PAGE FOUR fflt HUM M! HMllfcil Iratf D*f U lb few »l COUMtBOMO, MaJC, I n % Ttea* launMo nuLniliNc co. Mi Ol Uignu. PwiKiH Sjpw.'li /gBMy and *tt»day by Mali * * / Dwily Only , • ■ *.w KsUred M the I’oit Offic. at (.old. , kw*. N. C. a* o***nd rla»a mailer. • ' «( Ik. knmr- 1 !*-- 1 I‘rw**- , Tfc* imtiiirJ Pr*« l* ,Trt‘|i J la U. »■* tut ree*tWl*aU*» •f tMii fUyttrli.. cr*dlti*«l to It or Bag BtherwtHw credited l» tkio- poi*« r ; •■4 ol •• tko itK-ol Saw puhliih*d Mr* l». All right* ut republican®* •( JM* Ul dlapateh** heroic oro olw r*Mf**J FRIDAY MORMtrt.. ***’ T *• '*** , •_ ' .... jr _. s GOVERNOR MORR ,{i4)N WAS INTOTW It saefas that Governor Mor rison ww infected by Ihe HT‘ *i" r «| beLiH that wlmm officioth «r« elected and go t<» Raleigh they immediately *»#*«« u P*' form their dot we in hu iianrti petent way or begin to fancy themselves aatocrats far whom benefit the public Imaineaft should be run. » In a speech liefoiv Hie ttaleigh Rotary the ottai day Mr. Mur riaoa said thht he had gtan* fn| Raleigh at the Iteginning of lux term with a question in hi* mind a* to the efficiency of the gmm in thu government service whom he was to be associated With. This state of mind. ta* pgftt was due to the criticism he had heard Me was (tail tt. find that he had been mistaken and thaerfnlhr testified to tho effMahcf which he had found, and advispd his hwtront tn take mute Interest in finding out the facts a boat government general ly.* • »* •- " I Any one at all famMMr with official Raleigh must know that the Gore mar has *poke»i w«|l. There has bean criticism art! always will he. This criti ciafn sifted down has been gem. eraily direct «sl at the State Tufjteurerjl he Secretary of Htata ami the immerintendent of Pulh Ik Instruction. There was pevdr a quieter, mom * wnasadmiah and effective man in his office than the secretary of State, Bryan Grimes. There never was a pubhc official who took more pride ta his office and the running of it mcnarately, effi ciefltly and to law, than the treasurer, Ben I ary. Thw criticism ethreted at these Mpflaatem has mostly mated upon the {pet that nobody has bean able to root them out of office when tackling them i« a primary kaAoae the people. The criticism against the of fice of the head of Ihe schools km not been personal during the time of Mr. Joyner or Ik. Brbuka. The edeoatioaal work has has* rapidly developing to meet the needs of the people. This development involved many changes touching the whpk people very vitally. De cisions could not be made 1 that woaJd please everybody on so mans questions where there were difference*) of opinions and desires. The proses* of do veiapraeat also involved tha Sng away of the old loose, inted, uncorrelated, county district systems and the creation of a state system of schools. In education it took the alow growth of twenty-five years to accomplish what has msen accomplished in four years to creating a _ state road sys tem. Every step in the pro cess involved changes that did not suit all people, both in the educational work, itself and th** general public. Thus a mass of eriticlsfc) has accumulated from nil aoupcea, including politics. Dr. Joyner's record is dosed And stands approved by the people. Never in our observa tion have the obligations and ♦he duties of a position been better met than those of the •dqcational situation in the mde being met today By the present superintendent, Dr. Brooks. The appointment of a head to the school eystem at a Jtl (lea I time and the selection , • ”?