»,—.— - , sc , | ~ ‘ mt^"^^^^M^^^^^re^R^M^pß^^pWdPWsMWftiPM^^P^BßßpftWnnWßftftftnHHl|)HaMßßKy|y^Nßß^^p^p|NNN|^WWh*ldwM***nuWnn*WUS*weiOsow^n*wMwn**nMsre^^s— —**---*mteamw*oww—saw—*— n~' .vi voumi am; nvniu im. coumboro how cin«j jjatmt* xnwwo, tw. *m PUCB mB can* Oppose Government I Operation Railroads TO (MB EFFORTS , i MEASURES OF» * i LESS DRASTIC KIND m ’ A AteiaMraliofl Hear* Thai Ben p , itorial Group* Art Aftlmt -\s • Taking Till* Step HARDING ALSO SAID TO HE OPPOSED TO PLAN ■ .—--i i M g WASHINGTON. August t* Proposal • I for governor operation of rail and roal U? * property warn pat said* at least for the praaant, and today administration lca<sr •r» both la and out of coaimt centered 1 their efforty Instead upon leas draatle measures to meet the present industrial |rp' <; With the return to Washington of PrssldMt Hardin*, after a Sunday con ference with some of hit principal ad *. riser* on board the yacht Mayflower, it became apparent that no government operations are to become a part Os the present administration at present. Not only was it revealed that the president himtalf was not disposed to ask for congressional authority to take over the properties involved in the ait - notion, bat it was made known also that an influential group of leaders in the Senate and House had taken a position which wo«Jd make passage of the autho rised legislation extremely difficult. < Meanwhile, committees in both j branches of congress reported for pas- , sag* Inter in the week a bill recom t mended by the administration to I JL Strengthen its hand in controlling coal t distribution by endorsing federal con- t trel and by giving to the interstate ( 9. commerce commission broader powers over priority of shipments. In the House i i, the bill will be taken up tomorrow under I a rule providing for st> hours of de- I hate. I In the Senate committee action was ! taken only after a short session And with sea number reserving the right to debate ' ■pb* ■ tb* hill at tewgth on the Senate fthnr, 1 while the House Committee did not vote It* approval until it had heard argu- ‘ moots for the emaaure by Secratary Hoover and by Interstate Commerce J Commissioner Altchlnson, and some sharp criticism of some of its phases and potentialities by representatives of * both employers an dlabor leaders in the ' Industries. Notwithstanding the opposition Pres- ' 'V. Ideal Harding was informed late in the day by Republican Grader Mendell that HMi the diatribution measure would he brought before the House tomorrow, or ' before Wednesday night. No such quick * action was in prospect in the Hrnat* ‘ where the legislation situation is more complicated, but leader* predicted thap there would be favorable action without much daisy. , i mm co-nns j OFHCIJILS HERE TODIY! f I. . Aaron Hapiro Among Thom.* , Scheduled to Attend ('on ference in (ioWtshoro w .»....< , i All tdrractors and official! of the r Tobacco Growers' t o operator Assorts I tion will be in session hera today at c I# oVlocti In Ihc Chamber of Oppimerre, i It waa stated last muht by G. A Nor wood, president of Inc association It i It understood that Mr. Norwood has j aeverul new pinna to make to the or- i f*ni*ation which will make the work i of the organisation, more effective. Those who will he present today are: G. A. Norwood, President;. Bright a Williamson. Vice President; Jo*. M Hurt. Vic* President; Jas. II Crsi*. 1 -Treasurer; Oliver J Sand*. Kxcrutivr ' Manager; R R Patterson, General Men 1 s »fvf. Usf Department; < . B Uhestham, ' Assl General Manager, Leaf Dept A. 1 R Breedlove, Asst. General Manager, W- •‘csf I*vpl ■; f H Williams, General C Manager, Run Cured and Dark Leaf Tie part men t; T. C. Watkins. Jr., Director 1 Warehouses ;M O. Wilson, Secretary and field Service; Aaron Sapiro, General Counsel; W. T. Joyner, Asat. General Counsel. Directors J A. Brown, f’hadhourn, N. f\; G A Norwood. ?