I WEATHER | Cloudy probably rain W«4m4(J and Thursday. VOLUME ONE; NUMBER It*. President’s Veto Makes Bonus Legislation Improbable For Some Time SENATE ALMOST SURE TO SUSTAIN ACTION > OF CHIEF EXECUTIVE +>' 11 Harding Detlarta Sympathy for ‘‘Avowed Purposes” of Bill But ProviHions Woiti n STIFLE FUTURE CONSCIOUSNESS OF DUTY WASHINGTON, Sept. 19- President Hardin? vetoed the soldiers’ bonus bill today, in forming Congreaa in a written message that while he was in accord with “the avowed pur poses" of the meusure he did not subscribe to its nrovisions. The executive action was re garded generally in Washington as making improbable n bonus for the world’s war veterans, at least for some time to come as it appeared to be almost certain that the veto would be sustain ed by the Senate. A vote in the Houae—with passage probable —was planned for tomorrow with Senate action to follow- la ter in the day or on Thursday. Mr. Harding set forth a lum ber of reasons for returning 1 lie bill to the House without his approval. These included: Kiaxon* For Vrl« Failure «f (on terra* proxidc a mean* of financing. Thai Inevitably (hr bonus would ■lran increased taxation. That thr legislation would w|pr out everything thus far accom plished to redner Government #*- pondHurra « hrrrrrr pooalhle. That a peace beotowal on thr er as rvlce men waa “a prrrrraion of puhllr fnnda” and *uggr«terf "that future defense (« lo hr inspired by compensation rathrr than ronsrfeua »e« of duty to Its* and country," Cnwlar Dtatributlon That (o add oar-oUth of thr total *i *“* of the public drbt for dUtrl hutlon among Ira* than flrr million ; °f lII.tH,UI people would aader mtnr eonSdenee on which the na credit waa buildrd and ‘‘eatahlUh the precedent of dis tributing puhllr fund* whenever the propoaal and the number* affected make It aeem purftlirslly appealing. That the ten billion dollars of malaria* puhllr debt in the next •lx years would he difficult ta meet i without adding the romp lie at lona of added borrowings on account of a honaa. Meant Sacrificial Barter That the adjusted service certi ficate plan of payment with Ita hank and Government loan provisions waa little leea than a certified In ability of Ihe Government to pay and Invited “a practice of »a<rl«- rlal barter" by the veteranr. That the hoaaa would not dimin ish the later obligation in thr way of penaioaa to the World War veteran*. Asserting that this obligation woo Id “coat more billions than I venture to suggest," the President declared that a "rational financial fblkf today la necessary to make the sallon ready for the expendi ture which la certain to hr re quired In the coming years." liio Position All Along Mr. Harding also called attention to the sum* now helng expended for the care of the diseased, disabled or dependent and asserted that the total coot of thi* work with Insur ance liability added probably would exceed twenly-Uve billion dollara. In v»*oing the bonus bill, the chief executive consistently maintain* the position he ha* held nil slong t.gqrding *.nnu , a«stio»l > for the soldier* who KjUfd in the World W*r He ha* not ,t any time swerved from hit original attitude Mr Harding mode it plain at the start that H.* waa not against f boon* for the soldiers, but h«- in fatted thu» any till paxxed by the Con gee** should provide a mean* for pay- >. In* It. Firm <n Original Tqsttion In a letter to t ha.rmsn Kurdney of the Haute ways and mean# roisislttw, ha said that If t ongr>»* would agree to a aalea ta* for the payment of the (Continued un Page bix.J The first "doctor of medicine'' wa* fiullnlmo Gordon 10, who re.