*** * or the r< »ad Bvstcm ht fta incipience devolved upon Governor Gkkett. It is now hdteitted everywhere that in Mr« Tor those positions Governor Bickett could not have done better itod he |«,r --•onally examined every man j„ ♦he State liefore making bis ketion Both are Z n Vho wrought to their positions tin* genius for constructive develop ■tehi that was the predominat ing' need of the aituaCioa. » * man of the Governors experience in public life wa H in by the criticism, how p>ufh mom must be the infec- 11 lion of many people who have ||bad no opportunity of making I first hand oliaarvationa. Some | qf those, at least, ought to take . he Governor's word for it now and cease to criticise. I WH AT f.KGAI. hi All .s ItAS [ \ I.AHIMt UNION.' t* ' KVery move thul tlie goverti* fment has s<> fur made lias l«cn against the contentions of lalas iu the railroad strike I If the jniv«*rnmont is to Is* impartial IhAwwm the coptcpd iijg aiiks in one of those i o«i --trowereiaa, as it daims to Isi, then it ought to Is* impartial, f "You trtke my life When you do take the means whereby I live." The government uinnot tie impartial m tangs a.< it will* fuHy deprives the oiww* «>f (he I only nouns Ihev Havewf fight ing. which it doe* when it is sius a blanket irij'imtif/il fur l.rkintg ttwin to do anything to keep the strike going. it may '** qwrationed tl at it is the governniert’s business to sit quietly and act as umpire <>uiv while rnch a strike is"go- 1 mg on. But so long us we pro fess that this is the govern-! merit’s jtropur fumtion we ought to practice- what w# pnait h. * i i First; thecgovißrnment set tip, « lalsir hoard which it compell-) isi nolsMly .to olK*y. The rail roads .flouted it and nothing was said. When the urtlnins did the same ita t hairtnan rushed into the public prints with (he assertion fhet the unions were striking against the govern ment. v Then Mr. Harding came in and meditated and prayed and whispered tha thing to do was for the men to return to work with their old status. The unions agreed to do tfcis at onee l*ut the financiers who controlled the railroads ref natal to accept the suggestion, arid declared that the fight should go on to the bitter end. - * Then Mr. Hanliug whispered and talked and praved some more and backed down, and askisl the unions to return thuir men to work and leave the controversy to the lats>r* iHwrd to lie settled. Thjs the unions rtfoiHNt 1„ d„ f or the laliqr Istard had already voted against them and thev knew |that they would have to show liefore it. They knew tlust Mr. Harding would do nothing f«r tla-til and they knew that the* Tennessee politician ut the ta*d of the lalsir Imurd would ;do nothing. However, they were willing to go laa k to work and ItMVe all cpp-stions to the lalKir Ixiard except the vital question of senioritv rights. At no time has the adminis tration been willing to stand for any right of the workmen «xo*pt the fight tu surceader everything. Ami having (wen able to coax nothing out of the I executives, as a fiiml service in tneir India if he permits his Bourbon minded attorney gen ;eral to issue a sweeping injunc tion forbidding the lalsir peo ple or their friends in effect to utter any word about the at Bike above a whisper. If the government h going to do anything in case of » strike involving the supplying the vital needs of the nation it otigU Ut take such w-t*o* would bring nrwaama* to bear upon Iwth sides. Every move of the president so far has re *uhad in apjaatly .