pictures and Dis tribution*’ Association, her* today for a wood's atady in the stronghold of tho Industry, in an informal state ment sold that "th* principal of fSwa dom upon which thip’wntion wna found ed makes public censorship of ptest, pulpit. 11m or spoken word virtually an Impossibility "State-wide or nation-wida Censor ship,” k* said, ’will fall in everything ilt andartehet. It hasn't hoen don* ate cessfully and nevor will h*. Too many people who know nothing oboot th* business nr* named on censorship hoard*. We are going to obviate th* n*cesaltyc/of censorship." THOUGHT NOISE WHS ! WMITROCKYMOUIIT i ——— Rock, Silt of b Man’s Head, Falla nnd Plungea Tan Inches in Ground Reports of a meteor falling at Kten tonsburg, a little way* from Rocky Mount last Friay evening, Were brought b«ek to Golsdboro last night by return, j Ing members nf Rattery "A". Goldsboro's National guard unit which has haan an quard duty ig tha railroad town. "A great noise, two successive claps f rom the sky, ware-heard,” one of th* . boys said. ‘Folkdst Htentonshurg wna told us about it said they thought the troops and the strikers ware fighting whit* other* believed that the atrika had been Battled aad the not** woa th* booming <ef heavy gun* announcing pear*. Some of tho more auparstitu tiou* ones believed the prophecies war* he ng fulfilled-. “There was a .small thunder cloud in tha Sruth,” nna of tho boys said, "and | a few smaller onrs scattered in tn* I North, Mr George Killette. a reliable farmer, who lives near Htantonsbarg. I | tol as that he wax at Saratoga when th* ' ! “clap" came. When he reached htx ] horn* he said the people were In a great - rtlr. "A rn up nf men who were standing and tilking heard the noise and in a M oment a large rock wa* seen ta hit the ground nearby. Upon further 'n veatigation, they found th* rock, about the air* of a man's head, burtod ten inerts in th* ground Several ntfui pier ex of blark rfrk, resembling the ; larger one, were found in the city, ''Nobody knows what It waa, but if it wasn't a meteor, what waa it?" llusin<-*« ot paisley the buck. MAY APPOINT DR. A. H. KERR AS INSPECTOR j City Manager W M Rirh and Dr A J. Ellington, health officer for th* rity J and county, will confer tomorrow rnprn < ing with Dj. A H Kerr , D V. S.. who I ia under rnnaideratlon for appointment as meat and milk inspector. Th# matter of employing the inspector was due to get aa amag at the last regular meeting of the heard hnt owing to th* absence ft am tha city of Dr El lington it was passed aver. It waa pea- , vocation at a previous me*tin? for a ' mild atorm due. it apponend. to indtgam- I lion of some members of row Mil who Thought th* city had surh an officer on ' j th* Jah. , sdsadf MOUHMNIIK I TBMUKTM Fonaar Fir* OkarVM a? Chief Yctvartaa SaM by I*4 Rterd An aid Dodge ramfatai, host eosnsmber •d as tha on* wdA plunged headlong tnt* tha Laoate MUggrtan raaldanc. about a mar ago, te too *g|*. -Th* aid car bus ihmd history behind it At tho tine of Ci dnmolitlon it was t orring lira qhla# Satverton to a small blase hut hereto* rftnky along on W'l llama sfroat and |An anttiag ap in * numb*r of hgly «te{n finally throw the efclrf out, knrtltiSlplM so tkat k* r* mninad In a hospStsf for several days. Ago has saUgdjtfai hr* chariot and tlm* bra ass acted -k* mat ket vslu*. so much SO that •hw-I|l*«ni**lonrrs adopted n rooolutloo to sflC It for sate yuster day Afternoon wßfc mote spaed than that auster*' ftvrijng body baa bars tn/c-rs shown in fjpaaction with offi cio I matter*. 