PAGE SIX aeaeoooeawo '#-# • • \ news w toe city; ATTEND EDCBRTON FAMILY REUNION. Mr. t. M. Bdgortoa and two ton*. Cedric and LaMaat and A. 8 Copeland of Kinston. aMtrtd l>ir to Wtldon yesterday where they attondrd the re wnton of tk* Edgerto* family. TOTAL SALES FOR WEEK MAN FOUND* D F. Cartin'* Planter* Wareheo** closed Mm ftr*t wrok of It* operation kora today with an av'orag* prirr of If coat* and a tout sale of 41,414 pound*, or nearly at ranch a* the open* Inf sales of Tuetday, More 50 rent tobacco was 4r> the floor ynet.-rday <|n> ha* heea oa Oi* floor at any time time the marked ope»«d| it w#« *utrtl y*s torday by tobarcq then. Tb. total salon for the Week art a little over 1 100,000 poonM» BAKER RKSIHTINt. EXTRADITION 8. K, Baker intend* to tight titra dltion and ha* Langston, Allen, and Taylor to reproaent him (ioeernor Morri.on haa signed extradition paper* it »*» stated i n Sheritl Grant'd office yesterday, and Deputy Sheriff L. R. Rhodes of Tampa, Florida, sat await j Inf the arrival of the papers yester day. The raao will come up bedpre Judge Frank A. Daniel* today, linker's attorney* will oak for a writ of habcut corpus DBMAND FOR BCCB IB HEAVY. Mgr* continued to he in steady demand j «h the local market today at 3b cent* There ape scarcely no country eggs to ho had. it It stated by wholesale buyers. Jeffreys and Sons seat their trucks out la tho country again hut they did not got near enough to supply the demands loe (rash country eggs. The majority •f egg* sold oa the local market are •ktpped eggs. Outside of eggs othePlhings on the market continue to remain the same in prioo and ia demand Ho far vary few ■Wool potatoes have kebun to rorte in. mm raus 0 • ' J .ms*. • * • * * t *' V National Leagoe. * FiOjthunrh 2, Boston * ■t. Louis », Philadelphia 2. (It In BlNfd}. Chicago |l. New Fork 17. CTnelßiiaU Brooklyn rain. American Leagoe. Booto* l. Detroit 0 Philadelphia Ht Dmili 4 Nh» d, Chicago 7. WaAiaffton H, Cleveland T. Internal ion a I Leagoe. fßsMtmom », Roche*ter g. fWIhRIT, jMrdcnne S. * l OOtma dot schedule ,1 Virglala State Leagoe. Wilson 7, Newport News I. Portsmouth 3, Id; Rocky Mount 4, It liuhmond 0, •; Norfolk *. S.l Piedmont I .eager Winston Salem I. Raleigh I. Doaetlle 2, Durham 7. Groeaahoro 2, High Point 0. **oih Atlantic Loagaa. 61ariotU 14. < olumhla I. f AagosU 2, | ; Spartanburg 1. 2. irlu m h«M l»»r* wha h.,1 h>fn *lr.||n K kK_Jr*p». j • min Traylor *«■ l«|nnl •U|t ••'C* wiU« hi* i.»n I r crlf **■ • ■M M< off IHo mi loiinn, ht.lly Injur- Mft kb Hand Hr »»» tmlnl tty Iti BN Sgirnr. Hr Traylar l< in rltlrily m.n and tern fc«d niryard* nr*r Hi* Hum. h> rr f*r mm> y*ar* tin II > hai drtlgaad an »ulom« MhT'fkHl that eparaivr* by riming ihr •Ilka#** ®H* *t • «*' *• Pirtril IH SP H --jczr am.,. -■ ~ ■ - ■} pi ‘ ** ? PfeHg Twmi! LjTjjj \ '■ //l Mr 11*1 Ik Imp • ZINKS'< ■ >ok sy Wtim/r#' > a// // 1A * | ij „' vwsv m ill • VAV I fl** iMYlOff TV* CAVE JACK WMF OMR RTED taf U TrtE TENTINEL WHO GUARDED The ENTRANCE. Jack wtcnkp that pup war with mim.anO WONDERED WHAT HMD HAPPENEO TO M4f ART * 4 !ifu : !: fihMn#, ft ■ viM hu CIUDOENLV THE AONTTER TTOPFEO. HR TRIED TO kJ EXPLAIN to JACK THAT HE WAT TAKING MIN TO THE RULER, OP THE UNDERGROUND CAvEg, THE fWMti OP (MBAAf tT . _ Lease of Academy Building | Makes Raleigh Take Notice Aflit»n of (otlon (o-o|H’ralivr Ahmm tation in ld'.isini; Kitmoun I’lhvJmtom: ( ousts Capitol Folks To Iftili Their — xFvcsrTfr^^lonis hmint RAlshiftM. 