PAGE TWO ] NEWS OF THE CITY ~ POOD HANDIER* mm m *xaihnsd Elimination qf fund hanilltra of tho ctlj U _p«A da* (l l» atalcd at tin hialth rfrpaftmtnt and the hvalth »l »,firtr inland. to itiatu that all food tintrdieri lit warkttx. hotvU, and c*f»* ho cxaixiigvd »»«hin the nrxt f«« da)' All food hrfbrfltr* front now «». it l« atated, will hav* to carry card* to asqp tw hot*,no contagion* diaeaxa irtm makKK talk TO EIWANI* CU B An Alexandria aperial to yvxtcrdaj'a t Wuhiaaton I’oat aayf; Wilder M. Rich. Alexandria'* new city will ikriivrr an addrqa* before tho Kiwahia club at It* lonofcr,,* ot'tliw Westminster building today at 1 o'clock I As this is Mr. Wilder's first public ut toranc* since taking office, September 1. It is expected that a full attendance of the stub will hear him. TWO Ml* COUPLES t.KT LICENSE • Cupid continues his September drive unabated, 32 people having' sure nbed to his marksmanship since the nvgin ning of tho Septambbrr mornings of 11*8* Hit latest victim* *re Adrian Harper of Duplin ocunty and Mis* Be atrice Aycock of Buck Swamp who*e 'names appeared on yesterday's list 1> B Lancaster of pikcvMle and Mi** Nun nl* Casey of fj» Grsage appear on Tied nrsday's record baV-uatoN SCHfkOi ■KNKFIT TON Hi If T. Tkronty-flve people have been rehears ing and praetteing for the past month and a half for the comic entertainment / to Ke given at the Saalston school house tawight for the benefit of the t«hooi and the Methodist church. Alt the (Karaoker* am familiar With their parts and prepared to *f»e the public a ceVll 1 table product inn. h Was stated There nee three pfcyx to he presented in the «oWw of the entertainment. MUCH TLHERf l LOUIS AMONG (■OLDSBOR<I NEt.KOEM. i vThe following extract from the month-' ly report of the colored charity worker speaks for itself: "We kaew of one family in which throe persons have died of tuberi tilosis ia less thaia Ik months Many of our people do not know that this disease is contagious, neither do they believe It when told of its danger. ‘last mouth I visited a few rates of isbernrisiii sad found conditions in every ease favorable to the spread »f tho disease germs Each Os these case* was la the last stage; one #f the pa ttents has died atace my vial*." W*KIAI (AH n E MAttftV At SMTHPnCLI). The culsatnation of a rumaru-e which • ■ad it* inception s-hen the young rou P|o met pi SMapshorn the past summer ok«a yesterday in Hmlthfield when «... *■*« IrWia, of this city, and Mr John of Now Bern, Wcry married. Thu ceremony, a quiet affair, was wit •wM hp the bride's brother, Mr Ralph D. Irwin, Ikes. Irwin, Miss I.udie Grantham and Mr. LoWell Pickup. Un til recently. Mist Irwin was connected with the National Bpnkr oi Ooldsboro. fHtmuwis WnfflHfS- LiMMIW WHivm At KlßMon Nl SBf^)rtWP; Good Ktellnii , V On Bo(h Sides KINSTON. Kept 7.