-t-fv I the honor from the college of Aostl, in Italy, in 1930 L The radiometer la *o delicate an Jnetrußii nt that It will measure tin fknnunt of beat given uff by a kuiusa vLty at *OO (est distance. THE GOLDSBORO NEWS Some Americans Believed To ii. & , * . to I Have lieen In Wreck of Laredo ! Train Which Killed Twenty v . ♦ i j MEXICO CITY. Sept, 19. —Twenty per sons among which are thought to be several Americans-were reported dead and a Urge number injured in fefrail road wreck early today of a l.aredo , bound passenger train which left I Mexico City last night nt a village near Qaeretafti. V Spreading rails due to the heavy rains THIRD DISTRICT WAR IS FIGHT Os PIITIES Aberncthy Full Ftet&ed Choice of Democrat*; May Not Be Oppoacd For Short Term Nomination by acclamation here yes terday of Charles L. Aberneihy, of Bern, as the democratic candidate to fill the unexpired term of the late , Congressman Samuel M Brinson nnd (he ; call, immediately thereafter, by Govern or Morrison of a special election on (he sunn- day of ihe general election In November made the 'I lurd district issue nothing more than a contest between I b' 11-■ I'll l■l.' .. : -K <1 Ii ■ ib'lmi Y Ho fur a* could b* learned here, it will be only a passive campaign the opposition will wage against Mr. Aber nathy, who has already been nominal' ed, by the primary, for the full term In Congress beginning M .rih 4, 192(1, K'verend Thomas J. flood, of Golds boro, is ths Republican candidate f-.r the regular term but local Republicans yesterday knew of no action looking toward the selection of a candidate for the short term. This, it appear*, will ge to the Democrats by default while the regular tet-m will be won by i ma jority of from 1000 to :iO«H) votes grentpr than given the ticket in the last .gen eral election. > - • Party chiefs fiam all over ha His-; I trlct were here yesterday and they hrourht healthy reports of the cendl tin*! of DfldOflfify, "We have nothing to fear from the Republicans this ysar.” Hampton D. j Williams, of Duplin, observed after the meeting. “The fact is." he added, '.‘they don't seem to know or care to talk polities this time. I believe the most of them •re going to stay away from the polls ' out of a sort of shame for their man agement of affairs." RED CROSS Will JOO SECOND HEALTH NURSE New Worker lo Devote Major Effort* to Tuberculoui* Fight At s called meeting of the executive board of the local Red Cross yesterday afternoon, the recommendation proposed by the Council of Hociai Agencies at on earlier meeting waa unanimously adopt ' d; and Wayne County chapter will undertake the support of a second field nurse, or public health worker, who will give the most of her time to tu 1 oerculosia work among the white and colored people of the county. Mis* Rose Khrrnfeld, state director of Public health nursing, a former Red Cross official but now a member of the North Carolina Htale Board of Health, was present and suggested a very con crete plan which was favorably recelv ed. The support of the new nurse will be entire'y from Red Cross funds, but hei program of work will by supervised by the county health department In or der that there will be no conflict. Wayne county ha* a population of (3,000. It Is clearly evident that the present public health nurse is unable lo get m touch with all of the suffering n (be county, h* ncr the adv. i i of a second nurse will make possible an ex tension of the •-durational program re cently undertaken among |be school children and adults of the County. Plant for the earning tied Cross roll call w<re fully ilumcnl, and a com* mu tec appointed to •«-!•-• t a suitable chairman. The ghmiai roll call I* »Ff- / "nly time during year th»- Red t tut* m .#• i so ipp,-»! for so- !» bm-e it is through this drive that the end public h*>»Uh nurse will be h-out-fit to the county, it is earnestly hoped that every citiarn will lend hi* aid when callrd upon A man who has ju«t died In Condon made -a fortune of more than tM.IMI by hiring oui pushisit to street ped dlers, j/ ~ ' Plug tobaero i the -ole currency u»<-d by the inhabitant* of ism, of the mpre remote Fiji Islands in ths South Pa j rifle Oeeon. - ! which fell recently are supposed to . have caused the accident. I The list of victims it unavailable . i here The train ,wa* preceedcd by a . military escort train whsn the later j wa* ditched. The passenger train was . unable to stop in crasher into | the other, killing the engineer and fire men isi .