>old*boro. N. C’.; 1 *yj T. Joyner. La Grange, N. C.; J. H. X 'Ward, Ayden, N. C.; J P. Cohb, Pine- 1 Ms n I*. N. C.; S. F Austin. Nashville, N. R JL 8. T. PeaPce. .Henderson, N i , | a G. Maas, Oxford. N. C.l H B. Whit* • P lay. Wendell, „N. f.; Southgate Jones, I Durham, N, f.; J M Galloway, Greens* l boro, N. C.J A. L Hunker, Mt Aiey, N I ' X: 1 J- l,r »«n Grimes, Raleigh, N r,i O' R West. Aston. Va ; F O. Mct'er |Aick. Java. Va;; T. < Watkins. Jr, Kouth Jnston, Va.; N H Williams, Chase City. Va t Jos. M Hurl, Rlarkstnae, Va.; M O. Wilson. Key wilt*. Vi.; t W Wing Gold, Naruna. Va.; W S Garrett. Hula. Va ; Oliver J. Sands, Kirhmond., Va ; Bright Williamson, Darlington, K r.j T., H Taang. Florence, S. 0.; E. C. Kppa. King* tree. R. C. A con shaped implement has hern In vented for balding chickens quiet when ' they art to be decapitated A movement is on foot in Japan to Make a government monopoly of all that country’s water power reseuri.es. ' THE GOLDSBORO NEWS , ~ ..-j: ; ,:2 jmii-t-, ,■ i - * th 11 ■■■ ■ {. " Three Goldsboro Strikers Ask For Their Jobs Back Three car Inspectors, B f. Wor rel. R M. McCall, and H L Sasser, out ort strike witk tke shopmen since July 1, yesterday asked for tbaig Jobs bark and went to woyk, according to Tkomas J. Casey, agdnt here for the Norfolk and Souther*. This includes all the cor Inspectors, and ienves only a helper •till Mt eg •trike. Railroad officials here say thla is the beginning of the end of the j •trike In Goldsboro, but they of- ( course are unable te say when the , remaining shopmen out on alriko l will return to work, or whether thoy •Iso Will return at all in defiance of tho unions. There Were about tt | men involved in the strike here. . I , ...... ... ■ FORD CLOSES PUNT j TO PREVENT COUGHING BY COAL OPERATORS ■ Manufacturer Hays He Hat* He gnn a Fight For What He Hetieven ia a Great Principal • • - ‘ V) DETROIT. Aug. 2ft. (By the Aaso’ dated Press) —Henry Kord, in announc- ! ing Saturday that his plants would he ‘ closed September Ift because of rondi- ! tion* in the roal industry began a fight for what he believed is grant principle, ! the Associated Press was infarmed to- j day in sources close to the magufactur- I era. „ "' Mr. Ford it was stated hqs started what he declares is a fight against al leged profiteering in coni and that ha believes he ia In a better position per- [ haps to do to than any one else. He facia it waa atated, that by taking up tke flrht he Is doing every other, as well as working men througk the country, a roal anwokao... - . -swr" -> Mr. Ford denies there is u cool short age-. .The investigations of hta represen tatives has convinced him, It* was stat ed that coal brokers «f the country have an enormous supply of coal on hand. The ford Motor Company could oblaia -enough coal to cover a tract ten * • crea square if it would submit, to be- I ing victimised by profiteers, it waa de clared. Kor several week*’,’ It was asserted, the Kord office* at Dearborn have been 1 flooded with offers of roal with deliv- j eric* guaranteed. It wa* declared the j prices asked ranged from 100 to 300 per 1 cent above the normal cost. O MOOKK PROPOSES INQUIRY. WASHINGTON. Aug 2*. -An investi gation by the House Judiciary Commit tee of "what legislation may be enacted with reference to thf existing eqier ftenry or any similar emergency that may occur.” was proposed in a resolq. lion today introduced by Representative Moore. Democrat. Virginia which would | have the committee report at the “ear liesj possible lime" what ran he done to “bring about an exercise of the pow- j cr possessed by the government for the j protecting and safeguarding tha inter-i cats of the public.” NO EARLY RECESS. WASHINGTON, Aug 2ft.