PAGE FOUR MfiflUMO new jfiim wwi.uwininu ifLTVi PHIM Inty Diy In U» l«if « i ■ < egge^!Tx c .. w MTMCI»AId>{ PHI« K: * felly m 4 Sunday by Carriar ... $« 0 r« builf and Mai) DO Mr o»i> j «■* I Bwtered at tha I*oat Offlcs at Rold. S Mm. N. C.. aa second rtaaa matter, f Maatw at Ika Aaowcialcd Press. I frfca Associated Pt*u ia aarlualvalj | Mtitlod ta Ilia uaa tor repablieatlai 1 at atl aaara diapat.he, credited to it 01 I not fctb.rwiao craditad In tbia paper 5 Sad alaa tha local new, publxhed a- h All rights ot rcpuhluatlon at apoe -4 tal dispatch*, fcwgain »ra alao ve»«r*ej ft ....A. ■■ _ * ? WEDNESDAY MMNINfi MW I* l**l TOO MODKST Mr. Ksirfax H»rri*on. t h«* ex cellent gentleman who is t>rt**i tnt,*of tha Southern lUilway, tkr too mfM a man when he apeak* of (teatha from train* * and automobile* 1 . After rJiow • in« that not a .single paasenger « waa killed on a Southern Hail' way ttpin from the time the* road turned hack bv the foveranient. March flrat, *to August 111, \9-2; and that -at tJhp tame time 58 automobile •"ptmiienfers werie killed by South ' Tarn trains at crossings he n*- , marks that automobile drivers *-do not appear to lie as careful train drivers, and yet, he .says, ‘That it cannot Ik* doubt - "-ad that the social duty of pre-, Caution rests as mui h upon one aas upon the othef.” And in putting it that way ; we say that Mr. Harrison shows himself to be overly mtxlvat. rHe might: havg printed out that -while the tram drivers were none of their .own pas sengers and the automobile tdrivers were ktting fifty-eight -of their pasHengers get killed, .that the accidents all took place when the automohilea got on the railroads, and none of them place when the train rrot -on the highway, except, indeed 'wow and then when the high -way has to cross the railway. He ‘Wight have pointed mit with profit tbs, fact that an auto jipobile ma to go on a railroad for only a fe% feet ift soiitii +ot miles, while a train has to go hmi It all the time. IjL f , COMPROMISE ON * 9. ▼. crumnm Whan they celebrated the treninf of the Roanoke River Bridge At WllliMmston thq oth erdlagr there was a good deal of 'oMtlng. The State’s oratorii d Knighthood was there and ii ml) flow#: The only burning l Sash orator whose name yvj* MjWkd to note among those pro lint was the Honorable Turn O' Shanter Bbwle of Ashe. No that tlfta is due to tin jfeHmaity which Tam lalxira and* l, haring to atav dose to home to keep hia hand firmly rth« state's lost pro\ nice* to waat. He ia holding those provinces now with great dif ficulty, waiting for the state to WO its railroad property and iavest the money in a rail line trough the lost provinces. And K until the State dots this there Ip dot another soul left to hold the pfprinces If Tam wpre* to I hold for one moment e grave fears that the s would walk right TVnnesae line and he ?ver without hope of . So Tam may »*• ex r hot having put In Ids Appearance and a few high gear fftinariui on the occasion when the lost provinces of the east were brought back by the open lug of the bridge. If anything . tn the world would have tempt ed him to relax his tail hold m the lost provinces of the west tor a moment it wonki kave been the delight to he Srived from beholding the sal* elation of the lost provinces of fte east. The principal concern at the celebration of the opening of the bridge. we gather from the Subsequent literature on the •übjeot. wa« to give praise snd * ftßaditio some one for the build ing of the bridge, and even for tha road building in the State. All the speakers be jtowed great ppiise upon some ■gdy also for the Hccomfdiah- J—t, .leaving it perfectly ap ■nnt that the upeakcr him \Jpf aSaerved the praise and asuld therefore well afford to jmss a little blarney aro.wwl t the other* Everybody was gen erous eftcept Judge Frank w ms ban, who, like Oliver Twist, took tha opportunity of notifying th» world that he wanted a “leeth?" Nt more in the shape of some as •halt road. It wa«t a pan of tlv fortunate and happy eirvum panmi of Abe day that nobody . pud fur a hard prin fbMp'' wf •* - I who was entitled fto the credit, | for in that event the harmony of the occasion might have been marred bv every one’s voting for himself. Yf>u see it is ail right to throw a Ifttle credit around jn words, but if o a uaved city rftifot. Between these two extreme* old man K. V. OXulion sat steady in the Isiat and said: "Steady bovs, take it along easy. Build us cun and a* 'the needs require. You (Han't have hard road* till the time for them conies and then they will come along gradually, her.? a Httle ami then* a little, and In dub course, the full fledged high way under state construction and upkeep will come.” Nolnxly knew how this "state system" was to come, but after a while i everybody got to talking about it. Wlien Mr. Craig was gov ernor some enthusiastic fellow named him the good roads gov ernor and eftfcmled to see Won ders. But no wonders happi-ned. The**»ld man kept jogging Akmg at about the usual gait advanc ing here and there as he could. Then Governor Ilickett camd In and Col. Kirkpatrick organ | ized an air campaign and turned | loose many salvos in Wlialf of a large bond issue for state 1 ifiad*. Like Col. Kirkpatrick. I everybody else was in the air. ex cept the steady and reliable old man who was working al«mg us usual. The legislature fought I and quarreled and let off steam and did nothing, for there *as nothing,that it could do excel)! organize a Jjind of honorary * * * «>»•»«■■« - MW «—-• ■>»»■ «■ ► ■ - BRINGING UP FATHER ■ , j : * HY GEORGE MeMANUS , I > ■%* ■-*'»’ • , ‘ • & * i l. . 1 . 11 ’ 1 • *—* ——«— rn —rrrr— i i i i r-> ■■ ■■ i ■ •■■■ i.. .......... ... ..... v ■ ■ ■ ■ —■ - - - - - • SIN* *4 THt *-*NDLOI4O I i A \ M °‘ JT feC ! 4 *■ pSfTTV 1 V/MCM ME OC**,NT I , I , (OHPLAIH *-» oT ' BWi ■ .. •. v • i f ‘ S’ . state highway commission prin npally for the amusement of Col. Benehan Cameron, whose time hung heavily upon 'll is hand*. Thfn the second Bickett legislature came in with a few more defiffite' ideas from the people. They wrangled and twisted and noliody knew wiiat cdukl be done or what any one wanted done. There W’efe some half a dozen bills each drawn with an eye single to the county or the local prejudices of the representative, who presented it Hut they dually got the begin ning of a slate system, as fur as the state wished or jeould sec at that time. The Most notable thing about it w#s ahat they fedutwH the number of commissioners fr».m thd large and flouHshihg honorary list beaded by f'ol. ( ameroh, and gave Governor Bickett the op port unity to apjkrlpt Frank Page the head of it. Bqt the> ia*U(*d no bondi and mbst of thai hyrlslature would have fuller dead in their sekts had such * thing hern seriously contem lAkted. Rverylaxly went home andjok man