1 Th* rundater oom ho noon at <h* •labia* of AI derm am J M. Kdgerten and the prin*. terms St mlo nnd dnnlar'a (US ton tea con b* and from City Man mb-Amis i VICTIM TTSBD FEWB Meaner Wayne Bastrd of Coai mlaiM Paw Alter Tfcre* w tr Frank B. Jorfnm Rgmber of th* board of count? rgmidsslonsra and a prominent Agufg In hie polities of Wayn* county, dM At hia ham* In Grantham's towonkip ygoterday after a thro* week* strngflo with typhoid fa- Mr. Jordan wan ft r«ngs old and on* of tha host known and gall liked farm ore in th* eounlg. th wna * prominent member of th* Jodlan Miasqaary Bap tist nhureh, named for him, and a loading figure In ill community work. Ho was aetivn Is county affnlMrkas lag aarved six years on p mamber Os the bgntd of coflMniasionars. During th* recant primaries. It* wna Mrongty urged by many ot his Atngda to enter th* rasa fwr th* logiaUtste* i FunaHH wiU b* hold from hi# kotgn in GiAaihans's today at sue tfhMfc kmd latwrdU* Will foHnw In tna family burial plot. Mr. Jordan is survived by bis wlu, who wna a sinter as Mr. 11. L. Bi»s*ll, of Goldahum, nnd by sight child ran. Aa# sons and three daughters,' iiran in IETPMMMMIGT • • ■ ■ ■" , i 125,000 to $30,000 Projtrl Ta Go To Ualoii Pavinß Coat- Contrort for the paving of Aab* street from th* Herman strpot lino to th* elty limits and far paving tho Ashe street extension between George aad Virginia street* will b* let today by City Man nger Rich to th* Union Paving Com pany of-Jtlastoa Approval of th* bid of the company was made la a special meeting of city council nt Ave o’clock yesterday aft*, noon. Th* pries, subject to variations. Is between Itt.OOO end *30.000 Connhructloae of th# Asha street ex tension beyond Herman la to b* done partially by sk* State Highway Commis sion nnd will be a! th* soma material as tha Goidsbors-Kigsten highway from Goldsboro to th# Lnauir line. Th* street work will teelnde concrete curb ing gutters, concrete base snd Topeha top, the necessary sanitary and atortn sewer* and water mein*. Opening up A*b* between Georg* and Virginia aada a long controversy which ha* had its inning* in th* courts but | Woa finally settled by a compromise j between th# owner, Thomas H Holmes, and the elty. The Holmes residence on Georg* stands squarely In the way of , Ashe and th* sstenaioa to Virginia will j , he South of th* residence about I foot. Werk -(* ,vpeeled to b* completed when the Highway from th* lin* is finished. POU SPEAKER AT NATIONAL LIFE MEETING I H M. Humphrey, Ktat* Manager for the National Life insurance Company, announced last night that James H Pou, ! qajj toViown Ralaigh lawyer, will ad ; j drSalTthe annual convention nf Moutti tra representative! of th* National lif* at Asheville next week. Home fifteen North Carolina ageneies ! of the Natmnal life will send represents , tives to th* regioaai conference who 1 have made the HO#,**# class this year. ' The convention will be held al Grove Park inn and will Inst throe day* ' O * " ' ** :;EW YORK. July 14 An increase o i i | nearly KV per cent In alcoholic deaths this year over those ot Ihltl and 21 per cent over IV2I, has been reported t>y | , th* chief iMdical examlnsr far New York. Tha report shews that M psntsi , I dtod from oteohoi lb* float pngs of this 1 poor. This tnclwd* only vlatlma arts# dtod