- With the inde pendent tobacco market here making a big splurge and frequent comment on the fart that tha “ro ops," who control pussibly a third of the market floor •P*co, are kringiag in their product vary slowly, friends of the farmers' asociatton today pointed out conditions I *r«po«>Hblo for tks organisod irowri' I PaoWhuss. In the first plaro, "oidvrly marketing Is one of ths pnncipsl oh Juris pf the assoriatioa, perhsps thr *f*fi •** Members are being consist ontly advised to bring in tbsjr leaf lelsurvly. Territorial independence of the big rnarheu is anotksr factor -Ta ops" leader# declared the h >i aton { independent market had greath in If* Urritaiy. Tobacco i bung kw*Rht hare from points many miles aWay. There was no inelmstion to deny that the local aartiog mankit was growing stronger. For many years one ***• greatest bright leaf markets, the 1 Kinaton Tobacco Board of Trade is witnessing ths eslension of the mar. 1 bet's influence to producing apaes which BOY VG<f * »fw .** our Dress Coat Suit I Or Coat V, AT Neil Joseph's j • t •, . St 1 •nd you will he pleaned « have abandoned their small Indcpend < nt markets under the pr*-**ure of the co-opttalivn' invasion. On the other hand, the association is maintdlning many markrts, or r< ceiving centers, at smalt ponils in this territory. A doaen smalt towns were named at whtrb the gulden l«o*f (• hi inf (muled. The “organlred" grower In a hitherto msrketlrss cuuni) dor* not dopr have to travel lung distanevs to Kinston, (ireaavillr or anulhi r sailing point. fUr facilities are in close pro* imity to his fdrm, and Die price* he will he paid will be practically or exact ly the same as bis fellow in an other county draw*. There was no criticism us thr independent inarkvl in . tb«- 'vhei-as-i-m. B*posted hard feelings have tailed to materialise heVe, and if there is ever any fleering out it will bo open and above board and it will in accomplished by 20th centugy econo mil's* legitimate method*. If th c i o-opa" here and ■ elsewhere in this immediate territory fall to "set the woods afire" this season, there will be no reason' for discourage went, it was said. I nder present local condition* cooperative marketing was not expected to produce a Klotidykc in a season. Even l»" scsson* may not do it. stive marketing leaders believe tOrcoss inevitable here, however, and that a comparatively ahort tifne will elapsg before everything that Was claimed f„ r cn-opr ration prill inatanalitr l n other sections prosperity for thr co-operative •sesn »el «>** ..on, (onAlnucd Ominous Sir ns of Republican Disaster in Full Elections WII.SON’S INFUtNCK THROWN TO STKI’HKNS M AKHIM.TON, Kept. 7. Vexterdsy's Kerinlorial priinsries, in whlrh Senator loi Ilqllette way renominated by tho He publlridVm W ueons|n and former Ke|> reaentative Hubert tl Stephen* »«, nominafyfl by the Drmocrata in Vtis si a cause of cafnfort to Ute Demoeranr lenders here snd of addi tional concern to the Hepublican lead er*. Mr I-ii Toilette's victory, much more irnporlant <vf the turn, is significsPt to both Republicans and'Detain rats,-* not W1 the mere fact of Victory, for that has been regarded as assured and long sinee wa* discounted, hut in the enormous popular sapport given him and m the 'hnincter of fight which jiyareilt-d iho ■taring of th* support. stets rive Krsenth. df 'Tote. Figures reaching Washiwt,.,, tin. K * •» ) j Out of Date ! ) Yards that muasuro only «T r > inches and 15-once (/ ) iKiuntis arc out of date. Advertising has put them clear \( r out of business. (( [ o Manufacturers who advertise must give value, lie- 0 cause they have a #ood name to protect. Manufactur- )} ers of well-known products and the meixTuinta who sell ) | these products often value the names at millions of T , I) dollai’s. They cannot affoi-d to jiNipardize the worth of ( r) these names by selling any but rimhls of full mcas- (\ I ' ure and fair price. t If A merchant or manufacturer cannot afford to ad- j t vertise merchandise that will not give service. The ) I) penalty of such tactics is too heavy. >■ ), I) You eat) bank on this. Advertised Roods must he f J as advertised. Unit is why it pays to deal with adver- \ 5 tisers and to buy advertised pnalucts. The advertising 11 / is your protection. (( ) RKAI) THIS ADVERTISEMENTS IN THIS PAPER. | > IT WILL PAY YOU. f I*% l a ' ' )f-| siieinoon inaieaic ibsi wun snout one* half of tho precincts fti Wisconsin heard 1 from, Senator U Kollettc received five votes to rvery two coat for his op ponent. W A. Canfield, harked-by tty coa/ervative Keyiublican orgamxation There was more chance that La Fcil lotto's' proportion would bn increa*«fd hy lht« returns than that it would be deceased. ro appreciate what that victory racan* it muat br underatvad that the Harding Administmtioa hat been gun ning »« mercilessly fur La FolletW as be has bessi guanlng for tL Senator the pthjgg Wisrwrnain Senator, onqe a la* kullelt* lieutenant and now La Lolletto's bitter enemy, Was given complete roqiiul of the Wisconsin pa tronage in order to strengthen an anii La Lulleipe urgaruaation and every yn rmirogement was given the cornier*is -by Washington. ii'oHette Rtwd on Mecord. On'jibe other band, La Toilette stood by Ms record in the Senate when he wont home to make the fight before his own people, sod his record, as is well known, included opposition to the Four I’owrr T reuty;, as well ns to the domes tic policies genrrnlly of the Hording Administration'. He was especially ve Lament in denunciation of the seating i f Senator N'ewtierry, of Michigan Hr also attacked the Ksrh f'ummin* Transportn tion act, which the ARministration is out to protect. Under the circumstances, ihc jtlxe iff |,a Knllette's vicrory makes the result •» Importnnt .as that in Indiana, when Beveridge heat New; or m lowa, which lf\ wok hart, n l,a- Fuliette loan, drci* iveiy defeated a big field of candidate <; or in IVnnsylvsnia, when I'mchot woh It is a deuionstration of unrrst that canned h*- ignroed tlrya f.o Down To Defeat. Incidentally, the Anti(Sa)uon Loapue Went down in the smaah, and the wet* nre thereby encouraged. It i* not he /luved he re that the prohibition issue Wo* paramount' or anywhere near para mount in the fight between La Kolleltft .mi) ilia h«*i<Lag th f sFlaws ah l.a !V>)r<-kU< (We luany other [ •im-Miori* have been winning in the West Wh.n supported by th* dry* Hut it is apparent that in Wisconsin, the -Anti Saloon I,eague is not a dominant Mtate force. It is unable to maka the prohibition issue overshadowing, And it may be found upon careful -analysis of the Vote that the league did La Kid ivtte more good than harm. ■There is a degyve of comfort fdr ont , i >ght