—No early re | cc«s or adjournment of the House ia in I prospect Major Leader Mondcll said la ' day iq response to a speech in the | house by Representative Mobre. Ds-mo rrat Virßtnia. who declared that in view the industrial situation Cuugrcsy I would not dare run away,” Mr. Mondell j said his recent prediction of •■ .4 , jqurnmrnt was based on a bellies that! a conference report on the tariff hill ' would not be sfieedily submitted Peace Pact la Sight. PHILADELPHIA, Aug 2* Ojfcrn rnrnt intervention over th„ sriiut* of mine, .nd in the Interatatr ~iu a. lion will not effect freight, it was learn ' rd here tonight from a highly authori a tivr *<>urr*. Thia information was. given fom pub | lication with the understanding that th. informant', name he not diifrlosed for the present. Further Information from this source was th be that very soon, probably with in a week or 10 days, representatives of the anthracite epvralors will sign a, pear* pact that Will send Üb.INW min ' era back to week after two weeks, with neither side roeediag from ita present stand ar making further ronreaston* Preset,ai f, r „„„ agree mem with nonunion roal opera-' tors Was effective today, it sjaa announc ed by Kuel Administrative Distributor S|renc#r, The agreeniMW'ks to trices j restraining non-union operators, he j said, “espired today with the resumption ' of the union bituminous mine*. Since ' operators have held to this agreement! it is found that the public has hr-n 1 paying a very large sqm Pending action of rongresa and the j "Fefe authorities the only restraint up- I prices IS the srhedule of prices de- ' tinned effective by the governors of th state roal commission in some of the Slates, and it is earnestly hoped that the operators and dealers will confer "The price! are about 14 Ml per ton maaimum in Kentucky, Tennrssec. West Virginia, and Virginia coal fields, tpd $3 75 for Pennsylvania veins The stan dard has net yet been sat In other states. * l ' SOUTH (MINI IS VOTING i BLEkSE MB FNE OTHERS Me Lead, Lcncy, C oleatan. Canty and Duncan Are the Other (andidalett TWO WOMEN ARK IN THE FIELD FOR STATE OFFICES V GREENVILLE. 8 C.. Aug 2ft With €#le L. niraaw seeking a third term as ge verb or end twenty alx other randi | dates in tha race fur state offices, the | BmMl ( arailna Ddnierratic primary elnetion will he held tomorrow. Tor l Mi* Drat tlm# wuntrn will participate, •pptwnimately 74AM women qualified by I ynruHawkit te vote Iq the primary. heaviest vntr in the histcry of ' h«y state ia sapsctad. jtwo women caadidates are in the field tdr state offices. Mrs Bessie Rogers iJDrake, of Marlboro, and Mr*. Barton ; Wallace of Richland are two of the five -pponeau of Superiatendent of Educe | lion, John K. Swoarrngen. who has held ibe office fourteen years. In addition ta Col* L. Blcasr. L. G. j McLeod, Georg* L. Laney, William Cwla man, B. 4. ( only and John- T. Duncan ' ar* candidate* for governor, -•» Unlike most campaigns in Boutk Cnr- I olinn, the campaign Which closed ia Spartanburg Inst Friday was marked by few signs of factionalism. The linos ap pear to he tightly drawn, howavar, ba iween the Blaaae pnd th* anti Bleasr ■ force* in the race for governor. .In fqur of the seven congressional ! districts the present Congressmen ars opposed to renominatioa. In tha first l district. Congressman W. Turner Logan : ia opposed by I. 8. Hutto and James B Morrison, Congressman Fred H. Bomi nick, of the third district, has two op ponents Ed P. McCrdvry and Snni H Sherard. FWrmer Governor Blcasr has sought nomination for a third term as govern or on a platform on which ha claimed that the administrations qf Governor Harding A. Manning and Robert Cooper “bankrupted the state,” that useless of fices and unnecessary expenditures in government were responsible for high taxea, and that the admlnletrntions of the two governors succeeding him in of fices were responsible for tha crime ex isting in the state. Thomas G. McLeod, and Gporgr T. Laney, presented platform) In which they favored tax reform*liberal supnprt of education and rigid enforrvmHtC bf the |atws. John T. Duncan, throughout the campaign directed attacks at former Gevernor Rieaae, claiming tb* latter had th* aupport of the Republican party in attempting to split the DembcraUr vote In South Carolina and deliver his following into th* Republican party. SENDS