|«fhieiWfn|r public opinion agMiiiHt the i workmen. The justice or | Of justice of their contention is 'being lost Sight of by the pol>- He irritation that the -trike goes on. It the government is to do anything that is both fair and I effective it must he prepared to jgo further than the issuance BRINGING UP FATHER •v< •, * By GEORGE MCMANUS i • . f ' ' ( HUOOh IMMCM’ITCD T IH CMIHA AM » M COIN' OVtR THLKr c-— J yj' =rr=r=L~ *Uj[l Mi ‘V4U/.COIH J J> fIU WITH TOU' \l i Mf*\ VI I Lr~ .... , i ittWniu luimiinti nmn i of partisan injunctions. . When the rail executives re fused atiil thf umoas refused to acftpt his suggest tona» the President (Sight to liavi* had Du* |mMr to order (he lalau to decuh ihe cont rovers a and lo order Imilli sides to pro umi with tin: operations of tin ■< Iraius until there slsaild have ls*«*ii n hearing ni apiieal to the courts if'a la-ai mg were de tnaadaiL This action would snpyh dms tic aial an uodue intar sere hc«' of go var mi unit with private af fairs. But wvshould not for gel that the operation nf tbii trains no longer a private matter. WV kni <aimolves with' Die saying that the* roads tn* tang to the utockholdiYs and they hb\u u rigid to do Iks the> pUtaae, and that the lajkn' un ions have only flu- rigivl of pri vate action. But whew A conies to a slmiw down il is peifecth apparent that railroads belong to the people, are nm essary to Ita* public existence ami must la* (ioatrolled by the pubiie. Tliat m exactly what the srov i rnnient, Hays, in effect wh»*n Mr. Harding begins his talking and soft soaping,, but* we are contest at this stags iff the game tU outlaw Ihc Unions and make the puhlice suffer unduly lest the-complacency and bull heuiirdpesA of aome railroad ex eeutivw shall got Is* pandered to. If railroad lalair unions ars legal organisations then they they ought to Is* permitted to lawfully do such thing H as are necessary to their existence and effectiveness. To say that uu organisation may iegaliv 1 exist and then to issue a broad jsid** injuai tiou resUsming its offfficials from lornmunicating with their men, from (o.setidji ing and and talking over their plans, from peacefully iiersiuul ing other men not to go to I work, is an almunlity. No when* at no time has the gov ernment pul any hla m e 1 upon the executives, and no one who knows human nature ran suppose that thev are any more , iufallilik* than the unions. VW continue lo work upon the as sumption that they an* because wr* are. still hugging the delu ahui that a railroad js private | property, und liiai a«y one who | objects to thy way that owners I"f Private propi-rty handles it. must necessarily he in tls* I w rong. PUBLIC FOHIIM i im: at ping irrx.MiW K. i Sdi**l* will moil *urt. Kv*ry <-hil4 • hisiM iro to wt'hiHil We nil i*hri*t* to llint. The 1 I‘uuty us Kducation., ! in unxiou* t« hevf evffry child in t tk* i Ihc M«U* '0,1)1, Ih , mill I),,• Hiatt* An th* |>< »|)j» Iwt u» *,l tou. thi-r tSMi Mta ink,* um 1 -Ji. J" i*- I to 1 it> a* mdiviJuttl* ami l >a )p I ***<4 iktld that w< know akuut to alt Ihf •I'honlinK h* can. Th>. tihoul Imaril- ami the Xupcria- IfHdant of Cuhlit Wolfan* want to on roll i-vory i-hilil in tho muni) m aehoal «n*l in an far a* pn.i-.i1,10 ,oo that they j a*) to , lt*„,| ovorx )la> i hool In a $ ion. \t i)oi,o so oin a a child out of ' nohiml not onrollcti 'tir aharnt without otu.o, will ho doins that rhUd #h.