•V ■ ' t 9 ama from*, mscst ». mm | Did you know that I was an tnsur \ ance Agent? Did you know that thafwas ( my specialty?' Did you know that I can [/ sell you something that no other company dos 3 soil? t pid you know that out* com* 1 has loaned over two hundred thou aund dollars to-the home owners of Gokja boro? Did you know that we have sold j[ more insurance than ever before? Did ' you know that the Equitable Life Assur- K ance Society was a Mutual Company and * ( one of the greatest organizations in the world? v If you do not know these things, let me tell you about it, oh the street, on t^ I s side walk, in the gutter, in your office ©r 1 I mine, by letter, over the phone, in your 0 store or your home—l do not care, just let 5 me tell you. I positively must talk about l it. If I Edgar H. Bain T * 9 Special Representative of IS r | V \ » j The Equitable pife Assurance Society . -■ : ; I m " «■" •* iiIMM |K HMPIn if I 1 t.H) * %,./ f Jf* ■*'• Iff ONE HUNDRED PER CENT » '«i ** ;v nr. i-* . _,#>«.***,s 1 CO-OPERATIVE * *• m * * -• ?“■'«# < *; • v i , ' V. x * ■* t, * ■ • ■’ „ , SATURDAY, SEPT. J, HAS BREN DESIGNATED “SIGN-UP” DAY BY THE NORTH CAROLINA CO-OPERATIVE. ASSOCIATION, AND THE OCCASION WILL BE FITTINGLY OBSERVED IN THE WAYNE COUNTY COURT HOUSE. EVERY FARMER, EVERY BUSINESS MAN, SHOULD MAKE IT A POINT " ' *• j 1 TO BE PRESENT IN THE COURT HQUSE HERE ON THAT DAY AND HEAR THIS GREAT MOVEMENT EXPLAINED. WAYNE COUNTY SHOULD MORE THAN REALIZE ITS QUOTA OF 5,000 NEW CONTRACTS, THE GOAL SET FOR “SIGN-UP DAY.” 1 A .jia.. i„* if l.» .A.iwv THIS SPACE PAID FOR BY THE . >. *„ A*M «#£ •t • * % *• • ii • * W j v *****■■ •* * * ■ % , 1 - -f „ ,\ ■ ■ . la NATIONAL BANK OF GOLDSBORO 1 ' ■ “ ' ~ .-m' * * M f BOOSTS BOOZE Pips B Five ’ Thousand Gbllbmi Are I UMM S#M i. ft SweSeta feryry Ifcy A . • H STOCKHOLM li- -—-Legislation in Sweden against druakehnehs ami JVj consequent heavy taxation on liquor and hoof has mulled in eery high «j prieea for alcohol of ever* kind go mob VI ao that smuggling of drink inW.Kwr«l«-n II kaa developed all along the i-addt. and It it ia asserted that about IfiOO gallon* I from the Baltic are landed uad aold ini (I Sweden awry dag. . ■4. Recently a German thip *ll said to H he anekofod outaide territorial valrn 11 with a cargo of s#(rH* for *alo. In (| ordqr to oatnbliah the trutk of thia I «l‘re*d rum running. the correspondent [ of thr Ataociated Proa* derided upon |!a personal investigation. With a friend I he embarked oq a tlx ton cutter for l! iVii German boat, which wan expected I off Sandhamn, and after a pleaaant anil tlln the moonlight came up with the vea J ael which was riding at anchor with tt the lights ahowing, // °n hailing the reaael we were re- VI quested to go aboard and weretVeeeivesl ff cordinllg by the captain, "fast wait VI ing for somebody else,” he said, “but j II you are very welcome anyhow.” Asked; It down to the cabin, the visitors ex )l plained they wees neither buyers or I (I alcohol nor id the service of the cue )1 tom#, but only wanted to tears some (l thtng flr*t hand about selling epirita ll on the high seal. (| Th * eoptaia was a young Gorman. ll{ about thirty year* old. “You take me If for a smuggler," he said" “or boot JI ,< ’gff* r ou \ buaineaji beyond the If **w, hut are duite mistaken. Sy nam> VI la Ludwig Wolff, formerly *f The Q»r j M •» r > npvy., I 4» n» business which Jl cab not hone mamlnatlon. and would It not for anythiag la the world infringe VI on the privileges <>f Sweden. I am in /#, international water*, and am entitled to VI trade here as neucb aa I with with ll anybody who wants to do business with ll me. I can offer you the purest and M hpal whiskies. English and American. If at abqut SI 25 a quart. I have the beat 11 I>aai*|l »cheap* It 3 krone q bottle. (I and many thqusanda bottles -es Ger jl man brandy." fl Wolff, referring to himaalf. explained jl that he had been paid off from thr navy . ff when the armistice waa declared, and \l on hearing of the liquor trade with ll i urw *l’ ba decided to join in. “1 am Vl not dealing for my own account." be' II * aid; “thia buaineas I* organised in. VI i Hamburg by big capitalists. Liquor in II Germany la very cheap and Bran ll dinavisn currency very big, so although! Jl we sell much cheaper thag do rrei* (f tered dealer* ashore, the proAt for as )1 Is nearly 600 per rent.” lie added he expected to get rid of hit preeeat cargo within a week and return for more. He if _ ' . mm re utp tt to Harare. thi* rerelSr sat I'kb mailing good tub DEATH LOMBK OF WAB. K LONDON, Aug. 2®.