PAGE TWO g -- ■■■' ■ ■ ■■■■ ’ ' BaifataM Hangs Over the Twt Atttfttt - Ramsay ptofthqr Cmm» t» End tor hi* (WMit tor* in (tolda fk* MgAg, ltu»w4 around. «4s 4—f band* with • M with Mr Ham. »»d» with the report r scattered to a thou **r*aa, looking ov*r —any wuHo ago *b*H why bq waft, '■* because all of tho*<- j dand a hundred year* crowd will never all ggJMMI hack together sgs m, sad a hundred Npmu* fro— now, about «|| lytt of each L «i thaua; to a booda toss, la th* §.* • f*w wo am eaten bon g lk*t entoth the writing of the la»t •£:. 'r„.,z tor# >■—— Ad I* new only a part of hi—ary The rein It a of it will prob | r flplp be felt to Geldeboro fee many year i I . to r*ac bat to fart, it la over, that I* pr t* ■ ” afc A—day *erraon: IJIIIM read a graphic a# | —*■» gt this rreat ocean disaster; „? atatinc to substance that tbia vaaael h*d l*ft Sn—tom—on on bor first voy- M* wMh snob confidence that the u*u L“ M —at* tor ber safety war* nmitved. hweauao ah* waa believed to b« ab*<> totoly anaiakable Bb* had atarted out «• break tha retard tor th* gaktoat t '•»» aero#* th* Atlantic, and it wa* battered to— to* would %per*cd On , A—AmA April 14 MM, ah* waa warnod •Y M—el* toe met to look out for Irt heap*. Me rekaraed thank* for the 1 ; W—lag hat ae**r »l*cb.ncd ber i—4 1 aad th—ad fro— her rear** but siigat lil beto* Seat npon breaking me •arid** aaaeed, kept ta th* short pato. Th—h it wa» fianday night, it a*— tha a—eat ntrbt a# the trip. The a— eappnehre rapper peaaible bail haea aarwed. had aalea* yen Bay* ha— toe—d eae of these great liagn. JP—I ' ldea es tbeir al*e, cap# It. f rroeeed on the Wlbe made the quickest and *he consumed •eke thirty train load* lack. Their food sup herd* of cattle, sheep, I fro*en fl»h *n«l »* bl* from terrapin to hi* tolp would reach cl* beyond the court klmoit a city Muck ato awd ,bad a I meet at many atortr* —a torn—ll. On*-third the people aad (ha k—Mtng* la Ooldebeeo could ft. in* head pat aboard that gr*at re*. , ato •aareelm had th* baaqrat ended . ktoareto to* had bee* *>a*ted a* an aha*|—aid aaeinheht* —l* th* veteran CMhi ttnrtb ia k\|«M*di stattqg Itooh Itoh Am— r\f ~ dtps ■1 ma a— i MPfd wl "to* *iaa*i rm voro \ goat, whoA the veaara —ruck an lentorg to—tip hffer* midnight aad sank with toqfc tpo-third. ,f her «*• pqs . MMNit #>I •CM Mtndby morn Man'* AatoMaaa. •at* kill a—age Hat read th* follow toe fra—ltototo Ililt-lX -fto i.fty totoi film ah ait he bn—Med —d 2iiTfcrJSrf.2tUf trz •Ited hTtoat dap. #- the top a# the Lard ad Ato iM he apen every aw# -• to— l* pppad awd haagVP. d apen aaatp emdf th— la lifted op; and he •hall haJkewght law * * ‘ and .pew •—to Ms te**WT, aad upas every for tlfWd —to, —d agon alt the ihipa at ij %—MtoJka* ap— all pto— —t Imng *whp tha aaenampled anther*! of bor *— «Hto di—aterT It wa* net he —• etotoe great lea* es life, which WM ewMaa—* Id— people Perth to—*, to" 1 * la China and other <ft* • 5** 1 * **p *—ay more to death than tod tha Jltanic. with*— attracting * J— ,h,t tor fa—l to tha hihtnry of the hwmaa oral ■— wto created for Ged*a gtory an* —• ■*—to the lordahip ever all eartaiy iWiHm, Mb order* ta —hdue »t to hie to—to M—. toad be been rewtewt toth he would have accompllehed _W» -Ml* tot whom Satan wh taper r— th— the r—tea th* frwlt es •he tree at wt*dam had bran denied ltqr I toe been—* the aheald eat as K ah* to to*— braoma at fad*, n • limit la jtppS—r tMml amhßia B ■'Jtotottf'Tto, though tkom of the *•—»» t»dpbto tha earth, th* ara and th* air toi *ll that ia them I*, man haa tola deeirt te do to; aad from Mpd thatoa tbia. man haa been eaaay tog trap the power and dominion a at Qed ito te e——ier ell thing*. The ntotoa far th# outburtt *f ho*, —r —grtoe rinking of the Titanic way •hot H hint on* es mea't air babble* K Thl* gr*to Id— bad dlaapppmted him mm waa hat indepeadent es <iod’» pro kaetiap Wt on the high tea*, after all Efe—n a, *ptar all, hot independent of »i?