| hia J family a />> or if h- will rrp»|t th* al»- I -once, t* the Widfarc Office. TH«»o mporta ar« alwaya raiardrd a* , I I'infid. nttkl Tho prraoa n porting ha* nothlnp to loa*. Ita ia dorng a public -.-,'»o Unorano* ia tho worst rnomyOf rncr 1 oumy. State anil Nation. May wo all I loin togv'hor to flaht ijtnoranro by hotpmir all ti> |u In srhtn.l A. K. IlflWKUaa County Huprrinlomloat of Wolfar*. AMONGST SOME OTHER EDITORS WII\T AHOI T HAHKIUUa , .vuifßtly ihr tiulUahwr > NVwft ha* *ol** V#r> drflnild tdwtta •» to ru ♦! y*«»r, «nd in th**ir art id*, t »•<•** * I l> »ti«r BHfrht\ ifuod pomU w«*fv mad** It if* tun*, right now f**r <>oldt I jjoro un*| wth* r town* to boirtlt |»ljan ! f»*r liftll nett )(*r r*|)i , t*iiil!y (tqt J iii»l(l»id»ru, kihaton, with m |»nrk ni j i**Ad> *«*i Miami or Ua» tttkr li#r, * tame but Cawldaboto haa % leap ;aa* la tr»**l But r* ►oaai.l l,h« *aa»w wb*ae like do,a <ou.,a froai ihM.CmpOr* Wil aan Bulky h,.M will out b« uo„ bar a of tho Virginia laacuo mtt ye-ar All ho ay i, there keen *#«ie alitcht lalh of a protr-i „n Wiiava » winning Ike ponwant, the pixi olio I* | aV,- all ca»|),l»n»nod the movo Tl.o arlf de Virjnniu eirruit wuuta rloain l-all anti bo putt kiriu and the fans' of all Ibr ivwp« avaat tp bo atrong sly of ihla opinion W, Jaa't botieva ti.t W,1,..,, And Kufby Mount Will |e*vr th<' Vtrginiat at all and merely be I thr <.old*bai> N* wa ha, b,e/i UnaitqofairJ W’r liavm'l heard of a.y aplid m K» g ( afi^Jina, at Wait a deAnlla on* W\ i-aUy balirVc tlyat wVo n thing, b« gin, <• »»,'* up a**.. > tn tlb apnur- I, l.ot (ir*«fc»'|l*' will want Up**hall upai. and Will b* a iweinbrr of th.' **4*o plriul. We an )ooat aj" , roly n«d wo aid hat< U> >V* I’ftt M’uaty capital ia*y oat us th* loapu- C, )gf»v(|Jn W)|| ho ia it wo Blrm, ip |WI, of ppat ditfetentua lr«,liir Oa tho *dlurt hand, muct talk ba* be in ruti* tho aviaada in r'Kard to prig.kaipr*al baaatall Thr Mwrtuuir JSoW Ulu vi* th*4 the avlutiuai of tin prublaiaa ut tbv pa*' differ-a«ts that cam* mar to wrarkitiir the liapta# on aeveral arcamaat, ia ta be f tun.l thru a pi ofraaional IvaßUr Salary Haiti, arguiarnta and athtf in altera of vital iti.|M,fCance can be better ripalatad whop tge viuba an a,U>)«> Ihc puU- of profa*aioßali,i*. Out. .to. only a v.r bal nr aritup atryceip< i)i* with |io real tf* th >a it, tad be pldatiaad. W e favor j,| ,f, ytiioiial ,I*l,l **d hoju . that what ,n r towns oatwptwa the E*et. t arolma neat yoar will 001110 to till, agreement, gutty wanted it thi- pa t year With pr"f«**«"mal hall', lHi leauu^ 5 - lifi wpuUf go puarant*.- I for a.any year- to count, and a* Ut* howna an *. t»h"h i> bound to follow, bettor olaaa ball could he played. Kj'iatoi' 0,1 J- ban ball rip 111 on Th* re <**> hr -unto aho kirk on it but th* majvlit) of qp inditiduala want it aad what thv public «*oU they will get tat , think it over while *• re, no tuber our mialakr-- of thaw y*at. Morpang N*»*. .... =--g"g«'» —t :. HISTORY IN THE • MAKING •• K m Mtgg§M9al«ii|«g||i a A. • mUM KVrKTfI Si Tfßty fi/ih MlMiivc«r4j»r < v of kmtntMt) V»rWf>‘ (h’#!