-lastly, elief trains have le(| 1 Mexico City for the. disaster. KNOCK Off INK 1800TIEGGER INK I ! New lirnnd of Outlaw Rob* the Old Brand Which Now Squala WASHINGTON, Sept. 1* - Congress will probably be callrd upon to legis late against a new form of outlawry, | according to Washington police offi cials. Representative Andrew Volstead and other ardent "drys" may not relish the thought of voting for u law making the highways safer for bootleggers, but tjtst will be one effect of the legisla tion. A profitable business ha* recently been built up by what are known in | bootleg rirrle* a* "knock-off men.” The Intler ore the wplvrs of the business who earn a living by holding up well intentioned bootleggers after they jiave passrd the State line with a consign ment of liquor on n truck or automo bile and tarrying off the-,whiskey at the point of guns. The man of men who transported the liquor across the line from Maryland or Virginia have reliev ed the “knock-#»ff men" of the respon sibility for violating the law against currying liquor, m Interstate commerce, and Incidentally they usually relieve Hike- bootleggey* us ecwiyth'- g of value ' op their Thing* have ‘reached a pass where bpotleggef* are filing complaints with Washington po'ire reyord'ng the** He predations. Home of them have even' gone to their my r* her* of Congress ta i discover whet recourse they have where valuable consignments of liquor have ' been taken from them By marauding bands who lay in wait and who know the route* and usual hours of open-' ' tions. Trsnsportaing whiskey by motor truck and by automobile has become com paratively safe, according to the boot- j leggrrs, except for'the "knock-off men." The State of Maryland, for Instance, no longer puts any obstacle* in the way of consignment* of liquor brought through the State ky motor transpor tation so long a# the drivers observe all the regulations governing motor ve hicles, Including speed restrictions. It 1 is understood that similar conditions prevail in Pennsylvania and New Jersey. Thieves Buy Right of Way. Liquor is moving over regular routes from Florid* to New York. In many In stances the right is bouflit and paid for In advanrCny corrupting affi- ! errs of the law. Now comr the "knock-off men,” the newest and grehtept menace to the peaceful pursuit Ti gainful orrupa tion hy the bootlegger There have been scores of hold-ups around Washington of liquorladen vehicles, in which bullets , sometimes fly, to the dismay of other occupants of thr highways The sliua tion has become so bad that the prin ctpla bootleggers in some Instates carry their own gunmen for protection, while other daring spirits are finding lucrative employment with bphd* of ‘ knock off men" operating slong the well traveled bootleg routes of the East ern seaboard Inspector t’hffprd L. Grant, chief of detective*. Washington, said that legis •■Don is needed to combat this evil within the ufstnet of Columbia, "At present we are powerless ta set," he said. This new rtf me agxtnst society lint developed here lo uc|» an extent Ihet " sny autoniolnl t* touring to the gyp iul and .v.n ,(ft*r tley ..rrlve hktow complain to th. ftfljcr Mmk -.hey hsvs I r-n stopped on the I* tiding *, ihe nly or on the streets Ay men wiio force th, If machiilu to the curb end, fTn-Siing revenue ladge*, compel them -if A Mibmit to th, ir uiachin, « bring 1 eesrehed The local police .fre ih a jpandarx just b, » to. I'fx., d again, t th* w*ll known whisky *'t-on fixes tors," who have been plyl-ig their trade against boot leggert as well as motor *|t who take i heir family for s ride ta the suburb an district* The bootleggers and ‘’knock off men" *#em t<> fully realise thsl the author ! •• ic". tar-not molest them other than o tyke them into custody qp «n in Veit I gation < barge, which togut'’ notes In s writ > f habeas ,orpu* be g Issued snd the supyosed charge of robbery dropped. Buddhism is the faith of at least s quarter of th« human rac*. » i GOLMSOBO, NORTH CABHUNA. WHMK3BAV MORNING REFT. St 1913 FINDING OF PISTOL II ! iIODEUMD - RFSOLT IN HRRESTS Rector and (Mr leader Be lieved to Hive Been Shot After Btriitfirie ■ ■ ■ ~ ! HANDKERCHIEF AI-SO MAY DEVELOP CLUE NEW BIU'NPWtniG B«pt. 19. (By the Associated Prn>a.]j» Discovery of th* pistol wfth which (He Rev Edward Wheeler Hall. roctor*of ths church of Saint John the Evssgts>ti|t