E. V. O’Lutiod kept on th< Job. By the time* the next legis lature met public sentiment hue taken some shape. Republicai members iiad become so pro nmiriced for road ironds that the Dein(|erats failed t(» faint at the Mention of them. Governor Morrison came in and Col. Kirk patrick let over some more* air artillery. Old Uncle Rufe Houghton suw that the time had come and the people* were ready to provide some money, and so hb let the legislature order tht issuance of nltv millions, and otherwise provide funds, and also perfect the state gjrstcm so that Mr. Page could go t( work. So, step by step, the thing ha* come ulong till the William sion bridge hss been completed Who deserves the credit ? .Then is no credit aismt it. The thing lure come along like everything else lias come, hy slow degfees of development, needs and oppor tunity dovetailing all along Governor Craig was no more a good rqgcta Governor than hU predecessors. Govdnor Bieketf was no more a'gobtl roads gov ernor than Governor • Craig Governor Morrison is no mon a good roAds Govtmnr than Gov ernor Bickett was. Each hus worlred In hi* appointed tinn and place and with such mean.- as he had, all in the general scheme of that good bur much maligned oM ro»n, K. V. O’Lu tlrtn. Add hanged if we don’t vote for him. The gentlemen who were so meticulous the other day lest norm iMxly should get a shade too milch or ft shadt too little cn*reeeifinc a course of literature from the Brotherhood of Bucks, and that the brother hood is starting a campaign against the Volstead pn>hibi tlon law. In this orr)er arc th< following buck*; J> Supreme Grand Commander, Kingiiuck, Past Grand Master, Biu kolic, The President, Grcatbuck, High buck, Low buck, Luddiehuck, And all t great tan ks and all the little bucks are bucking the prohibition law. If Windy Billy Henderson wen* alive we are sure that he would mount the charger of Alexander thr Great, which lie called Burka faiua, and lead the procession of bucks. Tommy Griffith *nd lly* Myi >» «r« not hlttmic at (hoy wer-r earllrr in thr >Miti>n, when ll Imrkrd at it thr pair us Ihirigrr* would land mnung the load mg tlusKrrt. THE OOLMBOHO NEWS. * HISTORY IN THE * MAKING TODAY’S £ VENTS OrvMlngi .to (i,n. John J. Ptrthlns y*»r» old today* Svrniy- f i fih unnivrraary ojL thr I'aplur* of ( hapulftrpac ky thi-^Smar I lean*. l».rao*r«u of Grarcla will thair tickrt of Htau xfficrj in a priitiary rlartioii Hardwick I. , cunj,,. Ur T , m9mkta .j i ti«n and ia by Clifford Wnlk fcr. former attornag nntrtl. I**lr*atw« from all parts us tha U»H rd States and from trn foreign ronn tries are expected in I'ittshugh today to attend tha annual ronvenlion of th< .tout Mining Institute of America, thr «*».,ons of which will continue three duy« Vi n«»r print exp. rt* and noted d.. trctiv,.« from many of the leading efi lea of th. world are to attend the r,ghth * nnual convention of the International Association of Identification, wfcnh lt to l.ugin its anaiiana today in lloaton IN TM* DAIS NRWM Thontaa W. Hardwick, who is a nan didst,, for rmoaiinatlon in the Demo cratic primary, in tirorgia today, ia how completing hia fir.t term as governor of thut Stale, (iovernor Hardwick l> I a lawyer by profraalon, with a hotn. in 'Sander,vllle. Morn m Thoiiin.ellir, In Isfif, hr received hi, academic edu . cslloa ut Mercer I’nlvrrattr and hi, profenionsl training at the law arhool ( * of the