without modtanl soamiootiaa Rxomte*. Dr. Cite rite Morris sold many atswr* ptohahly died from olrabolism whs war* I attended by private pbyoteiaa*. CtUL PROfITEEK mo Disnonn HURHED BY mmER Tentative Plan Agreed Upon By Secretary, and Coniniercc Conunloalon ATTORNEY GENERAL SAYS PLAN 18 LBG^ WASHINGTON, July S4.Agre.mrat tip •• a tentative plan tar distribution of caal Md far raiirletlon at unfair prir»» j** loeleht by 8« rater, Haaaar aftar a aariaa as caafaraaeaa dur th# day with rapresenutlva. as pra dactlva op.iatora. the railroad., the Inur.tata commerce commission and •‘tV *T‘ r, "f' ,u ri »fc* fovarnmant. inr plan, which was described by At turary G.n.ral Daugherty. in an opm y entirely lag. I." ia to ba discus, •d furthar tomorrow by tha confer*. •»«l the agreement as tk. oparptar. praaant ip dapandaat apaa tka appravai as thair variant aa.ariationa Uadar thr prapoaad plan, President *°“ w a commute, »ki«h Kara general supervision as tkr •aa.uraa ‘Wka adapt.d far em.rg.ac> teal caetrel, designed to saafguard tkr babHr from an In pond lap coal famlna. Tb. propoaad .mrrg.acy procram, Mr *‘t? r J*fl«r*d. »»* very wall autlla.e k* Mr Daugherty ia bia opinion attaai "** tka locality of tk. plaa. “A. I undarataad It," Mr. Daugherty •aid, ‘yaar plan ia ta form aaaaatatioa* ..ting under your diraction who*. aoi. rarpaaa mill ba ta moat tba amarcoary in idalribution and atop prafltaariac, an dot tka propar tint, you inland t* r PPIf to tka Intaratata Commerce Cota miaaioa to promulgate ruiaa governing or diatrikutiaa during tka aliatlna hort.gr to tka end tkat tka uvallaVa equipment ran ka placed at miaaa as fardlnp tka praataat opportanlly as ear eiaa and willing ta charge far Ita coal no more tkan la fair and just. **Aa between two mine, wkaae output ia tka um, your plan eauUmpUt*. during tka Minting shortage fararingn tka mlua in tka >uppiy as cam urklnk rkargoe tka public fair prlca* a. tka miua. whirh allow ita grand ta aa •ct wkateecr ran ba aktaiaad, bwwaear unwarranted apd eitortioaata tka prtaa may ba. "Tau knee na purpose other than ta pramaU tka welfare as tka public by inane*Bating » plan as diatrikutlau da ulauad to maintain naUanal llfa Itaalf SL“. restrain MUarttetMiy |ba store | kaca both aparatara aad min am fbrakt yaa with ita list ire eloag tha Haas just mantloaad, thus enabling yaa ta place bnines tka rammisaian from li am ta time whale ear Information ia noaosaaf) ta sMbla it ta give proper m latali, goat direction. "la my opinion, tha plan la autlmty togal. I full ta aae wham In any tow us Congrau would ba riatotad. Tha In taiy.t as the public »h dasarvfug cf paramount <o..idaration and 1 ba.a (to ""•firing* la gl.m git *y. uaquallfteo approval." ELECT S DIRECTBfIS IT DIMER TtMHGKT M. G. Bartlett SpMker at Am nunl Mcmbcrnhlp Meeting ( ocimcrre Ckaaber Kama r.mintecearle. of the boll waa *ll and aama ways ta bait tba paatlfa rou. little (naact will ka a pari as tka tba me of Secretary N. G Bartlett as the Eastern Carolina Ckaaakar as Cam marra. In bin .perch before tka annual member.hip moating as tba Cham bar at Camasarae at eavon a’clarb tonight. Plato, will ba prepare far bat ween three hundred and fifty and four hun dred member! of tba Chamber of Cam iv.ree aad invited gue.ta, including u •cor. of wall known Wayaa rounty farm er., the pm.ideat. and co.hiaaeaf (be bank, in tk. rounty. and the newspaper man of Goldsftago. Mt. Oliva and *r* mont