and his young choir leader, Mrs. RtOUnor Reinhardt Mills, were slain brought the invest! gallon of the mystertasi* double mur der near its close t«*Mr»it, I' While officials st Middlesex and Som erset counties who ar* co-operating on the case refused to repent earlier op-' timfstic predictions of sn arrest with in ■ given time, t{ was learned that th* custodian of the small county jail at Homervillw. Somerset Gsunty. had been instructed to prepare for the receipt of • st least one prl-oncrj i - ft A County Detective I tax id, of Middle-j ecx, who found the pistol a black, automatic- refused to say where he htid gotten it or whom ho- Susperted of be- ( ing its owner Ownership of the woap .on wa* bring- traced, he said, and an arrest might be okpigUed a* soon a* that proevdure has bsh n completed. Fir I ter in the day. detective* had come into possesion of a woman's hand kerchief p:creed With; What appeared to be bullet holea. th- handkerchief bad been p.cked up near tbs spot on the abandoned rhillip*’: farm in Somer set County, where thy bodies of the rector and Mrs. Mill* were found Ownership of this la*< bound square, If it -an he estaJtfUhfd ruay furwlah valuable evidencclpii lupport of thr theory that m*n and f woman Uqrther surprised, Shoe mesHrfor-eod -«m ’Mdftt and that one of tin J# u «ldt* them after a struggle betsfaht thr t*o women. -- • 'd|| <4 ■ - -ussy - KEPT COPS PROM SHIRKING COLLIE RUN OVER BY CAR A brave little srhilg and yollow collie yuppie is alivs and happy despite the automobile of Ernest Davis which pass ed over his body yesterday and daapite policemen who sdid it would be acces sory to shoot him; and all bocaose Miss Delia Poweir gushed iota the etroot where tbo colli* lay whlalag piteously and said, “it shall not be d#ne'' Nor 1 was it done Bomsone tool the injured ' dog in his arm* and hare him as tea ! dtrly as a child Into the dtirg store of 1 Dr. Denial f’pwell. Late last night so owner for the dog ' had hero found, but hr was lying ther* on a grain in no pula and apparently bright and inSerestetTin ! everything that wrat on. He made na 1 sfforts to rise, hut when Dr. I’nwexjl'a ' black and. white collie came trotting' through the store he poked out hi* ' pointed, black miisslt, and pricked up his peintrd ears, ready for another i frolic which cam# so near rotting him: his life when he wa* run down In th* street. He Is a full-blonde,l collie, hut no one has claimed him so far, and he will have a home at the Powell drug store uatil today. Whether he has one after today depend* on whether someone , claims him or not. , * MELONS OF BEER NOW FLOUTING TO SEN -*”S — Sheriff nnd Prohibition Arent (’npturr Find ('la** Outfit Nt»ar Whitehall Sheriff Grnst Mod prohibition officer A. A Jack*mi took s cross she cnuntry t*lp of Id miles ticttr toward yesterday knd m, r re-tdl are fibO gallons of beer Dotting wf £j*i to the x*a to Intoxicate the ||tt!« fixa uTfl th# big fi-h, and theje is a first cits* still nffWihaecil sSitu.g the tilings that ones wen- The -,till had not been jq opera-* tion thi* week it is beltersd by Bher tlf Grant. Appan »l!y fire* bod bs s allow,-,I to die cut last Friday In an tiefpsl on of a great day of rekindling when c„ro nun I would be magically convert*,l loto white lightning with more kick than all 'he mules of Mis ,ouri Hut sis*' the throat* thnt w,ro ■l* « vi ,| f■,r th*t li<ia»r snu-t go ih,* dv; or if tbry would dr ok lb, btwr they -u-i ro fir 1 th,- bftnch in which the nosh was dumped and drink sev eral thousand gallon* of water, Like wise th# owners will have to charge to especie-- a •,!