Republican party nrten in the thought that If thou- is a tide running m the country against the party the more noßitnstions of "Progressives" the better. there also is a great measure of comfort to the group of "Progressive" Republican leader* in La Follett '» showing. Rut to the real eonservativc*, the men who came into power when the Hnrditig Administration assumed office, the Wisconsin result t* a hard blow. Pleasing to Democrats. The Democratic pleasure In lot Kol il«Ik 's WueposA j* two fold They re gard it as additional rvidenee of dislike among the voters of the Harding Ad ministration, and they think they will be able to capitalise thnt in the fall elections Further, they know they have no chtyciie to elect u Democrat In Wi* conrin. and they count on La Follett* continuing his attacks on President H.irding in the two years and thuryby helping them fpt the Presi dential fight or ik2t I The victory of Mr IJtephena in Mi . ■JIM", -iga- >".i »g* -r»" —T»rr • rm COl DBBORO KKW9 nUiippi •vt*r farmer Vftrdamift i plcuiinv ••fleets for tin I>«i»orratir Uadtn. In the place • think frf V;*rdnm»ii hud won, hv would huve nmudfi d the pitfty In th <*y»i of th« country* ** n Whole, la tho •ecund place, hcarififf >n milNk % thnt j nowiftatloa in Miihiiii|ipi by thr Droio ‘■rat* in thr iribp u v t!#*ctiort. ; ,n a ryiMibki party uu»u, whilo j thoy Would hnvr exported front Varda man party ia»urtf< nrr: ond InfUremptoiy •pt echnn that wuuidhavf r mhjii i noA 4 ihr Democrat* in aad out of the |«t«. ! I In p way. Hr Kt» phrna’ »»«< «•* ( | nun h enrounc* m< nt to fhwi ardent Wi|- : j m*n aanona tht Draiwmitfi Konn-w l*rrNidrfu Wilaoo dftßfnmrd Mr. , aiati, aad did' not h« litiiU to aajr so. Hi* openly fur Hr. j Stephotfu m ft** f»r>*t primary »a«i In ! ypatrrday’a runoff, rndntih** dly.' • ounivd xffiioit tht sot tmV Henptor. Hut 4t ia like!v that the O|>po-iitu>n of i tho hotter prides of loihi party mow to ! Hr. \ nrdamnn and to \ ardau>ntiT«m w»» moro potent than Mr. Wrtooa , « J j vfotra. V iaor<»ux practical work w u'! j done in -Mr Stephen*’ hr'half hy friend* . of Senator |*ft Harri«o\ md the ret f- * m»f .Senator John Kh lOpNh’tHUro KINK It* HOOI HI ll l)|N(. KINSTON, Htjt 7. tho rural ; school ia thr tidewater motion h n been erected at Newpftrt, < artetet county, futried for itx |M*ach«!«i, areor 4-J ling to resident*' claim*. The huihi j inp. an impooinr hr»»k utrurture of two' •torioa, will him coot iKWHiti, it i •atipiated, wf# n thr fini»h:na touches are added. Thi* wum, it i> ttad'-r**i. w.ll not include lh<- coit of (‘ijuipmont. 1 hiirfr«*t» from a Imr* «!*•* ~n i - l. arhUh wil ) ( Rtaff l.ta «>t>efation will h« offer the f« »hien of the Rfhool* 'now b*-rein m* nume r fruit in thi\ »«r --tion, Tho ftnokt xmall cit> school in I.hstorn 'Carol*|o »• rialmod hv the r. idento of F»rmviHe, in Pitt County. HOI ANK AI OIHHTV KINSTON* Kept* Frod V llrook today produce,* •,% hotamcul oddity here. Hr. Hroiikn displayed a brunch from an oak tre# on which were cluster* of chin«|uopln bttrrt. The fotlatf< ho* plainly that <*f the Of»ki T i *tr;*»u:ihen til cart lie for** local expert*, there wan n w ettkdeveiotod acorn, nef cw ly in iU cup. But the bnrr* were t*v» n more Rerurely attached than the irutn Dißxected, they had every apfomranee of bein«r the embryonic fruit of the rhittouepin. 