U6K STUFF’ 111 I»JMESTED 1-jtGrange Man is Alk-pcd tn Have Mailed Objectionable' Card to KncmicH l'-n. A, R Richard of U Grange haa been arrested by Deputy U, 8. Marshall, L. R Joyner of Rocky Mount on a charge of rending "rough stuff.” through the mail. It is - claimed that he rent ob jectionable post cards to several people he didn't particularly fancy. The war rant wa* sworn out by Deputy Internal Revenue Collector A. T. Crsell, HERRIN SLAYINGS I BEING PROBED Invretillation of Mine Outrage" Will lie Fair, It ia In dicated MARION, 111. Aug. 2ft lly the,Asso ciated l*rc«* i More than after J« non union worker# at the lu>alrr Strip pit, which had been deserted by union hiludtlnoua coal diggers, were killed, what has come to be known aa the "Herrin massacre” today wa4 the subject of official inquisition. Th* 2*l lost their livest lb separate attacks June 21 and 22, the greater number the second day when they were herded from th* pit qnd. according to eye-witncaaes, brutally shot, be*tee and rut to death That the investigation beginning to day would he fair and far reaching was indicated by the announcement of Ed ward J Hrundagc, Illinois attorney gen eral, that neither miner nor roal opera tor had been pul on the especially call ed grand ‘Jury. Among witnesses summoned are She? iff Thaxton, his deputise? and ( ornnrr William Met owes Cal, Sam Hunter of the Illinois National Guard, wha. investi gated the Herrin mine war at the re quest of Governor Len Small, arrived here last night ready to testify before th<£|grend Jury It wa* said here today that Attorney Hrundagc had advanced s&,noo out of his personal funds to defray the »x --pense es the investigation, for which many witnesses have been summoned 1 from other states. A pneumatic cushion which ran ha in flated with an automobile lire pump Fas been invented for ua* ailk hooch | tbfirs. Sed'Sew i ! „ THOUSAi FEET DIRT i .. > I Fire In Main Nt •( Mire Hovers a Tkauaand Feet p Over Them E MAJORITY OF tHE MKN S ARE HEAD OF FAMILIHK n „ - h JACKSON. Calif , Aug. Ift.—Mine raa s i Mirers worked without avail ta th* Are- I-. genaut goal cause in vrkich 4ft men were c entombed at midnight by nVfira. Tha y idea ware below between 4,M0 and 4 JtOO r feet of dirt, while tha main body as tha -, fire was more than lAW fact above y them. . Employes of th* cnina were sent into th* Kennedy mines. tAlck connects with , the Aregenaut through a concrete tun -4 net. but which ta closed with concrete * sections, with instructions to 1 break down tha bulkheads and enter tl|a r Aregenaut. It ba4 tmen reported that I the Kennedy had eutlnpaed hut the re 4 port Waa not verifleCk I tunnel of the Kennedy ha* col- I- j la died litU* if any hope ia aiprvssed n | fur the entombed med- During the day 1 pip** ware pnt la the to carry wnter down ta the bnraing lim n I bars. Before the water had been ear-' y ‘ ried down ta skits, i Forty-two of the men Were said to.be i- married. Most of them five in this re « gion. il ! SAN FRANCISCO, Cat., Aug. H—(By * the Associated Press) Seventy-five it men romprieing tha aatire night force n 1 es the Argonaut mine, Jackson. Amador 4 I | Colknly. nr* entombed in the mint as the i- j resnlt of a fire which broke out nt mid i- night, according tn a report received by I . Byron O. Pickard, at Berkeley, of tke Bureau of ttlnes. front D H. Downing, t superintendent of the mind. A I- j A rescue crew, koaded by Plchnfd' d and Rodney H. Con, left Berkeley fer ri Jackson early today so effect a reacts* r ! of the man bold in th* ntia# below the j . a, #oo foot mark n H. M Wiflin, superintendent of safe-I h ty of tha California ladnstrial Acei-i f 1 dent Commission, wa* by tele/ . phone from tke Argon ant mine. Jack-; . 1 son, that A. Garbsrlqj. manager of tha mine, hag enlisted the aid of a rescue crew and had gene igt» the mine shift , in an nttampt tn smogti r th* flam#*, i f If an axpnriment with M)0 nutomatic t i tclaphones succeeds in Shanghai their r use will be extended throughout the r city. r A fastener has been invented far , balding wall board on studding with- tho use of nail*. GETTUKm I iilE COTTi CHOP i Majority of Co-opgraUvc Houmc To Be Ready For* Opening September First # i RALEIGH, Aug. 2ft.