University of UtKirgia. After . aerviee of ,a*eral year, in the Georgia j | Ki*Utar*», h** *nt«rAd congrcM in J IHW, and reinaingd ia the Hoi.r un til IUI4. when he *aa named hy the gnv c|»«r to neurrerd Aha Au K u-tu, > G- Ba.on In the Ursltsd Mute, wnste , parisr hia long rareer aa a national lawmaker Mr. Hardwick won look'd up (on Its a conaervatiae and a (rgali.t, nnd a »tataman who m.,nd for the older type of Southern Uengwratic thought TODAY** HIIttHDAVH apt isahlW Kr ehrdlu u u u uu 17#R- -( aptain Vancouver returned from hit voyage of AMcavery after an ! ahoenca o| four year*. IH.'tJ —diabriel Richards, noted mi, •*’••' dd. kata, «g fonarr ~ d.e,| mi pit ‘ il ‘ rr " nri ‘ ° < ' l ir *' 1*47 The Amerl.-an, made a furloa. ireault on the fortran, of* I hapult., "ouled thr Mraicanr. and unfurled the Mum and Stripe, d*er,‘ lhs shattered IS4» Alexander 'Bl,dell MirKenafa 1 Who commanded the If. S bn* Someen ih<* HrrrftAry «f W/»r w*t hung at the yardarm, died at Tarry N - V Born in New York City April *. IM4KJ. IMS The centenary of the birth of Humholf was celebrated in GcrmaiA, liW • I.nrcnxo Snow was chosen pre* I *i‘*nt of tftc Mormon church pi ,ucrced Wilfurd Woodruff, deiea.ed. I*ls- Andrew L. Ilxrria, fawner *e TO A,S»>» i W r l ' l^ OM ~ , t » I M I* . V i <*. I»|| m- Ur i. >ui m W»v«> Uc *. */rm >'* ' ' 151 Tom ' WBMiSftms T *- -> -4 . "T 7' Wf bfbc knn 4>l>. #ting to »g* in the paper where *om* roal wagon driv er abaci* tided with a tujl. New York pulu-e hav** jot.» An actor tried (o’ ki.a one. • * * * rs The woman who t«Ve» every hair an her ku.imitd’* head tiataw ovary hair on hie ibouldcr. l|* about etiaal. Poor dodge auto* kind rich buby btfggi**, • • • • Some riilt dree* for ,town n* if they thought the place den fled. • • t • Truth ha» it on fiction. The human tongue hav only II muerloa. •e • • Willie driving autoa or bargaina It la to ki < p to the right. •• • • When you ne a nu«n climbing tha ! ladder to turret* Jim ran bet a worn- j an I* holding It. •• • • Slit -leivoH look a* If the flrta*-m*k I er didn’t have enough good*. • • a • ■ Since worry ninkr* one hold, what a ! pity a mini ran t worry with hit fare inatead of hla head. aa • a Seating up a burglar la aafe compar ed to rwtalng out a waltrea*. •. • v Hettor national anthlem than "Keep the huiue firea burning" would be , ‘Tiiirlltig, I um glowing ridd." SltirOi are longer; only I rr months until- Mart !i • • • lleahh hint: If you get aleepy during ! rhureh do not try to uae a pillow of I (he rhareh, • a •• • 1 What make* an old maid madder than j the h»r>e»t moon? 1 ... | 1 Tha laU rote of gammer it not here I V' t; hut our Palm Hen* h cult look* l] like It. I •** t ] A M’flou* nhortnyo of com! tinart |« l h portfd, Don't wn«((t any? •• • i "One tingle word," •«*« Al Apple, i* 'hoa avflable*.” It i* long enough | lo he a married Word. '' •aa * , A woman putting up prem rvea tell* u* it tugar pri'-ea nra unenflny. ... • |{ Three’* a erowd; two’* a pettinr , patty. a. . . » , ’ If *he d.M.*a't rouge, It It berauae | " h '' think* diieretion la the better part i of pallor. j ... , ’ 'klio. w ill„ temper th« winter wind* 11 to tha thorn ronaumer? it ** * * When the worm turn* lio ia looking ] for a ehe.tnut. I .... Th.-re teema to be Ro plnre lika awu” I from home,’ ••• I i (inlv even more pionlha until |he l] nett ran I *trike-. li - . ■« __ ___ 1 UkSE HAU. NOTES. \\ n Outs-ebb r Jlrnthrntc linn been ro.ik- !