* fhi* McinniN ii< M<>ii if« 1 ikl Ri-y. '« y< vr hutiditad y«*rv »y r o otM* of M<ajrvll||.il’g Hlllfyr. r. Ms h**al S vlllt. Ilw IrM ».hi|> I** cir., u»»umvi|*«t r the k'l »h«* # u Mo»l Rev. PatrirK J ar.hhi us Ka»w Vurk, t«*4«> itlrW&lrk thr thinirth Miinivt-t v try of hid °or«h .nation in thr priricthooil Thr nnnual t«ntrul t unmlu K*hit»i tion will In* o|irnkd at thtiwa t *.da> und rontrihutrd throiu'h thr cuuiagi Work. . Thr ir»Oth unnhgftrAjiry of Tryw#. t'minty thr New V»rl rounty tehi*h lort itw rmmr ia to hr n>mm>moraD d teiiii o n historic p.'itrnflirtt nt tuggn, N. Y,y t ot|j»y, A ir«»t £t'nrf*J Uirtt'hni'di Mik o»m of thr iff I jW'kt «xh hltuyfl of It * v kiml • v«*r HmM *** \n>rr»rig, tn ».< .prStrd tinljiy *t Atfantir fity thr three ahift di»y In Amiricaii in duMtry will hr |>lhci d Ih for** thfr ; rxr PtiUvt U<mrtl us tin AjJtafknu Kjiirintwi inf t tinned nf thr Prd«*rnt« d Aim r»«un l^,Hfin<*i*in(r Sonrti***. nt a n»*« tmf *»f thr to Ih* I»« >i in Bo* lu« to. duy roNvrvnoNH omkimg today Ntjw I-amdun, Conn, I'niiuriun Im\ mrn’t T>h|fUr. (olumhu*. Mim Migsixaiihpi Truvr l« ra* AiMMs iftiaa, (irrmvbon>. N. C. AmrH<nn largiun, l urtiuvijt us Korih t .lira Watrrhury, fnnn. l)p|i»rtmvnt us t ••tmrrtirui. * IN Tin: UAVH NKWH C‘d*n(;l Hobart f'lowrv, wbo rnirra ! upon hiii r irht> ttfth yvir uwluv fy houat h that hr c«n till* a**m| Mora* tod*- U* riunrly »» hr could whrn h,, um*4 |o »#Bd u-1* frum# for Ai*rahum l.incnlfi at Spnrif 11l , In*for«* thr civil war kot itiany yrar* t ‘nlo| t% t i«oa 1 u ,t« conn**, l ti*«| w ith th* U 1 hik/o I'niwit twotpany. urrvmf in i-v«*ry rapicify from operator to -lat* sicl«*nt and dirartur, an*l f**w nu n luivr |>layrd « mor* part *n« Uu* «l* vrl<*p»m*nt of. thi tolrgraph ImitWd* tkatt hr A native of fllfmota ha Uarnrd trUfraphy whilt* »till m hia torn* and wa» wnrhmjt at tho k»y whrn uh« war h«*twtnn th« Sutra hr»*kt> out. Ur «Ali«hUd, was aa to thr aifnal rorp*. and nnar the (loan of th** r inflict *«» t»r«*vrUo«i a mayor and lirut. Colon*) of vntun U«-ra'‘ for nit* rat or 11 %v#vjc*r and 4r* lotvd applu at>«'l* to f doty ’* tOI-uii l (’Jowry wa* u»n« us tb«- muaoucni ul th,. Old Tim* Telegraph* r»‘ A *-«hi* tion. # fwnw 1 :,r > \ 1 HE. T w*t> t 1 * t) TX->r*-» -J ™ fe o T >iL^ r~— - t _ p. % IW2 IV l«M 1 flMum illlvlif l*». Til OOLPiBOIO NEW*. TODAY'S ANMV KNMAHIKN ITkl Satins ml HatUw Ppruif*. I. the last twAWi of th, Rev* ■ilulrrtn fought in the Hmilh 1h47 1 a.lod M«lm troops captured Ihr,. coatic ml fcJ Mull** Wei Rcy from '*• M» *!)•»*, >M7 - A consol-paSD >bw«t us ear'll puahv »*• foil in Near York and .New K*«too«i. INS* Siilu.m I*o.l rwwuiirri. It. H •retier ftutn Morn* and secretary nf Ike Uruno in l-.n. .da * cab.a.-l. died a* EmMUmI, He. Huso ~ Kev II amp Hut* is JO7I-: Mara* tt., 4oH to tin* thrpste of jaw ede* IOK YSwtco* pcisowa w. re killed • nil ta*j|.y (H.aie.l m • eoHl*.o a us trains near Stupors*, hM*. i. iIM% I •mi.ndire Urn wr.ily defeated llatvard ip 0 bn*4 I ant *« Ike Thatmr hNto *H5*. Nnk-al d VwHachsr was avuevvrpud • oad ji.lar hie Nop us Dm 1 aUiui.< .i..'..iu -I Utand Sapid * r~ dm. vt.u D.u today Paaoettrer ». hw»n,i Majestic wilh 111 lo »l IH,«|liiMfHk»«, A* MoPba-hi-. Mia* Mdi>. i>«4e wapivU-d « Dad* mi Klv« r spit* ituiit Albany to hew Yurk toy. * gpT‘' ij TODAY'S MINI MIIAYH Sir U.rliala Abbott liirdtnaa, mil neni Untitdi e.-ieittirl. .Dam in K.lin li'r'r. Ad p»a.* uau I ><lh> Dr Mitrkiwl.., (Miner Imp* rial ( huiitrib.r, who recently visited Arurrki, burn Cl) >r .r« oti today. - 11. wo id An Dm* Hand. Hailed MM-* eeaator from ttv.t Virginia, |r«rn near Kirkwood, Mi., fi? yi-urn hi i tiuloy. Valentine J I' . utrln i of Ik* Waekmirtn,, A mart ran league I.aerl all tram, bora ia New lurk ( Us, -'*• year* a*ro today t > mot. J. <I. m.