M»mk*ra of tHa Goldsboro Rotary ante Kiwania club*, prartirally all of whom are also members of the Chamber n» ( nmneerra, and these two organisation, will attend the chamber moating tonight ip a body. The r.gular weakly lunch eon meeting, of the rlub. ka*« bean dispensed with for the ounual dinner event. Herret.arv Bartlett, who aorv.d o. see rotary of * South Georgia organise | lion which via organised to ’’boat the | boll weevil," )a already launching hi. uffen.ivr again.! the peaky deatruetlaw. i.t in eev.rst of the thirty nine reun ite. whirh furni.b tha member.hip ta . thr P-a.tern Carolina organisation. He la > an entertaining and well tnf<Mi"*d talk : er 7*y The program, whirh Include, marts, th. anaaal report as tka pre.tdaat en«r •ecretary and the ylertion of live new dirsctori, will begin promptly ot seven o'clock The elertlon of the president and secretary will be at a meeting «» thr board of director. Wrdnesdqg morning N.w director. will be chosen to -1 night to .screed Grave. J. Smith. iJnltu. Cohen. C K Wilhtna. R N Ed w.rd*. and A. V. HobbiU, whose term, eipira tonight The member, of tb# pre. 1 eat board who hold over for another ' year are S V Teague, K.naath C. Roy t all, Paul garden, W. L. Ralwing. and Maury A. Pike , A await aaighbaakaad la where you | caa ka gone for a few weak, and no , awa nriaaaa you. | »OMfc STATISTICS OP TMI |j HAM RAMSAY RBVIVAL URRK I Th. tent had a seating capacity li of .boot I.WO and not Mpuriteg. . morning aervieaa, approximately 176,000 attended tka UsMllUgb'; Counting thr morning service., ap proximately 22M00 attended Tkaer ware 1.017 conversion# Tk. collection. Including atpan- i an. and freewill offering .mounted ta approximately IMS Tha Goldsboro Haw. box printed enough sermons ta make a bsoh of aver seven hand rod page*, if pub liabed ia book farm MUSIC n MTS » MIS IT MTSSOKFETE Tent Jammgd and Puked WHk Puple iA»«f Before Tlese Te Sort REPEATS TONIGHT FOR COLORED PEOPLE'S HOME (By Rohan S. Ptrhaaa) Tka Juntar chars, at tba tout loot nighl waa aa a.toaiakiug avast. Too, astonishing I. a pretty goad ward tar It. Th« ringing n«d puutoutlna of tba •hlldran waa aat so astonishing, that waa ax par tod to ka goad aad waa, but tka a.toadghlpg thing was tka Immensity as tka crowd aad Um number as kakta. Mr. Ham ha. kaau drawing awfully Mg crowd, far tka o*l savaa weeks, but aa a crowd draw.r when compared ta Mr. Ramsay and tba little girls, Mr. Ham fadaa swiftly and saralj Into tka background. Tka paenle aama from ev ery dark and smutty /earner, and thsy all brought tka bwkfao. that la »ll as than, that bar. baki.a. and thuaa that didn't bava, borrowed a aaupi# and came an anyway. Tba tout waa lUad long before tka time far tka aarriaao to begin, and Ikon tkay began to mass mound tka tent. Whan tha bnld band as tka sane lander shewed up aver aa tba risk! tha sides as tka tout wore aaMd kasha of sweating humanity. Two or three bard looking thunder eteads tnmfcUi* around la Um watt didn’t have tka .lighten a*aat on thoß, they noma, they .aw, aad than tkay w«at away . Mr.’ Ramsay bad >ba4i turn hundred IttMn gtrii all dtahnd an in wßlta. y t . .. ■I usnivf wiTW frtvai, Vs »E' tka platform, aad May aamg and sour aad aaag. •am* rid bird, Shakespeare probably, said tkat mpatc waa tba lungaggp as tka seal. If tkat ka Iran, aad thero to no aaaaaa to doubt it, several long aoul conversation, ware carried an at tba teat tout night. Saal language was n't all us It Pilkar, there erh lata as motion. If motion aver had pastry, aad as uourto H kka. it bad it last right. Tka lltU. girls furaiakod tka singing aad tka motion bath, Mr. Ram any furnished tka light aa tba swhjeel ■peaking as lights. David Baiaece, as Now York, tka greatest lbesiru pro dueer as tka eaatury and tka maa who has made theatre aad stage llgkt iag aa art, shaaid have seen kto pot bobby triad eat aa tka girls aad tka audlenoe at tka teat. David hltesari caald have taka a aotos aad prod tod by It. Mr. Rameay had groan lights, kina lights, rod lights, white lights, •aak lights aad for a whlto didn't have nay lights at all. Tkay want •at. It Is remarkable what tk* littla aurva mant of a baud la raoaeetiaa with tka wards or music of aaag adds to tka •aaR. Tha art of knowing Just haw tka movement sod just when tba move ment should ka made ia the question nad Mr. Ram My aa .wared It last night. Tha snag* and th. pant ami., war. m near perfect aa littla girla caa make tkam. They task ap a aaltoatiaa, aad with out wishing to appear rritlael, it must ka remarked that Mr. Ham’s taut k«Mt. of tha greatest variety of daed bead, ta be found anywhere In North Carrilaa. Tba folks wke alt aa the frost Mali, ar a littla further back where tka tost mil are. are tka aaae who leek iniulted whan a paa la eboved under their naaa. Lota as folks down there at tka tout, if um on* ware to hand thorn o pod.re.d bound on a silver platter, would ask to bava ' all th. flea, removed nad a year.' ration, previd.d, Nevertheless the col lection was a good one. and was turned I ov.r to tba charity organisation, of tba city to ba u.ad this winter Mr. Ram- { My gave three weak, bard work and two day. aad nlgbta away from bis family ta do It, and whether ana la a bvli.var in Ham and Ramsay ar net, that Is something to be thought of anyway. Tonight the concert will ba repeated with the colored fallu accapying tka tent The collection ba gives far the benefit as the colored peapda'a old folk, heme Much of th* credit for the aucoaoe * *1 the concert last night is duo ta th epi salat. Mr.. C. E Pate, who has , workad with Mr. Ramsay far tka past two wash, in training tha littla girla , and playing for tkam Playing looks awfully easy from s di.taaaa, but tka writer got a rloaa view last night, and it la about aa hard aa taking daws . a sermon, ..penally when tb.ra la noth ing gping an hut ringing. < Th. spectacular scan#, of tka rhoraa were the flag soanaa aad tka areas ' men*. Mr*. Hardy Thompson and Miss r.ania Edwarda ware Mr. RaaMay's aa • i.tant. In thaw, parte. Mrs. Tkempaoa. a. Columbia, We .dppaM, standing on a raised platform with aa Illuminated , craw aad an Illuminated .tag. made a , .per*ocular and beautiful right Mia. t M oatiaued »n Pago Three) t NEMRQt OP ASSOCIATED PRESS r : "" = r t - TINEB MO WEMT - - CbwNUbbs te- 1 **** Cm* limb otm Mm, : 4 I ' 1 d** new experience FOE j host OF GIIARDBMBN * »ni-.i ,r u -.'