TOT * UT — lm “ *»«•«* - , - .. li, !« -p- . - ,-n . - i ___ _■ I —-rr~ ..——. . —i . -«i..i ~ -■ -i * SI ' <0 4 ‘ ' 1 O' *'’ I mmm X« Jk L _ jj| EJSSI JtJ Ik 1 l*k V I TO-NIGHT At TEN O’CLOCK , Goldsbot’o News’ Salesmanship Club WiMers Will “Cross Wh ” 1 .. .t_.. . ... f-r, „y .. *, , k . , , :jy j K ' IMce li> (Jut Uk ((" - » I ■ ' , ! t m 'i ( % The People’s Bank & Trust Co., where the blind - )) sealed ballot box is deposited closes at 2o’clock today. I _ v , - . . // After that the box will be removed to the News office, ■r % <3 W where it will remain until the closing hour of the 1/ campaign, 10 o’clock tonight, August 19ih. mV * q ff . • • £ # . , iv s \\ Candidates who cannot get to the bank before it j) closes may deposit their subscriptions and remittances II l\ for same in the sealed and locked box in The News )) office after 2p. m. and up until the final hour of the (( campaign. After 10 v o’cloCk the box will be taken back If Important Notice W ’ No personal Checks of any kind will be accepted ‘ R in the Sealed Ballot Box. If any are deposited in the R box, they will be thrown out and no votes issued. Only ' | Currency, Gold and Silver, Money Orders, Express Or- 1 ders, Cashier’s Checks and Certified Checks will be ac cepted. f „ „ ;* T. ‘ f (l (Candidates will during this last week of the cam i| paign have all checks made out to them personally and H cash same and deposit the money in the box. This rul- K ing is made in fairness to all candidates in the race and in will be strictly adhered to. K What Are You Going To t)o About It? i | ’ DONT THINK YOU HAVE WON, BECAUSE | YOU HAVEN’T. DONT THINK YOU HAVE NO | CHANCE TO WIN, BECAUSE YOU HAVE. BACK J UP YOUR EFFORTS WITH CONFIDENCE, N*)T H OVER-CONFIDENCE; WITH COURAGE, NOT DE -0 SPAIR, IF YOU ARE ONE OF THOSE WHO REALLY • I] WISH TO WIN. MAKE THE LARGEST REPORT [] SATURDAY NIGHT AND YOU MAY WIN, THE [I STUDEBAKER SPECIAL “6”, OR ONE OF THE I TWO STURDY FORD TOURINGS. I ALL SUBSCRIPTION COLLECTIONS, ALL RESERVE CREDIT BALLOTS, AND ALL REPORT SHEETS PROPERLY MADE OUT MSST BE IN THE BLIND f BALLOT BOX PRIOR TO 10 O’CLOCK, AUGUST 19th, IN ORDER fO BE INCLUDED fttfc WNXL COUNT. POSITVELY NO EXCEPTIONS WILL BE (1 MADE TO THIS RULING, SO GOVERN YOURSELR ACCORDIIIGL* « — m +**•*/: ■ , 11 J 6 W> dO4MM» WWWG • T s T 7r- • • HO# PRIZES ARE CWARDED In ord< r to distribute the prizes evenly, the * territory povered by The qoidsborf NEWS has been divided into two separate districts. The Studebaknr Special “6” . c. Touring < !ar, the Grand Capita] Prize, will go to the Club Member poll ing the hfehest’number of in the cam paign. This prize may be won by a Club Mem * ber in eiOier district. Aftsr the Grand Cap ital Prize has been awarded gthe candidate standing mgheet in each of the wIU be awarded a $490 Ford * Touring Car. , After the three auto- « c mobiles hAv* e be e n /* awarded the candidate standing next highest in each district will re ceive SIOO in cash, The next highest candidate in each district Will receive $75.00 / in ca«h. The next highest candidate in each district will receive $50.00 iQ cash. « The next highest candidate in ' each district will receive $25.00 in cash. The next highest candidate in each district will receive $25.00 in cash. The next highest candidate in each district will receive $25.00 in cash. Candidates who fail to win a regularly listed prise, and who remain active flarin'gthe cam paign, according to the rules Will be paid 10 per cent cagh commission on all SUBSCRIP. TION collections turned in. & «• ♦ i f J a s. “ I - W> .W , ■■ )• Saturday Night I JSfc; . W. . \:3B M*' l August 4 i\mt 19th u *# -., r #fjKlp Is the End of the Trail I # . fm r„ ,•„ 1 tampap Judges] MR. JAMBS KYIIIXTS.?SgBBT President People’s Bank- MR. FRANK K. BdMpEXS.TuJ^y President Wayne Natiol SuS* I ***. MAYOR EDGAR H./UuJt l r«e«iv«d f*r UtoU affctto to Ito The above gentlemen who ha* **& to act as the committee of judges in*! T5Ei t,, «tc4h> Ay > and awarding the prizes are all w< |££ ££ •"■* ' mm * business men, and will have no fc 1 aaT^altoJaS. £** paign other than to see that ever* 1 * £7rrtt£ tS*tS J.XTI •*ist 1 m f “* ,,r * Tto^^wtoyi^ _ _ _ ? Mcljltoi* KSTtom ~a£ **s MCMitrr to mnMM to* mm to*>» ' 7 riM toat tort to* Mnr atoMae N»- ■ ***» J* flirt Mltoi “lit.- 01 M«M*. D t* to* {L fnmnlpfp Ii«? Sjtti'aSS I HC LUIIIUICIC Lick k'^’SKstj: * m m Os -mptw.i *r to* flitom." „ ia a OOKtf^ ONE 1922 FULLY EQUIPPED *W**t u y««— n **tmim* mrm PURCHASED FROM THE BROWN - AU»- ?*« *" •*■»*»* -<*!»» f jgf tPWBr EWI V# JBMMMIWf At IWvluM. j£;rtJasJffi^x2 htui 'nftMl to via mm *1 to* entoia, to* |»JNK 19Z2 kokii roi iUMi car. i iyn .tow. it.m# yiy tN« j i It poMllb#* it wm 14 f iidUf vwmmmlmm m| SUMMERLIN, MOUNT OLIVE. VALUE $k • <'>•> mto • to~to« *•* K \ W - JltoAhajm t s to*. Mj*m y> to jtoM PARKER MOTOR CO. VALUE $190.00. R JH. * One SIOO.OO in Canh Orw SIOO.OO in Caah I On* $ 75.00 in CmA ; One ».... $ 75.00 in Cask <« ? One ~...,.$ 50.00 in Ca*li Onr $ 50.00 in Cwk )) One. $ 25.00 in ('«alI One f 25.00 in Cftall ‘/I One $ 25.00 in Canh One ..”.». .V 25.00 in Caili M One ..$ 25.00 in Canh One ... $ 25.00 in Cank )] jl t —to fto jLi ■—i ana PAGE FIVE