—Rome interesting and novel facta respecting England's social progress sad national healtk are revealed in the rttrroat report of Ike Registrar—General of England, a mon umental work es Ml closely prinked page*. More children were'horA thin i ever before, white the deatkrqte of lit per 1,000 was the loweel recorded* Nev er before were there bo many marriages 1 ia one year.. The diver?* rate eoathiuea to iacreaae, the number being thrica that of any yepr prior to Ittt. j* There was a striking growth of mar riaget of boys leas than 20 years eld The number us young widower* and #1- j deriy bachelors whq married was dou I bit previous records, while the total j i of widows under 21 who married again nxeaoged Ini only ore previous fear. Diborce increased hy 100 per sent over the previses year. in 4 Wes nanrly tre ble that •< any senior date. The num ber of illagitimnte children waa tiblow thnt of war time* being 4 «» per cent. The death rate in tuberculosis wna considerably lower than that of any pievipus year on record, but the mor tnl tv rate ia malaria greatly In.creoa-j ed. while in measlea it doubled. Tan eer mortality for bath sens waa con siderably higher. Infant mortality de creased, but thq number of women who d-ed in child birth was' distressingly I le-gc. owing largely to septic causes The figure* relating to the birthrate confirm the Ind belief that nature sne i reeds in restoring the balance between males fad females which tear tend* t« dv.-trey An excdss of male over female l bltths is normal, but the highest record ed ratio la the years of pears was 1,. M 2 boys to 1.000 girls. In IHIO this ratio had risen et l.Odtt, and fa 1020 it dropped to I,OM. NEW SKIN ClAftfc HATJD IN CHICAGO BY Bq| GIBBON*. ~, | ( HICAIK), A*g. 1 .—‘‘Tqke one - of Iheie Hurd |Nrr* and wish you were 1 somewhere and presently you’ll And you’re there.” ' This waa tha salat talk handed out ! ! hf « bewhlakared chap whose forefath i •r» most likely sold gold bricks to an enthralled r(jentele of foreigner* herd. Mr. Whiskers guarantaed his ware in preparation for the street car strike I •hick made Chicago hoof It. The piUs of course, hq said, would rnly work In case a. strike took place. I For- rack imekre* J« he charged Ml rents. A good many were sold. He pictured to his prospects the ad vantage of swallowing a “strike pill” over walking to and from work. ( i “All you have to do is take a pill and say ’> with I ware on the job.’ and In 0 1 « minute tbw pill take you,” he promised. j Os cattrse the nostrum didn't wor%. | It Were made of coated gulp which the,, , pwrrhssert chewed in vain and than walked: If Whiskers ever hits thia town again he’ll have to hot foot it some himself, , his v victtms warn.' i » *•***'» r«T*»J^L«u| U H* n """•T furnU “ r « or «»* “" «ny thrown away *r bar *.i aaffag the f*SRf trPCSiJLi & '.r.t, . * urf * c * **?*■? *• labor of waahieg tb. davtae. .. SI "oLn oT tartJ r a *«»* *■*.»■• , . , roepldor hail fervn patented with ro- canted that can ha ateritisad tiT batU A aaw electric tight can inov*!,. Unlag. th . t eM b. inf „ t . r wHheat injury. l T- ¥f- «f --;• All Kinds of Building Material / T ' • Ol!R STOCK AND SERVICE IS UNEQUALIJSO ELSEWHERE IN EASTERN NORTH CAROLINA. LET US CONVINCE,KijL £ I, , . . • • 1 Your* very truly tps A. T. Griffin Mfg. On. 1 GOLDSBORO, N. C. / n ■ PAGE ELEVEN

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