wpnwii Momma bitt u im SOCIAL EVENTS ■. i , . T. Diocese T. B. SUeetlee Tk* Tuberrulpsta Committee of the Jocal charity organisation aaclety will give * dinner tomorrow evening at 7:80 •'•lack at the Woman's Club for the , purpose of discussing the tuborculoais sitaaMaa in Wayne county. .fl(aps mast ha taken at an anrly date ta cheek the progress of this dread llimii and Goldsboro citisens are ta taraatad la formulating plans to care for the patients who suffer from the malady. This dinner will ha preliminary to tka Stata Tuberculosis Association which nsaats hare on October Id. at which time a workable plan will he presented by the local committee. No appeal for financial aid wilt he made at this dinner. School Girls Lwi Misses Mary Elisabeth Morris, Ellen Nash, Marietta Cariessen and Claire Hank left yesterday for Greensboro te resume their studies at North Carolina College for Women. Miss Sudie Creech and Berta Crawford left for Meredith FRINCI FROM LIBERIA i ■Op ■ jw ' I I F. W lm 1 j,I II I f fJf/ ’Mi I ■ fl ■li | mil s is ■ B'H [J, I Hare la his royal highness. Frlnci It* Wle Oho Donma, son of ■ Nogn racial chlaftaln of Liberia, a Junloi claaa member at tha Pcnncylvanli State college, where be Is ttudylni agriculture Upon graduation ha wll' return to bis own country to atsn an agricultural acbool. and his folio* students recently raised a subscrip •tlon to start this school In affprr cist too of this kindness i’rlnca Don me aamanmtad to appear beforw tha ato dents la his native robes, aa abowi if""" * ' Add Magnetic Influence. A strange phenomenon, due. accord ing to scientific authorities, to still un explained magnetic Influences, baa for a whole month been observed dally la 1-ondon. Watches and chronometers hare been stopping suddenly. It has been useless to take them to the watchmaker, who could not detect the trouble, nor remedy It. After the lapse of an hour or two, however, the watches begin going uguln, mid all that Is needed la to aet them at tbs right hour. -* "' v Quad American Word. Despite Us Imttn appearance, tbs word “csOcus" never saw Home la tha person of a Latla ancestor. Tbs term la g memorial of the Itevolu ttonary war. and first saw the light In Boston. In a dispute with aome British soldiers, the ropemakers and caikera hotly denounced the Brit* tah government at a public aiming. Such meetings of protest, expressing open disloyalty to the Crown, cams to bo humorously characterised by tha Tories as “calkers' meetings.’' i From that term of contempt the transi tion of the word to its usa In Its present form as a part of our basic electoral machinery was abort It became firmly Imbedded In tha American language ss distinct In aev eral minor details from the lan gunge spoken in England. Detroit News Tha Trial as a Lawyer. A successful Chautauqua lecturer, a prominent attorney In his awn city, hag for years entertained largo audi ence# with his lecture, “The Trial of Jasus From a Lawyer's Standpoint." Recently he listened to the following diverting Introduction from tha tips of a platform manager: ‘I am very glad to Introduce to you, ladles and gentlemen, Mr. H , who will now entertain us with his celeb rated lecture. The Trial of Jseus From a lawyer's standpoint.' j I ran only Imagine on# lecture which I might prove mors Interesting to this audience than the one announrrih , That would b# The Trial of a law- ; i yar From Jesus’ .standpoint.' Everybody* li a gating PERSONAL * ••••••• ••# ass a sas Miss Selma Daley !■ spending several day* at bar eld kome at Seven Springe. sreempaaied by her father. B. H. Daley and her sister. Rath. Els# Annie Love Denmark, of tke faculty of Anderson Woman's Cnllogs, *«f‘ 7* • *erday to resume her work them after a vacation spent with ker parents here. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Well have return ed le the city from their esmmrr home In Wnynesville. 