1 Atip Hmmmrr Hful j iff huny ritiw tmiißforimiitf ih« «»nljr pl«)hf»ii p lh*» CapKnT < t»y h*»i t t»f into qiinrtt-rm f-ia that Its Academy of Musi# hud been leaned |jfor three years and that Sherwood Up -•hurch, who prides himself on getting Fc|u*t the kind of shows that Knleigh I rikes, would have to hunt new quart h# ,, ‘ ts a A Raleigh I .and mark. tn During the forty year* that the old RMradetny of Music, which Is lorsti d Utvihin a stone's throw of about every- that Kaleigh boasts of in n bu*i et* way, has oreupled if* position as "Haleigh's premier amusement houae, it ißoiaa seen eome and go a mighty com t» , * , *) , «f play people who were wt-l), lb* nuWrt in ,hr,r '*“7 lo lh ‘ A up-r tea o' -opie. Here rame t alve, then in the xenlth • f her glory, and who has now reached he west inrlinr of life and the writ* •* i'g of memoirs. More recently the old > af.ay house has seen ItyWolf Hoper, ly Ihnrh, King, Milton NoNtex. Uo 1 aril !»**>. Lou Tcllegen and a vast host of he dnstrela Including the hefnvrd Fields, of ho alwava rejoiced to me. t u |d fru-nd. omp, Raleigh. he Raleigh will mis* them from the place InMat will know them no more Raleigh rtalfce* to see good shows, and for many IhWles arouad people rum* lo are thrifu d b* the capital of the State, it attracts tot, ring the morse of a year a host nf •r* "Pie from all section* of the State t. wd the go ai ii see of Hie stage find it tecof,table to stop f„ Raleigh j,,, lhr | r be pr* of the country. Anel they alw,n« te |me here, if them; I* away to arAiugc apt i * thi I _______ hauir —— Z—ZZ- n.'zr.: -v ———_ n * vi - ... onnt i h Imi / ■“ J# ***r> p; DRUGS )) Whether it is in a ease of emcrjrenoy, I \ or otherwise*, you will find us ready to * I y7S serve you with the U*st in the drupr lire*. • J ( f We also carry a complete line of sta- ) ) tionery, rubber goods, and household no- ,1 j w eessities. * . ) Hicks & Hawley I Hie place you will eventually trade. v ■PMI BHIMvi f vv\\ dxC. * taifl a WM I wm »” \ 1 .IByj ’ rfTME hideout noNcrta fulled Htn alon4 by L X THE AM/A UNTIL .JACK THOUGHT IT W4B/LP I BREAK. .JACK HAD NtVk* TEEN TuCH A LONG AND WONDERFUL CAVE. H) FITHINC JACK AHEAD THE HIPE.OUC NONTTE* LED >- JACK BEFORE THE TERRIBLE DUKE. JACK KJWEO ] i.. LOW, AND THEN LOOKED OF, AMO SAW AM BVU. I SV4RER UPON THR DUKCT FACE. But Alas and Alack, But A In* and alack! Kaleigh has no! place to welcome them now. They must ! SI I * up the t < ily of the State “W Hieir ctcjid Will be an army of rlrrk*., , a staff of rottoo graders mid a multi tude of samplrs of cotton The Inroad* 1 of commerce ha|fe__pfn>-.-d h*v«k wilt, 1 «lllino-111 and robbed thee Capital of a host of pirmorgak. The A. oft.roy was buiD forty year* ago by Frank I’age. who left it to Eden ton Street Methodist church Th, Board of Steward* didn't know what to do with an amusement house inasmuch as* the Book of Discipline, of their da nomihatinn didn't countenance all the various kinds of thcnlri .*l4* that were ari-iistomed to bo put on wt ihe play house. They hastened to get rid of Ihe peopetty amt some .loicn years ago it, P« sod into the hand, nf M It W right, 4 case o|«-rati,r, who stilt own* it. When it wns built two generations ‘go, th.- Acsd* my replaced wt popular esteem the Metropolitan - opera house, | which for a half century was Kaleigh'* i I principal amusi ment house. „ The Mot- I I ti.potitan, in it vas known, continued' to operate, but finally had to yield to 1 modern progre.