|Ptop— to Oad far bla aafety. to—g* as totoi a Caaa la Wnt. —how Ifter th* Good th* dearrnd KifM *f Nyh became numereu* and pow arfWl, tb«g *oaght to defy God to dr —ary them agate la Geraai* lt:|» •a have to accaa— «f their effort t« haUd Tower of Bahai, and kow %ed ikwa rt«*d them by confounding Mr top— ap*. Ktiu tgyipp n e« rry —••**> ad*ur and becoaic god* They —i *Ca ta, aaw, let at baild • att—aad a tower whoa* top may —h u——Heaven, aad let u* make u* • HffV — r in Kurope tg due •* tha AWmt of the natioa* of mon te ronqurr ihr tore#* a—tain* d*at add* l* hi* own |j ’daatrwetlM The aUtewiolriW. the air th«3a' , '‘»d*. the trolley car* ik* kill in i|ui nil p I M ,«"■»— Ijl U Uw tall *ff F -* M|b r*" lobbied that k. | to—lh'i A— ijed ta naabe rain aa> L to—«, »»r * tpladyaa dyaau»U in E •h* air Jto <au predare kta mi rain M hr Aplag water from th* .tre.m ha —■ Intake Ms earn field*, and rai** crape, —to Grand* —Way be haa the rlcheat land —hi gdanto* es water, yet eeeryhady A—a tk«J* te haakrwpt *ad trying to j Aa a— as—el wkoeo farm hordrred I the —mb*lap* River km It a «a awd pul to a huge pump le irrigate W» fag— A*” the plant ataried ft waehad bßpatlfaHp. and the proud own m the—tot* fiat heavenward and .aid |1 "Man toato a— gw ta toll; I d«m need .t. toto tof A rain ” A* If the water. Hp ak—Kdawn Ike river did not d. IpJILrX te waa mitaod, aad parti an* as hi* cloth ing —d flesh w*» found graand np ,ta tha pump machinery es hi* irriga tion plant. - )8e when manrfnid tbay bad built a ■hip that weald banish the terror* of tto ran and ao no longer needed God tha me. Ha confounded their puny •ffarta at HV did tbaa* builder* of the tamer ia the pi—a* es Hhinar. aad ttoic defeat inatead of bumbliag tha— put them Ip a ran ma anything of advanug* liyhacovery as th* north pale <leapt th* aatiafaction of know ing that maa get ttoraT What is the ara of getag orar Niagara P—l* sies ta aatlafy tha spirit of maws Tto Ibavtt Alee Waapp-wtad. I don't believe the devil Wanted the Titanic to einh. He would have re Joiead if man bad demonstrated that he rosily did have an —linkable ahtp and■ wa# independent of God to that extent at least. He would probably r* ' jaice to me Europe make peace today aad thwart th* prophecies of God. Tti : the dgvll provoked this war a* an ene my at mam awd at Ch—at. Europe is In wap today. In rav Juog ment, her*urn sh* ha* pa*l*d her day of evangellnatia* Her church** at* corrupt. Sl# sought to bring nboet peace, not hy premotiag the klagdom of tto Pr|n— es ►•■«•. hut by incyea. iag ber anaajnest* and by Caraegie'* tea million dollar poace palace at The Hague, by thglf owg device** and now they ara fighting desperately all j aronnd Tha Hague. Peapi* Self INladed Tbeir confidence apntrlbuted to the deatructioa ad tto Titanic. 8a aur* wo— they that th#y had an unainkable 1 *hip that, ttoy paid little toed to tto ' warning* they received of icttorg* In | their path Th* ('aliforni* did herd thorn warning* and mat anchor and 1 laid to tilt daylight. And thin remind* me th— another at man's marvelou* invention* wa* rend*tot Beat*** by th* providence •» God or the decree of fate. Wireless telegraphy ara* expected ta bring xnc ror to any alrickea or dLal(*seed vet aal ia lime to prevent loo* of life. And tone lay tto CaJifeeaia within twenty mile* of the Titaaie. Bb# tould Have saved every passenger aboard of tor. Hal tto wirelam operator had gawe te Md aad did a— r*X«h tha diatrem alg tjl. Tto none eat veaaaJ to catch in* wI relate aignal as distraaa wa* tha < arpathia, which waa *a far away (H mile*) that it took tor till daylight to reach the scone of tb* dJsaitar. Tb* Titaakt had plunged ta the bottom 0* the ocean mor* than three hoar* be fere. Th# Carpathia picked up thorn la tto lifeboats, same 7M la number, meetly women and, children. Again, her very bigness added to th* certainly as tto Ti—nle'* dent ruction. Had oven the Titanic struck th* le* a —•are hie—, It would have only atava ia tor bvw and, filled one or two of her Ire— eempartm*—* —th water; hut •he etimeh the hag* mountain at ice. estimated ta to ninety mil** loag and atawdlfcg h hundred feet rat es the water and 9 thousand feat under wat •*, » M—lhg Mam, rip—ng •pen every maker cent part meat from hew ta stem, on that aid* Hka a giant tan opener A* *aaa aa thera tilled *h* began te It— ta that *ld«v aad Ip tin** went damp. ■ f •a wv ara th— tto -pa tha spaed, tha self -een fide aee *4 pe* *rew were all ag— a— tto Titawfe. —Head es imb fell ■ foe bar safety Tto faet la t(a> bar builder* hud spent fifteen milUuua at dollar* fur apuad and lunury - au.