{ ing rood a- 4ad..,ff mim In the Cuba’ | ] batting oedt-r II n Outalilv *.f I’ep Young nt ternnd, Can- ' ] ho- Had n huay aeaion ghlfl* { lag around hla Inficldere. ] In the game of .panklng aafe tiingiea, i the Cleveland Indiana are not "following ] the leader” Trig Speaker. I Johnny Cooney, New Haven’t *tnr • piteher now w,tb the look. like irei uir... good - a* a big Who. r ( Ki n W ilitama—*iya ho it nat out «»f the rue* for hoaie run honor. and that ! ht- will yd ratch liegei Homeby #ie*l Tlllle tt alknr. So mueh henry hitting nnwndaya that I the :tmt «et la crowded, With the re«ult that tha *aet** fa not ao aelect aa In 1 former yeara. i Manager Moron figure* that »hl* L yimr’e *kp*nefe I * th# National leu- { gue will niukr* a great pilrhcr for Hie Red* , lioth tha Giant. and Yankee# h*va ! ■ lump* I more than othia, I but both outfit*. Were able to coma haek *trong In every in.tanre/ Corlin la the only member of the ! Senator* among the flrat thirty four , hatamoH in American league uvcruge* j He atanda eighth la tha Hat. While not ao • ugh of the Cardinal, coming through St. f.ouia fana atili pin their faith on the Rrowna rapping the American league pennant. The Pitt.burgh Hurra have praved |n ha a t rouble.ome hunrh for the Cardl- 1 nala of late, all-the <*ard»’ pltrhria be Ing aoft) puking for the I’ltt.bUrghera. Arenrdm gto Mem- I ram. and Grunt’, both tlvc Hed Sov and Srave. are to b. rehiiiit Orel -ca.on »|h the aid of ( young and promiamg latent, in <;erT\Nc I rv alonc, too p>,o \£-ma*vc loudly you'll hayc Rf il WTH my r ’) TO < t WE I.M / | \s,* '-i*MCtlM VvIOLCI WC ' "S'”'. J' | u» ■> »»»■«« CORONER’S JURY CENSURES ROAD ANI) EMPIA)YEKS PITTHBUIUIfI. IV, Sept. 12 A roriS lar’a Jury thv**ltgatlng tha fire whutL leatroycd a P K. K. bunkhoutc herfc eptember S With a lo«» of a*Ven tin® inlay returned a verdict venturing of ficial* and employe*. of tb* company fur the yunditlun of th* bulljing and milling that th* plane waa accidental. This Smile Was Madtf in Ameriqt C tha Mnek hand of atarv*t|nn unlooaened. thin MMUiun mothar vnrUto* ai fao«| bar kttla mm tn «ha chtliff vadlm k’.uhen at Samara Tbt food waa a*t cash on delivery of deed and the ) balance in five equal paymenlii_from o?je v to five years with Interest at six per cent ( i per annum on all deferred payments. . | l If interestcxl oome to see me within,the / next ten days as it must be sold in fifteen \ 1 days. ( ( I B. G. Thompson | ( - ■., * * - W)UNf>ERS—MACHINISTS *'■• ' * Mll,L Kl ITI.IKS « Holler* < locomotives Kntfimn Saw Mills Trartors "~ . Steam Pumps Klectrle Wot or* Structural Shapes—l’lain and Fabricated "l( Iron and llnuot Casting* £ l Klcctric and Oxy Acetylene Welding \ "• \ i. DBWKYi BROS., I nc. V•. \ Kstaiiliahed 37 Years ' ▼ \ * | • GOI.DSHORO, N. C. ; f f * oh; i m ■bo I —j J I Y OU WCMtrMQ ME OF ' I V HA>T t UU M'f I 2\ T r f\ ' % * * = l, ■ _j, | i »n»i WtnxpDAY HOKNIXG g«PT |> Hit JATANKME HETTI.KMBNT NBAS PONT MrAKTMI'H kITMVIO WASHINGTON, B*pt U Tha pro pi>aril r*tabli*hm*nt of a JapanrM «ct tlvtiH-ill near hart McArthur. San Bvdyo, aHf hnla, will m no way jvopardtgv tha JfiaUutiul d«f*n*a in the opinion of ,a %n.irJ of army ufllcial* aadgneti to *-tyil> th* qii »tiun. A*er*tary \V**k* aanouacad lutiuy tuht th* bad re ported tkt* cunviutlMi aud prv.u'oably th* lautur I* undutl ao Tug .. th* war department i» eurtoi ra*d.