“ t, * u 4 Fra as) ROCKY MOUNT. N. driw Hr im%*g icrsinfe srastsis?SSf ■ t Tka Galdskaro art!Gary company as National guardsmen an duty bars alaau last weak will ka replaced teaigkt by 1 * ri laf.ntryme, frem pkte totto. Tha Oaldakara company baa bag* , ordered ta go lata inmawr Iratnia^^ * Mtoli a littla nara wm»p with iadaatrlal dlaauto. bat pluaky A ** ,*** JJ •< C aygiy far a igR, Goldsboro , fart* four aaltotod maa uM fear rifles ra. wka have baaa ta RaS Itokat marking Um tm flvo dag*, •lipped aaaa ton toll aualy off Mto Cmm Uaa train tout right. Into tka armarw, { r , into aiviltoa clathe, and than u ikofa varlama banm about Mto rife Moat of tka fallWa have teen tArmMR * , a n.w sxparlaaaa. Pwr probably kriM of them. It waa tha first rign at BMnE i Os caurM It was a rstWr tamp «SS for tk. oa .arvlaa moa pad MM 1M got oat of tha trip wag tfilmmS m.n| ike raafctoa affardrik * r S2 B f rJ? 3Sr , fc ' cams back reluctantly. When Cal Maa- - * aing s.kad far valuatoare to mga a Rk> china gun datechmaat yaatarday **Mrg maa to tka Galdriiara battery, with tka •aaaptlaa as a ca.pl. «f kacaedtoto akdri , Up their hands. Tka Geldahara JjSBKM yesterday afUrnooa by the Wliawn «Bf pen> of infantry wkirb paaaad ttolHf. yesterday from Vnmp Gl.nn «o into tk* aama quarter* sn4 tete und.r th. mm. orders; ta go •iaty or gat la actiaa only railroad police and local iriflte late control of .ay bad ritaatlYiSli ■ay arias. Yesterday morning tip .trilurtMMftr *" * ** j •re colarad man wka have ed from varidkto pAgto as m r—lt. .«Tn, Ro<ky Mount aad tkay es we.ka.ing under tka toIJK •f tk. strlha. It i. talked that tka ckaMnfi||E:gt I •ettlemant lie chiefly ta A/tfim psare between th. Caa.t •Lriking shopman with tka Inr on Its seniority contest l«RbqMpi Heavy pro.aur. la bring mK % tha strikers to coma t* taidSa qdE Mb read, official, of which, by Mm MCNHm eatad an imprav.aaaat to Mto M|pMteß Rocky Manat, rikar tkaAlßElNPip tka city, tka offUial. as ton skaatoar •f commerce aad raltraad aftlatola, wwaa boat It. ta all traagp, aaa as tdw asst rera raturaiag, lari night aipiataed. Tka city official. Ware atari kaapltobto, R.praewntatlvo* as tka rallrawd af fordad tka moat aatortalnateat Mto aal dlar bays bad av«r at Ra*ky «e«ft Many as tkam work aatortaniad rdrrillar partl.. aad aa aatomakito ride. wtriW off datg- Tka faaaala ranllngaat *» wf tka rrilrqad town shewed mar* than a panes time Inter*at to tka trwapa. . 4Mff to Carig Augwri R. The Oaldakara company laavaa Ra. Tamp Bragg an August I aad Captata Mickaus arid last night that ka aaaari ed ta carry kto fall wapkawt as riu ty an aad ftva adftoaga."'la addlriap will go tk. battrilriraaadiaat datodh. toakt und.r eomaMad at Captata A j Ellington TM. latter argsAtoattop to la wand right now as faar ar five a.aaa goae me n white tba kattory WHI Stead tka adidtlen as a half daaaa man wka aau willing ta aator tka aorrika tor tkraa year.. MOTHERW.I' '< Cl EIK COFFIN Agprevßl la Glvbb Tb Bblr r# C«r Body BArnghm I# Sirs* Railway Aaatkar nail la tk. raffiq as fkg city • .treats railway fyatoM waa drivra yaaterday aftornoan at a .pectal anatuu of tba City gathers whan City MaMMto Rich made Informal request far appro vaf of tka Mia as aaa of tha ear kaSaZ Bqu I patent of tka caatopiM. U to Mid, la now In tuck shape that tka re la aa pwaaiblllty of av.rh.uHng It |p tIRM tm tK« Mfi minlig by Ut lima far tk. aaaual W.yn. rwuaty fair, EF r,n » Novamkar. Mater, on the aU war. ara la had sknpa, it I. .toted, and Ik. equip maul generally I. unfit far ter ries. At Ike present time th.re ia •• |ndl caMan tkat tka eladtlan autkori mi ly tk. last g nee rat assembly ta provide municipal control of tka strwat car line will he railed Tka law la aa that thin question may be submitted ta tba vqp- I (1 ontinued an Pag* Throat tric* nncmt

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