0 Rev. end Mrs. J. W. Potter are spend ing their vacation in the mountains of western Carolina. Her many young friends will regret to learn that Mist Basel Summerlin It confined te her bed. * Messrt. U. M Cilllken. H H. Jenkins and J. H Pats ate' ea a fishing trip te Morehead City. Mrs. A. V. Babbitt has returned from bor summer vaaatien at Holly Springs, •ho reports having experienced a very pleasant summer. WMTS UnON (M UT BELLE OMMCE V 0 An Ancient Municipal Bill Is Being Duff Up in St. Peters burg, Florida 8T„ PETERSBURG, Fls.. Kept 1t.... Citisens declare that sleep in Bt. Pet ersburg would not be a bowling success if a proposed ordinance, now burled somewhere la the archives of the city commission, were resurrected and enact ed into law, as is proposed by a »**n ter of that body. The measure, spon sored by tho Audubon Society five or *•* years ago. and buried because nona of the commissioners at that time felt equal to tho responsibility of passing or killing It. would compel the owner of every cat in the city to hang a boll about the neck of the animal. The Audubon Society in Its endtav nrs to protect song birds hit upon the idea to bell cats, among other steps. It was argued against the measure, how tver, that cats ware wide awake when most fslks pro asleep and the commis sion was asked how s citisen could snatch his forty winks with bell totin’ cats adding ting-a-lings to their usual ccncerts of yowls nad howls. They had trained themselves to sleep through tho cat concerts of ordinary calibre, said the objectors, but the ringing of b*Ua nil night would be a disturbing element from which thers would be no escape. While the argument for and against the measure continued, the commission n-arked time, then when the excite ment had subsided somewhat it 'was buried in the Dies and forgotten. A member of the present romriTtSpion, .who has served several eonsedutiva terms but who Is shout to retire, that August body a few days ago by demanding to know where the rat-bell ing ordinance was. explaining that he would not feel satisfied' to Ipsve the commislon until it had been acted up on. . |A ■ _ ■ ■ ■:/ „ 'W New photograph of Maj. oe«t. Jo seph T. Ditkman, retired, who head# thp hoard of general offloers convened te supervise the reduction in Uto num ber of ormy efftosra. —Coming Attractions— Acme Theatre TODAY A modernized version of “Eant, Lynn” with Mabel llallin THURSDAY Dunlin Farnum in “Iron to Gold” alno Harold Lloyd Comedy FRIDAY Flaine in “The Way of a Maid” and Pathe News; SATURDAY lom Mix in “ClutNing thr Moon,”| k ‘A Rag Doll Romance” two reel i L'omedy and Eddie |»olo in “Cant Kidd” Coming Monday “The Old Neat” ■■■■■■■■■■■l « I We Allow You *** SlO. for your Old Range/ « *“■ j , If your Kitchen Range, any kind, is not in Q good order, trade it to us and receive a credit of SIO.OO on the purchase price of *’ -o your choice of ourjine of fine— VULCAN GAS RANGES V * Goldsboro Gas & Fuel Co. „ «& ' , May Bb Good or Bad, but Al of Ut Havo Its __ * Writer Whe Makes tha Aaosrtlsn Cltaa I net a nee Whleh teams ta Freve tha Faint. Don't tall ms there Is no such thing aa lack. I knew better. Yon either have It or yon don't have it. It may he bad or good. Ho met I me* It runs la straaka and yon break aboat wen. But we all have luck of oaa sort or an- j other and wo cannot get away from It nad wo cannot explain It Taka the case of Jerry Morgan, for example, says a writer la tha Chtrago Dally News. The name la camou flaged. oat of reapoct for bis feeling*, but long years ago I know him well. His father died when he was a baby. His mother was left penniless. Even tually abe married another man nad Jerry wan 111-treated and ran away from borne just after he bad worked through the old fourth reader. Be es nee he was a husky kid, ha beesmq a sort of pugilist. That was all bad lock, wasn't It T Ha wasn't much of a pugilist ahd he lost a fight which his backers expected him to wta. So he loet his backers. Twenty years ago, la the dead of winter, he walked down an Icy street la Colambns, Ohio. Hq sms hungry, penniless and an absolute stranger In town. He had Just bummed his wsy In on s freight and had been booted off with every circumstance of Ignominy, lie was so week he tottered. Hta toe reught In 1 something buried In tbs lea. and be cause ha was In such a languid atata mentally that his curiosity was aroused by so small a circumstance— and because be had nothing else to j do—he went back to as# what It was that bad tripped him. It waff a neat roil of 9fi Mila. Home ana had lost It and tha falling sleet had planad It to the ground so that tka wind bad not blown It nway. And he came along Just before the sleet had buried It. Up to this moment ha , had bad nothing bat bad luck. H# wna as complete a loan aa a young man could be. But with tha finding of that money hta luck changed. Every thing cams his way. That money meant new clothes, plenty of food for tha time, a warm room, rest and re