>m, catch, r us ~lk» Si. i-viika .National league b*»rl«pH lepui, I'Utn el at t Itaon, i..«*„•. Ml yeas* a*u Unlit) . HQ Tom ■ n] snans Pay j Says Y,*Y.‘ sHrts nrr Inflddi Yli)> »r till b#v# mitt*. • til V* hut ittukt'ft a hnlf !»»!<! tmitt m*44#r ihMti buying a «hu!c Hutr tut? • iii I «»vf iiy*t* nr*' hatching out breach of pH»Wll»# Mill#. • 11l Tiu* »Wn y»*itr itch lift* broken mil m «.»m Hu -»hh an inuk »ng foiwut.l to IWftH. • •ii Miner, won't did down Hu deep an llu limn who huyn thrir roai. •a # a Sumi luarna have all the link. I'hlla iU*l|»hi a landlard i« mlssiiij,. •• • a Mau whu Nug stir thi* old days would hm# rid un4«rw< «r. •• • • "Train Vt r«rk ln)urit*« ?sint» M - M» »d lini That rrimml- u so« tti«ll will Ur hat k auott. Kvhjt man dfirrvi-* n wiim • A4NT|>t A AM ftinyor. •• • • «*4<KMtit> t<r• t. N» v« i nr»ru» with n ;»»»«! dotr. °.• • • • VI h« n * 't« ii a toy's nr* k think « v»«r> day is Saturday nurht. • • •• V% hy don't toirn womi*n have to pay mu m.' u* on thrt. fourth* of WhMt thrir huHtmAiU makr ? •• • • (it Itm# al.uY# nicely in tki» world U not tnhrntnd. •• • • TiAVr? ItrDndt’M •omn. Others return ;m kinny a i*vrr ••• • i This l»r nn awful roltnUy; 101 l a Swi-a firm U UMn# Au* Irian monvy f**r wrapping *i»Ap. «• • • h-ffirii-iu ->■ Ia thr mod. rn waN'hwoid nr l.'-nUon « >ltl< k in# uyt twin 4u«*kr. O•• • • Iho lino of *. i t r«**i«t:mco Imd downward and ih» lm»* of limit p« r*i* UMuf upward • • • • A«‘tn**» hA* « h xr d ! so. Ahnut tliu* 4 nlu* if.t* u »d to »v& r ho*4iu«d it i« tmu to trt‘l on.Mht r mm, • • • »»u mn do wf»at you hkA if you lik* what you do • • • l.ovo u.ufcr* tkf World ir«» round; hut kno.kiii# u man on tk« k«Ad ha« th«‘ itimo rffort. • • • Dunt tko krltthl If 1 we knew what the weather w«« gsing In he. how could <1 i.nj.r. talk* all! luvlituuk# nrvi r utrikr* twice in th«- A«m«> |duci*, hut minor* do. • • • Two wrnAff* don't make a right Thoy k u»u U ft. mow p p--T .'..(jylif-. I - f « flUBBEI) KCKSIHE lifHWti ( UiMiHK I* Speak Kntf- Un*. Apt IW ilmirMr If *,N \**NH** 'I ‘ ' lie HMKIJN. H. pi 7 e‘‘ftkhU riu . n •'B****'' !»•* keewra* • atanAaiAvti. r '>**• »ei. and iiyklieemr twtrre almiU ar» eupplleg with all Apu rl.wii, UMr. a.iuga. ~ "Ik.a (• the *»efnu.n H kite Hod »¥, (he how,, «f PruaiAeat Kheyt.'' the ! <’"«4**t>.r* »Mliui,iire at (hey jm> i« alwnv Hilhilptn urail. Hhea the MruniMf r«n tt*m ' (he hrltipe Oder ik« A|»mm, la ughi of the Uek wl.i.a r.-gaUpM the ke.jrkt us water in the kitrily raaalUwd nteeim, Ike rut dual ore .haul (*U’» just like Dtv Urk «u ike I’ae.mi ( artai. kul not ueile ag’ , ' l iter Aril I.l*den ill DOW luiaier than (A* -of * **ney Island u n a . hiidkl day, a«.| half us Ik. aedratnanr are •(a ok iß(c Y‘n(Hi*A- Th# tuurlnd .are «ll at ait frvu. <M 1 ,l.ti l.lndeu Kwery two kiy.r* a slot lla nf aut..l.iis. » lut.v.V nut us Cm) fniuotin koulevard loaded With lour.sU bent o„ ici-Uiiik n lillJ «i>. VI. w us Dm Ucntutll rapi tal. All gnltM njoek I ill I'.rrman nud I'.ngllth At leant that is what th. (da. arils oil th* aulubunes nay Hut th.. tas nn the Vulr.'S of the (ruidra haa hen n ei areal duriac Ik. auiunu r rank (hut ms ii) nf them utvloi. hoarse to he understood i n ««» l*«Kuajs. I'nder, den I.indon D Bo longer ihr go let, difftilflad thuroairhfare it was in I ini|ieiial .lays If the. f .rim r kaiaer I >. t. tu <|wit i 1 1 r, at i>. "in loliK enouirh to hU faWßiile DioroUKhfare. he would srar-vly rrc ogniar It. Ml sc alia lib ous tralllr m ivra uladg iht boulevard am) car* and c«h err parked evorywh.r.