'I h»- chilMtuopin acorns were not due to mature for xeverai week*, of courre. I*ut in one or two of the tender hurt'* appeared Ho huv»* start. •! to develop. Brook* •+ a well-known k>- ral httxine** man. Phreloloirtal* have nrv«r «ti*fation ly accounted forth ( - fact that when r mun u* puxaled he vcratch* k hi* head. . ... AN , " nr *; /"“T-arnr'u ► fgtdd. whtab i* at way m Xound in the metallic state, irenetatly contain* some silver, ami often « ‘lukmty of copper «l*o. J Om> of tAYuUlic I'Bri, j'K lacr.itaip t(i iall f, hafi . ft, «f l-iifl" i ri-i • ull 1 1 sii*iiihMud from taitlrticlii <if the civil war* -A Japanese author is saiil to have completed li/w«ih ni fictton that tub toio nearly §> n a hundred voisimua, lat W Tgr- —— -g i DEMOCIUTIC FIGHT, is he m mill mSTEM OF FIFTH , N*twßM.lndiji|i , Torn I Bum of I'artjty Drink,- ('moptirl! * Ri< nnmn Aaain U|* THKRK. MIGHT RUN AUHO (Sperliil to Tht Ne^*> V |t< » •0 ! »*• j t tcirround* ihi* fa I will not be the fifth j di strict where Ihi* Hepubtt«*»n* ' preat bid for tht» Wameh't \<»t«* b> of J feftliff to rhanife the imperial hadi witk with Mr*. Fxllrfidfl 1 ' fur tinji.r * harlen M Stedman; but in |h« toyhth where Farmeir Bol* Ibiutihton had rich a close errll two y« ars *|*o. i RHipbell tfxin Huna. The lifM .ip is th< am«* foi IP.* J. f>r J. Ik* < ampheil ran so well thrit he Aad tio ropiprt''itor if: &hi o a part* t / >tar nnd thinir" irt> better for h* tht rtime thnn fwfore* ttf cour “»*, h< bad ail the iirenks two y,?:,rs nyo n\ I n hi* district cumpni|rn ft>kihp t ! t«' liemocrntr to violnte both itc V -n ! > n Uionu! constitution* t»s w est as tV* j itfct* law. oifUinMt Mbirul votinff, h-» ‘ *toc»d to Win ail and low none. Tit'' ; advjee embarrassed tho liemurrutft : it h.-M-kt d tho dock woffr when hr wcr*-t ! VV iishi flirt on to tell it ;t«rain,r 1 hme nd van ta res w'lll 0 be mUstrß thia tsme. I here will h>e no. such land- P xifde so rth» Kc|iUb)u or • m IP'fJ; h r there Ia tn How on count Vo Very Jtp'k i lejss KituntiQji. The Rper.cer hop me d i fre «mt. By hardly any process vs 1 i j »'<i son ii y could they b« expected to rm i R« puhljruti, but in Ki*w»n there jd* u*t«> l a b*t of feelinjr «jr*irrt Rhtriff Krider *i.d H(»w»n, and fredhrT! must make [ I'ouahtun’a mllinr and election xtr>e The state will renter, therefor* on tl • vfrte f,, • hre cX|Rtc'ed ut Stanly, , but whether t ttodph to l est tha* Hepub .' !ic«n* who raptured the county two , aito, mibody will sav. Othe lountie* will Ji«|p *Ji|rhlly -f abjunt* I i% <lu** |ess Republicnn votings But nf t«*r those all ha\e b* t ?i account* d for. jit n unin v tru* that Bow an jr ive* con : ,P!n to the Democrat * nnH th** fi !’ U'lp out, else ho kib- tnirbt f£i> in, Hay Form f «>mr l*nrf>. I* :d«B, there is abort* fear of n bilii i part* in that cottnty with Bap-". , • l*. Jf fnj.