> «"m for mrs* far which ihoy will -nut get theltr reward until ksroo/lsr Year, Eight Months and 13 Rags Eor 'Hr. O.P. Pass Tariff , b !! «H Sugar, Raw Wool, Tobacco and Embrolderien Will Bear Half of County’* Tax Burden Under Flrnt Protective Tariff En acted in Nearly Ten Years WASHINGTON. Sept. 19. Final leg Islotivp action of the tariff act of 1922 wa* ukon today with adoption of the conference report by the Senate. Th* measure now goes to President Harding and will become effective the day after ha sign* It. Under the law he has ten day* in which to attach hi* signature. The Renat* vote was 41 to 2d and I cam* Shortly one year, eight montht . and thirteen days after work was start ed on what will be the first Reßpublican ‘ protective tariff law in nearly ten years. Fire Republicans voted against the conference report and two democrat, supported it. Three Republicans, Cam cron, Cummins, and Lenreot, who voted for the bill a* amended in the Renat*. ~ opposed it in the form it cam* from conference. Treasury experts estimate that th* ». »■ - .. : CFNTRAL CAROLIIA | 1 MARKETS ARE OPENED " rnn r , A’ Third Intrant* in ('isih Paymffni to Grower* Evoke* Gen- -f era I Applause Dl RiIAM, Rapt 19.—» Unprecedented enthusiasm attended th# opening of th* wnrehouees of th# tobacco growers co operative association at 111 markets of ‘ the. ventral North Carolina b#'t today when th* third increase In aash ad vances brought general satisfaction ta the thddsands of member grower-} of the big tobacco cooperative, who do- Hovered approximately 5M.000 pound* of tobacco on the oponing day. f -A* **»Mtm*. yjtlwrA Jtm MM • deliveries ran from 73.0 Mto IM.flOfl' pound* on each market sad th* opening of associo.fion warehouse* . at the** point* was marked by fattiest spirit, prayer and thanksgiving. The.JDvsbtAo market was opening with prayer by the local clergy and the enthusiasm of mem bers for th* orderly syaum of grading and handling th* wood waa voicsd an all sidaa. Between fifty and sixty thauaand pounds were dslieered at ths big ware house in Durham where admira tion for the working at tht naw sys tem was r*ry generally expressed by ! both members and onlookers. Other good deliveries wars mad* at Renfopd I where 15.000 pound* were on th* co operative floor*. at Raleigh, Cpnfi Inner. Loulsburg and Apax wfcigh M**r aged from 26.000 ta 40,000 ponds sash As tb* cooperative association gooa | Into action in central North Carolina and th* rise of four dollars per hundred on the highest cutter grades and cor responding increases on th# F. grades of whicit the association has made re i cent successful sals* ta th* big loaf dealers and naan u facto re rs greatly an couraged the farmers today rlioatiJ at many points that the first tM*> advaacds nearly equalled th# prices of the aur tion'yuaritu. Th# cast as C. E. Joa*t tfat* (fehfffer of TVak# county who de livered tk the eobperati v# floors M Raiwgh and r*c4**d 69.0 u a* first cash advance for Hie seme Scheme which hi* tenant split and g* 111 66 on th* atirtlon TThdtfe T (’. WafHtit. manager of warehouecs, Richard R. Patterson, manager at tbq leaf department, C, H (heatham, and. A R Breedlove, assistant manager off the leaf deportment visited .Durham, Oxford. Hnxburo and Henderson today ! and assisted with th* grading and tn* i management of the warehouses ex pressing themselves as highly pleased With the Intitial opening of the centra); , Carolina markets. Many hanks and mer ehants of the central area ar* cashing i participation receipts for th* tame amount as the first rash payments »« ! deiieery or g>*ing the growers credit | to the estebt of th. ir first checks from th# cooperative association. sr • U«.6M AFF ECTED BV FORD CLAMING j DETROIT, Michigan, Ropt. Ik, Home* 1 2AO,<n»o p, tsunx, including workers ondj, their families, sr* directly affected by the rinsing of Henry Ford's big m«',*r * plan! here Saturday, It i* estimated,! and thus .and* more probably will be , ( throws out of work with the enforced • losing of other Michigan -factories,! wh,ch depend upon the Ford company ' 'or the consumption of their various * outputs *f lu th- iK-tratt district ylone, 76,009 1 employe* arc affcCrd, and thousands ‘ more Will be idle as the result of shut down' of l or-i f*- »**< milling pistil* tbrooehoit th* eriuntry, aecarding to reports here. aq Nearly 1.901) caretahoys, toko oven *• tatidont* and other workers necessary ; for the maintenance of the shop* are 1 > fbe only with th# except. «xn of office workers, who are Ixstag rx -1 Uinsd. J t 1 nvw act will yield about four humlrqil 6400,000,00(1 a year in revenue one half from these four %ourc*a: sugar, 97,- 000.000; raw wool, |(U,000.000; tobaero. 