* Casi have e aUiudvd Ik. ir crowd* f..r >ut on the -rdewaiW*. VonduTa of iiOcelcaX'ls are oa ail *id««s add mure ivary and anthtr ..ri.aiae«itß am* dfafdakrd than fsn be *< n on th>* boat d* alb at Atiantie t|t>. " Mliad aiddn ra hoi by poliredo** and erii pled soldiers i.. iAvalnl ehaira. of for loMehet for sal>> frotu UrandshuiK Hate to the Royal l’a*ll* on the Si*r.*. Klawn aetUi*. fruit condors nntl bw'.k j |i. d.llefs havi found |ila<e* along the . l.oul. vard t'aliarets whi. h advertise i kadivi* notable ihiefly for their warm w.alker coetumce uml ideture . houses have flocked ’ info l'nt»r il-H l.tndeu It l» the .home of the tburi t. r o.i ull the v .oii.o s who want to k. t iheir inoas-y'a worth art eeateriptf ithore. IB (119 HID CllE HERE IN FULL Dm. O. ('. I Inn if U and A. (a. WiNtdimrd HiM lit in Chunte; At MaU Jix|H*n)*c i j All ih'iHiti• , k | *inl liaiuU of ihr fity Mid (ii.* . tttiDiY f»rt «ilfti»fY|T n r* i|iif A I«y|i,m| uii4 u4< tifti.l clinic* to ho lull ii.rc hy th** Mictr tin* fmII for four 4*.)’., t>> tr\ it th»i4rt n l». tw- ■ the* Agv of »iJi ftid thirUrn Tho»c* who i)«Vf Aignvii tiir At ttfid th# promise **f n» ofM-ration j>»* ..At.-4 ky l)r, l'l hoy dii ur#, < M tiTunthuni, city niuii I iy#« r; J T JcrttHo- hupe rinirndrnt of county -trtoooUg A O Htt.ioiHon, up. r int. «if the . its ArhcK»l#; Mr it floutie. in ntnf) of thr Wayne county M. direct hoclrty'; I'r. Q, d l , han „ if|*; hr a!? t>. W Doilurrl; tJ«*uV#* T. Hi a i tmi.-im vs thr rnunly Void hiihdaoa•*t«j Ariel l*r. (’. 1.. Lutkitcr, pr* -- I iihrtYt of thr M uynr county dine! Socirty. tttkrr imro*tur* nfc t\prrtrd ,t« t»• «»« ur. d today *o then* will he no douht ' ali »ut thr elenir l>* trie put «n. AU tHA* i c«*•< Will he* petit) hy the' itutc. t> , Tli# ißidll t«itn «.f Mli t(j*e m th. kiny t.iiu of |t#homcy, i* .*•!.• hr*ta .| -fvr i|n it« mpdr of ■i-ipunt*, tt lung icuiildiiig, in ,wkitk lk«. plu-t* km p upwttrd of I.i eMi »H |fHtk wf nil m hitch thr^; f«-»d With litrUt Mini fr*u*, yrought tv ( th«Mt a e off. rui|r# hy tk, nAtivrei, A \»i*r niAti n«*vrr throw# u rock «tt thr pit)l viiHitow or e iall# u »pk.*d cop a I It* r* ———— . j King of Hiwm h n only «*n«* wife, whil** h » ftith.r hwei oi»tl, hut (luii, that n;.e> ho the* rcikun. Wiirit huhhy CHiiiu hi# own hrt*A'kfttiit you know who »■» ba#». CJO TOO KHOV I L V/CLL l'Ll_ < 0 1 I* tiiiuk vr oucnr I Hewr Jaa' ! ' r ■ ■ I HIDAV jjtt#Wtt, WT t, lt|7 Russia m cm PTinfp i i iut’ niiimnii l.ii|iudali«Mi nf Kuprriorily «*f Ihr HcKular Clergy thut Os A tam Mil: I nth f. ~f ... The "n-d cter*fy", *d b> a, i* J -.-J | ■ of yuuilK me it held its .f * r#4 < si.av b- re .*rl\ In Aagaat and 4tr> u« »d plfciiH t.» . >tal4i»h u n#w *liv# ihurtU ** It ya# .intruded that thv e-hur h itiUkt hr«>tigh so th# * ui • •« » i«lltf tl • the tt#%•' .'iitA/ch ’* a k*MuUf tr mm ift old «ml w ku.utU «• u wgi 4 ft#ri< t h u *rif I Tin nlpie of ilie; “r* d < Icry r ywy caIIc.I by if* #• kn#v h fj dg. un i t i»f of th. oic m! - JL *!