- gy mnnaiuma, swimming pools, taaala eouata, luxurious auloena and apart menu aad furniture, and leh a than a thousand dollar* far life boat*! Had ttoy thought th* might sink ttoy amid a— only have hud the usual prayer* for a safe voyage, but thky would have provided lifeboat* enough ta have saved all on board, h ia characteHptlc es men who pipe* their trust la their tw* devtee* te ig nore Gad. Good aad Had Mod A Uto. Saved AM Let ae awe sappera that aw people le— eg tto Titanic were woera than tto common rwa as pee—* They warn a—. There war* tto Rev. Mr. Harper, whe wo* com lam over ta held a exert ing Moody's church, aad tto aid gaathlae* —Had aaa-baaawrda. There were tto millieaairaa -Aatar, Guggcn tolm, Btrauea and loamy; aad than ware —eerapa pwaaenpera from It—y. ~ r 1— < * t >i i Southern Railway System U To CINCINNATI and th* WKST Through Pullman Sleeping Car Daily, Between GOLDSBORO, N.C., and CINCINNATI, 0. Via ASHEVILLE v Naitthtiad SC'HRIM'LK (DAILY * ftaatkVaaaa Head B««a Car reeled la Jaae IS, »*2I. Read I'p 10:24 PM. Lv GoWabon? Ar 6:10 I’M. 12:40 AW. Lv Raleigh Ar 4:00 AM 1:42 AM. Lv Durham t Ar 2:40 AM. 6:60 AM. Lv Greensboro Ar 10:00 I’M 7:22 AM. Lv High Point .» Ar 9:40 I’M. 0:80 AM. Lv Salisbury Ar 8:06 I’M. 2:26 PM. Lv Black Mountain .... Lv 3:16 PM. 8:10 PM. Ar Asheville <KT) Lv 2:34 PM. - . )■ 2:26 PM. Lv Asheville <CT) Ar 1:10 PM. 6:40 PM. Lv Morristown r* • • va Lv 9:36 AM. 7:06 PM. Ar Knoxville .; ►../>? Lv 7:40 AM. 8:20 PM. Lv KnoxvilUP Ar 6:66 AM 10:40 PM. Ar Harriman (Devonia St.) Lv 4:60 AM. 3:80 AM. Ar Danville Lv 11:80 PM. 14:85 AM. Lv Danvilk Ar 11:20 PM. . 8:10 AM. Ar Louirtrille Lv ,8:10 PM 7:24 PM. Ar St. Louis Lv 8:40 AM 8:88 AM. Lv Ilanville Ar 11:35 PM. "*■ 4:34 AM. Ar Lexington .1. Lv 10:30 PM 6:6ft AM. Ar Cincinnati Junction Lv 8:04 TM 7:16 AM. Ar Cincinnati Lv 8:00 PM. ' * (CT) Cehtrgl Tirtte. *, (RT) Eastern Time. ■ For foil Isfar—tkm. sleeping car reservations. ete„ apply Is nearest t Ticket Agent, or y. J. 8. BLOOD WORTH District Passenger Agent , * ' 328*4127 Fayetteville Street. Raleigh. N. C. - ■ The Southern Serves the South . .... . • i -li U|*jt l \ . b .n “"■ • Thera w*m* tto ignorant peasants and coal stoker»h aad the learned W— T. SUad, who J*aa cominf n*er t# lec tern ow th.i "Hen and Religion Mura 1-lent.” They Were rirh and poor, good tod, Ira rued and ignorant. And juat >#re I pause to remark tbry while Mr. Stead waa coming over ta i lecture on ' Men aad Religion." be I map an avowed Spintuallat. aad hud • betid told by ao* of tto apirtte than he c-ammumoated with th— h* waa Mes-i lined to dlu on the attests of Uatfen Rut he didavi h# want to a watery j grave on in# Ti—lJ^g. No; this aampuny wap a— uniue’l mat eaceptivnally wirke.d. Js*u» said. ‘‘Think ywtt Giat th* people op whom tke Tolrer U» Siloam fell wv— Wicked above their ifaJinurs I tall yarn ear; i but nnlrss rgpent, ye shall all likewise pmribh." 1 And they nil died aliku-- -pieaadtar and gambler, Miltlonairv and cool Hes ver. scholar and peasant, high and lew, good and had. Because there was ne power withiif Ihempeluw* to save tha— and tha thinr on which they 1 depended far aalv—lnn, failed them. They alt died alike Iwouu ** ttoy all remained on the Tftanlc. 