t < *. to .* • • • «i • • • ychins' rMrtn nTmtMllN of ChrtaMan Young People dttl Iwtt at tic chatuttsn • Imre* i . at >:M ttkck, lUWII cp from tlfaa I U Daalf *»r se*vfce *V r«4«(aMp* moftts again Thg reday night at the Prat Baptist church *1 » « ] SUMMEEI.t* ADVESTMNG ’ 1 IN TH NBWB. ' I M O. iSunawiAni fhrt aad Korda*on • dealer lor lower Wayne aad upper Dup , . tin counties, is among tkaaa entering , the columns of Tke Neve to reach the large aumker of aubeCriber* recently 1 added Irena the Mt. Olive aa4Hfw te tke ! News' Hat. His first adtfrrtlsqlent ap pears la this issue. - KPWOBTH LEAGUE MEETING. Get in tke game and come te the Ep worth League meeting at Bt. John M. E. rkurck tumerrew night at *:QO o’clock. "The Joy Makers'' will he pru aeated. Don't Mias Itl , 0 * «» \ i - Mb t ~ ■ \ ■ i /» l . _ m SAVE HAY ‘ a * ‘ . v * . ?' * , t* While the sun shines is the old saying. SAVE HAY rfV # •f - a \ 4* #4 t./ tb > *. it 4 . t*#h« * **■ While the 801 l Weevil eats cotton is the saying of today. The 801 l Weevil might destroy your cotton but will not de fW9*9 • v # f stroy your Hay. So it will pay you to save all the Hay you can. J Moline Mowers ana Rakes Smith Hardware Company ‘, * . o . * . «».*. h _ - m. ,-e —a. ap n. %. _ » , _ * •» %¥ *f «*• **•, * f TV Ik f t __ MRS. HUGH FENTON WINS THE 1 '■ .... • • | ' , • -A° ' • ■ * . • S^IPKkIS *■ ■■ In Thfc News’ Salesmanship Campaign » **h f , 11 < M- f< if >K «H • ’ *"•• •-*« il f ,T * *' . '*«»,.■ • AND WHILE HER FRIENDS ARE REJOICING, THE BROWN AIITO AND SUPPLY COMPANY IS PREPARING TO OFFER TO NON-WINNERS IN THI !»• ii'fi >'"> • • ♦ »* i t rll*:< !«•'•.* •. it 1 ' - * - GREAT CAMPAIGN AN OPPORTUNITY TO SATISFY THEIR LONGHttLFtfR ONE OF THESE FINE CARS PAY A SMALL AMOUNT DOWN, AND A STUDEBAKER IS YOURS. THE BALANCE ON EASY TERMS. . .. , ** % ' » • • 1 * ■■'' ’, - -‘ " " - ■■' -■■ ’*- ■ ■■■"■■■.■ “ ..Mi. - N. B.—THIS OFFER, FOR A SHORT TIME, APPLIES TO OTHERS THAN THOSE PARTICIPATING IN THE NEWS CAMPAIGN. BTown Auto & Supply Co. THIS IS A YEAR •WrlaCO liven*, w.r. issued yester dgg to *. P Taylor of Brugdu ud Miaa ijjutg •*§» Os this iaXr this If* thgir application. Thooe us other applications but tkay (tut primarily I appheaata j *i»Nf ENTION HEBE OThIMR TNMMh M The N. C. Association for tH pto- I ventiea of tuborculoaia will moot here • October J, it eras stated last nip* ftp j Mrs. Thomas O'Berry, president of tke local associatioa. following a confsrvare . yesterday with Dr. L, B. Mcßrajgr. at j tko Mdatrose Sanitorinnr He wap base 'to task, preliminary arrangements Ar ' together. He says it is on r of tko big tang.ments were not competed mad will he announced later, it was staged. Dr. Mcßrayor will leave tomorrow. # —■ * f- PLENTY GREEN 'CABBAGE HEBE. There are a lot of the best quality of frssh green cabbage oa the local market, hut the tomatoes and j ! cau art playing out rapidly; ushita the I shortage of fresh country eggs eoa.Ua- j ■|l»f SH> la oaaoiy caaas ■ Orweu peas are an other vegetable that I la gettia* scarce. Thp market oa harms. • IrikGk bhould.r. remains about the I same. Very Hulk fluctuation in price JW* h*% a#iced aU the week. I ‘ f ~P** Ts » Davit aqd the children from tka Kennedy Homo failed to get kero land Iftaday aa rspected. having had a lidMM fMh ihs pg|dt hsl thty ViH bo here tomorrow; Mr. Davis to preach, , and nte children to reader some special ! •sss.’vtjl • Uwcatoe will (iU vke PuialkM tke even I Iff"*' , , ‘ STw.^X 1 ... One thousand sad «w% hundred saggy MB. •" UI,U roonty ha*, gitan crop lie*, om this year's nap, it was staled pea-1 ter day by M B. Glover, field represent- ! ative of Warehouse Manager B. K ■ Brown. 1 These liens he mentioned nre all qn I this year's cotton crop, and he stated I-that pne aft thn mat* purposes si tko I l co-operative marhetiag proposition is to j do awair wltk tho crop lien. < oatrarta I ‘t *x * —v,t -•** i i*f croft Ucno that when atggad will | peraut tka farmers who have glvaa ] Hens oa crops to mU through the i , « 0 9 I■ . • c-«T J i CftftlTUlVß CAftK or 1 rwm W ATHOJi. { The raaa of K.stua Watson, ahaigad <1 with brutally/ treating l.uthrr Past. ll age R, hna been continued until neat ft Katostday's session of the Juvenile court. I The youth was placed in chaefta u< 1 ; Watson by the Welfare department. At |J . pr.eelit ha is with hit older brother ( Elijah Pata, gg. U. who is in charge as 1 Mr and Mrs. Harkc Brown of the Mt.« Caratal school district J * K *-— «T — if AItftTEALIA IH POE. 1 Pavia cup tennis team will ha America's|l ORponent in (lie challvnfta rounds fur I * tftg intrrngtiuftal court, trophy »l Kor»-t 1 ; Hills. Mew York. September 1, % *, aad f 4, it having dcfvnted the Spanish com- 1 blnation hero todny on the Court of # • the Germantown cricket club. l - ( Instead of being dlrertly connected \ I to its motor, a new ctectrlr I fan la driven through o belt by a small- 1 j er, high speed motor. I Ford ■ * ■ 0 ■> „.fQ '/'’;.. • :v ' " i AND J Fordson * % ' * m . • A •> . Mulii/I i) s. AUTHORIZED SAIJSS AND SERVICE / /i\ y / ' : j ■ t*,£ d \ .. j Cara, trucks, and tractors sold for cash or on easy idap. ~i }. .. t .,, . Opr large, well-equipped shop, and our force of ex pert mechanic* working on Ford exclusively, together with our large stock of genuine Ford parts, enable us to render Ford owners of lovyor Wayne and upper Duplin unexcelled service. Our battery and generator service is first class, also. M O. Summerlin j MT. OLIVE, N. C. - 'U PAGE FIVE