*, include li*|*iiddUi<>n of thr mop«-rinrityWJ vs tin rryuU* r rlrrg> . r Ku><tdbM whurch uffnifi.; dwing lewty with thr rwftkmiry ••prilvn t f h r|« rpy whm. it It rlnimod. an* 'till hoping for u roup d * ta| so Kwrrp th* ia into power again, Mid |»r« pamti >« vs mi #)| i;#oiien row* clave? at wbi« h u «Mcm<vr to rntraurcli 1 ichop ia tv he* #}#ctud. Thr "rod rl.-rti" #rc*up. headed* by A»it«m H iii an 4 a nunebrr nf kloMVow aiiai t'rirve. read ‘I. fyyuo-n, camv into #Yhi*t«*ne«* an j. r«‘»ult of M gplit «rm>r ts t H. ic.. .nn Orthodox e.lergy. brought nb.Mit * >tm after ron/lwratipn vs church tfWN*urt'M wee. *tart«*d by H#v ya t government official*. J flrrUija* of thr oppo ition 4#U#J#|W<l anie»ii# thr ruling fhur.h nut frontin', a nhmh. r of th« clergy wore pro. tM utrd in vttijou# part* of ku#«ia, e ve*n I’atnar. h Tie hon hnukvlf havin# bee* placed on (nal Mutiy cntfTUe# of death were imported, .oin4* of w inch wer * carried in to iff cert* and vanou* other itr. binhop*. «nd clergy nun were givpfi jail \ arnluficca. H it id-' < tig that the conflict • - w.e n th« hot** and the church threat en* *t the* v#rv exmteneu* of the* rhurih lt»elf, the group of young clergymen topk the* initiative and .hnittnded th# »»f PtifMirrll Ttrhort. Th# fittriarch yielded to «,h<* demaneia, and iit n.t ii lately afterwards the movement of the* “live church” wa* inaugurated. The new movement, firat of all. ia o agiiinnt *up port# ra pf the old BMaaiint church service? whirdi elemundt kplemlur m at) it* glory, it m cont* rnJed that tb*» costly mitre# of gold t-iudeiod with Jew* et«, 'hr magT.ificent vent merit a, th# pric#- le i ug« lire* too significant of arinta efttcy. “in all thi*. * pirndor,** claim*, th# >e*usiK cirrgym#n f .“little room i# l#ft for »h*> light of Chi u’s* mercy tend Ivvr.” ii- . t.i h .d i I*.- (nought nearer t«» ih«- m«Mi<h it whottld i»e* *‘prolM«r»*ed.” And it i * on the**# gr »u«idfc that th© M r#d - t httC. ye. <»gn»/a» 4 th# revolution, ;t r#‘ult#, ami \b? interuatienii}#. The “l iv# church- pr#^*otM t d a iso to clear the church.* and p«ri«h council* of t< . i.lut :<Mi«ry clergy and to re m i\i th t vow .»f e. hbracy for bishops STATE INSPECT! IS COMING HEBE SEPT 15 hlltnt' Ktpt-riti Munv Hthm*- t til ions As KnstiU of Drive Tit.* la jK-.lnr frwm the Hint# ltorrati of Snnilutiim will lirriv.* in Hiiyav raun -1 * on S. (ittinb.T li,th t.o work ia can juactiiui w-iih the local Health Dejuart- Mifiil in n clc.iu up .(rive iikiiusl an aasltary toilet*. Under the State luiw "irj re-i.lence w.thm the rs one mile of the City limit* of an in rorporati.l town noil within one Anle of the KcoKrmphlcal renter of every shall have In use a toilet which meet* stamlar.l sanitary requirements. I h. re will no' ilouht l.e many prose cutions ns a result of this State ami ' " u "tj drive)” says |) r , Ellm*ton. Health Officer M:tny people have ns,- b twit to comply with Rtote nad CMy law* ri a*riling auaitsry privies and •ewiTßKe connections. A list will he prepared and ail ihsiiaqaenta will have to answer in court for their <h*r<w»rd of heullh Inw*. Sanitalioo stands at hi head (if nil pobli. health and disease I*', ■eniiori measurVa. In order to raake tt «yhe county a ease place in which to live. Slrict < oaipl au.r w ith sanitary ~ws i* nee, a«ac|r and must W adhered JAti. C. JOYNBR, M. D. Traetice limited to Smr.EHY. (.“TNti'fM fV.V, and t.EMTO-URINAKY DIKE ASM. Olflce Fourth Floor Horde* RulUHne, HOI HS: U to 1; * |, 6 ; 7.34, l 0 j, Telephone: Ofdco , TELEPIIONS. Ode* MS, Rea. 307-W. .

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