—Plana for hand ling the cotton of members of th* North . Carolina cotton grower* cooperative as , sociali on were outlined at a meeting es the field men of the orgainaation in . Raleigh today. Warehouse managers will , he called for a conference Inter in the | week. KegreaenUtiva* es the nanociaUoa. including Secretary Bing, are new mak 1 ing visits ta hanks throughout the rot 1 ton belt to acquaint hankers with tha I i methods of financing. Arrangements’ haw already keen mad* te secure o the l credits needed to make advances B. F. ' IRrown. manager of tha rotten depart- | meat, ia rapidly Itamg up warehouses I j for the use of the association's cotton. I Th* majority of the warehouses will | h* ready ta receive cation on Heptemhcr | Ist, the data set for the first delivery j 4 of cotton to the association. Th# head quarters staff is working night and day ! i to have everything in readiness for re-| calving ration aa soon as it begins to com* on the market. It ia not expected | that the new crop will begin to move , before September D»th By (hat time the - • association will hav« everything ln * i smooth running ordvr. r. . i W: H IIUNCAN Ift POBTMABTRR " *'ITY OF RALEIGH 4 . - RALEIGH. Aug 2ft The Uniter?' » j States Senate has confirmed the nom-] r | Inalinn of William H, Duncan as post. 11 master of Ralaigh, The Republican* of Wake County in their ronvanUon agreed an him, the , only oppoaltiqp, ia it said, mining from . I Ed, Forsythe of this city, a former -. DeWorcut who was •' candidate for the - j office There ha* never been ques tion qf opposition ta his ranflrmatton coming from Senator Simmons and (>V. rinan. bol h friends of hi* father, r the let* K • arl Duncan f Representative* of the Pootofflre - Department rotivassed ihe local aanti m«nt in regard to the appointment in d i the late spring, presenting a list of e i several candidates and asking what are usually termed “representative'' rill v ] sens how the community felt No app u f sition appears to havg been aroused • *» a result of this, and Mr. Duncan h takes o n th# postmaster with ka few 'j contrary minded a* any nf his rscant predecessor#, , I Anchor ahnsre, heretofore mads from P wrought irwn by hand, can bu east In h | their entirety from aland by a new yra • cea*. i T7a. Geff 18- Year Sentence, Swear a Vengeance On Hie Protection] ————— ! Tlffi * j While they were taking Krnaat Brown, colored, 22 years age. hack »o Jail yesterday after Judge Olivar H. Allen kad passed an sigh tees year sentence on klm far ea< ond degree murder, he espied Ut* two negroes, Duke Wagner and Lijsk I'krker, who were witnanea* against , him. H#-gave them a star* leak •nd said ia an awful voire: “Niggers, when I giU out l'a ! cornin' back and all Is gut spy is you better ba doae and lass hare I's cornin' back to git yottl” Duke and Lijnk gave him tha horse laugh, “Lord nigger,” sold Li job. in MTS CUT| HAS BREEZY StSSKW I j Frank Tear key, Colored, Haw I Worttl Lark, Hlxzenrr Gi* • in« Him .10 Day* II ______ ■j • Mayor Bain's policf court had a brerxy session yesterday. imposing a number of I I fines sos week-end drenkrnrs. and dis orderly conduct, frank Toarhey, color i , ! «*. atoppod Into tha vorat luck, getting i i a road sentence of to daya for drunk i entaa and diaordariy conduct. It we* « j kia third offanao. Mayor Bain kad triad i ! fining Taarhay, hut it didn’t toarh him i much, ao ka decided to lot Toackoy try j hip hand on the highwayeysteai in i teaching hig rock* to bdMlla one# If t he can do that wall Mayor Bain may t give him a permanent job with Mr. Pago i Thoae who** pockathooka fait the | , atroug arm of tl)e law worn, Matthew i Hcnnet, colored found guilty of drunk- • cneaa add diaordariy conduct, ltd and I | coat; /Kuiton Lynch, found guilty of 1 ! being Jdiaorderly, fined M and coat, took "IMI appeal; J. K. Britt, apeodtag Ik and Brown, idaorderly, |l and • number of raaaa ware dismissed t HUMS TILLED I 1 KRIILROiIO SMASH wawaaaaauuao Four Injured Takoo To Horn let 1 HtmplUl Art kiprtri Sertounly Hurt o KAUUUy, Aug. Hl—Two nagro man'' ware iaaUntly killed and three other , men and two woman, nlaa colored, fen t injared thla morning nt liM o'clock | whan Seaboard Air Una paaaeager trtip I Bp. I. aodthkound. struck the autpwao; , | hi|e in whtpk they war* riding dfo 4 1 eme.ing between Now Iftlf and A*«. 