gained self-respect. In two day* ha had a Job. When ha walked Into the oEce yesterday I did not recognise him. Today ha Is tha president of a bank In a m>od alaed town on tha west ern coast. Everything be has aver touched has turned late money. „ He has had nothing but lurk of tha beet sort. Hlg speculations are al ways profitable. Ha haa a lovely wife, be tells me. and a family or fine chil dren. When be dies he will have a grand funeral and tha whole town will mourn him, for bo haa developed Into a citisen who la not only prominent hut la really worth while. Bnt 1 wonder what waa thg luck of tho man who loot tfcgt roll of bills! *• V NFW “ 11L ff shapes : NEW.J2L ' NEW ST I I » Everything in FurniMhingn A. A. JOSEPH H My Outfitter” TEE GOLPREORO NBWj Peasant Princess Princess Juliana. IS. future queen of Holland, dressed In tbs costume of n Flemish pennant given to her by the burgomaster of Mkldlsburg ee a recant visit t* o | OR. W. B. FLEMING Ik 1 jm 1 FH |M Jpl . 1 Wr AJR Dr. W. R. Fleming haa been sleeted president es Baker university, Bald win, Kan. Doctor Fleming has bean president es Weet Virginia Wesleyan sines Itlfi, and from I*ll te I*ll he taught Hebrew and Greek at Drew. He la tha author of a history es the kity of Tyre. Would Your Home Inspire a Sons Like (O' Home, Sweet Home? “Be it ever no humble" does not mean "lie it ever no meanly furnished." A home may be inexpensively furnish i' ed and lie in excellent taste. And it is the tastiness of the home furnishings that combine with the “family spirit” to make home the inspiration for a song. Let u» show you how to furnisH* your home inexpensively and yet in good taste. . Helig & Meyers “Furnish Your Home for la>sh” M. 4 • 119 E. Walnut St. Phone 372 i I GET THE IDEA ? 1 Alfred Walton, M. D. (Harvard 1879), says; “The spine has ) more to do than any other factor with the maintenance of health j one the one hand or the establishmen of diseuse on the other.” .. ' v .. t ■ -o ; ' • ‘ " "I" I The apine, or backbone, in cdm posed of twenty-four vert**- 1 brae, movable aefnienta, or aeries of joints forming a support- jy vH- \ -l : j ing column from which the muscular activities radiate. These L v ) vertebrae form the neural canal that cohtain 8 the spinal \ 1 cord, and from both sides of the spinal cord are sent out Lcr* Ml / thirty-one pairs of nerve trunks that pass through small open- \ f B ] » ings between each of these vertbrae, passing to the differ l_t B •( ent organs of trie, body, conveying from the brain the vital J force, or mental impulse, which is Hfe and health to every / Ik 'I ( part. When these vertebrae are in position the nervous tissue / IV" \ I ] conveying life and health are protected; when the vertebrae / • / VN I V are out of alignment the nerve trunk is pressed upon as it J r k I B v*.- W A f. Qrsbls Is sfesMsnt U «ho Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employee* O'* ■ , i JAB. C. JOYNER, M. D. Practice limited to ’4 SURGERY, GYNECOLOGY. AMD GK.MTO URINARY DISEASES. OUr# Fourth Floor Bordtn Building, HOURS: « to 1} S to •; 7:SO to »:N Telephone; Offleo TELEPHONE; o«ee SM. Rot. »07 W. THERE IS BOTH - RHYME AND REASON TO VISIT Neil Joseph’s 0 FIRST—IF YOU WANT STYLISH • DRESSES *"•‘"■•■■■’"••“■•“■••■"••■■mdnnm-smmmnm—ea«o-aammoM««e To All Graded School Teachers: We Ex tend a Hearty Welcome to Goldsboro Make Miller’s Drug Store your Drug Store, If we caa make your atay among ua more pleasant It will be our * plemaure to do so, this entire store and it* clerical force in at your command. g||| Bring ua your Preacriptiona— (let your poatage stamps here— (let your checks cashed here— Meet your friends here— We invite every teacher to open an account with ua—( Your credit is good here. Perfumes, Face Powders, Rouges, and Toilet necessities in Goldsboro. Box Papers, Pound Papers, Corre spondence Cards, and a full line of Stationery. Delicious Ice (’ream Sodas, Milk Shakes, and Four rlavors of Ice Cream* carried at our Soda Fountain* Come to see ua. Millers, Goldsboro i ; Drug Company j Telephone No. I Quick Mesaenger Servieaj | SAMUEL B. TEAGUE, M. D, OtMftl priftlfd |f MmUclbi P««o Ml-sag. a root Bollding Hdsrti 10 to IR I to k, 7 to (h. To ItphMot: OISto Ml, Redded* «RI >■ 1-tr Bring your old shoes to us and let us repair than. They will be almoat as good as new. Work called for and del ivered GOODYEAR ELEC. SHOE SHOP 103 E. Walnut Street Phone M 4 ———m—am—m PAGE THREE