0 n th* other hand: those who wwrw sa*« d were all tav*d"alik*. regardless of wealth err station, bernns* tbwy got aboard a ] life boat- Why did the l.SO« all perish a))k*> H<-cause the man mad# ship in whkt-h they trusted wax the only thing be | tween them and the bottom of tha ; —ran. Why were the 7M» who were 1 saved all saved alike? Bra suae they all get into the life boat* alike when given an opportunity. ( Neither thoa# drowned nor those; 1 saved had their deotiny affected by wealth, poverty. Itmrning, ignorrnce, meanness or goodnewn; but solely be cause either rapiained on the ship of death wr get aboard a lifeboat. Note —ta that those most likely te to saved ar* those who get aboard tha ,jlfrboat | soonest. J The Ar*t lifeboat lowered wa* shoved off only half full because the daredevil* believed the shetp would net sink, and then they would be laughed | at. They permitted the fear of being \ f laughed gt t* send them to the bottom 1 of the Atlantic. They placed their { ; treat ia th* ahip of death rather thai. | . in the lifeboat. Hava Bran the Raam Her*. 80, too, In thin campaign for the ; 1 | salvation of souls, thooc surest to ne 1 : aaeog were those moot 'prompt to get i aboard tke lifeboat and the ones who > placed tha least trust in th* deathfboat • 1 of this world. 1 ] Nate the difference, however, he . tween this crowd and that aboard the ** t ' »V ‘** . ‘** r ” *■ *M I aii- 1 '■■—l - ra, .ra„.— .■»— } i f Help Bring Prosperity .. I 9! U / « ' r • • j • * to - r * I M TTTL 9 : f To This Community '« II O y * J . * ® * I Keep yo«r money working in thin rommunity, whether ( | ) you spend, invegt, or bank it, Thvn you will share in / j e I thf bet-HhU it bring*. ...* . . \l 1 ;ft * , . : v ' . f.! ’it Trade with your fellow citizong and you will * n; .- (( them to do bußiue** with you. V GT * u a , I The money you mvt; or make by doing bupine»B W I with one another, if ikpo»*ted in thin bank, will earn Hj ‘ill more moi—y for you. } H i 2 your it CAN fcp done. S J The Wayne National Bank I * m > i; i t» : ■ f i ' • i Jr ; \ Dependable for Two Generation* u { 1 tt • »••, #*%,•»» * • •' M ‘g *»* *> * '• VI , * m rwnHu t j i , TM ftOI.DMMM) NBWR HI-fa ted. Titanic. Thar* was room for ' nnty a part of them, but there I* room far every one of yon. —id yen’ navn had plrnty of tim* to gat aboard and t* b* naved. Yea. tha maa who is moat iihnly t* b* saved frem the wrack of this old . world is the bne whe le meat anxious i l « —•< aboard U»# SavioMr's lifeboat; f while the on* least likely te bo aa'rad ,le the one Who cling* with th* most I to#*<iou> uffoction and dclneivo *o»n i d*nce to this world and it* fl.,tin, | plrasnras that naver aatlsry. ' Th# next class saved from th* Titan . Ir woro th* weakest -the women and children. It i* a Inw at the sen that no man mp*t Crowd into a lifeboat till all woman and cHUdran to- bran aa* \ ad. axrept that with avary heat enough 1 sailor* arc —Ag to mnaaga tto anma. While th# daredevil men and women alike refused to get into the first host lowered, so that it want off only half ' filled, there waa a disgraceful scram ble by the stilish cowards to g*« aboard tha lifeboat* lowered let*r, who* It bad boeom* evident that tb* —nkabl* ship was doomed to „ to the bottom "of tto ocean They ’•ought to crowd off tto wcahar women and thlldcan and ttoy had to to shot [ down aad tumbled into th* water. It ia Jest so [ft every maettog w* hold for the solvation as people from ( sin. Those Who feel th—r owe wean rasa and insuffleiat—y within the** | ralvaa and tang for n —ranger arm ap ' on which ta lets ae* th* first to ram* to tto Haviour. While those who are •trong in their own conceit linger loog a— in danger and ar* hardest to p*» •••do to seek safety. In aeary 1 case whan the*# men pro brought face to faca with death, a* every »n<- of them ia sura to to sooner *r Inlet, ttoy try pitifully foe merry, hut cry , i m vain. When ttoy t—ght have bean saved ttoy listened to the daeil and turntd a deaf ear to afferod marry. When Ilfs j '» slipping fr—n under them and therr I* no longsr opportunity to fervv th» devil, they offer their'last momaata ta tto Sfrtiojir they had spurnad as! their | lives. OU yen wonder that idea —or ! are rafuaed a teat in th* lifeboat? brail a— lad Off Uan- atu— What lulled the people aboard the Titanic into a sense of soenrity at f rit ? And