1 about IT mflta from Raleigh. Pour of ] the Injured, who Were taken to a hoe ] pital at Hamlet, are reported to ho ig t a aorioua condition and two are not | ea parted to litro. I Nona of the negroea waa identified j accept one, who gave hi* name a* Mar- ( rli Mrlver, Id, of f uwWnock. N. C, He eerapod with plight Injurirep. Mrlver i could net give the name. of tho other | •I* ocrupanta of tha machine. | The hodlaa of tha two ftegro man war* i | turned over to an undertaking eptak- | i Itahmeat nt Hanford to awoit further i i efforta at identlfieatioa. , Tha authoritlad have been unable te | t a.certain detaila of kow tha accident ( occurred Pram the wrackaga of the I automobile, It appeared that tka car waa alao headed aeuthbound and waa a truck whan it triad tw rroaa ahead of , 1 tha train, fragment* of what eppahr- | ,ad to be fruit jura with an odor of I liqnbr warn found nt tho acono. I NORFOLK SUMS ; NEW BtHN SHOPS OPEN a„„ * I Rolling Slock in Suck Hk«pc ( Thai Rcwumplion Os Work Imperative. It i« Said -w . _ I NKW HKRN, Aug. » -The Marfolk ' I Southern ahopa hare, which have been ' i cla.ed ainira the beginning of tka ahnp- 1 man'* (trike ainre July I, reopened this i morning and repair work an angmea ' 1 i *'*• other rolling stock" ha* ba«n ra- I 1 „ aumod. I l Only eight men were at work tkia j morning hut it i* understand that ap plication. far employment bar* been coming in Ihroaghout the day and it la eipected that by the and of the week I the number will be in olroaa of fifty or moro. In on ndvertiaament, appearing in to daya sup-Journal, the foreman annoonr i a* tha reopening of the ahopa and alao »e|a forth the .cal* of wagea whM will be paid tho men in the Variau.Nnv. of ' work Reopening of the ahopa hore and in Norfolk ronetttutea tha flrat move the Norfolk Routhern haa made to employ men to fllj tha plarea of the atriktng , »h»pmen. who hove left tho roilroud’a repair shop* idle alnra July I The ahopa I at Raleigh have net hern reOpcned ju i jret, hut It la underalood that they will 1 be within the neat few day*. Ij Th. condition of tho rolling *tock 1 h** reached «urh a .tote, it la reported. ' '» tmp*r*Ur# tho ahopa be opened or traffia auapondad Aa armed watchman la being kept on doty at th* laaal ahopa day and night I*** vtaltora are allowed (• enter un >lhgpdßgy adpt* their bpulneee, N* alreng *v* MW permitted IP the shop. under ••y dreuawtapcaa. 1 • * t «dk 0 >•* “when you gits thru' reevin' !• . years you'll have 100 many wblslHrnt to git anybody You'll he 100 blsiqq j id find to gth'ootl” "And anyway," added Duke. “Ua i* gat a long lime lo live Ki’toen yvnrn. Whew! . Lijsk and m*l| hsv# grandchildren before you git I thru 1 with dem rands But ink* I ear* of youraolf.” take good enre of yourself, A meat. Ua’ll be plum glad te so* ycu when you's gits cut ” And Deputy Sheriff Rhode* and Officer Langston carried Earnest on. TO INVESTIGATE THE cmrsm City Maaaacr (iraalkam Write* (•mpany In Effnct To U«t l*kurt Kcpaiffd The.city incinerator which hai given trouble ainre it wn* bought nnd which ■aa cnuaeil the complaint of many dll tana In the region around John atrwot . when any kind of (leak waa being burn- j d. it to bo Hive.ligated immediately, It ! wta atated today by tka dty manager who la writing to th* builder, to tend a man here to find tho trwuble. It la believed that p man will b* bar* I within a few day. Tha guaraplap ~n tha