PAGE SIX HEuTK ALMOthl to • ' HjpDMiNt gv ‘' awe? nm i 11 vr. (Coattail ad from Pfgr Ope' * v Ampua h* would agprov* .t; ,cs»*• * Wftinnnnnr that any l*ft*lat.oa ■%* t»»tpon»il until ■ tiro* wh»« ' h< * gwrornmrnt tlnaapr* »*-«• I 1 " curJit •" to oddltionul burtbn*. I" thl ' Ur. •t the strong**! pr*»*»" ' ntnibtn of both of ' and from many onrunffotioo-*- Harding has *t«adf**Uy h*ld ** 1 ' 4 position. t th#' House of Ropfotentative* #*peeteil, will pat* th* l.onut c. •* the Pretidenft veto, and may take tl.v < iaction Joday. The R*"jU*. ■ * »* dentljf believed, wiH-Xii*tain ‘he »*• dent * veto. 1 , Hurt of Hottaloia* Veto The bonus bill lav »p<"> ‘ h '’ dent'* de*k while h* conferred wit '> number of *en«ti>r« and other tor* KcCormirk, of lll*"**' Nel«<. , Kellogg, of Minne*«t*. »rid New. ■ I diana, were among lh '’ I’rosidrnt * 1 • tor*. They would not admit they tail- I about the bonu* hill, but it ia !■ In }t wa* the subject hf, ronvnr-.i Senator New. ft l » underttood, wa prewiely confident that . the I’p veto of the bonus toll wII i * • ’ Hanford MacNilicr, Mle iul Monder of the American l#g>-n. li-« 1 .1 ( the del* (ration of vcteranC »n ■ and woman** an* It lari e* that the afternoon to make a final a|ijiral. to the Proaident for fuv.-raMi* w na the bonus hill Among th<**e mi j panging Col MarNider were <*«n " j It ItcQuiir*. of Cleveland, pa * t ■ i pander of the Ohio department -t ttie ( American Logion Cilb*rt f • romaiander of Ohio legion; < ul. t jjohn Mef.lroy, |>B»i commander of the j mpMriet »f Cotumfel* p<**t. Grand A n*ty «,{ the Republic, and John Thomas Toy- , |«r, vice chairman of the legion’s legnt. , Jativr committer Other organitations represented were thy American Legion , 1 agxiliary. Il'sahled Ameriian Veterans *f the World War and auxiliary, Vet . v *rans of Koreign War*. United Spanish War Veterans, Cold Star Mother* and the War Widow* anil IHsablud Kmcfgen (y Ofßicors’ association. Veterans Urge Hlgiag of Hill i The President listened to appeals ffrom all of the apohesmen for tbe*e Mrs Alice M. Krcneh, " speaking for the mother* of boy* kill | ad ia the World War. appealed par - tiiularly to the President, declaring Hurt a* U*, head of the American, g«0- his duty to approve the fedgua MU Hi order to maintain the mor PflipM gay the comparatively few dollar*. *fkK. »ha" to have those men lose gatkMMMB ia their government. $1 Cal. MagNider, for the American I.<• OhM, pega« nted an addreta which said '■'••glkgfg i* BOW before your fir our apjpgHVltsftfe* adjusted compensate on in it >»»«ed |y both houses of erutgress, ♦•Htawd In tome measure to adjust MAKE THIS YOUR FAIR New Bern District Fair M' ■ > j I For All Surrounding Counties 4Days-5eptember26,27,28,29 I The Exhibits Will Be Larger and Better than Ever Before 1 HOGS from the byst and largest stock farms in this section; Pig Club Exhibit liv (’raven County Pig Clubs. AGRICULTURE Individual Farm Exhibits, General I Exhibits, Community Exhibits, LIVE STOCK Milk Cows. Hurls, Heifers, .Yearlings. Mule;, Horses. Ponies. Sheen. FARM MACHINERY Tractors, Plows, and I all kinds of new farm implements. HOME ECONOMICS 0 “Good Things To Eat.” LADIES FANCY WORK All kinds of needle and machine work. FLOWERS i-l —How to make the home more beautiful; an exhibit byth< New Florist in New Hern. I FINE ART AND Cl RIOS COMMERCIAL EXHIBITS The best ever seen. 1 FOUR DAYS OF THE REST HORSE RACING Fast and exciting Running Races every day. dumping Races for horses, three jumps in the mile. I THE HEALTH DEPARTMENT will have a “First-Aid Station.” ’ Free vaccination. Free examination. BABY REST ROOM all under the care of a Trained Nurse. I WITH A BIG PARADE ON TUESD \Y AND \Ni) TUESDAY IS THE BEST DAY TO CO.YiE I Everybody in New Cera will beat the Fair on Tuesday to meet everybody else and get acquainted. Don’t miss the parade and the First Day at the Fair. Plenty of I IJffusic. » I 12 BIG HIGH Cl ASS SHOWS I RIDES HI Other Mb actions and Plenty of Eats* on the Mid-Way. Nothing but Fun and More Fun. I THIS IS YOCR FAIR SO COME AND JOIN WITH Y OCR FRIENDS AT THE NEW BERN DISTRICT FMR TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY AND FRI- I I DAY FOUR DIG DAYS SEPTEMBER 26 27-28-29. I FREE PARKING GROUNDS FOR ALL CARS OUTSIDE THE FAIR GROUNDS. GUARDS ARE PAID TO W ATCH CARS * * * I Ernul Community "air September 21 Cove City Community Fair September 22 ONE-DVY EVENTS, BUT GOOD. • VERY BODY GO. OUT \ND HAVE A BIG TIME. A . * nconomigally the four i..lllWi»«i< »«“ and vomca who ettetei t. .!r lire* to country add "***i ;M tha c l or. duf'ng tha Wofld War When our armed force* »•>“ suddenly demobilis ed in l«lf, for ibe first time after a |*nr in our b. r-nryi there w. re iu> d« ■ order*, pearly five . million »•< n ■ t .ken. quietlr hack into the „f tf»e nation without di»turb*'i , • Nation's Will, Say* MarNider *ln that great work. th< Am* nr all iutwl » r * } t'u'v at ittbiHicr, fuJfilluig ■' • .