what brought to Ulcm a sons# of tha awful danger at last T The answer is that tto devil pulled off a stunt that he ha* been pulling off right tor* every day of tto meeting When the vessel struck the Iceberg and received its death wound tnc pro- j pic who raid ah* was unaintobl* fear- , id thera might be a panic among the women and children, *p they said to the card p'yyer* to keep on playlny ■ad U others <• act out card* and k>< to playing. sh« band m also brought out and put to playing the" m«*t reek la as aad livaliast rggtirac in it> riper- . dirt. was to lull the timid one* into a MtK of Security. The very ninul. a sinner commences to think Mrioaaly about bin eternal destiny. the devil ruanmgly auggota to his mind > that there ig really a# dnnaror ln»i tationa conn- to bint to parties, gam**, damra aad diverting things of all • kinds And how many poor wretr'ae> fall for tha devil’* ragtime! ' Keen church member* go freia thr aereitgs here and engago in idleness aad frivolity . Thi y atv seen hy r«n virted sinners, who say, •‘Well, there • isn’t he mat'll danger or these church melibera would not laky things to lightly. Whi should I ha, serious?" ‘Thus th«ir fears are nuie.ted 80 long pa you church member* play Card* and raglimr. sinners will not oe warn- I eel. There ha« been enough gospel j preached In this tabernacle to have j saved all Gojdsboru had net the rag- , time church meiahers killed Ike effect of it. Hut when the hand ceased its rag I time and 1 commenced to play “Nearer *> God tv Thee," faces began to ’ lilapch, knees began to quake, the ae rious prayed, the wicked, carved and j everybody realised that* the devil had t«cn balding nut to them a false sense lOf securitS, that fater all. the unsink able ship was going to link. Was then sinking. It was then too late for those men who had reekltsily tun ed down their rhanee • to get, aboard that first life hist daftly First a f.ood Matt*. I have called attention to lti* fact ‘ ihat f'fteen millions had been lavished on luxuries for the Titanic passengers, r«d only one thousand for the sarety. How lika you people here in Golasboro. line lifeboat would have been worth more in the hour of tate titan Ike ten million dollar palace. Rreth . ran, don't lavish all your mesas tf>n j'comforts for the bodies and nrtndci jt , yuur families and leave your homes I - 1, - I—— —— —. w" ~- - —-»*■ lOrlkMti I'rusu Our laiat Issue) I V/hen Zoro drove Up to a station JUney ha, gave ro algn of aver hav. lo|| aaau Mltok before, but aa hoar Uur whaa ha took hi* leave b« ■Upped • note Into tha hand of the other. Tha nota was terse and to the > Paint. i “Mr*. J amts Slocum removed fur fi wishing# from Oothsti Storsgs H Warehouse to Edgecombe Road. ) I rook aide Mew Jersey. hist Friday. Will lake cure of hill of lading to monrev." Fq >hat chance Shot bad hit the merht Milea locked up tha bouse and than uuido iila umy ta Seoul# a roam. “Rip aad 1 have been vary hung ,w * afternoon," began Seattle aa hUlea took a heat. “Ho Rip has baaa up la aocnathtng! la that whut you had in mind la Veil we Boot tie?” “It la. and I have had go exalting Umo. I’m a matter twenty dollars poorer _u. It witlch 1 ebaU charge to the expense aqormot and Jtip is M nuraltg a scratch aa the shoulder.” ■ Seattle closed his right band and ■ tookasi at If thoughtfully and Mr eumpunloa oh'xved for tha &i«t Unaa that tha knuckles wars red dened aud a -.rl"e swollen. “Twaa I * nasty ml lie md a close shave for 1 him!” t ■ " ' •tag’s* has* hi a acrapT Milea ■ ex. '.Aimed. a “raw were not attached— r* "No. It was mo did lha attacking ■ You see. Owen lad. I took a look at ■ that cottage In the woods where our I friend Roger had hla laboratory long I **“■ 1 caught a glimpse of a clear - I Utg Just ahead with a blackened ■ chimney aUckiag up. and heard the g sound of a a umber of voices in die ■ puts. Among them I recognised ■ Hip’s and be was plainly frightened. 5 I hurried fbrward and eaw Rip aad 1 a fellow who towered half a head i tmßr " ‘ban ha, shaking something ” under hla naaa. I “ ’You done pass dta phony money ■ •am. yraUddy whaa 1 faded you!’ ■ bd waa fair shout lag, and he added a f curse that no berorded with tha Hah I hath Yaw la rwtae take It back sod ■ give me de real goods 0* 1U uyarve ■ year heart autr 1 "I could ace Rip’s faca aad It waa * aa Marly whlta os it ever wIU be. ■ “ 'Your lias don't go with ma. Rip 1 IMae beye ail see you gimme ■ die MU yeatlddy aad It was tha ooU ■ apt twenty dollar ona la da game; J Ain’t dot right, boyar I “Thu raal of theru wore gelling ex I idled and tiirsatrnlng and Rip cam ■ inance*! to whine and when ■ aU of a sudden the bj« fallow went 3 wml and than thing* happen v-1 ■ quick. Ua crumpled the bill and ■ threw Uln Hip s face and with a yell ■ resokrd loin hia pocket and that waa ■ where I took a hand In the game. 1 I ranched that big buck Just as hla * knife otreaked down across Rip* J should#.- and caught him ona on the ~ poiqi of the Jaw that put hlui out for ■ the eouaU” 3 Hoot tie glanctd dhwn ance more I affectionately at hla clenched flat. I “Hip waa loud In hie gratitude but 3 out of the tall of nay eye 1 eaw him J hunt for that bill and then turn ta ■ aneak away oral I laid bold of him ■ bx tits collar tu wait till tha lout who ■ had accused him woks up. I “I.« aat up after a bit rubbing bit ■ Jaw and atartad to turn ugly but I ■ *poka to him man to man and -d 1 I’d make good fur flip If there d ■ been a miataka. 110 told »\t> Rip haJ ■ lost tha money to him in a crap 1 gams Haturday and when ha tried ■ to changa U ha found tha bill waa J counterfeit. I made Rip let me have V a look at it and then ( laughed in 9 the Mg buck’s face and gave klm a f -rtsp new twenty from my wallet in 1 emhaage to chow him what 1 f thought of It. Hera’S the Ut of pa 1 pw the row alerted over.” 1 Ha he ads* I t«. Milea a limp, warn I twaatydollar MU. ona end of which I i without previaiaa far the . interests of « tkelr spirit*. Give some eenalaerattea te ikvir safety ik tka life to cqm*.. j Ify college classmate graduated with high keaera aad reVamed -sox ;u*l I ride of bis parents, took typhoid fever and died within 16 days and Went to heli. At hia funeral his broken Sean rd father lamented, “Oh, If I’d only looked after hla squl aa closely aa l did j •«* Mdy aad mind!" There is net a man in hell but coaid have h*e„ h , d hr o|l , y „ tIM? ofCKiUt. But |!if y tcmrwd -omsdiedy would xuy they Were scared j mte it. They haven’t as mock -eehM as the negro who was railed a reward) replying, “That’s all right; I’d ratheri he a live reward all my Ufa tkun a fcadt hero five minutes.” How like thi diaii, inactive church - was the old Califeraia, lym*: there! within a few minutes run of the Ti tanic, but with .-ngiacx dead snu w:re-| less operator asleep whit# I,MS people | perished! Once the farmer pastor of t rburrh was sent for to conduct the funeral of a girl in her bgap. Oa arriving lie? asked her pastor 7f Mary had bean' * Oiristian. He answered that he did \ not really knew; be hud fell impressed to talk with h.r on the subject, but had neglrrted it. B»r Sunday sctioal j teacher insiiq tho aume answer, uhd her mother also. Ite.a was a girl who had died leal, though tbu Holy Spirit had impressed at least three people to talk to her on the subject of salvation.! If wa could get the rhurrli members to stay awake and Watchful to catch the wireless warning; of distress, and to so live that the sinners would not have so much confidence ia the devil's ragtime at the picture shows, tnou sande who perish could be saved. . £ Note that those passengers, were no ‘safer while tho ragtime than tkey were when they Isward ikc solt-mns strains of ’'Nratt r My God to Thee.” But the devil deluded them Into believing they were. I have several times referred te the general war which so suddi-nly biased up in Kurope at a time when they were aaylng: “Peace, peace." a» one had a tln;T» of brow a and tha da , tectlva turned It Ihougtitfully over In hia hand.. “t wonder how Rip got Itt” ha r remarked Whai did he tell yous i “N’othingi Not a aenalhia word , cmild 1 grt out of him ” "Wait nmka him coma clean when i we K<U hold of him. If the bill la all right In- li-I-Jn t be afraid—>!