-cm (*< K|*typ( ♦ r (1% j* Mv night (At, It not(liq to iae« Karinrt •H*: »» Pinch has been aid l»l him i.nd I Hi tVnul-i get iniiti) Dvu.q. ! taiii and if the Republic:,! fj h, q u , |„ indcp'-ndrut nrm time, P- th. »• llUtr I v ,|| id, my ," ih is jenr; hat if ii Wgins t< - j iiagj ed before election find continue jh&ppfHinr two year-, ii ean «;Ve a Goldsboro Business Dirrectoy \ & SUITIJE? , Brown Auto iK: Supply ,{_ Co. 221 E. Center Bt. N. i Southern Motor Co. Cor. John & Ak!i St.s. Spence Motor Co. Cor. \V. Outer & Akli Sts. Montague Bros. Marhlmry K. Motor Service Cor. Mulberry St. & Georgia Avtl j tlrigi " i- J nt ifg -m .4ii.qw.^... w —... I tt. I). Irwin Motor Co. Doriifc Urol hern Motor Cars. f». John St. (ioldshoro Battery Co. 113 W. Center Pt. N. HANKS Wayne National Bank 12<> W,. Walnut St. National Bank of Goldsboro Cor. Walnut & John St. Goldsboro Saving:* & Trust Co. National ‘fannk I’-iiiltliiiß Peoples Bank & Trust Co. 101 W. Center St. fi. . . . * *"y r ' ■ - Farmers Bank & Trust Co. 11l S. John fit. f SPECIAL NOTICES J » RATES Twanty-Bra eerta p. t insariion for !h words or h ». l'or mars than 2’- words, ora c-nt curii. Whito spaco or tyr>« d-sp ny »-ls lna< r' 'id «n tho coluaia ftad I ffi I catl* y-t Inc*, aarli Insrnw U'haß (hrr sk itori’ SBMMin insrr liotia sru da.itcd a -dlpaLiit of 2<> I p«t ve*' *• BaitßswoM. jjj W AhTKD AOt SI, MAN] DiNIRLA po Himt as Boi4tkci pfT.tif a-alait'nt fin j office, < ar. til*«i do i tcfiintnipbic work. H*v Ail sonic npvtcmv attil l-'aiqs willing to work, flood rater tie. A Ki.J diis- B«.v Ld*. t;,dd,| nt9, N, 0. U || Ft Ml RFVS—I l RMBUItI) M V Bttvxtt j |.iw#r floor apqrlis.i t Bjr ;t nionth* hcginriing at out OctolioT Ist. Tvl- Ppl; on.' (V/D-W. w. a I I'OU SALE— Kr.VHSn lltNl* FIVE j,s ,-r (’hevr-dat Togr.nt? i .if Daly s’:-*i cosh K. llirmplir,->, Jr I ii Jmx ;.J, or phot,' 27 or 41SJ 5 --T -I -Tq. 11l |- rj -,| , - - * ail WANTVU—TfI TUN nr. mi #U\t; l \t<* f'r t-m iwraf *»' half truck. '1 imi tt be iti food bape n% touring < T r I't in j's 'd ’ :.j All *n«w»*ri r , : ■ f ~r i f 1 , bvtro Dally Nb w WWTTIbwIHKFK tfltOM.H FOK lie tit iounekeepinr. near union ‘ation. Addfs Ilaift'il r.tivwN'w 1 ‘ - 7J{ \\ \N I KIV— TMHKt: INH HMSIII II room* I>* eoliHte e ithout childr« n. I’.aii irfv# reforest*?, phone 2^9-1 bOK IBAT-IWU Ft KNISHbI) FRONT room* up xtnirx with bath to couple without children nr to younjr tm n. Hr* W H Godwin, SOB Fn>t < enter j Rtrect, Fhtme J. It Gt ! .vnaxinjr lot of trotildc. j .So th * State campaljcn maker* are .M ’t ting ’ • v. "H'er. Every precinct oritanixAtiun »- going; have a wofnin <*n it: every county rh > rmai. hip it | yoinft to hove a vice-chairmanship I which will be « woman. Ti e women j who miry have been born Indifferent to i peUiicta, now hnvo fin opportunity 1 cultivate an lute real in il Any bin I failing' %• ff in district* Would jmpciil iHimmrutie and Demo !cm tic Folicltor , *bl|'*' , t*owfrea*ntth* The eighth, however, i, Dtu only Ii t‘ri« l wbvdk ha s e. focal cor i.di' i.