635.000,000. #nd litcea and embroidcriss, flf>,0(K),00(l Joseph K, McCoy, actuary of the treasury said in actual xoperation the Effective equivalent addalorems will average slightly below in th# fs moua Payne-Aldrich act’ Rates In some of the schedule* are declared to be th* highset In the his tory of American tariffs while thoae in other achcdulrs ere estimated lo**be lower than In any other protective act. I In the highest class are placed sugar. I raw wool, silk, laces and embroideries, cutlery agricultural products and provl- j alona and dysa, xynthotic chemicals medicinal* and other products of caul ! tar. jr; ", ■ ; „.„s, i GLEMENT PRESIDENT of Pimm M««tinß of Eastern CrtoHm ( umrra Men Oncßnixe* WHa V GoUbboro M«n A« Head Captain A. O. Clsrment, of Goldsboro, was yesterday elected President of the Eastern Carolina Photographer* Asso ciation at the organisation meeting held In this sity and attended by something ; like a score of snail known Eastern Car \ elina photographers George Moulton, of New Bern, was elected first vie# president, W. H Keel lor, of Elisabeth C|ty. second vie* presi dent, W. W. Bolter, of Kinston, eeera- UF— Mutt**., lalw—. I Urn ham. treasurer. Tb# taocutjv* commit toe will he chosen at ths n®at moat ing which is ta ho hold Iff Rocky Mount ta January. Captain 'lament and a lew of tk* other leading Eastern Carolina photo graphers ar* responsible, tn much m—. sure, for th# new Association, th* pur pose of which is to foster bettor photo graphy and bettor busiaass methods arqung th* photofrraykera. Many phase* of th* photographic in dustry were discussed and studied and a number of suggestion* ware evolved in the conference* which wW ho de veloped as thaagaoslstion gains la toMhh*n|lr*Mnagt. Among th* new Ideas advsnred was that of offaffng to young men and young - women of character and adoration a comprehensive and systematic training In photography an a paid for basis, a* is the rase in th* legal, medical and ether profession*. Th* beginner, under tk* plan, which am* suggested by Cap tain Clemenß would be given *!* months nr more training in th* studio of an accredited photographer, a siml- ‘ lar period in a photographic school amt then an apprenticeship In two armors ■ studios A *t#p towaFd atandardasatioa. which j w*a discussed but not octod upon, wa* Btate-mrstriction on th* licensing as 1 photographer* if) the same manner th»t civif engineering and other professions! ar* regulated A hoard of examiners from th# profession would be appointed under thi* plan to pass upon applicants - for lieena* to pructlo* In North Caro lina. R. L. Graves, of th* flusanian Photo Rupply Company, was a guest of th# Photographer* and spoke briefly of tk# advances In the profession and as the new method* of photography. After the organisation meeting, Ihe photography** war# thr guest of the lo—l Klweni* Club Thoae hers in allaadanco warns ' | Mias Katie Johnson, Durham; Mias Msry Hall, Kinston; Mi#* Georgia Os— ley, New Hern. Mr. Oeurgs Moulton. New Hern; Mr. E. D. Hparrow, Kinston Mr tt 11. Zoeitar, Elisabeth City, Mr. j H ftentpt, Rq«ky Mount; Mr. W. W. Raker, Kinston; Mr 0. V'. Faust, Wil son, Mr». O V Tnust, Mr F H. Hodgs* Wilmington. Mr R. L. Graves, Haiti tner,,. Mr, <>. f). Brown, Mt. Ollvt; and ' Mr Woodward Frlnceton, COMFJ4 A* CITIZEN ONLY. t Irmrscras to Carry No Official HI at a* On V tall lo The United Male* FARIS, Kept. 19 Former Premier < l*mcnccaU i* going to th# United States aa "a distinguished French fit lac*, former Premier end a great na tional Figure," hut hr wifi espreaa hi* ! own private opinion end not he entrust ed with sny mission by ths present I Government, nerordirg to Information ohtnltird from th# Freneh Foreign Os- | flee todoy. , It waa said that while the Ereneh Government wa# wishing him God speed and a pleasant voyage it would official, ly ignore tk* farmer Premier 1 * tour *( the United States. MEMisEH o*o- ASSOCIATED PRESB 1 DHIMWEIN ID HIES CDTIDN GOING TO GHOKRS (•enerml Manager Blalock Ex pects Average to Roach ‘4OOO By End of Week BANKS LOAN | MILLION FOR REVOLVING FUND 'em V+S* •t' ' * . RALEIGH, Kept, iff) M or , than'X -200 bale* of cotton are