indpvrutwr of cwwraa haa expired, t but It haa never glvap aatiafpetlau aim* I II waa bought, it waa abated. It la sup poaod to bo conatructod with high aUcka •a that pot only tho ref tea la conaum •d ha th* fumaa before they leave th* itarh. At praafpt th* inrir.arator eon •ume* neither th* refuaa per th* fume*. Vaklng University will aatahllah an agirrultural achool and aapedmaat sta tion. DENNING IS JAILED | H BIHtGURY CNIIIGE Young CMMmb Man In Fnm. J j la Room At Kimn fH*u ‘ pM By Mr. and Mm. IV« *f a straggle, punctuated by j cries of “kelp helpl" attvurtad th* at. ' tention of Night riwth Ward at th* Kapatua about midnight yaaUrdag. Rush iug td room Nw. Ml. where tho erlaa WkMtod. Mr. Ward found S. F. Force, t !•••». .truggllog with m Intruder Whan th# maw waa qulotod aad th* Mthta turned an ha waa found t* b* , 9mui Denning, young o*l daman maa. wh# was an* of tho thlrtaon poker , player, hailed beferer Judge Oliver H Allan yoatorday afternoon H* waa jailed on a burglar charge. Officer J. 0. Langatea making Ih* arrest. With hie wife, Mr. Pare# arrived her* on a lata Main yesterday evening They had hoan Bleep hut a few minute, be fore Mr. rbreo was awakened by th* saraplag of a holt buckle oa tho I row bedstead N* listened Intanaoly for a few aaconds. Thar# waa a repetition us tha i nelao. His ayaa having hecom* actus tomad to the darkness, Mr Perea man-; aged to make out the figure of a uum bending over th* foot of kia bod. Ho made a lung* for the Intruder. Mr*. Perea, awakened by tb* .trug gle, lay torrur .trteksn while hor boa bond tu.aied with young Denning When Night Clerk Ward arrived ho found tb* pair almnat aahan.tad hy tha struggle Upon tb* appearance of J C Vn»- •tnry, th* proprietor of tho hot*!, pad Officer Lang.ton a aoarch ol Mr., Fere*'. pocket* were mad*. Tw* del-' lara, lator found under th* hod, worn found mixing. Denning denied touching any money, I or that robbery waa hi* motive. H* had be*a drinking, he anid, and "just | wandered in the ream." la feet, k* de flated that ha waa la* drunk tea realise kia predicament. Mr and Mrs. Ferca are from Hen derson. Denniwg |a married aad the fathor of oa* or tw* rbtidre*. It wna ato tod this morning. Ho *u not regia la red *t tha hotel, the presumption being that ho gained the sialra to th* third flawr by walking boldly through tho lobby. Thor* ar* ao many, gueats going nnd renting •I thla hour that egreaa in this manner ' ia possible without dotectlon. Th* door to Mr Pearce's room waa not locked. Dm TO ADDRESS MASS MEETING Tubcrrulgr Eradication In to !!• Subject of Veterinary Rur- Keon Tomorrow A aperisl maa• meeting at the Court HaAr A.dnr.day evening at > 0 clock on illp MuMrcular eradiretiou among rattle wiTtWn addressed hy Dr. Diafltift, ares tha floral department of aaimal induapiy. flr J. A. Eillegtow of th* health dfoertmeet la prepwrtug to put an a plan far eaemluiug all th* a ewe la th* county In re-eparallea with Dr. Ilindknger, and will eealpt Dr. Dtnding rr in explaining whet I* to bp dew* Dr Idling tan axpwcU Is appeal to tbe board of county rommiaotoworo for an appro priation at their seat meeting I >*— ■ -~v ■ W ■ * I MEMBER OF ASSOCIATED PRESS (' ■> « ■■ ,f BN— f SUDSHPIIIK HR CtTTI WAREHOUSE DIE DEI SECURED G. A. Norwood SUrta Move mtnt By Agreeioi to Tok^ . $5,000 Worth Os Stock Ct *■•** ■ *°' o V'• ■ CHAMUKR OF COMMERCE BEHIND THE MOVEMENT The rumpleta report of th# repuwittao , on the IJ.eaa bale cotton warobwtaa* for fioldabora waa awdoraod at e mao* meat- - ing at tb* t bember es Commerep leat night, and swhecvtfAleea for aloch began. 