“ Miles . cheeked himself suddenly. “But (a It. » •qqtits.r It’s an old 1 weuldn t lako an oath on It—“ "I would, tad." Thera wwa a cor . tain grlmoass in tho other s tons. “You’ll mhid I told raw 1 waa tha , ppm or by twenty dot tarsi 1 learned a trl/la from tho experta and that I MH la at phony as the brightest gold brick that waa war aold.”’ CHAPTER XIII * - IT waa nattily lunch Urns tha next day whan Milas' gianoa fall upon i U»o dovt-puua of m root® end of ihu haul; a room which had ro , jtnalned lacked since hla arrival «ad | j which ha had ouca beard r *'* r “•TOP THAT VOW UNO, UITTY, AND STAND A HiDJCI” fer to carnally ga ’Mr. Roger’s at ora room.’ He hud polished that door plat* only Haiuray morning, but now theaa aoeeped something odd about Ua appsaranca and tha detective bent closer. Tho brass about tha ktyhala was dullod aura whera a tiny. Jagged scratch or two filmed and iber* were trams upuu U of a congealed, greasy soi« now si sight ot which Mtlus dr.w a quick-litvolunutry breath. tt ax! Sontauna within lbs, lost two days luul Ukan an Imprraslon ot that keyhole, aoiueonu who was too carv lesa or In too great baste to remove th# evidence of tbu act. What could Roger bava stored theta which would boos such intarcst to any body but hlisselfT Lunoheoo won ovar whvn tha 4* tactlv* hoard the tolepbona ring ugain and with a tnuaerod excuse ho hastened toward tha library, but (ha sound of Rogers vole* In reply arrest.-d him butusa ha reached thu threshold. “Tea? . r , Th!t la Rvger Drake speaking . . , What u thatr The racetvor fell with a clatter tt tho desk but |t waa evident that noger Imd rvtrleved it for In a moment hla voice r*mo again, shrill with -soma thlng very like terror. . "Who are you; . . . Tott must he midi ... My brotherT" There was a long, pause vgixhta the one woidt "Neverl” ? U ended in a Strangling gaap, • chnlr crcjktd heavily and then « dry. wultled aqb roachd th llatener’g ears. 11a peered In cautiously bn. tween tha curtalaa to behold the scientist sprawled limply in a chair, hla arms omltung across tha desk and kla whlta head pillowed upon them while tha this ahouldars shook apssmodtcally. Carters’ quarulotta summon* from th# dining room recalled Nfflea hur- t rtadly. Whaa nqgt ho entered the TTTHWAY HORWTNC. JW.T M. IMS Fof- many signs of the near approach of tho end oi Util age; hut fgw, haod !lhr warming. Will you permit the devil’s wile* ta deceive you longer? Os Will you do the wise thing and got skwaesl tha Its _ boat while you have oppoftMxitg, lest the time come when you have ao chance? Every man ia hall has turaok down his chance just once too otieu noitk- of -you here today will turn it 1 down now and aouer have aaoaha* aueh offer to turn down. Won’t you ac- I crpt 1 - , - ... I Wants Ais Special Notices RATH - Twenty-lira real* per Insertion far 26 wogda or laaa. Par mart (had M werdl, ona cent each- Whlta space or type display aska Insert ed in th* column for M cant* par inch, each insertion. When five #r morn caaaaoutlve Insev t|ona sr* desired a discount, of W per cent li allowed. g? HKK til Aft liMY. JR.. FAINTING AND . Decorating. 101 Virginia Hi. Phone 671 W. „ K3-6t s STORK HW RENT—Nit XT TO OTV Hall. Apply tl> N A. Kl>W AKIHi, t’oraer Coaler and Mulberry streets. bat It tea Toes. FOR A 1M PER CENT AMERICAN Case, a place of good eating, try Diaty Moore's, Fresh barbecue with slaw and corn every day. Reg ular dinner including tea, cof fee and lee tea from It to 6 p. m. Regular .supper with hot butter and biseuita 6 SO to V p. m. Open every day from da. m. to II p. m. G. Dallas Morris. Prop. “■ • -*)» i« ■■ i. • —I ■ -'4- ■■ *3 JHMUKA >II.IW WEH—n ff r 1 >nC library ha found it empty. Irtish was aetlling down mid l ».Y. # -ng untoward bad occurred ta hrstsl N U.a Uoodlng stillness of the hausq 4 u i,»ii all at once a woman's sI»W raai- out. The detective rushed froot hia ,-oom and down lbs stairs Mil Just va be retached th* floor below another door srex flung wide la his face and u roan dashed out. almost coUiditit* w th bins. Milan dal ml far an Inatant. taken aback hy sheer surprise for tha opened (loot waa that at Roger’* ■tore room and the man who had j emerged wc ~ndrew| He was with. | out codt or t uiatcoat, hia aloougg > rotted bock ant hta shirt and cottar Rfa giuny with dust a smudge of which Jr I lay act ona hla c. aek gluing a gra- M tusque twisted uxj.