*, and a few year* ago , was tdrn down to give way to a modern office and store building. I'rogreas Rrnrea Agsln. . And now progrots scores again. Only 1 rnmm. ru got nl id of some Tar sight * d person and g* i* the before another >an tak. its p'ac- And this Dine, It i«n i a department store that wants the building, but North Carolina I farmers, who have decided to go into . business on a large scale It was berati-e of the centra! loe* ' ! Don that Mr Blalork seised nil lo the opportunity of taking tha build I > Ing (or a period of years, but bv did ' n't have made a more effective move to sis th* Httrnlmn of upon 1 this cotton association that cam* into Iciwn Rtui Uti«ttnotl«#-run-"f that city see that a baas hand I* | provided, the Democratic aayor wol- I come* them, a Demoem le quartette sings for them, but then i Democratic convention meet, in Dei ocratic Ra leigh, nary a band is on land to route tbs Domsi-ratie hoata not ioga a Demo cratic mayor think nf we rotatag them and It never occurs to thF ,rmy of Dem ur rat 1C singers Raleigh blssta of many first class vocal artists Ro sing their the hearts of ike Democrats. is su used la yotog legists iMQPwand governors and come and go lh*t it take* little note of lesser light*. It was the same with ihp tobacco and 1 cotton growers who within twenty i months h-ive climbed i|to the lime* light by sheer bravado and main strength. Kaleigh never batted an eye when they came to town,,Mnd (he cham ber of rommrrc* didn't get eaclted about S\ V, •IL i ' Thjy Smashed Malory. The tol.mco grower* -have smashed h story in (nore ways than one. The tobacco grower* wanted quarters hut all the sky srraper* wrri (died-Op and by Jingo th»v would stay fltlrd i»t*. for one* people move td Ra|righ they stay unless they are moved nut hjA main sti.ngth and awkwardneta. v - * Th* lohaO -o grow. rS died (Krir'eed «».o of moving and finally were sol* to get a lease bn a builHEig that Iq-tho 1 day* of Governor Holdift was the exe cutive manaton of Nortl Carolina ,|Ti# old building had had ngieh to do yyKh political history, and n|w it is having right much lo do with th* economic 1 remaking of North Canjitia. Il ixtory t» being smaahed la RaUigh | a* well as throughout North Carolina, hut Raleigh rather like* ju May be af ter all there will be r.ftv Academy of Music built. And aftgr all tha co , operatives do stand (o» progress even ,in Raleigh They dr* going te help make the old town » > * f , Beet Eqntgeed Clothing Store in Eastern Carolina CONTRACTORS •> " *v ■" ■ Mrs. John S. Dortch Electrical Contractor Phone W. Center St. N. ' DRUGGISTS ' i *< Williams Drug Store Phone 23. 128 E. Walnut FURNITURE DEALERB 9 Heilig & Meyers 119 E. Walnut St. g Home Furniture Co. 126 E. Walnut St. ■ ■—■■■— - SODAS, CIGARS A CANDIES Goldsboro Cigar Co. Phone 658 116 W. Walnut St. * 1 * a ■ ' GROCERS—Rif AIL- « ■ ■ . ■ ■■•-—wr- 11 1 r - W. L. Sufluaerjin Cash Greeer Phones 26 A M v 2*3-204 K.JWaimit St. . 'A 800 N. John St. *— im~m n nL— ——— i i ■■ 1 'yi O | J, B. Herjjn* ' | 1 204 E. Walnut St. GROCERS—WHOLES A LK*" - —r A. A. McCrary Co. 127 N. John St. 1 Bizzell Grocery Co. * ; .i 106;107 W. Center St. 8. y HARDWARE ' ( Yelverton Hardware CoJ yjtUDH \\ , 136-138 E. Walnut St. \ MILLINERY A READY TCP WEAR L. E. Pearson Co. W. Walnut St. REAL ESTATE N. E. Bradford Phone 165 U National Bank Building ROOFING A SHEET MET Aft WORK 7 J. M. Latta Co. - ■ * •• ..,,,, E. Aah St.