0- A. Norwood started with ttJIM. Many ether* gpv* subscription, which th* committee aspects ta report as. seen as it he* eeuvwadad th* enilr* town. Three beuh* Were repewoewted end *ll agreed to -underwrite th* propaeiuo* for tbeit custom*r* for the amouat tho state doe* not awpply. • It la underktaed thnt th* state will lewd tho money for half of tb* alack in the warehouse. -Ia ' , , It. Was pointed out by U. A. Norwood that thi* point undoubtedly would k*va cotton for • murk Innger tins* during (he year than guaranteed in lb* roatruct be cap** of the favorable position aud tbe saving it will mean tw the association to soli th* cettow lu ether point* aud hold th* rattan stared here until th* last. Th* report follow*! “Mr. Chairman: “Your committeeiformod for tho lavua tig alien es cotton concept ration for (.eld.boro tubes pleaafra In herewith heading yew after con aid* ruble iavue tigetfea end consideration Its fladiaga: "(ioldshere aa th* ee»lar *# produc tion of cotton in North Carolina nnd n* n distributing center geegraphicaUy nnd from a freight n|| .tpndpMpt egßont he exceeded by any etHpt enekeru Wurth Cernlin* city. ft , “We feel that UH* hmp pgMtod by outside authorities when WO ■*• been offered a con tract for kbe a*Mg*n trejlnn of cotton in eweiMW Ml og r " liepjiy the North ( sreißm CpHkhp kW* or. <oarp*r*tlvv Aaaeefljy. Wpir.fl alder th* con tract a Peed Mi Bon. •very engiw aud thlnh i|| mmol M)>‘ ties should be provided Ulm WW lnj|bi take edvantugw es Ihle efjKlta|lMf -of ieereeeiag our trad* iflwf Nnd husiees* With auwk otheg 4tdepf|MMHk|M woptd accrue to our cits U»d epNlflßa. “In oedor to oaoapt sRpR *M|gnah*<- further recommend that n egltM afjpMr<- houae he erected. Boch h*W*o t* T%# built modern so oa to c**MMMpßh|MF e.t twsuranre rat**. • uggwetod i* of Ah* TUhSB , slaw burning construetljjh BHr |>4 with two water ...nnrrliM NMs|fli a II par rout rut* png yearn MMM valuation Mou.e to coot IB P •atimeiod hy N. f igriawNf ml T p> pert most or IISW.MM wblrh W»Mg »• consider a. an outside (ML 3 “We further recommdßi ** th* R| for tha moat suitable >l*oo*lon thud pf R irw.a's ei t segue laeptad $ tween Jam*, and fiapyga streote. R, gMI W and Grantham MMot pad Mm A. k. L as Rout horn end Nortßerw bowmkw le. Knid lot to cost tltjfk' “W* further ruewmmewl that If spat forogwing .uggestlons b* Mapud ppri adopted that immediate WlßMirwi MMB to complete arganlaatle* e< CwNHBMW ••d prwceed with erectiap M Mwm gt csmpletleu I* a meet Important item. "Reepeetfully Submitted, -JOHN R. CRAWFORD/ “JAMES KYLE. j. , t* “D. C. HUMPHREY. “THOB. H. NORWOOD." EACH MEMBER TB GET SAME FOR SAME GRADE Coil m Will Abo Be Holi rM MorkoioM (iraMuaHy, B«yo Maoßßor Bio lock ■ ■■ ■■ RALEjGH. Aug. U. Every member of th* North (sr*l|n* Cotton Grewor.' Co-operation nsowclatlea Will receive the earn* price for tb* earn* grade wed seme •tapl* of cotton delivered to tho aoeo elntlwp, according to Genoral Manager U. R. Blalock, who explained In a state ment Issued today that th* sbjdct es th* association ia tbe orderly market!eg of cotton General Manager Blalock said that tha Impression lu >*m* quarters that tbU association is a holding orgsntuuMup is erroneous It will hold the cotton sad market l| gradually ef damping It en the market, hut It# pri mary purpose Is t# sell th* cotton of It* members. Mr Blnloch said, at the host pries obtainable. Bine* each member will rare Era -the earn* price for pH cotton of th* swim grade and etapl*. there iu be a* die rrimin.tiee by th* association. WhM. tb* cotton Is delivered, an edvaueu M fifty dollars on oorh bale will ho mad*. As tb* eettbw I* mattered th*r* will h* other advance, mad* on It uaUI ell es tb* cotton delivered t* th* ssooeiatlap he# keen sold when tb* tins! distribu tion will he made. Whßo with the fleet not toe. of th* merhwt. there will be different yrtre. received iwg cotton of th* rem* grad* and staple, thou* differences will be eqepllppd In thp final dtatribuiieao, so that nil member* - having cotton of th* rem# grade end step!* get th* eppi* prie*. Mr. Blalock sold. While th* ran., sseaclutlea I* net a bolding organisation Ip tbe ***** Met It will bald Mb a certain definite pries, It wl.l pier* it. rotten on the market grwdaeliy with e view ta getting th* heel price that tb* maflwt afford*. M / •US explained. :«■ t J * t) '•«. '* V. ...

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