*{ j* ** . nlt j A hv a natMtnal ‘»i r*’ ’ « f » ? u < 1 * * *i»jganet of our m rvn <• f *»r -t > I„ |hr W..M, . f ’ h" 1 ' " ' 1 t-r«f|e»mir «tij fur ?t. " f tf* Ul* r> i>*• * htft tv t in »-l Mi-.* j*n .if** «.*{ tWU »nlt. T|*e nation it* in tttir appeal. Whrm v« r thi* |t.ik t* vat's iJ tNi - *fi** -1 tin »r an s., i h«H bat'n •iv%f > i' - : . favor r a b I*-. , ' hr.-- uni »»i • 4u.<* in tlteilnf ■ u nil - I nitgro A, ‘i- it.* thffitt* t *» ffiisTr- u-.tlly \\ I tit v« r a»i»l n* ve r >.hall make f |.f *,c, <|*|rt Iregion |»roe< tlnre. »r ha'« wp favorable action I* > »iu-iabe i «ts I »>ngrf -a h bel vt«l thi a meaimre Hut w*> ti nt tile wilt of the American |*eo- I’M* u* • l»y the action of I im* Will be rat rieef o«t. , 6 1 ■ p 1 v Momr and farm aid, vocational tram-, r- :*-'d r>»i*l-u|» insuring are certainly (M con tructivr, When you tie a man | 5b * laiid. when you »kill him in l, ‘ »»«> ;* n f .s,io n , when you give’ 1 ‘ fi o4 hi* family protection again t « '>nal miikf(jrtuno anti «ieath. you not I mly make him a better ant) gyore useful 1 • •n. but yo|i benefit the wfeah no*” 1 *m An fiverage annual pl> m. it n[ 1 « than a hundred million it but « 1 mall fraction of the bilhnnt of an iu«l national Your udmlfti a ration haa cut down th« am»»unt of t * l»emlituro hun4rv4» of ittiiUon*. Our l’ national in«l«!»t * voluntarily m:vdc t* a %l.ole gcneratl ?ti of the na tion-# defender*, still avaMnbl* forth. nation’s defense, who w.ll band down tb» i ti m ex i (,l fer the liisablvd will he i neeefsarjr ihirtng the cOipitig years to m,-et their handicap. Iminedialc ad- 1 j list merit will ,»v,. the nation billion, of dollars and ie-ioee the faith wf, those . ’ tried by Wtiat they so, I to hf i 4' "o*i ,*|igr*litude knd injustice. "The I’re-ident of the Bankers a- nation of the State which ha. th« Ingbeat l" r rn|otu wealth In the rags try Bid before he. Oirnllly Utlor. u s- . ether ~ ~,,, i |>„ 11
    er Ith. TM* faOLDIBOBO Wfc--j " - I initril- f J• 1 " * kill, th* U .tea th. bn -• ■ tgM4ttvr„ of said S*ute* vC toliilaia’ urganiwtiuti* and, bo*la.i. organixattun* from alt Mutton* Hg *hn*(Utii(g fin MU at gKd*« * Th* Wbit# Hou., wa. in r*e*!pt of it t* tabd. mors than 80 guvrnort utr«d jtt»t a> yitorootly urg*4 agaia.t it. TIRING THE j ( MOTOR PUBLIC l Never before in the history of the industry has the public been offered a larger assort- // ment of Tires at ALLURING PRICES than «at the present time, and It is therefore no j ( wonder that the average car owner finds himself bewildered by the clamor for his pa- (t j tronage. \\ i There are, however, certain elements which govern the quality of a tire and without \ j them excellency is impossible—unless some MAGICAL FORMULA is employed—and \ / this is not the ajfe of MA(iIC. \ . ■*’ wd- "* i ,i So it is that on the market today, at cut prices—lurid pictures of tire values and tire are heralded to , ) automobilists. Sometimes they are advertised unbelievably cheap and oftentimes an unwary car owner is Convinced \ llutt it means Saving Money to buy 1 these "price wrecking ” offerings. 6 | (. The undersigned dealers handle only STANDARD MAKE TlßES—tires that carry behind them the guarantee ) ) w of manufacturer and on top of that the guarantee of the dealer. These high-grade tires give the owner the kind \ \ of uninterrupted mileagi l that every t;ar owner dreams of. | 1 it *.it .' that the price of an article i» not as important as its performance. The character of the product | ) counts me t. Experienced car owners do not buy “price”; they buy merchandise. \ ) That’s why the careful motorist Roes to a reputable dealer and asks for the Guaranteed \\ / Kind. *- . • V )) ?/ When it’.N time to retire, let us fit your car for Satisfied Service. Don’t think because of )) ( the iCUNNING RKITITATION that the price is premium high—ask about that, too! (j Automotive Supply Spence Motor Company Company h' Pennsylvania Oldfield !T* Brunswick ' Tiwoe ( f ('• Superior (ieneral 11165 and (ioodrich 1 llCo \ | ~ -'T- ” l t wm- * w ' *** * WCUNC9P* Y MORNMC RIFT. U IMS