being dellvot-- ed daily to the North Caroljya Cattail Growers' Co-operati** Aaaoetatton. ne rording ta General Mynagtr U R. Bis l*<k, who raped* the daily averago n to paa* the two thauaaad mark heforo the end of this week. In lias with the policy adopted by th# hoard of director* to mabo aa ad vance of approximately fifty par cent of the market value of the cotton at rhe time of delivery. “ ’tb# yaa«eiation management hu arranged to make a further advan— on long staple cotton to bring tho total advance op to that mark. The additional distribution will be made in about ten day. after do j H***r •"* be baaed on government j fikuree for the Charlotte dittriet. »ei lon of an Inch and one aiateenth or far ' >e known ae long staple. I The advance of fifty dollars per We wea decided upon by the hoard of «- rhetor, a. being eppreglmstely Mg per cent of the market value of a etea deH hale of cotton. The definite fig. ur. «... .elected ** facilitate the ling of account# of members FerthJP . d enee. will he nude ae feet ee talea ••111 permit. V» ■ . g Receiving agente hovo boon appoint ed for more than two hundred point* iad contraeta have boon clooed with slaty-nine warebou.ee with proeppata »f aceurlng at leant a score mom Thin will provide the, eeeeciation With more than three hundred point, ford M t.»« cotton, according to B. f. 'Kh. manager of the cotton detriment. Where member, do not to e reee-40.n0 “godof Us gt|tg ttmtO 4 * 1 cotton ronreniontiy th»y mat chip to the nod rent worehoow and have ihetr ailla of lading honored at ttm mtnl bnnh. Mr Brown statoe. thoogh it la preferable la deliver at designated re ceiving poieti or werehewoee. Conferences with receiving were held by department head* M n riou. points throughout the Mat* don mg the post week. Mr. Brown stated today, aad nit itmiigamanla are now completed for rocelvlngonotton. General Manager *l*l eok returned to the offlee today from a trip late Urn Piedmont aection and reported that aot ton was being delivered ta large goon tttioa to Iki association latarday M# la very much gratified ever tbe prae pecta. •, North Carotin a baala have arranged to loan the aaaoeiation two mlUiog dol lar. for it. revolving fund. The ae aociation hat a credit of tea million dollars with th. War Plaaaco torpor- ' i atlon, which wiN bo evOlUblb Whoo' needed. Practically all the banka ia the ton belt bate been visited by repreken tetivee of the eeeociotian, Secretory Ashley litng .teles, .eg th. plan for making advance. . n set tea delivered eg plained. The banks wttheat simp tien babe pledged their co-operation, bat not wrthout making e thorough invoo • igsti/ve Tho ae.ocioMeg menage moot he. been able to meet all ebJeetioM ratted and ha« proven its plan of fi nancing to he thoroughly >epnd. 4 The aesorlatieo is still hooping it. door. op«n for members, seconding to Homer H. H Mesh, manager of the, field service department, hot It wilt *<*«*n be necessary to close them ot It will be impracticable te receive a cot ton grower ae a member after be baa »«ld a pact of hi* cotton on the epen market. The aaeoelatian boa not* than ouu.ooti beta, of eettoa .igaod up. which is more than fifty per mat of tbe Mertb « Carolina cotton crap. first Carolina SCRIMMAGE SET for Thursday f HAPKI. HHX. Kept, ig.—Caroline |, ••.posted to bavo l|a Grot .erlmmeg* Thnr.d.y, t* may peoekhly taho place W«dn*.d.,.bol that i. opt Mh.ly furrna arc to bo lap gad on that day. The fifty-third player has reported for training. Il is Bonnet, on outfloW " on '•** •prUf* Woo hail Mom. *0 ha. no football record bom. .mi es Td'udy hnojp to capaet ol blot. Falser'a chargee tootlnuc tboir two practicoa a day with ail the •prtghtU *hal could be desimd. Whstcvdb clee may be said es them, nobody will acceee them of iadilftreoee They am h fnaby and entboaiaetio lot The dnet. of which them ie a toperahundaneo during this drought, «•*< ms la warfy them not at all. Then <*• • >t .» twik-.i with mferec and umpl-c end linemen on the Job With 'he We ho reewei game in Ooldaboro oni.o t«n days off. them hi no time to loan. ju-t' . . FRTCM fftVM CMNTM

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