*n o latgf .is of Sy * er. t hoi i i«in Norwood tn'- nevvr d « <i‘ -v<l thi* itimt n and I«• )•* tn v: doo-H neljrhrbor to it. Th. new chairman »l t*'o huxy r*«n«ly for the i« «l fiphtincr to hr diverted by provincial matO r*. Hiu thta. muit be aetlud. (• k? wvirißK \xni the news • • •••••••• ■ mmiiERS TServe Us Market N. Jolm St. (Hi ROI’H.ACTORS l)rs. M. E. Weidmans Si vS. E. Pope Grant Guildlng CLOTHING UEAI.ERS N. A. Edwards Home of * ® Et|ui|Jped ( Iftlhiiur Store tn Eustcm Carolina CONTRACTORS Mrs. John S. Dortch Electrical Contractor'’ i’hone 11C. 113 W, Center St. N. DRI’GGISI’S Williams Drug: Store Plume 23. 128 K. Walnut FURMTI HE DEALERS 1, i Ileilifr Ac Meyers 110 E. Walnut St. 1 Home Furniture (’o. 12G K. Walnut St. rkimJiau&ltoU.-virf; 4-iwt, MAYHEM. TOI KIND (AH IN agtra <!•’•! I'tinning rnndiiinn, for > qun-lv »blc. Aitdrtaa Hax 101, Gl»y sn: il c. ii r:\Ei: Frtif >?lr.R irt'S-u. iii;' tfc-ii riMioß, HdAiritoan ad- j ill' , AA I ■ A . LylA (’ Honia ' h. 2. IOK KVNT—ro LFNTLUBAN 0.N1.r mu' .downstairs f jil'*is li<q room All fui.v. u'niici'- 4'lqsotbi, R< fffi'ucos cx changid. "A. IL'jV News. ,U, It < I I,KM It VVJ R H*U.D --!lp ‘vf iifiJ }*■ ? rjaiail.Tiniiiii^a^id ‘lOvrA 00l I fill ii. |d’< lii»°*r "•f*"-* 9ilf> .<1 (VHoOtx MO-W. ... . u. _j —S. ILRT-lfrtrSD ms; lILAIK AND inn Fpt lU -J hrr - , nt d pawi l; hnl.tail, *l. Kuitnhlr riw.xrd ra ruv r> Not if;. . hi* A of I'ulico, Goldx- Imro, N. (', WANTED—I'I.AIN SEWING, KMIIROI. 4r n: on,| nnhilmr t ail at il.'.ri; Wit 1,11 s 112 H, John tltyir.^Hj foil S\IF—ONE GOOD GENTI.B •f inn y limn' umi bogey in good ron d.tion. S-c Mra. licdrgc llynum or phono f'.ll. H 30 Ink Fun KENT NIthIMCD KHrtt(T rioifh, first flour, privilege of hath. 11 r, K. I'ifro atri rt. , tto 3t ni*EIVKITEKB—ALL MAKE* CLEAN* I'd, R< paired ten adju-tejl. Agency for ti <•,Underwood. Th» Machine you will eventually buy. i hapmnn/i Typewrit er Shop. National Batik building. FOR lii\l TWO It 'lt NSIH ED IL'isms auitable for qoapie. ('.in fSrnlst) tMe board if dvairrd. 3li> K A- Ii itmvt. 3 3t HU: I’KULIFIC t.KAl’* VINEM OF Mrs. It 11. Trayb-rx on laalie street nady fnr vi.itors nt L'hc each. No I<"> allowed unless accompanied by parent*.. 30 lwk BJ SIMAS WD I KOFERSIONAI, MEN d; iritig boukkri-pi rs ami stenograph ei apply to the Business and I'ro f, .lunsl h innen's < tub W'e have a t! tographer available now. .. ..... FOR RALE—brand nnv KtudehaVrr special it touring nr, value $11,75.00, at iilaral di -uunt. Fqg Mrs. ||. E’. Fenian or telephone either "2* or 17. Mits J L. BAEBAJE H\s BEWIM ,d her vocal 1r onq nt $lO Wu»t Mul berry stri i t. I'hune Jf»J. SO if LOST—BI.At K pin i,rtliu,>l ' rontnining n nutwb r of ihirf p«i)tt)le to my Mr. S., iniii.- n Vard fur return to Li- ,rg "D. IHsmH,' ' '■, - ' i - Till: ' l M t ;; v b c.xiple wll flout rhitdren. i nr refei'cncc, phoiie 357 J. —w— GROCERS—RETAIL \Y. L. Summerlin ° ('ash (irocfr riionos 25 & 2(5 a 202-201 E. Walnut St. H. 11. Jenkins fc ' 200 N. John St. J. IlerVin^ 20(1 F. Walnut St. GROCERS—WHOLESALE A. A. McCrary Co. 127 n. John at. "** "" , ■*" >■ —~£l. — I Hiziell Grocery Co. 105-107 w: Center St. S. HARDWARE rrr * _ \elverton Hardware Co^ IS6-138 E. Walnut St. ™ MILLINERY K READY Wo WEAR T ' “ ’ ' • ! - I i I'if*.; i, ; I a Pa Pearson Co. £ W. Walnut St. ■ ■ i REAL ESTATE N. K. Hradford *hono 1.55 National Rank RuildinK IOOHNG A SHEET METAL WORK J. M. Latta 00. 0 R Ahh At. ’ . ■ I

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