-t.aaion io hia task W turn*. J I "IVbata happen* dj” ho roared. I 1 "Stop that yuwltA.% Illtty, aad •“ - atniid uiiulel" * 1 Miles became awxrt that g thins S reedy wait bad aucceea -d th* abrlafc H and abuktng art thi ops i which had | held Trim trauaflxad . * bataagd ■ 1 down lha boil. 1 At the bead of tho mats atrcaa* W tbb maid was kneeling b*(-r> ar% I cumbant form wringing her .lands V and sobbing hyatsrihaUy, but An- K drew seized her arm and thrust her ■ vtol.ntly said*. • \ ■ "Roger, old man!—Haro, pot) ■ vo u roc if together, nitty, und pall ■ 1 Garter or AVllltam—T* fl Bo Andrea had not conadpoaly < noted that momentary en counter! I Th* dc-tccttve steppes' forward. V “What la It. air? Oh, la Mr. Rog*r I UIJ Can I be of any aaalataaoaf” f “Yea. Help me carry him to hla I robin and then get my sister. No ■ neasl to call a doctor; he's had these 3 attacks befor# and I know how to I bring him around." a Ua placed hla strong arms about 8 th* shoulders ot Us* unqonaeiuM 8 tnan and Mites supported th* knees 8 while UtUy ran ahead to open the 8 door. Retween them they got Rogwr 8 Drake Into his room and upon Ik* , ■ bed whore k* lay breath lag starter. ■ ously. ' ■ MBes slipped out tnto the gwrdoa B where he found HooUla at work ■ among th* roae bushes. d 8 "What Is it, lad?” Tho latter , ■ straights nod. “Has something aoraa Bl o« gt laatr -, A K “B©m#thtoig\hat baa ail but takes flj me o<T my feet. Scot 11 el It way b* 81 a waiting gams for a few days more 8 but there’s daylight eh«adk-Got « 8f IwncllT” Ua puliad a notebook from , H hie pocket and. tastrlng out a page, Bl ho scribbled hastily upon It while 9 hta oolloague waited in aUeoce. * I "TharqC 1 don't oar* what sac us* ■I you make afterward but get dstwa 81 to th* telegraph office gt the ata lion aa fast aa you can aad a*ad this S wire off to th* chief; tell hint to send 81 ene of th* boys down her* with th* I reply the instant It comes, no tsa<tar 8 at wh«t hour of th* day or alghtin I W«’H b# ready then to stand out ta I the open and doctor* ourselves!” 8 Seoul* read th* message slowly B and then lifted amaged ayes to th* 8 other** fuc*. * K “Man. but we’v* been blind!" h* 1 •xclaimed. “You say that there* Bl daylight ahead? I’m thinking that 8' for some In yonder house It may be Bl a red and tearoom* dawn!” 8 After dispatching Seoul* to tba H village to transmit hla wire, Mil** V re-eotured th* house and ascended to • k th* second floor- Th* door *} > ■ Roger * store room did not ytaM 8 when ho turned th* knob. d ■ Aa h* Started down th* hat Mi w } 8 Drake appearyd. J ■ "We shall hot need you. WlDtam,* I aho anaosMioad. "My broth** la o«W 8 Ject to these heart attacks aad be ta 8 quite alt right now, but of courts f k* will not onm* down to dinner." f An hour passed and Hobart Drab* 8 returned from th* city. Milan mmJf I "‘■are. ly restrain hia Impatience or 8 he helped CRrtar to serve dlaaar. but I Ml* o, waioonl glimpses he stole at | th* flnnhcier’a face toM him nothing. 8 It was Inscrutable and when tha 8 telephone rang he rose with eaka B deliperaUaw. . ■ “That waa Zorn," h* announced B on hta return. “H* assured me Utat B he wus making deflnHa prqgrraa. '■ » Hta to- > iu*d laebud ceavietlaih 8 and Andrvw alunevd up with a anew | •Sotimia good but doesn’t main 8 anythlngf* ho com own tod. “last £ tl>at what tli# police always give o u B| to th# newspapers when they ie 8 atumpedf” I Itontlnurd In Oar Nrzt I tana) | I

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